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Module 1

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Heat Dissipation

 The process of energy transfer in the case of transformer and

electromechanical energy conversion in the case of rotating
electrical machines involves currents in the conductor, and
fluxes in the ferromagnetic parts. There are I2R losses in the
windings and core losses in the ferromagnetic cores.

 In addition, losses occur in tank walls, end plates and covers on

account of leakage flux.

 The losses appear as heat and therefore the temperature of

every affected part of the machine rises above the ambient
medium which is normally the surrounding air.
Modes of Heat Dissipation

1. Conduction
2. Radiation
3. Convection

1. Conduction

 This mode of heat dissipation is important in the case of solid part of machine like
copper, iron and insulation.
 Consider 2 points in an electric circuit having potentials V1 and V2, the current
flowing between them is
V 1V2
R is the electrical resistance of conducting medium

 Similarly we can write the equation for heat flow by conduction between 2 surfaces
separated by a heat conducting medium
  S  1 2 
Qcon  1 2 Qcon 
R0 t

Qcon = heat dissipated by conduction, W

θ1 & θ2 = temperature of 2 bounding surface, ˚C
R0 = thermal resistance of conducting medium, ˚C/W
Thermal Resistance

 Thermal resistance is defined as thermal resistance which cause a drop of 1˚C per
watt of heat flow.
R0 

ρ = thermal resistivity of material, ˚C-m/W

σ = 1/ ρ = thermal conductivity, W/˚C-m
t = length of medium, m
S = area of surface separated by medium, m2

 Heat dissipated per unit surface area by conduction is

qcon 
 1 2 
Thermal Resistance (Cont.)
 Temperature different across the conducting medium

  1 2

  Qcon R0

  Qcon  t S 
 
Thermal Resistance (Cont.)
 Thermal resistivities
2. Radiation

 The heat dissipated by radiation from a surface depend its temperature and its other
characteristics like colour, roughness etc.

The Stephan-Boltzmann law (total heat dissipated by radiation);

QRad = [ηe(Ts4 – Ta4)]S

η = 5.67 x 10-8 W/(m2 K4) = the Stephan-Boltzmann constant,
e = surface emissivity factor,
S = surface area for radiation [m3],
Ts = average temperature of radiating surface [oK]
Ta= ambient air temperature [oK]
2. Radiation (Cont.)

 Emissivity and absorption factors

 Perfect black emissivity = 1
3. Convection

 The heat dissipation by convection is classified by 2 categories: natural convection

and artificial convection.

Natural Convection
 Liquid and gas particles near heated body become lighter and rise, giving place to
cooler particles which in turn get heated and rise. This natural process, due to
changes in fluid density is known as natural convection.

Artificial Convection
 In modern machines heat is removed by artificial circulation of cooling medium. For
example, a transformer tank may be cooled by blasting air on it or a turbo alternator
may be cooled by circulating hydrogen. The usual method for cooling of machines is
by blasting air on heated surface, these surfaces may be open or closed.
Convection (Cont.)

Q = h A (Tsurface – Tfluid)

Q = heat flow [W]
h = heat transfer coefficient [W/m2 oC]
A = surface area [m2]
Tsurface = surface temperature [oC]
Tfluid= fluid temperature [oC]
Cooling of Electrical Motors and Transformers

Electrical Motors
1. In most cases, heat dissipation is achieved through conductive cooling. In this
method heat is transferred from the motor through the mounting interface into the
machine structure (heatsink).
2. Another method to remove heat from electric motors is by providing forced air
cooling. This is commonly done by providing an electric fan to blow air over the
3. Liquid cooling can also be used to dissipate heat from an electric motor. With
liquid cooling ethylene glycol or other liquid cooling agent is circulated in or
around the motor housing or coils to dissipate heat.
Cooling of Electrical Motors and Transformers

 No transformer is truly an ‘ideal transformer' and hence each will incur
some losses, most of which get converted into heat. If this heat is not dissipated
properly, the excess temperature in transformer may cause serious problems like
insulation failure. It is obvious that transformer needs a cooling system.

 Transformers can be divided in two types;

i- dry type transformers
ii- oil immersed transformers

 Different cooling methods of transformers are -:

Dry type transformers Oil immersed transformers
Air Natural (AN) Oil Natural Air Natural (ONAN)
Air Blast Oil Natural Air Forced (ONAF)
Oil Forced Air Forced (OFAF)
Oil Forced Water Forced (OFWF)
Dry Type Transformers

 Dry type transformer never uses any insulating liquid where its winding with core
be immerged. Rather windings with core are kept within a sealed tank that is
pressurized with air.
 As the size and capacity of the transformer increased, the associated cooling
arrangement become more powerful and sophisticated. So, by definition, the
transformer cooling system is such arrangement for power transformers, which
limits the generated heat into a safe value by means of proper dissipation of
generated heat.
 Dry type transformers are available in few general classes of insulation. The main
features of insulation are to provide dielectric strength and to be able to withstand
certain thermal limits. Insulation classes are:
220°C (Class R)
180°C (Class H)
155°C (Class F)
130°C (Class B)
105°C (Class A)
Dry Type Transformers (Cont.)

Air Natural
 This cooling method is used in dry type transformer with smaller ratings. As the
name implies, the natural circulation of atmospheric air is used in this technique.
 When the transformer is operated in full load, then the temperature of the
transformer becomes greater than the ambient air temperature. So, by convection
process, the light and heated air gets replaced by the heavy and comparatively cool
surrounding air.
 But this type of cooling arrangement provides satisfactory operation for low voltage
transformers only.
Air Blast
 As the name implies, in addition with natural air circulation, cool air with high
velocity is provided to the core.
 This additional air force ensures quicker heat dissipation of the transformers. The
fans are automatically controlled, that is when the temperature of the transformer
core goes beyond the safe limit than all the fans are switched ON.
 Air forced cooling method provides better performance than natural air cooling, but
additional cost is associated for the fans.
Dry Type Transformers (Cont.)

- Maintenance and pollution-free solution. - Easy installation.
- Side clearance is less. - Environmentally friendly.
- Excellent capacity to support overloads. - No fire hazard.
- Reduced cost on civil installation works and fire protection systems.
- Long lasting due to low thermal and dielectric heating.
- Suited for damp and contaminated areas.

 Dry type transformer is long lasting and with less chance of winding failure. But
once it fails whole set up is to changed, i.e. complete change of high voltage and low
voltage winding with limb.
 For same power and voltage rating, dry type transformer is costlier than oil cooled
Dry Type Transformers (Cont.)

Dry type transformer are widely used in-

 Chemical, oil and gas industry
 Environmentally sensitive areas (e.g. water protection areas)
 Fire-risk areas (e.g. forests)
 Inner-city substations
 Indoor and underground substations
 Renewable generation (e.g. off-shore wind turbines)
Oil Immersed Transformers

 Liquid filled transformers have coils immersed in an insulating medium, usually

oil, which serves as both an insulator and provides a good medium through which
to remove excess heat.
 The main source of heat generation in transformer is its copper loss or I2R loss.
Although there are other factors contribute heat in transformer such as hysteresis
and eddy current losses but contribution of I2R loss dominate them. If this heat is
not dissipated properly, the temperature of the transformer will rise continually
which may cause damages in paper insulation and liquid insulation medium of
 In the nameplate Four letter represents the cooling method of the transformer.
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Natural and Air Natural (ONAN/OA )

 This is the simplest transformer cooling system. Here natural convectional flow of
hot oil is utilized for cooling.
 In convectional circulation of oil, the hot oil flows to the upper portion of the
transformer tank and the vacant place is occupied by cold oil. This hot oil which
comes to upper side, will dissipate heat in the atmosphere by natural conduction,
convection & radiation in air and will become cold. In this way the oil in the
transformer tank continually circulate when the transformer put into load.
 As the rate of dissipation of heat in air depends upon dissipating surface of the oil
tank, it is essential to increase the effective surface area of the tank. So additional
dissipating surface in the form of tubes or radiators connected to the transformer
tank. This is known as radiator of transformer or radiator bank of transformer.
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Natural and Air Natural (ONAN/OA )

Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Natural and Air Force(ONAF/FA)

 Heat dissipation can obviously be increased, if dissipating surface is increased but it
can be make further faster by applying forced air flow on that dissipating surface.
Fans blowing air on cooling surface is employed. Forced air takes away the heat
from the surface of radiator and provides better cooling than natural air.
 As the heat dissipation rate is faster and more in ONAF transformer cooling
method than ONAN cooling system, electrical power transformer can be put into
more load without crossing the permissible temperature limits.
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Natural and Air Force (ONAF/FA )

Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Force and Air Force(OFAF/FOA)

 The heat dissipation rate can be still increased further if this oil circulation is
accelerated by applying some force.
 In OFAF cooling system the oil is forced to circulate within the closed loop of
transformer tank by means of oil pumps.
 The main advantage of this system is that it is compact system and for same cooling
capacity OFAF occupies much less space than farmer two systems of transformer
 Actually in oil natural cooling system, the heat comes out from conducting part of
the transformer is displaced from its position, in slower rate due to convectional
flow of oil but in forced oil cooling system the heat is displaced from its origin as
soon as it comes out in the oil, hence rate of cooling becomes faster.
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Force and Air Force (OFAF/FOA )

Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Force and Water Force(OFWF/FOW)

 The ambient temperature of water is much less than the atmospheric air in same
weather condition. So water may be used as better heat exchanger media than air.
Transformer is cooled by an oil/water heat exchanger normally mounted separately
from the tank.
 In OFWF cooling system of transformer, the hot oil is sent to a oil to water heat
exchanger by means of oil pump and there the oil is cooled by applying showers of
cold water on the heat exchanger's oil pipes.
Oil Immersed Transformers (Cont.)

Oil Force Water Force (OFWF/FOW )

Example 1

 A copper bar 12 mm in diameter is insulated with micanite lube which fits tightly
around the bar and into the rotor slot of an induction motor. The micanite lube is 1.5
mm thickness and its thermal resistivity is 8Ωm. Calculate the loss that will pass
from copper bar to iron if temperature difference of 25˚C is maintained between
them. The length of bar is 0.2 m.
Example 2

 The thermal conductivity of assembled armature laminations is 20 times as great

along the direction of laminations as in direction across the laminations. Calculate
the loss that will be conducted across the laminations in a stack 40 mm thick and
6000 mm2 in cross section with a difference of 20˚C. Given that a difference of 5˚C
will cause 25 W to be conducted through a cross section of 2500 mm2 in area and
20 mm thick measured along the laminations.
Example 3

 A heat radiating body can be assumed to be spherical surface with coefficient

emissivity, 0.8. The temperature of the body is 60˚C and that of the walls of the
room, in which it is placed, is 20˚C. Find the heat radiated from the body in W/m2 .

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