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Garuda Kavacham

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Swami Desikan’s

Garuda Dandakam



Introduction to Garuda Dandakam 3

Shlokam 1 8
Dhandakam Padam 1 8
Dhandakam Padam 2 9
Dhandakam Padam 3 11
Dhandakam Padam 4 13
Shloka 2 13

Shloka 3 14
Nigamanam 15


. ïI>.

ïI géf d{fk>
ïImte ramanujay nm>
ïImte ingmaNt mhadeizkay nm>
Swami Desikan was initiated into Garuda mantram by his Acharya, Sri AppuLLar.
Incidentally, the Tamil word PuL stands for a bird. Here the reference is to the divine
bird, Garuda, who is also known as Pakshi Raja (the king of Birds). Garuda Mantram
includes therefore among its five syllables the two syllables constituted by the word
Pakshi. The Garuda Mantram was a Mantram of AppuLLar’s family. After

instructing Sri Desikan on all relevant Sri Vaishnava granthas, Rahasyas, Tarka and
Vyaakarna, Sri AppuLLar initiated him into the recitation of Garuda Mantram.
After his Acharya’s passing away, Sri Desikan settled at Thiruvahindrapuram and

Sri Devanayaka Perumal

worshipped Sri Devanayaka Perumal and Hemabujavalli Thaayar. While residing
there, he ascended the hillock near the Lord’s temple known as Oushadhadri and sat
under an Aswattha tree and recited Garuda Mantram for a considerable time in
intense concentration. Garuda Bhagavaan was pleased with the devotion of Sri
Desikan and appeared before him and blessed Sri Desikan. Sri Garuda Bhagavan also
gave an archa murthy of Yogaasika Hayagrivan to Sri Desikan to use in his daily
Aaraadhanam. Sri Garuda also initiated Swami Desikan into the recitation of Sri
Hayagreeva Mantram. The enormous achievements of Swami Desikan came out of
the Anugraham of Sri Garuda Bhagavaan, who is generally recognized in Sri
Vaishnava Sampradhaya as Veda Swaroopi. Swami Desikan Composed Garuda
Panchaasat to record his gratefulness to Sri Garuda Bhagavaan and incorporated the
Garuda Mantram in one of the 50 slokas of that Panchasat. He then recited Sri
Hayagreeva mantram and had the good fortune of seeing Sri Hayagreevan and
received His blessings as well. Swami composed the Hayagreeva Stotram and
incorporated the Mantra of Sri Hayagreevan in this stotram.
All the achievements of Swami Desikan as a Great Acharya arose from the blessings

conferred by Both Garuda Bhagavaan and His Lord Sri Hayagreevan at

Thiruvahindrapuram. The archa murthy of the Yogaasika Hayagreeva presented by
Garuda Bhagavaan can be seen even today, next to the Vigraha of Swami Desikan
sculpted by his own hands, when he was challenged by a sculptor, who wanted to
defeat Swami in a vigraha nirmAnam contest.

Sri Yogaasika Hayagriva

Sri Garuda Dhandakam was composed on a later occasion, when a Snake charmer
challenged Swami Desikan's title as Sarvatantra Swatantrar and sent some poisonous
snakes towards Swami to test his power in handling those poisonous snakes. Swami
Desikan recited the Garuda Mantra and the snakes were carried away by Garuda
Bhagavaan. The snake charmer lost thus his snakes and his livelihood. He fell at the
feet of Swami and asked for forgiveness. Swami forgave him and requested Sri
Garuda Bhagavaan to return the snakes and composed the Garuda Dhandakam to
thank Sri Garuda Bhagavaan for his intervention. This stotra was composed at
Thus, the Stotras associated with Garuda Bhagavaan and Sri Hayageevan, the Lord
of Learning occupies a special place among the 28 stotras of Swami Desikan. Sri
Garuda Dhandakam, is a marvelous composition as seen from its Dhandakam
In this stotram, Swami Desikan covers the FOLLOWING topics to illustrate the
glory, power and status of Garudan as one of the foremost Nitya Sooris serving

Sriman NaarayaNan in Sri Vaikuntam:
1. Vedas praising Garuda Bhagavaan.
2. Garuda"s service to Sriman NaarayaNa as His Vehicle and Flag
3. His matrimonial status with his two wives (Rudrai and Sukeerthi)
4. His adornment of great serpents as his jewellery on his limbs.
5. His heroic deed in bringing nectar from Indra Loka
6. His other heroic deeds in battles on behalf of his Lord
7. His splendour as the Amsa (aspect) of Para Vasudeva (i-e) his Sankarshana
8. His manifestion in five individual forms
9. His conferral of Vedhanta Vidya to his aspiring devotees (i-e) his status as an
10. The worship of Lord Garudan by learned scholars and saints
11. His power as the Garuda Mantra Moorthy
12. His power to bless one with the 4 Purusharthas (goals) of Life
13. His incarnation as Garudan as a result of the prayers of the Vaalakilya sages.
14. His power to bless one with the true knowledge or Brahma Vidya
It is generally believed that the recitation of this Dhandakam daily would protect one
from the harms caused by poisonous animals such as snakes, scorpions et al.

In sanskrit poetry, each of the 4 Paadas of a sloka can have 26 letters. If the letters of
each Paadas increase to 27,30,33,36 (other multiples of 3 beyond 27), then this slokam
is recognized as a Dhandakam. The 3 lettered units are known as a GaNa. Thus a 27
lettered Paada will have 9 GaNaas.There is generally no restriction on the length of
the Paada in a Dhandakam.Swami Desikan chose Paadas with 36 GaNaas or 108 =
(32X4) letters for the four Paadas of Garuda Dhandakam.
The poetic genius of Swami Desikan is abundantly evident in this Composition. The
Paadas of this Dhandakam parsed by its 144 GaNaas make intricate swoops in the air
and make sharp turns like the high soaring Pakshi Raja (Garuda). The grammar of
the flight movement of this Dhandakam is defined by NagaNaas and RagaNaas. At
the beginning of each Paada, the first two GaNaas are made up of NagaNaas and the
remaining 34 are made up of RagaNaas. NagaNaas are those GaNas or triads of
Aksharas/Syllables,which are laghu in character; RagaNaas are those, where the
middle Akshara is Laghu and the remaining two are Guru. The genius of Swami

Desikan as a poet is revealed from the study of this Dhandakam, where he

scrupulously adheres to the rules of the Dhandakam construction, including the
nuances of meter and GaNaas constituting them.

“ Kanchi Garudan”

The first sloka (nama: pannaganaddhaya) is set in the vedic meter known as
anushtub with 32 syllables. The last sloka (vichitra siddha:) is also set in the same
meter. The sloka prior to the last one is set in aarya vrittham. The remaining sloka
forms the body of the dhandakam with its four paadas and each of the paadas
containing 36 ganaas.


“Salutations to Sri Garuda with beautiful wings”

ïImte ingmaNt mhadeizkay nm>

ïIman! ve»qnawayR> kivtaikRk kesrI,

vedaNtacayR vyaem
R e siÚxÄa< sda ùid.
Srimathe Nigamantha Maha Desikaaya Nama:
Sriman Venkatanaatharya: kavithaarkika Kesaree I
Vedanthaacharya Varyome Sannidhattaam sadha Hrudhi II

Kall Garudan


nm> pÚg nÏay vEk…{Q vzvitRne

ïuitisNxu suxaeTpad mNdray géTmte.
Nama: pannaganaddhaaya vaikunta vasavardhineh I
Sruti-sindhu Sudhothpaada-mandaraaya Garutmathe II

My salutations to Garuda with the beautiful wings. His limbs are adorned by the
mighty serpents that he has conquered in battle. They are his jewellery. He does all
the intimate kainkaryas to his Lord and is His Antharanga dhaasan. Garuda is
devoted always to the Lord and His services. He is adept like the Mandara Mountain
in churning the milky ocean of Vedas and to bring out the Brahma Vidyas. We can

get the benefits of these Brahma Vidyas by offering our worship to him. My
salutations are to him.


géfmiol ved nIfaixêF< iÖ;t! pIfnaet! ki{Qtak…{Q vEk…{Q

pIQIk«t SkNxmIfe SvnIfagit àIt éÔa sukIiÄR StnaÉaeg gaFaep gUF
S)…rTk{qkìat vexVywa vepman iÖijþaixpakLp iv:)ayRma[ S)qa
vaiqka rÆ raeicZDqa raijnIraijt< kaiNt k‘aeilnI raijtm!
Garudamakhila Veda NeeDadhirooDam Dhvishath Peedanothkantithaakunta
vaikuntapeetikrta skandhameedhe SvaneeDaa gatipreetha Rudraa Sukeerthi
sthanaabhoga-gaaDopakuDa sphuratkantakavraata veda vyataavepamaana
dhvijihavaadhikalpa vishppaaryamaaNa sphataavatikaa ratna rochischataa raaji-
neerajitham kaanti kallolinee raajitam I

“Sri Garudans wives Rudrai, Sukeerthi – Bindignavile”
Garuda Bhagavan has designed the Vedas as his cage and uses that cage as his seat.
(This suggests that the Vedas sing his praise). His Lord Sriman Narayana is bent
upon destroying the enemies of His devotees. No one can stop Sriman Narayana in
these endeavors. When He sets about to destroy the enemies of His devotees, he uses
the shoulders of Garuda as his transport. When Garuda transports his Lord on His
missions, his wives-Rudrai and Sukeerthi-- miss his absence from home. When the

Lord’s mission is successfully concluded, Garuda returns to his wives and they
embrace him intimately with affection. In that ecstatic state, the hairs on the body of
Garuda become stiff like thorns. This in turn hurts the serpents, which are covering
his body. The serpents are overcome with fear and they raise their hoods. On those
occasions, the ratnas positioned on their hoods radiate their brilliant red rays. That
splendorous group of red rays appear at that time as the mangala Aarathi to Garuda
and he sparkles in that flood of red light.


jy géf sup[R dvIRkrahar devaixpahar hairn ! idvaEkSpit i]Ý dMÉaeil

xara ik[akLp kLpaNt vatUl kLpaedyanLp vIraiytaeXy½mTkar
dETyairjEÇ Xvjaraeh inxaRirtaeTk;R s<k;R[aTmn! géTmn! mét!pÂkaxIz
sTyaidmUteR n kiít! smSte nmSte punSte nm>.

“Sri ananthan & Sri Garudan – Thiruvallikkeni”

Jaya Garuda Suparna Darveekaraahaara Devaadhipaahaarahaarin diwowkaspati
Kshipta Dambholi Dhaaraa kinaakalpa Kalpaantha Vatoola Kalpodhayaanalpa
Veerayithoodhyacchamatkaara Dhaityaari Jaitra Dhwajaarohanirdhaaritothkarsha
Sankarshanaatman Garutman Marutpanchakaadheesa Sathyaathimurthe na Kascchit
samas te namaste punaste nama: II

O Garuda Bhagavan! You have been named Suparna, because of the beauty of your
wings. Serpents of immense size serve as your food. You brought Nectar, the food of
the Devas- from Indra Loka to release your mother from the bonds of servitude. Indra
got angry at you during that time and threw his Vajra weapon at you. The sharp edge
of that powerful weapon caused wounds on your wings and rest of the body. The
welts from those wounds look today as pieces of jewellery on your body and attest to
your heroic deed in defeating Indra. Your other heroic deeds stand out like the
mighty winds that sweep the universe during the time of the great deluge. You are
sitting on the flag of your Lord, which denotes His victory over His enemies; from
your position on the flag of your Lord, we are able to infer your glories. You have

incarnated as Sankarshana among the four Vyuha Murthys of Sriman Narayana,
which are Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradhumna and Aniruddha.
You have divided yourself into five forms-- Satyar, Suparnar, Garudar, Taarkshyar
and VihagEswarar-- and matched those five forms with the five Vayus (Praanan,
Apaanan, Samaanan, Udhaanan and Vyaanan) and shine thereafter as a supreme
Devan. O Lord with the most exquisitely beautiful golden Wings! There is none, who
is equal to you. I offer my salutations to you first and then again repeat my


nm #dmjht! spyaRy pyaRy inyaRt p]ainlaS)alnaeÖel pawaeix vIcI

cpeqahtagax patal Éa<kar s<³uÏ nagNeÔ pIfaöu[IÉav ÉaSvÚoïe[ye
c{ftu{fay n&Tyd! Éuj¼æuve vi¿[e d<ò+ya tu_ym! AXyaTmivXya ivxeya
ivxeya ÉvÎaSymapadyewa dyewaí me.
Nama Idhamajahath-saparyaaya Paryaaya-niryaata- pakshaanilaasppalanodhvela
PaToti Veechi- chapetaahataagaadha paatala Bhankara sankruttha nagendra
peetaasrunee bhaava bhasvannakhasreNayE chandatundaaya nrtyat bhujanga
bhruve vajrine dhamshtrayaa thubhyam Adhyaatmavidyaa vidheyaa vidheyaa
bhavath dhasyamaapaadhayeta dhayaTaasccha meh I

O Garuda Bhagavan! Learned scholars offer their uninterrupted worships to you.
Your wings in flight generate mighty winds that stir up all the oceans and make them
flow over their boundaries. The waves that rise and fall from those powerful winds
reach down to the netherworld (Paatalam) and the effect is like a violent blow given
by the palm of one’s hand.
A frightening sound heard as "Bhaam" reverberates around the world at that time.
The mighty elephants guarding the quarters are shaken up by this mighty sound of
"Bhaam" and run to attack you, the generator of that sound. Your rows of sharp nails
acting as the elephant goad attack those angry elephants of the quarters and repulse
them. Your mighty beak raises terror in the minds of your enemies. When you knot
your brows, it looks like the movement of the hood of a Cobra. Your canine teeth look
like the Vajra weapon of Indra and strikes terror in the hearts of your enemies. My
salutations to you of such limitless glory! May thou bless me so that Brahma Vidyas
become easy to be possessed by me! Please bless me out of your infinite compassion
so that I can have the good fortune to offer kainkaryams to you.

“Bindignavile Garudan ”


mnurnugt pi]v± S)…rÄarks! tavkiíÇÉanu iàya zeorSÇayta<

niôvgaRpvgR àsUit> prVyaem xamn! vlÖei;dpRJvlÖalioLy àit}a vtI
[R iSwra<tTvbuiÏ<pra<ÉiKt xenu< jgNmUlkNde mukN…u de mhanNd daeGØI—
dxIwa muxakamhInam! AhInamhInaNtk.
Manuranugata Pakshi-vaktra sphurattharakas taavakaschitrabhanupriyaa
sekharastthrayathaam nasthrivargaapavarga prasuthi: paravyoma dhaaman
valadhveshidharpajjvalath Vaalakilya PratigynaavatheerNa sTiraam tatvabuddhim
paraam bhaktidhenum jaganmoolakandhe Mukundhe mahaanandadhogdhreem
dhatiTaa mudhaakaamaheenamaheenaanthaka II

O Garuda Bhagavan residing permanently in Sri Vaikuntam! Your mantram confers

to the reciters the four fold (Dharma-Artha-Kama -Moksha) goals of Life. That

mantram of yours made up of 5 syllables, has the Pranavam as its first syllable. At the
end, it carries the syllable associated with the wife of Agni. May the mantram of that
structure protect us! Once, Devendran became arrogant over his powers and insulted
the Sages with the name of VaalakilyAs. (The sages got angry and cursed Indra. They
cursed that Indra’s arrogance be destroyed by an incarnation of Sankarshana
(Garuda) on a future date). You were born from the vow made by the VaalakilyAs
that you destroy the mighty arrogance of Indra and you made their words come true.
You serve as the lord of Death for mighty serpents that challenged you.
Please bless me with the discriminating knowledge to distinguish between true
(superior) and false (inferior) knowledge. Your Lord is the fundamental and principal
cause of all the universes. Please bless me to have the cow representing the limitless
devotion to your Lord, so that it can yield for me its delectable milk. May that
devotion of mine be free from the distractions of the insignificant and evanescent
pleasures of life! May thou confer on me the boon of possessing such a superior
devotion to your Lord and True Knowledge about Him!


;q!iÇ<zÌ[cr[ae nr pirpaqI nvIn guMÉg[>,

iv:[urw d{fkae=y< iv"qytu ivp] vaihnI VyUhm!.

Shat-thrhimsathgaNa-charanoh nara paripaati naveena GhumbhagaNa: I
VishnuraTa-dhaNdakoyam Vigatayathu vipaksha Vaahini Vyuham II

This entire Garuda Dhandakam is of the form of one slokam. This has four Paadas.
Each of the Paadas has 36 GaNaas. Each Gana has three syllables. This Dhandakam
follows strictly the rules of composing Dhandakams and has the NagaNaas and
RagaNaas in each of the Paadas and yields novel word constructions. When one
recites this Garuda Dhandakam, it will destroy the formations of the enemies, who
have assembled to do battle with us and scatter them to the winds.


ivicÇ isiÏd> sae=y< ve»qez ivpiíta,

géfXvjtae;ay gItaegéfd{fk>.

“Bless us with the superior devotion to your Lord – Garudan, Pomona”

Vichitra siddhidada: sOyam Venkatesa Vipascchitaa I
Garudadhwaja-thoshaaya Gheetho Garudadhandaka: II

This Garuda Dhandakam was composed and sung by adiyEn, the Vidwan known as
Venkatesa to please the Lord, who has Garuda on his flagstaff. The recitation of this
Garuda Dhandakam will confer on the reciter multifold blessings and fulfill their
heartfelt wishes of every kind.

kivtaikRk is<hay kLya[ gu[zailne,
ïImtev»eqzeay vedaNt gurve nm>.
kavitaarkika siMhaaya kalyaaNa guNa shaaline.
shrImate ve~NkaTeshaaya vedaanta gurave namaH.

Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan


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