Lesson Exemplar g6 Math Arr
Lesson Exemplar g6 Math Arr
Lesson Exemplar g6 Math Arr
Department of Education
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed fractions without or with
Competencies (MELC) regrouping
(If available, write the indicated
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC PVOT 4A Budget of Work page 145
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources
for Development and
Engagement Activities
E. Introduction What I need to know?
What is fraction?
What is similar fraction?
What is dissimilar fraction?
What’s new?
Learning Task 1: Identify similar and dissimilar fractions. On your answer
sheet write S if the fraction is similar and D is its dissimilar.
1. 2/3 and 1/3 2. ¾ and ¼
( Please see page 6 of the Mathematics Module, week 1. )
G. Engagement
What is more?
If you know how to add/subtract similar and dissimilar fractions, you
can also add/subtract mixed number easily. Add/subtract the whole
numbers and also add/subtract the fractional part.
( Please see example and solution on page 7 of the Mathematics
Module, week 1 )
What I can do?
Learning Task 3 – Perform the indicated operations. Write your answer
in your answer sheet.
1. 2 ¼ + 3 1/3 – 2 1/3 2. 3 2/5 – ¾ + 5 ½
( Please see page 7 of the Mathematics Module, week 1 )
What else I can do?
There are cases that the fractional parts cannot be subtracted, that is
when the minuend is subtracted that the subtrahend.
( Please the example on page 7 of the Mathematics Module, week 1. )
H. Assimilation Do Learning Task 4 – Direction: Add /Subtract the following fractions. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.
1. 7/8 – 5/6 2. 7/6 + 3/4
( Please see page 7 of Mathematics Module, week 1 )
V. REFLECTION Color the star green if you understand clearly the lesson. Color it orange if
(Reflection on the Type of Formative you have some question. Color it red if you need help.
Assessment Used for This Particular Add similar fractions.
Subtract dissimilar fractions
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
Standards decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Solves routine and non – routine problems involving addition and/or
Learning subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem –
Competencies (MELC) solving strategies and tools
(If available, write the indicated
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC PVOT 4A Budget of Work page 145
b. Learner’s Material Pages 8 - 9
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for Development
and Engagement Activities
E. Introduction What I need to know?
What is routine problem?
What is non – routine problem?
What’s new?
Learning Task 1 – Translate each of the following problem to
mathematical symbols. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. 7 added to the sum of 4/5 and 6/7
2. 2 ¾ subtracted from 11 equal to 8 1/4
( Please see page 8 of the Mathematics Module. )
G. Engagement
What is more?
Given the information below can you create a word problem; then
solve it? Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Recipe: 3 ¼ tbsp. of sugar and 5 ½ tbsp. of flour
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I
G. Engagement
What is more?
H. Assimilation Do Learning Task 4 – Direction: Multiply each of the following. Use the
cancellation if possible, Write your answer on your answer
1. 5/7· 14/25 2. [ 4/5 ] [10/11 ]
( Please see page 11 of Mathematics Module.)
V. REFLECTION Color the star green if you understand clearly the lesson. Color it orange if
(Reflection on the Type of Formative you have some question. Color it red if you need help.
Assessment Used for This Particular Lesson)
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
H. Assimilation Do Learning Task 4 – Direction: Write the equation and solve in your answer
1. Mutiply 7/9 to the sum of 8 3/7 and 5 11/14
( Please see page 13 of Mathematics Module.)
V. REFLECTION Color the star green if you understand clearly the lesson. Color it orange if
(Reflection on the Type of Formative you have some question. Color it red if you need help.
Assessment Used for This Particular Solving routine and non – routine problems involving multiplication
without and with addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed
fractions using appropriate problem – solving strategies and tools
Answer each question.
2. What question/s do you have about the exercises in Solving routine and
non – routine problems involving multiplication without and with addition
and subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate
problem – solving strategies and tools
3. How can you apply this lesson in real life?
Master Teacher I
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
Standards decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Divides simple fractions and mixed fractions
Learning Competencies
(If available, write the indicated MELC)
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
Standards decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Solves routine and non – routine involving division without and with any of the
Learning Competencies operations of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem – solving
2. What question/s do you have about the exercises in solving routine and
non – routine involving division without and with any of the operations of
fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem – solving strategies
and tools?
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Add and subtract decimals and mixed decimals through ten – thousandths
Competencies (MELC) without and with regrouping
V. REFLECTION Color the star green if you understand clearly the lesson. Color it orange if
(Reflection on the Type of Formative you have some question. Color it red if you need help.
Assessment Used for This Particular Add decimal numbers.
Subtract decimal numbers.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Solves 1 or more steps routine and non – routine problems involving addition
Competencies (MELC) and/or subtraction of decimals and mixed decimals using appropriate problem
(If available, write the indicated – solving strategies and tools
G. Engagement
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to 2 decimal places
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the indicated
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC PVOT 4A Budget of Work page 145
b. Learner’s Material Learning Module pages 22 - 23
c. Textbook Pages 21st Century Mathletes – page 63
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources
for Development and
Engagement Activities
E. Introduction What I need to know?
Do you know how to multiply decimals numbers?
Study the example in multiplying decimals by another decimals.
( Please see page 22 of the Mathematics Learning Module)
What’s new?
Learning Task 1: Direction: Put the decimal point in the correct place.
Add zero if needed. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1) 1.52 x 2.05 = N 2.) 6.22 x 2.11 = N
( Please see page 22 of the Mathematics Learning Module. )
H. Assimilation Learning Task 4 - Direction: Answer the following. Write the answer on your
answer sheet.
1. How many decimal place(s) is the product of 0.345 and 0.6?
( Please see page 23 of the Mathematics Learning Module )
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC) Multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimals by 0.1, 0.01, 10 and 100
(If available, write the indicated
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC PVOT 4A Budget of Work page 145
b. Learner’s Material Learning Module pages 24 - 25
c. Textbook Pages 21st Century Mathletes – page 63
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources
for Development and
Engagement Activities
E. Introduction What I need to know?
What did you do if you multiply by the power of ten?
Ask the pupils to read the introduction on page 24 of the Mathematics
Learning Module.
( Please see page 24 of the Mathematics Learning Module)
What’s new?
Learning Task 1: Direction: Multiply the following. Write your answer in
your answer sheet.
1) 5. 045 x 0.79 = N 2.) 0.978 x 0.68 = N
(Please see page 24 of the Mathematics Learning Module. )
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Solves routine and non – routine problems involving multiplication of decimals
Competencies (MELC) and mixed decimals including money using appropriate problem – solving
(If available, write the indicated strategies
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC PVOT 4A Budget of Work page 145
b. Learner’s Material Learning Module pages 26 – 27
c. Textbook Pages 21st Century Mathletes – page 60 – 62; 64 - 65
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources
for Development and
Engagement Activities
E. Introduction What I need to know?
After what learned you in the past lesson, you need or I expect that
you can solve routine and non – routine problems involving
multiplication of decimals. Before we proceed, can you tell me how you
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operation
B. Performance Standards The learner is able the four fundamental operations involving fraction and
decimals in mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Solves routine and non – routine problems involving multiplication, addition or
Competencies (MELC) subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals and whole numbers including money
(If available, write the indicated using appropriate problem – solving strategies and tools
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC PVOT 4A Budget of Work page 145
G. Engagement
What is more?
Direction: Solve the given problem using the appropriate strategies.
Write your complete solution and answer in your answer sheet.
A clerk is paid Php. 45.50 per hour for 40 hours per week,
1.50 times the regular rate for overtime and double the regular
holiday. How much does the clerk get if he works overtime for 3
hours and 5 hours on holiday?
What I can do?
Direction: Solve the problem. Write the answer in your answer
Sarah works 8.5 hours from Monday to Friday and 6.75 hours on
Saturday. If she paid Php. 55.25 per hour, how much does she earn in
a week?
What else I can do?
Direction: Solve.
Mr. Paron sells fruits in the market. Banana costs 25 per pesos
per kilogram and grapes costs 180 pesos per kilogram. A customer
bought 5.25 kilos of banana and 3.75 kilograms of grapes. How much