Slip (S) (NS-NR) /NS: Schneider Electric 11 - Customer Training Center - Amr Magdy
Slip (S) (NS-NR) /NS: Schneider Electric 11 - Customer Training Center - Amr Magdy
Slip (S) (NS-NR) /NS: Schneider Electric 11 - Customer Training Center - Amr Magdy
- If there is no slip the induced emf in the rotor and the developed torque
equal zero
- Ns : Stator rotating field speed,
Nr : Rotor winding speed relative to stator winding,
(Ns-Nr) : Speed of rotor winding relative to stator flux, and
Parabolic torque
Hyperbolic torque
n (rpm) Winders unwinders
Machine tools
Internal winding
short circuit,
Overheating of
broken bar in
squirrel cage motors,
Schneider Electric - Customer Training Center – Amr Magdy 20