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Yog Sandesh

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Yog-Natural-Panchakarma Medical and Research Center situated amidst natural beauty at Yog Gram


A research based monthly on Yoga, Ayurveda, Cultural and Spiritual Messages
Published in English, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Oriya, Assamese, Nepali, Kannada and Telugu
Year: 7
Volume: 5
January 2010
Price Rs.15/-
Divya Yog Mandir (Trust), Haridwar
Published By
Most revered Swami Ji has taken the resolution that every person and child
born in this land of sages must be given yoga education. With this pious
mission in his heart Swami Ji has blown the trumpet for yogic, spiritual
and social awareness through organizing yoga camps in the entire country.
Hundreds and thousands of people have attended the yoga camps and
reaped the benefits of good health and have been able to get rid of
serious ailments like diabetes, obesity high blood pressure, heart
problem, constipation, depression, migraine, spondalitis, slip disc,
arthritis, sciatica, backache, gastric problems, piles, ulceretc.
In these yoga camps, simple and in-depth training is imparted for
yogasanas, pranayam, light exercises, meditation, shad karma and
arousing the kundalini through which the participants march
forward on the path of self-realization and lead a peaceful and
happy life.
Revered Swami Ji is creating a pious and energized society by curing the doshas of the body and mind
with yoga, ignorance through Vedic and knowledge, superstition with the medium of teaching
Patanjali Yogpeethhas beenestablishedinorder to give Indiancultural traditions, Vedic knowledge a
scientific approach and make the world disease free. The divine sensitivity has inspired Swami
Ramdev Ji to begin the service of the mankind with yoga devotion. Respected Swami Ji Maharaj
considers this land to be his dwelling; all the men and women living in this world are his family
members. He is living upto the principle of Vasudaiva Kutumbakam. He started organizing yoga
devotion camps in India and now focusing on foreign countries because he believes in service to the
entire mankind. His mission is to make the world disease free. Human beings believe in them to be a
saintly andholy personality next to god, andtoday that personality is none other thanSwami Ramdev
Ji Maharaj.
Yog Sandesh-English
Special trainingcamps schedule only forinvites
1January 2010 to 6 January 2010 : YouthOrganization
8January 2010 to 13 January 2010 : Himachal, JammuandUttarakhand
15January 2010 to 20 January 2010 : Nepal special campforYogteachers.
22January 2010 to 27 January 2010 : Special Womencamp
Venue: Patanjali Yogpeeth, SecondPhase, Haridwar
Note: kindly contact the officer of region or district if you are interested in participating in the camp of
You can contact your local Patanjali health centers to get complete information from the Yog
committee officers of yourdistrict regardingthis.
Editorial 4
Your Experience 6
Walnut: Qualities & Benefits 7
Vandemataram is a Salute of
a Citizen to the Country 10
Gitamrita 11
Natural and Yogic Cure For Joint Pain 14
Precautions BeforeDoing Yogic Exercises 15
Yog and Laughter 17
Snoring is the Enemy of Health 18
Shed Fat and be Healthy 19
Yog and Digestive System 20
Mind and Body Should be Healthy 21
Fasting as Treatment 23
Prevent Cervical Spondalitis 25
Arouse the Dormant Energies to
Attain Happiness 27
Swami Ji is Widening the Scope of
Yog and Indian Culture 28
Natural Cure for Children's Diseases 29
Spring Season is Extremely Enchanting 30
Delusion of Foreign Capital 31
Taitariyapad Upanishad 37
Kaivalyapad 38
Goddess Lakshmi Resides in Cow Dung 39
Vedic Appeal 42
India Traditions Adopted by Americans 43
Only God Aroused in Our Mind is Our
Nation- Swami Vivekananda 45
Various Dimensions of Republic Day Parade 46
Yogic Cure for Parkinson's 47
What is National Spirit 48
Sorrow of Dependence and Longing
of Independence 49
Lala Lajpat Rai 51
Patanjali Health Centers Running With
The Auspices Of Revered Swami
Ramdev Ji Maharaj 52
News Roundup 57
sun. =rr= fq. rrfa. tran.
rrz a r a -a ar =rra
Year : 7 Issue : 5 January 2010
Acharya Balkrishan
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Our body has the power to cure the dis-
eases. That power has to be strengthened in or-
der to relieve the diseases. This is possible through
natural therapy. The body is made up of five ele-
ments, namely, earth, space, water, air and fire.
The person can become healthy and disease free
through the correct combination of these five ele-
ments. Natural therapy is based on this basic sci-
entific principle.
A world level natural therapy center has been es-
tablished at Yog Gram with the objective of making
people completely disease free by using Yog, Ayurved
and natural therapy under the guidance of Yogrishi
Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj. Yog-natural- Panchakarma
medical and research center was inaugurated at Yog
Gram as a part of Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust with the
blessings of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj for the protec-
tion, development and research of ancient Indian health
building systems like Yog and natural therapy. Swami Ji
said that allopathy treats the diseases but not the men-
tal diseases. He said that mental diseases pollute both
the body and society. The mental disease is more harmful
than physical diseases. Swami Ji said that both physical
and mental diseases can be cured through five elements,
namely, earth, space, water, air and fire and it is simple
and easy.
Renowned nature therapist Dr. Nagendra Kumar
Niraj told that natural therapy is very simple and easy.
Regular treatment can cure dreadful diseases. He said
that the Yog-natural therapy Panchakarma therapy re-
search center established at Yog Gram is a unique cen-
ter in the world. Around 76 different types of natural
remedies are available using the five elements along
with Yog and Panchakarma in order to cure serious
diseases. It is world-class center equipped with latest
modern technology.
Shankaracharya Swami Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj
said that Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj is like Hercules
who is flowing the Yog Ganga in the whole world. The
natural therapy system adopted in this natural environ-
ment is simply matchless. An ill person can easily re-
coup his or her health in this wonderful environment.
The establishment of Yog-natural-Panchakarma
medical and research center at Yog Gram is like re-
gaining the lost glory, honor and prestige of India. The
one and only one center having the combination of all
the three treatment systems Yog, Panchakarma and
nature therapy was dedicated to the nation. At a time
when India is incurring an expenditure of around 100
crores rupees every year in the name of health ser-
vices this center is offering medical services to the
weaker sections of the society at very nominal prices.
Traditional and modern medical services have been
excellently combined at Yog Gram. The patients will
have a wonderful experience as well as rejuvenate them-
It has all facilities, a long walking track to get pure
fresh air, separate treatment for women, large hall for
the practice of Yogasana, exercises and narrations.
Nature therapy overcomes health problems and helps
in regaining good health. A person can easily become
disease free if he takes the shelter of nature. Yog Gram
is situated amidst the nature, a person feels happy by
seeing the rivers, mountains and forest.
Not only the diseases are cured but the patients
are also informed various diseases through seminars.
The patient can also increase his awareness about health
and diseases by using the library facility and can also
enjoy healthy food available in the center.
Different curable and incurable diseases like obe-
sity, blood pressure, heart diseases, gout, joint pain, spine
and back ache, arthritis, diabetes, piles, depression, ten-
sion, gastric trouble, colitis, liver and kidney diseases,
ulcer, headache, cancer in initial stage, migraine, insom-
nia, cold, catarrh, allergy, gynecological problems are
cured with Yog and nature therapy without using medi-
Yog Gram has been built on the pattern of simple
and natural life style followed by our sages and seers.
The patients visiting this center start their daily routine
at 4.30 in the morning and finish the day at 9.30 in the
night after noticing health improvement and developing
health conscious attitude.
The natural life style full of new health related stud-
ies is based on the principle of balanced diet, system-
atic life style, systematic thoughts, systematic behavior
and systematic rest and five elements of nature, namely,
fire, air, space, earth and water. The practical, basic,
philosophical and spiritual knowledge of asana,
pranayam, meditation and Ashtang Yog is being used in
order to make the patients disease free.
The patient not only becomes disease free but also
becomes a nature therapist for himself and his family
members. A mission of improving world health is being
carried on at Yog Gram. This huge hi-tech nature cure
ashram can accommodate 525 health care experts and
patients. Modern treatment facilities have been provided
in this ashram built in village theme. It has Rajrishi su-
per deluxe cottage, Muniraj deluxe cottage, Maharshi
special deluxe cottage, Tapasvi semi deluxe cottage,
Virasati ashram cottage. The fees for boarding, lodg-
ing, nature cure, Yog and Shatkarma is different for all
these cottages. The details can be obtained from ad-
ministrative office of Patanjali Yogpeeth or by writing
at yoggram@divyayoga.com or
divyayoga@divyayoga.com. It has a large multiplex,
community hall and dining hall for the purpose of Yog.
Each health room is equipped with colour television,
dressing table, carpet, air-conditioned room and high-
class bathrooms.
Qualified doctors are providing health services in
the departments of hydro therapy, mud therapy, sun
therapy, air therapy, space therapy, Yog, acupuncture,
acupressure, pyramid therapy, magnet therapy,
Pranshakti treatment and Reiki.
Besides, nature therapy is also done through mud
swimming, ozone steam sauna bath, Jal Tarang exter-
nal bath, circular jet massage, Doosh bath, physiotherapy,
gym and body fitness.
Diet is medicine in nature therapy. Grains, fruits,
vegetables and herbs and medicinal plants are being
cultivated using organic farming in large area at Yog
Gram. Cow dung, grass and plants are being used for
the manufacture of compost and vermin compost ma-
One can also enjoy waterfalls, lakes, horse riding,
camel riding, boating and other entertainment at Yog
Gram. There is also a facility for mass consultation,
treatment facility, Panchakarma, research department,
library, herbal products sales.
One can also find the combination of scientific
methods of Yog and meditation along with nature
therapy. The natural treatment method without medi-
cines will leave a lasting impression in the world. The
diseases are being cured through completely scientific
way. Allopathic medicines have side effects but nature
therapy is much better in comparison to allopathic treat-
ment because medicines are not used at all in this treat-
ment. The treatment is done with water, sun, mud, wa-
ter, air, asana, pranayam, massage, fasting, sunrays, and
milk. The treatment is permanent and inexpensive.
One can overcome both curable and incurable dis-
eases through nature therapy at Yog Gram. All you have
to do is to visit the abode of nature and realize as to
how the body made up of five elements can be treated
with the five elements.
Acharya Balkrishna
Respected Swami Ramdev Ji
I am a resident of Bakthiarpur,
Patna in Bihar. I am 57 year old and
weigh 86 kilos. There was 90 per-
cent blockage in two arteries three
years back and two studs have been
fitted through angioplasty. I incurred
huge expenditure but with negligible
benefit. I noticed difficulty in climb-
ing up stairs and walking even 100
meters like before.
I started practicing Yog,
pranayam and exercise under the
supervision of Yog teacher at
Patanjali Yogpeeth. Now I can take
five complete rounds of Patanjali and
my weight has reduced by five ki-
los. I have reaped lot of benefits.
Swami Ji, this has been possible
only with Yog and pranayam. My life
has changed completely. I am thank-
ful to Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Yours sincerely,
Shyam Sunder
Village & PO- Bakhtiarpur, Dist-
Patna, Bihar
M: 09431035434
Respected Swami Ramdev Ji
The medical practitioners use
the symbol R
for writing prescrip-
tion and Horess and Jupiter gods are
remembered. This should be re-
placed with some Indian, cultural and
religious symbol. In this respect
ayurvedic admirer Shri Nihal Ajmera
has proposed the symbol r
for the
doctors and done a commendable
work. Yogacharya Swami Ramdev
Ji Maharaj has also appreciated this
In the letter,
' implies I
am praying lord Dhanvantari for
quick recovery of the patient and
s' means I am prescribing this
If all the doctors write this sym-
bol on the prescriptions with this good
feeling in their minds then they will
win the hearts of the patients as well
as remember lord Dhanvantari ev-
ery time.
Yours sincerely,
Vaidya Natwar Lal Shukla
Vaidya Madan Lal Shrotriya
Dist Vaidya Sabha Bhilwada,
Respected Ramdev Babaji,
I am 56 years old and have
been suffering from asthma for the
last 40 years. I am practicing
pranayam since four years and feel
healthy. I get asthma attacks in be-
tween during winter season. I am
teaching Yog for the last three years
and everybody is reaping the ben-
Yours sincerely
C-4 G/66A,
Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058
Respected Swami Ji Maharaj,
The health awareness mission
that you have started at national level
for the last so many years has a posi-
tive impact on the society. Yog prac-
tice is an ancient tradition of our
country. You have given it interna-
tional recognition and we Indians will
be always indebted and grateful to
you for this noble work.
These days, adulteration is
strengthening its roots in our coun-
try, which is proving dangerous for
the public health. The corrupt trad-
ers are adulterating the edible things
and earning huge profits. They are
involving in serious crime against the
nation and the society. We can see
adulteration in sweets, milk, oil, tur-
meric powder, lentils and other food
items. There are laws to control this
but only laws are not sufficient. The
government should set up special
force or STF in order to control adul-
teration and carry on awareness
programs through non-government
organizations. This nexus should
face social boycott. The youth
should proactive steps in this area.
The nation and society should be
freed from this adulteration because
it is resulting in several serious dis-
I am practicing Yog and
pranayam daily and experiencing
immense happiness. People should
also develop the habit of practicing
Yog and lead a healthy life. I am
inspiring my friends and relatives to
practice Yog because it is not for
any particular sect, community, reli-
gion or caste. It is for the benefit of
mankind. Yog should be included in
the school and college curriculum
because this will improve the future
generations and increase India pride.
Swami Ji you are like a savior for
this pious work and I thank you a
million times.
Yours sincerely,
Mohammed Ashraf Alam Khan
President Sugar cultivators
service committee
Shivpur Shahbajgunj, Padri
Bazaar, Gorakhpur (U.P)
M: 09389513079
-Acharya Balkrishana
Family name : Juglandaceae
Latin name : Juglans regia Linn.
Sanskrit : Akshot, Akshod
Hindi : Akhrot
Gujarati : Akhrod, Akhod
Marathi : Akhrod, Akrod
Bengali : Aakhrot, Akot, Aakrot
Telugu : Aksholam
Persian : Gouj, Girdga
Arabian : Jouj
The walnut tree is very beautiful and fragrant, which
is of two types, namely, wild walnut and cultivated
walnut. The wild walnut tree grows up to a height of
100 to 200 feet, grows by itself and the skin of the fruit
is very thick. The cultivated walnut tree grows up to a
height of 40 to 90 feet and the skin of the fruit is very
thin. It is used for making parts of gun.
External form:
The back sides of the new branches are velvety;
the trunk is grayish in color and has cracks in oblong
direction. The tree is full of leaves, texture is fiber like,
and the leaves are three to eight inches long, two to
four inches wide, oval with stripes. The flowers are
greenish in color; the fruits are round in shape with two
yellow spots. The skin of the fruit is leather like and
fragrant. The seed is one to one and half inch long with
two halves. The walnut look likes human brain and is
divided into two halves. The walnut consists of oil. The
flowers blossom in spring and fruits appear in the
summer season.
Chemical composition:
Walnut has around 40 to 45 percent oil. Besides it
also consists of Jugulated acid and resin etc. The fruits
consist of oxalic acid.
It overcomes vata, increases kapha and pitta; it is
oily, strengthening, and dry and heals wounds. Its lep is
used for healing boils, patches and swelling. All parts of
a walnut except the oil and walnut kernel are laxative.
Medicinal use:
Mental weakness: Take 25 to 50 gm of walnut daily
to strengthen the brain.
Massage the body with walnut oil and take
fomentation with quath made with vata removing
medicines for relief.
Grind walnut kernel with Nirgundi juice and take
nasya and apply in eyes for relief.
Burn two walnuts and three Harad; grind the
bhasma in four black pepper seeds. Apply it in eyes to
improve eyesight.
Drink 40 to 60 gm of its leaf quath and wash the
goiter with this quath for healing it.
Dental problems:
1. Keep its chaal in mouth and chew to clean the teeth.
2. Brush the teeth with walnut skin bhasma to
strengthen the teeth.
Breast milk:
Grind one gram wheat semolina and ten gram
walnut leaves. Mix them with clarified butter made with
cow milk and prepare pooris. Eat it for seven days
regularly in order to increase breast milk.
Roast walnut kernel and chew it for relief.
Burn the walnut along with the skin and lick five
gram bhasma with honey for relief.
In case of stiffness and cramps in body due to
cold in cholera or when the patient experiences severe
cramps, massage the body with walnut oil for relief.
Loose motions:
Take 20 to 40 gm walnut oil with 250 gm milk daily
in the morning for easy bowel movement.
Stomach worms:
1. Drink 60 t0 80 gm of walnut chaal quath to destroy
stomach worms.
2. Drink 40 to 60 gm walnut leaves quath to kill stomach
1. Apply the walnut oil in the rectum in case the
hemorrhoids are caused due to vata. This reduces
swelling and overcomes pain.
2. Drink two to three grams of the walnut skin bhasma
with some ant clotting medicines to control bleeding.
Menstrual problems:
1. In case of obstruction in menstrual bleeding, take 40
to 60 gram of quath made with its skin and mix with
two spoons of honey. Take it three to four times
daily for relief.
2. Boil 10 to 20 gm walnut skin in one liter water till it
reduces to one-eighth quantity. Drink it twice daily
for easy bowel movement.
Discharge of vital humors through urine:
Grind 50 gm of walnut kernel, 40 gm dry dates and
10 gm Binola kernel. Roast in little bit of clarified butter
and mix equal quantity of sugar candy. Take 25 gm
daily in the morning to control discharge of vital humors
from the body. Do not drink milk over it.
Seminal problems:
Prepare bhasma with walnut skin and add equal
amount of unrefined sugar. Take 10 gm with water for
10 days regularly to stop discharge of semen or vital
Grind 10 to 20 gm fresh walnut kernel and apply
on painful area, heat one brick and sprinkle water on it.
Wrap it with cloth and give fomentation on painful are
to relieve pain. Eat walnut daily to purify blood and
overcome gout.
1. Mix 10 to 40 gm walnut oil in 250 gm cow urine and
drink to relieve body pain.
2. In case of pain caused due to vata, grind 10 to 20 gm
walnut in fermented mustard water and apply the
lep on painful area for relief.
For strength in old age:
Eat 10 gm walnut with equal amount of dry raisin
daily for benefit.
Chew five to 10 walnuts without brushing the teeth
and use this as lep on eczema patches for relief.
Healing wounds
Grind 10 gm walnut with wax or mustard oil and
Excessive mental work, worries, sorrow, un-
happiness, excessive intake of alcoholic drinks, wak-
ing up till late hours, studying till late night, indigestion,
excess or low blood circulation in brain are the rea-
sons for giddiness. Besides these, giddiness is also
caused due to gout, windy complaints, malaria, fever,
menopause, stomach upset, constipation, acidity, di-
gestive fire, and other problems.
In this disease, the patient suffers from sudden
giddiness and falls down. The body appears to be
swinging and there is darkness in front of eyes. The
patient feels as if everything is rotating around him
and complains of restlessness. The ears become numb
and body becomes weak.
Natural cure:
Mix 10 gm dry ginger, 20 gm clarified butter and
25 gm unrefined sugar and take in two doses. This
cures giddiness.
Put four to five dry raisins in milk and drink to
overcome this problem.
Apply turmeric or sandal lep on forehead to stop
Drink hot water with lemon juice if giddiness is
due to gastric trouble or acidity.
Yog practice:
Yog increase vital life energy. It improves diges-
tion process and the food is absorbed in the body.
In case of giddiness practice Vajrasana,
Pavanmuktasana, Uttanapadasana, Sarvangasana,
Bhujangasana, Yogmudrasana, Tadasana etc. regu-
larly for benefit.
Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, nadishodhan, Ujjayi and
other pranayam increase internal strength.
Most of the people complain of giddiness in sum-
mer season. This is caused due to consumption of
sour or bitter things, bad smell spread through air,
accumulation of litter and garbage near house, eat-
ing stale food, eating rotten fruits, foul air in stom-
ach, heat due to fever, giddiness etc.
The patient complains of vomiting along with stom-
achache and belches. The foul air does not get
excreted. The patient feels restless and uncom-
fortable. There is lot of sweating on forehead and
loses thirst and appetite.
Medicinal treatment:
Add a little bit of salt in spoonful onion juice and
drink. Drink lemon juice to control discomfort.
Sprinkle black salt and black pepper powder on
lemon piece and suck it.
Add little bit of black salt and black pepper pow-
der in four spoons of tomato juice and drink for
apply the lep for healing the wounds.
wash the wounds with quath made with its chaal
for relief.
Navel wounds:
1. Grind walnut with water and heat it on flame. Apply
the lep on the navel wounds and tie bandage over it.
Give fomentation to heal the wound. The wound heals
within 10-15 days and cures.
2. Grind walnut chaal with water and apply lukewarm
on navel wound for relief.
Eat 20 to 30 gm of walnut to relieve the effect of
opium poison and other such drugs.
-Rameshwar Sharma Ramubhaiya
Meaning: The poet says that those who
have taken birth in this land they should
bow down in front of motherland. The
mother blesses people of all religions in
equal manner and gives good fruits, water.
We have the duty to sing in its honor and
this feeling can be noticed in this slogan as
The poet is saying to look into its nights
glittering with moonlight, the waterfalls,
the greenery, the trees and the nature. We
have to understand our relations with the
motherland. Its salt, its air is filled in our
body. This feeling is expressed in this slo-
Yogrishi Swami Ramdev believes that Vandemataram is not a prayer
but a salute of a true patriotic citizen to the nation. Vandemataram liter-
ally means, salute to the mother.
Swami Ji says that a citizen chants it by believing that his country is
everything for him and takes the vow to sacrifice everything for the sake
of the country. He expresses love towards his nation by chanting this
and feels proud.
Vandemataram was chanted by both Hindus and Muslims during
Indian freedom struggle as a slogan. They fulfilled the dreams of mar-
tyrs and released motherland from the clutches of British rule. It does
not involve idol worship.
Our motherland is beautiful, we are its
children and we have a deep relation with
it. Mother India is not the name of a stone,
Vandemataram is a tribute, and it is not
prayer. The poet is requesting not to throw
back the boat in storm once again. (Not to
throw back independence)
The poet expresses that Vandemataram is
not an attack on any religion and there is
no need to force anybody to chant it. It is
not a sect or caste. It is the sound of the
conch shell blown by our freedom fighters.
It is a sound of freedom, a blessing of sages
and seers, and one should teach the chil-
dren from childhood. He says that our rec-
ognition is hidden in its recognition.
Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj
has narrated Gita in the form of Gitamrita.
We are publishing this narration by Swami
Ji for the readers of Yog Sandesh.
=-af trr -atrr ffrat.
. =rr =rrrrrnfrrr+e
rrr tnrr=. frr=rzt nrrtr.
ru rr ftrr =r-frrtrfa.+z
r rrr =rr. frta
=r+rr nrrrr. rrz=rrn. r r+s
= rrrrrr ratrrrrr zrf rta
+rr frt anr r+v
=r ftrar-rr ratrrr-f.
-r rrn=rra =ur rz.zo
zrrtrr ar rfnnrr nrta
Arjuna Says:
=r=+rrn tr trr n:-az+
rarf-tt+r:r rqrnrftrar
nr =r rqnftn-tr=nunzz
r-tnrr+r:r qa:r =nrnar.
ratrrt qq fftrr.zs
(16-19) King Yudhishtar, Anantvijay, Nakul and
Sahdev, Sughosh, great warrior Kashiraj, Shikhandi,
Drishtadumnya, Satyaki, Drupad, all the five sons of
Draupadi, Abhimanyu, son of Subhadra, also blew their
conch shells. The sound was echoing in the sky and
spread at far distances. The sound disturbed the
(20-23) Later Arjuna saw the army of Kaurava.
When he saw that time for mutual fight has come, he
said to lord Krishna, Oh Lord! Take my chariot in
between both the armies so that I can see the people
standing in this war with the aim of fighting and I can
also see that who all are the dear ones who have gathered
here to fight. (the flag on Arjunas chariot
had an impression of Hanuman and
hence it was also known as Kapidhwaj).
Sanjay Says:
qn-rr zrrtrrr nzrrr +rrta
= r =+rr n trrf-r trr -rnn z+
24: Sanjay said, Hey Dhritarashtra! Lord
Krishna heard these words from Arjuna who
won over his lethargy and placed the chariot between
both the armies.
+rtrnrrn=ra. =rrr nrtf+rarn
sr rr rar-=nar-=ffazs
arrrfttrar-rr. far farnrr
rrtr-=zr =r=+rrtf
ar-=nt+ = r-a. =r--ftrarzz
r trfrr frrtf-nta
Arjuna Says:
rn t rr -= =nftranzs
=tf-a nn nrrrfr n=r ftrrrfa
r rrttt n trnrrrr razv
nrzt n=a rtar- ftna
rrarrtrra +rnat n n.so
ffn-rrf rrfn fttarf rr
vr:rrfn r-r tnrrs+
(25-27) Krishna said to Arjuna in the presence of
Bhishma, Dronacharya and other kings. Hey Arjuna!
Look at all the Kauravas who have gathered here for
war. Arjuna saw that the old, acharyas, uncle,
grandmother, brother, son, grandparents, friends, father-
in-law and dear ones are in both the armies. He saw
that all the people gathered here are our relatives and
he had to fight them. He was extremely sad and
disheartened. He said with a sad voice:
(28-31) Arjuna said, Hey Krishna! My body is
-Swami Ramdev
becoming cold on seeing the dear ones who have
gathered here for war, I am shivering, my bow is falling
down from my hands, and my whole body is burning. I
am not able to stand, my mind is wandering, and I am
feeling giddy. All the things are appearing to be adverse.
What should I do? I do not see any welfare in killing all
my close and dear ones.
rz+r f rr tr ==rrf
f r tr nrf- f +rrntfa rsz
rrrnr rzf+ra r tr +rrnr. ==rrf
a ;n:ftrar q rrrt--r rf ss
nrar. rrtr. rrr. rrr. =rf-tarrs+
qar- r-afn-rfn rar:f n=
=f rrtrt rar. f nrtass
fr- ratrrr-. r tfa. trr
rnrvtnr r-arraarf.se
atnr-rrr r-a ratrrr-tr-r
t fr r r-r =f=r. trn nrsz
(32-37) Hey Krishna! I do neither have the desire
to win nor aim to get kingdom and happiness. Hey
Govind! I do not have the desire to enjoy riches or to
live. All those for whom the riches were desired have
sacrificed the desire for life and wealth and standing
here to fight. Our gurus, elderly people, grandfather,
uncle, father-in-law, son, grandchildren are all standing
to kill us, but I do not desire to kill these people even for
the three worlds then what do we talk about this
kingdom? How will we benefit by killing these Kauravas.
We will face the curse of murdering our own dear and
close ones. Therefore, it is not correct to kill our relatives
Kauravas. Hey Madhav! How will we attain happiness
by killing our relatives?
According to classics, there are six types of
criminals. They are, those who come to burn the house,
those who give poison, those who kill with weapons,
those who rob wealth, those who kill women, those who
destroy fields. According to Vashisht Smriti (3-16) and
Manu Smriti (8-350-351) there is no sin in killing such
type of people.
uta rf-a r+rrraa=.
+ra rrr fnrrr ranss
r antnrf+r. rrtnrf-faan
+ra rrr rf+rrsv
+r rrf-a nr. =rar.
n r -nnnr:f+r+r-a+o
(38-40) those who lose their mind due to greed do
not see any sin in destroying the family or deceiving
friends. But, I can see that destroying a family is a big
sin. Therefore, Hey Janardan! How can my mind be
free from this point? Should we also become sinners
along with sinners. The ancient family values also get
destroyed when family is destroyed. When family values
are destroyed the family comes under the shadow of
=nrf+r+rr-rr rf-a ftr.
trtrr rr= rrr ra r=zt.++
=ztr tr rrr t
af-a fatr nrrr tafzrfar.+z
rrrta. rrr r=ztrt.
s-=ru-a rfanr. nrr rrrrar.+s
s-=-nrrr nrrrr r
t:fa r=r +rat-rrvn++
=rr a nr-r a f=ar n
r==rr+r r-a tnuar.+s
f nrnatrtnrrn rrnrr.
ratrrr tr r-ta-n +rnat +ra+e
=~ -|-
qn-r. =z= trrtr srfrra
f= =rrt r rrr=fnr=.+z
(40-45) Hey Krishna! The women deviate from their
path and become corrupt when irreligion increases in
the family. When women become corrupt the progeny
also becomes corrupt and loses its character. When the
future generations lose their character, the family goes
to hell and their ancestors become defamed. When
ancient traditions and rituals get vanished, the elders go
to hell. Corruption in family leads to destruction of family
and caste and those who lose their family values live in
hell. Hey Krishna!, we have been hearing like this.
(45-46) Just see! We are getting inspired by greed
and are planning to kill our close ones through war.
Instead of this it would have been better if I had
surrendered weapons and stop thinking about the
destruction of Kauravas and if they these Kaurava's
kill me in the battlefield.
47) Sanjay said, Hey Dhritarashtra! Arjuna said
these words and put down his weapons, bow and arrow,
he became sad and went and sat in his chariot. (as per
the tradition the charioteer was supposed to stand and
fight the war). It was a clear indication for shri Krishna
that Arjuna who was attached to his relatives was in
deep grief with the possibility of losing his dear ones
and has deviated from war.
This conversation between Krishna and Arjuna took
place in the battle field of Kurukshetra, where the armies
of Kaurava and Pandavas were standing in front of
each other. The Pandavas were forced to decide to
fight against Kauravas in order to protect their self
respect with the aim of taking revenge against the
atrocities of Kauravas, to protect their rights, and when
all their proposals to convince Kauravas failed so much
so that Duryodhana refuses the proposal of shri Krishna
to give five villages to Pandavas and says that they
would not give even a piece of land equal to a needle.
Kauravas troubled the Pandavas to a great extent,
Pandavas faced lot of atrocities, and were deprived of
their rights. King Dhritarashtra encouraged the wrong
deeds of his son , Duryodhana due to attachment. These
facts are described in the Mahabharata. The decision
of Pandavas to fight a war against Kauravas with
respect to all these incidents is a justifiable decision with
the purpose of protecting their self respect and identity.
Arjuna falls into the trap of attachment in the
battlefield that he will use weapons and kill those
relatives, friends and dear ones to whom he was so
close, he had grown up in the laps of Bhishma, he had
learnt the usage of weapons from his gurus, and other
relatives. He was thinking all these things and did not
want to live, no matter Kauravas would find him alone
without weapon and kill him. He became confused and
disillusioned with the myths of sins-virtues, dutifulness-
non dutifulness, hell-heaven. He surrenders his weapons
and decides not to fight the war.
This world is full of struggle. The man has to struggle
at every step, the man has to protect his own rights and
also fulfill his duties towards the society, nation and entire
mankind. Man is the most superior creature of this earth.
Other creatures only enjoy and satisfy themselves, they
are forced to lead their lives as per the facilities provided
by the nature. But it is not true with respect to man.
Man is a thoughtful creature, he is free to work and is
dependent on mental condition. He has special
responsibilities being a supreme social animal. He can
improve his life and become happy, at the same time he
can fall down to a very level and make his life a hell,
where he will find only sorrows and troubles.
The man has to create balance between his rights
and responsibilities. Many times he has to choose
between two responsibilities, at that time it becomes
difficult to decide as to which responsibility is more
important. Majority of the people fall into the trap of
attachment and take wrong decision and lose mental
balance. Many times they become confused and foolish,
even a warrior like Arjuna. He had also become
disillusioned and developed affection towards his close
ones. In such a time, the advice of Krishna will alone
help him to take a right decision. Not only Arjuna, Gita
is a philosophy of life for every man, it is the biggest
message to maintain mental balance and perform ones
duties selflessly.
Special thought on background of Gita:
It was clarified in the beginning of this narration
that Gita is the summary of Upanishads, this nectar like
Gita is available for all the people with inquisitiveness
like Arjuna. In olden days, there was a tradition to
present the summary of the book at the end in the form
of a resolution. Here the summary of each chapter of
Gita has been presented with the same theme. The
resolution is> -- =l<l- >in< |<i-|= l-|= nl||
|z||| >i+||-=|<:-l||<|| -|n n||:|
This resolution has been read at the end of the chapter
along with its meaning. For example, the name of second
chapter is Sankhyayog, followed by Karmayog,
Gy a n k a r ma s a n y a s y o g , k a r ma s a n y a s y o g ,
Atmasanyasyog, Atmasanyamyog, Gyanvigyanyog,
Aksharbrahmayog, Rajvidya-Rajguhyayog, Vibhutiyog,
V i s h v a r u p d a r s h a n y o g , B h a k t i y o g ,
Kshetrakshetragyavibhagyog, Gunatravibhagayog,
Gu n a t r a y a v i b h a g a y o g , Pu r o s h a t t a ma y o g ,
De v a s u r s a mp a d v i b h a g a y o g , Bh a k t i y o g ,
Shradhatrayavibhagayog and Mokshasanyasyog. The
mantra '> -- =-' has been explained at the end of
the chapter and should be seen there. The three
important words mifu'-l-|= nl|| |z|||'have
been used after this, it means that this classic is
Upanishad, theological science and an attempt has been
made to open the secrets of Upanishads with Krishna
and Arjuna as characters. Otherwise how is it possible
that where both the armies are standing in front of each
other Shri Krishna and Arjuna will get into such a big
discussion running into 18 chapters.
To be continue...........
Joint pain is caused when acidic
content in the body increases. This
acidic content pollutes the blood. The
polluted material gets stuck in the joints
when windy element increases in the
body, this causes pain and stiffness in
the body. The poisonous content circu-
lates in the whole body due to blood im-
purities and also increases body tem-
perature. There is also swelling in the
joints. The disease spreads in all the
body joints and the patient is unable to
sit, walk, stand and do the daily routine
This disease is caused only due to blood impuri-
ties. The reasons for joint pain are same as those for
respiratory problems. In this case the oxalic acid of acidic
element is produced in higher quantity which leads to
swelling in joints, pain and stiffness. This is the main
reason for this disease.
Natural cure:
Take Triphala churna daily and clear the stomach.
Take spoonful Triphala churna with lukewarm water at
bedtime for smooth bowel movement.
Put 100 gm each of magnesium salt and table salt
in hot water in the bathing tub. Sleep in the bathtub for
30 minutes and massage the whole body and joints with
a thick towel. Place a cold wet towel on the head until
the patient is in the bath tub. Do not pour hot water on
head. If the patient feels hot later then give bath with
cold water and if the patient feels cold then give bath
with hot water. Wipe the body with dry towel and go
inside the room. Let the patient sleep for 30 to 60 min-
utes. Some joint exercises should be done before going
to sleep in order to remove all the accumulations in joints.
If bathtub is not available, then give sauna bath for
ten minutes or put the feet in hot water for ten minutes.
This should be followed by 30 minutes of sunbath and
massage the body under sun with some ayurvedic me-
dicinal oil. Alternately, pour coconut oil in a red coloured
bottle and place it under sun for 20-25 days. This oil is
effective in joint pain. When the body becomes hot un-
der sun, then do some joint exercises. Excellent natural
therapy facility is available at Yog Gram
of Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Yogic cure:
Yogic cure is also a natural
therapy; the patient can practice Kunjal,
Jalneti and Sutraneti and purify his body.
The patient should begin the
practice of Yogasana when the joint pain
and swelling is relieved. Yogasana like
Surya Namaskar, Katichakrasana,
Vajrasana, Makarasana, and
Pavanmuktasana should be practiced
for special benefit.
Yognidra should be practiced
for 30 minutes daily. This will relax the body and
give relief.
Give three minutes hot fomentation followed by two
minutes cold fomentation in case of pain and swell-
ing in knees, wrist, elbow and shoulders. Massage
the joints nicely and do some joint exercises.
Diet and regimen:
The disease should be controlled with dietary re-
strictions. The patient does not get sufficient health
benefit unless proper diet is taken. The food should
contain vitamin A and D in sufficient quantities, but
avoid tomato, spinach vegetable or its juice because
they contain oxalic acid.
Take raw vegetable juice especially carrot, cucum-
ber, round gourd, gourd, ginger and fruit juices like
orange, sweet lime, apple, pomegranate, grapes etc.
this will reduce joint pain, swelling and stiffness within
few days.
Use garlic and ginger in good quantities. Mix half
spoon honey in spoonful garlic juice and take twice
daily to overcome windy problem. Add it in cooked
vegetables also.
Many times, the disease gets aggravated with the
practice of Yog because Yog removes the disease
from the body; it does not just suppress the disease.
There is no need to get panicky. Reduce the treat-
ment or stop it for two to three days. Follow the diet
-Vaidya Shravan Kumar Tripathi
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
Dr. Prof. R. N.Mishra
Yogic exercises are very important for life. They
include Yogasana, pranayam etc. Pranayam can cure
several diseases but it is necessary to understand
pranayam before practicing it.
Pranayam is made with the combination of two
words, Prana + Ayam. Prana means life energy and
Ayam means scope. Therefore, pranayam means the
activity that increases the scope of life energy.
It has four stages:
Poorak filling in air
Kumbhak stopping air inside
Rechak throwing out air
Bahya Kumbhak stopping air outside
There are certain rules for practicing pranayam. If
pranayam is being practiced to overcome any disease
then the following precautions should be kept in mind
otherwise it could be harmful.
Air is extremely pure in morning time. Therefore,
this time is recommended for practicing pranayam.
Practice it on empty stomach. Drink glassful cold or
lukewarm water depending on weather.
Do not practice it when sunlight is bright. There are
chances of getting Vayu, pitta or kapha doshas dur-
ing this time.
Wear loose clothes while practicing it.
Sit on a woolen mat or cotton mattress and practice
pranayam in some meditative pose.
Keep the eyes and mouth closed while practicing
pranayam. Breathe in and breathe out through nose.
Increase the duration of Poorak, Rechak, and Bahya
Kumbhak etc. gradually.
Pranayam can be done in the evening also (sunset
Pranayam should not be done in case of fever, loose
motions, tuberculosis, chest pain, high blood pres-
sure and extreme weakness.
Finish daily chores before doing pranayam.
Do not take solid food or cold water etc. till 30 min-
utes after practicing pranayam.
Do not practice pranayam in case of swelling in
stomach or kidney or wound, which moves those
organs. Otherwise it could cause pain.
Practice pranayam in open air
Pranayam is beneficial for the health, but it should
be practiced in open air instead of closed room. Prac-
ticing pranayam in closed room is not that beneficial
as in open air. Oxygen is available in sufficient quan-
tity outside. The benefits obtained from practice of
pranayam and asana in open air increases as oxy-
gen is obtained in more quantity. If Yogasana and
pranayam are practiced in garden, near plants and
greenery then the benefits increase to a great ex-
Practice Yog to reduce weight
Yog reduces weight. It increases internal strength
and rejuvenates the body. Yog is a sure shot for obe-
Maintain regular daily routine while practicing Yog
and do it with full faith.
Brahmari and Nadishodhan reduce obesity. Simple
Bhastrika and simple Kapalbhati improve metabo-
lism and reduce fat, therefore overweight people
should practice it.
People suffering from over work and stress should
practice Yognidra daily for ten minutes. It is the best
remedy. It gives miraculous benefits if done before
Meditation practiced for 10 to 20 minutes daily helps
in maintaining mental and emotional balance. Stress,
disappointment and sadness increase weight.
People experiencing disappointment or distress, and
those habituated to overeating should follow the path
of karma i.e., work.
Obese people should develop the habit of eating nu-
tritious food chapatti made with whole wheat, sea-
sonal fruits, vegetables, soups, salad etc. in suffi-
cient quantity.
Food should be chewed properly. Maintain fixed time
for meals. There should be an interval of five to six
hours between two meals.
Do not take sweets, sugar, fat, spices, milk and milk
products, products made with refined flour, fried food,
cold drinks etc. in excess quantity.
Practice the following asana along with the above
mentioned precautions, Pavanmuktasana, Vajrasana,
Paschimottasana, Vakrasana, Trikonasana,
Bhujangasana, Tadasana, Dhanurasana, Naukasana
and Surya Namaskara. Repeat each asana five to
seven times but Trikonasana is the best asana out of
Yoga practice is necessary for women also
Today, every woman requires Yog practice. A woman
undergoes lot of physical and mental changes during
her lifetime. Yog can prove very beneficial in overcom-
ing the problems undergone during these changes. It
also proves beneficial in providing good physical and
mental health to the woman.
From childhood to adolescence
Girls undergo mental and physical changes during
adolescence. This period of sudden changes is ideal for
beginning the practice of Yog and pranayam. Yog prac-
tice is like any other sport during childhood and the child
does different types of asana knowingly and unknow-
ingly. But, the child understands the meaning of Yog
only when he grows up. Yog and pranayam prove ben-
eficial in maintaining the strength of girls during men-
strual cycle. During this age, asana should be practiced
that strengthen emotional stability, control mood swings
and regulate menstrual cycle. Yog proves even more
beneficial during the growing up stage, as it strengthens
the muscles and balances the hormones.
Yog practice and pregnancy
Physical and mental health should be improved dur-
ing and after pregnancy. Yog improves the health of the
woman during this period and also helps in overcoming
labor pain and post pregnancy related problems.
Benefits of Yog during pregnancy
Yog can be adopted depending on the changing needs
and abilities of the body. It strengthens the muscles
of the uterus, supports the spine, and helps in toler-
ating the excess pressure of back.
Yog makes the body capable of tolerating many physi-
cal problems arising during pregnancy.
Yog practice after delivery increases oxygen con-
sumption and thereby increases breast milk.
Practicing light yogic exercises after one or two
months of delivery strengthens all the fibers and in-
creases breast milk.
Old age and menopause
Yog practice is especially beneficial during old age
and menopause. Many physical changes and mental
problems are seen between the age of 45 and 55 years
due to hormonal changes. The symptoms include ex-
cessive perspiration, high blood pressure, chest related
problems, headache, obesity and insomnia. The disease
fighting capacity also reduces. The chances of infec-
tion in the body also increases, especially urine infec-
tion. During this age, problems like diabetes, bone de-
generation, anger, stress, restlessness, lack of will power,
lack of self-confidence and dissatisfaction arise in mind.
Regular Yog practice helps in maintaining mental, physi-
cal and emotional health. Padottasana, Suptavajrasana,
Paschimottasana are beneficial in controlling weight,
maintaining hormonal balance during menopause.
Yog practice during old age
Both men and women have to face lot of physical
challenges between middle age and old age. This is true
especially for women. The common problems are bone
degeneration, poor metabolism, improper blood circula-
tion and poor mental abilities.
During this stage, Yog practice helps in controlling
blood circulation and maintains the health of the ner-
vous system, and thereby keeps the body healthy and
fit. Yog controls both physical and mental health during
this period.
Yog removes side effects
Yog can overcome the problems faced by cancer
patients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It im-
proves the disease fighting capacity. Patients also im-
prove their mental health. Central Council for Research
Yog (New Delhi) has found in this study that Yog is
indeed a blessing for human life.
Practice Yog as per physical capacity
Yog practice is useful for the body but it should be
done depending on ones physical capacity. It has a good
impact. Which asana should be practiced for how much
time is best decided by a Yog teacher? Take the advice
of a Yog teacher and follow the precautions before be-
ginning the Yog practice.
Neti is also important
Asana and pranayam are considered to be incom-
plete without netikriya. The objective of Yog is to es-
tablish physical and mental strength, which keeps the
soul, mind and body healthy and cheerful. Yog is con-
sidered to be the basis of spiritual achievements. But,
these achievements are obtained only through the body
only. It is necessary to keep the body active and dis-
ease free. Purification is necessary and that too inter-
nal purification. Shatkarma plays an important role in
this case. Patanjali Yogpeeth has excellent Shatkarma
treatment facilities. Here patients are reaping health
benefits and curing incurable diseases. People are bene
fitting from natural cure at Yog Gram.
-Sitaram Gupt
A person who does not have any
place for amusement in life does not re-
quire any other means to become un-
happy. He remains unhappy always
without any efforts. A smile and a whole hearted laugh-
ter are capable of changing the direction of life. Human
body is like a laboratory, wherein biochemical and electro
magnetic changes take place inside it every moment.
The man feels happy or sad due these changes. Mind
plays a prominent role in this.
The bio chemical composition is affected in our body
due to our psychological condition. Positive thinking has
good impact and negative thinking has bad impact on
the bio chemical composition. Laughter is such a pro-
cess wherein mind has a secondary or negligible role. A
person who laughs reaches the stage of no thought state,
which is stage of meditation.
Here the question arises as to why does laughter
does not have negative impact in no thought state? The
reason is clear, in this stage; we are totally disassoci-
ated from happiness-unhappiness, jealousy-hatred and
other contrary feelings. This stage is the stage of ulti-
mate happiness and hence there is no question of nega-
tive impact. Moreover, laughter is related to happiness.
We laugh when we are happy. This is also due to our
conditioning for the past several ages. Therefore, if we
laugh without any reason then we will attain happiness
naturally and changes are seen in bio chemical compo-
sition in the body depending on the health condition.
Saint Patanjali has defined Yog in the book
Yogsutra. It says rn . f-rf-r ftr.' in other
words controlling conditions of mind is Yog. When we
laugh wholeheartedly and loudly then we are able to
control the playfulness of our mind, though momentary.
The momentary control on the playfulness of mind is an
unmatchable incident for the man and is beneficial for
his health. Laughter is actually instant Yog. The more it
is repeated, the more we reach closer to yogic life.
We follow sequence in Yog practice. We learn to
follow rules and respect observances. Then we prac-
tice different types of Yogasana and pranayam. Later
we pass through the stages of concentration and con-
trolling senses and reach the stage of
meditation. But, a wholehearted laugh-
ter takes us to the stage of meditation
immediately. Laughter is a momentary
incident but its impact is seen on body and mind for 30
to 45 minutes.
Laughter exercises also prove beneficial. Laughing
wholeheartedly also impacts the respiratory process and
Yogasana and pranayam are also practiced with this
process. Laughter burns extra calories and helps in con-
trolling weight. It increases blood circulation in the whole
body and gives nourishment to the muscles, especially
the cheeks. Yog is a complete health building system.
Laughter is no less than any yogic exercise. Therefore
laughter therapy is known as laughter Yog.
A treatment process:
Laughter is a complete exercise, which opens all
the nerves, relieves fatigue and provides freshness to
the body. Laughing whole heartedly is an exercise for
the lungs, throat and mouth. It strengthens the nerves
of stomach and chest. Laughter strengthens the dia-
phragm and helps in the treatment of diseases related
to mouth, throat and lungs. Laughter increases blood
circulation and increases oxygen in blood. This process
increase glow on the face. More a person laughs and
makes others laugh, more the glow on face. More the
absorption of oxygen in body, more the production of
energy. More the energy in body, more the chances of
relieving diseases. In this way, laughter is a healer and
nourishing element and is known as spice of life.
Attainment of spice of life through laughter:
Laughter brings in changes in bio chemical compo-
sition in our body. Laughter reduces the stress causing
hormones like cartisol and epinephrine in the body, which
relieves stress and stress relieving implies good health.
Besides, laughter increases the endorphin hormone,
which is a natural pain killer and builds resistance power.
In other words, laughter increases the secretion of es-
sential hormones in the body, which are important for
our health. Hence, laughter denotes good health and is
a synonym of good health.
-Hetal Behan
Modern science believes that snoring is a symp-
tom of serious diseases. According to the doctors that it
can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes.
Snoring also indicates towards respiratory problem.
According to a research, around 25 percent males
and 9 percent females less than 40 years of age are suf-
fering from this problem and this figure is higher in India.
Not only adults but children also are habituated to snor-
ing. But the reasons for snoring in children are different.
It is mainly due to tonsils as the respiratory pipe is blocked
behind the tongue. Obesity is also one of the reasons for
snoring among children and adults.
Blockage of respiratory pipe is also one of the main
reasons for snoring. It is caused when fat gets accumu-
lated in throat due to overweight. The muscles shrink.
Snoring can also be due to throat infection. Snoring is
caused when breathe gets blocked in narrow respiratory
pipes. Weak throat and jaw related problems are some
of the other reasons.
Respiration can be blocked in throat or nose. The nose
problem can be overcome with nose strip. It opens blocked
nose, which overcomes snoring. If snoring is due to throat
problem then consult the doctor for treatment. Many other
serious problems can be caused if this prevails for long
Respiration is blocked completely in sleep in case of
sleep apnea. This disturbs the sleep. If this persists for
more than ten seconds then it should be taken seriously.
Many times it happens when we sleep during daytime,
which remains unknown.
Harmfull Efffects:
Ignoring snoring problem could lead to several dan-
gerous diseases because the body does not get suffi-
cient quantity of oxygen due to snoring. There is ex-
tra pressure on the body and also affects the metabo-
lism. It affects the surface of arteries and leads to
high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes and other
problems like strokes.
Loud snoring is a very dangerous because the
chances of heart attack increases when compared to
those who do normal snoring.
Those who do normal snoring do not have the risk of
heart disease. It is said that snoring stops in men after
70 years of age.
Snoring has negative effect on sexual life as well.
Snoring indicates poor sleep pattern and those who
do not sleep properly do not enjoy sex.
Yog practice
Yog can cure this problem completely. Practice
Bhastrika pranayam to overcome nose related prob-
Practice Kapalbhati pranayam also.
Nadishodhan pranayam and Ujjayi pranayam should
also be practiced.
Practice Ujjayi pranayam regularly for five minutes.
Sitkari pranayam should also be done.
Dwichakrikasana, Padvrittasana, Ardhahalsana should
be practiced regularly in order to reduce weight.
These asanas remove unwanted fat and overcome
the disease.
Pour a few drops of mustard oil in nose. This cleans
the nose and does not get blocked and maintains heart
beat rate.
Yognidra should be practiced for 30 minutes. This re-
laxes the body and helps in enjoying sound sleep.
The food consumed should be free of kapha and fat.
This will help in maintaining weight.
Practice the above mentioned Yogasana under the
supervision of a qualified Yog teacher only.
According to a research, around 25 percent males and 9 percent
females less than 40 years of age are suffering from this problem
and this figure is higher in India.
R. D. Dubey
Today everybody is very alert
with respect to their weight, but it is
not enough only to be alert. We eat
as per our choice. We are only con-
cerned about taste but not about
health. This is the reason that today
majority of the women are suffering
from weight problem. One of the rea-
sons for increasing weight is improper
functioning of pineal gland and thy-
roid gland. Pineal gland is pea sized
gland situated in the hind part of the
head just below the brain. Thyroid
gland is situated in the throat.
Proper functioning of pineal gland
ensures proper growth of all parts of
the body and controls weight. Its main
functions are prevention of diseases,
development of reproductive organs
and maintaining the health of the
nerves. Proper functioning of thyroid
gland ensures equilibrium in chemi-
cal processes. It increases digestive
juices. It increases height along with
sexual potency. It improves digestive
fire and controls fat accumulated in
the body.
Overweight is also due to heredi-
tary reasons. If the parents are over-
weight, the children also become
overweight. Functioning of glands is
one of the reasons. Besides, tendency
to overeat, liking for sweets, lethar-
gic nature, lack of exercise, exces-
sive sleeping, lack of physical labor
etc. are also some of the reasons for
The blood is produced in less
quantity in obese people and excess
fat gets accumulated in the body. This
obstructs blood circulation and re-
duces body flexibility. The respiration
becomes fats, and the lungs are not
fully active. The blood becomes im-
pure and excess fat also obstructs the
nervous system. Obese people also
have low intelligence. Three things are
necessary in order to reduce weight,
they are diet restrictions, Yogasana
and body massage.
Yogic exercises
Regular practice of Yogasana is a
good remedy. Yogasana and exercise
are beneficial in reducing weight.
Yogic exercises activate the glands;
this prevents accumulation of fat in
the body and burn slowly.
Simple exercises
Brisk morning walk, breathing
from nose (after closing mouth), light
jogging are included in light exercises.
This can be practiced by people of all
ages and reap the ben-
efits. Include revered
Swami Ramdev Ji
Maharajs yogic jog-
ging in your daily rou-
Yogasana: Prac-
tice Surya Namaskar,
Kamarchakrasana, Vajrasana,
Ushtrasana, Shalabhasana,
Naukasana, Sarpasana, Makarasana,
H a s t a p a d d o t a s a n a ,
Pavanmuktasana. Add Halasana and
Sarvangasana after few days. Both
these asanas improve the function-
ing of pineal and thyroid glands.
Massage: Massage the whole
body with water using small towel
daily while taking bath for 10-15 min-
utes. Massage the areas with wet
towel which have excess fat. Dip the
towel in lukewarm water and mas-
sage the body during winters. Use cold
water during summers. Take bath
after massage. This has two advan-
tages it removes dirt from the body
and balances blood circulation.
Dry massage should be done dur-
ing evening. Massage the fatty area.
Lie down on a mat on stomach. Ask
another person to give gentle taps on
the whole body. Light punches are
also beneficial. Press the flesh and
rub it. Fat starts reducing and burn-
ing with water and dry massage.
Dip feet in hot water and take
sauna bath twice a week. This causes
perspiration and reduces weight. Rub
the body nicely and take bath imme-
Regular exercise, massage and
sauna bath reduces fat. This reduces
appetite also. Fat becomes your diet
and starts eating itself. It means the
fat is consumed in the body. Balanced
diet along with this helps in control-
ling weight.
Eat raw vegetables, vegetable
juices like spinach, carrot, gourd, and
cucumber, round gourd etc., fruits and
fruit juices like orange, sweet lime
etc., vegetable soups for benefit.
Eat one or two chapattis made
with vegetable mixed flour and
skimmed milk boiled with small car-
damom and ginger.
Take lemon juice twice or thrice
daily. Take lukewarm lemon juice
mixed with honey during winter sea-
son. Take diet in consultation with a
qualified Yog teacher or doctor.
Dr. Vipul Bhatt
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
Small ailments keep on occurring in our
body. We take medicines in case of some
diseases but we neglect some diseases. It
is true that medicines give relief but if we
do not pay attention on eating habits and
follow diet pattern then these diseases
spread inside the body. The body organs be-
come weak and they become incapable of re-
moving physical disorders. As a result, the disease
becomes incurable with growing age. The nervous sys-
tem becomes inactive. The disease becomes incurable
over a period of time. In such condition, the medicines do
not have any impact on the health of the patient. Only
yogic exercises and natural cure give relief to the pa-
tient. If life energy is present in the body organs of the
patient, he has some capacity to work then Yog can defi-
nitely give health benefit to the patient.
Chronic Colitis:
In this case, there is swelling in the phlegmatic mem-
brane of the large intestine. The disease spreads to the
lower part of large intestine if neglected in initial stages.
As a result, wounds are formed internally in many cases.
Blood and mucous come out with faecal matter. This is a
serious condition.
Why does it happen?
It is disease of the digestive system and hence unsys-
tematic eating habit is the main reason. The food that we
eat should contain sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins
and fat. If protein and fat continues to be high in the food
then the intestine has to work hard in order to digest that
food. This weakens the digestive system. As a result, the
patient complains of either constipation or frequent loose
motions. Excessive intake of medicines causes swelling
in the large intestine.
According to some doctors, this disease is caused due
to a special type of virus. It is known as Manolia Silosis.
The symptoms of this disease are:
Blood along with mucous coming out from rectum,
burning sensation in anus, deterioration in patients health.
Symptoms like stress, restlessness, lethargy are seen in
the patient.
According to Yog experts, the one and only one treat-
ment for this disease is Yog and proper diet. The patient
should also have patience and will power. Patient should
be given buttermilk or honey mixed enema. Boil pome-
granate skin and give this enema to patient for relief.
Take two to three grams of pomegranate skin pow-
der twice daily with fresh water for relief.
Give hot fomentation on stomach for
five minutes, place cold bandage on the
stomach whole night. Remove the ban-
dage the next morning.
Continue hot and cold fomentation.
Sunbath is beneficial. Massage the whole
body except the stomach. Give light massage on
the stomach in the meanwhile.
Yog treatment: Yognidra is a sure shot in this dis-
ease. Fill three-fourth of a green colored glass bottle with
water. Keep the bottle under sun. Give this water to the
patient the next day. This reduces swelling of the intes-
Regular practice of Vajrasana, Bhujangasana,
Makarasana, Pavanmuktasana, Kapalbhati, Agnisar,
Paschimottasana, Hastapadottasana are beneficial.
Diet and regimen:
Keep three days fast. Use water from green colored
bottle and boiled water kept in bronze container for
Drink sufficient amount of coconut water.
Vegetable soup, pomegranate, apple and wood apple
juice should be taken for a few days.
Diluted curd, ripe banana, and wood apple powder,
thin cottage cheese is also beneficial.
Eat kichdi with curd for a few days. Drink buttermilk.
Eat vegetable made with raw banana.
Curd set with soybean milk is especially beneficial.
Restrictions: Avoid consumption of biscuits, food
items made with refined flour, coffee, and tea. Avoid ciga-
rette, alcohol, spices, cold drinks, cakes, sugar and chut-
Practice only those exercises that are suitable to your
body. Take ten gram of Isabgol dust with cold water.
Alternately, soak it in water overnight. Take it on empty
stomach the next morning. Use this remedy regularly
for few days to overcome burning sensation and
Take equal quantities of Isabgol and Triphala churna
(around three to five gram) with hot water at bedtime
to reduce swelling of the intestine. It clears the stom-
ach and overcomes all the problems of intestine and
pitta related problems. It is a very effective and harm-
less remedy.
-Dinanath Jhunjhunwala
Mind and body cannot be separated. Mind re-
sides in the body. If body becomes diseased then mind
also becomes diseased. If body is healthy but mind is
not healthy then body has no use. This condition is seen
only in case of unconsciousness, when body is alive
and heart beat also continues. But it is useless. The
body is like a dead body. Therefore, body is important
only if mind is working. If body loses its existence, mind
will also become inexistent. Therefore our classics have
rightly said that man is existing only because of mind,
the reason is the relation of mind and salvation. For
instance, the lock opens and closes with the same key.
Our learned people also say that both mind and body
are one. Our body is the bigger form of our mind and
our mind is the minute form of our body. Our body has
different requirements; similarly our mind also has dif-
ferent requirements. Our body also functions as per
our mind. Our eyes see a particular thing but our mind
is somewhere else, then it should be understood that
the eyes are not able to see clearly. Similarly, we are
hearing something but mind is not with it. So in one
way, it has been unheard in spite of being heard.
Therefore, every work performed by a sensory or-
gan should be accompanied with the mind; else the work
of sensory organs remains incomplete. Now we will
know about the body requirements.
The body needs food, clothes and a house to live.
The body needs different things in order to keep it ac-
tive and healthy. Wealth, education, abilities, occupa-
tion, business, farming etc. are required in order to keep
the body active. Our body requires not one but thou-
sands of such requirements in order to keep it active
and useful. In the same way, morning walk, Yog prac-
tice, proper eating habits are required in order to keep it
There are two important factors with respect to con-
trolled eating habits, one is to eat less than requirement
so that the food is easily digested and unwanted things
like betel leaf, pan masala, cigarette, alcohol, arcanut,
and other drugs are restricted. The fourth requirement
of the body is positive thinking. This means, not to think
bad about others, not to indulge in wrong actions and be
cheerful in mind.
These actions, positive thinking and cheerfulness are
related to mind but mind does not see. The thoughts in
our mind are seen through the medium of body only.
We can misuse our body also, for instance indulging in
wrong activities like stealing, dacoity, begging etc. in
other words, use and misuse of anything depends on
our mental tendency. Therefore, mind manages our ac-
tions. The bodily actions are dependent on mental ten-
dencies. We have analyzed the methods to keep the
body healthy but now we have to think about keeping
the mind also healthy so that positive thoughts develop
in the mind and negative thoughts are removed. Mind
should be involved in reading good literature and reli-
gious texts. Habit of listening to good stories should be
developed along with the habit of living in good com-
pany. It has been said, ==nr rrr-nrr +rf-a' it means
good and bad thoughts develop depending on the good
and bad company.
We are aware of physical diseases, for instance cold,
fever, diarrhea, diabetes, blood pressure, cancer etc. in
the same way mental diseases are lust, anger, greed,
attachment, jealousy, hatred love etc. physical diseases
are cured in hospitals through allopathy, Ayurved, ho-
meopathy etc. But, mental diseases can be overcome
with good company, reading good literature, fulfilling
duties and responsibilities. The principle of three mon-
keys of Gandhiji should be followed do not see bad,
do not listen bad, do not speak bad.
All these actions will keep away mental diseases.
One more important thing to be remembered in this re-
gard is that, the theologists, saints, great personalities,
scientists, politician, businessmen, entrepreneurs, kings,
poppers, poor, rich also have the same mind and body.
But, there is lot of difference between two individuals
that is unimaginable. On one side there is a king, on the
other side there is a popper. On one side there is a sage
and an ascetic and on the other side there is a lustful
person. On one side there is a dutiful person and on the
other side there is a lazy and inefficient person.
We have also seen that a person born in a kings
family can become a popper and vice versa. Why does
it happen? The reason is that people have started be-
lieving in fate. They are not aware that one can change
ones fate with good deeds. Fate is also the result of our
deeds. Fate is the result of that action which we did not
get. The reason being that we are independent in doing
our work but dependent on getting results. All the ener-
gies of the existence accumulate together and give re-
sults on the basis of our actions. It is the energies of the
existence that decide as to when we will get the result
of a particular work, how much, in which form.
Therefore, we are dependent on getting our results.
It means, king and popper, rich and poor have got the
same mind and body but the result of work will depend
on the way the mind and body have been utilized. Good
results will be obtained if good use has been made, bad
results will be obtained if bad use has been made. When
we do wrong deeds we spoil our own wealth and health.
God has given us healthy and beautiful body, which we
turn into ugly and diseased body due to our deeds. Our
body and mind become polluted due to unhealthy thoughts
and bad company.
If we want to lead a healthy and happy life and at-
tain spiritual progress then it is necessary to have proper
knowledge of mental science. Majority of the physical
diseases are generated from mind. This should always
be remembered. A true ascetic might be living without
food, house but he is always happy and strong. The
reason is that he possesses internal strength. On the
other hand, a lustful person has lot of wealth, house and
all the things of comfort. But he is sad and diseased.
The reason is that he did not use his mind and body
properly. Our daily routine should be balanced. Exces-
sive physical labor and mental stress should be avoided.
Excess of anything is bad, it means the body should not
be habituated to too much comforts or too much labor.
Our energy is lost due to worries. We feel sad about
past, attached towards the present and afraid of future.
We become worried due to the fear of future. Fear is
imaginative, for example, if the child does not come
back from school on time, we start worrying about some
mishappening. When the child comes back, this worry
is overcome but some other worry starts. Majority of
the worries are imaginative. The worries make the body
hollow just like the wood that becomes hollow due to
termite. Worries make us diseased; diseases like blood
pressure and diabetes are due to worries. We have to
change our worries into thinking. Worry is also a men-
tal disease but it becomes a physical disease. There-
fore it should be avoided. Mind and body are related
hence any physical problem has impact on mind. Simi-
larly any mental problem has an impact on body. If we
are sad, we do not feel hungry, we will feel weakness,
body will become inactive, we lose concentration and
dedication in work. In the same way, if there is pain in
any part of the body then we are unable to think and
focus. Therefore, a healthy person is one who has
healthy body and mind. The mind should be free of nega-
tive thoughts and body should be free of diseases.
Psychologists believe that the reason for diseases is
more of mental problems than physical problem. They
believe that emotions like anger, hatred, lust, revenge
lead to accumulation of poison in blood that result in
different diseases. If there is any negative feeling in
mind, like fear, sorrow then it has impact on cells through
the nerves. The cells become weak and working ca-
pacity reduces. Very few people realize that feelings
like hatred, jealousy, anger, impatience cause more harm
to self than to others. The amount of energy spent in
ten minutes of anger is more than the energy spent for
ploughing in the field for two days. Premature graying
of hair is seen due to insensitiveness, impatience and
worry. What is mind after all? It is a secretive minute
strength. It is the expression of internal strength. It is a
group of lustful thoughts and imaginations. It gives birth
to this world and destroys it. It is made of three quali-
ties piousness, passion and anger. When pious nature
is dominant then we experience good health and peace
of mind. When passion is dominant then we experience
wavering mind, confusion and restlessness. When an-
ger is dominant in our nature then we experience leth-
argy. It should be remembered that lethargy is the grave
in which all the good qualities are buried. It is neces-
sary to live in the company of good people in order to
purify the mind. It is necessary to develop calmness,
faith, truth, love, sympathy, courage, respect, happiness,
self confidence within us. Only then we can attain hap-
piness, peace of mind and harmony. Mind will also be
completely health and a healthy mind will keep the body
rt rr n rar r r rrt nra r
s rrt =rfrrr t rrt t=ra r
rt rr n............................
r r f-r rar rt tra fn sr
f nrn =rfrrr t, =rnra fn sr
==r rt +rt ==r n, rt n +rtnra r
s rrt =rfrrr t..................
rr n rrt t, rrz, n =t t
ft st trna r rn n +rt t
ra r nr, r rt ==r ra r
s rrt =rfrrr t.....................
rt ==r r rar r +r
=-=z =rfrrr = n r =
=rrr r r r r ;= n n =ra r
s rrt =rfrrr t.......................
The poet says that one who thanks god in every situation
enjoys happiness all the time. Those who remember god
every night, they get all kinds of happiness and they re-
member to thank him in good times also. The poet says
that one should be content in heart and thank him for ev-
erything, those who remember this always remain happy.
One should not forget the god who gives us everything;
one should live in good company and develop the ideals of
Vedas in mind.
- Dr. Nagendra Kumar Niraj
Sky means emptiness or space. Space element
has the most important place in the creation of human
life. Both, mind and body require this element. Keep
fast to include space element in the body. Include this
element in the mind through maintaining silence and
meditation. Fasting is the main treatment method under
natural therapy. Normally, the nature therapist makes
the patient keep fast for two to five days. Long dura-
tion fasting are prescribed in case of very serious dis-
eases and a new life is given.
Fasting can be done in many ways, namely, fast-
ing done only by drinking water, lemon water mixed
with honey, fruits, juices etc. This helps in curing the
disease from root. Fasting was the main reason for the
long life, good health of sages who found out Ayurved
and lived in forest. Many wonderful researches have
been conducted on the theme of fasting and it is a con-
tinuous affair. The research is as follows:
1. The processes of digestion, catabolism, anabolism
and excretion are on-going in our body. During fast-
ing period, digestion and catabolism have minimum
strength. Their entire energy is consumed in the build-
ing and removing foreign particles from the body.
2. Auto healing system, auto repairing system, auto
treatment system and auto monitoring system get
aroused automatically and the body mechanism
moves towards health building direction.
3. The proteins, fasts, carbohydrates accumulated in
the body during fasting period are used in providing
nourishment to the body. Weakness during this pe-
riod is generally a psychological factor. Take suffi-
cient rest during fasting period so that the body be-
comes disease free.
4. One can notice miracles during fasting period. Cal-
cium and iron mix fast and red blood cells and he-
moglobin increase in the body. The bones are
strengthened. The increased white blood cells, ESR,
urea, uric acid, cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides be-
come normal.
5. Insulin resistance exercise resistance and other health
negative resistance process is removed during fast-
ing period.
6. The pus cells ketone bodies increase in urine during
fasting period. This is temporary in nature and is
overcome as the person starts regaining health.
7. The metabolism is controlled, regulated and system-
atized during fasting period.
8. The incomplete and imbalanced oxygen atoms that
are formed during oxidation of fat, for example,
paraoxide fat, oxygen radical, superoxide, hydrogen
paraoxide, hydrochloric, acid, hydroxyl radical. All
these poisonous free radicals and oxygen radicals
cause infection inside and outside the cells and de-
stroy their membrane, enzymes, proteins, DNA etc.
This leads to ageing and age related diseases. These
problems can be tackled through fasting, intake of
low calorie food, balanced diet, fruit diet, juice diet
9. The creatures with long life develop some special
types of energy giving enzymes like super oxide
dismutase (SOD), gluthiole and other catalyst en-
zymes and anti oxidants. These anti oxidants and
enzymes provide protection against diabetes, gout,
joint pain, cataract, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer,
Parkinsons, Huntingtons and progressive degenera-
tive diseases. These health protecting enzymes are
conserved during fasting period and degeneration
starts converting into regeneration.
10.The main factor for long life is low BMR. During
fasting period and juice diet period, the BMR starts
reducing and thereby the low production of free radi-
11.The cancer causing pronioplastic cells get destroyed
or controlled during fasting period. It also reduces
and controls the cell degeneration rate.
12.The blood sugar level gets controlled during fasting
period and thereby reduces the cross linking pro-
cess. The glucose level increases in blood, the pro-
tein molecules get stuck with each other and form a
net like thing inside the cell due to the presence of
glucose. This is cross linking. This reduces the effi-
ciency of heart and lungs. The arteries become stiff
and eye lenses become blurred. Fasting controls cross
linking and increases the efficiency of all the organs.
13.During fasting, energy is obtained from glycogen
accumulated in muscles and liver and adipose tis-
sues of cholesterol. The enzyme mechanism is
strengthened and becomes healthy.
14.All the organs of digestive system, namely, liver, stom-
ach, colon, pancreas, spleen, small and large intes-
tine get complete rest. Their efficiency and active-
ness increases. The fluids present in the organs are
absorbed and their efficiency increases.
15.The structural reformation of cell membrane of in-
testines changes in such a way that it provides more
and more energy depending on the requirement.
16.The body gets nervous, emotional, physical, mental
and spiritual rest during fasting period.
17.A fasting of two to five days is done with self con-
trol. Drink lot of water during fasting and take lemon
water with honey in case of weakness. Take only
fruits and juices for a few days.
18.Break the fast with sweet lime juice only. If sweet
lime is not available then it can be substituted with
carrot juice, soups, and lentil soup or butter milk.
Take liquids at an interval of three years. Take solid
food slowly. Take boiled vegetables for a few days
and eat chapatti or coarse meal. Come back to nor-
mal diet after two times the fasting period. For ex-
ample, if fasting was done for one week, start nor-
mal diet after two weeks.
19.It is said that even plain chapatti tastes like nectar
incase of hunger. This is normal hunger but feeling
hungry on seeing food or listening about food is false
hunger. For instance, some people lose hunger on
hearing that gourd vegetable has been cooked or
hunger increases on hearing that green peas and
cottage cheese vegetable has been cooked. Normal
hunger during fasting period brings back health.
20.Fasting is prohibited during pregnancy, extreme
weakness, tuberculosis, stomach and intestinal ul-
cers and other serious cases.
21.Do long duration fasting under the guidance of a
doctor because the patient may panic due to healing
crisis caused during fasting period, however healing
crisis is good and healthy.
22.The digestive fire digests the food, and loses foreign
particles during fasting. When the foreign particles
are removed, the body becomes active and strong.
In this situation, the fasting should be stopped other-
wise the fire loses seven humors and leads to star-
vation. The end result is death, whereas the end re-
sult of fasting is good healthy life.
Silence therapy space element:
The patient can obtain space element by keeping
silence. Lot of energy is consumed when we speak.
During silence, the same energy is used for overcom-
ing diseases, conservation of health and building it. Smile
and silence is not related to any religion or language,
but it is the language of heart, heart is the abode of love
and soul. Therefore it is the language of love and soul;
we do not have to learn it. Silence is the voice of nature
and god; it associates with itself and creates health and
completeness in life.
Silence is present within, language is outside. Si-
lence does not mean only to stop speaking, but it is erasing
the mind present behind voice. Silence means the inex-
istence of mind. Silence is like becoming non existent.
Silence is the language of entity. Silence is the abode of
soul. It is the voice less music of inner self, which be-
comes available when the mind exits. It is a speechless,
unending, happy, immortal, permanent, limitless, ever
new brightness of soul that has no light. It can be seen
only with inner eyes. Practice the following for silence.
1. Sit in the beautiful environment of Yog Gram near a
tree, plant, stream, lake, river and listen only to their
noise. Feel their music and beats. Do not give any
reaction. Just listen and develop the habit of listen-
ing noise less music.
2. Sit in a forest, garden or park and listen only to the
voice of birds, or whatever noises are heard in that
place. Do not select good or bad noise; just enter
into the world of silence.
3. Do not react whenever there is loud noise, just listen
and you will feel that noise is also like music. Silence
enters the noise also.
4. Look at the blue sky and just keep on watching. Keep
the mind free from vows, desires, alternatives,
thoughts, ambitions, and imaginations. Do not give
any voice to experience and feelings, just watch, you
will slowly enter silence. Silence has relaxing aware-
ness, inexplicable equality, calmness and beauty.
Deep silence is complete concentration and empti-
ness. That unending emptiness enters into the sky.
Our internal nature is silence which is within. This is
health, which is situated within. Silence has got lost
in the crowd of external world, it has got hidden.
This experiment arouses it and is the first and last
step of self examination.
Silence increases positive energy and reduces the
stress hormones. It controls heart beat and regulates it.
It provides peace, rest and relaxation to the heart.
Many times the vertebrae develop gap or be-
come deshaped or even shift from their places.
This change in body is known as
spondalitis. It affects the neck and spi-
nal cord of the patient. The patient suf-
fers a lot and experiences pain. In this
case, the patient has burning sensation,
swelling and pain in ligaments and joints.
Different types of Spondalitis:
(1) Cervical Spondalitis
(2) Slip Disc
(3) Sciatica
(4) Lumbar Spondalitis
Cervical Spondalitis is the most common among these problems.
Cervical Spondalitis:
This problem is common among men when compared to women.
In the initial stages, the patient complains of pain in spine, which gradu-
ally spreads to joints. The shoulder and neck is affected. In case of
Cervical Spondalitis, the cells become infected, which causes swelling
in joints of spine. There is unnecessary pressure on nerves and veins,
and the patient faces difficulty in making small movements. When the
disease aggravates, the symptoms of paralysis of hands and legs are
also seen. The neck muscles become weak and degenerate.
The patient complains of headache, stiffness in neck, shoulders and
hands along with pain. The patient then starts complaining of fever,
fatigue, weakness and numbness.
The patient experiences pain in moving neck and head.
The patient also finds it difficult in completing daily routine activities
-Vaidya Avinash Shrivastava
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
This problem is common
among men when compared
to women. In the initial
stages, the patient complains
of pain in spine, which
gradually spreads to joints.
The shoulder and neck is
affected. In case of Cervical
Spondalitis, the cells become
infected, which causes swell-
ing in joints of spine. There is
unnecessary pressure on
nerves and veins, and the
patient faces difficulty in
making small movements.
as well.
Eyes diseases, respiratory diseases and shivering
problems are seen when disease aggravates and the
patient also faces difficulty in swallowing food.
The patient develops heart and lung diseases.
There is pain in fingers and numbness in hands.
The patient gets giddiness with slightest movement
of neck.
The patient complains of pain while lifting anything.
When the patient gets up from bed, he or she suf-
fers from giddiness.
This disease is caused due to lifting weights.
Sedentary work at office, bending the neck forward
while working on desk, the people fall into the grip
of cervical spondalitis due to these reasons.
Women doing house hold work like sweeping, mop-
ping, washing clothes and utensils develop this prob-
It can be hereditary also.
Using fat pillow or sleeping in wrong postures is the
reasons for this problem.
The bones start degenerating with increasing age
and become weak. This is the reason that elderly
people suffer from this problem more than young
Obesity is also one of the main reasons for Cervical
It can be also caused due to some kind of infection.
Stress is also one of the reasons for spondalitis.
Travelling long distances in bus, car, and aeroplane
can also lead to spondalitis.
Sudden jerks in neck or catching cold can cause
Treatment with herbs and medicinal plants:
Extract Gwarpatha pulp and knead it in flour. Mix
this mixture in clarified butter and roll them flat. Fry
and make a powder. Eat this for relief. Follow this
for few days to overcome the problem.
Eat drum sticks and drink drum stick root quath for
relieving Cervical Spondalitis.
Make quath with Nirgundi leaves, Harsingar leaves
and Shatavari and Asagandha root. Drink it twice
daily for relief.
Halva made with drum stick gum is also beneficial.
The patient should eat 10-11 garlic pods daily with
food for relief.
Yogic treatment:
The patient should practice Yogasana and other
light exercises after getting relieved from neck and back
Self tested medicines:
Mix 10 gm each of Divya Ekadgaveer, Divya Praval
Pishti, one gram Divya Brihad Vata chintamani, five
gram Divya Swarnamakshik Bhasma. Make 60
pouches with this mixture. Take one dose one hour
before breakfast and lunch with honey or hot water
to cure cervical Spondalitis.
Mix 60 gm each of Divya Trayodashadoog Guggul,
Divya Chandraprabhavati and 40 gm of Divya
Pidantak rasa. Take one tablet of each thrice daily
after meals with hot water or milk. The patient should
not consume curd, buttermilk, dry mango powder,
cauliflower, and horse bean during this treatment.
Patient should eat boiled vegetables, fenugreek, drum
sticks. Fruits like pear, orange, apple, sweet lime,
mango, banana, cheekoo, and guava are beneficial.
Avoid constipation.
Practice right postures for sleeping and sitting.
Do not use very hard or soft bed.
Do not sleep on stomach and always sleep sideways.
Use both the hands for doing any work.
Walk straight. This prevents unnecessary pressure
on body parts.
Do not sit on stool for long time. Always use a proper
chair with backrest. Keep the legs on footrest when-
ever you sit on a chair. This keeps the knee joints
above the hip joints.
Keep the back straight and sit on knees for lifting
heavy weights.
Pregnant women should avoid bending forward and
lifting weight.
Pt. Sandeep Atreya
Religious, inspiring and encouraging message of
sqt r-nr-nrr r-nrn=r a
=r-n or-nr - tr-n ft tr-n.
It means, man should make efforts to uplift himself and
ensure that his soul does not take downward trend. The
soul that moves upwards is our friend and that which moves
downwards is our enemy. God explains this in a very simple
manner, You are king, you are emperor, you are lion, you
are Brahma, and you have forgotten your original form.
Recognize self within yourself. Nobody will come to uplift
you in your life, you have to uplift yourself. Take a resolu-
tion, today itself, now, the objective of your life is attain-
ment of happiness. Collect your energy with self control,
arouse the dormant energies lying within you. This energy
is within your body but it is dormant, arouse it, then it is
possible to see god. Arousal of dormant energy is known
as arousal of Kundalini. This energy is lying dormant like a
snake in the Mooladhar Chakra or root chakra. It is situ-
ated between reproductive organ and rectum. It has four
plexus. Its sage is Kashyap. Bravery and happiness reside
in this chakra.
Swadishthan Chakra or Sacral Chakra: it is situated at
the ovaries and prostrate area. It has six petals and its
sage is Atri. Arousal of this chakra overcomes lethargy,
ego, disbelief, ignorance, foolishness.
Third chakra is Manipur chakra or Solar Plexus. It is
situated at the navel area. It is positioned at the solar plexus
and it has ten petals arousal of this chakra removes thirst,
jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolish-
ness and sadness. It overcomes seminal problems. It brings
natural glow on the face along with brightness.
The fourth chakra is the Anahat chakra or heart chakra
which is situated in the heart area. It has 12 petals and its
sage is Bharadwaj, arousal of this chakra removes wor-
ries, attachment, dullness and other bad qualities.
The fifth chakra is Vishudhchakra or throat chakra which
is in throat area. It has 16 petals and its sage is Jamadagni,
It controls speech and respiration.
Sixth chakra is Agyachakra or third eye chakra and is
situated at the third eye position or pineal gland. Om is
positioned here and its sage is Vishwamitra. Arousal of
this chakra awakens all the energies of the body. a devo-
tee with awakened Agya chakra is able to lead everybody.
His predictions come true and the journey of happiness
begins from here. This is the main gate to reach till Sahasrar
chakra or the Crown chakra. A person with awakened
Agya chakra has brightness, self confidence and desire to
reach great heights. He is extremely fearless.
It is necessary to take simple food in order to awaken
kundalini energy. The thoughts should be pure, behavior
should be clean, and thinking should be pious. Sit on a
clean mat and practice Omkar, nadishodhan, Bhastrika
pranayam. Sit in meditative pose, remove all thoughts from
mind and chant the mantras with full concentration. The
mind will waver many times, colorful scenes will appear in
front of your eyes, and fearful scenes will also appear in
front of the eyes. But do not be afraid or disappointed.
Awakening of kundalini is not one days job, it requires
rigorous practice. But the day on which it will awake, be-
fore that you will hear a divine sound and see a bright light
and you will realize the truth. The body will feel light, waves
of happiness will fill in the whole body and you will experi-
ence ultimate happiness. The most important thing this entire
process should be done under the supervision and guid-
ance of a knowledgeable person.
-Jaishankar Mishra Savyasachi
India is a world mentor from spiritual point of view.
The Indian land is fertile due to the piousness of our
sages and seers and their devotion. There has been an
ancient tradition of spiritual relations of saints and devo-
tees in India.
With the objective of relieving pain and illnesses of
the entire world, Divya Yog Mandir Trust was estab-
lished in 1995, Patanjali Yogpeeths foundation was laid
in 2004 and inaugurated in 2006, Bharat Swabhiman
Trust was established in 2009 and Patanjali Yogpeeeths
second phase was inaugurated in 2009 with the inspira-
tion of Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
Revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj has used Yog
as a weapon against diseases and is fighting a health
revolution at international level. Millions of people have
become disease free and their lives have been filled
with new vitality. Swami Ji has taken the vow to pro-
vide good health to entire mankind through Yog and
Ayurved. Millions of Yog teachers are conducting classs
right from cities to villages to fulfill this objective. This
created awareness among the people.
Patanjali Yogpeeth has now moved out of Indian
boundaries and organized several Yog camps with the
slogan of practice Yog and remain disease free. Swami
Ji believes that India is his home and the whole world is
his family. Swami Ji was addressed as the most popular
personality of the century and honored in UK. Several
people left liquor and meat and adopted Yog as their
daily routine. People from Germany, Italy, France and
other countries came to visit Swami Ji in London and
changed their life style with Yog.
The people of western countries are facing health
problems due to unsystematic eating habits. They are
becoming victims of different diseases. They have be-
come aware towards health through Yog and pranayam.
Swami Ji is gaining lot of fame in foreign countries and
he also fulfilling his mission of making the world dis-
ease free.
Propagation of Yog and Ayurved, scientific approach
of Yog, spreading of Indian culture, Vedas and
Upanishads has taken an international level with the
establishment of first international Patanjali Yogpeeth
at Ireland of Little Camboury in Scotland, Patanjali Yog
foundation (Trust) in Canada, Patanjali Yog foundation
(Trust) in USA, Patanjali Yogpeeth trust in Kathmandu,
Nepal. The entire credit goes to Yogrishi Swami
Ramdev Ji Maharaj. These days we see a continuous
fight between material and spiritual thoughts. We have
found scientific basis for the fight going on between
Yog and science. Science means finding truth, opening
the inner eyes of human beings, open hearts and this is
the objective of Yog. Science is incomplete without Yog.
In the present age, only those principles of Yog can
withstand which have been proved with scientific ap-
proach. Science that is included in these principles has
so much strength that they can strengthen the life.
Yog is the ultimate truth, it also has science. It has
direct impact on human body. This is the reason that
pranayam is curing patients suffering with incurable dis-
eases. Swami Ji has said long back that yogic actions
are scientific and today it has been proved. India has
been world mentor from spiritual point of view. How-
ever, the image that it is holding today is not of world
mentor due to various ups and downs. At such a time,
swami Ji is trying to reestablish Yog, Ayurved and In-
dian ancient culture. Swami Ji is uniting the divided In-
dia in one string for establishing harmonious society in
the nation and world. He aims to remove the narrow
mindedness caused due to caste, religion, colour, com-
munity, language by strengthening national integrity and
communal harmony.
Millions of people living in villages, cities and states
are reaping the benefits of health through Yog and
Ayurved. People belonging to every region, language,
class, community, religion are attending the Yog camps.
Swami Ji is doing the work of widening the sage
tradition and Indian culture on continuous basis. Swami
Ji wants to reestablish Yog, Ayurved and Indian pride,
natural therapy and Indian culture at international level.
He wants to give back the status of world mentor to
India. He is giving the message of humanity to the en-
tire world through the medium of Yog and Indian cul-
Children are very delicate, tender and sensitive.
Their health problems should be cured naturally, which
protects them from health risks. Natural cure not only
cures diseases but children also remain fit internally.
Lisping and stammering:
Children should chew one green myrobalan daily to
overcome lisping and stammering. It makes the
tongue thin and the voice becomes clear. It also re-
duces heat in mouth.
Rub almond and seven black pepper seeds in water
and make a paste. Add a little bit of powdered sugar
candy and lick it. Give it to the child on empty stom-
ach in the morning for a few days.
If stammering is not overcome in spite of speaking
clearly and with strength, keep two black pepper
seeds in the childs mouth and ask the child to suck
its juice. This remedy should be followed twice daily
for long duration.
Grind 500 gm aniseeds and boil in 300 gm water till
it reduces to 100 gm. Add 50 gm sugar candy and
250 gm cow milk. Give to the child daily at bedtime
depending on their physical strength. This overcomes
stammering within a few days.
Whooping cough:
Mix two grains of roasted alum and equal quantity
of sugar. Give it to the child twice daily. This rem-
edy cures whooping cough within five days. The
adults should take double dose. If the child is unable
to take the medicine without water then give it one
or two gulps of hot water after the medicine. Whoop-
ing cough is generally seen among children.
If child is unable to digest milk:
Many children are unable to digest milk. This prob-
lem is seen among children with poor digestion ca-
pacity. Put one or two gm of small Pippali and two
Modana in 200 gm milk at the time of boiling. Pippali
removes the impurities present in milk and makes it
easily digestible. It improves the condition of spleen
in children. A mother with hot temper should not
give her breast milk to the child. Breastfeeding with
angry feeling is harmful for the child.
If mother drinks glassful water before breastfeeding
then the child is able to digest the milk easily. The
child does not suffer from vomiting and loose mo-
Put half spoonful aniseed in one cup of milk and
boil. The milk becomes light and easily digestible.
This milk is beneficial for the childs health.
Soak spoonful aniseed in water at night and crush it
nicely the next morning. Sieve it and mix this water
in milk. Give it to the child to overcome swelling of
stomach and gastric trouble.
Mix the powder of one small cardamom in milk and
boil it. This makes the milk tasty and light. Children
relish this milk and the milk digests easily.
If the elderly person is unable to digest milk then it is
advisable to drink fresh water with lemon juice or
lemon juice made with salt to overcome this prob-
If the child is suffering from bedwetting problem then
give one walnut, five gm raisins daily in the morning.
This overcomes the problem within one week to ten
Give spoonful honey to children above three years
of age and two spoonfuls to children above six years
of age with half cup water at bedtime for a fort-
night. This overcomes the problem of bedwetting.
Children develop are able to control urination and
leave the habit of bedwetting.
Breakfast to make children disease free:
Wipe one big Kabli or big Harad with wet cloth and
grind it on clean stone with one or two spoons of
water. Rub the Harad in such a way that only its
skin is rubber. Do not let the seed get rubbed. Give
one or two spoons of this Harad water to the child
on empty stomach. Give spoonful fresh water to the
child over this medicine. If the child is suffering
from cold and catarrh then heat a bowl slightly and
mix Harad water in it to make the water lukewarm.
This medicine makes the child healthy and strong.
Harad is believed to be equal to mother. It over-
comes several health problems in children and
strengthens the bones and their disorders.
If child is suffering from green-yellow loose motions
due to cold then rub Harad in water and then two or
three Jaiphal. Give this water to the child to control
loose motions and cure cold.
In case of belches or stomachache, rub Harad along
with four Thymol seeds in water and give to the
If the child passes stools with great difficulty then
give it Harad water for painless bowel movement.
This increases the resistance power in children.
Pt. Bhawani Prasad
Spring season is extremely enchanting. The mus-
tard crops are ripe and the whole area looks like a
yellow coloured carpet spread in the fields. Gardens
are full of marigold and Guldawoodi flowers, these
yellow and golden colour flowers have made the whole
atmosphere enchanting. Children are wearing yellow
coloured clothes in the cities and villages. Cold, light
and soothing wind is blowing everywhere. Different
types of flowers bloom in this season which forces
the wind to move slowly due to their fragrance. One
can see only flowers on all the sides in this season.
Whichever direction you see, you can find only color-
ful flowers. Rose blossoms in some places and sun-
flower in some other places. One can see jasmine at
some places and lotus at other places. The flowers on
mango trees also start appearing and the honey bees
buzz near them. The voice of cuckoo bird is mesmer-
izing and increases the natural beauty. The mango flow-
ers have wonderful fragrance which pulls the mind
towards it. According to the principle of Ayurveda,
the new juice in the vegetable, trees moves upwards
in this season. New blood is formed in the bodies of
the human beings, which fills new zeal and enthusi-
Spring season begins in the Hindu months of Chaitra
and Vaishakha. nnrr =-a. tra' this phrase is
like its nurturer, but the festival of the nature begins
40 days before this season. The nature itself is en-
grossed in welcoming this season then how can the
man made with the five elements of the nature be
aloof from it? Indians have been admirers of natural
beauty since ancient times. How can they not express
their happiness on this enchanting natural beauty?
People celebrate the festival of Basant Panchami to
enjoy this season.
This season is very wonderful and mesmerizing that
the whole atmosphere is filled with fun and frolic. The
surroundings are filled with the voice of cuckoo birds
and other birds. All the creatures appear to be danc-
ing in the tune of the natures beauty, be it birds, ani-
mals or human beings. New waves of zeal appear in
the hearts.
The farmers work laboriously throughout the year
for this day and harvest the fields. The ripe fields of
paddy and barley and the greenery around their eyes
fill their hearts with happiness. All the works of farm-
ing end in this season and it is the time to celebrate
with dance and music. Basant Panchami marks the
beginning of this celebration. Festivals were organized
during this period in olden days. Sanskrit writers know
that Indians have always celebrated in poetic environ-
ment and poem has always played an important part
in their lives. This is the reason that there is hardly
any emotion that has not been visualized by Indian
poets. Let us remember the great personalities who
had strong character and let us not allow lustful thoughts
come into our mind. Let us enjoy the spring season
with pure mind and sing in the praise of that supreme
soul. Let us celebrate the festival with pure minds.
Music is very important in this festival, but nowadays
people love romantic songs. There is no other thing
better than music for mind and soul. Good and pure
music helps in the upward movement of soul.
20 January: Basant Panchami
When multinational companies enter into a country with the purpose of doing business then they become
a headache for that country. It is not that the multinational companies have only economic ill-effects on the
country but they also have several deep and wide spread effects. The reason is the character of these compa-
nies. They directly make political interference in order to get the policies changed. The social life also gets into
their trap.
When these companies start their business activities in other countries then some misconceptions work in
the background. For example, multinational companies will bring in capital into the country, provide modern
technology, generate employment opportunities for the people, increase exports, strengthen the balance of pay-
ment of the nation, and increase the economic resources of the nation. But, these claims prove just opposite in
The biggest argument in favour of foreign companies is that a poor and developing nation like India lacks
capital and development is not possible without capital. Therefore, capital can be acquired from foreign countries
in order to fulfill this deficiency and the vicious circle can be broken.
But the fact is something else. The foreign companies bring very little capital along with them; most of the
capital is funded through Indian banks loans, loans from Indians and public issues. All the foreign companies
operating in India bring in only five percent of capital from outside. The remaining 90 to 95 percent capital is
collected from Indian sources.
Capital amount and extent of deception
Following is the data with respect to the capital that was brought in at the time of starting their business by
Multinational Company Inception year Capital brought in
Shalimar Paints Ltd. 1901 63 Lakhs
BST Industries Ltd. 1930 1.85 crores
Bata India Ltd. 1931 70 lakhs
Hindustan Lever Ltd. 1933 24 lakhs
Union Carbide India Ltd. 1934 8.36 crores
Crompton Greaves Ltd. 1937 3 crores
New India Industries Ltd. 1942 27 lakhs
Boots Company India Ltd. 1943 1.10 crores
Jefrimen co. Ltd. 1943 5 lakhs
Chloride India Ltd. 1946 2.11 crores
Buco Wolf India Ltd. 1947 39 lakhs
Becalite Hilum Ltd. 1947 1 crores
Hindustan Ciba Gigy Ltd. 1947 4.57 crores
Cinamide India Ltd. 1947 1.39 crores
Coats India Ltd. 1947 38 lakhs
-Rajiv Dixit
German Remedies Ltd. 1949 64 lakhs
Motor Industries Co. Ltd. 1951 3.35 crores
Otis elevator Co. Ltd. 1953 72 lakhs
Carborandom Universal Ltd. 1954 1.06 crores
Fener India Ltd. 1955 64 lakhs
Hoechst India Ltd. 1956 2.72 crores
Cable Corporation India 1956 3.40 crores
English Electric Co. 1956 2.25 crores
Siemens India Ltd. 1956 2.40 crores
Polychem Ltd. 1956 56 lakhs
Dr. Bank & Co. Ltd. 1956 16 lakhs
Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 1957 24 lakhs
Colour Chem Ltd. 1957 1.25 crores
Bayer India Ltd. 1957 3.59 crores
Food Specialist Ltd. 1958 4.51 crores
D Brown Greaves Ltd. 1959 36 lakhs
Atlas Compco India Ltd. 1959 1.33 crores
K S B Pumps Ltd. 1959 86 lakhs
Mather & Plant Ltd. 1959 1.83 crores
Phillips Carbon Block Ltd. 1959 1.57 crores
Sandvik Asia Ltd. 1960 1.17 crores
Audco India Ltd. 1961 12 lakhs
Kirloskar Commins Ltd. 1961 50 lakhs
IDL Chemicals Ltd. 1961 1.07 crores
Guest Kin Williams Ltd. 1962 7.69 crores
Sundaram Choton Ltd. 1962 1.96 crores
Richardson Hindustan Ltd. 1964 1.17 crores
Needle Roller Bearing Co. 1965 10 lakhs
Vedia India Ltd. 1965 45 lakhs
Century Enka Ltd. 1965 2.97 crores
The capital investment made by multinational companies is just a delusion. Companies like Hindustan Lever,
Colgate, Ciba Gigy and hundreds of other foreign companies started their business in India with very little capital.
They earned huge profits and increased their share capital by several crores of rupees through bonus shares.
Now they are taking billions of rupees from Indian in the name of royalty, net profits and technical fees. One can
understand the seriousness of this issue from the fact that the companies operating in India in 1976-77 earned
only 121.54 crores which increased to 494.6 crores in 1986-87. These multinational companies have taken around
3244.15 crores rupees out of India legally in the past 11 years. This amount must be several times higher illegally.
The foreign companies have sent around 33000 crores rupees out of India legally in 2006-07. These companies
are exporting hard earned foreign exchange to their countries of origin. These multinational companies have
spread a spiders web in our country in the name of capital investment can be assessed from the following couple
of examples.
When Hindustan Lever started its business in 1933 at that time its parent company Unilever invested only 24
lakhs. The company spread a spiders web in such a way that the parent companys share capital increased to
47.59 crores in 1990. Out of this, 44.51 crores were added to share capital in the form of bonus. Hindustan Lever
had sent 80.18 crores outside India in the form of profits between 1975 and 1990. This amount was other than
royalty and technical fees.
The paid up capital of Hindustan Unilever in 2007-08 is 217.75 crores. While, the total sales of this company
is 1474.51 crores. The profit of the company is 1925.47 crores.
Similarly, Colgate Palmolive Company started its business in 1937 with just 1.5 lakh rupees. The share capital
of the company increased to 12.57 crores by 1989. Out of this, 12.56 crores were added to share capital in the
form of bonus shares. It took away 18.42 crores outside India between 1977 and 1989 in the form of profits. The
paid up capital of this company in 2007-08 was 135.99 crores, whereas the total turnover was 138.28 crores. The
profit of Colgate Palmolive was 231.71 crores in 2007-08.
Swiss company Ciba Gigy started its business in 1947 with 48.75 lakhs. The share capital of the company
increased to 13.54 crores in 1991. Now Ciba Gigy is known as Novartis India. The paid up capital of this
company in 2007-8 was 15.98 crores, whereas the turnover was 559.70 crores. The profit of this company in
2007-08 was 94.46 crores.
Famous electronics company, Phillips started its business in 1956 with just 10 lakh rupees. The company sent
10 crores rupees to Holland in 1974 in the form of profits. The paid up capital of this company in 2007-08 was
70.30 crores whereas the turnover was 2890.6 crores. The profit of this company in 2007-08 was 190.30 crores.
Generally, the multinational companies take away capital several times higher than invested within one year
of establishment. For example, Goodyear company invested one crores rupees in India for starting its business. In
1989 the same company sent 7.33 crores outside India in the form of profits. In other words, it sent seven times
of its investment within one year. The paid up capital of Goodyear Company in 2007-08 was 70.30 crores, while
the turnover was 979.61 crores. The profits of this company in 2007-08 were 40.23 crores. Similarly, Bayer India
invested 8.29 crores in India initially, but sent 13.3 crores outside India in 1989-90 in the form of profit. The paid
up capital of this company in 2007-08 was 39.50 crores, whereas the turnover was 1250.82 crores. The profit
was 56.63 crores in the same year. Glaxo invested 2.88 crores in India to start the business. It sent 3.93 crores in
the form of profit outside India in 1989-90. Glaxo Companys paid up capital in 2007-08 was 84.70 crores while
the turnover was 1712 crores. The profit of the company was 537.66 crores in the same year. Glaxo also does
joint business with Smith line in India. The paid up capital of these two companies in 2007-08 was 42.6 crores
while the turnover was 1395.51 crores. The total profit was 162.68 crores. American company Pfizer started its
business in India with just five lakh rupees and sent 4.83 crores to America within one year in the form of profit.
The paid up capital of this company in 2007-08 was 29.84 crores while the turnover was 773.1 crores. The profit
of this company in the same year was 338.93 crores. In the same way, American company Abbott Laboratories
started its business with just one lakh rupees and sent 23 lakhs to America the next year in the form of profit.
Abbott Company had a paid up capital of 14.47 crores in 2007-08 while the turnover was 636 crores. The profit
of this company in the same year was 68.43 crores. Grasim & Kevin Company takes around 7.65 times of its paid
up capital every year in the form of profit. Famous tobacco multination company, ITC is earning around 11364
percent of its paid up capital. The paid up capital of ITC in 2007-08 was 376.86 crores while the turnover was
21355.94 crores. The profit of this company in the same year was 3120.10 crores. Almost all the American
companies are earning 860 percent profit of their paid up capital from India. Following table shows the amount of
profit, share in profit, royalty, and technical fees outside India by the multinational companies.
Year profit (in crores) share in profit Royalty technical fees
(In crores) (In crores) (In crores)
1965-66 13.50 19.40 2.95 6.98
1966-67 14.47 28.77 5.13 10.43
1967-68 15.95 32.70 4.32 14.68
1968-69 12.96 30.25 4.78 17.97
1969-70 12.72 31.14 5.80 13.05
1970-71 13.12 43.48 5.23 20.63
1971-72 09.94 38.87 5.86 13.90
1972-73 15.54 39.08 7.33 11.33
1973-74 21.91 37.51 6.21 14.08
1974-75 07.19 18.46 8.46 12.56
1975-76 20.36 24.84 10.49 25.66
1976-77 19.39 48.47 15.88 37.88
1977-78 10.13 68.01 19.50 28.14
1978-79 10.24 54.35 12.65 55.52
1979-80 14.37 50.92 9.53 43.97
1980-81 12.10 55.92 8.88 104.93
1981-82 12.16 58.92 15.99 270.70
1982-83 19.12 70.31 39.72 258.58
1983-84 20.00 62.11 27.60 314.89
1984-85 16.68 74.58 28.49 300.90
1985-86 11.80 75.20 23.50 367.90
1986-87 10.60 85.50 40.10 358.40
1987-88 12.02 93.50 44.2 393.80
1988-89 13.22 102.85 48.62 433.18
1989-90 14.54 113.13 53.48 476.56
1990-91 16.08 124.43 58.82 525.12
1991-92 127.83 243.52 108.52 1130.12
1992-93 230.45 342.67 213.48 1870.25
1993-94 277.35 415.52 255.96 2337.25
1994-95 383.05 539.04 331.86 2915.50
1995-96 487.55 658.59 451.36 3666.10
1996-97 606.79 919.04 631.66 5130.25
1997-98 787.19 1146.04 712.6 6630.25
1998-99 1099.9 1602.5 996.6 9282.5
1999-2000 1536.15 2126.5 1709.2 12994.5
2000-2001 2148.5 2974.5 2389.26 18190.5
2001-2002 3218.5 4459.5 3579.2 27285.6
2002-2003 4823.5 6684.6 5364.45 30925.75
2003-2004 7233.43 10024.4 8044.4 31423.6
2004-2005 10848.4 15034.3 12064.3 33115.3
2005-2006 15184.3 17543.4 14034.2 34112.3
2006-2007 16132.2 18134.4 15342.3 35779.2
Source: Reserve Bank of India Report from 1989 to 2007
The total foreign capital invested in India in 1978 was 1800 crores which was eight percent of total capital
invested (in private and public sectors). On the other hand, in the same year 1929 crores were taken outside India
in the form of profit, royalty, technical fees etc.
The following table shows the amount of foreign investment in 1981 and the amount taken outside India.
Year Foreign capital invested Taken outside India
1981 108 crores 114 crores
1982 628 crores 641 crores
1983 618 crores 590 crores
1984 1130 crores 1169 crores
1985 1260 crores 1181 crores
1986 1066 crores 1265 crores
1987 1077 crores 1193 crores
1988 2397 crores 2542 crores
1989 3166 crores 5235 crores
FROM 1991 25479 crores 34240 crores
TO 1995
The figures given above clearly show that India has made losses except in the years 1983 and 1985. The
amount of money taken outside India was much higher than the wealth invested. Therefore, it is clear that
foreign capital investment is a deal of loss.
As per the report of Reserve Bank of 1992, share capital of 326 multinational companies in 1987-88 was
1445.23 crores, out of which 60 percent was the share of Indians, 610 crores was from banks and 50 crores
was from government funding.
MOUs signed by Indian government and actual investment received
Year Number MOUs actual Investment
(In crores) (In crores)
1986 957 1853 185
1987 853 1936 192
1988 926 2020 202
1989 605 2143 214
1990 694 2372 230
From 1991 to 2000 1991 to 2000
Total MOUs signed
1991 3535 409
1992 6912 1094
1993 18620 2018
1994 31122 4312
1995 64854 6916
1996 87522 9654
Subhash was born
on 23
January 1910 at
Cuttack in Orissa state in
a reputed family. Subhash was selfless person and
had immense love for his country. He was extremely
intelligent from childhood and loved his self-respect.
He passed ICS examination to fulfill his fathers wish
but he resigned from his post for the purpose of free-
dom of India.
Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das was the source
of his political inspiration. The British government
realized his excellent organizational strength and put
him behind bars. But after being released from the
jail, he formed Swarajya party and won seats in
Kolkatas municipal elections. He became the work-
ing authority.
His writing skills, efficiency and patriotism came
to light in Bangla Katha and he took a front seat in
Congress party. He became the president of Con-
gress party in 1938, which was not liked by one of the
top Congress leaders. Subhash resigned from Con-
gress party and formed Forward Block.
He found that Indian involvement in Second
World War to be a good chance of gaining indepen-
dence and he moved out of India on 16
1941. He met Hitler in Germany and went to
Singapore. He got released the Indian prisoners of
wars made by Japan. He formed Azad Hind Fauj
with their support.
He became popular as Netaji amongst the im-
migrant Indians and gave the slogan of Jai Hind from
Singapore. He invited all the Indians of the world with
his famous slogan, You give me blood, and I will give
you freedom. He believed that freedom cannot be
obtained through begging but it requires sacrifice and
Azad Hind Fauj won under his leadership and
crossed Indian border via Burma. The party hoisted
the flag in Imphal and also declared independence.
Second World War saw a twist in 1945 and they had
to move back due to limited resources.
This move from Subhash shook the British gov-
ernment and they wanted to arrest him. Netaji went
inder ground. British decided to quit India and it be-
came free, but Netaji was missing. We celebrate his
birth anniversary and remember his patriotic efforts
for the motherland, which gives us a proud feeling.
-Srushti Shadi
23 January: Netaji Jayanti
1997 129898 13548
1998 132692 12343
1999 92599 10311
2000 104411 10368
2001 2339 160711 18486
2002 3904 162184 13711
2003 2574 97364 11789
2004 1551 147814 14653
2005 526 192991 24613
z fa rr +r nfzan nra z r +r fa z r
+r rrzr +r fafrzr +r r-urf
nrfr, arf =farf, r ;atrfr r-tnr
=ftarf, arf -rrtrf r ;atrfr
The lords that are in this world are several times
superior to you in qualities and the ancestors are elder
in age, do not make mistake in fulfilling your
responsibilities towards them. Think your mother as
goddess. Father, teacher and guests should be
considered as god. Practice only those works which
are not condemned, not the ones that are prohibited.
Cultivate only good habits not others.
rtn-r=r rorr., arrr -r::=
rf=an vqr zn vqr zn fvr
zn fr zn f+rr zn =fzr zn-
Listen to the advices of the learned people wherever
they are sitting, do not indulge in arguments. Give with
faith, give without faith also. Give from the increasing
wealth; give even if wealth is not increasing keeping
in mind the society. Give with fear, give with love also.
r fz a nfff-=r r -rfff-=r
r tra ar rorr. =nfrr. ar rar.
+rr nrnr. t. rr a ar at arr
ar a rr. rr+r=ra rr ar rorr. = nfrr .
ar rar. +rr nrnr. t. rr a
arr at arr arr arr. qrr rzrr. qrr
sz rr. qrrr zr frra qaz rrr=n
qnrf=an qn azrtn
If you have some doubt while doing this, and you
do not understand as to what dutifulness is or how to
behave in particular situation, what is social behavior-
if this doubt comes into your mind then behave like a
Brahmin who think about all the aspects and involve
in religious work with politeness. Even in
controversial matters, follow the Brahmins who are
polite, religious and learned. This is the order, advice,
this is the summary of Vedas and Upanishad, this is
our discipline, follow this behavior and practice it.
Twelfth narration of education
rr r fnr. rr =r. rr r +r- nr rr ;-z r
rtfa. rr r frr ==an. nr or nta
rr -n -+r orf= -rn -+r orrfzrrn
=anrfzrrn =- nrfzrrn a- nrnrta
aartnrta rt-nrn rtartn rrrf-a.
rrrf-a. rrrf-a{
Friends, Varuna and Aryama should be beneficial
for us; Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu should be beneficial
for us. Hey Brahma! We bow in front of you. Hey
Vayu! You are Brahma. I had addressed you as
Brahma during my education. Save me, protect my
teachers, protect me, and protect my teacher. Aum
Shanti, shanti, shanti.
First chapter of Brahmanand Poem
=r ra =r r +r a =r t trr
a ft rtanta nr ffrrr r rrrf-a. rrrf-a. rrrf-a.
God should protect both of us, teacher and student
together, we should eat together, we should increase
our strength together, we both should gain intelligence
from our education, we should never be jealous of one
another. Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.
ofzrtrfa tn azrrr:+ar =- arn-a
o r z ffra nrrr tn rn =r:ra
=r rnr =r orr ffrafa
Whatever is far and beyond for other people, is obtained
by knower of Brahma. It has been said, Brahma is true, it
is knowledge, and it is unending. It is hidden in the heart,
but it is clearly visible in the space, universe and in all sides.
One who understands him, becomes the knower of
everything, and when he knows everything, nothing remains
impossible for him , just like Brahma. There is no desire
that is not fulfilled and attains satisfaction of all types.
-Swami Ramdev
=r ararf-r-rta- +rr . =rtrftrrfn-ra +s
Word Meaning: Sada Gyata Chittavrittaya- con-
ditions of mind are always known; Tatprabho that
lord of mind; Purushasya aparinamitvat when man
becomes inefficient.
Prose meaning: When man becomes inefficient,
the lord of mind always remembers the conditions of
Meaning: When mind is related to external con-
dition, then it knows and when there is no relation
then it does not know it. There is change in mind in
both conditions, when the mind is aware of external
subjects and when it is not aware. The reason is that
mind is the result of three-quality nature and qualities
like pious etc. are result giving. Therefore, mind is
known as result. But, the lord of mind that is the man
does not give this result. He is always witness of mind,
whether it is full of subjective conditions or not. When
the mind is full of subjective conditions then the man
is witness of subjective conditions and when the mind
is free of conditions then the man is witness of ab-
sence of subjective conditions.
Question: Mind broadcasts the external things and
can also be aware of its form. Is it necessary to know
any witness other than mind free of conditions?
aa tr+rr= -ra +v
q=n r+rrrtrn zo
Word meaning: Na is not there; tata that
mind; Swabhasam which knows its own self;
Drishyatvat as it is visible; eksamaye cha and in
one time only; Ubhyanvdharanam cannot know it-
self and subjects.
Prose meaning: That mind which does not know
its own form, it is visible and it is not possible for the
mind to know itself at the same time
Meaning: When we develop strong synchroniza-
tion with mind, then we experience different emotions
like happiness, unhappiness, anger, fear etc. This ex-
perience clearly indicates that these emotional changes
are being known by some other source, the mind does
not know them. In this way it is proved that mind is
visible, it is known by the man that is the one who
sees, it knows its form itself. If somebody says that
mind can understand the subjects and attains subjec-
tive knowledge at the same time then it is not correct
because two types of knowledge cannot be obtained
at the same time.
Question: Mind cannot know the subject and its
own form at the same time, it has been accepted as it
is logical. In order to avoid this problem, why cannot it
be believed that the mind understands the subject and
this mind is understood while knowing the subject by
another mind? If we consider this then the above men-
tioned problem will be overcome and there will be no
need to consider any consciousness of mind without
conditions as looker. Its answer cannot be considered
like this because.
f-rr-at fqqtfa=z tnfa=t z+
Word meaning: Chintantardrushye- considering
the mind that understands the subject as the one that is
visible to another mind; Budhibudhe intelligence of
intelligence; Atiprasang the problem of too wide ap-
plication will be seen; Smriti Sankar cha the memo-
ries will also be narrowed.
Prose meaning When we consider that the mind
which is understanding the subject is the one that is
visible to another mind then the problem of too wide
application of intelligence of intelligence will be seen
and the memories will also be narrowed.
fatfa=anrrtarrtr-rr tfq=n zz
Word meaning: Chitte Apratisankramaya con-
sciousness free of movement of soul of one who sees;
Tadakarapatto on attaining the mind with subjective
shape; Swabudhisamvedanam sensitivity of own in-
telligence occurs.
Prose meaning: When consciousness free of
movement (of soul) of one who sees attains the mind
with subjective shape near it then the person experi-
ences sensitivity of own intelligence.
-Dr. Ramjeet Sharma,
HOD, Herbal Garden and Agriculture Research
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
A person who gets the blessings of goddess less Lakshmi gets re-
lieved from poverty and miseries. He gets name and fame with wealth and
riches. Cow has been compared with goddess Lakshmi in Vedas and mytho-
logical books. Man has earned wealth by worshipping goddess Lakshmi
and a person who takes care of cow worships 33 crores gods and god-
desses along with Lakshmi. This makes him intelligent. These are emo-
tional facts but true. Indians have been emotionally attached with cow
since Vedic age. One cannot develop faith in anything unless there is an
emotional attachment.
Cattle farming is a business besides an emotion, which has become
the livelihood for several poor people. Cattle farming is the source of in-
come for poorest of poor person and has been the backbone of Indian
economy since ages.
If we analyze cattle farming at family level then four to five liters of
cow milk is sufficient to fulfill the needs of a four member family. The
family gets milk, curd, clarified butter, butter milk in sufficient quantity along
with cow dung that is used as fuel. A calf also takes birth in one year. The
ash of half burnt cow dung cake is a good tooth powder. Put five gram
clarified butter on cow dung fire to fill fragrance in entire house. It purifies
the environment and destroys germs. Cow milk, clarified butter and butter
milk are very healthy and the person need not think before consuming
these items. Drinking 200 gm cow milk or butter milk daily fulfills all the
requirements of the body and improves health. It develops pure and good
mind. Cow milk, clarified butter, butter milk, urine and cow dung are full of
medicinal qualities and there is no need to visit a doctor. The cow provides
economic, mental, religious and medicinal benefits to the person and happi-
ness and contentment. If we analyze this business at national level, then
also it is the only business that provides maximum income to the persons.
At present, India is suffering from fuel deficiency and unemployment.
Cattle farming is contributing in these areas, which is not available from
any other sector. Cow dung is used both as fuel and manure, milk gives
nourishment and medicines. Cattles farming is a source of income for
more than 10 crores families in India. It is very difficult to analyze all its
qualities but economic analysis proves that India earns around 800 billion
rupees of income annually from this sector. We are giving away foreign
exchange and useful goods in the name of globalization but at the same
time, we are bringing in serious diseases like AIDS and increasing unem-
ployment. These are the symbols indicating poverty. On the other hand,
cow is the main source of income and employment in rural areas.
Cow dung has lot of miraculous qualities, which have not been found
out so far. Proper use of cow dung can solve the fuel crisis in India, it can
Cow has been compared
with goddess Lakshmi in
Vedas and mythological
books. Man has earned
wealth by worshipping
goddess Lakshmi and a
person who takes care of
cow worships 33 crores
gods and goddesses along
with Lakshmi. This makes
him intelligent. These are
emotional facts but true.
Indians have been emo-
tionally attached with cow
since Vedic age. One
cannot develop faith in
anything unless there is
an emotional attachment.
yield good produce in the form of manure, and it can
save water sources and overcome pollution. We have
not yet paid attention towards the medicinal qualities of
cow dung. In California alone, an income of eight crores
dollars is being earned out of an expenditure of two
crores dollars annually on cow dung. Therefore it is
necessary to find out the secrets of cow dung and use
them to the fullest. The day we will find the secrets of
cow dung that day India will become golden bird once
The dung obtained from cows and buffaloes are
mainly used in the form of fuel and manure. But, nowa-
days it is also being used for making incense sticks,
pooja material, tiles etc.
Fuel: As per various surveys and estimates made
by different scientists, the dung of cows and buffaloes
is used 2/3 and 1/3 in the form of fuel and manure re-
spectively. Almost all the villages use cow dung for
making fuel cakes, which is the most important source
of domestic fuel. Two kilos of cow dung cakes is equal
to fuel obtained from one kilo wood or half kilo coal.
Table 1: Fuel from cow dung
One kilo wood = 2 kilos cow dung cakes
One kilo coal = 4 kilos cow dung cakes
One cubic meter biogas = 25 kilo cow dung
One cubic meter biogas = 1.6 4.7 unit electricity
(3 units)
Cow dung can also be used in the form of biogas
and electricity other than cow dung fuel cakes. As per
the scientific facts, it is believed that 25 kilo fresh cow
dung can make one or one and half cubic meter biogas.
This amount of biogas is sufficient to fulfill the fuel and
electricity needs of one small family. The fuel obtained
from biogas does not create any type of smoke or poi-
sonous gas. In other words biogas is cheap and good
source of fuel. The biggest advantage is that cow dung
is made into good type of manure, which can be di-
rectly used in fields. It can be converted into vermin
Biogas can be used for starting generator and used
as electricity instead of burning it directly. One cubic
meter biogas can produce around three units of elec-
tricity. This can be used as normal electricity. There-
fore, cow dung can fulfill the fuel, electricity and ma-
nure requirements of cattle farmers. Experiments and
figures have proved that using cow dung in the form of
manure saves around 241 billions every year, while it
saves around 260 billions when used in the form of fuel.
N.S.Subbarao also proved in the year 1982 that if cow
dung is stopped being used in the form of fuel then around
20 years old 14-15 crores trees will have to be destroyed.
Cutting down so many trees can change the envi-
ronmental conditions to harmful level. Therefore, the
environment and climatic balance is being maintained
indirectly through cow dung and cow
Manure: The process of making compost from
cow dung is prevalent from long time. When cow dung
is made into compost, the level of nitrogen, phospho-
rous and potassium increases by two to three times than
in fresh cow dung. Nowadays, cow dung and cow dung
slurry is being used for making vermin compost and
biodynamic manure. The amount of nitrogen, phospho-
rous and potassium is six to eight times more in biody-
namic manure and three to four times in vermin com-
post when compared to cow dung.
Table 2: Nutritional elements in cow dung
Nutritional element Nitrogen Phosphorous Potasium
FYM / compost / 0.5 0.5 0.25
Vermin compost 1.5 0.5 0.25
Biofertlizer 3.0 1.0 1.0
Besides, soil also provides little amounts of com-
post. As per normal estimates, the cost of these ele-
ments is around 241 to 3536 billions.
Table -3: Economic estimate of different forms of
cow dung
Fuel Chemical Total
manure (billions)
Fresh cow dung 109.5 156.8 260
Compost 241 241
Biogas + compost 219 241 460
Biogas + vermi 219 2859 3078
Biogas + Biofertlizer 219 3317 3536
Total income from this sector = Rs.2000 billion
annually (2003-2004)
It is necessary to highlight the fact that as per the
figures of 2003-2004 the total income from cattle farm-
ing in the nation is 2000 billions. While, proper utilization
of cow dung gives an income of 3536 billions, which is
double than gross cattle farming income. This manure
increases the soil fertility and also save billions of ru-
pees spent for urea, DAP etc.
Other uses: cow dung is being used in the form of
fuel cakes and manure for the past several centuries
but nowadays it is also being used for making incense
sticks, tiles and pooja material. Besides, cow dung is
also used in the manufacture of ayurvedic medicines.
Processing of cow dung reduces or destroys its poison-
ous element. Therefore, as we are highlighting the quali-
ties of cow dung, its economic value is also increasing.
Very soon we will have businesses based on cow dung
and cow urine and income obtained from cow will in-
crease by several times.
The above facts show that all these estimates are
imaginative and beyond reality. Therefore, we are giv-
ing a practical example in order to explain the economic
viability of cow dung.
The economic revolution seen in the dairy farm of
Govind Vallabh Pant Agriculture and Technology Uni-
versity with cow dung resources is as follows. One must
visit this dairy farm in order to analyze the economic
revolution with ones eyes.
The dairy farm which was
making losses is now mak-
ing profits only with the use
of cow dung. There are
around 750 cows and buf-
faloes in this dairy farm.
Around 150 to 200 quintals
of cow dung is obtained
daily along with left over
fodder. Previously it was put into cultivable land or flown
in river. This used to create the problem of termite, flies,
mosquitoes, snakes, insects and ammonia smell. The
dairy farm has seen a face lift from the day cow dung
is being used in the form of vermi compost, vermin wash
The economic condition of dairy farm has changed
surprisingly. It has also overcome the problem of am-
monia smell, flies, mosquitoes, snakes, and insects.
Around 20-30 people have got direct employment and
there is tremendous change with cleanliness and eco-
nomic condition of the dairy farm. Presently, cow dung
is mainly used in the form of vermin compost and the
grapes, banana and vegetables are grown in the middle
portion of vermi bed which is full of organic qualities.
The productivity and variety is better than normal fruits
and vegetables. The cost of these fruits and vegetables
is also high. The soil which is used for making vermin
compost is also used for growing fruits and vegetables.
This increases the income and organic material is ob-
tained from extract of fruits and vegetables for making
vermi compost.
The above mentioned facts and examples prove
that cow dung has different qualities. These qualities
can increase the income from cow dung more than milk.
As mentioned earlier, if cow dung is used for making
biodynamic manure then the income will increase twice
when compared to gross cattle farming income. Cow
dung should be used for making pooja material, incense
sticks, tiles etc, cow dung can be a main element in
ayurvedic medicines and processing of medicines. This
will increase the significance of cow dung as well as
income. The above mentioned qualities of cow dung
prove that cow dung is not just gold but more valuable
than gold. Therefore it should be used to the fullest.
Patanjali Yogpeeth has
moved ahead in order to in-
crease the utility of cow
dung, cow and gives it the
correct status. Here the
germplasm of good breeds
of cows will be collected
and their physical, economic
and medicinal qualities will
be analyzed. The cow urine,
cow dung etc. obtained from cow will be tested scien-
tifically regarding its economic and medicinal qualities.
Revered swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and Acharya
Balkrishna have made efforts to bring in public aware-
ness of divine qualities of cow and give it the status that
it deserves.
In the coming days, cow dung will be used for mak-
ing biogas and vermin compost in fodder fields and pro-
duce milk. If the dreams of biogas and organic farming
are also fulfilled then another white revolution will be
seen in dairies using cow dung. The above facts clari-
fies that cow dung is not garbage, compost but an ele-
ment which keeps the environment pure, increase soil
fertility and prevent several diseases in human beings.
This will completely prove the saying of our sages and
seers that goddess Lakshmi resides in cow dung.
-Acharya Abhaydeva Vidyalankar
f+r nr

fa fn



= =

+. : =|n. . ..: ~|. ..
Sage: Priyamedha, Lord: Indra; Prose: Gayatri
Word Meaning: Yathavido- You, in order to obtain knowledge of truth; Gopitam- lord of sensory organs;
Indram- of soul; Gira- with speech; Abhi Pra Archa- worship that soul whole heartedly; Satyam sunum
who is son of truth and ; Saptim- always nurtures truth.
Appeal: Oh Man! If you want you to obtain knowledge of truth then you should go into the shelter of
Indra. The sensory organs, which are supposed to be resource of direct knowledge, will only give you
limited knowledge and will create illusionary knowledge several times; the mind will also not take you far
and your mind that is full of jealousy and hatred will use its logical ability only for incorrect arguments. The
knowledge obtained from external sources, in other words from learned peoples advices and books
written by logical experts will confuse you further. You will get the true knowledge from your inner self,
from your soul and will give you peace of mind. You search it in your soul, which is the lord of all these
sensory organs, which has given you entire strength and has made mind and other sensory organs its
resources, which is like true knowledge, which is the son of supreme soul and which is nurturer of truth by
nature. Oh man! You worship this lord of truth, pray him, make all efforts to make him happy and you will
find the truth. You also do indirect worship through your verbal strength. You will have to use truth in order
to worship the lord of truth. You will have to follow truth in your speech, behavior, and in every action; you
will have to be truthful in your inner self also and think thoughtfully. When you look into your inner self
then you will realize that how difficult it is to worship with true speech, but it is also true that when you will
finish this worship then your true soul will appear and will open its invaluable treasure of true knowledge
in front of you. Then you will not have any confusion, your clean mind will give correct logic, your sensory
organs will also appear clear, and the most important thing is that at that time you will attain true knowl-
edge free of any conditions with which you will be enlightened with the true knowledge on whichever
subject you desire. The soul, lord of truth, which follows truth will always protect you for truth. This is the
natural result of worshipping truth with speech. Oh Man! You pray this Indra of truth, worship it whole-
heartedly indirectly.
Vaishakh- 21
Indian immigrants who went to America for employment, education
and business took with them their identity and behavior which had Hindu
impression. When they settled in America, the Americans were very impressed
with the mutual faith, dedication and co-operation between the couples. The
Indian values became the center of their attraction.
An article published in News Week says that today Americans are see-
ing the chanting of Aum and the process related to it as a solution. The num-
ber of people inclining towards spiritualism is increasing. It increased from 24
percent in 2005 to 30 percent in 2009. Nowadays, one can hear the chanting
of Aum in any prayer meetings held in America. 30 percent of Americans like
to be called as spiritual person instead of religious person. American citizens
are gradually molding themselves as per sage tradition related to god and
immortal element.
If today, the chanting of Aum is being heard all over America then the
credit goes to Swami Vivekananda for his speech in Chicago world religious
conference and Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
The impact of economic crisis of strong economic American culture was
seen on every segment. The family system was weak earlier also and the
worry of future and over luxurious life made them obese and diseased.
The author of the article published in News Week has reached to the
conclusion on the basis of various surveys that the spirituality is increasing in
Americans in place of religious feeling. Therefore, 65 percent Americans
believe in the principles mentioned in Rigveda in spite of the fact that 76
percent of Americans are Christians. They believe in the Indian principle that
as all the rivers flows towards the sea in the same way all the paths go
towards God. The principle of equality of religions has been prevalent in India
since ancient times. The people have faith in mortality of body and immortal-
ity of soul, rebirth, and soul leaving one body after death and entering another
body. The author has called it Faith. Therefore, the author believes on the
basis of surveys that every third American is expressing the opinion of burn-
ing the dead bodies like Hindus. The reason is that they have started believing
in rebirth. Our sages have called Yog as the method of removing conditions
from mind. Mind is playful and wanders here and there. Yog can control its
playfulness. Self control arouses pious feelings. The pious feeling inspires us
to maintain harmony with everything around us. Because, everything present
-Shekhar Agarwal
Americans are
seeing the chanting of
Aum and the process
related to it as a solu-
tion. The number of
people inclining towards
spiritualism is increas-
ing. It increased from 24
percent in 2005 to 30
percent in 2009. Nowa-
days, one can hear the
chanting of Aum in any
prayer meetings held in
around us is the creation of God. This is spiri-
tualism. America, a prosperous country is
increasing its affection towards Indian
China that is running on the fast track
of economic development has also ac-
cepted Yog as the resource of mental and
physical peace.yog is deepening its roots
in this country at a very fast rate. The people
of china have been following religious and spiri-
tual discipline in order to strengthen the mental and physi-
cal health. But today Yog is above any religion, sect,
geographical boundary, breed, cultures and has become
a part of daily routine of mankind. Yog has entered into
all countries whether it is Pakistan or Italy that follows
Roman Catholic religion, Cambodia that follows Bud-
dhism or China or Jewish land Israel. It is interesting to
note that in Pakistan, the initiative to teach Yog has been
taken by Shahbaj Ali Khan, famous Yog teacher but not
by a Hindu. American citizens are spending three bil-
lion dollars annually on Yog classes, Yog tools, clothes,
Yog tours, videos and other Yog products. A survey
conducted by Yog Journal shows that the number of
people practicing Yog regularly has increased from 1.65
crores in 2005 to 2 crores at present.
The profession of Yog teacher has become very
lucrative and the income per Yog class is between 80
and 125 dollars. An American practicing Yog is spend-
ing on average 1500 dollars annually.
As per Yog journal, Yog is booming as an industry
in 21 Asian countries and the annual turnover of this
industry is more than 50 crores dollar. The Pure Yog
Studio of Hong Kong is considered to be the biggest
Yog studio of the world. One can see people of all groups
engrossed in practicing Yogasana and madras, be it a
common man, a corporator or a celebrity.
Millions of people attend Yog camps of Swami
Ramdev Ji Maharaj organized in nook and corner of
India and learn the intricacies of Yog. His popularity
can be assessed from the fact that Queen Elizabeth of
England invited him on tea in 2006 and Steel emperor,
Lakshmi Mittal took out time to meet Swami Ji.
Chief Secretary of USA requested for his co-op-
eration to make the millennium program successful. The
television channels which broadcast Swami Jis pro-
gram have increased viewership rate. It is evident that
people have come into the shelter of Yog to attain men-
tal peace since they have started facing stress
and depression due to comfortable life style.
Countries like America, Canada and
Britain were glittering with the lights of
Deepawali festival. The local govern-
ments are also giving importance to this
festival. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson
began Deepawali Festival Season on 4
October 2009 and the historical Trafalgar
Square was shining with lights. The streets of
London were glittering with lights.
The Indians have come out as a single minority
community in both America and Canada. They have
gained name and fame in the fields of politics, finance,
education and business. This is the result of the intelli-
gence of Indians that this year Deepawali was cel-
ebrated at White House in America. President Barrack
Obama invited around 150 guests at White House on
this occasion and organized party with diyas and tradi-
tional Indian food. However, Deepawali is celebrated
at national level in Britain but it is limited in those cities
of America which have a large number of Indian popu-
lations. Cracker display and grand parties are organized
by prominent people on the occasion of Deepawali in
New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago,
Washington. Canada has lot of Sikh and Gujarati popu-
lation and here also Deepawali was celebrated at Prime
Ministers residence.
American President, Barrack Obama having faith
in Indian values started a new tradition. He lighted the
lamp amidst chanting of Vedic mantras for world peace
and celebrated Deepawali. This was the first instance
when American president participated in Deepawali
celebrations at White House. Pandit Narayan Acharya
Digalakote chanted Vedic mantras in Shiva Vishnu
temple. Addressing the people in East Room of White
House President Obama said that this festival denotes
the victory of good over bad. He said that he is very
happy to light the lamp at White House. It is the first
instance when an American president has celebrated
this festival and given it government recognition. Previ-
ously, Deepawali was celebrated in a building situated
next to White House. Yog, Ayurved and Indian tradi-
tions are gaining global recognition. The western people
are fed up of luxurious life style and accepting Indian
traditions at a very fast pace. The credit goes to re-
vered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
Vivekananda hoisted the
flag of Hindu religion at
Chicago religious con-
ference and started going to different places and left a
lasting impression on the minds of the people. However he
did not forget his India. His motherland, the misery in the
eyes of the downtrodden used to always come in front of
his eyes. Once he wrote in a letter, We will have to re-
move all gods and goddesses from our minds for the next
50 years. Only god aroused in our mind is our nation. Wor-
shipping this mighty nation is real worship. The first god-
dess whom we will pray is our motherland and Indian is
our first god.
He said, Before coming to other countries I love my
country from the bottom of my heart. But now the air of
India and every dust particle is more sacred than heaven.
Indian land is sacred land. It is my mother, India is my
Swami Jis heart was eager to see the motherland once
the ship left Colombo. Tears rolled down his cheeks as
soon as the ship reached the banks of the sea. He bowed
in front of the sea and prayed to motherland.
As soon as the ship was anchored, Swami Ji got down
from it crazily and bowed down to touch the motherland.
It was appearing as if a child is getting into the laps of his
mother. He said, All the people following western culture
should get into the laps of mother land.
Swami Vivekananda Ji told the ascetics:
Listen! These miserly and poor people are so simple at
heart. Cant you reduce their troubles even little? Then
what is the use of wearing these saffron clothes? Some-
times my mind says that what is the use of building the
temples? Sell these and donate to the poor people. We live
under the shade of the tree, then why should we worry
about our houses? When our fellow citizen is starving for
one morsel, wont we feel ashamed to eat food? Mother!
Is there no solution to this problem? You know that one of
the objectives to go to western countries for propagating
our religion was to find resource for nurturing our country-
men. I see their sorrows and miseries and think that this
prayers and worship should be given up, sounding the bell
and lighting the lamp should be stopped, we should leave
the habit of praying for salvation, and knowledge of clas-
sics. Go to each and every village and serve the poor and
needy people, make the rich people realize their responsi-
bilities towards the society, collect wealth and resources,
which can be used for the service of the poor people.
Look, how so many untouchables are converting into Chris-
tianity in Madras (now Chennai) due to insensitive attitude
of Hindus. Do not think that they are converting their reli-
gion due to starvation. They have become Christians be-
cause you could not transmit your empathy to them. You
have always been telling them not to touch. Do not touch
this, do not touch that. Make it clear in your mind, Until
these people do not rise, Indian will not progress. If we are
unable to provide them food and clothes then what is our
utility? Go, make collective efforts and remove the veil of
darkness from their eyes.
Pravin Madhukar Amrinkar
History will be created when Yog duty and na-
tional duty combine
rnn = znt r-nrrfa
r-nrrfa = rnnt trr+rfa
rt r, rt r +rrta trf+rnr t rrfa
rnn rt trrn..........
+rrta trf+rnr t q r rtrr
t rrzt t trr
zt tnt zrr t trr
rnn rt trrn..........
+rrta trf+rnr r q rt rtr
tzrrt r zrr =rtr
rnn rt trrn..........
Synopsis: Poet says that fulfilling Yog duties will
increase internal strength and thereby patrio-
tism. This is the strength of Indian pride. They
are the faith of Indian pride. New freedom and
new arrangement will remove non-governance
from the nation. Indian pride has only one slo-
gan, use indigenous goods and fulfill your du-
-Rajendra Bhavsar
12 January: Swami Vivekananda Bitrh Anniversary
-Sanjay Bonde
Republic Day Parade which has become the pride of the nation was organized
for the first time on 26th January, 1950 at Irwin Stadium (national stadium). Presi-
dent, Dr. Rajendra Prasad left Rashtrapati Bhawan in his six horse chariot at 2.30
p.m and reached the venue via Connaught Circus at 3.45 p.m. First Republic Day
parade was held in the evening. President took the salute with 31 firing of guns, now
there is a tradition of 21 firing of guns.
Next year the parade was held at Kingsway, which later came to be known as
Rajpath. At that time, the parade used to begin from Kingsway and follow the route
of Curzon Road, Connaught circus, Irwin Road and end at Gol Post Office. In this
year, four Paramvir Chakras were awarded for the first time.
In 1952 the parade was held from old Delhi, red fort and ended at Chandini
Chowk. Many old people must be still remembering the procession of Emperor
Ashok, in which he was shown sending messengers to other countries.
Folkdances were included in the republic day parade of 1953 and fire crackers
were displayed at Ramlila Ground on 26th January. In this year, the tribal people of
Tripura, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh were invited to see the parade in order to
arouse national feeling in them.
In 1955, 50 ironsmith groups came from Rajasthan, who reminded everybody of
Maharana Pratap who fought against Akbar. Mushaira was started in Divan-e-Aam
of Red Fort.
The tradition of inviting chief guests from other countries on this occasion began
from 1950. Indonesian President, Sukarno came with his wife in that year. Governor
Gulam Mohammed of Pakistan was invitee for 1955 Republic Day, Chinese Marshall,
Ye Chin Ying came as chief guest in 1958. It is interesting to note that Food and
Agriculture Minister of Pakistan; RanaAbdul Hamid was invited as the chief guest
in 1965 and after few days both the countries had to fight war. You must be thinking
that Russian President visited India on this occasion many times. It is not true;
Vladimir Putin had recently visited India on republic day. Nobody has been invited
from America till now. The highest number of times to invite a guest on republic day
has been from France. Till now, chief guests from France have visited India four
times on this occasion.
Nowadays, people are avoiding going out of their houses to watch republic day
parade due to security reasons and lethargy. However, 20 lakh people had watched
the parade in 1960. This was the first time when bravery awards to children were
given. On this occasion, one of the elephants had created chaos but was controlled.
In 1962, the parade was so long that it had reached red fort but one end of the
parade was still at India gate only.
1963 republic day parade reminded us the defeat against china. Dilip Kumar,
Talat Mahmud and Lata Mangeshkar collected Prime Minister Relief fund on this
Lt. Col. S.S.Kohli, who climbed Mt. Everest, was the center of attraction in
1965. 164 airplanes mesmerized people in 1968.
Tribute paid to the martyrs at Amar Javan Jyoti in 1973 was the highlight and first
woman IPS officer, Kiran Bedi leading the Delhi Police troupe was the hot topic. In
1982, Appu of Asian games was very interesting for the people. Similarly, Arjun tank
made indigenously filled the peoples heart with pride in 1966 parade.
Republic Day
Parade which has
become the pride of
the nation was
organized for the
first time on 26th
January, 1950 at
Irwin Stadium
(national stadium).
President, Dr.
Rajendra Prasad
left Rashtrapati
Bhawan in his six
horse chariot at
2.30 p.m and
reached the venue
via Connaught
Circus at 3.45 p.m.
First Republic Day
parade was held in
the evening. Presi-
dent took the salute
with 31 firing of
guns, now there is a
tradition of firing
21 firing of guns.
26th January: Republic Day
Parkinsons is a disease in which the patient loses
control over different organs and suffers from shiver-
ing. The patient finds it difficult to control his body move-
ments. The muscles become hard and stiff and lose
their flexibility, as a result the patient finds difficulty in
walking and doing routine work.
Science is also not aware if Parkinsons is a heredi-
tary problem or there are other reasons for it.
Parkinsons means trouble along with other age related
problems. In majority of the cases, it is considered to be
a common old age problem and patients do not take
treatment also.
Muscles lose their flexibility with increasing age. If
the life style is inactive then the movement of hands
and legs reduces to a great extent. But in case of
Parkinsons the physical posture gets affected. The
neck, back, elbows and knees bend. The patient feels
difficulty in walking, sitting, and doing routine work. The
patient is unable to walk even two steps.
Medicines and exercise alone are not enough to treat
this. The most important thing is to
provide right environment for the
patient where he or she can live
happily and peacefully amidst
their dear ones. Lack of peace
of mind, worries, disrespect,
negative thoughts aggra-
vates this disease. Dopam-
ine can be increased even
in case of good art of liv-
ing is practiced. Dopam-
ine activates the internal
circuits of the brain and sends
the messages to the related
In case of Parkinsons a
special group of neurons get
destroyed. These neurons join
the brain cells. They secrete
dopamine, which gives
chemical indications to the
brain. Yogasana, pranayam
and life style changes improve
the health of the pa-
Yogic cure:
Yog has tremendous power
and can cure almost all the dis-
eases occurring in the body. Regu-
lar practice of yoga gives ben-
efit. It should be done depend-
ing on individual physical capac-
ity. It is also necessary to practice it
as per the methodology. If it is not
done as per the prescribed method
then it can be harmful. Therefore, you
should have full knowledge about the
asana that you are practicing.
Parkinsons patients should
practice Surya Namaskara.
This asana strengthens all the organs of the body
and makes them disease free. This is a complete
Regular practice of Akarnadhanushtakarasana gives
special benefit in case of Parkinsons. It relieves the
joint pain in hands and legs and strengthens the
muscles. Parkinsons patient should practice it as
much as possible.
Hastapadangushtasana should be practiced daily for
special benefits. It overcomes diseases of hands and
legs. This is the best asana for the patients of
Parkinsons. It should be practiced daily depending
on individual capacity.
Regular practice of Pranayam gives lot of benefit to
Parkinsons patient. It is brain related disease and
pranayam improves the health of the brain. It is a
divine and wonderful exercise.
Bhastrika pranayam provides pure vital life energy
to the brain. It purifies the blood and removes the
poisonous elements from the body.
Kapalbhati increases the glow, brightness and beauty
of the face and forehead. It prevents constipation.
It cures all the internal and external diseases of the
Anulom-Vilom and Nadishodhan pranayam are ex-
cellent exercises for a Parkinsons patient. These
pranayam remove the reasons responsible for
Ujjayi pranayam is also beneficial in case of
Parkinsons. It overcomes all the disorders of the
brain and gives relief to the patient.
Our hearts are filled with national feeling espe-
cially when the nation is facing some problems like war,
terrorist attack, floods, earthquake or some serious epi-
demic. Some momentary emotions are seen on 15th
August and 26th January when the whole country re-
sounds with patriotic songs. This one day patriotic feel-
ing is seen only twice in a year.
Many myths have occupied our minds knowingly or
unknowingly with respect to national spirit. We can ex-
plain it in this way that we never tried to understand our
responsibility towards the nation. Nevertheless we have
to experience the ill effects of this in our daily life, for
example, littered surroundings, mosquito menace, lack
of drinking water, global warming, pollution etc. But we
hardly think about the reasons for these problems.
Whenever we think about patriotism we think about a
soldier fighting in a war or martyrs who sacrificed their
lives for the country. We never develop the feeling that
every citizen of the country, whether male or female,
young or old, everybody has a duty towards the nation,
a responsibility to be fulfilled. Every citizen of the coun-
try is equally responsible towards the nation as much as
a Prime Minister or a Chief Minister. This responsibility
can be fulfilled only when we keep national interest in
mind and fulfill our duties and tasks with honesty and
We generally believe that we alone cannot bring in
any changes in the country. When we throw our litter
on the streets then also the same psychology works
behind it. What will happen if I throw the litter outside
the house? Who does not want development of the na-
tion, but, it requires selfless efforts and very few people
can actually gather the courage to do so. It is extremely
necessary to analyze others contribution in our own lives.
This life is dependent on co-existence, nation, society,
family have an important contribution. The feeling of
indebtedness will develop only when we understand this
and we will have the feeling of serving the nation.
If we think with a cool mind then we will find that
national property is nothing else but hard earned wealth
of the countrymen given to the government in the form
of taxes. This should be utilized only for the public wel-
fare. If it is misused, whether it is politician, govern-
ment servant, government contractor or businessman,
then they have to pay for it sometime or the other in
some form or the other. This is rule of nature and can-
not be ruled against. We can protect ourselves cleverly
from the manmade rules but it is not possible to save
ourselves from rules of the nature.
The biggest problem in front of the nation today is
lack of national feeling. If the feeling of national inter-
est develops within us then all the other problems will
be resolved automatically. It is necessary to sacrifice
the desires without selfishness and pay attention on
national interest. Everybody should do their part of work
honestly and sincerely. The national feeling should not
be expressed at some occasions but it should be there
in our hearts. National love is the only effective source
to beautify our lives.
-Bharat Singh
| | - +i z| | - t l - | ,
| +| =- n| - t l - | ,
< l -| +i --| : | +| n ,
+ | | +| ~ n| - t l - |
l + n- +t-| t t l - | ,
~| ~| i =t-| t t l - | ,
+-| n-, -n- ~| -n- ti |-|,
-a- +| = < z| = -| -| t t l - |
< t ~-, i= -i +| ntn|- t l- |,
+z|l|, =<, t n |- t l-|,
ii n|| ~|, +|i :n|- n- --|,
+| l+ t ||-i +| : n|- t l- |
| +i -t -, l| t l- | ,
|-|, l+=|-|, tn =+| ln| t l-|,
( '|-' n- t( |i <|n- = n| |-|,
+| l+ ~||< ||- +| -i+ t l- |
-Pradip Naik
Synopsis of the poem: Tricolor is Indias pride
and honor. It should reach great heights and this is
the desire of the millions of Indians. The tricolor asks
that people should not bend. It faces storm and sun.
Tricolor is inspiring the people to continue on their
path without stopping and gives the message of ris-
ing above. The poet is saying that one should not be
dishonest even in tough times as tricolor is pride of
India. It is the tricolor of youth, farmers and it should
be kept near us even during death. It is the symbol
of Indian independence.
Children today I will tell you the story of a great man who was a social
reformer, thinker, politician and a dutiful person. His name was Raja Ram
Mohan Rai.
The story dates back to 1744. There was a district in Bengal by the name
of Burdwan. There was a village called Radhanagar in that district. The thread
maker of that village was very famous and the demand was seen up to Eu-
rope. East India Company had established one big house in this place in view
of business potential. A famous Brahmin family used to live in Radhanagar.
The head of that family was a very religious and orthodox person. A child took
birth in that family, who later shined in the form of Indian pride. The name of
that Indian pride was Raja Ram Mohan Rai. At that time, India was facing
serious problems related to non-governance. There was Mughal rule but the
British were strengthening their roots and the Nawabs were ready to kill each
other. On the other hand, the Portuguese, Dutch, French and English were
trying to go ahead of one another. India was the lone victim of their games.
At that time, Arabians and Persians were strong. Therefore, Rammohan
Rai was sent to Patna for his education. There he studied Quran and Islamic
religious books and also books authored by Arastu and Ukledas. The books
were translated in Arabic language. Meanwhile he studied poems of Sufi po-
ets of Persia. All the poems were inspired by philosophy. He wrote a book in
Persian language at the age of 16 years. The book was titled, Tohfatul Moiddin.
He had written its pretext in Arabian language. He had condemned idol wor-
ship in this book. One day Rammohans father saw that book. He read it and
was deeply hurt. He expressed his anger and asked Rammohan to burn that
book. But he was not ready for it. The argument increased and Rammohan
left his home for the sake of his principles. The book was published in 1804
after Rammohans fathers death. Its English translation is also available now.
Rammohan was wandering after leaving his home and reached Tibet. There
he studied the Buddhist books. He lived there for four years and went to
Banaras where he lived for ten years. During this period he studied several
Sanskrit and Hindu religious books. He went to Calcutta from Banaras. Mean-
while he had also gained proficiency in English language. On 7th March, 1830,
Rammohan Rai was made the Diwan of collector of Jalalpur, Dhaka by East
India Company. He improved his English language skills while serving on this
He took retirement in 1814 and went to Kolkata and started social and
religious reform work. He set up Atmiya Sabha for this purpose. A weekly
meeting used to be held in the garden of his home. The subject of the meeting
used to be social issues. Atmiya Sabha organized a procession in 1819. Pandit
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
There was lot of commo-
tion in Hindu society of
Bengal. Raja Ram
Mohan Ray's sister in-
law was forced to become
Sati after her husbands
death in 1811. From that
day itself, Rammohan
had decided to remove
this social evil. He had to
fight for this cause with
the social leaders for
around 15 years. Only
then he got the support
from Lord William
Bentinck and a law was
made to stop this system.
Subramanyam Shastri was also present in that proces-
sion. They got into discussion on idol worship and con-
tinued for several days. Shastri could not win over
Rammohan Rais arguments. Rammohan presented
excellent logics for which Shastri had no answers.
Rammohans protest against Sati system had antago-
nized religious leaders.
There was lot of commotion in Hindu society of
Bengal. His sister in-law was forced to become Sati
after her husbands death in 1811. (Jagmohan Rai was
elder brother of Rammohan Rai). From that day itself,
Rammohan had decided to remove this social evil. He
had to fight for this cause with the social leaders for
around 15 years. Only then he got the support from
Lord William Bentinck and a law was made to stop this
Meanwhile he studied Angel and Torat to understand
the religion of Christians and Jews. He had to learn
Hebrew language for this as Angel was written in this
language. He had translated this book into English,
which was published in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1820.
However the priests community did not tolerate this
and wrote several articles against Rammohan. These
articles were published in Friend of India. Rammohan
was also not ready to give up. He gave very good reply.
This went on for long time. Finally, he wrote an article
which was published in Akhiri Appeal. It was praised
in America and Europe.
In 1823, East India Company decided to form a com-
mittee with the objective of providing Arabian and San-
skrit education to Indians. Rammohan wrote a letter to
governor general, he wrote that if the government re-
ally wanted to educate the Indians then it should make
arrangements to teach them European education re-
lated subjects like chemistry, science, biology, philoso-
phy and other science subjects. If it wanted to keep
the people in darkness then there is no better system
than old system of education prevailing in the country.
Rammohan was correct; he had demanded the right
thing at the right time. The letter had a deep impact on
the mind of governor general and he opened schools
and colleges in Kolkata.
On 20th August 1828, Rammohan converted Atmiya
Sabha into Brahmasamaj. This was a successful effort
in order to improve Hindu society. He knew that politi-
cal progress is not possible until the social evils are not
eradicated from the society. Brahmasamaj was a com-
mon platform for all those who believed in one God and
gathered here without any differences. It progressed a
lot within a period of two years and the members of this
organization felt the need for having a separate room
for prayer. Rammohan Rai agreed to this and got a
separate prayer room constructed at his own cost.
The religious leaders did not keep quite in spite of
sati act being passed. They appealed against it in En-
gland also. In that period only, last Mughal emperor
Bahadur Shahs father Akbar shah II sent Rammohan
as his barrister to England for cases related to his pen-
sion and other problems. Before sending him to En-
gland, the emperor honored him with title Raja. But,
East India Company did not agree with the emperor.
Therefore, Rammohan did not accept the title. But, still
he took 70 thousand rupees for travel expenses from
royal treasure and went to England.
Raja Rammohan Rai reached England and fought
the case of Akbar Shah, he also presented the appeal
letter prepared in favor of Lord William Bentinck against
the Hindus appeal of Bengal. He also gave witness on
judicial arrangements and goods transport method from
India in front of a parliament committee. Later he went
to France from England.
This was the last Europe trip of Rammohan. He
passed away on 27th September 1833 in the famous
city Bristol of England. Raja Rammohan Rai was not
only a social reformer, thinker and a religious person
but he was also a politician. He was first an Indian who
had understood the importance of newspapers with a
political perspective and tried to get the best out of it.
Therefore, he published Bengali and Persian newspa-
pers. His Persian newspaper was circulated both in Iran
and middle Asia. He was the first Indian who had un-
derstood the American freedom fight and France revo-
lution in the true sense. He had interest in those for-
eigners who sacrificed their lives for the sake of inde-
He was the first Indian who gave the correct direc-
tion to the country and the society. He had brought
magnificent changes in social and political life. His mind
and soul was filled with Indian patriotism. A wise, pure
hearted and intelligent patriot and social reformer like
him are born once in ages. His life is like a pillar of light
for all Indians.
-Suniti Mund
Lala Lajpat Rai was known as Lion
of Punjab. He was indeed the lion not only
for Punjab but entire India. His voice was
like soon of a lion. The British government
used to shiver with the roar of Lala Lajpat
Rai just like the wild animals of forest do
with the roar of lion.
Lalaji was born on 28
January 1865
in Jagraon village of Ludhiana district. His
father was Radhakrishna and mother was Gulab Devi.
The thoughts of parents played an important role
in character building of young Lajpat Rai. He once
wrote I have inherited generosity, truthfulness and
helping nature from my mother. The religious nature
developed inside me due to her. My father has played
equally important role in building my life. I have gained
patriotism and sacrificing nature for the country from
him. Both, my father and mother have been my Gurus.
Lalaji obtained his primary education from his fa-
ther. He was a sharp student with good intelligence and
used to stand first in his class. He passed out middle
school with good marks at the age of 13 years. He
obtained very good marks and was qualified for schol-
Lalaji passed his high school examination in 1880.
He went to Lahore for his graduation after completing
high school. He passed both intermediate and law ex-
aminations in 1885. He was very studious and hard
working student.
He started his practice in Hisar (Haryana). He
opened school for weak students and vocational school
for women. He went to Lahore and continued his prac-
tice and simultaneously joined the freedom struggle. He
earned both name and fame as a lawyer in Lahore along
with lot of wealth.
Lalaji used to say, Youth of India, mother India is
being tortured by foreigners. Be strong and free the
mother India from foreign rule.
India was hit by famine on one side and plague on
the other side in 1896-97. Millions of people died due to
this. Lalaji contributed a lot with the help of
society. He boldly condemned Christians
against conversion and stopped it.
He went to England in 1905 along with
the dignitaries and gave speeches for Indias
independence. He also wrote several ar-
ticles. He expressed in front of the nation
that freedom cannot be gained by asking
or pleading. A physical struggle was nec-
essary in order to gain it. The leaders of this party were
with Lokmanya Tilak.
He strongly spoke during the congress conference
in 1906 and said that we have to get rid of this begging
nature. He also started a revolution on the question of
taxation on farmers in Punjab. As a result, Lalaji was
asked to leave the country and sent to Mandla jail.
Muslim league was involved in communal riots in
1925. It was also demanding Indias division. Lalaji de-
cided to unite Hindus in order to stop this division. Hindu
Mahasabha was formed with his inspiration. Lalaji also
worked to stop untouchability and women education.
Simon commission was set up in India in 1928.
Congress passed a resolution and declared boycott of
Simon commission. It was opposed and boycotted
through meetings and processions wherever it went.
The commission reached Lahore station on 30
ber 1928, a large crowd gathered outside the station to
boycott it. Lalaji was the leader of this group.
Police stopped the procession outside and suddenly
started lathicharge. A white soldier hit Lalaji on the or-
ders of Police chief Sanders. Lalaji was hurt on his
chest and he fell down. On being hurt by British sol-
diers, Lalaji said, the sticks that are hurting my body
will work like nails downfall of British rule.
Lalaji was immediately taken to the hospital and
lots of efforts were made to save his life. But, all in
vain. He left this world forever on 17
November 1928
and the lion that used to roar, became silent forever.
The efforts and sacrifices made by Lalaji to free
India will always be remembered by Indians and in-
spire us towards patriotism.
28 January: Lala Lajpat Rai Anniversary
A very small Endeavour started under the name
of Divya Yog Mandir Trust with the aim of providing a
disease free, peaceful and healthy life has today become
the center of faith for millions of people to reap the
benefits of good health and express their love for the
Patanjali health centers have been started at national
level with the objective of providing good health to the
citizens of this country. The people need not travel upto
Hardwar for the purpose of treatment. All the centers of
the ashram are running in different cities and offering
health services to the people. The qualified ayurvedic
doctors are providing free consultation to the patients
suffering from curable and incurable diseases. All the
medicines (at same price) of the ashram are available at
these centers. Apart from medicines, ashram literature,
CDs, VCDs and Yog Sandesh magazine are also available.
We are publishing the contact points of our centers for
the benefit of the general public.
1. Andhra Pradesh: 1. Adilabad, M: 09423702333, 2.
Badi Chawdi, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-24735946, 3.
Langar House, Hyderabad, M: 09441076855, 4.
Tarnaka, Secunderabad, M: 9490313580, 5.
Hyderabad, M: 09490313580, 6. Ameerpet,
Hyderabad, M: 09618010106, 7. Dilsukh Nagar,
Hyderabad, M: 09866064716, 8. A.S.Rao Nagar,
ECIL, Hyderabad, M: 09866473009, 9. Ramnagar,
Hyderabad, M: 09948424365, 10. Sangareddy, Medak,
M: 09000009059, 11. Vijayawada, Krishna Dist, M:
09000009054, 12. Mehboob Nagar, M: 09441167067,
13. Nizamabad, M: 09246782555, 14. Kalilwadi,
Nizamabad, M: 09000009061, 15. Sellar-22,
Secunderabad, M: 09440952684, 16. Vishakhapatnam,
M: 09490807512, 17. Purana Gajuwala, M:
2. Assam: 1. Nr. Central Bank, Barpeta, M:
09435123594 2.Boigoan, Ph: 03664-230934, 3.
Dibrugarh, M: 09435031987, 4. Dhubari, M:
09954092126, 5. Kacheri Raod, Golpara, m:
09435737336, 6. Dispur, Guwahati, M: 09864062661,
Ph: 0361-2229159, 7. Guwahati, M: 09954710807,
8.Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, M: 09957199411, 9.
Jorhat, M: 09435844839, 10. Karimgunj, M:
09435074560, 11. Kokrajhar, M: 09435026515, 12.
Main Road, Mangaldoi, M: 09864267401, 13. Main
road, Morigoan, M: 09435317534, 14. Marwadi Patti,
Nagoan, M: 09435060016, 15. N.T.Road, North
Lakhimpur, M: 09435084673, 16. Amullapati, sibsagar,
M: 09435056207, 17. PWD Road, Silture, Kachar, Ph:
03842-231999,18. Tejpur, Sonitpur, M: 09864541111,
19. Tinsukia, M: 09435335666.
3. Bihar: 1. Shahjahanand Nagar, Begusarai, M:
09835064517 , 2. Khalifa Bagh, Bhagalpur, M:
09334286034, 3. Badi Chowk, Ara, Bhojpur, M:
09430622667, 4. Motihari, East Champaran, M:
09955511608 , 5. Betia West Champaran, M:
09334666858 , 6. Gaya, M: 09334863037 , 7.
Jahanabad, M: 09334343019, 8. Katihar, M:
09709697004, 9. Madhubani, M: 09470031001, 10.
Bus Stand, Golambar, Mujjafarpur, M: 09835071604,
11. Dhanpur, Patna, M: 09308150309 , 12. Patna, Ph:
9931102523, 13, Purnia, M: 09308203772 , 14. Raxol,
East Champaran, M: 09905212882 , 15. Saharsa, M:
09430965047, 16. Samastipur, M: 09431208642, 17.
Sitamarhi, M: 09835049755, 18, Hajipur, Vaishali, M:
4. Chattisgarh: 1. Bastar, M: 09424281238 , 2. Bhilai,
M: 09425245593, 3. Bilaspur, M: 09425583197 , 4.
Dhamatari, M: 09406084790 , 5. Durg, M:
09893865010 , 6. Janjgir Champa, M: 09425223286,
7. Jashpur, M: 09425275600, 8, Korba, M:
09826111738, 9. Mahasamund, M: 09752094819, 10.
Raigarh, M: 09406377777, 11. Ring Road, Raipur, M:
09389119099, 12. Samata Colony, Raipur, Ph: 0771-
4020983, 13. Shankar Nagar, Raipur, M: 09329482700,
14. Rajnandgoan, M: 09827181617, 15. Sarguja, M:
5. Chandigarh: 1. Chandigarh, Ph: 0172&6535156,
2. Sector 45-C, Chandigarh, M: 09417059821
6. Daman & Diu: 1. Daman, M: 09228757365
7. Delhi: 1. Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, M: 09350233882
, 2. Burari, Delhi-84, M: 09811663038, 3. Dwarka,
New Delhi, M: 09811211785 , 4. Dwarka-Kakrola
Road, Delhi, M: 09818274240 , 5. Greater Kailash -1,
New Delhi-48, M: 09811526515 , 6. Harinagar, Delhi,
M: 09811444809 , 7. Lakshmibai Nagar, New Delhi-
23, M: 09810015266, 8. Mahipalpur, New Delhi-37,
M: 09899924290 , 9. Mahroli, New Delhi-30, Ph:
26806693 , 10. Model Town, Delhi, Ph: 27224985, 11.
Munirka, New Delhi, M: 09582148994, 12. Naya
Bazaar, Ph: 23985167, 13. New Rajendra Nagar, Delhi,
Ph: 42411100, 14. Lampur Mor, Narela, Delhi, M:
09868535111, 15. Mamurpur Mohalla, Narela, Delhi,
16. Nazafgarh, New Delhi, M: 09871020444, 17. Near
Uttam Nagar, Delhi, M: 9910182525, 18. New Friends
Colony, New Delhi, M: 09650033881, 19. Paschim
Vihar, New Delhi, Ph: 011-64603973, 20. Preet Vihar,
Delhi, Ph: 22548254, 21. Kohat Enclave, Pitampura,
Delhi, M: 09891974743/44, 22. Rajori Garden, New
Delhi, M: 09212509673, 23. Samaypur, Delhi-42, M:
09899996960, 24. Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-76, Ph:
26977777/8, 25. Shahdara, Delhi, M: 9311139098, 26.
Vivek Vihar, Delhi, M: 09873183337
8. Goa: 1. Mapusa, Goa, Ph: 0832-2266424, 2. Upper
Bazaar, Ponda, Goa, M: 09766621189
9. Gujarat: 1. Anand, M: 9427054031, 2. Bharuch, M:
09428329027, 3. Bapunagar, Ahmedabad, M:
09428479899, 4. Maninagar, Ahmedabad, M:
09428076578, 5. Paldi, Ahmedabad, M: 09898225311,
6. Sabarmati, Ahmedabad, M: 09724336806, 7.
Sanand, Ahmedabad, M: 09374226256, 8. Satyam
Mall, Ahmedabad, M: 09825396900, 9. Shahi Bagh,
Ahmedabad, M: 09825549661, 10.Banaskantha, M:
09925047338, 11. Baroda, Alkapuri, M: 09898702548,
12. Manjalpur, Baroda, M: 09428151333, 13.
Bhavnagar, M: 09898201194, 14. Bhuj, Kutch, Ph:
02832-255335, 15. Gandhi Market, Gandhidham,
Kutch, M: 09426454902, 16. Tagore Road,
Gandhidham, Kutch, M: 09909005268, 17, Nadiad,
Kheda, M: 09825472915, 18. Nakhtarana, Kutch, M:
09898612295, 19. Bilimora, M: 09427469333, 20.
Himmatnagar, M: 9426361816, 21. Junagarh, M:
09898071158, 22. Mehsana, M: 09426405519, 23.
Station Raod, Patan, M: 09601289254, 24. Rajkot, Ph:
0281-223223, M: 09426987888, 25. Bhatar Road,
Surat, M: 9827460059, 26. Deepa Complex, Surat,
M: 9979869998, 27. Varacha, Surat, M: 09375620300,
28. City Light, Surat, M: 09375620700, 29.
Surendranagar, M: 09426233388, 30. Vapi, M:
10.Himachal Pradesh: 1. Bilaspur, M: 09425583197,
2. Hamirpur, M: 01972221797, 3. Mehre, Hamirpur,
M: 09816688072, 4. Dharmashala, Kangra, M:
09418234000, 5. Kangra, M: 09816120109, 6. Kullu,
M: 09817082310, 7. Lahol Sfiti, M: 09418574366, 8.
Jawahar Nagar, Mandi, M: 09816351133, 9. Mandi,
Ner Chowk, M: 09418042540, 10, Sarkaghat, Mandi,
M: 09418805394, 11. Nalagarh, M: 09416274893, 12.
Nehran Pukhar, Kangda, M: 09811031069, 13.
Palampur, M: 09816726064, 14. Diyog, Shimla, M:
09459089435, 15. Nichli Phagli, Shimla, M:
09816254479, 16. Rampur Bushehar, Shimla, M:
09418152025, 17. Talant, Shimla, M: 09218533333,
18. Solan, M: 09218533333, 19. Parvanu, Solan, M:
09218633333, 20. Una, M: 09418043126
11.Haryana: 1. Bahadurgarh, M: 09315520980, 2.
Bhiwani, Ph: 01664-242253, 3. Ambala Cantt. Ph:
0171-2633064, 4. Ambala city, M: 09813852392, 5.
Faridabad, M: 09311268177, 6. Sector-37, M:
09818399047, 7. Palval, Faridabad, M: 09868361275,
8. Fatehabad, M: 09315381356, 9. Friends Colony,
Gurgoan, M: 09911220500, 10. Arya Samaj Mandir,
Hisar, M: 09896170938, 11. Shop No. 24, SD College
Road, Near SBI Hansi, Hisar, M: 09255103637, 12.
Jhanjhar, M: 09315520980, 13. Old Bus Stand,
Jhanjhar, M: 09416529511, 14. Old Bus Stand, Jhanjhar,
M: 09416529511, 15. HUDA Complex, Jind, M:
09416774685, 16. Govind Colony, Kaithal, M:
09813219136, 17. Opp. Naikhaniya Bldg. Kaithal, M:
09812040507, 18. Karnal, M: 09896347831, 19.
Kurukshetra, M: 09416026571, 20. Mahendragarh, Ph:
01282-205003, 21. Panchkula, M: 09417042837, 22.
Sector-21, Panchkula, M: 09872228000, 22. Panipat,
Ph: 0180-3201230, 24. Sector -12, Panipat, M:
09215539094, 25. Rivadi, M: 09416499887, 26. Shila
Bypass Chowk, Rohtak, M: 09416312445, 27. DLF
Colony, Rohtak, M: 09416401037, 28. Vinay Nagar,
Rohtak, Ph: 01262-266292, 29. Bhadra Bazaar, Sirsa,
M: 09254121545, 30. Mahlana Chowk, Sonipat, M:
09466569636, 31. Sector-14, Sonipat, Ph: 0130-
6451642, 32. Jagadhari, Yamunanagar, M:
09355321415, 33. Prof. colony, Yamunanagar, M:
09896880051, 34. Near Nirankari Chowk,
Yamunanagar, M: 09416459506
12.Jammu & Kashmir: 1. Purani Mandi, Jammu, M:
09419193602, 2. Jammutavi, M: 09419893360, 3.
Udhampur, M: 9469093542, 4. Kathua, M:
13.Jharkhand: 1. Bokaro Steel City, M: 09334783470,
2. Bokaro, Sector-4, M: 09431128267, 3. Devgarh,
M: 9431003654, 4. Dhanbad, Ph: 0326-2224447, 5.
Bhagalpur Road, Dumka, M: 09431367636, 6. Godda,
M: 09939163678, 7. Bansilal chowk, Hazaribagh, M:
09308731352, 8. Jamshedpur, Ph: 0657-3297260, 9.
Mango, Jamshedpur, M: 09204485892, 10. Ramgarh,
M: 09934300002, 11. Ranchi, M: 09931102522, 12.
Chibasa, Singhbhum (East), M: 09431932731, 13.
Adityapur, Saraikala, Kharsava, M: 09431183825
14.Karnataka: 1. Bangalore, Ph: 080-26768560, 2. HRS
Layout, M: 09448492814, 3. Indira Nagar, Bangalore,
M: 09008200344, 4. Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore, M:
0974074025, 5. Malleshwaram, Bangalore, M:
09342886181, 6. K.h.b. Colony, Bidar, M:
09449274690, 7. Mathikhare, Bangalore, M:
09880996422, 8. Tilakwadi, Belgam, 9. Hospet, M:
09448120443, 10. Hubli, Ph: 0836-2237511/12, 11.
Mangalore, Ph: 0824-2211040, 12. Mysore, M:
15.Manipur: 1. Imphal, M: 09436027817
16.Meghalaya: 1. Shilong, M: 09436100482, 2. Police
Bazaar, Shilong, M: 09436101262
17.Maharashtra: 1. Navipet, Ahmednagar, M:
09372416555, 2. Opp. Tarakpur Bus Stand,
Ahmednagar, M: 09420344777, 3. Shriram,
Ahmednagar, M: 09822806349, 4. Behind Nishant
tower, SG Road, Akola, M: 9373220021, 5. Near LRT
College, Ratanlal Plot, Akola, M: 09822699398, 6.
Amaravati, M: 09823651112, 7. Aurangabad, M:
09822391825, 8. Sidco, Aurangabad, M: 09673216869,
9. Beed, M: 09822670053, 10. Parli-Vaijyanath, Beed,
M: 09822503465, 11. Bhandara, M: 09422804236, 12.
Buldana, M: 09860555034, 13. Khamgoan, Buldana,
M: 09822699398, 14. Nandura, Buldana, M:
09890519051, 15. Dhulia, M: 09421531300, 16. Lane
No: 6, Dhulia, M: 09823695054, 17. Garhchiroli, M:
09421808129, 18. Gorelal Chowk, Gondia, Ph: 07182-
231314, 19. Hingoli, M: 09860555034, 20. Chandrapur,
Ph: 07172-258283, 21. Bhusaval, Jalgoan, M:
09326190209, 22. Jilapeth, Jalgoan, M: 09823156748,
23. Jalgoan, M: 09422772126, 24. Jalna, M:
09823068050, 25. Shahpuri, Kolhapuri, M:
09226340955, 26. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, M:
09860808048, 27. Rajarampuri, Kolhapur, M:
09226340955, 28. Latur, M: 09421445577, 29. Udgeer,
Latur, M: 09422471525, 30. Andheri (E), Mumbai, Ph:
022-32954412, 31. Andheri (W), Mumbai, M:
09322328094, 32. Bandra (East), Mumbai, M:
09892261817, 33. Borivili (E), Mumbai, M:
09819811471, 34. Chembur, Mumbai, M:
009821211177, 36. Dahisar (E), Mumbai, M:
09820275929, 37. Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai, Ph: 022-
32408989, 38. Goregoan (W), Mumbai, M:
09820350049, 39. Kandivili (E), Mumbai, M:
09325950070, 40. Lalbaug, Mumbai, M: 09322590678,
41. Marine Lines, Mumbai, Ph: 022-66396525, 42.
Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Ph: 022-67214071, 43. Sector-
28, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Ph: 09819856592, 44.
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, M: 09324224881, 45. Worli,
Mumbai, M: 09821118765, 46. Dr. A.B.Road, Worli,
Mumbai, M: 09821118765, 47. Bhandup (W), Mumbai,
M: 09969543668, 48. Ambedkar Chowk, Nagpur, Ph:
0712-2778283, 49. Suyog Nagar, Nagpur, M:
09422804236, 50. Lokmat Bhavan, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-
2448283, 51. Railway Road, Nagpur, M: 09001792910,
52. Sadar, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-2528182, 53. Station Road,
Nanded, M: 09823068808, 54. Shivaji Nagar, Nanded,
M: 09423702333, 55. Malegoan, Nasik, M:
09371255588, 56. Tikdi colony, Nasik, Ph: 0253-
6990208, 57. Parbhani, M: 09403525301, 58. Aundh,
Pune, M: 09822025236, 59. Baramati, Pune, M:
09422331597, 60. Chinchwad, Pune, M: 09850453774,
61. Hadpasar, Pune, M: 09822437298, 62. Kasarwadi,
Pune, M: 09272109737, 63. Nana Peth, Pune, M:
09890581884, 64. Pimpri, Pune, M: 09823320060, 65.
Rastapeth, Pune, M: 09371006718, 66. Gulistan Pune
College Road, Pune, M: 09372583838, 67. Prabhat
Road, Pune, M: 09823082341, 68. Pune Nagar Road,
Pune, M: 09371000367, 69. Alibaug, Raigarh, M:
09822832378, 70. Panvel, Raigarh, M: 09224273173,
71. Sangli, M: 09372141415, 72. Vishram Bagh, Sangli,
M: 09422615570, 73. Karad, Satara, M: 02164-230126,
74. Sore Goan, Sholapur, M: 09822079039,
09970916089, 75. Dutt Chowk, Sholapur, M:
09823025501, 76. Kudal, Sindhdurg, M: 09421261352,
77. Ratnagiri, M: 09422966106, 78. Biwandi, Thane,
Ph: 02522-248729, 79. Dombivali (E), Thane, M:
09324024343, 80. Navapada, Thane, M: 09823121738,
81. Tendi Naka, Thane (W), M: 09320615412, 82.
Ullasnagar, Thane, M: 09881356126, 82. Vagale Estate,
Thane, M: 09324023024, 84. Vaile Nagar, Kalyan (W),
M: 09987043484, 85. Vashim, M: 09422522749, 86.
Arni Road, Yavatmal, Ph: 07232-327743, 87.
Dhamangoan Road, Yavatmal, M: 09421845067, 88.
Ingole chowk, Wardha, M: 9372854555, 89. Bachelor
Road, Wardha, M: 09325653177
18.Madhya Pradesh: 1. New Market, Bhopal, Ph: 0755-
6454990, 2. Kolar Road, Bhopal, M: 09752591900, 3.
Balaghat, M: 09300626243, 4. Betul, M: 09425002724,
5. Bhind, M: 09826761407, 6. Burhanpur, M:
09669911262, 7. Chatarpur, M: 09893327808, 8.
Chindwada, M: 09425834141, 9. Damoh, M:
09425455434, 10. Rajgarh Crossing, Datiya, M:
09752591920, 11. Devas, M: 09424874397, 12. Guna,
Ph: 07542-254548, 13. Lashkar, Gwalior, M:
09425120280, 14. Vivek Nagar, Gwalior, Ph: 0751-
2237112, 15. Avasthi Compound, Harda, M:
09977970643, 16. Hoshangabad, M: 09827513029, 17.
Indore, M: 09302120554, 18. Anand Bazaar, Khajrana
Road, Indore, M: 09752975147, 19. Jabalpur, Ph: 0761-
6451291, 20. Katni, M: 09425412630, 21. Khandwa,
M: 09425927931, 22. Khargon, M: 09425313567, 23.
Mandla, M: 09993881531, 24. Murena, M:
09752591934, 25. Panna, M: 09977351967, 26.
Rajgarh, M: 09752591901, 27. Ratlam, M:
09893330555, 28. Riva, M: 09827329630, 29. Civil
Lines, Sagar, M: 09826365611, 30. Jhanda Chowk,
Gopal Gunj, Sagar, M: 09329238999, 31. Satna, M:
09425173657, 32. Kamla Shri Plaza, Shajapur, M:
09752591907, 33. Sivni, M: 09425873745, 34. Shahdol,
M: 09752591942, 35. Freegunj, Ujjain, M:
19.Nagaland: 1. Jinendra Tower, Dimapur, M:
09436019729, 2. Sikosi Bldg. Dimapur, M: 9436007288
20.Orissa: 1. Shankar cinema Road, Angul, M:
09861080789, 2. Balasor, Ph: 006782-262812, 3.
Bargarh, M: 09777433044, 4. Behrampur, M:
09437122776, 5. Bhadrak, M: 09437297497, 6.
Gautam Nagar, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09437231424, 7.
Rasoolgunj, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09438734568, 8. IRC
Village, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09937929834, 9. Bolangir,
M: 09437124211, 10. Kaushal Kalamandal Road,
Bolangir, M: 09437570677, 11. Chodawar, Katak, M:
09437666028, 12. Bajarkabati Road, Cuttack, M:
09438369660, 13. Rajendra Nagar, Madhupatna,
Cuttack, M: 09437016323, 14. Jajpur, M: 09437027310,
15. Jharsuguda, M: 09937728187, 16. Kalahandi, M:
09437070764, 17. Khurda, M: 09437480348, 18.
Koraput, M: 9437236687, 19. Baripada, Mayurgunj,
M: 09437320079, 20. Nayagarh, M: 09438362035, 21.
Nuvapada, M: 09437119634, 22. Ground Road, Puri,
M: 09437000060, 23. Chind Colony, Rourkela, M:
09437248788, 24. Mangal Bhavan, Rourkela, M:
09861310003, 25. Sambalpur, M: 09438150381, 26.
Sundargarh, M: 09937677994
21.Punjab: 1. Amritsar, M: 09814808121, 2. Tarantaran,
Amritsar, M: 09915045404, 3. Laurence Road,
Amritsar, M: 09417253060, 4. Barnala, Ph:
001679&234461, 5. Bhatinda, Bharat Nagar, M:
09316074066, 6. Kot Kapura, Faridkot, M:
09417582111, 7. Firojpur, M: 09855649490, 8.
Gurdaspur, M: 09814575387, 9. Hoshiarpur, M:
09463024851, 10. Nakader Chowk, Jalandhar, M:
09417540510, 11. Shahkot, Jalandhar, M:
09815188103, 12. Shri Devi Talab Mandir Charitable
Hospital, Jalandhar, M: 09417006231, 13. Kapurthala,
Ph: 01822-325438, 14. Khanna, M: 09878992927, 15.
CSF, Khanna, M: 09878992927, 16. CN Tower, Link
Road, Ludhiana, M: 09878992927, 17. Civil Lines,
Ludhiana, M: 09878506023, 18. Nr. Shringar Cinema,
Ludhiana, M: 09988005756, 19. Raikot, Ludhiana, M:
09357535333, 20. Mansa, M: 09217290767, 21.
Muktasar, M: 09815962929, 22. Moga, M:
09988337227, 23. Mohali, M: 09417042837, 24.
Navashaher, M: 09814880088, 25. Pathankot, M:
09216440999, 26. Patiala, M: 09417015804, 27. New
Officers Colony, Patiala, M: 09878901185, 28. Nabha,
Patiala, M: 09417158861, 29. Phagwara, M:
09872217062, 30. Ropar, M: 09876464417, 31. Dhuri
Gate Road, Sangrur, M: 09217223442, 32. Patiala
Gate, Sangrur, M: 09855853245, 33. Gita Bhavan
Road, Sunam, Sangrur, M: 09463676768
22.Rajasthan: 1. Ajmer, M: 09829523111, 2. Tej Mandi,
Alwar, M: 09414017756, 3. Bus stand Road, Alwar,
M: 09414401321, 4. Gud Mandi, Bhadra, M:
09413536955, 5. Banswada, M: 09414567567, 6.
Baran, M: 09928382139, 7. Balotra, Barmer, M:
09460461427, 8. Bharatpur, M: 09414715377, 9.
Bhilwada, M: 09414115423, 10. Bundi, M:
09414176312, 11. Sardulgunj, Bikaner, M:
09413557138, 12. Rani Bazaar, Bikaner, M:
09252063246, 13. Kumbh Nagar, Chittorgarh, M:
09799498466, 14. Churu, M: 09414399010, 15. Dosa,
M: 09414821189, 16. Dungurpur, M: 09460022133, 17.
Hanumargarh Town, M: 09214025874, 18. Kotputli,
Jaipur, M: 09414823635, 19. Nathdwara Marg,
Kankroli, M: 09414757552, 20. Mansarovar, Jaipur,
M: 09414821188, 21. Nr. Sindhi Camp, Jaipur, M:
09414071022, 22. Sanganeri Gate, Jaipur, M:
09829064334, 23. Sanganer, Jaipur, M: 09414071022,
24. Tonk Road, Jaipur, M: 09414053776, 25. Jhotwada,
Jaipur, M: 09314138001, 26. Gopa Chowk, Jaisalmer,
M: 09461533296, 27. Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, M:
09413236785, 28. Vidyadharnagar, Jaipur, M:
09461664099, 29. Jalor, M: 09413502428, 30. Jhunjhun,
M: 09950893550, 31. Jodhpur, M: 09829598255, 32.
Hindon city, Karoli, M: 9414307941/42, 33. Kota, M:
09414406430, 34. Vinayak complex, Nayapura, Kota,
M: 09799498452, 35. Didwana, Nagaur, M:
09460891833, 36. Railway Road, Nagaur, M:
09413647413, 37. Sumerpur, Pali, M: 09829504787,
38. Pratagarh, M: 09414396892, 39. Rajasmand, M:
09414169792, 40. Abu Road, Sirohi, M: 09414154042,
41. Nr. Birbal Chowk, Shriganganagar, M:
09414094874, 42. Sikar, M: 09413463177, 43. Durga
Nursery Road, Udaipur, M: 09351324806, 44. Surajpol,
Udaipur, M: 09829326446
23.Sikkim: 1. Gangtok, Sikkim, M: 09434029507
24.Tamilnadu:1. Agmore, Chennai, M: 09283234444,
2. Annanagar, Chennai, Ph: 0442-6285666, M:
9884048380, 3. Maylapura, Chennai, M: 09003074296,
4. Coimbatore, M: 09363102488 5. Johnson Pet,
Salem, M: 09944127744
25.Tripura: 1. Agartala, M: 09436126559, 2. Sarasima,
Beloniya, Ph: 03823-222427, 3. Teliyamura, M:
26.Uttarakhand: 1. Almora, M: 09410158495, 2.
Dehradun, Ph: 0135-6456898, 3. Ballarpur Chowk,
Dehradun, M: 09219280321, 4. Vikasnagar, Dehradun,
M: 09411192708, 5. Haldwani, Nainital, M:
09837023498, 6. Mallital, Nainital, M: 09412084037,
7. Pithoragarh, M: 09897089882, 8. Roorkee, M:
09897046386, 9. Kashipur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M:
09917384346, 10. Lalpur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M:
09760095146, 11. Rudrapur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M:
27.Uttar Pradesh: 1. Kamla Nagar, Agra, M:
09897007181, 2. Barah Khambha Road, Agra, M:
09897500500, 3. Sector 16-B, Agra, M: 09897327755,
4. Aligarh, M: 09359512771, 5. Ambedkar Nagar, M:
09919567035, 6. Narayanpur, Orayya, M:
09760095207, 7. Delite Bhavan chowk, Azamgarh,
M: 09415208437, 8. Kurmi Tola, Azamgarh, M:
09415208163, 9. Kareli Bagh Colony, Allahabad, M:
09335137703, 10. RamBagh, Allahabad, M:
09415236885, 11. Balia, M: 09451551467, 12.
Barabanki, M: 09415007404, 13. Bareili, M:
09411091083, 14. Basti, M: 09415037104, 15.Bijnor,
M: 09837392151, 16. Bulandshehar, M: 09456250215,
17. Devaria, M: 09889665041, 18. Eta, M:
09760095109, 19. Itava, M: 09760095209, 20. Faizabad,
M: 09451205999, 21. Khyali Ram Memorial Society,
Hospital Road, Fatehgarh, Farukhhabad, M:
9450005482, 22. Firozabad, M: 09837369291, 23.
Patelnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 09871161867, 24. Sector-
10, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 0120&2822285, 25.
Vaishali, Ghaziabad, M: 09899522277, 26. Gajipur, Ph:
0548&2220024, 27. Gorakhpur, M: 09839820080, 28.
Jail Road, Gorakhpur, M: 09451049610, 29. Greater
Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, M: 09910407269, 30.
Greater Noida, Gautam budh Nagar, M: 09891408721,
31. Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, M:
09891408721, 32. Hapur, M: 9312633918, 33. Hardai,
Ph: 05852-221616, 34. Jaunpur, M: 09935853010, 35.
Jhansi, M: 09889810037, 36. Amroha, J.P.Nagar, M:
09412144550, 37. Hanuman Mandir Road, Kanpur,
M: 09336102101, 38. Aradhana Complex, Kanpur, M:
09336102101, 39. Saket Nagar, Kanpur, M:
09336247517, 40. Vishnupuri, Kanpur, M:
09336206670, 41. Kasgunj, Kashiram Nagar, M:
09412896921, 42. Lakhimpur Khiri, M: 09451904034,
43. Gomtinagar, Lucknow, 44. Lal Kuan, Lucknow,
M: 09839640205, 45. Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Ph: 0522-
3294398, 46. Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Ph: 0522-
2738555, 47. Mathura, M: 09412727288, 48. Mau, M:
09336312446, 49. Hanuman Ghat Road, Mau, M:
09450757698, 50. Meerut, M: 09897044107, 51.
Modinagar, M: 09837371444, 52. Chandausi,
Muradabad, M: 09411009512, 53. Muradabad, M:
09927069521, 54. Kanth Road, Muradabad, M:
09927069521, 55. Mujjafarnagar, M: 09359317793, 56.
Chowk Bazaar, Nazibabad, M: 09837383914, 57.
Sector-26, Noida, M: 09811688223, 58. Sector-34,
Noida, M: 09837094135, 59. Sector-8, Noida, M:
09910032999, 60. Urai, M: 09935848332, 61.
Pratapgarh, M: 09839029569, 62. Raibarieli, M:
09839129116, 63. Gopigunj, Sant Ravidas Nagar
(Bhadoi), M: 09415449486, 64. Saharanpur, M:
09411959905, 65. Raiwala, Saharanpur,M:
09897277411, 66. Sant Kabir Nagar, M: 09936248265,
67. Shahjahanpur, M: 09451645099, 68. Sitapur, M:
9235736718, 69. Renukoot, Sonbhadra, M:
9453324857, 70. Robertsgunj, Sonbhadra, M:
09415679062, 71. Sultanpur, M: 09451494301, 72.
Unnav, M: 09450365426, 73. Sigra, Varanasi, Ph: 0542-
221062, 74. Durgakund Road, Varanasi, M:
28.West Bengal: 1. Bankura, M: 09333470014, 2.
Rampurhat, Birbhum, M: 09434326580, 3. Asansol,
Bardwan, M: 09474122128, 4. Burdwan, M:
09332100418, 5. Burnpur, Burdwan, M: 09333469723,
6. Bone Masjid, Burdwan, M: 09732049803, 7.
Durgapur, Burdwan, M: 09434002234, 8. Ranigunj,
Burdwan, M: 09434002234, 9. Coochbihar, M:
09434748722, 10. South Dinajpur, M: 09434120786,
11. Raigunj, North Dinajpur, M: 09434247288, 12. Hugli,
M: 09831296592, 13. Uttarpada, Hugli, M:
09433195993, 14. Tarkeshwar, Hugli, M: 09732970544,
15.Karimpur, Nadia, M: 09434949776, 16. Nadia,
Krishnanagar, M: 09434343094, 17. Pradhan Nagar,
siliguri, M: 09832066480, 18. Burdwan Road, Siliguri,
M: 09832041418, 19. Howrah, Ph: 0033-32421357,
20. Howrah, Shivpur, M: 09339077018, 21. Alipurdwar,
M: 09679479500, 22. Baligunj Palace, East Kolkata-
19, M: 09883017969, 23. CIT Scheme, Ultadanga,
Kolkata, M: 09331260507, 24. Chittaranjan Avenue,
Kolkata-73, M: 09830665005, 25. Dumdum, Kolkata,
M: 09433532864, 26. Green Park Avenue, Kolkata,
M: 09830816114, 27. Parvati Ghosh Lane, Kolkata-
07, M: 09330105000, 28. Chinar Park, Kolkata, Ph:
033-27116454, 29. Bentinck Street, Kolkata -1, M:
09007789242, 30. New Alipur, Kolkata, M:
09007789242, 31. Barasat, 24 Paragana, M:
09830325795, 32. Bagoan, North 24 Paragana, M:
09230096321, 33. Baraipur, 24 Paragana, M:
09831832733, 34. Kancharapara, 24 Paragana, M:
09331022220, 35. Shyamnagar, 24 Paragana (North),
M: 09331036752, 36. East Midnapur, M: 09932208029,
37. Malda, M: 09434981127, 38. Murshidabad, M:
09932488979, 39. Shrirampur, M: 09433061901
29.Nepal: 1. Kathmandu, Ph: 00977-1-4674666, 2.
Rupandehi, Butwal, Ph: 00977-71-544714, 3. Kaski,
Pokhra, Ph: 00977-9856027826
Construction of Houston International Yog and
Research Center will begin from next summer
Yog will be established in the whole world within
25 years Swami Ramdev
Invitation to citizens of USA to become mem-
bers of Patanjali Yogpeeth
Revered Swami Ramdev Maharaj addressed the
trustees, board members, advisors, members and Yog
teachers of Patanjali Yogpeeth at Houston, USA and
declared that the construction of International Yog and
Research Center Houston will begin from next sum-
mer. The cost of construction of first phase of this cen-
ter would be to the tune of Rs. 50 crores. Swami Ji
expressed hope that citizens of Houston and America
will donate generously for this cause and become mem-
bers of the center.
Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj was welcomed at the
Swami Narayan Temple at Stafford near Houston.
Revered Swami Ji explained about all the eight types of
pranayam at Yog camp and also demonstrated in front
of the people. He said that different types of asana and
pranayam are recommended for different diseases.
Swami Ji said that Yog is a life style and also a health
building system. Yog keeps us healthy and removes
stress and provides peace of mind along with spiritual
progress. He said that stress is the reason for most of
the diseases.
Swami Ji Maharaj said that Yog will be established
in the whole world in next 25 years. The representative
of Texas State, Al Edward will raise the subject of in-
cluding Yog in school curriculum in the next session.
Edward said that he will encourage the proposal to
include Yog education in public schools of Texas.
Vandana Jaiswal, Yog teacher of Oklahoma City said
that we are remembering whatever we have learnt at
Revered Swami Ji addressed the people present in
a Yog camp organized on the occasion of Deepawali
and said that the lamps lighted in this festival denote the
victory of truth over false and the return of Shri Rama
to Ayodhya. Swami Ji said that everybody should make
their bodies like Ayodhya and inculcate the divine quali-
ties of Shri Rama in their hearts. Truth and false al-
ways exist together. Man should always be with truth.
Revered Swami Ji said that Yog makes the body and
mind healthy.
It needs to be mentioned that 94 acres of land has
been proposed for Yog and research center at
Rozenworg. Swami Ji Maharaj has performed the land
praying ceremony (Bhoomi Poojan) earlier itself.
Swami Ji inaugurated Divya Products center at 5901,
Hill craft, Shoot C-2 A, Houston Texas 77036. A vaidya
will soon be appointed at this center. Books, DVDs,
CDs and Divya Pharmacy products will also be avail-
able at the center.
The task of extending the reach of Yog and
Ayurved till the last person is commendable
Revered Swami Ji Maharaj cut the ribbon and
inaugurated Divya Products center at Houston-
World class natural cure center at Yog Gram:
Acharya Balkrishna
Governor of Mizoram, Lt. General M.M.Lakheda
said at Patanjali Yogpeeth that Swami Ramdev is using
Yog as weapon and fighting against diseases at interna-
tional level. Millions of people have become disease
free and they have got new life. Swami Ji has taken the
initiative to make the entire world healthy with Yog and
Ayurved. This is indeed commendable. The governor
shared this view after visiting Patanjali Yogpeeth and
said that people are migrating from their native places
in search of livelihood. Poverty, starvation and unem-
ployment are the national problems today and these prob-
lems are shameful for the nation. Swami Ji is trying to
overcome these problems at his own level. We have to
fight them out because nobody will come from outside
to help us.
Revered Swami Ji Maharaj has setup biggest mega
Food Park at Haridwar and has generated employment
Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj garlanding
Governor of Mizoram, M.M.Lakheda at Patanjali
opportunities to people of Uttarakhand and given a spe-
cial place on the world map. Governor remembered the
past and said that I am born and brought up in
Uttarakhand, I remember this place and how could I
miss my visit to Patanjali Yogpeeth after coming here?
The Yog Ganga is flowing from this place and providing
good health to everybody. He said that including Yog
curriculum in the school syllabus will make the future
generation disease free and cultured, at the same time
it will also give them a new direction. The work that
Swami Ji Maharaj is doing is for national benefit along
with individual benefit. This will make them disease free
and healthy and give back the status of world mentor to
Acharya Balkrishna expressed his views on this
occasion that Yog, Ayurved and natural cure are being
used under the guidance of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
A world class natural cure center has been established
at Yog Gram with the objective of providing good health
to people. There is a wonderful combination of tradi-
tional and new natural cure method at this center. Hon-
orable Governor inaugurated the Yog teaching and train-
ing department, Yog Sandesh department, Yog research
and development, dental treatment, radiology depart-
ment, pathology center, library, Panchakarma and re-
search department, eye and research department in the
first phase of Patanjali Yogpeeth and Divya nursery in
the second phase.
The Governor was mesmerized to see the medicinal
plants at Divya Nursery; he praised Swami Ji and
Acharya Ji for their work and said that Patanjali
Yogpeeth is indeed working for the welfare of the man-
Governor inaugurating Pathology and Research Depart-
Honorable governor gaining information about Yog
and research department along with Acharya
Balkrishna Maharaj
Yog Sandesh-English
Revered Acharya Balkrishna Ji performing yagna at Yog
Gram before the inauguration of Yog-Natural-
Panchakarma Medical and Research Center
Inauguration of Yog-Natural-Panchakarma Medical and Research Center at Yog Gram
Revered Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj, Shri Manohar Kanti
Dhyani, revered Swami Ji Maharaj and Acharya
Balkrishna Ji inaugurating Yog-Natural-Panchakarma
Medical and Research Center at Yog Gram
Revered Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj lighting the lamp at
the inauguration ceremony and other dignitaries
Revered Acharya Shri Maharaj addressing the people at
the inauguration ceremony
Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and revered
Swami Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj talking to the
Revered Swami Ji and famous nature therapist Dr.
Nagendra Kumar Niraj at the plantation program
organized at Yog Gram
We want to associate every person with Yog and arouse the feeling of national duty in them.
We want to fill the hearts of each and every person with national spirit. We want to use our
entire energy for the national progress by practicing Yog everyday and develop our internal
self. We want to arouse the souls with Yog and take forward the pious mission of national
awareness. Questions arise in the minds of several people regarding the relation between
Yog and national development? We want to clarify that national development is a dream
without internal development. Therefore, we will develop the internal soul through Yog
and dedicate the whole day for the national development and progress. Yog duty and
national dutyare not contrarybut complimentarytoone another.
The India pride mission is to create 100 percent Yog awareness, 100 percent
organization of patriotic people, 100 percent boycott of foreign companies and promote
indigenous goods, promote 100 percent voting and 100 percent national thinking and make
India a healthy, prosperous and virtuous nation. These are the vows of the members who want to
achieve this. This will alone bring in newfreedomand newarrangement, which will make great India and put a full stop to
the corruption, which is the biggest problemof the nation. Only a yogi can remain disassociated with the greed of wealth,
power, position and luxury. Hence, it is mandatory for everyYog teacher, worker and member of this India pride mission
to be a yogi. The reason is that internal strife is created if a person is not a yogi and this leads to dishonesty, corruption,
violence, crime, insensitiveness, foolishness, unawareness, non control, impurityand lethargy.
We have started the work of nation building along with Yog awareness and associated Yog duty with national duty.
But, we have not created controversy but it is acceptance of Yog in a mighty form. We do not have any doubt, confusion,
illusion or misconception with respect to Yog duty and national duty. Our intention and principles are clear and our
objective is to unite and develop the divided India. Yog means to unite. We want to organize the whole nation through the
mediumof Yog. We want to make every individual of the nation the first yogi. When every individual of the nation will be
a yogi, then he will be a person of strong character, he will be a patriot, teacher and healer, a thoughtful chartered
accountant, he will be a hardworking politician, an aware farmer, a virtuous soldier, security personnel and policeman, a
dutiful officer, worker and labor, he will be an energetic entrepreneur and businessman, a patriot artist and journalist, a
scientist dedicated to the national interest, he will be a healthy, laborious and experienced senior citizen and a sensitive
and wise judge, legislative member because we strongly believe that national progress is not possible without self
progress. We will practice Yog ourselves and make others do it and make develop good citizens. We will make mother an
ideal mother. We will develop ideal mothers and fathers and lay the foundation of such culture and values that will give us
progeny like Rama and Krishna. Aperson who will involve in introspection through Yog will see only society, nation,
entire universe and living beings within himand then he will not deceive anybody, he will not involve in violence because
he will realize that speakinglies, practicingdishonestyanddeceivingothers is like deceivingone self.
Internal bickering is the reason for corruption, dishonesty, immorality, non governance, insensitiveness prevailing in
the country. We will reestablish the sage culture on this earth through Yog revolution and create happiness, prosperity,
peace andprogress.
India pride trust was established on 5 January 2009. Millions of Yog teachers, patriots and laborious people have
alreadygot associatedwiththis missionwithinone year. You canalsoplayanactive role inthis mission.
Swami Ramdev
FromYog duty to national duty
Printed and Published by Acharya Balkrishan on behalf of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) - Patanjali Yogpeeth,
Hardwar, Printed at Jain Offset Printer, 344 Patparganj Industrial Area, New Delhi and
Published at C-25, Model Town, Delhi Editor : Acharya Balkrishan
R.N.I. No. : DELENG / 2006 / 16626 YOG SANDESH
January 2010
D. C. Magazines

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