Mushroom Toxicity
Mushroom Toxicity
Mushroom Toxicity
Biolog Unsoed
Topik : Mushroom Toxicity
Membahas :
1. Syarat terjadinya keracunan oleh karena jamur pada manusia
2. Jenis-jenis racun jamur
3. Jenis-jenis jamur yang mengasilkan racun
4. Gejala akibat terjadinya keracunan karena jamur
Hasil riset Inventarisasi makrofungi koprofil pada kotoran hewan ternak herbivora di wilayah eks-
karesidenan banyumas provinsi jawa tengah menjadi tambahan materi khususnya mengenai jenis-
jenis jamur koprofil yang diperoleh, beberapa diantaranya (Panaelous, Stropharia, Conocybe)
merupakan jamur-jamur beracun penghasil senyawa halusinogenik.
Mushroom Toxicity
• Mushroom poisoning (mushroom toxicity) occurs
after the ingestion of mushrooms that contain
toxins, often in the context of foraging for nontoxic,
similarly appearing mushrooms.
• Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of a group of
higher fungi that have evolved contemporaneously
with plants for millions of years. They are widely
distributed throughout the world.
• There are thousands of species of mushrooms, but
only about 100 species of mushrooms cause
symptoms when eaten by humans, and only 15-20
mushroom species are potentially lethal when
• No simple rule exists for distinguishing edible mushrooms from
poisonous mushrooms.
• In more than 95% of mushroom toxicity cases, poisoning occurs as a
result of misidentification of the mushroom by an amateur
mushroom hunter.
• In less than 5% of the cases, poisoning occurs after the mushroom is
consumed for its mind-altering properties.
The severity of mushroom
poisoning may vary, depending on
• the geographic location where
the mushroom is grown,
• growth conditions,
• the amount of toxin delivered,
• and the genetic characteristics of
the mushroom.
Boiling, cooking, freezing, or
processing may not alter the
toxicity of some mushrooms.
Mushroom Toxicity - Pathophysiology
Each poisonous mushroom species contains 1 or more toxins, which
may be classified on the basis of the mushroom’s physiologic and
clinical effects in humans, the target organ toxicity, and the time to
symptom onset. The clinical spectrum and toxicity vary with the
following factors:
• Species consumed
• Amount consumed
• Season
• Geographic location where the mushroom was grown
• Preparation method
• Individual response to the toxins
Diaz, in a review of mushroom poisoning cases reported in the
literature over 50 years, classified mushroom poisoning into the
following 3 major categories on the basis of the time from ingestion to
the development of symptoms :
• Early symptom category – Symptoms generally appear within the first
6 hours of mushroom ingestion and include gastrointestinal (GI),
allergic, and neurologic syndromes
• Late symptom category – Signs and symptoms begin to appear
between 6 and 24 hours after ingestion and may include hepatotoxic,
nephrotoxic, and erythromelalgic syndromes
• Delayed symptom category – Symptoms appear more than 24 hours
after ingestion and include mostly nephrotoxic syndromes
Diaz JH. 2005. Syndromic diagnosis and management of confirmed mushroom poisonings. Crit Care Med. Feb;33(2):427-36.
• Erythromelalgia adalah syndrom langka dimana arterioles pada kulit
membesar secara bertahap, menyebabkan rasa terbakar, membuat
kulit terasa panas, dan kadang-kadang membuat kulit kaki dan tangan
jadi merah. belum diketahui penyebab pasti sindrom ini.
• Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes your body to
excrete too much protein in your urine. Nephrotic syndrome is
usually caused by damage to the clusters of small blood vessels in
your kidneys that filter waste and excess water from your blood.
Mushroom toxins
• Cyclopeptides - Amatoxin
• Gyromitrins (monomethylhydrazine)
• Orellanine
• Muscarine
• Psilocybin
• Muscimol and ibotenic acid
• Coprine
• Nephrotoxins (norleucine)
• Myotoxins
• Immunoactive toxins
• Hemolytic toxins
• GI irritants
• GI poisons are the most frequently encountered mushroom toxins.
• Amatoxins, gyromitrins, and orellanine are the toxins most commonly
implicated in fatal mushroom poisonings worldwide.
• The amatoxins, and to a lesser extent the gyromitrins, are
• Gyromitrins are also epileptogenic.
• Orellanine and norleucine are nephrotoxic.
• Muscarine, psilocybin, muscimol, and ibotenic acid are CNS poisons.
• Coprine causes a disulfiramlike reaction when combined with alcohol.
Figure 1. Genera of
coprophilous fungi found
in ex-Banyumas Regency.
1. Panaeolus
2. Coprinopsis
3. Stropharia
4. Tricholoma
5. Lycoperdon
6. Ascobolus
7. Rhodocybe
8. Conocybe
9. Bolbitius
10. Leucocoprinus
11. Mycena
12. Hypoloma.
• Cyclopeptides include amatoxins
(high toxicity), phallotoxins (medium
toxicity), and virotoxins (no toxicity).