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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

School: Grade Level:

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: . Learning Area: CPAR
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
MELC BASED Time: Quarter: 1


Pamantayang Pangnilalaman demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms, found in the various regions by understanding the elements and principles / demonstrates understanding of the
(Content Standards) significant roles of artists from the regions/ shows understanding of the materials and techniques / Consolidates relevant concepts to plan for a production

Pamantayan sa Pagganap presents a form of integrated contemporary art based on the region of his / her choice. e.g. choreography, musical instrument, literary and music composition, visual
(Perfomance Standards) design, and/or theatrical performance / creates avenues to advocate the arts from the different regions/ discriminates among various materials and techniques / Designs a
production using available materials and appropriate techniques

Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto Relates the significance of arts forms from the regions Promotes arts from the regions
(Learning Competencies)

Lesson Objective
Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
analyze and explain the explore and articulate the promote awareness and engage in cultural exchange
significance of art forms cultural identity reflected in appreciation of arts from and dialogue through the
various regions, exploration and ICL
from different regions, regional art forms,
understanding their analyzing how artists understanding their cultural appreciation of regional
cultural, historical, and express cultural values significance and artistic arts, fostering mutual
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

and societal norms through value. understanding and respect

social contexts.
their artworks. for cultural diversity.
Paksang Aralin Promoting Arts from Cultural Exchange
(Subject Matter)
Significance of Art Cultural Identity in
Different Regions: through Regional Arts:
Forms from Different Regional Art Forms:
1. Exploration of 1. Exploration of traditional
Regions: 1. Examination of
traditional and and contemporary art forms
1. Study of traditional and traditional and
contemporary art forms from diverse regions
contemporary art forms contemporary art practices
2. Analysis of cultural 2. Analysis of cultural
2. Analysis of cultural 2. Analysis of artistic
heritage and artistic symbolism and artistic
symbolism and artistic techniques and cultural
diversity techniques
techniques symbolism
3. Understanding the role 3. Understanding the impact
3. Exploration of regional 3. Understanding the
of arts in community of art in cross-cultural
identity and global intersection of art, identity,
development communication
influences and society
Kagamitang Panturo ICL
Significance of Art Forms from Different Regions:
Cultural Identity in Regional ArtPromoting
Forms: Arts from Different Regions:
Cultural Exchange through Regional Arts:
(Learning Resources)
1. Study of traditional and contemporary art forms
1. Examination of traditional and1.contemporary
Exploration of
practices and1.
Exploration of
forms and contemporary art forms from diverse reg
2. Analysis of cultural symbolism and artistic techniques

2. global
3. Exploration of regional identity and Analysis of artistic techniques2.and
influences Analysis
of symbolism
cultural heritage and
2. Analysis
artistic diversity
of cultural symbolism and artistic techniques

1. Images or 3.
videos of artworksthe
Understanding from diverse3.regions
intersection of (Asia, Africa,
art, identity, and Europe,
the society
role Americas)
of arts3.inUnderstanding
community development
the impact of art in cross-cultural communication

1. Examples
2. Art history textbooks and articles on regional art forms of artworks
1. Images
or videos
of artworks
art, Asian
regional ide

3. Chart paper, markers, or digital tools for analysis activities 2. Art history resources on regional art forms and cultural traditions
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

2. Art supplies for optional hands-on activities (e.g., drawing materials, c

2. Art supplies for optional hands-on activities (e.g., drawing materials, clay)
3. Presentation materials (chart paper, markers, digital tools)
3. Computers for digital art demonstrations if applicable
4. Notebooks or computers for research
3. Computers
and note-taking
for digital art demonstrations if applicable
4. Notebooks or computers for research and note-taking

a. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting the
New Lesson Recap on the importance Recap on the concept of
Recap on the definition of Recap on the elements of
art forms and their role in cultural identity and their of regional arts and their cultural exchange and its
cultural expression. representation in art forms. cultural significance significance in promoting
discussed in previous global understanding.
b. Establishing purpose for Introduce the lesson's Introduce the lesson's Introduce the lesson's Introduce the lesson's
the lesson objective: to explore and objective: to explore and objective: to promote objective: to engage in
analyze the significance of analyze how regional art awareness and cultural exchange through
art forms from different forms reflect and appreciation of arts from the exploration and
regions, understanding contribute to cultural different regions, appreciation of regional
how they reflect cultural identity, examining the highlighting their cultural arts, fostering mutual
identity and historical artistic techniques and heritage and artistic respect and appreciation for
narratives. symbolism used by artists. diversity. cultural diversity.
c. Presenting Display visual examples of Display visual examples of Display visual examples of Display visual examples of
example/instances of traditional and artworks from diverse traditional and artworks from diverse
the new lesson contemporary artworks regions that illustrate contemporary artworks regions that exemplify
from various regions, cultural identity through from diverse regions, cultural identity and artistic
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

emphasizing their unique emphasizing their unique expression. Discuss the use
artistic expression. Discuss
styles, materials, and styles, materials, and of materials, techniques,
how artists use materials,
symbolic meanings. symbolic meanings. and symbolism in conveying
colors, and motifs to
Discuss how geographical, Discuss how these cultural narratives.
convey cultural values,
historical, and social artworks reflect cultural
beliefs, and societal
factors influence artistic identities and historical
expression. narratives.
d. Discussing new concepts Define cultural promotion Define cultural exchange
Define key concepts such Define cultural identity and
and advocacy in the and dialogue in the context
as cultural heritage, artistic discuss its representation
context of regional arts. of regional arts. Discuss
tradition, and cross-cultural in art forms. Explore how
Discuss strategies for how art transcends
influences in the context of regional art forms
raising awareness and language barriers and
regional art forms. Discuss contribute to broader
fostering appreciation for fosters empathy,
how artists interpret and narratives of cultural
diverse cultural understanding, and respect
convey cultural narratives heritage and cultural
expressions through for different cultural
through their artworks. continuity.
artistic initiatives. perspectives.
e. Continuation of the Explore the impact of Explore case studies or
discussion of new Explore how regional art Analyze the role of artists regional arts on community examples where regional
concepts forms evolve over time and as cultural interpreters and identity, tourism, and arts have facilitated
adapt to contemporary storytellers, examining how economic development. meaningful cultural
contexts, considering their artworks reflect Discuss case studies or exchanges and
issues of cultural historical events, success stories where collaborations between
preservation and environmental contexts, regional arts initiatives artists and communities
innovation. and social changes. have positively influenced from different parts of the
local communities. world.
f. Developing Mastery In small groups, assign Assign students to create In small groups, Assign students to create ICL
each group a specific their own artwork inspired assign each group a an artwork inspired by a
regional art form to by a chosen regional art specific regional art form or chosen regional art form or
research further. Have form or cultural identity cultural tradition to cultural theme,
them create a presentation theme. Encourage them to research and promote. incorporating elements and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

or visual display Have them create a techniques studied.

showcasing the promotional campaign or Encourage them to reflect
significance of their chosen integrate elements and presentation highlighting on how their artwork
art form, including techniques studied into the cultural significance communicates cultural
historical background, their artistic interpretation. and artistic value of their identity and promotes
cultural symbolism, and chosen art form. cross-cultural
contemporary relevance. understanding.
g. Finding practical Discuss how Discuss practical ways Discuss practical ways
applications of concepts
Discuss how
understanding the students can support and students can engage in
and skills in daily living understanding cultural
significance of art forms promote regional arts in cultural exchange through
identity in regional art
from different regions can their communities, such as regional arts, such as
forms can promote
enhance cultural attending local art participating in international
intercultural understanding,
appreciation in daily life, exhibitions, participating in art exhibitions, collaborating
empathy, and respect in
such as in travel, art cultural festivals, or with artists from diverse
personal interactions and
collecting, or community engaging with local artists. backgrounds, or sharing
global citizenship.
engagement projects. cultural stories through art.
h. Making generalizations Summarize key insights Summarize key insights Summarize key insights Summarize key insights
and abstractions about about the role of regional about the role of regional about the importance of about the role of regional
the lesson art forms in preserving art forms in shaping promoting regional arts in arts in promoting cultural
cultural heritage, cultural identity, fostering preserving cultural heritage, exchange, fostering global
fostering cultural diversity,
promoting cultural cultural pride, and citizenship, and celebrating
and promoting intercultural
diversity, and fostering promoting cross-cultural dialogue. cultural diversity.
global understanding. dialogue.
i. Evaluating learning Assess student Assess student Assess student Assess student ICL
understanding through a understanding through a understanding through a understanding through a
group presentation or critique session or group presentation or critique session or
written reflection where exhibition where they written reflection where exhibition where they
they analyze and interpret present their artworks, they demonstrate their present their artworks,
the significance of a explaining their chosen knowledge of regional arts, explaining their cultural
chosen regional art form, theme or regional identity their cultural significance, inspiration and the impact of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

demonstrating their and their role in community their artistic expression on

knowledge of cultural and its significance in their promotion and advocacy. promoting cultural
contexts and artistic artistic expression. exchange.
j. Additional activities
for application or


a. Number of
learners who
earned 80% of the
b. Number of
learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
c. Did the remedial
lesson work?
d. Number of
learners who have
caught up with the
e. Number of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ________________

learners who
continue to
f. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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