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YogSandesh August Eng2011

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Udhyam Sahasam dhairyam buddhih shakti parakramah Shedet yatra vartante ta r ta dev sahaykrit.

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Year 8 Issue 12 August 2011

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Editor Acharya Balkrishna Associate Editor Jaishankar Mishra Art Director Manish Samander
Published in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Bangla, Punjabi, Oriya, Assamese, Telugu, Kannada and Nepali

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One copy Annual Five Years Eleven Years Abraod (Annual)


Patanjali Yogpeeth
Maharishi Dayanand Gram, Delhi-Haridwar national highway, near Bahadarabad, Haridwar-249402, Uttarakhand Phone (01334) 240008, 244107, 246737 Fax (01334) 244805, 240664 E-MAIL divyayoga@rediffmail.com ON THE WEB www.divyayoga.com

Aug'01 to 04 : Special training cam from Aug'01 to 04 for center conveners, man agers and Vaidyas of Patanjali Chikitsalaya and Patanjali Arogya Kendra Aug'04 Aug'07-08 Aug'09-13 : Herbs day: Special function to mark the birth day of Acharya Balkrishna, a great scholar of herbal science : A meeting of the members of Patanjali family (comprises of life term members and board members : Introspection camp (Only for invitees) : Special camp for youths (Age group: 18-35) : Special yoga camp for the Satyagrahis of Delhi's Ramlila ground

Publsihing & Distribution Office

(Dainik Bhaskar Group) B-220, Pahse II, Noida-201305, G.B. Nagar, U.P. Contact Person- Soumya Banerjee e-mailsoumya.banerjee@bhaskarnet.com 08878677762
Publisher and printer Divya Yog Mandir (trust), Kripalu Bagh Ashram, Kankhal, Haridwar-249408, Published by Rishi offset printers, Ved Mandir, Gita Ashram, Jwalapur Haridwar and printed at M.P. Printers, B-220, Phase II, Noida, G.B. Nagar, U.P. Editor, Acharya Balkrisna. RNI NO.:DELENG/2006/16626
Yog Sandesh is basically published in Hindi. Therefore some errors are possible while translating the contents from Hindi to other languages. It is not necessary for the editor to have coherence with the views expressed in the contents of the magazine. All disputes are to be settled in the court of law at Haridwar.

Aug'15-21 Aug'23-25

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Shape The Religion In Such A Way

That all people may adopt it

Find Out With Equnamity Dharma, Truth And Purity In The Light Of Science, Knowledge And Inner Self. All The External Teachers And Scriptures Leave You, Dependent On Them.


have been thought provoking questions on Dharma, God and the constitution. Laws and regulations in God, Dharma and country, in a way, play a vital role in developing loving kindness, peace, harmony, love, empathy and progress. Unfortunately, some people representing different communities, in order to gain immediate mileage spread myths about Dharma. They very well know that Dharma never allows spreading hatred among people and thus disintegrating nations and hearts. Even then, they abuse Dharma due to their narrow mindedness. Such people are dangerous to the society and the country. There should not be any doubt in the evidences gathered by the Rishis and enlightened people. It is possible that many Gurus, priests, Maulanas and Granthis may not be preaching Dharma in its true form; it may be an illusion or a charade. So their self-interests, exhortations, and dark wisdom may not allow you to touch true Dhrama. And if you happen to explain Dharma under the influence of self-interests, exhortations, and dark wisdom then you will not touch the Dharma too. So, start a quest to find out with detachment the Dharma, truth and purity in the light of science, knowledge and inner self. All the external teachers and scriptures leave you dependent on them. So our Rishis, understanding the elemental knowledge direct us to be the Guru of our own selves. Start your quest of Dharma, Truth and Supreme God from within. At the time of our independence, some learned people learnt about the constitution of several countries. So, several laws and regulations, which existed in English rule and carried an underlined theme of Divide and Rule, were adopted with out any changes. Presently, there is an urgent need to debate on a few laws related with Dharma and constitution with affirmative views. And in doing so, it has to be ensured that religious sentiments of people from differne faiths are not hurt. People should find ways to avoid division based on the caste, religion and terrorism. At present, there is an urgent need to solve a few burning issues and questions. In ancient times, when there was no religious book of instruction, does that mean that there was total anarchy? Thousands of years ago there were no temples, mosques, churches or Gurudwaras. All the people were praying God under the sky only. All over the country, there are similar definitions and explanations. Dharma is also a science of our lives. Why cant there be similar explanations and definitions? Some religionbased institutions are spreading wrong message in the name of Dharma. In the society, we need constitution and laws to maintain discipline, order, unity and ethical values. Similarly we need Dharma in order to maintain inner peace and happiness. We all are human beings first, then a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian next. If we happen to be human beings first, then why cant there be a single constitution and Dharma of the whole world community. Why cant our learned and able people have a common code of conduct and a single constitution? Why cant every woman get an equal right? In the context of the country, there should be a review on the reservation policy based on caste and religion. Now the time has struck when all the noble and learned people explain Dhrama and our constitution, away from the influence of the temples, mosques, churches, parliaments and legislative assemblies. There should be an explanation of the Dharma and constitution based on the human values and their sentiments leaving aside our self interests, narrow-mindedness and orthodoxy. Dharma and constitution should be shaped in such a way that every country and every person may adopt it. Dharma is for unity, peace and non-violence. It should not be turned into an instrument for disintegration, anarchy and spreading violence.

Swami Ramdev

August. 2011&Yog




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Make India free from corruption

Corruption is a threat to our civil rights. Corrupt politicians are looting the government's revenue which is collected from us in the form of taxes.
We need to come forward to check such practices. Know your rights and get rid of vicious system of corruption

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We are free from slavery, yet in the country, in the name of governance exploitation,
injustice, corruption and atrocities are on the peak; insecurity and lack of faith is prevalent. In such a situation, the country needs a purely nationalistic idea. And a new independence can be ushered-in, by dislodging corrupt, dishonest and criminals perched on top of the political system. A a strong democratic country can be built by handing over political power to nationalistic, patriotic, transparent people, who happen to be visionaries, humanistic, spiritualistic. The MPs and MLAs that we elect for our supreme parliament; that parliament is the foremost centre of power and resources of the nation. Parliament is the centre of all the systems in the country. Political system decides the kind of education system we adopt and what should our children be taught. Political system is accountable for our medical system, economy and law and order in the country.

Acharya Balkrishna
Editor, Yog


olitical system is accountable for developing agricultural system, eradicating poverty, hunger and illiteracy and ensuring optimum usage of manpower to curb unemployment. If political system is fine, the whole system of the country works properly. When we talk of polity, nationalism, national duty, we mean all the systems in the country, laws, ideal values and traditions, which bring progress and happiness to the country and the country moves on the path of development. But unfortunately most of the leaders heading the system are not correct, which is resulting into corruption in the country. And corruption breeds poverty, hunger and crime. Venerable Swamiji believes that if corruption is curbed in the country, we will have 10 lakh crore rupees more for the development of the country. Millions of more people can be employed; there will be all round development in the country and the country will be stronger, harmonious and free from crime. Our ideals for national duty or polity, democracy and political system are - best among humans the king Ram, Yogeshwar Krishna, Chandragupt, Vikramditya, Samrat Ashok, Chatrapati Shivaji, Netaji Subhash Chand Bose, Tilak, Gokhle, Iron man Saradar Patel and Lal Bahadur Shastri and others. But currently, most of the corrupt, dishonest, people without dignity are governing our country. And if any patriotic, honest and individual with integrity happens to talk of replacing this ugly system with a clean and honest political system then these corrupt, dishonest and criminal people do not like this. It's an illusion that we can continue to remain silent and gods will oblige us to bring that muchneeded change. Don't live a life of despair; identify your strengths and come together to defeat devilish forces. Dislodge all the corrupt people sitting on top of our politi-

cal system. Elect noble people for the job and the only way to do this is to exercise your franchise 100 percent. Swamiji says like in Italy, Australia, France, and Germany and over 30 countries, exercising an individual's franchise is mandatory; he wants to bring the same law to this country. Then only it is possible to bring an end to exploitation, injustice and corruption and it will end insecurity and lack of faith among people. And India in real terms can become a strong democratic nation. Otherwise only 25-30 percent people vote and all the people becomes a victim of bad governance. Corrupt leaders by offering false promises continue to loot the wealth of the country in the name of development. I consider not exercising my franchise as maligning our independence and democracy. If we do not vote then our independence is under a serious threat. Our independence earned by martyrs will transform into slavery. Martyrs and brave freedom fighters did not sacrifice their lives so that weak, corrupt, dishonest and cowards may rule the country. For the current political degeneration all of us are equally responsible. So, take a vow to exercise our franchise fully so that a strong democratic country can be built. We will bring true independence in the country and will get rid off political slavery. Since we do not vote, the power is transferred to corrupt people and the whole country suffers. To conclude, we wish all the countrymen happy Independence Day and exhort people to join Bharat Swabhiman' to realise Swamiji's vision of making India economic and spiritual lord of the world.

Identify false promises. Our silence is pushing us down the pit. Wake up. A new dawn calls on you.
For a happy society and a new clean system, development and progress, elect an honest government by exercising your franchise fully.

August 2011

& Yog Sandesh &




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Family name

Latin name
Abroma augusta Linn. f.

Devils Cotton

Pisacha karpus, Pivari,Ritumati,Ucchat,Yo nipushpa

Ulat kambal

Ulat kambal, Olakatbol

Ulat kambal, Olakatambol

Olot kambal, Olat Kambal

Gogu, Kondagogu

grows in Devils Cotton plantregions. especially seenthe cold But it is in the tropic zone, upto a height of 3000 4000 feet. It is seen in northern areas and in some parts of Sikkim, Bengal, Assam, mostly in forest locations and also in the form of specially grown plantations. Its flowers are red in colour, beautiful and attractive. These flowers are also be decorated in houses and in gardens also. Flowers bloom in monsoon season and in autumn they are filled with fruits.


Just like pan bhindi Devil's cotton is divided into 5-7 parts, tri-angular shaped edges, round shaped like lotus. Sinus of its leaf appear in red colour. Upper leaves are hang shaped, spear shaped, Heart shaped, elongated upto 6 inches .Flowers hanging towards the ground. Poppy flower shaped, a red color bowl shaped in one inch encirclement. When the flowerbed is fully grown, flower separates from flower chest and drops to the floor. And then turns toward the sky. Hence, it is the

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Devils Cotton
Properties and Benefits
called 'ulat kambal' in hindi region. Fruits pentagonal with five compartments containing albuminous, In each and every edge of follicle fine thistledown is seen which shines like cotton. On touching it skin burns. Plenty of black, yellow coloured seeds are found in this fruit, which resemble forest basil and raddish. Bark of the root is fibrous, caucus and gray in color. The interior is filled with white pulp. Adhesive material emerges when the thick roots are cut.

Acharya Balkrishna



Medicianal Treatment Periodic, cervical Problems 1] 2]

All kinds of periodic problems would be solved if we give the patient 2 grams of thick glue liquid regularly for quite some time. Take 6 grams of the bark of the root, mix it with 1 gram black gram, grind and start taking one week before the period begins. Should take upto the period begins. Period would be regularized. Infertility problem would be solved. cervical energy strengthened. Millet of Devil's cotton 1 kg should be added 4 times water and boil it. When1 liter of essence remains, add to it 115 grams of powder black gram, 1.25 kg jaggery. Put the mixture in ceramic vessel and cover with lid and keep it in heap of paddy. Then filterate it and preserve them in bottles. This medicine should be started before the period begins, 10 - 25 grams with an equal quantity of water, in the morning - evening. Take 4 grams of its root juice, mixing with sugar to regulate irregular periods as well as pains


in uterus, thighs and waist parts.. Take root bark 6 grams and pepper 3 grains, grind them with cold water and start taking one week before the period begins. It regulates congestive and dysmenorrheal neuralgic varieties as a regulator of menstrual flow, and as a uterine tonic. Take millet of dried bark 50 grams and mix it with 625 grams of water, prepare quath and take it three times a day. That regulates menstruation if you start the medicine taking one week before the period begins. Take 6 grams of root bark powder add pepper 7 seeds to it, grind and powder it. And take daily this medicine in the morning and evening with water. This should be done for one week after menstruation begins. Treatment is needed for 2-4 months. Defects of uterus would be regulated. It is beneficiary in leucorrhea and infertility problems. Milk and rice is regimen.


pungent, Astringent, supreme drug for venereal problems, cervical , periodical problems, leucorrhea, abdominal pain, piles, preventive of distension, regulating infertile problems

Root contains a fixed oil, carbohydrate resin, an alkaloid in minute quantity, and water soluble bases.Study reported a large amount of magnesium salts in combination with hydroxy acids, gums, resins and other organic residues.

For conconception
Half a gram of Devil'cotton's root bark, stalks of betal leaves 3-4, pepper 3, paste all of them adding fresh water and take the powder with 50 grams of water early in the morning. Start taking it one week before the period begins.


Take equal parts of devil'cotton's fresh leaves, stems, bark and prepare quath adding it cold water and it is very beneficial for these patients.


Frequent urination, Diabetes problems

Take 10-20 grams of Devil'cotton's juice in the morning - evening . The problem rectifies.
August 2011

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Solution to our

Nation's biggest evil Corruption

Corrupt over us because most of the patriots and honest citizens of this country don't want to cast their votes. This is the reason why the government's revenue earned from the hard work of the people of this country is being looted. Local bodies, state governments and central government in totality make a budget allocation of Rs 20, 00000 crores every year. During fiscal year 2008-09, the total budget of all state governments was Rs 909444.75 crores while the total central budget for the same fiscal year was Rs. 801600 crores. If we add the budgets of local authorities, municipal corporations and development authorities, the total budget expenditure for the year 2008-09 goes up to Rs 20, 00000 crores people and criminals are getting elected to rule

Swami Ramdev

t least Rs 10 lakh crores out of this Rs 20 lakh crores is gulped by corrupt people. If this Rs 10 lakh crores is equally distributed among 600 districts across the country, every district will get about Rs 4.5 crores everyday for its development. Every year at least Rs 1666 crores will be spent in a district and if it could be made possible, nobody will be unemployed in any part of the country. If the problem of unemployment is properly dealt with, we will be able to make a strong and prosperous India. In short; corruption is the root cause of unemployment and all other problems faced by our nation. The government's money which is looted by corrupt and dishonest officers and politicians is actually collected from the farmers and hard working citizens in the form of about 64 taxes like- land tax, house tax, road tax, service tax, VAT, income tax, sells tax, water tax and excise duty. This money in the form of taxes is paid by us for the development of our country. But it is pocketed by corrupt and dishonest officers and politicians. Let us come forward to pledge that we won't let the wealth earned by our hard work to go into the hands of corrupt and dishonest officers and politicians.

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has Ganga been since long endowing her love and affection to everyone without any discrimination on the basis of cast, creed or religion. Like a mother she has blessed us with health, wealth, prosperity and good habits. A number of villages, towns and big cities evolved on the bank of river Ganga which are identified as the centers of religious faith. Ganga is the representative of India's culture and tradition. It is our long cherished dream

India is heading on the path of becoming

World Guru
Dr Jagdish Gandhi

t's a time when we have to realize the importance of our ancient values, resources and spiritual knowledge. India can regain its ancient glorious past. Now it is a time when we need to understand the value of our ancient culture and tradition to regain our ancient glorious past. The ancient Indian tradition of 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' (Let us make whole world a family) will one day be a predominant value across the world. India is the only country in the world that can bring about peace and harmony in the world by the means of its ancient values and spiritual knowledge. India is a great country and its greatness lies in its ancient philosophy of peaceful coexistence. Today's world is looking at India with hope. India has the effective and durable solution to world's longstanding problems. We have a unique culture, tradition and constitution in the world. We, the people of India, are pursuing the paths shown by the great souls like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Nanak, Bahaullah, Swami Vivekananda, Gandhi, Kabir, Vinoba and Dr Ambedkar. Spiritualism is the essence of our culture. Confining the culture of India in the boundaries of one nation is wrong. Political boundaries of nations keep changing. The world is a

creation of almighty. The concept of 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' (Let us make whole world a family) written in four Vedas is a right concept. Everyone beyond the boundaries of India has a duty to make himself the world citizen and make the world a family. When we say it is my country, my nation then we should also realize the greatness associated with our culture and civilization. If we don't realize this greatness, then our notion of 'our country' becomes petty. Present world is heading towards its end and it is the philosophy of 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' (Let us make whole world a family) and the ethics enshrined in article 51 of our constitution that can save this world from its destruction. It is high time to disseminate the philosophy and the values in the world. Yoga guru Swami Ramdevji is working hard to make a prosperous and culturally rich India. He is working to make India a healthy, clean, self-dependent, hunger free, unemployment free and poverty free nation. He is also working to control the population of this country and also stimulating people to make 100% voter turnout in the elections to eradicate politics of corruption. Babaji is also leading a movement against corruption and black money to make India economically and spiritually strong nation so that India could regain its glorious past when it was called Jagadguru (World Guru or Mentor of the world).

"India is a great country and its greatness lies in its ancient philosophy of peaceful coexistence.
Today's world is looking at India with hope. India has the effective and durable solution to world's longstanding problems."

August 2011

& Yog Sandesh &




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Black Money
the government is so scared of this moveWhy ment against corruption? Why the democracy was murdered? We bring to you the facts behind the complete truth of blackmoney -

The Complete Truth of

these many national natural resources like coal, iron, gas, petrol and diamonds etc have been sold by some corrupt people and have invested the thus accumulated worth in our country and foreign countries. These corrupt people do not have any rights on this money, it belongs to the country.

How much is it worth?

Global Financial Integrity (G.I.F.), International Monetary Reserves (I.M.F.), World Bank, Tax Justice Network and Transparency International etc. their studies and projections by leading economists all over the world and the currency printed out by the Reserve Bank of India are a proof leading to the fact that black money amounting to 400 lakh crores is from India only. Out of this 75% is deposited in foreign banks in Switzerland, Mauritius, Italy, Dubai, Singapore and Luxemburg etc. and about 25% of it is invested in land, gold and other means.

What is Blackmoney?
Through illegal mining, looting the money from government projects funds midway, indulging in bribery and saving tax, the money that has been deposited in the country and foreign banks is black money. This blackmoney is our national property and it belongs to 1210 million Indians. Our country is blessed with 89 types of natural resources equaling 20 thousand lakh crores. Out of
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Who owns the black money

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deposited in the foreign countries and who is using it?

The maximum amount of black money is amassed by some corrupt politicians, some bureaucrats and cunning industrialists. Foreign countries are developing by using this money which is deposited in their banks in the form of foreign debts and enjoying it whereas countries like India are forced to live a life of poverty, hunger and scarcity affecting its global image. Countries using this black money in the form of debt are as followingNote: Unfortunately what we term as black money is saved in 70 countries like Switzerland known as TaxHeavens and reaches America, Britain, Germany, France or Italy as external debt or foreign investment and the same money is being brought to India through Mauritius as foreign investment.


A huge portion of the Indian population is living in scarcity and our money is
Foreign nationals are living luxuriously on our money. America and many European countries are developing on our money and all this is possible due to the corrupt people.

1.71 Trillion $ (Rs. 77.11 lakh crores) Italy 2.42 Trillion $ (Rs. 108.9 lakh crores) Spain 0.887 Trillion $ (Rs. 39.94 lakh crores) Holland 506.0 Trillion $ (Rs. 22.75 lakh crores) Norway 197.69 Trillion $ (Rs. 100.35 lakh crores) Ireland 192.41 Trillion $ (Rs. 8.64 lakh crores) Luxemburg 8.49 Trillion $ (Rs. 380.70 lakh crores) And so in this way out of this 2000 lakh crores rupees, 300-400 lakh crores is of India and internally about 100 lakh crores is invested. What else could be more unfortunate, surprising and injustice that European countries are developing and living in luxuries on the black money from the Asian countries where people are dying out of hunger and poverty. It is a matter of global shame and this should be stopped immediately. As per the global hunger report people dying out of hunger and malnutrition in India every minute is 13, every hour 883 and in a day about 20,000. The day this black money could be brought back to our country, our economy and our currency would be strong enough to buy 50 $ in exchange for Rs. 1 and India would be the economic superpower in the world. Even after the corrupt practices and system the external debt. on India is only 0.237 Trillion Dollars (Rs. 10.66 lakh crores) and internal or public debt is only 0855 Trillion Dollars (Rs. 38.48 lakh crores). After India the movement to topple the economy of black money would be run in other Asian countries also and the whole Asian region would be leading the world in development and would leave America way behind in terms of development. Most of the External debt is the black money only. Every country needs money for development and so how could one country lend to another one when they need it for

For Example - The debt situation in America and some European countries is as following :Debt taken from foreign countries (External Debt): America 14.39 Trillion $ (Rs. 647.55 lakh crores) Germany 4.7 Trillion $ (Rs. 212.8 lakh crores) France 4.69 Trillion $ (Rs. 211.1 lakh crores) England 8.98 Trillion $ (Rs. 404.1 lakh crores) Italy 2.22 Trillion $ (Rs. 100.3 lakh crores) Spain 2.16 Trillion $ (Rs. 97.2 lakh crores) Holland 2.34 Trillion $ (Rs. 105.3 lakh crores) Norway 2.23 Trillion $ (Rs. 100.35 lakh crores) Ireland 2.13 Trillion $ (Rs. 95.85 lakh crores Luxemburg1.89 Trillion $ (Rs. 85.5 lakh crores)
Debt taken inside the country (Public Debt.) : America 8.62 Trillion $ (Rs. 388.29 lakh crores) Germany 2.60 Trillion $ (Rs. 117.37 lakh crores) France 2.15 Trillion $ (Rs. 96.9 lakh crores)

The same money that we term as black money is deposited in banks of Switzerland and 70 other tax heavens.
America, Britain, Germany, France and Italy benefit from the same black money in the form of external debt or foreign investment.

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themselves. If the all black money could be returned to the country of its origin then no country would remain poor including India. Black money and corruption are two biggest problems all over the world.


There is deep conspiracy by the government to suppress this issue.

The government wishes to suppress this issue somehow so that black money of many of its bureaucrats, leaders and industrialists could stay safe. The government in itself is merged in black money.

Where is the Black Money from India deposited?

More than 70 tax heavens like Switzerland, Dubai, Italy, Bahamas, Saintkits, Virgin Island and Singapore etc have this black money deposited in their banks.



How this money goes to the foreign banks?

By profiting over the details of client kept secret corrupt people deposit this money on their own using hawala, over-invoicing and underinvoicing. And now Indian government has licensed the foreign banks from Switzerland and Italy to open their branches in India which deposit the aforementioned black money with them so that the looted money could easily be deposited in the country of its origin by the corrupt people without having any problems.


How could it be determined who has deposited how much and how could it be brought back?
a. All the countries mentioned above where this black money has been deposited have their consulates here in India and when people visit these countries they apply for a visa and the Indian immigration department also knows about the traveling destination of such people or where they are coming from. This complete detail is with the government and using the same it could check who all are involved in the black money disposition. The frequency of such travel details could easily point out the black money regulators.
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Frequent travelers to such tax heavens leaving the few genuine cases are the ones who travel extensively to deposit black money from our country. People living in India doing transactions through their foreign accounts could be tracked easily by technical investigations or International Information Gateways surveillance. Almost 50 lakh crores invested in India through Mauritius belongs to such people only and all such investments and properties should be declared as State Property. There are many ways of countering the black money deposited inside the country and could be used to get the black money back, like currency recall which would require one and all to 3deposit currency of higher denomination back to the bank and could get the same amount back in currency of smaller denomination, people would not loose on their hard earned money and those who have accumulated unaccountable money saving tax would have to return it back. It could be discussed in detail and we have tried to do so in the articles from Bharat Swabhiman. The government could easily identify those corrupt people also who have invested their black money in gold and land acquisitions also, by investigating on lockers in the banks and a partial investigation at the Tehsil level for land acquisition. Corrupt people could also be taken through Narco analysis and would serve its purpose as the last effective option to curb black money.

Who has the sole democratic rights to bring back the black money deposited in the foreign banks, to pass ombudsman law and to make other strict laws to curb corrupt practices and laws?
The chosen government or the Parliament has the rights to curb all corruption and black money, and

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this decision supports our concerns that regarding this movement that we are right and the government was and is not capable enough of doing anything on this front.

Has any country brought its black money back from the Swiss Banks till date?
When Nigeria could get its 522 million dollars, Peru could get its 180 million dollars, Philippines could get its 624 million dollars and Zambia could get its 52 million dollars and America prosecuted 4000 thousand of its citizens involved in depositing their black money and thus get its trillions of dollars back. And in the same fashion if Germany, Tunisia and Pakistan could get their black money back, why can't India get its black money back till date?

There are many ways to get back the black and unaccounted money in circulation
Currency recall would ensure that a huge chunk of black money returns back to the national reserve immediately and those who have genuine wealth would get their money back in currency of smaller denominations.

the right to chose representatives in the parliament is with the public. So we just need to choose those representatives this time to form a government at the centre which could bring back the total black money and curb all corrupt practices and system.

What are the views of Supreme Court on Black Money?

The respected Supreme Court has taken some historic decisions on the central government this year which have bared it on road. The respected Supreme Court has pointed out black money as the biggest danger for national security. The current government is not fulfilling its democratic and constitutional responsibilities and works on being reprimanded by the Supreme Court only. The government's intentions are not clear and this comment is a slap on the face of government. Black money has blackened its face Supreme Court has said it umpteen times that why the government is holding back the names of the corrupt people involved in black money regulation. When the current government failed to bear its responsibilities the respected Supreme Court itself formed a investigation committee (S.I.T.)to investigate the black money. This step taken by the respected Supreme Court is a proof to the face as to why we need this movement against black money. As

How would the government bringing back the black money would rule at the center?
It would only be possible when all would vote for the right government to bring back the black money and this is what we have been promoting as a National Vote Bank to vote for the progress and development of country!

What the country would get from this movement and by bringing back the black money?
a. The economy and currency would gain strength once the 400 lakh crores comes back to the country, our positive G.D.P would increase. People could be saved from paying taxes for the next 40-50 years, which would enrich the people and almost all commodities would be available at a decreased price by 30-50%. Everyone would benefit from education and medical facilities, everyone would get employContinued page no 14 August 2011

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A strong political will is needed to bring back the black money stashed in foreign banks.
When Tunisia could get its black money back, why cant India?

ment and our strong economy would further boost our defense and atomic capabilities thus strengthening us as a safe selfdependent powerful nation. b. Ending corruption would stop bribery, we would achieve complete development. It would save our natural resources from being looted at will. c. Corrupt system on being corrected would be justifiable for one and all. All the laws, systems and policies made by British people would be screened and converted as per Indian necessities. It would help us in respecting our languages and our culture in the education, a farmer being considered unskilled labour which leads to establishing a price bar without any concerns for him, the exploitation in the name of land acquisition law of 1894, licensing alcohol and cow meat as per the black law in 1760, Police Act in 1961 to act barbarously on the public, and 34735 such laws which give decisions and not justice that too after a long wait, all this system was made and followed as a conspiracy by then ruling British people, it has to be overhauled and if needed a complete change in them in favour of the nation. d. Independent, strong and impartial ombudsman would ensure that no one is indulged in corruption. The money thus accumulated through corruption could be brought back in use for the development, and the corrupt could be brought to justice with life imprisonment or capital punishment. Public Service Delivery Guarantee Act would ensure that the public works are completed in time and the responsible authority would have to pay a delay penalty ranging from Rs. 250 - 500 on a daily basis which would be directly proportional to the delay. And repeated delays would lead to suspension of such officials. Our judiciaries still have 3.5 crore pending cases and so for immediate action against corrupt people special fast track courts would be provisioned so that the guilty gets

the judgment within a year in time and all the properties thus accumulated with the corrupt means could be forfeited. e. System Change - Atrocities could not be committed on the farmers as per the land acquisition law passed in 1894. A farmer would get a status of a skilled labour, and a policy to determine the cost of their produce based on costs incurred by them in place of minimum cost policy at present. We would be able to secure and safeguard mother earth and all human beings by using and promoting organic fertilizers, pesticides and biogas. In the field of education, languages would get their due place and honour and thus the capable mind from all fields would be able to get higher education in their language so that like Germany, Japan, China, France and Russia our nationals could also get what they should in the scientific and technical fields. Compulsory voting, State funding elections and selection of Prime Minister directly by the people would further strengthen our democracy and would save a lot of money too and would bring honest and capable people to the fore in politics and other fields. This would purify the current political scenario and would pave stones for an ideal political system thus benefiting the country.

What would common men get from the black money returned to the country?
Every citizen like as of America and Britain would gain respect and honour all over the globe. We would be able to be proud on being Indian and as this black money belongs to all of us it would be used for a progressive development of the country thus benefiting and enriching every citizen.

What would Swami ji get from this movement against Black Money?

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The complete picture of our country would change if black money could be brought back.
Every Indian would be employed, farmers would be happy and no one die of hunger. If the poverty and hunger could be taken care of, naxalism and terrorism would be finished on their own and the country then could live in peace.

Swami ji has said several times that he would abide by his promise of never standing in any political elections or accepting any political position. He would continue to render his services by following yoga in favour of the nation as with his selfless philosophy behind this movement. Black money on returning to the country would belong to every other citizen and not to Swami ji. About 10 billion people treat him with respect and have faith on him, what else could the politics give him? He has achieved a lot from his yoga dharma which no one could get through politics. He has abetted all his name and fame on this movement against black money and had made very powerful demonic people his enemy by doing so. He has traveled for more than 5 lakh kilometers endangering his life through which he has mobilized more than one billion people through yoga for their national duties. He still works selflessly for more 18-20 hours on a daily basis.

economic loot. If every village and villager would become rich, it would lead to an economically stronger India. If we would not give competition to the current multinational products qualitatively and quantitatively, how else could we stop this economic loot currently ongoing in India. If we talk about economy, it has never been disregarded in our ancient texts also though accumulating economic powers through illegal means have always been condemned. It has been clearly stated in our ancient texts that, Sukhasy moolam dharm:| Dharmasya moolam arth:| Arthasya moolam rajyam|Rajysya moolamindriyajay:| Our sole goal is to behind rural industrial and indigenous setup is to make every village an indigenous and independent one and not to establish an economical empire.

Could we save our country with few persons sacrifice and hard work?
When only a few corrupt people through corruption and black money ruin the country, why can't few people then save the country with their selfless sacrifice, unity and hard work? Even our culture says so, 'Bhadrmichant rishay: swvirdastapo deekshamupanishedurgre| Tato rastram balmojasch jaatam tadasmai deva upasanmantu' This is the ideal of our ancestors and our ancient texts command it.

Is there a motive of setting up an economic empire behind rural industrial setup and indigenous movement?
The goal behind rural industries, ideal village establishment and the indigenous movement is to eradicate poverty from the rural villages and their natives along with curbing the economic loot by the multinational companies and thus curbing the

During the movement confusions were created time and time again be referring to a letter, after all what was there in the letter?
Both the letters addressed to the honourable Prime Minister are available on the website of Bharat Swabhiman and they contain all our demands and issues highlighting black money and system correction. Respected Acharya Balkrihna ji's letter clearly states that if the government agrees to our demands
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then we would immediately call back our movement and the same letter does not have anything else.

Whether the black money depositors would not transfer the black money deposited from the swiss banks in between this movement?
As per the latest reports after the Ramleela Ground Movement about 10-15 lakh crores have been moved from the swiss banks and during this time many of our corrupt political bigwigs were travelling in Switzerland. Most of the people are worried about, whether by the time we reach an agreement with the government most of the black money would not be moved from the safe tax heavens? We agree and support that this movement should be completed as soon as possible to make sure that all the black money should be returned back to India and those are swindling money from their banks could also be questioned later on and made to submit the same amount back to country reserves.

progress, by false promises, by lying and by distributing alcohol and money. The day these supporters of the current government would see the truth with the help of our volunteers visiting them in their homes, villages that these same people are the most corrupt ones and they are the one who are indulged in committing atrocities on poor people, they would start hating their representatives and then with the support of our 400-500 million people in favour of the much needed change would be able to bring a stable honest government at the centre which would get the black money back for the country and would do justice with the common men in this country.

The biggest obstacle in changing the system is communalism and racism, how is it going to be tackled?
We would explain this to all our poor, rich and tribes belonging to all regions that the reason behind our illiteracy and poverty, our religion and faith is not the reason but the reason is this black money and corruption which has hollowed our country of its true potential. That we different religions and faiths are not the enemies, not fighting against each other but fighting for our rights because if these corrupt people would not have looted our country none of our brothers or sisters would have been poor today. Lets unite together and change the system, uproot the corrupt people and choose a government capable of bringing back 400 lakh crores of our money which belongs right here to all our countrymen so that we all could see the progress and development which we have been shown in many dreams by the current government.

Whether to raise concern against black money is a crime?

Till 4th June 2011, Baba Ramdev is a nationalist yogi, ascetic and from there on, how he turns into or labeled as a fraud? How come he becomes someone promoting instability, anarchy, communalism and a criminal? Whether for the reason that he wants to curb black money and corruption?

What is the national vote bank? What would the country get from it?
The party ruling at the centre has the support of about 110-120 million people only and it has got this vote by deceiving the countrymen, by showing false dreams about
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Are there any achievements yet through the movement?

Two achievements by the movement at Ramleela Grounds on 4th of June, 2011, one a message

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? ?

Why did Swami Ramdev ji surrendered inside the Ramleela ground? Whether Baba Ramdev really ran away?
We have facts and proofs that if Baba Ramdev ji would have been found inside Ramleela ground, police would have shown him arrested dead. Proof No. 1 Police has already provided a fake email to the media that Swami ji is in danger from terrorists. After killing Swami ji, corrupt people would have publicized that Swami ji were killed by terrorists inside the camp at night. We are publishing the complete e-mail as it is a very serious matter. Swami ji who has travelled all over the country was not attacked by any terrorist organization or militia, how could he be attacked in Delhi itself

The government does not wishes to bring back the black money.
And hence, the government attacked the peacefully sleeping people at night to suppress the movement and the police caned innocent women and sisters too.

To ignore the issue of black money

A conspiracy was hatched to kill Swami Ramdev, the stage was put on fire during the satyagrah and Swami ji was not arrested even on being requested to arrest thrice.

reached across 121 crore people against the black money and corruption which prepared an environment for huge mass base which is filled with hatred against the current government for its action that was taken on the peacefully sleeping people. Second it has bared the current government of its true nature and proven that it is a corrupt and barbaric government and most of the black money belongs to them only. Otherwise, why are they so hesitant in working legally to bring the black money back to the country?

Is Delhi a home to terrorists?

Proof No. 2 In the dark of night at Ramleela grounds for the first time in the history sleeping innocent people participating in the movement were attacked barbarously, so that they could never gather strength enough to participate in any movement. The situation remained calm as per Swami ji's appeal to the public to maintain peace and decorum and also requested Police to arrest him thrice from the stage which Police did not approved off. It would have been easy for them to use the chaos created by them to kill Swami ji using illicit weapons and then laying claims that investigations are still on as to who killed him in such a huge swarm of people, or claiming it as an activity of some terrorist organization or some communal groups and it is very much possible to have been shown as killed by his own people
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Who is opposing our movement?

Villages, poor citizens against the country, nurturing on black money, corruption and corrupt system, national and international powers, multinational companies, drug-traffickers, arms-dealers, political bigwigs, media run by corrupt people, brought off intellectuals and some family of politicians, all those who in reality are traitors of this country are the opponents of this movement. If something happens to Swami ji now or later these people would be held responsible for it.

Whether in reality there was a conspiracy to kill Swami Ramdev Ji?

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from the trust. Proof No. 3 When Swami ji could not be found then Police demolished the stage itself by burning the stage itself thinking as if Swami ji is hidden around the stage or under it. This was a heinous and preplanned move of killing him reminding the burning of lacquer home of the Pandavas in Mahabharat by burning him alive. Proof No. 4 Some of police men who were supposed to arrest him said that, Rub the Baba wherever you find him, what does this means? You would ask how could this happen? Our answer would be, if peacefully sleeping people are not bared by this government how could have they left Baba ji unharmed who is the biggest enemy to all those who are benefiting from the black money. All those countries in external debt using the black money, all those companies who have lost a huge portion of their profits due to Baba ji's ventures in rural and urban cities had already conspired with the corrupt and inhuman government to kill him. When the same powers united earlier they got Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri ji (an honest person who never did wrong to anyone) and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose killed, so what would have stopped them from killing Swami Ramdev ji. A committee would have been formed after his murder to find out the facts that one already knows off. Three committees have been formed after Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ji's disappearance and all without any result even after 65 years. The country would have lost a great ascetic at the Ramleela grounds and his alternative would have taken centuries to come. But by the grace of GOD, Swami ji is in between us and so we can and will do what is required at the moment, but if we would have lost him, it would have left us with no one to reach to. We would have been just cursing the system and nothing else. We could live without anything but without Swami ji, it

Now the Indians should unite against the corrupts and should uproot the dishonest governance
Change in governance lead by chosen honest people could only progress and develop the country and our countrymen.

would have been unimaginable to live. Honourable Swami ji who brought immense fame to our country takes birth only after eras. Regarding his disappearance from the Ramleela grounds, it was not a matter of cowardice as being killed by these demons was not a matter of valor too. So, Swami ji, changed his appearance like Chhatrapati Shivaji, Arjun and Lord Shiva as that of a women, taking a form of a mother for his responsibilities towards his goals for the nation saved his life. Some people out of ignorance look towards the dressings of women in disrespect then it is their fault. We know and believe that all are born out of a mother only.

Why did they commit such a sin?

The only goal of these corrupt, dishonest, demons is power and property only. When they got scared from this movement and that by labeling black money and corrupt people as traitors thus leading to capital punishments or life imprisonments thus leading to their own end, they decided to kill an ascetic saint. One has to decide on their own that, whether terming black money as national property, to raise concerns and voices against corrupt system, practices and laws is a crime, a sin? Our history is a witness that even though there are obstacles in fighting against might demons but truth prevails, the win is awarded to the one who is fighting for the truth and is true. Though the public seems helpless in front of the government but it has the power to change rules at the right time.

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Brief description of Chakras

In Atharva veda, almighty describes Chakras as- Our body is like holy and spiritual city of Ayodhya which contains eight Chakras and nine Dwaras (DOORS)- (Nine doors- Two Nasikas, two Ckshus, two Karnas, Mukha, Payu and Upastha). There is a glowing Hiranya Kosha in this body which is infinite, unlimited and full with peace, prosperity, bliss and spiritual light. This treasure can be obtained only by a person who practices Yoga regularly. Let us have a brief description of these Chakras.


(Pelvic Plexus, i.e. Root Plexus Vis-A-Vis Reproductory System)

In Our Body
chakras inside our body are the centers of great powers. All these Chakras begin from the lower end of our spinal cord and end at its upper end. Normally these Chakras are in the shape of half flourished lotus. Their spiritual power is stimulated by the means of Brahmacharya, Pranayama and Meditation. The pictorial forms of these Chakras are simply symbols of their subtle forms. Similarly, the English names of these Chakras like Pelvic Plexus dont describe their real location but are also symbolic.

Power Centers
Swami Ramdev

This Chakra is located at just two inches above the anus and two inches below the Upasthamool. This is the origin of Sushumna (Saraswati) Nadi and Ida (Ganga) nadi from left side. This is why it is also called Mukta Triveni (a free junction of holy rivers). As it happens to be the base of Kundalini shakti which is the basic power- it is also called Mooladhar chakra. Paying concentration on this Chakra makes us healthy and labourious. Arousal of this Chakra makes us free from all diseases, we become intelligent and sharp minded. The diagram of this Chakra shows that this first Chakra- Mooladhar Chakra emanates magnificent lights which sharpens our mind. The gushing of light from here actually goes up to Mooladhar Chakra by passing through Swadhisthan Chakra. This is the site where Nibid darkness persists. Pran Sadhana and Dharana Dhyana help us to remove this darkness and to lighten the Mooladhar Chakra. This is called Kundalini Jagaran. Sushumna Shikhar, 2) Lower part of abdomen is also connected with this particular Chakra, 3) Small intestines of pink colour, 4) Large intestines of yellow colour, 5) Anus at the lower end of the large intestine, 6) Lower part of spinal cord, 7) Lower mouth of Sushumna which is called Sushumna Mukha Tantu, 9) All the doors get lightened.
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After massive industrial revolution not only in India but globally, many social and
economical changes have fast occurred. Before the industrial development, a larger section of the society lived in rural areas depending on farming for livlihood. They followed the tradition of joint families. They had their own social system and regulations to keep social structure intact and undamaged.
and small towns developed, which ultimately proved detrimental to the concept of joint families. Thus, a new concept of a family unit developed, which included parents and their children only. This social change is an important step in generating tension as the environment of this central unit of a family, settled in big cities is different from the natural and free social set-up of villages. The major difference is despite many shortcomings in joint families each member of the family had emotional and economical security. But now in new concept the emotional safety of family in urban areas has diminished. Now whenever any family faces any problem and need emotional support, they are left helpless. Another ill-effect of this industrial growth was population blast in these big towns, which ultimately resulted into many diseases as the resources are limited but population grew many times more. The paucity of resources led to poor living standard as the family is bound to live in very small area,

Root of

Acharya Balkrishna

he industrial growth in our country has been the fall-out of western nations industrial development. Although, it took almost a century but now illeffects of this industrial development are evident on our social and economical structure. Small towns are turning in big cities and cities are now metropolitans. The lower class migrated to big towns to earn livelihood as laborers. But it was their compulsion as economical condition was very week and gap between financial condition and burden of responsibilities and expenditure was very wide. Hence, they were left with no alternative. This depressed class worked in different industries and factories and contributed as labors. Thereafter, a trend of migration from villages

The Industrial growth harmed environmental and social structure of the society. With the large-scale migration from rural areas to urban areas, the family structure also disturbed. The sentimental support of joint family has vanished and individual are facing tension, which is the root cause of serious ailments.

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full of filth. This caused in environmental pollution, sentimental pollution besides economical problem. And this generated sense of insecurity in the human being and ultimately, people took support of intoxicants and drugs. Considering Indian history, it is clear that for over 500 years we had been ruled by invaders and the last in the series was British colonial rule. And in these years, Indian traditions and the most powerful concept of spirituality as way to lead life has vanished. The `sanatan dharma` of India and its spiritual aspect were enough to deal with the lack of sentimental support, economical and personal problems. The spiritual aspect was revived a little in the second half of 19th century, i.e. nearly in 1857, when Swami Dayanand ji and Swami Vivekanand ji launched cultural and social agitations. Many saints took it forward even in the beginning of 20th century. Thus, it is clear that the new social structure, caused due to boom in industrialization, destruction of joint families and large-scale migration of village population to urban areas has impact on the human being. It resulted in sense of insecurity and weakness of the mind. This complex social, economical and spiritual change had impact on the human psychology, who felt much more insecure than ever before. This tension has cast impact on the population. In 19th century and beginning of 20th century, infection caused more deaths but by the end of 20th century, tension generated diseases have grown-up. Now a large number of people are suffering from hypertension, diabetes, obesity, hearth ailments, stomach and cholesterol related diseases. Now it is clear that tension is the mother of all diseases. Yoga, balanced diet and calculated life could lead to healthy and peaceful life.

We will constitute

New India
Narayan Prasad Pali
W ealtake pledge to conl stitute a new India, with Bharat Swabhiman Manch campaign reaching each household. Each individual will perform Yoga and teach Yoga others so that the selfrespect, disappearing since long time could be rsoe. etrd Disease, pain, fear and hunger would disappear and domestic industries would be promoted. Practicing Pranayam would make individuals happy and healthy. Corruption would be uprooted and we would not allow corrupt elements t aking away our wealth and would bring back the black money deposited in foreign nations back to the country. The women power is reviving and there would be no ambiguity. We would promote cow farming, medicinal plants farming to better the economy. W e would ignite new light so that the demon of darkness would disappear and all would adopt and follow principles and values of Pata j l . nai Massive public support has come-up on every step and would not hesitt t s c i i e t e l f t ae o arfc h ie o make the pledge reality. W ealtake pledge to conl stitute a new India, with Bharat Swabhiman Manch reaching each house.

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a multi dimensional talent

tured family. Since birth he had
immense talent and in childhood, itself, he indicated that he is not a normal boy. He left home in the age of 12 and after that attained newer dimensions of life. Acharya Balkrishna was born in a cul-

Acharya Balkrishna

Sunita Poddar
International Yoga Convener and trustee of Patanjali Yogapeeth Trust (UK)

4th August
Special on birth anniversary

charya Balkrishna took basic education in `gurukul`. In gurukuls, culture, rituals, decency and civilization are not the matters of book but a part of a practicing human life. It is imbibed in character and routine is as pure as a `yagna`. He inherited energy of knowledge and culture from `gurukuls` and further distributed to the world. Confidence grew-up in self-enlightened Acharya Balkrishna and why not? Any person having unblemished character would have self-confidence and self-respect. Honorable Acharya Balkrishna is the master of his soul, high-minded, energetic and strong personality. Whenever, anyone gets opportunity to interact with Acharya ji or attends his sermons, this belief is strengthened more and more. With such personality, his living style is amazingly very simple and this attracts each individual like a magnet. Since last two decades, he is associated with most revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, who has taken pledge for healthy and disease-free society, giving immense and valuable contribution. He is among the top brains in the field of Ayurveda and whenever, his reference is made, heart of anyone who knows Acharyaji, fills with admiration and reverence. He has dedicated his entire life for the service of mankind. Saying that Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj is the chief architect of the planning of most

revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj programs would not be an exaggerated version. He is in the series of an all-time mighty vaidhya Acharya Sushrut, Acharya Charak and with his researches he has shown a new ray of hope to the ill persons in the society. He has carved a niche with his untiring efforts. The heart of Acharya Balkrishna is simple and affectionate like a child for the entire mankind. He is most efficient and dedicated person, while handling management and administrative responsibilities of Bharat Swabhiman. Peace prevalent on his face, his administrative and managerial caliber has been appreciated overseas too. Acharyashri looks after all the sections associated with medical branch of Patanjali Yogpeeth. He guides the production of Ayurved medicines, the prime objective of which is to cure a person and not to earn money. Even the

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larger part of the profit earned is being spent for social service. The name of Acharya Balkrishna is well known in the society. In his youth age only, he has achieved which could be a dream for many. He has carved a special place for him in the society. He is the soul of the world-wide launched campaign of Yogrishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. The valuation of Swami Ramdevjis unprecedented, historical and spiritual work can not be analyzed, without valuing the contribution of Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj. Acharyaji, handles all the institutions and other responsibilities given to him very efficiently and intelligently. His research and labor has played a vital role in reviving Ayurveda and other related subjects. Despite having mastery, he is still keen learner. He is deeply associated with Yoga and other knowledgeable literature. Innovations, new thoughts and faultless work culture are his characteristics. He has multi-dimensional talent. He has set-up many standards in the field of literature and medicines. His efforts have widely influenced social, cultural, educational and economical environment of the nation. It is not a hidden secret that the most important branch of medicines, Ayurveda was neglected before Acharyaji took initiative. He, with relentless efforts and exhaustive research gave a new height to this branch of medicine. The mammoth acceptability of Ayurveda in the field of health is historical and unprecedented. He actually publicized and popularized `Pranayam` as the complete medicinal system, on the modern science standards. Millions of patients are benefited by Divya Pharmacy, preparing high-standard medicines. Patients are being cured with the ECG, Ophthalmology department, X-ray, and other ultra-modern facilities. Patanjali hospital is equipped with world class and most modern techniques and facilities, which benefit hapless patients. And all this is happening under the able guidance of Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj. Acharyaji has special place in the field of literature too. He has derived many conclusions on the basis of documentations and scientific standards related to effect of Yoga and Pranayam. His book namely `Yoga on standards of science` is a well researched document. His many articles on Yoga and Ayurveda have been published in different prestigious and reputed magazines of the nation and abroad. His other books are `Jadi Booti Rahasya`, `Ayurveda Siddanth Rahasya`, `Aushadh Darshan`, Ashta Varg Healing Plant` and other high-standard

books on the philosophy of Ayurveda. His work on book titled `Encyclopedia of world Plants` is in last stage. It would be translated in 16 different languages. It would be an excellent and unparallel documentation. A group of scientists is busy in research at Patanjali headquarters under his guidance. He is also Editor of Yog Sandesh, being published in 11 different languages. He is immensely benefiting common man, publicizing Ayurveda and medicinal plants on `Astha` channel. He has written many books in curriculum from class I to XII. He has remarkable contribution in the social, economical and cultural field of the nation. He is also the Chancellor of Patanjali university and is also known for setting-up `Yog-gram`. Acharya Balkrishna, primarily educated in `gurukul` has magnetic and multi-pronged personality. He is a true visionary, playing a very important role in realizing the dreams of Yogrishi Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj. In the `Botanical in integrated health care convention 2010`, held in Kolkata he was conferred with `Vanoshadhi Pundit` award. The program was jointly conducted by Agri-horticulture Society of India, National Medicinal Plant Board, Botanical Survey of India and state Forest department of West Bengal. He is credited to bring Yoga revolution with setting-up of Patanjali Food and Herbal Park, a dream project of revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. A program `Gramothan` has been started for the upliftment of farmers, generating employment at their place itself. The Patanjali Ayurveda Limited has acquired American naturomic firm LCC Company and Patanjali Ayurveda Limited also started Herboved and credit goes to Acharya Balkrishna ji Maharaj. His dedication for Ayurveda has been appreciated in entire world. Considering Swamijis pledge as his own pledge, he is relentlessly working on different projects, which is praiseworthy. Farsighted and extra-ordinary intelligent Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj is full of talent, sensitive and committed for the decisions. If Swamiji, striving hard for healthy and prosperous India, is lamp then Acharya Balkrishna is the flame. Now it is up to us as how far we take advantage of lamp and flame. It is impossible to valuate contribution of Acharya Balkrishna ji Maharaj in realizing the dreams of Swamiji. In other words we can say that Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj is saint, sensitive, gentle, charming, energetic and intelligent person. I bow my head on his birthday.

`Ayurveda`, a neglected science has been brought into focus due to tireless efforts and research carried by Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj. The massive acceptability of Ayurveda in India and world is a historical development in the field of public health.

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Geeta the merger of deeds,

religion and renunciation

system, living alone could not lead to self development. In brief, we see coordination in Krishna's life and his Geeta 'Yuktahaarvihaarsya|' After Shri Krishna the same coordination helped the society in progress. Jarasangh, Shishupal and Kansa were not simple human beings but as compared to theist today, they could not be considered as lower mortals, but their ideas about religion were not good and they overplayed religion for their selfishness and so were exterminated by Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna never refuted any religious books and he never objected the ancient texts also, but he drew out explanations and meanings from all these and preached people to work impartially and selflessly. Even then many wise people create fractions in it, saying, 'Geeta suggests to work', and 'Geeta suggest spirituality'. Both the versions are solitary whereas Shri Krishna preached both keeping a balance. He neither supported deed oriented lifestyle nor did he opposed renunciation. Both are necessary in human progression and ascension. Shri Krishna said, 'That who works impartially is an ascetic and that who works without any expectations is a believer in deeds. 'Saankhyogau pruthgbaala: pravadanti n pandita:' But the truth is that one envisages as per their wisdom and knowledge, meaning one has to perform deeds for sure. People differentiating in between Deeds and Renunciation are dolly. 'Kaamyanam nyasn sanyasn kavyo vidu:|' In brief, Geeta impartially explains deeds and renunciation without any ego. Working and renunciation are complimentary and supports and nurture each other. Neither of the two could be considered as lesser than other one. Shri Krishna mixed devotion with work and renunciation and he is the founder of the religion of devotion and so the merger of deeds, renunciation and religion is the specialty of Geeta.

That who works impartially is an ascetic

and that who works without any expectations is a believer in deeds. But the truth is that one envisages as per their wisdom and knowledge. People differentiating in between Deeds and Renunciation are dolly.

The main and its day today activities, lord

Krishna himself chose to express and transcend the divine, mortal and secret and sacred knowledge of Geeta for the sake of Arjun and welfare of all mankind in the war field of Mahabharta. Even after thousands of years it still fills one with courage, power, valor and awakening in the present day today life style.

protagonist of this living world

Jaishankar Mishra 'Savyasaachi'

22nd August
Krishna Janmastami Special

hri Krishna is seen as a powerful god and origin by theists and as exterminator by the atheists. The world has been explained as the eternal peace and ascension in Geeta. When both the theories merged then only the society could progress on spiritual, cultural and material level. It is a fact that whenever the society has followed only one theory it has fallen and lost its prime. It is not perversity, neither it support of complete detention nor is renunciation also. Everything must be in balanced state, nothing should be in excess and this is the true path of ascension. Humans could progress only by following this path in true forms. And if there is any book that could guide through the right path, it is Geeta only. Immorality is taken care by the marriage

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Vaidik vinay
(vedic descipline)

makes Vital exercises healthy arms, shoulders and lungs 1]

Stand in aforesaid position. Spread your shoulders. Keep palms upwards. Close your fist and tone your muscles. Now bring your hands towards head very slowly turning over the elbow . See that the joints of fingers touch the shoulders. Then take your hands once again back to the normal position slowly. Remember that the muscles should be in tone all the time you perform this position. When you take your hands towards shoulders you should inhale completely. And when the hands come into normal position, then exhale completely. This exercise can be done many times. Exercise of second type for this month is like thisStand in aforesaid position. Hang your two hands straight downwards. Tone your muscles. Now take your

Acharya Abhayadev vidyalankar

right hand turning over the elbow upwards. Stop when the elbow comes in the same line as shoulder. Then take your hands once again back to the normal position slowly. Muscles should be atoned all the while you perform this exercise. Then you perform the same exercise with your left hand. When you take your hands upwards inhale. Then lungs would be filled with fresh air. When you bring back your hands downwards exhale slowly. Now relax your body. This exercise should be done many times.

By doing this exercise the power of inhalation of my lungs is increasing. My lungs are getting more strength. I am healthy by doing this exercise. And I get the utmost advantage from this exercise. These limbs would be beneficial by these exercises even in rainy season and autumn.


By doing this exercise the power of inhalation of my lungs is increasing. My lungs are getting more strength.

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While chanting Vande Matram...

Khudiram Bose happily sacrificed his life

for the freedom of our country.
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Thousands of freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the sake of our mother land. To see the light of freedom, thousands of youths happily laid down their lives. One of such youth was Khudiram Bose who died for the nation at a very early age. When he was brought to the gallows, he was just 19 years old.

13th August

Jaishankar Mishra
Savyasachi, editor and HoD, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar.

hudiram Bose was in agony on account of persistent social evils in the society like- child marriages which continued despite legal ban on it. He detested forgery and ill practices. He was unhappy to see the colonial rule of British in India, but at the same time when he saw the people of this country flattering the foreign rulers, his agony became severe. Seeing the painful condition of the country, Bose could not concentrate on his studies. It was the time when the teachings of Lord Buddha gave him pleasure. He realized the fact that he had not come to this world to enjoy life. He felt that he was born for a special and bigger purpose. But he was unable to decide about the purpose for which he had to work. He would contemplate over this question in his loneliness. He would always think over the problems faced by the nation and society but cared nothing about his studies as the interest of the whole nation was of paramount importance for him than anything else. He would think for hours over why the first war of independence in 1857 failed. He would also think over the reasons that helped the British to take control over every part of the nation. He cherished a dream to get India free from the clutches of immoral and cruel British rulers. When he was being taken to the gallows, he asked his sister Why are you shedding tears my sister? You should feel proud that your brother is going to sacrifice his life for the sake of this nation. I will reincarnate on this land and will keep sacrificing my life until this country gets independence.

Thousands of people thronged with flowers in their hands at the site where Bose was to be executed. There was a heavy police deployment at that site. Khudiram was being taken out of his cell to the gallows. That time his face was glowing with a magnificent light. There was a sign of great confidence on his face. He looked at Upendranath Sen and smiled. Sen also smiled in reply. The gallows was set up a little bit away from his cell outside the jail. He was going ahead with a great courage and was singing- Vande Mataram Four constables were accompanying Khudiram Bose to the gallows. It appeared as if Khudirams personality was frightening the British rulers. When he stood at gallows, the constables came to him and tied his hands with a rope in the back. When Khudiram was clamouring Vande-Mataram a green veil of cotton was put on his face. A rope was tightened in his neck. But he continued to stand fearlessly as if he had nothing to do with all that. Woodman looked at the watch. As the wall watch rang six oclock, the woodman gave a signal by waving his handkerchief. Upendranath was looking at all this the wooden surface on which Khudiram was standing was removed and the body of first martyr of our freedom struggle disappeared. Some of the historians believe that Khudiram Bose was the youngest martyr of Indias freedom struggle. At the site of his execution, the birds were crying on the trees and when they fluttered their wings, a lot many leaves fell down. When a strong wave of air came there the trees bowed to offer respect to the great martyr. Khudiram might have physically died but the memories of his bravery and courage are still alive in our hearts.

I am sacrificing my life for the sake of my mother land

Khudiram Bose.

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Stay healthy with the Balanced diet

Food gives energy to the body to work and without food the body would not get energy, but if
Food is not balanced, easily digestible and favourable then it might prove poisonous for the body. Kindly read about the secrets of staying healthy with the balanced diet.
as fuel for our body and without it this
ty, stomach ache and many other stomach and intestinal related disorders. This is the biggest health issue which is equally affecting people across all ages. Though there are many reasons for the stomach disorders but even then the most common issues are - 1] Mental issues like stress, pressure and flurry and their many forms, 2] Bad dietary habits like excessive eating, untimely eating, sleeping just after eating at night, unbalanced food, using a lot of spices, eating stale and adulterated food items, not chewing the food properly and unhealthy eating style etc. These disorders could easily be cured through yoga and in most of the disorders they could be cured within two weeks and in two months time it is completely eradicated. How could patients affected from these disorders cure themselves using yoga? In the yoga treatment

Food works engine in the form of body could not

function without food. But if an engine is fueled with bad fuel then it harms the parts of the engines and so is the fabrication of our body. Food is necessary for our body but we do have to keep in mind that the food that we are consuming should give us enough nutrition so that our digestive system keeps working in ideal condition.

Suniti Mund
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he issues affecting the natural process of our digestive system are termed as stomach disorders. Normally such issues are, constipation, gastric, indigestion, diarrhea, acidi-

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two things are necessary:- 1] Balanced Diet, 2] Practicing some yoga postures on a daily basis. Here we would be discussing a few things about balanced diet before telling about the right dietary lists.

Veerendra Jain

Right Diet
Eat balanced diet, which is composed of salad, green vegetables and fresh fruits along with balanced diet for the day. One must eat at least two hours before sleeping, eat up to 85% of your dietary necessities, do not drink water with the food but can drink water after half an hour of eating your meal. One must drink 1012 glasses of water on a daily basis. Deeply fried, roasted and spicy food should be avoided. Red chilly, pickles and chutneys should not be given priorities in the food. People suffering from any form of stomach disorders should follow the following dietary list.


Jaag Utha Hai

Morning Snacks:
(7 - 9 AM )

1] Orange or some fruit juice or sweet orange or orange juice, 2] One fresh apple or any fresh fruit (except Mango or Litchi) , 3] Sprouted grams one fourth of a cup, 4] Wheat chapatti with vegetables or wheat porridge, 5] One piece of cottage cheese.

Ek sant hai, jisne Bharat Swabhiman jagaya hai, Neend se soye Bharat ko, jhakjhora aur jagaya hai| Julmi tanashahon se, yeh desh nahin bach paayega, Chuk hui to sadiyon Bharat, fir gulaam ban jaayega| Deshpremiyon ab to jaago, avsar pun: n aayega, Garm tawa hai, cheente maaro, shashak timilaayega| Aise taanashah jahan me, aur milenge hume kahan, Loktantra ke hatyaaren hain, jaalim aadamkhor yahan| Ab n rukoge, ab n jhukoge, yahi vachan do aaj, Jindadili dikhao giraado, in giddhon par gaaj| Apna hi ghar funk tamasha, dilli ne rach daala hai, Satyagrah ko kuchal diya, yeh paap bada kar daala hai| Sacchai ka saath n dena, khud par atyachaar hai, Aaj to sacche dil se bolo, marne ko taiyaar hai| Ek naam Sat Shri Akaal, ek naam Omkaar hai, Allah Akbar Vaalon ko, Ramdev se pyaar hai| Ramdev ji ke sapno ko, karna hai saakar, Bharat ko majboot banana, duniya ka sardar| Kalam humari nahi thamegi, shabd-shabd talwaar hai, Jaag uthi Bharat ki janta, chaun aur lalkaar hai|
August 2011

Afternoon Meal:
(12 - 2 PM)

1] Salad (Tomato, Kheera, Radish, Beet root, Carrot etc with salt, green chilly and a little lemon juice) 2] Vegetable soup one cup, 3] Wheat or Rice chapatti, 4] Pulses (green pulse, lentil, urd or grams), 5] Vegetables (green Leafs), green vegetables.

Evening Snacks:
(3 - 5 PM)

1] Fresh fruit, 5] Any light easily digestible food article.

Meal at Night:
(7 - 9 PM)

1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6]

Salad, One cup vegetable soup, Wheat Chapatti, Pulses (green pulse, lentil, urd or grams), Vegetable (green leafs), Green vegetables.

Yoga to practice:
To cure these disorders following main Pranayams and yoga postures - Rechak and Purak pranayam, Uttanpaad aasan, Pawanmukt Aasan, Bhujang Aasan, Paschimottan Aasan and Shavasan. Balanced diet and right lifestyle could keep any one health and happy.

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Prevents problems of KoEngime cholesterol,cancer, kyu-10 mind and infertility

is vitamin like plays the most KoEngime kyu-10 thea formation of engime, which has some more significient role in cell energy. It names like

Natural resources are abundant in with Kokyu10. Still it is a rare engime. It is rich in natural resourcese ven though it is unprocurable. The productionprocedure of Kokyu-10 is very intricate.

ubiquinon, mitoquinin, ubidekarenon and Kokyu-10. The name ubiquinon (ubi = Everywhere) happens to it because it exist in each and every cell of our body, and structurally it is quinon. Kokyu-10 is soluble in cholesterol. It is extremely powerful antioxidant and beneficial. Some researchers call it vitamin-kyu. Clinically this is beneficiary in diseases like, Ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, High blood pressure, Engina pectoris, mitral valve prolix, diabetes, kidney failure, infertility, bails policy, periodical ailments.

Dr. O.P. Verma

M.B.B.S., M.R.S.S. (London)

The availability of Kokyu-10

Kokyu-10 is available everywhere, in trees, plants, animals and in human beings. It is called Kokyu-10 because its atoms are linked up with 10 side strings of isoprene. Mostly it is seen in our body parts, in which energy consumption is much more than other parts. Kokyu-10 is found in the unrefined oil of broccoli, spinach, soya (it is very difficult).

Kokyu-10 structure in our body

Kokyu-10 is seen in all of our cells
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and in lipoprotein. Each and every cell can be able to prepare the structure of Kokyu-10. The structural procedure is highly complex in vitamins like, vitamin- 6, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, Folic Acid, Naicenemite, pentothenic acid and vitamic C and it completes its task with the help of some tress elements. It is taken from ameno acids called quinon challa tyrocene. Methyonin from Methyl group and the side strings of isoprene are connected with the work path (formation of cholesterol is also done in the same mevelonet work-path) of mevelonet.

Commercial production of Kokyu-10

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radicals in a body. According to the results of recent research, the body suffers with the shortage of Kokyu-10 in diseases like diabetes, liver diseases, heart problem and cancer.

Estimating the status of Kokyu-10 in a body

A healthy body contains Kokyu-10 in its blood 0.5 -1.0 mg/ml. A healthy body contains Kokyu-10 levels upto 1.5 2 grams. Sometimes Kokyu-10 would be in normal level, but Kokyu10 would not be found in sufficient levels in heart and muscles. Kokyu-10 quantity would be correctly estimated through biopsy only.

Functions of Kokyu-10 in a body

Kokyu-10 is a constant source of energy of cells. This is the prime component of internal membrane in mitochondria of a cell. Mitochondria are the power houses of cells. Different ametabolic functions of different cells take place here and they create life force A.T.P. (Adenocin Triphosphate) which produce different elements. Kokyu-10 is the most powerful antioxidant like vitamin C and D. And it protects our body and sensitive limbs. And they perform many prime functions like protecting the membrane of cells and helping the signaling system.

Kokyu-10 is produced by yeast or prepared with bacteria. Phytal side strings can be produced in semi-artificial way with solenosol (bi - product of tobacco) and taking Primary ring with tyrocyn. In 1974 Japan scientists developed Kokyu-10, adding it proper technology and the product was succeed commercially also. This is produced in China, India, South Korea and Italy Recently Pasadena and Texas have also joined this list.

As this is not soluble in blood it uses lipoproteins as carriers in blood circulation. And this is seen in great quantity, where the consumption of energy is more and where more metabolic activities take place.

How does Kokyu-10 works

Kokyu-10 is the chief component of an electron transport chain (respiratory chain) in mitochondria. Kokyu-10 phosphotises (oxidative phosphorelation) with the fats, acids, glucose and protein that are present in mitochondria and produces life force adenoci triphsphate or A.T.P. Kokyu-10 is also a prime sub component of complex I, II, III of engime system that is utilized for electron Transport chain. This performs more reduction in complex III (ubiquinone cytochrome c reductase) rather tan complex I (nicotinamide ademine diucleotide dehydrogenase) and compex II (succinate dehydrogenase) and ultimately transfers the place of electrons. This way it plays key role in the production of energy in a cell.
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Metabolism of Kokyu-10
In our body 60 trillion cells exist and Kokyu-10 is seen in each and every cell. As this is not soluble in blood it uses lipoproteins as carriers in blood circulation. And this is seen in great quantity, where the consumption of energy is more and where more metabolic activities take place, ex. Heart, mind kidneys, liver and muscles etc. Quantity of ubiquinol is different with respect to the tissues in its redox state. Generally the quantity of ubiquinol is more in blood circulation. The ratio of oxydised ubiquinon and ubiquinol in its non mixed state, performs the deadliness of free

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metic products use Kokyu-10 for its quality.

The impact of dead cells causes Cancer. Dead cells destruct even the cells of D.N.A.causing mutation and cancer. Kokyu-10 strengthens our immune system and it is powerful antioxidant also.

The importance of Kokyu-10 in a body Kokyu-10 formulates regularly. So it is not defined in the list of important components. As the body getting aged, their production does also reduces. When we cross 40 years Kokyu-10 levels are formed in different levels in various limbs, likewise in liver 95-3%, in kidneys 2.63% and in heart 68.23%. When we become 80 years old their percentage reduces to half of them further more. In our regular food Kokyu-10 is found in lesser quantity (5 mg/day). Kokyu-10 deficiency leads to the problems of heart disease, Atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, engina and high blood pressure and diabetes, gum-diseases and ulcers in stomach. Kokyu-10 is secured and salutary. Researchers tested on Kokyu-10 by giving it to patients 30 to 3300 mg. regularly for a long time and this is thoroughly protected. Problems like nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, feeling light pain in stomach etc. are in very few people.

Heart disease
In conservative heart failure, heart muscles become week for so many reasons like, decrepitude or aging , heart attack, imbalance diet, smoking, liquor consumption, virus attack and mental tension. Kokyu-10 is highly beneficial in congestive heart failure. And it increases energy in the muscles of heart, and decreases the swelling in legs caused by dyspnea and insomnia. Focurs studied that Kokyu-10 is proven beneficiary medicine about 70% in the patients who suffer with heart problems.

Kokyu-10 reduces L.D.L. Cholesterol (bad Cholesterol) and increases H.D.L. Cholesterol (good Cholesterol)

The impact of dead cells causes Cancer. Dead cells destruct even the cells of D.N.A.causing mutation and cancer. Kokyu-10 strengthens our immune system and it is powerful antioxidant also. Thats why this is utilized in the medicinal solutions of cancer. Kokyu-10 can also reduces the ill effects of chemotherapy.

Medicines of Statin species ill effects

Kokyu-10 levels are reduced by the medicines of Statin species which are able to decrease cholesterol (HMGCoA redctase inhibitors) Statins intrude the formation path of cholesterol , that leads the lower supplies cholesterol to the body. But the same mavalonet work path is used in the production of Kokyu-10. One who takes Isaliastatins does need in a very less quantity of insulin, as he takes Kokyu-10. Beta-lockers obstruct to some extent the production of Kokyu10 in our body.

Some researchers opine that Kokyu10 is useful for parkinsons disease, migrane, huntington disease etc. So they advised to utilize it. In mental diseases, the quantity of dopomene decreases to lower levels. Kokyu-10 protects brain and pulse from the attack of free radicals. Then pulse increases dopomene level and thus it is beneficiary in diseases like Parkinson.

Decrepitude and wrinkles of skin

Kokyu-10 protects from the impact and possible damage (Free radical Damage) of Ultra Violet rays and shield our skin from Skin cancer, skin laxity , premature skin stains, Black spots, having lines and wrinkles. So this is the cause behind specialists recommendation in beauty products. Now a days so many cos32 & Yog Sandesh

Kokyu -10 works effectively on problems like, lack of sperm, infertility .

Kidney Failure End stage renal failure

In one research , 97 patients of Kidney Failure (45 patients were on dialysis, whose kidneys were failed and creatine was more than 5mg/dl) were given water-soluble Kokyu -10

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60 mg. for twelve weeks three times a day. The results were startling. 81 percentage of patients showed good signs of recovering. Creatine is reduced in all patients upto 2 mg / dl, urea was lowered, increased the quantity of urinals, And many patients were stopped dialysis or were lessened. Research in charge Dr. Ram Singh arrived to this conclusion that if a patient whose urine quantity was upto 500 ml. should be given 180 mg. kokyu-10 up to12 weeks. If the amount of urine reaches upto 1000 ml. after 12 weeks, we should think it is a good sign for improvement and the treatment should be continued. If there is no improvement even after using this treatment 12 weeks, it is a sign of kidneys damage, means, they would have permanently damaged. There have been so many other researches regarding various types of results.

Protesting against Delhi Police by NRIs

In America
Washington DC : Yog guru Sri Swami Ramdev was in hunger strike On June 4th performing a peaceful protest. Thousands of participants had gathered in Ram Leela Maidan in New Delhi. That mid night Delhi police came and acted barbarously by beating the sleeping protestors who were fasting for a genuine cause with sticks and legs. Resident NRIs of Washington DC, Chicago, New York and San Frasinsco, went on foot wearing traditional dress made from handspun cloth and boards in hand to the Indian mission on june 25. There they expressed their indignation in Indian Consulate in Houston and expressed their grief. The leaders of Indo-american community handed over a petition to the President of India signed by more than 5200 people in five bundles. Petition was submitted to the President of India, stating, "India is a country which keeps faith in truth and peace and stands against all kinds of harassments From the time immemorial. We Indians pray for human welfare, faith and unity. Today, here we protest for the support for the victims, who were oppressed while sleeping in the midnight of June 4 by Delhi police. Tarsus Shekhar Agarwal, Houston, Texas, mentioned, "Delhi Police had brutally beaten the starved satyagrahis who were quietly and firmly asking government to fulfill the genuine demands and I believe that Swami Ramdev lit a fire in the hearts and minds of millions of people against corruption and corrupted people of India. The fire extincts only when demands are rightly executed". The next day, community meetings and internet forums expressed their solidarity with Swami Ramdev, in support of the stand he taken. Series of meetings were held and telephone calls were received from dozens of Indians from various states. Consequently, it was decided that a protest will be held on June 25 in support of swami's stand point and against the uncivilized activity of Delhi Police.

Kokyu-10 is very helpful in creating energy in Mitochondria. So it is seen in so many Mitochondriayal diseases such as cardiomayopathy, Luft disease, Mitochondriayal cytopathy, Mitochondriayal Mayopathy, Deficiency of N.A.D.H. neuropathy, Parsn syndrome etc. it is proved that it is very beneficial. Kokyu-10 is profitable in some other diseases, like Mitochondriayal failure scuh as in Alzheimer's related diseases, diabetes, Ischemic Heart disease, Parkinsons disease and muscular Dystrophy .

Natural resources are abundant in with Kokyu10. Still it is a rare engime. It is rich in natural resourcese ven though it is unprocurable. The productionprocedure of Kokyu-10 is very intricate.

Thus we see that Kokyu-10 plays a prominent role in formation of Mitochondria energy (A.T.P.) We we should use this product as treatment for the diseases and also to maintain a healthy life. Omega-3, fiber, vitamins, minerals and Kokyu-10 of the Lignen with linseed is a rich diet and is prevalent in abroad also. Since sufficient fats are available in linseed, absorption is smooth and perfect of Kokyu-10. So it is found that the absorption of Kokyu-10 is natural and perfect. In India, it is known as veg vomega.

Protest : protesting against Delhi Police in the U.S by

foot march.

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Asado Ma Sadagamaya Worlds greatest

fact is that neither the world nor our body is our own. Considering it our own is the biggest mistake. We behave as if we have to live here forever. Such erroneous notions take us in the grip of illusion, our conscience becomes inactive. Illusion is blind which takes us in the grip of darkness which turns us into an object instead of a living being.

Absorb the ethic of

Sunita Poddar
International Yoga Convener and trustee of Patanjali Yogapeeth Trust (UK)

he realization of truth makes us free from the grip of illusion. Our erroneous believes are the real cause of our agony. Such erroneous notions are the result of lack of knowledge. The true realization of true things is the truth. We actually try to ignore the reality of this world and this is the real cause of our agony, this is the illusion. When we come in this condition and feel distressed, here we start invocationAsado Ma Sadagamaya (O god please show me the path of truth). Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamya (please take me from darkness to brightness). Our arrogance is the real darkness which prevents the light of enlightenment from reaching to us. Someone is blind due to arrogance some others are blind due to their pompous attitude. Someone is arrogant due to his wealth while some others are arrogant for having control over political power. Someone is arrogant due to his knowledge while some others are arrogant for the donations that they give to the needy

Asato Ma Sadagamaya
people. There are many kinds of people like powerful people, deceitful people, arrogant people. The power of money has crossed all limits. It is a time when we should associate our everything to the almighty and pray him that O god please destroy the darkness that has actually covered up our heart and mind. Take me to enlightenment, mental peace. One shouldnt get afraid of death, but one needs to have a true realization of this fact. This world is the place where we are born and one day we depart away from here. Vedas say that this world is the blessing of almighty and death is his invitation. If it a fact then why we need to worry about. Our birth in this world is a normal phenomenon but if we could make our departure from this world special, it will make our life meaningful. In this situation, the death will no longer be horrible but it will be a pleasant phenomenon. Great souls are those whose departure from this world is magnificent. Such a journey results into our salva-

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gets shaken up

Maheshchandra Tripathi
Ramdev has given a call to stimulate people All are filled with a feeling of patriotism. He has made us realize our self-esteem He has helped us to get rid of our diseases and agony He has tied us with the magnificent thread of love and compassion Yoga and Ayurveda have given us the greatest mental peace Such initiatives have shaken up the s ystem of corruption All are now aware of public welfare We have a unequivocal support for

We dont want to see anything beyond our greed. The call for taking a person from darkness to brightness is not for taking someone from simple darkness to the simple brightness
it is for stimulating ones conscience. The impact of illusionment, greed, wealth and desire has deformed the face of our planet.

tion. For this we need compassion, we need to work without any greed. Greed and desire are infinite and they are only responsible for the recurrence of our death and birth. They actually prevent us from salvation. Those who work without any greed and desire in his lifetime will be eligible for salvation. Such people can throw a challenge to death and can say that the day I will die, life and death will cry because now I wont born in the world and I wont die in this world. One who is influenced by death is a greedy person but one who dominates the death is a real Yogi (Ascetic). We are fortunate that we are born in this era when we have an opportunity to work under the guidance of Swami Ramdevji. For him, truth is a power. He gives a wakeup call to everybody every morning and guides them to practice yoga and pranayaam. Every morning he chants Asadoma Sadagamaya Tamsoma Jyotirgamaya Let us come and make our life meaningful with these teachings.

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Accomplishment of Yoga
Shri Arvind

its Condition
nsubstantial can not become infinite until it realizes its latent infinity within self and unless it gets attracted by it or gets attracted to it. Neither the apparent form, by its own power, can cross its external boundaries until it finds out a glimpse of truth confined within; until it falls in love with it and examines it. It has a very specific existence and has become a symbol and gets associated with its own nature. Only by touching it, is it possible to break the confines of nature. God is complete and beyond completion itself. So, the knowledge of God, love for God and realizing God are the only constituents that have potential to liberate us. That which is omnipresent can only make us capable to liberate ourselves. That which is conceivable that only can liberate us from our limited existence and expand us infinitely. The necessity of this quest bears the existence of Dharma, which holds great immortal power. And this quest has been illogically and inordinately attacked by intellectualism. I am talking of Dharma not of any religious belief, sect or any other religious scripture, because all these do not constitute elements of Dharma. They are not all the functional elements of Dharma. Rather they are just symbols of

humans and become divine. If we We have to rise beyond the stature ofhave to search for God first, because have to achieve this then we human ego is the lowest incomplete form and the complete highest form is the God. God is the lord of the highest nature and without his will, nothing substantial can be achieved.

Until there is an intense desire for the supreme in the heart; until there is a searing thirst in the determination towards the supreme; until there is a towering urge in our psyche, we can not develop an inclination to become something else.

conduct of the Brahma. I am talking of pure religious sentiment, which is the subject of mental formations, emotions and life itself. Its not a subject of following a belief and external rituals. Its a sort of an imaginary quest for the highest and universal law or a quest of attaining self-determined higher spiritual status, which draws an individual. And that individual must either become it or follow it with full devotion and single mindedness Also, without them, we can not develop a force to curb the all controlling internal human nature. For the single objective of reaching God; inspiring us in our hard quest to attain higher status; or building something, which enables humans to take up or to reach the near the final destination of the utmost difficult higher journey, prophets have preached and several incarnations took human forms on this planet Earth. At the first look, it appears that we can do without these religious forms and sentiments. If the goal is to bring drastic evolution in self to a higher form better than humans or developing into a supreme human within self, like a cataclysmic evolution of humans from chimpanzees, then what else do we need other than the supreme intel-

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lect, scientific training that will bring psychic and biochemical changes to manifest such an evolution. But, in fact evolution is not that simple. And it has to be understood differently, as there are three hidden mistakes in the root to understanding. Evolution that has been accomplished; we are mistaken in understanding it. The power and process that govern this evolution; we are mistaken in understanding its root or nature. And the evolution that utilizes the power and governs the process; we are mistaken in understanding its nature. The nature does not seek to create a new breed of species within its ambit of higher ethical, physical and psychic powers, the manifestation of which is human existence. Rather, nature in order to move ahead by creating another symbolic existence seeks to completely break down the present existence of humans. The new existence can be as higher to humans as humans are to lower species in the universe. Can it bring into existence having even higher status than Buddha, Jesus or Saint Francis? Can it bring into existence, which has higher physical status than Greek athletes? In case of recent examples, can it bring into existence better physical beings than Sando or Rammurti? May be, it can create beings, having higher status than Rammurti? Possibly nature will try to strike a better combination of physical, psychic and ethical abilities in its new creation. But is it possible that new creation would be even better than Confucius or Socrates? This seems quite a possibility and truth too that nature may establish a law to form new creations of higher status and of a great combination of physical and psychic abilities. We need not to assume that nature will bring all humans to an equal level, because that will only happen

it that level should be brought down far too much. In nature inequality is the norm rather than exception, except in species which are a way below in order. Whatever higher creations nature may bring into existence; probability of greater inequality all around rises further. A thought may be entertained of individual equal opportunities among already higher creation like humans. But it would be merely a far-fetched thought to have equality of natural abilities and dexterity among humans. Even if humans are accorded some equal abilities like physical attributes, still there would be difference in their natural abilities. People in general can not have more intellect than Socrates or Aristotle by accumulating all the knowledge of scientific inventions and discoveries. Neither it is a sharper intellect than that of Socrates nor is it higher intellect. Modern theories of benevolence and its application world over can not bring greater examples than that of Buddha and Saint Francis. Invention of Motorbike can not undermine the now-vanished speed and tolerance of American Indians and Negros. Nor gymnastic routines can compare with their physical abilities. Thus we can see boundaries of natures abilities in the existence of humans. These boundaries have been set by the human nature and nature itself has accepted them in its endeavours. But a question still survives that is it the natures quest to fulfill all possibilities of humans? Rather it would be more appropriate to say that when; humans in their effort to achieve the same objective tries to interfere with nature, nature then takes this course of action. Even if nature is left alone in its quest, utilizing human interference,
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There is a pertinent question that nature, which has developed so highly by giving existence to humans; Can it move ahead with the existing available resources at its disposal? Can it bring something into existence, which is higher in status than Shakespeare, Napoleon, Newton or Ceaser?

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Until there is an intense desire for the supreme in the heart; until there is a searing thirst in the determination towards the supreme; until there is a towering urge in our psyche, we can not develop an inclination to become something else.

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nature seems to be breaking the mould of human existence rather than complementing it. This has been sort of a norm that nature seeks to move on to fresh manifestations by creating new species without destroying existing ones. Nature has been doing this in its highest species with even bolder actions and at the same time protecting the existing species. The more civilized the humans become, the more nature inflicts them by opening new possibilities of extreme ethical behaviours, evils and merits and thus leaves humans in dilemma over evil and merit. The more emphasis humans lay on intellect or the more intellect humans achieve, the more she gets dissatisfied. Thus she inspires humans to develop inner self and its force, rather sheer intellect. The more advancement humans make towards medical science; nature outsmarts humans by developing new forms of physical and psychic ailments. Humans have crossing extremes one after the other and they have defined nature within their means of material, humanistic and psychic parameters. But nature explodes suddenly finding its latent essence, amid influence of human extremes. Whatever nature seeks to achieve, limited human intellect can not stop it. In its entire spectrum, nature senses a pulse of its supreme power and realizes actions of supreme knowledge and efforts, which are beyond human intellect. Everywhere we find nature neutralizing our physical, psychic and ethical foundation. She deliberately attacks our natural intellect, ethics and the balance of our materiality. She is bent upon bringing into existence huge creations. Huge creations, huge constitutions, intense impulses and towering inspirations
August 2011

manifest explicitly or inexplicitly. She acts on groups of people since she has failed to fulfill her completion in an individual human being. Finding herself helpless in intellect, she acts on new inventions and physical manifestations. Unable to manifest directly, it breeds hopes and dreams. Unable to recreate Napoleons and super Napoleons, she neutralizes the supreme potential of humans in order to encourage them to build even deadlier and powerful weapons like Dreadnots and Super Dreadnots. She encourages creating industrial institutions and giant trade institutions. She builds a team of scientists who come up with new inventions. And she appears to take a form of a monster to destroy all physical boundaries of nations.



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Under aegis of Patanjali Yogpeeth (UK) Trust

Free weekly Yoga classes in Hide Park

Free Yoga camp - Scores of people attended free Yoga classes, arranged in London.
the aegis of Patanjali Yogpeeth (UK) Trust, series of free Yoga classes began at the busy Hide park of London on Sunday, i.e. 24th July 2011 from 12 noon to 4 pm. Yoga teacher Sharavan Poddar taught various asans and also explained their benefits. He said that for the healthy society and welfare of mankind, he is holding free weekly yoga classes. He stressed that Yoga and `Pranayam` are beneficial for each individual.


disease resisting capacity, ensures smooth blood circulation, more energy and concentration.

The trustee


last a few years Sharavan Poddar is holding free Yoga classes world-wide. He said that various Yogasans, Pranayam particularly are beneficial for all-age people. He said that regular practicing Yoga reduces tension, strengthens body joints, control weight, improve digestion system and improves

of Patanjali Yogpeeth (UK) Trust Mrs Sunita Poddar said that better health is the birth right of a human being and now Yoga is widely acceptable due to its glaring benefits. She said that many persons have come forward in UK for the development of new technologies which could bring further improvement in spiritual and physical health. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj has launched the campaign to make the society disease free with the help of Yoga and Ayurveda and we all shall join hands to turn his dreams true


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Migraine is a miserable disease that spreading rapidly. Migraine Vaidya rakesh extra meal, control the speed of urination mishra and faeces, very much traveling on foot,
Patanjali yogpeeth, haridwar

attacks when we take improper meal, more exercised, much cohabitation are the key factors for Migraine. Apart from these reasons, some more reasons are like this for Migraine in my own experiencedrinking less water, traveling by bus in a great rush, not having timely meals, sudden awakening from sleep, hereditary and menstrual disorders are the reasons for the disease. This disease is not seen in labors who work in the field and factories. Most intelligent and genius students are the prey of this disease.

Today in our society Migraine cases are multiplying day by day. Youth as well as the aged are equally affected by this disease
Here we are giving some home remedies and preventive measures for it.

igraine is mainly air based disease. Sometimes it comes with phlegm also. This Problem is arised by the inconsistencies of Tridosha also and 25 % of the total cases are categorized as such. If we identify the correct problem, then we take the help of right doctor. If the patient vomits or take rest for half an hour the disease comes under control. Allopathic drugs give immediate relief from Migraine but they can not give permanent relief to root out the problem thoroughly. First of all, characteristics of the pain should be observed carefully. And then start treatment. Many of the patients say that they suffer with this disease when they take meal very lately or very early. Women are effected from Migraine when they travel by a crowded bus for a long time. So in the first place, a patient should take a medicine to clean his stomach. When such cleansing programme is on, one should take lighter meal like green gram cereal and cow-ghee with curry and yogurt. 10-20 grams of Ghee can be added

in meal according to the taste of an individual. 5 grams of Madhukadi churn or swadishta virechan churn should be taken that night along with 5 grams of isbgol. One or two times must go to clean your stomach, but do not worry ! Take this churn with two glasses of hot water. Never take the medicine for constipation with cold water or milk. If we do that, stomach would not be cleansed properly. Hot water is the correct dose for it. To prepare this churn we must take Liquorice (muleti) 2 tula, senna 1 tula, fennel 6 grains, candy 6 tola and make fine powder mixing all of them. This mixture makes your stomach clean and you may start taking medicine for Migraine from the next day. Even on the day that you take medicine to clean your stomach , you need to take meal with khichadi with curry. Take little gulps of drinking water and drink water many times. Regimen quath is the medicine. Regimen quath is of two types. One is for liver-spleen and the other for head ache. Here we go for the sec-

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Actually Mind controls all the systems of our body. Memory Power has great importance in our lives.
Each and every thing should be recorded in our mind for the later purposes.

ond one. Some ready made medicines are also available in the market. Here is the preparation of the medicine. Myrobalan ? Chebulic myrobalan ?Amla ? chirayata? turmeric? bark of neem ? giloy Take all these medicinal ingredients and grind them to become millet. If bark of neem and giloy are available fresh quath works very effectively. Take 15 grams or one and a half tola churn, add to it 200 grams of jaggery or 3 grams of raw salt. While preparing quath, you should not cover the utensil. Take this quath early in the morning with an empty stomach and also at night before going to bed. Take rest for 30 minutes, after taking quath. If the patient vomits while taking quath, you need not worry. It is a good sign. That very moment Migraine would be set right. Quath should be taken along with guggul. But take care while buying the product as it is not available in pure form. Thats why 3 wet yogiraj guggul can be given to patient. All types of headache like Migraine and heliotropism (also called suryavarth, a type of headache increases and decreases according to the rising and setting of the sun) can be cured by having Regimen quath. And this quath is beneficiary in toothache, diseases concerning eye and ear. This Regimen quath should be taken if disease reaches to chronic state. All of the ingredients of this quath are very much useful to our body. Dr. Pandit Shiv Sharma, a renowned physician of old Mumbai cured one Hungary Actress using only this quath about 30-35 years ago. If a patient suffers with heliotropism (headache increases with the rising sun, gives more suffering upto after-

noon and calms down with the setting sun), he should awaken early in the morning (3-4a.m.) 2 to 4 pills of karpadak bhasm (peeli kowdi bhasm) should be taken along with grass gud halwa or sweet dish peda. This bhasm (ash) should not be swallowed singly. Tongue would be slit away. If the patient suffers from headache , cold and he is also suffering with take sitophaladi churn along with godanti bhasm, giloy satwa , chyavana prasa or honey in the morning and evening. After having a meal Drashtarishta, Aswagandharishta should be taken with water. By the effect of this medicine Migraine pain starts very lately and gives only mild pain. Regimen quath should be given regularly. Menstrual disorders are the main cause for headache in women patients. Menstrual flow is also obstructed in some cases. To regulate this problem raja pravartani vati is much more useful. 1-1dose or 2-2 Vati doses should be started with hot water 5 days before the period starts. And sometimes this is caused by leucorrhea. Then we must start treating leucorrhea (white discharge) first even before the medicine of Migraine. Or take medicines for both complaints simultaneously. We must start treatment for our eyes first , when Migraine is caused by eye related problems. According to the Patanjali yogpeeth document, Migraine patients should take these medicines. Medha quath, Moti pishthi, pravala pishthi, Amritasat, Godanti Bhasm, Mukta Bhrakti, Medha vati, Badam rogan (2-2 grams ) drops should be taken in nose.
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Allopathic treatment gives immediate relief , but it is not capable to cure the disease permanently... First of all, we must find out the root cause, that leads to Migraine, by knowing analytical information from a patient

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The children s corner

Result of `Karma` is inevitable

Acharya Satyanand Naishishtha

childless woman was living. She of efforts to get In a town aachild and in the process consultedmade lotdoctors and othvarious ers. One cheat and foolish person suggested her to get indulge in black magic and a house on fire on a particular night and she would be pregnant. The stupid woman did the same and set house of a good person ablaze. Though no human life was lost but all cattle tied with rope died in blaze. Incidentally, after this she gave birth to 7-8 children. But another development took place and the father-in-law of the woman, seeing children, started saying `Alas Lord, why there is so darkness in your world`. This made the woman angry and she chided the old man but he continued with the statement. Slowly time passed and the children grew old. The woman started searching better match for them. But suddenly, her eldest child died. The woman was shocked and before she could come out of grief, rest of children also died one-by-one. The woman was in utter depression as her happy family has ruined. She kept wailing but her father-in-law now started saying `God, in your rule, justice could be delay but not denied.` This angered the bereaved woman and one day she showered lots of abuses on the old man. Hearing commotion, neighbors and others too gathered in front of the house. The woman described what old man was saying since beginning and hearing this, all accused old person. But now he could not keep mum. He said how could be a person, jealous of birth of grand children and happy at their death. And if any, he might be the most unfortunate person on this earth. The fact is that my daughter-in-law had set a house afire in a lust to get children. Many cows, calves died in the blaze. After she committed this great sin, she also became mother. This left me very much surprised. I said `Alas Lord, why there is so darkness in your world`. I presume that the cattle, died in the fire took re-birth from the womb of this woman. They grew-up and took revenge, slowly departing, leaving woman in ocean of grief. This woman troubled innocent cattle after burning them alive and now, she is also facing same trouble. Hence, now I am saying, justice could be delayed but not denied. Crowd, which had gathered praised the old man for his justified statements. The woman too understood and repented her folly. Now she started serving his old father-in-law.

Learning 1] Always talk of justice, even if it goes against family and family mem2]
bers are sufferers as a consequence. The result of sins is bad while good deeds translate into better results. Work to save people from sorcery, black magic and cheaters.

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Initiative for new

Independence in nation
We got and before it, we were being ruled
by British people. But still after getting independence we are living like slaves in our own country. We got independence after hard struggle. 15th August is Independence Day and hence a national festival for all of us. independence on 15th August 1947
Thus, wake-up. Dont tolerate injustice, corruption and suppression in the name of rule. Identify corrupt politicians and use power of votes to oust them and bring honest and patriotic persons in the power. Ensure cent percent polling to hand over power to the persons who are true lovers of the nation, farsighted and courageous and want real development of the nation. We all shall take pledge, not to loot national assets and also not allow corrupt, dishonest and criminal elements to take undue favors. It is my nation and I would not allow anyone to loot its assets. Yogrishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj has said that democratic system and the constitution of the nation are prepared to ensure equal opportunities of justice and development to each citizen of the nation. But whether, what has been written by the founder of the Constitution Baba Saheb Ambedkar, is being followed. At least I can not keep mum, when in the Parliament, the largest temple of democracy, public representatives throw the democracy in shreds and those who take oath in the name of democracy, them selves kill it. I would not allow these elements to shatter dreams of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who wrote the constitution. I would constitute a new India based on the dreams of martyrs, would bring new independence and uproot corruption and excesses in the name of rule. Swami Ramdev says that his five objectives for the constitution of healthy, prosperous and cultured are healthy India, clean India, self-dependent India with promotion to domestic industries and controlled populated India. It also includes efforts to meet the looming problem of hunger, unemployment and poverty and political corruption free India with 100 percent voting. He said that to bring new Independence, initiative has been started but all the patriotic and nationloving people shall give their contribution.
August 2011

Kusum Budlakoti

15th August
Special onIndepende nce Day

he father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi had, on many occasions warned that after Independence, there are lot of dangers to keep Independence and sovereignty of the nation, safe. Today, we are independent but a larger population believes that there was only transformation of power. During British rule, people were subjected to atrocities, suppression and callousness. The condition is unchanged and what have added insult to injury are prevalent anarchy, favoritism, price rise and corruption, which are at the top. Yogrishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj said that the politicians have dealt a major blow to the public and nation for the hunger of power. In the present scenario corrupt rulers and tainted officers nexus has jolted the nation and each individual is considering him or herself helpless, powerless and cheated. Citizens, despite living in Independent country are subjected to harassment repeatedly. The time has ripe to wake-up and not to tolerate injustice. Live with self-respect, self-control and total independence. It is your nation and you are not slave but a citizen of Independent India. In the democratic system, administrative system, police system and municipalities have been set-up for the safety, justice and selfrespect of the common man. But if any Government officer, Police official or anyone else is committing injustice or adopting undemocratic means to insult you, you have every right to raise voice against the corrupt system and the person. Entire administrative system has been developed for the security and justice to the citizen and the administrative officers get heavy salaries to get this work done. Dont get frightened. Though, behave with dignity but remember that they are not your masters but servants. In the democracy, every citizen is a master with fundamental and constitutional rights.

Do not accept atrocity in the name of rule. Use your power of franchise and uproot such corrupt elements from the Government. Ensure 100 percent polling to hand over power to persons, who want true and real development of the nation.

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Yoga Rishi Swami Ramdev ji commented GEETA as GEETAMRIT and we are publishing the commentary in the subsequent publicationa respectively. -Editor

Shanti Saar
Yasya sarve samarambhah kama sankalpa v r i h | a j ta Jnanagni dagdha karmanam tamahuh 9 pa d tam budhah || 1 || ni (19) He is said to be the man of letters who begins all his doings without craving for its result and whose doings are fired in knowledge-fire (jnanagni dagdha karmanam) and become Akarmi (who has not done any doing for his credit). But one should not mistaken it as karma tyaga (renunciation of doing) for jnanagni dagdha karmanam (whose doings are fired in knowledgefire). Both are different in their own ways. Tyktwa karma phalangam nityatripto nirashrayah| Karmnyabhi pravrittopi naiva kinc i k r t s h ||20|| htaoi a (20) Whose doings are desireless, (who never seeks for its particular result ) who is free from dependence, eversatisfied , that person

Swami Ramdev

is a non-doer even though he performs all kinds of doings. Nirasheeryat chittatma tyakta sarva pair grahah| Shareeram kevalam karma kurvannap1 noti kilbisham || 2 || (21) Nih + Ashee means, one who sacrifies the fruit of the doing, regulates ones mind from all kinds of possessions (love and hatredness etc) and is free from all types of yearnings, is said to be surpassed of all kinds of earthly issues, even though he does a wrong doing with his body, he would not be sinned (grieved) Yadchalabha santusto dwandwateeto vimatsarah | Samah siddhasidhou cha kritwapi na 2 nibadhyate || 2 || (22) Ultimately gods wish only be executed. So whatever he serves as our meal we should accept it without complaint, likewise pleasure pain, profit loss, success defeat, praise humiliation. One who knows how to be free from this duality and accept the result, irrespective of its positivity or negativity and is non-jealous (who behaves above the state of love-hate), his doings are never taken to be vicious or virtuous. Gatasangasya muktasya jnanavasthitachetasah | Yagnayacharah karma samagram pravil y t || 23|| eae (23)whose mind is established in non- associative state, that person performs oblation or sacrifice (pious -fire in the form of creationcycle) only to fulfill his responsibility and all his doings are dissolved in that act. Ultimately, he would become a non- doer. Here the word Yajna (pious -fire) has a very

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extensive meaning. We should not take yajna to be a mere act of firing some material like sesame, ghee etc. The maintenance of the whole cycle of creation is itself a unique yajna. Even that supreme power is also involved in this fire-cycle, who has no such entanglements ever. So, Man, being a representative of that absolute power, should take his part in this magnificent deed. While performing yajna, giving offerings...he should utter mantra idam na mama that means, this is not mine! These words indicate absolute detachment towards a performance. If someone does an act for the welfare of the whole universe without a selfish cause, that is called yajna. Brahmarpanam brahmahavirbragnou brahmanahutam | Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahma karma samadhina || 24|| (24) For whom everything in this universe is Brahman and tries to attain him, whatever be the means used by the person, in that course, is also considered as Brahman. Fire is also Brahman. Thus it is one such yajna, where the doer and the doing everything is Brahman. When this truth is perceived by a person, then his aim is to reach Brahman only. And whosoever transforms himself as Brahman, ultimately he becomes Brahman. Daivamevapare yajnam yoginahparyupasate | Brahmagravapare yajnam yajnenaivopaj h a i || 25|| uvt (25) Karmayogis (who believe in doing karma) perform yajna for deities and gods and some Karmayogis perform yajna considering the fire as Brahman , the doer and the doing are also Brahman. One should perform yajna to merge and integrate oneself into the absolute Brahman. Shrotradeeneendriyanyanye samyamagnishu juhwati | Sabdadeenvishayananya indriyagnishu juhwati || 26|| (26) Some yogis (karma) would perform yajna by offering their senses like ear etc, in the perseverance-fire and some of them would perform yajna by offering their sensuous forms like sabda (sound) in the perseverance-fire. Sarvaneendriya karmani pranakarmani chapa e | r Atma samyamayogagnou juhvati jnana deepa e ||27|| t (27) And some yogis perform Yoga-yajna by offering all the acts done by the senses and prana (life). In these slokas there are three kinds of yajnas

are described. (1) some yogis do yajna by preserving their senses (2) some yogis perform it by sacrificing the sensual desires, (5) some of them would perform yajna by stopping all kinds of activities concerning with senses and prana. Dravyayajnastapoyajna yogayajna tathapare| s Swadhyayajnonayajnasch yatyah samshitvrata h || 28 || (28) In this way the preserved sages, perform yajna by some auspicious material, some with penance or with doing ones duty in a daily routine and some with yoga form and some with a deep study and some with meditation and merging themselves in yogic-form and knowledge-form. Apane juhwati pranam pranepanam t athapa e | r Pranapanagati rudhwa pranayama 9 parayanaah ||2 || (29) some yogis exercise a different kind of yajna by merging air of prana (prana vayu) into the air of apana (apana vayu, the air releases from anus) and some by air of apan into the air of prana. Prana is the air which comes out from the body and apana, which enters into the body. According to Patanjali yoga pranayama is a unique yajna. It is mentioned in the above sloka that which air is obstructed is fired in the other one.

Continued in the next issue

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is necessary for the overall development of kids
Mother's blessing of god which imparts life and beauty to us. Mother's milk is
the best feed for a baby which fulfills all its needs as it gives complete nutrition for the first 6 months to a baby. Specialist Pediatrics from World Health Organisation and Unicef have all termed it as the best feed for a baby. Breastfeeding not only lowers infant mortality but also keeps a child healthy and strong throughout their lives. milk is like nectar for a baby. Roman poet Homer termed it as a

Dr. R.S. Gaud

Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar

ow you feed your infant is an important decision as it affects your and babies health. Precautions related to breastfeeding We need to educate and spread awareness about the normal procedures in practice at the moment: 1] 85-90% mothers never indulge in complete breastfeeding and start giving unnecessary baby milk available from the market or animals. 2] Mothers are worried that either they would not be able to feed their babies completely or that their milk does not have enough nutrients in it.


World Breastfeeding Week

Benefits of Breastfeeding
Mother's milk is the natural, fresh, easily available, easy to digest and nutritionally complete for health and development of a baby. Mother's milk takes care of a babies all needs and it could be proven scientifically also.

Increase in bio availability of calcium:

Mother's milk has active liapase which gives free fatty acid radicals which helps in reducing muscular tension due to active calcium hypothyroidism.

Low burden on liver in digestion:

Mother's milk has less protein, lesser minerals and enough water as compared to other milk available in the market and hence it creates low burden on the liver cells during digestion.
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Sterilized and readymade food:

Mother's milk is sterilized and a baby could consume it directly. It is safe from any form of outer infections as it directly comes from the breast to a baby's mouth and hence kids fed on breast milk seldom experience enteritis, diarrhea and vomit.


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Protection from infection:

Mother's milk safeguards a baby from diarrhea and breathing infections. If a baby only consumes breast milk, its chances of mortality due to diarrhea gets reduced by 14 times and from other infections gets reduced by 3-4 times as compared to those babies who are not been on breast milk.

proven fact that breast milk has free fatty acids that keeps obesity, hardening of blood veins and high blood pressure under control.

Emotional Satisfaction:
Breast feeding is an emotionally satisfying process for both mother and her child, as it develops a close bond in between them. This physical contact creates an emotional attachment, thus creates an understanding in between the mother and her child.

Protection from infection:

There are many protective elements in a mother's milk like: imunoglobulins, iron proteins, lactoferrin, lisozymes, interferon, byfides factor, fagositic macrophases and living lymphosytes. Lactoferrin and Byfide factors prevents E-Coli. Mother's milk has paraaminobenjoic acid which prevents a baby from malaria and it also has preventive factors against polio, shigella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella and e-coli.

For Mother:
Breastfeeding is helpful for a mother too as this saves her precious time which otherwise gets used in sterilizing the bottle used to feed the baby and in preparing the milk. Uterus also gets back into shape and breastfeeding also reduces the menstrual discharge and thus the uterus also gets its actual shape soon after birth.

This is a complete rumour that breastfeeding affects the shape and size of breasts
If it is done in a right way it only compliments a mother's body shape.

Eczema and allergy diseases:

When the kid is of 6-8 weeks, its mucus of the intestine is still vulnerable and easily gets infected with infections and toxins and so it is a big concern that the intestinal mucus is not absorbing macromolecules of protein. Normally in a mother's milk I.G.A is concentrated which prevents absorption of protein macro-molecules and on the other hand animals milk has betalactoglobulin which triggers allergies in some kids due to which they get affected with eczema or asthma. Those feeding only on breast milk have reduced chances of attracting these diseases. It also reduces chances of attracting diabetes in grownups and gives a better shape to the face and strengthens teeth too.

The time gap in conception:

Traditionally it is believed that a women would not get pregnant till the time she is breastfeeding, even some scientific researches has partially proven it. Lactational amenoria does create a gap in conception to an extent and during this time a mother replenishes her iron reserves. Though it is not a guarantee that a breast feeding mother would not get pregnant during breastfeeding but under specific condition it does have confirmed effects. Mothers who breastfeed have a reduced chance of contacting breast and ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding is a right of a baby. Mother's milk has a lot many vitamins and minerals which lay foundation to a bright, healthy life in a baby.

Rapidly obtaining prenatal physical body shape:

This is a complete rumour that breastfeeding affects the shape and size of breasts. If it is done in a right way it only compliments a mother's body shape. You could indulge in breastfeeding as long as you wish for as it helps you and the baby too. Breastfeeding is advisable for the first six months at least.
August 2011

Better Mind Development:

Mother's milk contains enough amount of lactose in it which provides for substrate Galactose thus helping in overall development of the mind as it is a necessary ingredient of human mind cells. It is a

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Protection from
Dr Jitendra Pal Chandel
world of competition and busyness. The modernization has undoubtedly given luxurious life but at the same time no spare time is left. The peace has been drafted away and diseases are becoming regular feature of life. Hyper tension is such a silent killer. Know how to escape from hyper-tension.

Primary high blood pressure

No reason for primary health blood pressure has been detected till now and hence it is called as primary high blood pressure. Over 90 percent of the patients of high blood pressure suffer from primacy blood pressure.

Secondary high blood pressure

Secondary high blood pressure is the result of other disease, affecting the body. And if that disease is cured, this problem also vanishes. Main reasons of these diseases are kidney ailment, adrenal glands, and blockages in artery. Blood pressure also goes-up with consumption of steroid and anti-pregnancy tablets. Primary high blood pressure has been sub-categorized into modest and aggressive category. The symptoms of modest high blood pressure are less painful. The problem develops slowly and no deformity of kidney is found. But high or malignant hyper tension is very dangerous. Malignant hypertension is a complication of hypertension characterized by very elevated blood pressure and organ damage in the eyes, brain, heart and/or kidney. It is considered a hypertensive emergency. The eyes may show retinal hemorrhage. The brain shows manifestations of increased intracranial pressure such a headache, vomiting and cerebral hemorrhage. Patients will usually suffer from left ventricular dysfunction. The kidneys will be affected, resulting in hematuria, proteinuria and acute renal failure.

It is very difficult to find spare time in this

ike heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure too is an ailment related to new life style. Many persons face hyper tension but the disease has no specific symptoms and hence they could not know that silent killer is slowing tightening its grip. Whenever, they approach doctor for some other problem, doctor during check-up diagnose this problem. But it being too late as by then, heart, brain, kidney and eyes would have been badly affected. Thus, hyper tension is also called silent killer. Blood pressure has been placed in two categories - Systolic and diastolic. When heart contracts and blood pumped in the body, and the pressure thus generated on the artery is called systolic blood pressure. And when heart expands, filling heart with blood and thus, pressure generated on the artery is called diastolic blood pressure. If your blood pressure is 120/70 mm of mercury it means that systolic blood pressure is 120 and diastolic blood pressure is 70 mm of mercury. When measured a few times and blood pressure is found above or equal to 140\90 mm of mercury, a person is said to be suffering from hyper tension. When the blood pressure of a human being is measured and found to be over 140/90, it does not mean that he is suffering from hyper tension. But when measured three times at a regular interval and if result is the same, he is suffering with high blood pressure problem. High blood pressure has been categorized in primary and secondary.

Common symptoms of high blood pressure

People with markedly elevated blood pressure may develop, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, chest pain and shortness of breath. People often do not seek medical care until they have symptoms arising from the organ damage caused by chronic (ongoing, long-term) high blood pressure. The types of organ damage are commonly seen in chronic high blood pressure include heart attack, heart failure, stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), kidney failure, eye damage with progressive vision loss, peripheral arterial disease causing leg pain with walking, out pouching of the aorta called aneurysms About 1% of people with high blood pressure do not seek medical care until the high blood pressure is very severe. It is of utmost importance to realize that high blood pressure can be unrecognized for years, causing no symptoms but caus-

It is very difficult to find spare time in this world of competition and busyness. The modernization has undoubtedly given luxurious life but at the same time no spare time is left. The peace has been drafted away and diseases are becoming regular feature of life. Hyper tension is such a silent killer. Know how to escape from high blood pressure

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suffering from primary high blood-pressure do not filter salt more in urine and with increasing high blood pressure, pressure in the urine tube also increases. Obesity and high blood pressure have deep relationship. Persons, who do mental labor have more danger of being affected with high blood pressure, while persons involved in physical labour have less threat of high blood pressure and obesity.

How to control high blood pressure

Detection of high blood pressure in early stage is very difficult. Thus after 35 years of age, a person shall undergo health examination at least once in a year. If parents are suffering from high blood pressure problem, children shall undergo regular check-up. ing progressive damage to the heart, other organs, and blood vessels. The more the blood pressure, the more patient would be in trouble and the life of the patient would be shortened. A person, who is otherwise healthy at the age of 35 years and if his blood pressure is 130/90, his age is shortened by four years. And if the blood pressure is recorded as 140/95, his life span is shorter by nine years. And if a person at the age of 35 has blood pressure as 150/100, means his life has been reduced by 16 years. With timely treatment and abstinence, the high blood pressure problem could be controlled up to larger extent, which could further reduce danger on the life. Heart is badly affected with high blood pressure, which could result into heart attack as well. It is of utmost importance to realize that high blood pressure can be unrecognized for years, causing no symptoms but causing progressive damage to the heart, other organs, and blood vessels. The patient could be affected with paralytic attack. If high blood pressure problem is not timely treated, it could affect kidney also. Due to high blood pressure, blood veins of eye could release blood, which would ultimately affect eye-sight. Normally, the blood pressure in an infant is 65/40, children 100/60 and youths is 120/70. The high blood pressure problem could be hereditary also. If parents are normal than the danger percentage of their off-spring is just 3 percent. But if any one of them is affected of the problem, the danger percentage increases to25 and if both are affected, then their children have 75 percent danger of becoming patient. Hence, the children, who have parents with complaint of high bloodpressure, shall avoid excess use of salt. It is presumed that kidneys of persons

Diet control
To control high blood pressure, it is necessary to control diet. One day fast in a week is also very helpful for high blood pressure patient. But they shall avoid any in-take while on fast. They shall also restrict consumption of salt.

Patients of high blood pressure shall avoid

1) meat, eggs and liquor 2) cream and milk with more percentage of fat, cream, cheese, dessert prepared with milk and rice (kheer), sweets made of ghee and milk 3) oil, vanaspati ghee, coconut oil as these edibles contain saturated fat, which increases blood pressure and serum cholesterol, 4) ice-cream, chocolate, dry fruits 5) items having salt and baking soda like pickles, packed vegetables, cake, pastry, bread, biscuits, chips, cold drinks and soda water. The edibles which are useful to the patients of high blood pressure are 1) boiled vegetables and uncooked vegetables 2) lemon water and soup of vegetables with less percentage of salt 3) `lassi` milk without fat, cheese prepared by milk, without cream and curd 4) soyabean milk 5) curd of soya milk and groundnut oil. Also exercising constraint in food habits, controlled diet, regular exercise and physical labor could also save a person from high blood pressure. The patients could also use `muktavati` and `ashvagandharishta` to Patanjali Yogpeeth with advise of experienced `vaidhyas`.

High blood pressure, without any prior indication starts affecting normal pressure of the blood, which cause adverse affect on vital organs of the body. First it attacks heart, brain and kidneys. The carelessness in the treatment could prove disastrous.

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without forests
A forest is considered as an ecological kingdom, where many animals and the ecosystem living in perfect balance. Irrigation facility is regarded as a key element of agriculture sector. Rain is the only means of irrigation in India. Other major sources of irrigation water can be surface water withdrawn from rivers, groundwater extracted from springs or by using wells, lakes or reservoirs or nonconventional sources (treated waste-water desalinated water or drainage water).

No life

There is a need of educating people of all ages about the importance of trees, their value to a community's well being and their own human potential.

Prof. Dr Ravindra Nath Mishra

Forests are essential to life in all its diversity.

hen people think about forestry they usually think of wood and thus don't understand the importance of forest. The culture of the forest has fuelled the culture of Indian society. In India, peepal tree, banyan tree, neem tree, amla tree etc. has a lot of reverence and significance for people. People worship these trees and perform a puja. The cutting of a holy tree is similar to cutting one's own ancestors. By doing this, one destroys his descent because it is attached to the religious sentiments of the people. There is a need of educating people of all ages about the importance of trees, their value to a community's well being and their own human potential. Forests are essential to life in all its diversity. The forest - trees, birds, flowers and animals are very much an integral part of her life. One question always arises in mind, what is the need of these forests, why we should conserve forests and wildlife? The answer is crystal clear. It gives us food, medicine, oxygen, water, shade, and many other useful products

required to survive on this planet. Forests also define the nature of climate change. It gives a new significance, course, mission, direction to a life. Another question which arises in mind, what will happen if no animals in forest? No humans would be able to survive on earth due to too little food. Plants, trees provide us many other important things. Some of the chemicals from forest leave, flowers, and seeds are used to make perfumes, soaps, polishes, and chewing gum... Other chemicals also kill germs and fight diseases such as cancer. Forests are essential to recycling water. Almost half of all the world's rain falls on rain forests. Plants trap water in the soil and then slowly release it into the air, where it evaporates. Clouds form and rain falls, filling rivers and streams. That water is later used for drinking and irrigating crops. If forests have been cleared from the land, much less rain falls, the land becomes hard and dry, animal and plant life disappears, thousands of animals become extinct every year. Deforestation is one of the major environmental issues. The effects of deforestation are devastating. Entire species of insects and animals will disappear because of the destruction of their habitats. It can also cause catastrophic flood-


Forest Day

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The major cause of deforestation is the rapid population growth. Forests are our life and we should save these forests from getting destroyed. Deforestati on causes a multitude of effects on farming.

ing as well. The major cause of deforestation is the rapid population growth, which leads to an increase in the demand for crop and grazing land, wood for fuel and construction. It has a significant effect on farming, climate change, or global warming. Forests - as a nature's gift support the life on earth as habitat, producer, earner, conserver, mitigator, balancer, etc. According to recent study conducted by scientists, the world needs 33 per cent land of the total land to be covered by forests. The recent data released by the government states that India's forest cover 19.5 per cent of its total land. However, other studies conducted by several NGO's claimed that the figure hovers between ten to 15 per cent. In recent times, deforestation is a big concern for India. Southeast Asian forests are disappearing at a rapid rate, in part as a consequence of resource demands from the world. Examining the current situation reveals that world needs think to save our earth at any cost very sincerely. Forests are our life and we should save these forests from getting destroyed. We have to think about the safety of animals. We have to make forest as safe a place to live for our animals as it is for each of us. The point is - we have to give them space as much we need space for our life. It's not only about the tigers, lions and elephants. It's about all species who are living around us and who are a part of our life. There are people growing forest gardens around the country and the world, the idea doesn't seem to be spreading as fast as it should. National parks, zoological parks are few major global initiatives to save endangered species. The Environment Protection Act, Wildlife Protection Act, National Forest Policy are few major steps taken by the Government of India to save forests. These are few landmarks in the protection of wildlife in India especially after

the Second World War. Wildlife was ignored after Second World War and left to sustain at its own risks. The Indian Board of Wildlife (IBWL) was constituted in the year 1952 which took the task of preserving the natural wildlife habitats and saving the animals from probable extinction. The board succeed in achieving the target and providing strategic stability. The abrupt removal of trees has a serious environmental impact on the surrounding areas. Trees - our only mechanism for absorbing Co2. Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Each tree absorbs approximately 25kg of carbon emissions each year. One tree absorbs about 1,000kg of carbon dioxide over a 40year period, and can live for over 100 years. One tree produces enough oxygen for 10 people in a year. Notably, each person on average produces about 10 tons of carbon dioxide every year, which amounts to 10 trees worth. A proven fact by NASA shows that trees planted in tropical climates generally sequester up to three times as much CO2. Direct and indirect benefits of trees They provide homes for indigenous wildlife. They encourage the return of endangered species. They retain groundwater supporting surrounding growth. They create microclimate conditions for life to flourish. They have provided medicines for centuries including for; Malaria, heartburn, measles, lung diseases, rheumatism, flu, leprosy. They provide nuts, protein and flavourings. Tree roots stabilise river banks, reducing the risk of flooding and rebuild worn soils and improve agricultural productivity. Through shade and by evaporating moisture from their leaves, trees can reduce daytime temperatures by about 5 degrees F and buildings by 20 degrees F. Trees can act as natural wind breakers, and separate different types of crop farms. Trees absorb pollutant gases, like, nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone and filter particulates out of the air with help of leaves and bark. Tree shades reduce evaporation of water from ground. Trees need just fifteen gallons of water a week, the amount equivalent to two toilet flushes. Trees reduce exposure to the ultra-violet rays by about 50 percent and hence safeguard from skin diseases. The strongest way to protect environment and save the world is to save trees. Save earth by planting trees to reduce environment pollution. Avoid deforestation to save the planet.
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Forests are our life and we should save these forests from getting destroyed.
Through shade and by evaporating moisture from their leaves, trees can reduce daytime temperatures by about 5 degrees F and buildings by 20 degrees F. Trees reduce exposure to the ultraviolet rays by about 50 percent and hence safeguard from skin diseases.

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Psychologica l treatment of
mental illness
Dr Anita
Patanjali yogpeeth, haridwar

Life disease or illness, physically or mentally. Due to problem in cough, pitta and capha, diseases
occur. The modernization has resulted in increasing number of psychological problems. According to the famous psychologist Dr Frayed suppression of human wishes cause mental illness. These wishes could be divided into two groups- suppression of wish of physical pleasure and wish to control others.

is undiscovered and unrevealed journey. There is no person in the world, not undergone any

uppressing wish of worldly pleasure is the root cause of mental diseases. Body organs have wish of physical pleasure but due to fear of the society and moral values, these wishes are not fulfilled and are buried deep in the inner sub-consciousness. These suppressed wishes appear in dreams and even cause mental illness. In Gita, Lord Krishna has suggested ways to get rid of sorrow. Company we keep, the ideas we generate, make a personality accordingly. Such epics suggest taking better route of goodness in life as it is deeply related with health of a human being. `Raja`, `Tam` take a person to disease, concern and a person is attacked by high blood pressure, liver, diabetics and cancer related problems. Who is good quality person? It is said that a person, who is god fearing, take calculated diet, peace loving, honest, intelligent, has quality to forgive, no arrogance and respects all religions is good person. The saints have described these characteristics for a good person. In epics two types of prayers have been

mentioned. The presence of `Raja` and `Tama` makes a persons mind restless and he follows path of sin while good person follows religion, truth and non-violence. Hence, he proves to be lightening lamp for the society. Western psychiatrics believe that our mind is like an iceberg floating in ocean a part of it appears above the water but rest eighth part remains submersed into the water. The part, which is seen is conscious part while unseen part is unconscious part. For total mental health, beautiful and firm ideas need to be generated. Whatever we want to become in the life, we shall develop clear picture of it in mind. Firm imagination develops self-confidence in a human being ensuring success to a person. The conscious part of a human being should be inactive or unnecessary arguments could change our feelings. The image of moon is clear in ripple less lake and likewise, imagination has better shape in undisturbed mind. When our conscious mind rests, unconscious mind still continue to awake. According to

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For complete mental health, beautiful and good imagination is important.

Whatever we want to become in life, the clear picture of it shall be imprinted in our mind. It develops selfconfidence and we succeed in our work.

`Chandogypanishad` during deep sleep or in unconscious state of mind, we are directly associated to the almighty. After awakening, we feel of sound sleep. Soul is a part of mind. Like the image of a human being reflects in water or mirror, similarly in soul, image of almighty reflects. In `Samadhi` or deep sleep in peaceful condition human soul is connected to the almighty. On awakening, we feel energetic. Ill people do not have sound sleep and they need some physical exercise. Exercise and proper digestion keep person healthy. Dr Emilkuve of France had different formula for treatment. He asked patient to have a sound sleep in the clinic. He also asked them to repeat that he (patient) is feeling better from before. This self-speaking directly impacts human psychology and the patient feels much better on awakening. He also directed patients to practice it regularly. He said that the unconscious state of mind has immense power and associating with it could do miracles. But a human being always dreams of worldly pleasure and hence, his mind turns polluted. A polluted brain has selfishness, hatred, fear and sorrow which affect digestion, heart beats and other important processes needed for healthy body. A person is ill, physically and mentally. A peaceful mind does not have worldly attractions and he is directly attached to the almighty. A religious person with meditation is capable to being close to god. The famous psychologist and lover of Indian philosophy Dr Charles Yug states that one who has learnt to keep mind peaceful by worship or meditation and contact with almighty in unconscious state of mind has learnt the secret of living healthy. He would prove a useful person for the society. The present day science and scientists have proved after studying the impact of waves that life is reverberation, which echoes. The company of saints and seers, inspire us to take route of spirituality in life. A weak mind is attracted towards unsatisfied desires, which catalyze lust and

diseases. Satsang (company of religious people) is a life medication process. Thus, a person shall be very choosy in his company as good company strengthens power while bad company weakens power. A weak person would not have experience of enlightened soul. He does not know the art to relate soul to god. He sleeps with anxiety and awakes with it. But person with healthy mind are associated with the super power in unconscious state of mind and awake with new zeal and energy. They start new work as being guided in religious books. As said, life reverberates and what we think and act, similar atmosphere echoes around us. Charity and donations, also return multi-folds. When we sow one seed the mother earth multiplies it. Out culture considers earth as mother while foreign culture tries to conquer earth with struggle. Confrontation creates differences in mind while spiritualism beings peace. Our Indian tradition has special relationship with mother earth. Indian Tradition clearly says that earthly pleasures are short living. Physical pleasures lead to malevolence, desires and ultimately, making a person weak and ill. We shall act to others, what we feel good to us, which is the teaching of `shastras`. Educate to get victory on illness, sorrow, death and fear. Success of work done by respected persons depends on their enthusiasm and not on means and resources. Determination of decision comes from inner meditation. Unfulfilled lust cause bad habits, which has impact on the mind and health. Out energy disintegrates and a person becomes patient. The famous psychiatrics Dr Williams Brown has suggested four steps for psychological treatments, 1) Treating suppressed sentiments 2) hypnotism 3) self-knowledge, i.e. reconsidering success stories of the past and 4) Transfer of bad imaginations. Dr Charles Yung, an affectionate of Indian philosophy has added one more point to it, inculcating moral values in life of a patient. Present day psychiatrics
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Unhealthy mind has jealousy, malevolence and hate, which affects digestion, heart beats and other important activities.
We become ill, physically and mentally. But when soul is in peace, such problems do not occur.

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does not treat patient with a particular method but apply good mix of all the systems. Indian psychiatrics take help of Indian yoga and `anapan satiyog` of Lord Buddha. Yoga formulae stress on friendship and satisfaction to treat mental diseases. Friendliness towards all in life and satisfaction gives health, benefits and pleasures in the life. The `anapana sati` is also useful. This system brings ill person in peace and gives sound sleep. When awake, ill person feels comfortable. This action is repeated, till the person is not cured completely. Basically the philosophy behind this action is to bring all the scattered energies united and unison in the divided personality. The suppressed sentiments are also brought to consciousness and slowly they fade out. Friendliness towards all has been explained in Vedas for treatment of mental illness. In a couplet of

`Atharvaved` the importance of friendliness has been expressed as `Sarva asha mam mitra bhavatu`. Means, all the directions shall be my friend. Likewise, `sarve bhavantu sukhina, sarve santu niramaya` is also remembered by us. The soul could remember one issue at one point of time. Now it could be disease or health. Thus, it is our right to remember friendliness and satisfaction in our life. The Indian tradition has been an example of devotion and dedication. It always speaks that selfish wishes and unnecessary needs bring deformities in the life. Thus a person shall pledge of sacrifice and non-committal towards earthly pleasures so that diseases could not any opportunity to attack. According to Patanjali Yogpeeth, use Medha quath, Megha vati and Sarasvatarishtha in consultation with trained vaidhys.

National-interest and human-interesttop priorities

May Sandesh` an article carried on I n the48 andedition of `Yog basically carriedsein wasHindi daily page 49 titled `Patajnali Yogpeeth Navya Kranti ka Shanknad`. The article was a `Swatantra Varta` being published from Hyderabad and giving courtesy it was verbatim carried in Yog Sandesh. The article, being written by Dr Radheshyam Shukla, appeared in the newspaper on 6th March 2011. And after it was carried in the newspaper, it was published in the magazine almost after two months. The writer and `Yog Sandesh` did not intent to hurt sentiments of any sect, religion, caste, creed or community but still if sentiments of any person, sect, community, religion have been hurt inadvertently, we withdraw the article and tender unconditionally apology from each person, in nation and abroad. Swamiji has launched Bharat Swabhiman campaign and persons from different cross sections are participating enthusiastically in the campaign. All the persons, with positive energies are eagerly involved in the campaign but many persons with negative energies are creating problems. They are trying to create confusion. And now it is time, not to get trapped by such elements. It is an appeal to all nationalistic persons to participate in the campaign aimed at constituting new India, healthy, competent, cultured and free from corruption. The general meaning of non-violence is not to indulge in violent activities but in broader aspect, it meant that not to damage anyone by virtue of body, soul, language or activities. In Bauddha, Jain and Hindu religion, Ahinsa (non-violence) has been beautifully described. `Ahinsa parmo dharma` means non-violence is the biggest religion. Gandhiji has said that our socialism and communism shall be based on non violence. The non violence
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teaching of Lord Buddha and Mahavir Swami has inspired Mahatma Gandhi. When we talk of non-violence, we presume that not hurting anyone physically or mentally is non-violence. But Ahinsa also include not hurting by virtue of language and activities. Thus, a person shall talk politely. But non-violence has deeper meaning. Impressed with non violence, Samrat Ashoka embraced Bauddha religion after Kalinga war. If we talk of the Police barbaric act at Ramlila Ground, New Delhi on June 4, it is a black chapter as the Police mercilessly assaulted peaceful and non-violent protestors. And during Police action also Yoga Guru Swamiji Maharaj truly followed teachings of Vedas, Mahatma Buddha, Mahavir Swami, Jesus Christ, Guru Granth Sahib, Muhammed Sahib and Mahatma Gandhi on non violence and preached `Ahinsa parmodharma` in reality. Police in large number, in a mid-night swoop attacked over 50,000 non-violent followers, when they were sleeping. And in those adverse and tense circumstances, Swami kept appealing not to reiterate. He continuously said not to get indulge in violence as we are the preachers of non-violence. As a result, many unarmed persons were injured grievously but they stuck to non-violence. Honorable Supreme Court has pulled Government of India in this connection. In the agitation, people from all caste, creed and society participated and get united for the sake of nationalism and humanism. According to revered Swamiji, no religion is bigger than nationalism and no god is bigger than nation. The national interest is at the top. He said that his body, sole, wealth and life are dedicated for the upliftment of the nation. -Sub Editor


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Taittariya Upanishad
a Vayamupasmahe k tarah sa Atma yen va rupam Pasyati yena va Sabdam Srinoti yena va Gandhanajighrati yena va vacham vyakaroti yena va swadu Chaswadu cha vijanati || 1|| After the description of the issues concerned with impregnation, the sage said like this Let pregnant women present here and hear the preaching ! Who is this Atman, the one whom we adore? And what is this element namely Atman, the one which sees the form of a man, hears the sound, smells the odour, delivers speech and knows taste from distaste? .. 1 .. Yadetaddhadayam manaschaitat. Sanjnanamajnanam Vijnanam prajnanam medha drishtirdhritirmatirmanisha Jutihi smritih Riturasah Kamo vasa iti sarvanyevaita i n prajnanasya namadheyani bhavanti ||2|| Let us see the answer See, heart and mind are there in everybody. Along with them cognizance, innocence, science, wisdom, vision, self-command, opinion, intelligence, quickness, memory, resolution, sacrifice, love, clan are also there. All these are the secondary names of cognizance, prajnana! All these are the traits of jeevatman, the individual soul. Jeevatman exists , therefore all these characteristics do exist along with it, as he is the facor for them. And all those characteristics can not make jeevatman live, as they are not the facors for him. . 2 . Esh brahmaisha indra esha prajapatirete sarve deva imani cha Pancha mahabhutani prithvi vayurakasha apo jyotimshetyetaneemani cha Kshudramishraneemeeva.Beejaneetarani chetarani chandijani cha jarujani cha swedajani chodbhijjanichascha gaavah purusha Hastino yatkinchedam prani jangamam cha pa t i c a ta r h yaccha sthavaram sarvatatprajnanetram prane Pratishtham prajna netre lokah prajna pratishta p a r jnanam brahma|| 3|| After the description of jeevatman, the sage starting describing paramatman, the supreme soul. He is Brahman, He is Indra, He is Prajapati, the supreme master of his children. Who is this again? just wait we say analytically just now! All these gods these five elements Earth, Air, Sky, Water and Fire, All these micro beingsthese mixed animals and animatesthese seeds, these eggsmammalsbeings born from sweat, beings born from

Third canto

uterus, these horses, cows, men, elephants All these beings- this world, this flora and fauna, these birds All these are cognizant-eye (prajna-netra). All these beings are alive with vital life force. This creation is not treading on a dark path aimlessly. It is going on with a great consciousness and life force. It has a set goal to reach. This creation establishes in cognizance and it is sustained in it. All this world is cognizant-eye and it is established in life, as said by our ancestors prajna netro lokah. That cognizance is Brahman. He is Indra and he is Prajapati. He is this Atman, that we adore. (World is sustained in cognizance means.. this world is a well-planned structure. It is not and an accidental and unthoughtful one.) Sa etena prajnenatmaca smallokadutkramyamushmin swarge Loke sarvankamanaptvamritah samabhavat samabhavat. Ityem ||4|| Worshippers adore this cognizance-Atman (prajna) and raised from this Man-world to Immortal world, that is heaven, and fulfill all their desires and become immortals. 4 . Vanjme manasi pratishthima mano me vach pratishthitamaviraveerma edhi. Vedasya ma aaneesthah, Srutam me ma prahaseeranenadheetenahoratran Sandadhamyram vadishyami satyam vadishyami Tanmavavatu tadbhaktaramavatvavatu mamavatu Va taramavatu vaktaram Om Santih Santih Santih || k The sage said at the end of his preaching- May my words be absorbed into your mind , May my words be absorbed into your mind May my conscience and speech synchronize with each other and grow together further more..Let my mind obtain all the knowledge of our ancients. Let my heard teachings does not dilapidated purposelessly. Let my teachings be headed by my disciples incessantly. Let my tongue speak truth, let my mind tend always to speak truth, Save me my supreme lord ! And save me my master , who enriched me with this knowledge. Let me and my teacher be saved by you always. Om santhi, santhi, santhi !
Here I t a reya Upanishad ends

(This Upanishad has thirteen cantoes. The first canto starts the description of the worship of OM, the foremost sound of the creation.)
Omiti Hyudgayati tasyopavyakhyanam || 1 || Worship Om 1celebrate this song. Singer sings in a high notes || || (ut means high, and udgeeth is singing in high notes. OM is the name of the supreme parabrahman. To sing this name in high notes is udgeeth - gaan.) Esha bhutanam prithvi rasah prithivya apo rasopamoshadhayo Purusho rasah purushasya vagraso vacha rigrasa richah sama rasah Samru udgeetho rasah || 2 || Earth is the essence of five elements. The essence of the Earth is Water, the essence of the water is the nature and its flora and fauna. The essence of the nature is the man. The essence of the man is speech, the essence of speech is Ruk, means the hymn of the God. The essence of the Ruk is Sama veda, means the hymn song of the God. The essence of Sama Veda is Udgeetha, means the utterance of OM, ut means high notes and geeth means singing ||2||
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Chandogya Upanishad

First Prapanak (First canto)

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ChallengesAnd Solutions
Dr Brhmadev

Current Education System

Students study for 5-6 hours in a day in school..

often parents have not enough time and thus they are independent at their home and are free to do what they want.

ducation is considered as the biggest asset one can have. The social point of view is that the time a child spends in school is extravagant for the country's growth. Often, parents waste at least fifteen minutes to halfan-hour in sending their kids to school. Parents unknowingly waste their own time and their kid time daily. They spend their decisive time at school bus stop. Schools are charging heavy fees in the name

of providing quality in basic education. If tuition fees, transport fees, coaching fees and many more if calculated in a year, parents actually spend on their children even in a small town, the total expenditure would hover in lakh and crore rupees.

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Some parents allow their children to drive to school, unfortunately, some of them loose their lives in accidents and some become disabled. Parents don't want to see their children repressed by teachers just because they do not pay. Some children come from bicycle and some from luxurious car, this create difference among children. And sometime they feel very mortified and embarrassed. Today, one can have higher education just for exchange of money and thus the money start existing in everything of a child. And thus they follow the same which were promoted by their parents and grandparents. The caste system at anytime is bad, it is judgemental and without love. It led to a power struggle between humans; it is indented to create differences among people. It also became inevitable and hereditary in the later periods of ancient age due to the dictatorship. But the education has only such power to abolish all such differences from our society. Disclosing your caste in school, colleges are mandatory now. People are unaware of all of the different benefits of reservation. This is just because they are in minority, they are illiterate. There is a system called democracy, which is purported to engender social equity and parity but you can discern a sinister capitalist agenda dictating Governmental policies. The so-called depressed classes have now become the vote bank for political parties. Today, people are misguided on the name of caste, vote bank politics. The educational system in India has faced a basic dilemma ever since its introduction by the British. Parents waste precious education time in sending kids to school. Students waste at least an hours in a day while waiting for their school bus. Many pour money into early education software merchandise like Baby Einstein, Brainy Baby, baby sign language classes etc. Apart from this, tuition fees, transport fees, coaching fees and many more. Overall, parents spend 66 per cent more on childrearing than they did 10 years ago. School are charging heavy fees in the name of providing quality in basic education. A large number of parents had complained about the extra charges for the summer camps and other activities like that. High costs of miscellaneous fees in school add to the burden of

parents. Parents have gotten used to paying money to ensure their childrens study. They dont want to see their children repressed by teachers just because they do not pay. The differences in current education within the society worsen the position of backward people in the society. Because they cant afford the heavy fee charged by public schools. Such children generally quit their study and get involved in child labour to earn their livelihood. And there are no instructions from the government to stop such kind of crimes. Gradually, this has become a tradition among them. Sometimes the determination of an operating system as good or bad relies upon the integrity of the operator. Lack of maturity and discipline from family end force children to fall under the pressure. A student needs time to be in class, and appropriate time for study at home. However, there must be time for family, friends, social activities, and time to just be alone. The key is keeping proper balance. Mostly, it has been noticed that the friend circle they got, they become addicted to that. And that is accepted by them easily because of their innocent nature. They uphold their ambiance and get involved in bad activities. They unnecessarily expend their parent's earning in chocolates, chow mein and in other activities. On one hand they become independent but they become mortify when they come out from infant age. Today, they don't want to work by themselves. They are become dependent. They are promoted to western culture and they adopt it. And in future they fail in making grade for themselves and for their family and society too.

Education system must be in

National language

midst heated discussion on the Medium of Instruction (MOI) in county, Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev renders his support in favour of Hindi languages and local languages Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Bengali etc. He also alleged that an attempt to back English was goaled to destroy Hindi and local languages. Technical, Medical science are taught in foreign languages which is matter of shame for the Hindi language people residing in India. Farmers, labours that have talent and willing to achieve their aim to become engineer, doctor face difficulties in their study and thus they quit from the race. We must provide education to our children in their own language to accomplish the goal.

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Girish Trivedi

Independent are

We today

Under the Transfer of Power Agreement, education is imparted under the pre conspired by Macaulay, the education policy still in use was formed in 1840
There is no place for humanity, morality, selflessness, patriotism, spirituality etc. in the complete education system. As per the British conspiracy our education system creates a capable automatic machine out of a simple human being

hen the British left India in 1947 they made an agreement with our then leaders, which was prepared completely under and favoring the British only. This agreement was named as the 'Transfer of Power Agreement' meaning the transfer of the power that British used to exploit India to the then present leaders of India. Around the time of leaving India, British diplomats explained this well to continue the loot and extortion that they were doing to the leaders who took reins of this freshly independent country. The 'Transfer of Power Agreement' gave importance to only royalty and it was not even distantly related to the progress of the people, National culture and traditional development, it is an agreement of disagreement with the communal harmony. Following Macaulay education policy was one of the many conditions in this agreement. This is a matter of grief and shame for us as it is the license which the subsequent governments have been using to commit atrocities over the innocent public. Swami Ramdev ji is explaining the same agreement to whole country for the last three years and people are awakening too. Are we really independent on being ruled and governed under this 'Transfer of Power Agreement'? Self-system and independence are two different things. What kind of independence is this when the India Police Act. (I.P.A.) formed in 1860 made by British is still used to act barbarously over innocent common public by the Police. 34735 laws in I.P.A. are still applicable and in use for the last 151 years, it is the same I.P.A. for which Lala Lajpat Rai lost his life at the hands of Saunders being hit upon continuously 14 times with a cane on the head. The same I.P.A. was objected by Bhagat Singh, even history is a testimony for the same. When the country is liberated why the pre independence laws are still in use, still applied? Why can't we think freely and create our own

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laws in favour of our country for its overall development? Whether do you consider yourself an independent citizen under the same I.P.A. in application? Similarly 'Indian Penal Code' I.P.C. is also a net of laws formed under and by the British Rule. Its sole purpose is to keep common public busy entangled in its net distance away from justice. To keep the public busy and entangled so that the British could continue the loot was the sole purpose of this law. The same law is still applicable and as a result justice is distant away from the common public. There are so many cases pending in the Indian Judiciary that it would take another 300 years to clear or pass on judgments and remember, it would be a judgment. Is it justice? As per 'Transfer of Power Agreement' Education is imparted as per Macaulay though he has formed this education system in 1840. There is no scope for humanity, morality, selflessness, patriotism, spirituality etc under the Macaulay policy of education. As per the British conspiracy our education system creates a capable automatic machine out of a simple human being, and once transformed the human is deprived of any other emotions except greed and selfishness. Patriotism is a matter of distant dreams, so how come so many patriots have united together working selflessly. They are not a gift of the Macaulay Education policies, these are ritualistically passed on knowledge from the vedic era. Until we make an education policy imparting moral values all over the country breaching the Macaulay education policy, how could we call ourselves independent until then? We are not just dependent on the education policy but also on language and any person who isn't a visionary would term English as compulsory for the development and progress of

India. Translation of so many volumes of different books is really tough and how would we speak to people in foreign, we would stay behind without English. These logics are a confirmation of a mental slavery and reflect lack of confidence. If this would have been true then Germany, Japan, Russia and China would not have progressed without English. We do not need English for progress and development but do need patriotism, hard work and concentration. I personally believe until India is under the influence and dependent on English, we can't call it independent. It should be used as a communicative language only. Ramdev ji is explaining the same all over country through his public yoga camps and meetings. He came forward with 3 demands in the movement started on 4th of June, 2011 and third demand was of the overhaul in the current system. Was it a wrong demand? Let us unite now and support baba ji, so that we could change the whole system and uproot the corrupt political stagnancy. How independent we are could be seen here itself. Swami ji has put forward 3 demands to the government. 1 Bring back the black money deposited across the world and to declare it as national asset. 2Corrupt people should be tried at courts, and to deposit the money thus accumulated in the national treasury and convicts should be awarded capital punishment. 3 Third demand was for the system change and overhauling. On the night of 4th June, 2011 the government has explained the meaning of our independence in true light. And the country knows it now, how independent we are? Here raising concerns against injustice is a crime and whosoever would do so against the government would be crushed. Any one speaking against black money and corruption would lead to severe beating or could also loose life. This is the law under practice and the government has sealed it on the night of 4th June, 2011. Now the perpetrators of black money have turned dread as their indulgence has been exposed. If the country would still remain silent out of fear and would not support Ramdev ji, this government would further extend their dictatorship. Leaving them to rule us would clearly be a sign of our impotence. We need to unite together in this patriotic movement and blow these corrupt rulers from our country. We would develop our nation into an economic and spiritual superpower. An India free of corruption and black money, we have to achieve true independence and relieve our country from the sins of these corrupt butchers.
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Natural treatment of
Leucorrhea (White Discharge)
of health education, hygiene, hesitation and shame are the reason behind 75% of women suffering from Leucorrhea (White Discharge). This illness could affect women across any age and it is an enemy of the health and beauty of a women.

Dr. Nagendra Kumar 'Neeraj'

Yoggram, Haridwar
ormally for the protection of vaginal health a sterilizing fluid keeps secreting through the vagina, but if it is in excess and changes colour like, yellow, red, green, mucous and fleshy it is termed as leucorrhea. Through leucorrhea a women loosens her aura, health and beauty. Normally it is of white color and hence it is generally termed as white leucorrhea. At times it is of black in color, the vaginal fluid is thin, fluid from uterus or cervix secretes thick and sticky fluid like mucous in illness. Normally prior and post menstruation discharge in excess to normal is a common thing, but excessive discharge for which one has to continuously wear a loin cloth or sanitary pads, certainly reflects to illness. Post menstruation smelly secretion is due to vaciles coli and straptococal infection in the cervix or uterus. As excess of wet dreams reduces a man of his aura similarly white leucorrhea reduces the beauty and aura of a woman. Dark circles, spots on the face, nausea, body pain, swelling on the face or severe back and joint pains are the symptoms of white leucorrhea. If smelly fluid is accompanied with blood then there are chances or cancerous knots in the uterus. In white leucorrhea discharge is not regular and

may vary. Leucorrhea is caused due to constipation, acidity, spicy consumption, non vegetarian diets, excessive use of tea or coffee, thyroid, using pregnancy control measures, excessive cold, passion or lust for sex, standing for long duration, masturbation, swelling in the vagina, uterus or lack of vitamins and minerals and lack of red blood cells and blood. One or all of these leads to excessive leucorrhea. Worms, thyroid, stimulant books or notes, movies, television, spicy food, tea or coffee leads to infestile leucorrhea in teenage girls. If the parents are affected from syphilis or gonorrhea then also a girl could contract leucorrhea from early age due to contagion. Natural Treatment:- Accumulating toxins over the limit is one of its main reason. Due to reduced resistance of uterus and genitalia leads to its secretion through them. White leucorrhea should be treated by eliminating toxins throughout the body and raising the resistance of uterus and genitalia. Masturbation should be controlled. To overcome constipation and acidity one should use the mud on stomach and treating it with warm and cold, massage, Neem water brew or brew of neem leaves with berries or guava or cleaning genitalia with potash alum, cold water bath for 5 days at a stretch would help. Mud bandage in the noon for half an hour would also help. Then the pelvis region should be treated by covering it up with warm cloth around

Normally prior and post menstruation discharge in excess to normal

is a common thing, but excessive discharge for which one has to continuously wear a loin cloth or sanitary pads, certainly reflects to illness.

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the genitalia through whole night. Continuously treating it for 5 days and taking hot tub bath by keeping lower region of body covered with a wet sheet, internal water massage, treating feet with hot water in cycle. During the day, the spine should be cleansed with cold water, then keeping it covered with cold bandage and covering whole body with mud paste in cycle. At night, the mid region of the body must be washed and mud paste should be applied on stomach area and the affected patient should wipe herself clean with a clean and soft towel. Dietary Treatment Chapatis should be reduced in the diet and in its place fruits and juices should be increased for at least 3-5 days. Considering the health of the patient she should be kept on partial fast on the diet of lemon water and honey, then sequentially on juices, fruits and to regular dietary intakes. Juice of gourd, carrots, cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, oranges, apple, pineapple or peaches and in fruits pomegranate, oranges, apple, tomatoes, papaya, guava, berries, sapota or mulberries should be preferred. At one time fruits of one type only should be used. Sweet and sour fruits should not be given

at the same time. In the absence of fruits, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, spinach etc should be consumed as raw in place of fruits. The life energy is increased with the consumption of these vegetables and fruits and cures white leucorrhea. Daily life style should be started with 3-4 glasses of water, 2-3 lemons with water, removing toxins from the body increases the living energy. Tea-coffee, sugar, meat, eggs, toffees and chocolates and spicy food items should be avoided. In yoga treatment, after kunjal neti, postures like Shalbhasan, Bhujangasan, Naukasan, Ustrasan, Vajrasan, Pakshi Aasan, Sarvangasan, Halasan, Matsyasan, Uddiyan Bandh and Ashvini Mudra under the guidance of a yoga teacher. Morning and Evening walks in natural environment and some exercise's are also suggested. And so following the natural treatment and dietary treatment along with yoga, stubborn illness like white leucorrhea could be cured. It also fills the person with a new energy, passion and happiness and health.

Daily life style should be started with

3-4 glasses of water, 2-3 lemons with water, removing toxins from the body increases the living energy.

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Acitivties of

Pujya Swamiji
as followed by the newspapers


Amar Ujala

We want `rashtra dharma` from `yoga dharma - Swami Ramdev

We would bring concept of model village and model politics in India Swamiji. Blood samples of some people for obesity and 100 people for examination of hemoglobin were taken 6-day free residential yoga camp was organized in Yoga Bhavan of Patanjali Yogpeeth Phase II.
Haridwar. A six-day free camp for the treatment of obesity, joint pain, asthma, and other curable and incurable diseases held at the Yoga Bhavan of Patanjali yogpeeth II. The camp was attended by scores of Yoga lovers and ill persons. Yogrishi Swami Ramdev exhibited eight `pranayams` and detailed their benefits. A few male and female, suffering from obesity were selected and over 100 blood samples were collected for hemoglobin test.On the occasion, while addressing, Yogrishi Swami Ramdev said that he wants to relate each individual with `yoga dharma` and thus `rashtra dharma`. He said that with the power of yoga, he wants to inject nationalism. He exhorted for self-development with the help of yoga every morning and asked to dedicate the energy for the sake of the nation. He said that self awakening is necessary for the nation only after which the campaign of nation building would move forward. He said Yoga is not only an exercise but it is life management. He explained that Yoga is `Samadhi` (meditation) but also life management. While addressing gathering on the first day of the free residential yoga camp, Baba Ramdev said Yoga helps ill person to be cured and a healthy person does not get unhealthy. Over 10,000 persons participated in the free resi-

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dential camp.Patanjali yogpeeth has, on previous occasion also undertaken clinical trial of many ill persons and in this camp also many persons were selected for clinical trial. Around 100 blood samples were collected for hemoglobin test. Honorable Swamiji said that he has prepared a special package for yoga. He said that normal meals keep a person healthy. Yoga and Ayurveda has much strength to keep diseases at bay. Natural medication and yoga treats all the diseases and even cancer and other serious ailments could be cured. Ayurveda treats the cause of illness and yoga, with calculated diet controls blood pressure, sugar and obesity. Swamiji performed Pranayam, asans and explained their advantages. He underlined that yoga practice would keep a person healthy. He explained that `pranayam` is the beginning of spiritualism. He said that a person exercising `pranayam` would not need any medicine. Pranayam transforms entire life system. On the first day, weight of many persons was measured and from the day one, they experienced weight loss. In the camp, devotees also narrated the unfortunate incident of June 4 at Ramlila ground. A tehsil level training camp of yoga teachers was also organized. The meeting of central executive committee also held. Maharaj shri also exhorted to carry Yoga and `pranayam` upto grass root level in villages. Swamiji said that he would bring model political system in the nation.


Dainik Jagran

Union Government exposed

- Swami Ramdev
Haridwar. The Supreme Court has blasted the union Government on the issue of black money following which, Yoga guru Swami Ramdev said that now the true face of the union Government stood exposed. The union Government is not willing to take concrete steps in connection with black money. Yog Guru Baba Ramdev, after the adverse remarks of Supreme Court on the Union Government and setting-up of Special Investigative Team (SIT), talked to the media in Patanjali Yogpeeth. He said that exactly one month back he had staged sit-n-stir in Delhi to press the demand of declaring black money as national assets and to register criminal case of treason against persons, depositing black money. But the Government ignored and Police swooped on the innocent, non-violent protestor mid-night. The Supreme Court, took cognizance of it and gave directions, which has exposed the union Government. He said that the economy of America is being run by the black money of our country. America is preparing atomic and nuclear bombs with our money. He said that the order of Supreme Court clearly indicates that it does not have faith in the intentions of the Government. Yoga Guru said that had the union Government accepted our demands earlier, the court would not have chided the Government. He reiterated that he is also the supporter of modernization and development but the medium of education shall be in mother tongue
August 2011

Yoga camp : Thousands of devotees participated in the free residential camp at Patanjali Yogpeeth. Picture of devotees performing Yoga.

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Rashtriya Sahara

In April 2011, a high-powered committee was constituted to keep tab on the investigation related to black money deposited in foreign banks.

Black Money: Court reprimands centre for slow pace of investigationU

Supreme Court constitutes a Special Investigative Team (SIT) under the guidance of two former judges.
New Delhi. Supreme Court has reprimanded the Union Government for slow pace of investigation in the black money, deposited in foreign banks. The court has to monitor steps taken to bring back black money and its investigation, constituted a high level special investigative team, under the guidance of former Judge Justice BP Jivan Reddy. Besides Justice Reddy, the 13member SIT include former Justice of the Supreme Court Justice MB Shah as Vice Chairman. The committee also included the Director of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). While hearing the public interest litigations, filed by senior advocate Ram Jethmalani and others, the bench of Justice B Sudarshan Reddy and Justice SS Nijjhar said that the laxity on the part of the Government is very clear in this issue. The bench also directed the Government to merge its high level committee, set-up for black money probe, into the newly constituted SIT. The bench also asked the Government to reveal the names of the persons, who have been given show cause notices during black money trail. The court made clear that the Government need not disclose names of the persons, who have been not inquired for deposition of money in Liechtenstein or other foreign banks.

Research paper of Patanjali Yogpeeth on the importance of Yoga in Sports U

Research paper on `Bhastrika Pranayam`, being directed by Swami Ramdev
A world convention titled `2nd World Congress on Exercise is Medicine` held from May 31st to June 4, 2011 in Colorado of America. In the world convention, the Yoga trainer of Patanjali Yogapeeth, Haridwar, Yoga Researcher and former National champion, Boxing Pushkar Raj, who is also chief of Sports Promotion Organization of Nepal (SPON) presented a research paper on Bhastrika Pranayam, being directed by Yogrishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. Under the guidance of the general secretary of Patanjali Yogpeeth and the Vice Chancellor of Patanjali University, Acharya Balkrishnaji Maharaj, the research was conducted by a group comprising Yoga trainer of Patanjali Yogpeeth Pushkarraj Pant, Research expert of Yogpeeth Buddhi Bal Rana and English language professor and general secretary of EPON. The title was `Effect of Bhastrika Pranayam on players and sports- a pilot study`. The convention held under the aegis of American College of Sports Medicines (ACSM) in which over 6000 players, sports researchers, doctors and students participated. In the world convention, it was the only research paper on Yoga and the sole representative of Asia. The Chairman of the organizing committee and the President of ACSM, Insworth E Barbara and others appreciated the work and said that very soon, it would become pioneer in the field of sports.

What court said

Disclose names of all the persons, who have been given show cause notices during black money investigation. Though, the court also asked, not to disclose names of the persons against whom, no probe is being done. The courts decision has exposed the real face of the union Government, which is not serious on black money issue. The decision is a slap on the face of the Government.` Prakash Javdekar

Government action
In May 2011, the union Government announced a committee under the chairmanship of CBDT chief to suggest ways to strengthen laws related to black money recovery and action.
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Mr Pushkar Raj Pant, while presenting the research paper on `Bhastrika Pranayam` in America.

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Practice Yoga and keep free from diseases

(Bharat Swabhimaan, a social and spiritual movement)

Bharat Swabhiman

Application Form

Bharat Swabhiman (Trust)

Head Office: Patanjali Yogpeeth, Maharishi Dayananda Gram, Delhi-Haridwar national highway, near Bahadarabad, Haridwar 249402, U.K. India Phone: 01334-244107, 246737, 240008 Fax: 01334-244805, 240664
website : www.bharatswabhimantrust.org www.divyayoga.com

Main principals:
Purity complete Bharatiyata completely organized discipline

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Our aim:
To mend the corrupt system and policies in favour of national interest Bring back the money which has been collected in Swiss bank by looting the assets of the country and investment of this money to foster our economy To build a healthy, prosperous, culturally rich and strong India and reestablish our great nation as Vishwaguru, the mentor of the world.

Road map for bringing change in the system by bringing changes in oneself.
By the means of Yoga for change in oneself one can make himself healthy and build his character to live with complete independence We want to change British policies and 34755 laws made during British rule to structure an indigenous policy. We want to ensure participation of every Indian in the movement. We want to make special volunteers and workers to strengthen the organisation. Public awareness: We want to foster the movement "Go to villages" to stimulate the people of the country to work for interest of the country. We want to hold Yoga classes in every village and locality

Policies are small tools to bring about changes in the system

Educational Policy Health and medical policy Law and order Economic Policy Agricultural Policy This movement is a kind of our pledge to mend the corrupt system and policies and reestablish our great nation at the pinnacle of prosperity in the world. We request you all to be a part of purely Indian institution which has a global influence to build our nation. Please realize your duty towards your country, religion and ensure your participation in the movement with strong will power

Signature of applicant

I have studied the seven principals, seven dignities, five resolution, five vows, and aims, philosophies and principals described briefly in the philosophy of life. I am agree with all these and I pledge to abide by the rules and aims set by Bharat Swabhiman Trust. Signature of applicant
Contact the local office of Patanjali Yog Samitee or Patanjali pharmacy to become a volunteer or a general member of Bharat Swabhiman.

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Become a member of

Free residential camp in the second

Yog Sandesh a monthly magazine pub lished by Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)
Office: Patanjali Yogpeeth, Maharshi Dayanand Gram, DelhiHaridwar national highway, near Bahadarabad, Haridwar Phone: 01334-244107, 246737, 240008 Fax: 01334-244805, 240664 email:divyayoga@rediffmail.com

Patanjali Yogpeeth

Yog Sandesh monthly magazine is available in following

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Beauty of devotion : Swamijee enchanted

by the beauty of devotion

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Free yoga camp: Heavy participation of

people in yoga camp



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Pranayama: Swamiji Maharaj teaches Bhramari pranayama

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Blessing : Maharaj sri blesses woman participants in the yoga camp




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Author Swami Ji, has described Ashtang Yoga secrets and ways of Yogic treatment of incurable diseases..

Our Publications
S. No. 1. This book, written by Swami ji, describes ways to get rid off ailments through special processes of Pranayam and meditation. Name of the Book Yog Sadhna evam Yog Chikitsa Rahasya Language 2. Pranayam Rahasya Hindi, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya Nepali, Punjabi, Telugu, Urdu, Malyalam, Tamil Hindi, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya Nepali, Punjabi, Telugu, Urdu, Malyalam, Tamil Hindi Hindi, English, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya Nepali, Punjabi, Telugu, Urdu, Malyalam, Tamil Hindi, English, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya Nepali, Punjabi, Telugu, Price (INR) 125.00 50.00

3. 4.

Bhakti Geetanjali Aushadh Darshan

30.00 30.00

A quaint collection of patriotic songs and Bhajans sang by Swami ji.

5. This book, written by Acharaya Balkrishna describes about Divya medicines and guides to administer dose acording diseases.

Jeevan Darshan


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Throws light on Bharat Swabhiman targets and a torch bearer of our duties to our nation.

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