I. Objectives: Drill: Review
I. Objectives: Drill: Review
I. Objectives: Drill: Review
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving
fractions and decimals.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving fractions and
decimals in mathematical problems and real-life.
C. Learning Competencies adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed numbers with or without regrouping
*adds and subtracts dissimilar fractions in simple and mixed numbers with or without
II. CONTENT Number and Number Sense
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Lesson Guide in Elementary Math Grade 6. 2010. pp. 203-237
A. Review Drill: Adding and subtracting similar fractions.
Review: How will you add and subtract similar fractions?
B. Establishing a purpose You have a visitor. You want to offer him or her pineapple juice. What are the things do
for the lesson you need to make a juice? Explain.
C. Presenting examples/ Present a story problem.
Instances of the new Carla has a visitor. She served her visitor pineapple juice. She mixed 2/3 glass of
lesson sweetened pineapple juice and 1/2 glass of water. How much is the mixture?
G. Finding practical
Application Have you had a visitor at home? What do you usually offer to your visitors? Do you offer
of concept and skills in drinks or food to them? Why or why not?
daily living
H. Generalization What are the steps in adding and subtracting dissimilar fractions?