Ogl340 Paper 1 - Hamby Meagan
Ogl340 Paper 1 - Hamby Meagan
Ogl340 Paper 1 - Hamby Meagan
Meagan Hamby
OGL 340: Artificial Intelligence: The Human Side
Bill Erwin
Picture this you are driving down the highway, you look out the window to the car next to
you and you notice there is no one behind the wheel. Is your heart racing yet, getting a little
scared? Nervous at the thought of an unoccupied car going down the road next to you, now what
if it isn’t just a car it is a semi pulling a trailer or maybe two. Can you trust that the Artificial
Intelligence running that vehicle will not fail? This is the future. It could make us or it could
break us. As I discuss Artificial Intelligence with you I want you to think about 2 specific
questions. What would happen if your job is replaced due to Artificial Intelligence? Then I want
you to think about all the benefits of Artificial Intelligence and what it could do for your job.
Unfortunately I am late to the AI game, as most of us are. If the people knew just what
impacts of Artificial Intelligence could do to the world we would all be lost in the what ifs of
change. Who is to say the good outweighs the negative effects of AI. Interviewing one person
who is mid-thirties and works on a computer for 8 to 9 hours a day says artificial intelligence
helps their job and makes it easier. But this is not the same as the interview I had with another
person who is mid-fifties and works on machines that is worried if AI goes too far they will be
out of a job with many other people. Using AI as a tool to help make a job easier sounds much
better than watching family, friends, or neighbors lose their jobs to the Artificial Intelligence
If by now you are still confused about artificial intelligence and how it plays a role in
your life, let me help you. When I first signed up for class artificial intelligence the human side
my thoughts on artificial intelligence were robots taking over. Now I understand it’s the world
around us progressing every day, automated calls to companies, virtual assistances when going
to a company’s website asking “How can I help you”. It is the technology in our phones and
computers, like having quick access to map your destination in your phone, or your social media
applications. What if I told you artificial intelligence could assist doctors in major medical
procedures. Artificial intelligence has such an amazing impact to connect us, and make things
much easier in life. The men and women who are deployed overseas can stay in contact with
their loved ones back home. College students can research with a few quick clicks. Everyone can
share their favorite photos and update their status on social media. It can help with potential
voter fraud detection. With the amazing benefits that come along with Artificial Intelligence
made. Is laying off thousands of employees and bringing in machines to replace their positions
the smartest business decision? Or is taking care of your employees the smart business decision?
As the CEO of a company it is their job to ensure the company moves forward in the best means
of business sometimes that means making the hard decisions. What would be the economic
impact in a small town if the largest business decides to lay off half their staff and replaced it
with AI? What will happen to that community? It is not just one business that will suffer. The
local coffee shop could lose customers, the mom and pop restaurant may have to close their
doors to lack of customers. The impact of a small community with a large corporation lay off
would not have the same means of destruction to a small lay off in a large community. It goes
further than just community impact, it’s the social impact. What happens when there are not
enough jobs to go around or spending customers? What happens to the families who lose
Will artificial intelligence take over our rights as citizens? Will one day we be required
have a self-driving electric vehicle? There are so many questions to ask and the ethical behavior
behind the artificial intelligence. How do you remove the unconscious bias from the human
creating the unconscious bias in the software of an artificial intelligent system? Won’t the
machine be programmed to reflect the user who created it? What’s happens in a world of
artificial intelligence when there is still racism and hate towards certain ethnic groups or
genders? As a female if I had to rely on a software program that matches people to their perfect
job but was created by a man who hates women who will most likely get the job? The well-
educated female who has spent years in the business or the fresh out of college male so has zero
experience? It’s an unconscious bias that humans have which is why the AI was created in the
first place, but at the hands of the wrong person this could take a good system and turn it upside
What kind of psychological affects will artificial intelligence have on people? What
happens to the college student who is several thousands of dollars in debt who can no longer find
a job because artificial intelligence has taken over that whole career field? Or the person who
genuinely loves their job, but gets laid off and now has to find something meaningless to pay the
bills. The single parent who is struggling to put food on the table working long hard hours at the
manufacturing plant can’t find a job now because AI took their job over. See the what ifs of how
While we aren’t manufacturing anything here, what happens to the companies that no
longer need us because they don’t have human employees? What about the doctors who can no
longer practice because the robotics and online artificial intelligent doctors are doing the job?
Where does our company stand then? If companies no longer have employees we no longer have
employers to take care of and members to help and then all this hard work the founders and CEO
have put into building this company has now gone to waste. And we are now affected by the
artificial intelligence take over. Would you take just a moment to reflect back on the two
questions I asked you at the beginning. What would happen if your job is replaced due to
Artificial Intelligence? Now think about all the benefits of Artificial Intelligence and what it
If artificial intelligence takes over what jobs will be left? How will people afford to live
and use the products created by artificial intelligence? What are we going to do if artificial
intelligence takes over? We won’t know until we cross that bridge but it by that time hopefully
we will have a better understanding just how artificial intelligence can impact our future. In
conclusion the impact of artificial intelligence has it is good and it is bad and it is what we do
with that information that can make the best possible changes in our future. Hopefully
companies can use artificial intelligence as a tool, instead of using it to completely replace all
their employees. In our company and line of business the human to human contact is so
The sympathy and emotion you get when a person is compassionate is a feeling you will
not forget when your phone call ends. The member has been impacted and the employee,
compassion and empathy are things that artificial intelligence cannot replace. We can benefit
from AI without it letting it destroy our economy, and integrity. If AI is not here to be a tool to
help us, then why else are we using it? We can assess the benefits of artificial intelligence in our
next meeting. Right now I want you to think about how we can benefit and use artificial
intelligence to the best of our being while still maintaining the confidence in our human
employees we have, and the role they play not just in our company but also the community. The
world we live in was not created overnight, and neither is our decision in this world. If AI can
take over the world then we have not built it strong enough to overcome hard times. It has been a
years in the making, so many great benefits, let’s just hope that as a company we can make the
right decision and help other companies see there are options out there too.