YogSandesh March Eng2010
YogSandesh March Eng2010
YogSandesh March Eng2010
h Volume: 7
March 2010
Price Rs.15/-
Published By
Divya Yog Mandir (Trust), Haridwar
Psoralea seeds: It is sweet, bitter, pungent chemical, laxative, beneficial for heart and
relieves kapha, Raktapitta, leprosy, discharge of vital humours, fever and worms.
Pranayam Part 1 Yogasana Part 1 Dhyanyog Sakriya Dhyan Yognidra Ashtang yog: Results, Myths of yog: Yog for youth
benefits and success
stories dangers and precautions
Yog for spine Yog for obesity Yog for diabetes Yog for heart disease Yog for high Yog for asthma Self-realization Yog for girls
blood pressure
16 customs Yog for Parkinson's Yog practice and Yog for pregnant Yog for pregnant Yog for childless Yog for cancer Yog for children
and Paralysis life style woman Part 1 woman Part 2 couples
Yog for constipation Yog for Vata diseases Yog for different Yog for stomach Yog for migraine Yog for kidney Yog for white spots Yog for physical
and piles diseases problems and epilepsy fitness
Yog for skin Yog for muscular Yog for eye diseases Yog for jaundice National Duty
ailments dystrophy
Yog Sandesh-English
m|e% lkgla /S;± cqf¼% 'kfDr% ijkØe%A
"kMsrs ;=k orZUrs r=k nso lgk;Ñr~AA Editorial 4
Your Experiences 6
Psoralea Seeds: Qualities and Benefits 8
Gitamrita 11
Knowledge of Original Form of
Year : 7 Issue : 7 March 2010 Religion Through Pranayam 14
Control Low Blood Pressure 15
Acharya Balkrishan How Can Children Get Sufficient Milk 17
Food For Growing Children 19
Sub-Editor Simple Cure For Knee Pain 20
Dr. Rajendra Vidyalankar Ayurvedic Care During Pregnancy 21
Jayshankar Mishra Natural Care of Hair 22
Treatment of Asthma With Food 23
Subscription Advantages of Bath 24
Single copy.........................15- Winter Season Keeps The Body Healthy 25
Annual................................150/- Natural Cure For Lips 26
Five year.............................700/-
Natural Cure of Hands and Legs 27
Eleven years......................1500/-
Outside India (Annual)......800/- Let us Make Our Lives Colorful 28
Politics of Loan and Economic Aid 29
OFFICE Laughing and Crying are Beneficial 31
Environment Protection and Duty 32
PATANJALI YOGPEETH Female Foeticide – Shame On Mankind 33
Maharshi Dayanand Gram,
Hidden Meaning of Language and
Delhi-Hardwar High Way Its Conservation 35
Near- Bahadrabad, Hardwar,
Uttarakhand, (INDIA) 249402 Shiva was Dedicated For The Nation 37
Ph: 01334-240008, 244107, 246737 Chatrasaal 39
Fax No. 01334-244805, 240664 Taitariyapad 40
e-mail : divyayoga@rediffmail.com Change in System Based on Injustice is
Visit us at : www.divyayoga.com Only Revolution – Bhagat Singh 41
Killing of Birds and Animals: Fashion
and Taste 43
Publication & Distribution Office Sukhdev Had a Deep Understanding 45
Kaivalya Upanishad 46
Diamond Comics Group of Publications Shri Ram is The Leader of
D. C. Magazines Indian Culture 47
Punjabi Pustak Bhandar Vedic Appeal 48
257, Dariba Kalan, Delhi-110006
The Beginning of Vikram Era 49
Contact : Gulshan Rai Patanjali Health Centers Running With
Fax : 0120- 4238010 The Auspices of Revered Swami
E-mail: gulshanrai@diamondcomic.com Ramdev Ji Maharaj 50
News Roundup 55
International Women’s Day
so much during its 50 years of life that if we try to shade, skin and wood and pay tribute to ancestors.
repay it in money then it will be more than 15 lakhs. On Plants and trees nurturer all the creatures in this world.
the other hand, when we cut it then we only get a few Puranas have declared plants as progeny and said
thousand rupees. that as a child makes all efforts to take forward his
Trees have five main favors rendered to the envi- family, in the same way tree also relieves all the prob-
ronment, which are known as five great yagna. They lems of his master with its fruits and flowers.
give fuel to household people, shade and resting place Plants and trees leave a fragrance in the atmo-
to travelers, nest for birds, and medicines through their sphere which destroys diseases and bacteria spread in
leaves, roots and skin to all the creatures. the atmosphere. Atharvaveda describes medicinal plants
Pollution eradicator: Plants and trees produce like Anjashringi, Guggul and Nalad as destroyers of dis-
oxygen or vital life energy on a continuous basis with eases. It also talks about destruction of germs and bac-
the process of photosynthesis (producing food with sun- teria which are equal to demons and ghosts.
light). They absorb poisonous and polluted air, in other The air also becomes beneficial by touching the
words, carbon dioxide. It has been said that Pipal tree
plants. Vayu was worshipped to purify air and was
absorbs 2252 kg of carbon dioxide and gives 1713 kg of
pleaded to bring in medicinal quality for the benefit of
oxygen. According to Rigveda, plants growing in water,
mountains covered with forests and trees reduce pollu- the people. Atharvaveda describes the conservation and
tion. Yajurveda has described trees as destroyers of ill protection of environment. Man has exploited the for-
effects. According to Shatpath Brahman plants absorb ests due to greed and it has resulted in acid rain, degen-
pollutants. Plants destroy the invisible poison and their eration of organic variability, whereas Vedic sages had
sources. In this way, plants also work as pollution eradi- seen god in factors of environment and discovered nectar
cators. element in it and made efforts to obtain it.
Soil conservator: The roots of plants and trees Our sages and seers had created consciousness
hold the soil and stones on the earth. This brings in sta- towards environment through mantras in the beginning
bility in the earth. Atharvaveda terms plants holding soil of creation as mentioned in Vedas. Among Vedas,
as Dhruva Bhoomi. They stop the water under the Atharvaveda has consciousness towards the environ-
ground and purify it before sending it to the earth. For- ment. A mantra from earth chapter of Atharvaveda
ests play the role of soil conservators. warns the man on behalf of tree and says that, ‘Oh
Plants and trees in forest areas work as umbrellas Man! Do not cut me otherwise I will cut you.’ Vedas
for the earth’s surface, which maintains shade on the inspire man to grow and protect as many trees and plants
earth and also prevents direct sunlight falling on the as possible.
earth’s surface. It minimizes the condensation on the The whole world is facing the issue of environ-
surface of the earth. In this way the trees control the ment. Not only mankind, and living creatures but even
forest temperature and bring in rainfall. natural heritage is also affected with it and is going to-
Forests are the sources of life for wild animals. wards destruction. Billions of rupees are being spent
We come to learn from Rigveda that many birds and for this every year.
animals live in forests. Birds live on trees. Birds make This problem did not exist in India in olden days.
nests on the trees for their little ones. Rigveda has pro- Both living and non living creatures were safe. Our an-
hibited the cutting down of trees that are shelters for
cestors, sages were fully aware towards environment.
birds. Atharvaveda describes the residence of birds on
Unlimited exploitation of natural resources and
trees and eating tasty fruits. Forests give shelter forest
creatures. directionless development resulted in air pollution, wa-
Plants and trees nurture the animals and other crea- ter pollution, noise pollution, radiation pollution, and other
tures through their fruits and leaves. Plants are known problems and has endangered organic existence.
as mother due to their capability of nurturing. Rigveda 1st March to 7th March is celebrated as women’s
says that cow and other animals hunt small creatures in week and 8th March is celebrated as International
forests. Similarly, human beings collect wood with the women’s Day. Our role has to be positive towards
purpose of completing household work. Man gets tasty women not only on women’s Day but also always, we
fruits from forests. Elephants and deer’s get food from should respect women. Women coming from far off
forest. places in the special women’s camp organized at
Atharvaveda accepted the capacity of plants and Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar had expressed their
trees to nurture and said that the land where plants and thoughts for multi faceted development of women. We
trees are always found is capable of nurturing all the should oppose female feticide. We have to protect for-
creatures of the world. Puranas also seconded this ca- ests and prevent environment pollution.
pacity of plants and trees. According to Shiva Purana, Wish you all a happy holi!
these trees help everybody with their leaves, flowers, Acharya Balkrishna
HEPATITIS CURED WITH PRANAYAM that everything is normal. My health
AND MEDICINES was alright.
Swami Ji, I thank you for relieving my dis-
Namaskar! ease.
I deal in furniture and live in Yours truly,
Mumbai with my parents. I was suf- Vinod Kumar Salvi
fering from liver cirrhosis-auto im- 59 Maretha Sadan, Govardhan,
mune hepatitis disease. I was admit- Vilas Udaipur (Rajasthan)
ted in Hinduja hospital and the treat- Mumbai Ph: 9867477209 M: 9461013280
months. Finally, the doctors lost hope PATANJALI MEDICINES AND GLANDS STOPPED
because no medicine was effective PRANAYAM Respected Swami Ji,
on my liver. The doctors said that Revered Swami Ji Maharaj, Namaskar!
liver transplant is the only solution Namaskar! Acid like water used to come
to keep me alive. My nose and I am a resident of Udaipur; I out from my saliva secreting glands
mouth were bleeding continuously. experienced sudden pain in the left and used to appear like pus on spit-
Sometimes, blood used to come out side of my stomach in April 2009. ting. I was unable to sit for one
from rectum also. My legs had swol- Blood also came out along with minute also and had to get up fre-
len. When I used to have little wa- urine. I was feeling much stressed quently to spit the acid like saliva. I
ter then my both legs used get swol- out due to my health. I consulted consulted doctors at MMS hospital,
len. My mother took me to Patanjali doctors and got all the tests done. Jaipur and later at AIIMS, Delhi. I
dispensary located in Mumbai and I Kidney stones were detected. I con- was given medicines for four to five
was admitted. I was given medicines sulted the doctors again and they months but there was no relief. I was
and also started practice of advised operation. The medicines extremely disappointed. One day I
pranayam. There was improvement they gave were also ineffective and saw your program on Astha chan-
in my condition within a few days my condition was deteriorating. nel and consulted Vaidya Sushant
and I was experiencing positive en- In the meanwhile, I remem- Mishra at Patanjali Yogpeeth at
ergy within me. I am taking medi- bered about you because when my Haridwar. The medicines he pre-
cines regularly for the past six father had suffered from paralysis scribed gave 90 percent relief within
months and also practicing we had come to Kankhal seven three months. I will always remain
pranayam. years back and took treatment. indebted to you for this benefit.
Now there is no leg swelling There was lot of improvement in his I will recoup my health and start
and my health has improved a lot. health and was able to do his daily propagating Yog and pranayam.
The doctors were surprised to see activities without any problem. I had Yours truly,
the reports and said that it is a faith that stones will also be cured Nemi Chand Gupta,
miracle. Doctors say that liver trans- easily. I went to local Patanjali dis- Khareli, Alwar, Rajasthan
plantation is not required as the liver pensary and told everything about M: 9414793768
is functioning normally. Swami Ji my condition. I took medicines and STONE GOT DISSOLVED WITH YOG
your work for the welfare of the practiced Yog regularly and regular AND AYURVEDIC MEDICINES
people is really commendable. I monthly check ups were also done. Respected Swami Ji,
thank you for from the bottom of my The tests showed that stones will Namaskar!
heart. dissolve and come out automatically. A stone in my kidney of 14*8
Yours truly USG KUB test was done 13th No- mm and 5*4 sizes were detected in
Amin Furniture Wala vember 2009 and the report showed my left and right kidney respectively.
Doctors advised me to get them op- sults and I also feel very healthy. I
eration but I refused. have taken special membership of
Then I consulted homeopathic Bharat Swabhiman Trust.’
doctors and started taking medi- Yours truly,
cines. There was no relief even af- Mahendra Singh Rana,
ter four months and I started taking 591/37, Shantipuram,
ayurvedic medicines. The medicines Raibareily Road, Lucknow,
relieved my pain but sonography M: 9670371720
showed that the size of the stone is showed that the swelling of prostrate PRANAYAM BLESSED ME WITH SON
increasing. I took medicines for four gland had reduced. Besides the burn- Respected Swami Ji,
and half years and there was no re- ing sensation and pain while urina- Namaskar!
sult. In fact, the size of the stone in- tion had also reduced. My weight I lived in Canada for six months
creased to 22*10 mm and obstructed had reduced from 71 kilos to 63 ki- and used to watch Astha channel
urinary tract. This caused severe los and the blood pressure and sugar from 5 to 7.30 in the morning. I used
pain during urination. I was forced levels were also normal. The most to practice Yog, including Bhastrika,
to pass urine every ten minutes and important thing is the size of the Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom. I used to
it is difficult to control it. stone reduced, it got dissolved com- do pranayam for 15 minutes after
I told about my condition to Dr. pletely and came out with urine. 80 taking bath. I used to again practice
K.N.Gupta of Patanjali dispensary, percent of my problems were re- pranayam from 8 pm to 9 pm while
Shahupuri, Kolhapur) on 20th July lieved and I developed faith that I watching Astha channel.
2009. He advised me to do will be relieved from stone problem Pranayam and light exercises
pranayam and take Patanjali’s completely. I thank you for every- reduced my weight by nine kilos.
ayurvedic medicines. I took medi- thing. There was black plum sized tu-
cines for few days but the pain and Yours truly, mour in my back. It burst three years
burning sensation were increasing. M.B. Mirge, back but developed again. Pranayam
I asked Dr. Gupta about the medi- Prabhukripa, 2346, B Ward, reduced the size to that of a gram.
cines on 10th August 2009 and he told Mangalwar Peth, Devne Galli, My daughter Dr. Shivani Ojha
me that ayurvedic medicines do not Kolhapur – 416012 is living in Canada with her husband
relieve pain instantly. Therefore, Ph: 0231- 2646059 Dr. Bhavani Shankar Sharma. They
there is no problem in taking pain- MANY DISEASES CURED WITH live near Toronto in Guelph Univer-
killers in emergency. PRANAYAM sity. She was married in 1955 but
Sonography test was done on Revered Swami Ji Maharaj, childless. They saw Astha channel
7th October 2009 and it was found Namaskar! and started practicing pranayam,
that prostrate gland is swollen. I con- Maharaj Ji, I am practicing Kapalbhati, and Anulom-Vilom.
sulted Dr. Gupta and the medicines Yogasana under the guidance of your They used to practice these
were changed. trained Yog teachers for the past two pranayam with the help of stop
The medicines had no effect years. My blood tests always watch for 30 minutes in the morning
and I changed the medicines again showed enzyme SGOT, SGPT of and evening daily. They were blessed
with the consultation of Dr. liver one and half times more than with son on 1st March 2009.
Janardhan Mahisare of Patanjali normal level. Due to this, I used to Yours truly,
Dispensary, Belapur, Navi Mumbai). suffer from sour belches and obe- Surya Prakash Ojha,
After one month the sonography sity. But continuous practice of Yog Shiv Bhavan Central Bank of India
was done again and the results for six months showed normal re- Pushkar Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan
-Acharaya Balkrishna
Family name : Fabaceae plant play an important role in medicines. The flowers
Latin name : Psoralia Corylifolia Linn. blossom in winter season and the fruits grow in summer
Sanskrit : Bakuchi, Putiphali, Krishnaphala,
Krishtaphala External form
Hindi : Bakuchi, Bavchi The plants grow up to a height of one to four feet
and are tender. The branches are comparatively tough
Gujarati : Bavchi
and the trunk has spots. The leaves are ordinary, one to
Marathi : Bavchi
three inches long, round in shape and both the sides are
Bengali : Kukrachidana, Habuch, Somraj soft with dark spots on both sides. The flowers are blue
Persian : Syah safar and light violet in colour, 10-30 flowers grow on the
Arabian : Tukhmareha twigs. The beans are small, black coloured, long, round
Tamil : Karpokarishi and soft. Each bean has one seed of bean shaped; dark
Introduction: The small saplings of Psoralea grow coloured and has fragrance like wood apple.
all over the country in rainy season. It is grown in fields Chemical composition
at various places. Normally, this plant lives up to one The psoralea seeds contain evaporable oil, resin
year but proper care can help the plant in living up to and stable oil and two crystalline elements called
four to five years also. The seeds and seed oil of this psoraline. The skin of the fruits is used to extract
psorolidine element. The qualities spots to remove white spots.
of destroying germs and leprosy of 4. Mix two parts Bavchi oil, two
Psoralea are due to these two parts Tuvrak oil, one part Sandal
elements. oil, apply this oil to remove white
Qualities spots.
It is sweet, bitter, pungent, 5. Take one gram pure Bavchi
bitter chemical, cold, tasty, laxative, churna with 100 mg Avala or
dry, beneficial for heart, and cures Khair Twak quath to cure white
kapha, Raktapitta, respiratory spots.
problem, leprosy, discharge of vital 6. Soak Bavchi in curd for three
humours, fever and germs. The days and dry it. Extract the oil in
fruit increases pitta, beneficial for a bottle. Mix this oil in Nausadar
hair and skin, pungent, and cures and apply on white spots.
leprosy, kapha, vata, vomiting, 7. Take equal quantities of
respiratory problem, cough, swelling, mucous, jaundice. Bavchi, onion seeds and thorn apple seeds. Grind
Tooth decay: Grind the root of the Psoralea seeds with acacia leaves juice and apply on white spots
and add little bit of roasted alum. Brush the teeth with for relief.
this powder twice daily to remove tooth decay. 8. Take equal quantities of Bavchi, tamarind, Suhaga
Respiratory problem: Take half gram seed and fig pulp and grind in water. Apply the lep on
churna with ginger juice twice or thrice daily to relieve white spots.
cough. It removes kapha also. 9. Grind equal quantities of Bavchi, Pavad, Geru and
Loose motions and constipation: The leaves mix with ginger juice. Mix nicely and apply on white
of this plant should be cooked and taken twice daily for spots and sit under sun. this removes the white spots.
some weeks for benefit. 10. Take equal quantities of Bavchi, Geru and Gandhak,
Jaundice: Mix half gram powdered Psoralea seeds grind with ginger juice and make 10 gm cakes. Put
churna with 10 ml Punarnava juice and take twice daily one cake in 30 ml water at night and drink the pure
for benefit. (excess intake will cause vomiting) eater in the morning. Apply the left over medicine
Piles: Grind two gram Harad, two gram dry ginger on white spots and massage it. Sit under sun to
and one gram Bavchi (Psoralea) seeds, take half spoon remove white spots.
with jaggery twice daily for benefit. 11. Grind equal quantities of Bavchi, Ajmod, Pavad and
Infertility: Grind Psoralea seeds in oil after Kamal Gatta. Mix honey and make pills. Take one
completing menstrual cycle and keep it in vagina to to two pills twice daily with fig pulp quath to remove
increase the capacity of child bearing. white spots.
Leprosy 12. Take one gram pure Bavchi and three gram black
1. Grind one part Tabakiya Hartal and four parts sesame. Mix in honey and take twice daily to
Psoralea seeds, mix the powder in cow urine and remove white spots.
apply on white spots to remove them. 13. Take equal quantities of pure Bavchi, fig root skin,
2. Take equal quantities of Pavad and Bavchi and grind neem skin and leaves. Grind nicely and mix with
with vinegar. Apply on white spots for benefit. Khair skin quath. Take two to five grams with water
3. Take equal quantities of Bavchi, Gandhak and to cure white spots.
Gudmar and make a powder. soak 12 gm churna in 14. Grind five gram Bavchi, one part saffron and mix it
water at night and sieve it in the morning. Drink with cow urine. Mix it nicely and make pills. Crush
this water and apply the sediment substance on white a pill with water and apply on white spots for relief.
15. Take 100 gm Bavchi, 25 gm Geru, 50 gm
Pavad, grind nicely and sieve with cloth. Boil
Some Burning Questions
with Bhangra juice three times and keep it -Dr. Chittaranjan Dayal Singh ‘Kaushal’
aside. Crush it with cow urine twice daily Synopsis: The poet is asking the countrymen to
and apply on white spots for relief. wake up and wake others. He is requesting the leaders
to save the nation and not to escape from the fiery
16. Crush Bavchi churna with ginger juice and questions. He is asking the leaders to accept the truth
apply on white spots for benefit. wholeheartedly and love Yog, swadeshi, cow. If Ayurved
17. Take two parts of Bavchi, one part each of is capable of curing all the diseases then why should
Suhaga and Neela Thotha. Sieve with cloth not be the swadeshi treatment propagated. The poet
and soak it in Bhangra juice for one week. is expressing his desire that children should remain
young with Yog education and we should not talk about
Mix it in lemon juice and apply on white spots.
sex education. They should study in their mother
This is very painful; therefore, in case there tongue and reach great heights. They should leave
are eruptions on the body, it should be stopped. English and accept Sanskrit and Hindi. In India, the
18. Take one gram pure Bavchi churna, and mix ministers and officers do not send their children to
it in Baheda skin and wild fig root skin quath government schools, then how can education prosper.
In developed countries, there are many good schools
and take it regularly to cure white spots and
and hospitals. Every leader and officer send their
leprosy. children to these schools only.
19. Take Bavchi turmeric, extract and make a There are 34 lakh 735 British laws even after 62
fine powder, sieve it with cloth. Mix the years of independence. Now there should be a law for
churna in cow urine or vinegar and apply on 100 percent voting, the democracy should be fully
white spots. If there is burning sensation on successful and conspiracies should be overcome.
When tobacco manufacturing companies are giving
removing the lep then use Tubarka oil.
birth to diseases, then why can’t they spend some money
20. Soak Bavchi in one liter water and peel the and treat those people. Why are not the corrupt, rapists,
skin. Grind it and boil with 8 kilos cow milk terrorist and adulterators and those spreading poison
and 16 liters water. Boil till only the milk punished severely?
remains, add some curd and set it. Remove India gets 18 lakhs 20 thousand crores from two
the butter and make clarified butter. mix one percent transaction interest. Then what is the need for
having 64 types of taxes. When Indian culture and
teaspoon clarified butter with honey and lick
science is bright then why are we slaves of foreign
it to remove white spots. culture?
21. Pour ten drops of Bavchi oil in sugar cake The motherland, cow, Ganga have relation with
and take it daily to remove white spots. truth, religion from several ages. 72 lakh and 82
thousand crores money is deposited in Swiss banks.
22. Soak Bavchi in cow urine and change the
Now that money should be brought back and given to
cow urine every three days. repeat it seven the nation.
times and dry it in shade. Grind it and keep it The poet is saying that 500 and 1000 rupee notes
safe. Take one gram twice daily with fresh should not be printed. This will end the problem of
water one hour before meals. This cures black money, fake currency. Fertilizers and pesticides
white spots and is the best medicine. have made the land barren; bring back prosperity with
cow dung compost manure.
23. Mix one gram Bavchi and three gram black
Health policy and waste management should be
sesame. Take twice daily for one year to made at national level. Population should be under
cure leprosy. control and Indian pride mission should arouse.
Tumour: Grind Bavchi seeds and tie it on Kaushal invites people to associate with this mission,
tumour to subside it. break the clutches of slavery and come back towards
Harmful: Curd and oil. Accept Swadeshi!
Y ogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj has narrated
Gita in the form of Gitamrita. We are publishing this
narration by Swami Ji for the readers of Yog Sandesh.
God says
v'kksP;kuUo'kkspLRoa izKkoknka'p Hkk"klsA
xrklwuxrklaw'p ukuq'kkspfUr if.Mrk%AA11AA
u Rosokga tkrq ukla u Roa uses tukf/ik%A
u pSo u Hkfo";ke% losZ o;er% ije~AA12AA
(11) Lord Shri Krishna says, “Oh Arjuna! Why are
you feeling sorry for those on the death of whose one
should feel sad and talking great things. Learned people
do not worry when somebody dies or lives. (12) listen!
It is not that I was not here before, you and these kings
were not here and it is not so that we will not take birth
again because soul is immortal.
How to overcome the affection of Arjuna? How
to remove his confusion and dilemma? Shri Krishna
explained Arjuna from three aspects. 1. Sankhya aspect
(11 to 30) 2. Self duty (31 to 38) and 3. Yog aspect =
Karmyog aspect ( 39 and onwards). Sankhya means
the view of an ascetic, of detachment. Self duty is the
duty that one should fulfill and yog view is the view of
work. Work but do not get emotional. Do it without -Swami Ramdev
such feelings.
nsfguks¿fLeU;Fkk nsgs dkSekja ;kSoua tjkA and calling him as Guru. He is telling that one should
rFkk nsgkUrjizkfIr/hZjLr=k u eqáfrAA13AA not morn death of anybody.
ek=kkLi'kkZLrq dkSUrs; 'khrks".klq[knq%[knk%A (14) Oh Arjuna! The different relations related
vkxekikf;uks¿fuR;kLrkafLrfr{kLo HkkjrAA14AA with sensory organs give heat-cold, happiness and
(13) Everybody taking birth on this earth obtains unhappiness, are all passing phases and therefore
childhood, youth, old age, in the same way every person they are temporary and you should bear them. You
who dies gets another body. the learned people do not should not be sad and work.
have any attachment towards the body. ;a fg u O;Fk;UR;srs iq#"ka iq#"k"kZHkA
This was the biggest attachment prevailing in lenq%[klq[ka /hja lks¿e`rRok; dYirsAA15AA
Arjuna’s mind. How to kill my relatives? This body is (15) Arjuna! The learned people who do not
not just body, it is the union of body and soul. The body consider happiness and unhappiness equal are never
is lifeless without soul, it is equal to a dead body? The bothered by the experiences of sensory organs. They
soul that is expressed in life in the form of ego, was obtain Brahma or immortality.
present yesterday, it is present today and will be present The person who does not have self knowledge
tomorrow also. Only the body dies, which is mortal. considers the heat-cold, happiness-unhappiness,
The destruction of the body is certain today or tomorrow. hatred-attachment and experiences of sensory organs
It may die after 100 years, but death is certain. The as truth and relates them with soul. He gets attached
body which has taken birth has to die. But if one body and gets into the trap of affection and attachment.
dies, the soul enters another body. therefore, learned Shri Krishna says, Arjuna! You have to tolerate these
people do not express grief on the death of people. It is feelings that create dilemma and confusion in your
foolishness. But, if it is foolishness, the pain that is caused mind as equal.
on the detah of dear ones, why can’t one morn on that? uklrks fo|rs Hkkoks ukHkkoks fo|rs lr%A
Therefore, god is explaining happiness and unhappiness mHk;ksjfi n`"Vks¿UrLRou;ksLrÙonf'kZfHk%AA16AA
(16) that which is not present and that which is (23) the soul cannot be cut with a weapon, burnt
present is never deficient. The theologists have seen with fire, it cannot be wet with water and dried with air.
the difference between true and false, in other words, vPNs|ks¿;enkáks¿;eDys|ks¿'kks"; ,o pA
they have seen the final fact and taken a decision about fuR;% loZxr% LFkk.kqjpyks¿;a lukru%AA24AA
its form vO;ÙkQks¿;efpUR;ks¿;efodk;ksZ¿;eqP;rsA
The meaning of this prose is unexpressed rLeknsoa fofnRoSua ukuq'kksfprqegZflAA25AA
supreme soul and its original form. It is present all (24-25) It can be cut, burnt, made wet or dried;
over the universe, it is not lacking and the visible the soul is permanent, omnipresent, stable, immovable
world which includes human body also, is destructible, and ancient. The soul is known as unexpressed (that
its temporary existence is only realized. Soul cannot cannot be seen by sensory organs), unknowable (that
be expressed and is immortal, it cannot be destroyed. cannot be known through mind) and flawless (that which
vfoukf'k rq rf}f¼ ;su loZfena rre~A remains unaffected with any type of flaw). Therefore,
fouk'keO;;L;kL; u df'pRdrqZegZfrAA17AA it is not correct to feel sad about it.
vUroUr bes nsgk fuR;L;ksÙkQk% 'kjhfj.k%A vFk pSua fuR;tkra fuR;a ok eU;ls e`re~A
vukf'kuks¿izes;L; rLek|qè;Lo HkkjrAA18AA rFkkfi Roa egkckgks uSoa 'kksfprqegZflAA26AA
(17) the power that extended this world is Brahma tkrL; fg /qzoks e`R;q/zqZoa tUe e`rL; pA
who is indestructible. Nobody has the capacity to destroy rLeknifjgk;sZ¿FksZ u Roa 'kksfprqegZflAA27AA
this unexpressed permanent element. (26-27) if you believe that this soul is not
(18) similarly, soul is the ruler of this body, it is also permanent but it takes birth and dies along with the
permanent and imperishable. The body that obtains is body, then also it is not correct to morn. Because, if a
perishable. Therefore, Arjuna! You get ready for the person takes birth, then death is certain. The person
war. who dies takes birth again. Therefore it is clear that
; ,ua osfÙk gUrkja ;'pSua eU;rs gre~A there is no meaning feeling sad about it. If you believe
mHkkS rkS u fotkuhrks uk;a gfUr u gU;rsAA19AA the above then it is not correct to morn.
(19) if anybody believes that the ruler of the body, According to the principles of Gita, soul is old,
the soul kills the body and dies along with the body then imperishable, permanent and ancient, nobody has the
they do not have true knowledge because the soul does capacity to destroy it.
not kill anybody or die itself. A mantra with similar vO;ÙkQknhfu Hkwrkfu O;ÙkQeè;kfu HkkjrA
meaning is mentioned in Kathopanishad (chapter 1, vO;ÙkQfu/ukU;so r=k dk ifjnsoukAA28AA
narration 2.19) vk'p;ZoRi';fr df'pnsuek'p;Zo}nfr rFkSo pkU;%A
u tk;rs fez;rs ok dnkfpUuk;a HkwRok Hkfork ok u Hkw;%A vk'p;ZoPpSueU;% J`.kksfr JqRokI;sua osn u pSo
vtks fuR;% 'kk'orks¿;a iqjk.kks u gU;rs gU;ekus 'kjhjsAA20AA df'pr~AA29AA
(20) the soul does not take birth or die. It is not (28) all the creatures are unknowable in the
that it comes once and then does not come back. it is beginning, knowable at the time of entering the body
old, permanent, ancient and immortal. It does not die in and again become unknowable at the time of death. If
spite of the death of the person. The same couplet is everybody has to go through the same situation then
given in Kathopanishad with slight difference. what is the purpose of morning?
osnkfoukf'kua fuR;a ; ,ueteO;;e~A Actually, the main element is unknowable. This
dFka l iq#"k% ikFkZ da ?kkr;fr gfUr de~AA21AA main unknowable element has given birth to visible
(21) Hey Parth! The person who realized that this nature and gets merged with the same unknowable at
soul is old, permanent, ancient and immortal, how can the time of destruction of nature. When all the things of
that person kill somebody or get him killed? this visible nature including man are destructible, do not
oklkafl th.kkZfu ;Fkk fogk;] uokfu x`Êkfr ujks¿ijkf.kA remain the same at all the times then why should we
rFkk 'kjhjkf.k fogk; th.kkZU;U;kfu la;kfr uokfu nsghAA22AA morn the death of a person, why should we feel sad for
(22) a person throws old and torn clothes and that person? Even then majority of the people morn for
wears new clothes, similarly, the soul also leaves old the dead, why do they do so has been explained in the
and diseased body and gets into a new body. next couplet.
uSua fNUnfUr 'kL=kkf.k uSua ngfr ikod%A (29) many people believe the soul to be some
u pSua Dysn;UR;kiks u 'kks"k;fr ek#r%AA23AA kind of surprising thing and see it, many people have
described it in a surprising manner, and many people Lo/eZefi pkos{; u fodfEirqegZflA
listen to it in a surprising way. But many people see it, /E;kZf¼ ;q¼kPNªs;ks¿U;R{kf=k;L; u fo|rsAA31AA
listen to it and describe it also but they do not know its ;n`PN;k pksiuUua LoxZ}kjeiko`re~A
true element. Very few people are aware of its true lqf[ku% {kf=k;k% ikFkZ yHkUrs ;q¼ehn`'ke~AA32AA
form. Therefore, many people morn on the death of vFk psÙofeea /E;± lÄ~xzkea u dfj";flA
somebody. Kathopanishad also described the soul in rr% Lo/e± dhfr± p fgRok ikieokIL;flAA33AA
the same way; vdhfr± pkfi Hkwrkfu dFkf;";fUr rs¿O;;ke~A
Jo.kk;kfi cgqfHk;ksZ u yH;% lEHkkforL; pkdhfrZeZj.kknfrfjP;rsAA34AA
J`.oUrks¿fi cgoks ;a u fonq%A (31) If you look at your own duty then also it is not
vk'p;ksZ oÙkQk dq'kyks¿L; yC/k correct to take a back seat and there is no other path of
vk'p;ksZ Kkrk dq'kykuqf'k"V%AA welfare than to fight war (correct as per duty) for a
nsgh fuR;eoè;ks¿;a nsgs loZL; HkkjrA Kshatriya.
rLekRlokZf.k Hkwrkfu u Roa 'kksfprqegZflAA30AA (32-35) Hey Arjuna! You have come across this
(30) the soul living in the body of everybody cannot war unwontedly, it is the door for heaven, which only
be killed. Hey Arjuna! It is not correct on your part to fortunate Kshatriyas get it and if you will not fight this
morn the death of anybody. war as per your duty then you will lose your fame and
Till now it has been proved that according to the
become a sinner and everybody will condemn your
views of Sankhya and ascetics, soul is immortal and the
cowardice nature and this defamation is more than death
body is mortal by nature. Therefore, there is no need to
for a person with self-respect. Shri Krishna has
morn on its destruction or death. But, it is not correct to
explained the same to Yudhishtar also.
accept that killing anybody without any reason for petty
dqyhuL; p ;k fuUnk o/ks ok¿fe=kd"kZ.ke~A
things is not a sin or crime. Soul is a divine power like
egkxq.kks o/ks jktu~ u rq fuUnk dqthfodkAA (e-Hkk-m-ioZ
supreme soul and the body is the temple in which the
brahma like soul resides. Therefore, any body sould not
vokP;oknka'p cgwu~ ofn";fUr rokfgrk%A
be destroyed without any reason, it is a sin , it is a serious
Hk;kæ.kknqijra eaL;Urs Roka egkjFkk%A
If a person leaves his body due to movement of
;s"kka p Roa cgqerks HkwRok ;kL;fl yk?koe~AA35AA
time and nobody morns the death, even then the answer
fuUnUrLro lkeF;± rrks nq%[krja uq fde~AA36AA
to the question that why should anybody get prepared grks ok izkIL;fl Lox± ftRok ok Hkks{;ls eghe~A
purposefully for killing somebody for dangerous acts rLeknqfÙk"B dkSUrs; ;q¼k; d`rfu'p;%AA37AA
like war? Although the body is temporary but it is the lq[knq%[ks les d`Rok ykHkkykHkkS t;kt;kSA
only source of welfare of soul for the man, therefore, it rrks ;q¼k; ;qT;Lo uSoa ikieokIL;flAA38AA
is a serious crime to kill or die without valid reasons. It (35-37) You are talking about not fighting this war,
may not be correct to morn the death of anybody or all the great soldiers standing here will thing that you
feel sad but there should be some strong reason to kill are afraid of death and running away from battle field.
somebody in war. Why does the man get involved in The warriors and fighters amidst whom you are standing
this serious act of killing and dying? This is known as and became popular after gaining prestige, they will take
the wisdom of duty and non duty and this is the main away your prestige. As of now, your enemies consider
subject covered in Gita. At that time, the social system you to be less than them in strength, they insult you,
was based on the basis of capacity and profession of they will defame you with words that are not correct.
the person and the people accepted it. According to At that time, what else be more sad than this for you?
that, Kshatriyas are supposed to fight wars, it is their Even if you die in war then you will go straight ot the
duty. Shri Krishna says that as a Kshatriya one has to heaven. If you win then you will rule this earth.
protect the religion and punish the culprits, it is necessary Therefore, Arjuna! You get up to fight the war.
to fight war and it is the duty to kill and die. As a It has been proved that Arjuna has to work as per
Kshatriya, it is necessary for you. his duty. It is not correct to morn for the dead.
-Radheyshyam Sharma
N owadays, the treatment of diseases and pro- which can be easily accepted by the state. In this way,
tection of health through practice of pranayam is very the path of solutions for all problems will be created.
popular. We all are thankful to Swami Ramdevji, who The reason is that it will simplify the defeat of terror-
has presented pranayam in a wonderful way and mil- ism, naxalism, violence at thought level.
lions of people are reaping its benefits. I have also learnt Now the question arises as to which religion should
pranayam and there is lot of improvement in my health. be established in this society with a number of religions
Pranayam has a very good impact on health and it is an and thoughts? How can the universal form of religion
established fact. But external circumstances also have be found out?
a great impact on our body, mind and health. The in-
Many people will have different thoughts. My opin-
creasing violence, terror, exploitation, atrocity and change
in climate in the society is affecting us at some level or ion is that this can be done at two levels.
the other and all these have a direct and an indirect Original form of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Bud-
affect on our health. Therefore, these cannot be over- dhism and other religions should be presented, so at
come without preparing a healthy environment in the that level the mutual differences will reduce and their
society. People practicing pranayam also get affected collective and universal form will be found out.
with the serious conditions prevailing around them. Spirituality should be studied like science and pre-
Therefore, it is both relevant and necessary to make sented; religion’s universal form can be obtained through
efforts in order to make the things favorable. For ex- it.
ample, if there is adulteration in food items, inflation I have given this direction to my study. There is an
and pollution is also increasing then it is natural to have attempt to give a scientific form to spirituality and to
a serious impact on our health. Now the question arises see the original form of religions through the medium of
as to how can favorable conditions be created in above spirituality. Two methods are being used for this pur-
situations? pose-
Past experience shows that whenever violence, 1. Pranayam, propagated by Baba Ramdev
terror, exploitation, changes in climate have taken place
in the society, religion has been established to tackle 2. Acupressure
them. Sometimes, god comes on earth in the form of Practice of pranayam develops vital life energy, it
Rama and Krishna and yet at other times like Gautam regulates the body. The internal processes of the body
Buddha, Jesus, Paigamber Mohammed and other di- become natural and normal. Social impact is created in
vine souls. The story of Sita’s birth is related to famine, this condition, which can be seen by our internal mind.
which is known as change in climate, destruction of Acupressure can activate some glands and its spiri-
violence and terror is birth of Rama and Krishna and tual affects can be created separately, so that they can
there is also a story about Dwarika (Krishna’s town) be studied.
submerging in water. This could have happened due to Calm down the mind and sit in Sukhasana and prac-
increase in water level and this could be again due to tice pranayam. Keep the mind inside the body at the
melting of ice in poles. But religion was established to time of practicing pranayam.
resolve conditions and the conditions at that time be-
came normal. On the other hand, nowadays, the solu- 1. Practice Bhastrika and Kapalbhati pranayam. You
tion for terrorism, naxalism, violence, atrocity, economic will experience the presence of a divine light spread-
problem is being found out other than religion. There- ing from root chakra to crown chakra. Chant Hindi
fore, many rules, laws, weapons, learned people, intel- letters (a + u) to clarify it.
lectual and administrators are also not able to find any 2. Religious leaders, yogis and intellectuals should work
solution for this. I feel that if administration adds reli- with the feeling of Sarvadharma (all religions are
gion to its efforts then its work will reduce to a great equal) in the society to establish peace and find out
extent. It has bring the yogis, religious mentors, intel- solutions for the problems for the welfare of society,
lectuals closer and present a universal form of religion, nation and mankind.
-Dr. Smt. S. Sharma
Low blood pressure is caused when liver does in water), milk or home made cottage cheese for
not function properly, digestion does not take place prop- one week. Take lemon juice and honey in lukewarm
erly, worry about overweight, especially among women, water and improve your digestion.
eating less, lack of iron, phosphorous and minerals in v Take carrot, apple juice, grapes or raisins-dry raisins
blood, excessive sexual activity, loss of semen by young (soaked in water), milk or thin cottage cheese. If
boys in unnatural way and other reasons. you want to eat salted cheese then add grated cu-
Symptoms: cumber, carrot, tomato, onion and ginger. If you want
The main symptoms of low blood pressure are gid- to eat it sweet then add raisins, banana, and cheekoo.
diness, headache, tiredness, slow heart rate, restless- Add soaked dates in milk and coarse meal in stead
ness, mental stress, cold hands and legs, constant fear of sugar, you can also add raisins and five to six
etc.Low blood pressure also shows symptom of impo- almonds.
tency. Memory power also reduces due to low blood v Take salad, vegetables, curd and chapatti with veg-
circulation to the brain. etable in lunch depending on hunger. Take vegetable
Yogic cure: soup and vegetable, lentil made with sprouted grains
with one or two chapattis in dinner. Take fruits juice,
v Regular practice of Yogasana and pranayam
fruits and vegetable juice at other times.
strengthens the nervous system and the body func-
v Do not fill the stomach at any given time. Eat only
tions properly. The blood pressure gets normalized
when you are hungry and eat slowly. Take only fruits
or juices at least once a week.
v The patient should practice light asanas depending
Home remedies:
on physical strength, like Vajrasana, Ushtrasana,
Shalabhasana, Makarasana, Pavanmuktasana, v Soak 32 raisins in 150 gm water for 12 hours. Take
Matsyasana, Sinhasana and laugh whole heartedly. one raisin at a time and chew it nicely. (Chew each
Increase the duration as per capacity. Practice raisin 32 times). Follow this remedy for 32 days for
Shavasana for five minutes in the end. complete benefit. This throws out toxic and unwanted
substances from the body. This remedy is full of iron
v Nadishodhan, Kapalbhati and Brahmari pranayam
and raisin belongs to salt category. Therefore, it clears
should be practiced regularly.
the blood and tissues.
v Practice yognidra for 20 to 40 minutes daily. Close
v If the patient falls unconscious due to heart weak-
the eyes for 30 minutes after yognidra and listen to
ness or low blood pressure, take two spoons each of
favourite music. Enjoy the music.
Avala juice and honey and make the patient lick it.
Diet therapy: This will bring him back to consciousness and
v Eat only fruits, juices, raisins, dry raisins, fig (soaked strengthens the weak heart.
v Almond is very beneficial in case of low blood pres- and drink it hot (10 gm) twice daily. It is very benefi-
sure. Soak seven almonds in water daily and grind cial.
to a fine paste in the morning. Mix it in milk and v Take onion, beetroot, lemon juice, radish, carrot daily
drink to normalize blood pressure level. It also strength- in the form of salad. This overcomes distaste and
ens the heart. improves appetite. Drink the juice of these vegetables
v Stop talking for immediate benefit in case of low to overcome physical weakness.
blood pressure. Turn left and lie down. Try to sleep v Cut 200 gm tomato and add rock salt and black pep-
as this helps in normalizing low blood pressure. Take per powder. Eat it daily for benefit. Tomato soup is
nutritious substances in food. Fruit juice, green veg- also very beneficial.
etables and sprouted grains increase blood in the v Add five gram black pepper powder in fresh wood
body. apple juice and drink to improve digestion and purify
v Soak 50 gm black gram and 25 gm raisin in two cups blood. It increases physical strength.
of water at night. Chew raisins and gram nicely and v Eat 100 gm fresh grapes twice daily in case of low
eat in the morning. Drink water over it. This is ben- blood pressure. It increases blood and is very ben-
eficial for bringing the blood pressure to normal level. eficial in case of fast heart rate.
v Boil 50 gm dates in milk and drink daily to gain physical v Suck mango and drink cow milk over it. It purifies
strength and bring the blood pressure to normal level. blood and overcomes low blood pressure.
v Add lemon juice in 200 gm cucumber, add little bit of v Add five gram Avala juice and ten gram honey in
rock salt and eat this salad twice daily. This is a 200 gm sugar cane juice and drink it daily. This in-
good source of iron. creases blood and overcomes physical weakness.
v Soak three almonds in water at night and grind them v Drink peach juice daily.
in the morning. Eat it with 30 gm butter and 10 gm
v Drink glassful pomegranate juice daily for benefit.
sugar candy and drink 250 gm milk to normalize blood
v Mix half cup black plum juice, two spoons of Avala
juice and spoonful rose juice and drink daily.
v Soak five pistachios in water and eat it in the morn-
v Mix two spoons of honey with ten gram butter and
ing. Drink the water to normalize blood pressure level.
eat it daily.
It also improves memory power.
v Add little bit of honey in two spoons of onion juice.
v Eat apple marmalade daily for one week for benefit.
Take it daily for relief.
v Spinach, Bathua and fenugreek contain iron in abun-
v Mix spoonful Avala churna and two spoons of sesame
dant quantity. Patient of low blood pressure should
churna and eat it with honey.
eat these vegetables daily.
v Mix two spoons of radish juice and half cup pome-
v Mix 100 gm carrot juice and 50 gm spinach juice
granate juice and drink for benefit.
and drink daily to normalize blood pressure level.
v Drink two cups of carrot juice daily during its sea-
v Grind 50 gm mint and add rock salt, green coriander
and black pepper and eat it like chutney daily for
benefit. v Drink half cup beetroot juice daily in the morning. It
is very beneficial in case of low blood pressure.
v Add roasted asafetida and cumin seeds in 250 gm
buttermilk and drink daily in case of low blood pres- v Drink half cup lukewarm spinach juice daily for ben-
sure. efit.
v Chop five to ten gram of ginger and add powdered v Cheekoo increases blood in the body. Eat four to
rock salt. Eat it daily for benefit. five cheekoo daily. This gives lot of energy.
v Take 50 gm Ashvagandha churna, 100 gm clarified v Chew ten cashew nuts and drink half liter milk over
butter made with cow milk and 250 ml milk. Mix it. It overcomes anemia and strengthens the body.
Ashvagandha churna and cook on fire for long time, v Papaya increases blood in the body. Eat papaya daily
sieve it and sugar candy and clarified butter. Heat it to overcome low blood pressure.
-Sangita Saxena
main weak. Therefore, breastfeeding mother should pay attention on
food intake and calories count.
Reasons for less milk
There are two reasons for less breast milk. First is natural rea-
son and second is psychological reason. In natural case, the mother’s
breast has less milk, due to which she is unable to feed the child
properly. It has a bad impact on the health of the child. Finally, the
mother has to give powder milk or cow or buffalo milk to her child.
M other ’s Psychological reason is one when mother feels that there is less
milk in her breast. It is a sort of misunderstanding. The mother thinks
milk is equal to nectar for the child.
that she has less milk and her child is hungry. She remains worried think-
Mother’s milk is extremely necessary
ing about this. Treatment is simple in this condition. This can be over-
for mental and physical development
come only when mother pays attention to this problem. If the weight of
of the child. Many mothers do not feed
the child is increasing and is excreting urine six times daily then it is clear
their children with their milk as they
that the child is getting sufficient milk. It is necessary to know as to how
fear of losing their physical attraction.
does milk produce in the mother’s breast, before knowing the methods
There are many mothers who are un-
to overcome natural reasons for less milk production. There are two
able to give breast feed to their chil-
methods of milk formation in breasts. First is known as oxytocin reflex
dren due to insufficient milk produc-
action, wherein milk is formed automatically in the breasts. This is espe-
tion. They remain worried about the
cially a mental action. As soon as the sound of crying of the child is
health of their children.
heard by the mother, her mind and brain focus towards the child and she
A mother with normal health gets becomes anxious to feed her child. The milk starts secreting from milk
one liter milk in one day. This mil con- glands due to this reason. This condition is seen only in those mothers
tains 38 gm fat, 70 gm lactose and 12 who are deeply attached to their children.
gm protein. breastfeeding mother
The second method of milk formation is oxytocin prolectine reflex.
should take additional 1000 calories
A hormone called prolectine controls the secretion of milk in this case.
when compared to normal woman.
This hormone is secreted when the child drinks milk. If this hormone is
Therefore the food of breast feeding
secreted in excess then milk is also more and if the secretion is less then
mother should contain sufficient quan-
milk is also less. When the child drinks less milk then the milk in mother’s
tity of protein and nutrition’s. Breast
breast is also less. This is seen in those mothers who do not give milk to
feeding mother should take food items
children at night because prolectine hormone secrets more during night
that are nutritious and also contain abun-
and is not used properly. The child does not drink milk at night; as a
dant quantity of calcium, protein, phos-
result, the process of milk formation slows down. This is the reason that
phorous, vitamins and mineral salts.
those mothers who do not breast feed their children to maintain their
Mother should not take fatty food physical beauty do not get milk in their breast. Such mother s has very
because it will lead to accumulation of less affection with their children and therefore under oxytocin reflex
unnecessary fat in her body, which in- process, those mothers do not have breast milk. Mother’s emotional
creases weight. Breast feeding mother affection with the child is necessary for milk formation. The milk in
should take green vegetables, leafy breasts is less when this does not happen.
vegetables, lentils, seasonal fruits and
Methods to increase breast milk
milk. These is the best food and also
v The whole body of the child should be stuck to the mother’s body at
pay attention to calories intake because
if she takes less calories then the the time of breast feeding. The mouth of the child should be open.
child’s stomach will fill but she will re- The child’s mouth and chin should touch the breast completely at the
time of breast feeding. The child is able to suck the milk slowly and
nicely in this posture and milk is formed in sufficient that the child’s drinking speed does not slow down.
quantity. v Generally, the child drops little milk at the time of
v Sometimes the child does not get sufficient amount drinking or vomits. This is not a disease. If the child
of milk when mother is suffering from sorrow, wor- is made to take belch properly then the air is thrown
ries, sadness, weakness, lack of nutritious food, lack out and little milk also comes out. To make the child
of blood in the body due to some reason. Mother take belch, take the baby on shoulders on stomach
should take medicines to overcome anemia. She side; stick it for few minutes in this position after
should eat food that increases blood, like green veg- breast feeding.
etables etc. v If the weight of the child is falling and it is growing
Natural methods to increase breast milk naturally then it is clear that the child is getting suffi-
v Make a fine powder with cumin seeds, aniseeds and cient milk as per its requirement.
sugar candy. Mix in equal parts and store it. Take
spoonful with milk thrice daily to increase breast milk. YOG AND PRANAYAM IN THE AIR
-Janeshwar Tiwari ‘Anubhavi’
v In case of less breast milk due to anemia, eat one
ripe papaya on empty stomach for 20 days continu-
ously. Grapes are also very beneficial for increasing
;ksx&izk.kk;ke dh lq[kn gok]
breast milk.
/jk ij rqeus cgkbZA
v Eat good quality raisins daily if grapes are not avail-
able. Boil 10-12 dry dates in milk and take it after Hkwyrs lc tk jgs Fks ;ksx&efgek]
delivery twice daily. vkius Lokè;k; dh pkgr txkbZAA
v Drink carrot juice and eat onion with meals to in- ns'k ½f"k;ksa dk] iru ds xrZ tkrs fn[k jgk Fkk]
crease breast milk. Hkksx&oknh o`fÙk;ksa esa ;ksx jap u fVd jgk FkkA
v Sometimes, the milk is less due to physical reasons fØ;k esa iQy Rofjr nsdj] jksx gj dj]
also. Diseases of pituitary glands, thyroid glands, lack vkius lRdeZ esa vkLFkk fVdkbZA
of lactogenic hormones are reasons for less breast ;ksx&izk.kk;ke dh lq[kn gok]
milk. Consult a qualified Yog specialist in this case. /jk ij rqeus cgkbZAA
v If the mother remains happy psychologically then jksx dj nsrk cgqr ykpkj ru&eu vkSj thou]
milk starts producing in the breast automatically. ;ksx lpeqp gS cukrk] ftUnxh dks fnO; ikou]
Some tips for breast feeding mother /jk ij fiQj iratfy vorfjr gS]
v Mother’s milk helps in the mental, physical, emo- ;qx lpsrd dks c/kbZ gksA
tional and intellectual development. It increases the
Hkwyrs lc tk jgs Fks ;ksx&efgek]
disease fighting capacity of the child. Mother’s men-
tal and physical condition has an impact on her milk vkius Lokè;k; dh pkgr txkbZ gksAA
also. Breast feeding mothers should take some pre- jk"Vª dh /kjk vdsys gh fdlh us eksM+ nh]
cautions. dksfV tu dh Hkkouk ls ;ksx rqeus tksM+ nh]
v Mother should not breast feed her child when she is vkt tu&ekul ân; dh izsj.kk lr~]
extremely tired as it can be harmful for the child. rqe cus vkn'kZ lPps] /U; gksA
v Breast feeding can be harmful when the body or ;ksx&izk.kk;ke dh lq[kn gok]
clothes of the child are wet. Child’s body should not /jk ij rqeus cgkbZAA
be very hot or cold. Synopsis: The poet is saying that Swami Ramdev
v Child should be made to lie down on soft mattress so has spread Yog and pranayam in the air at a time
that the child does not have any problem and feel when people were forgetting the importance of Yog.
comfortable. He has aroused the liking for self study. The country
of sages was moving towards destruction, Yog was
v At the time of breast feeding, the child should be
not finding its place amidst luxury and enjoyment. At
made to lied down in such a manner that the head is that time Baba spread Yog and pranayam in the air.
above the stomach. (Inclined position) Diseases make the life miserable, Yog gives life,
v The milk becomes thin when the milk remains in the Patanjali has taken birth again, and he has changed
mother’s breast for long time. The mother should the direction of the nation singly and associated mil-
feed the child regularly as per the need of the child. lions of people with Yog. Today the heart of people is
v The child should be given breast milk till such time pious and Baba has become a true ideal.
-Dr. Vipul Bhatt, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
-Dr. Anurag Vijayvargiya
-Vaidya Satya Prakash Mishra, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
Ayurved is life science. Our life is set and candy and give to pregnant woman.
purified with different rituals, culture and Seventh month: Mix shatavar churna
civilizations before we come into the and sugar candy and give with milk. She
womb in the form of life. Our religious should take fruits. The pregnant woman
mentors have made provision for experiences stretching like feeling in
Punsavan ritual for the newly mar- the stomach. There is itching and
ried couple immediately after mar- burning sensation. Acharya Charak
riage with the purpose of child bear- says, ^fdfDdle foo.kZe~* in other
ing. After this ritual, when the newly words, white stretch marks appear on
married girl becomes pregnant for the the stomach and there is itching also.
first time then she requires lot of care. Finger should not be used to scratch it.
Propagator of Ayurved, Acharya Use a cloth or towel to scratch it.
Charak has described it the pregnancy period Eighth month: Give milk and coarse
as treatment. He has described about daily routine, diet, meal of wheat and light easily digestible food. It is
and rest for the pregnant woman for each month. The necessary to clear the stomach. Give Isabgol or castor
pregnant woman can follow this and give birth to healthy oil for this with milk.
and disease free child as per her choice without any Ninth month: Give enema made with Shatavar
problems and at the right time. oil. Soak cotton in this oil and place it in the vagina for
easy delivery.
Therefore, a pregnant woman and the child grow-
In this way, the pregnant woman should looked
ing inside the womb should get proper nutrition, nine
after during all the nine months and follow proper diet
month treatment is necessary with the objective of de-
and rest. She should wait for delivery with cheerful mind.
Pregnant woman should take nutritious food and
Easy tips to protect and nurture pregnant
take care of her rest, walk, sleep, happiness, sadness
womb and foetus:
and lead a controlled life. Every action of the mother
First month: As soon as it is known that woman
has an impact on the child growing inside the womb.
is pregnant. The symptoms of pregnancy are noticed, If a pregnant woman suffers from discharge or
she should be given milk with sugar candy. Give spoon- any other problem then the following remedy should be
ful butter + one sugar candy + ½ spoon black pepper followed.
powder in the morning. Coconut and aniseed should be Milk prepared after boiling forest flame leaf, green
chewed nicely. forest flame leaves. Clean the leaves and boil in milk in
Special: This remedy gives fair complexion to the the following order;
child even if the parents have dark complexion. 1st month – 1 leaf; 2nd month – 2 and increase till
Second month: Boil ten gram Shatavari churna nine leaves in the ninth month. Give this in the morning.
and sugar candy in milk and give in the second month. It will control discharge.
Give this twice daily. Special situations:
Third month: Give glassful milk with spoonful pure Stree Rasayan Vati – one tablet twice daily
clarified butter and three spoons of honey twice daily in Praval Panchamrit – 125 mg twice daily
the third month. Mukta Shukti Bhasma – 250 gm twice daily
^r‘rh; ekls {khja e/q lfiZE;keqi lal‘T;* (Charak Amrita Satva – 500 mg twice daily
Sanhita) With butter or honey.
Fourth month: Give fresh butter with milk in the If the pregnant woman faces any other problem
fourth month. (Stop taking clarified butter with milk) then she should consult a qualified Vaidya and practice
Fifth month:^prqFkZ&ekls rq {khj&uouhrHkLek=k’eh;e~* beneficial Yogasana and pranayam. Pregnancy can be
(Charak Sanhita) give only milk with clarified butter. made comfortable and enjoyable and the woman can
Sixth month: Mix milk + Shatavar churna + sugar obtain the happiness of motherhood.
-Smt. Vinay Kumari Singh
Breathing problem is also -Vaidya Ajay Magan
two minutes cold fomentation in summers.
known as asthma. Bronchitis is also
a form of breathing problem. We breathe v Massage the chest and back with oil, give pats and
in and out through our nose. The air passes through jerks.
wind pipe, respiratory pipe and small respiratory pipes vTake steam of Safeda leaves. Dip feet in hot water to
and reaches the lungs. It passes through all organs and clear the chest.
sub organs and goes out through the nose. When the v Take sunbath for 30 minutes in winters, oil massage
small respiratory pipes get contracted and respiration is and bath with lukewarm water is necessary.
blocked, the air gets blocked. The air fails to reach our Yog treatment
lungs completely and in this condition phlegm gets ac- v Practice all types of pranayam.
cumulated in the pores of respiratory pipes. As a result, v Practice Bhastrika and Kapalbhati pranayam.
the flow of air gets contracted. It is known as asthma. v Yognidra should be practiced (try to relax and calm
The main reason for bronchitis or asthma is blood down the body completely)
impurity and the old swelling of respiratory pipes and v Yogasanas like Kamarchakrasana, Makarasana,
asthma are joined. As a result, the respiratory pipe is Matsyasana, Pavanmuktasana, Padottasanam,
blocked. This is known as broncho asthma. Whatever Shalabhasana, Vajrasana etc. It is necessary to prac-
be the form of asthma, the respiratory pipe becomes tice it.
weak and has lot of deformities. Food treatment: Take food free of phlegm for six
Symptoms of this disease: Generally, asthma at- months. (avoid food that causes phlegm). The daily rou-
tacks after 12 in the midnight. The patient is unable to tine of the patient should be as follows:
breathe properly and wakes up suddenly. The heart beat 7 am: Take enema, lemon juice and honey mixed in
increases. The patient feels restless. Whenever the pa- lukewarm water.
tient tries to sleep, the respiration is blocked. He wakes 9 am: Soaked raisin, fig and dry dates. Drink tea
up and sits on the bed. The whole night is passed in this containing ginger, cardamom and black pepper.
manner. Blood is accumulated in the chest and the pa- 11.30 am: Vegetable soup or fruit juice.
tient starts sweating severely. The other symptoms in- 1.30 pm: Boiled vegetables, salad, vegetable soup,
clude, weakness of lungs, nervous weakness, heart some fruits etc.
weakness, anxiety, stress, chest and accumulation of 4 pm: Only fruit juice, seasonal fruits like sweet
phlegm in wind pipes. The patient starts panting by climb- lime, orange, pomegranate etc.
ing up a few steps, tiredness by walking speedily, leth- 6 pm: Mix lemon juice and honey in lukewarm wa-
argy etc. the patient of asthma lacks self confidence. ter and drink. Take dates if hungry.
Following treatment can be followed for the treatment 7.30 pm: Vegetable soup.
of this disease 9.30 pm: Ginger and cardamom tea.
Natural cure: This disease is cause due to deformed Patient should follow this diet for at least one month.
condition of the body, nervous problem and weakness Ten patient should take vegetables, chapatti, salad, etc.
of respiratory pipes. Therefore, it is necessary to make the patient will regain lost energy by this time and will
the whole body disease free and strengthen the wind be able to digest other foods. Kapha will also not be
pipe and respiratory system. It is also necessary to over- created.
come anxiety of affected organs. v The patient can take gram soup and should avoid
v Take enema in the beginning of the treatment, this curd completely.
clears the stomach. Add lemon juice in lukewarm v The patient should also avoid ladies finger, cabbage,
water and drink it. Practice kunjal Kriya after en- food items made with refined flour, tubes. The pa-
ema. tient should not sleep in closed room at night. The
v Practice Jalneti daily. patient should also not cover his or her face with
v Give hot and cold fomentation on chest and back. bed sheet etc.
three minutes hot fomentation followed by one minute v The patient should turn towards left and sleep.
cold fomentation in winters and two minutes hot and v The patient should try to keep the feet warm.
-Prof. Dr. Ravindra Nath Mishra
We take bath everyday but there are some This bath overcomes cramps in legs, calf pain, cough,
chronic cold, heaviness in head, headache etc.
methods to take bath which can be followed to reap the
benefits and refresh our mind and body. let us see the Reproductive organs bath:
new methods of bathing and their advantages This is especially beneficial for women. But men
Waist bath: can also take it and reap the benefits. In this bath the
This is very useful in stomach related diseases. genitals are kept in water and washed with water. Fill
Majority of the diseases take birth from stomach. These half the tub with water. Place a big wooden stool in it,
should be controlled from the beginning itself and many so that the surface remains dry, sit inside the tub and
diseases can be prevented. Fill a big tub with water. keep the feet outside. Dip a clean and soft cloth in wa-
The water level should be only till the hips and till stom- ter and clean the penis or vagina. This bath overcomes
ach above the navel. The tub should be comfortable to menstrual problem in women, discharge problem and
sit. The water should be cold or warm depending on the stomach diseases.
weather. Sit in the tub for five to ten minutes in the Sauna bath:
beginning. Increase the duration to 30 minutes. Fold the A big wooden box is required for this bath. In big
Turkish towel and massage the stomach below the na- cities, sauna bath is available in gyms, beauty parlors
vel from right to left and then left to right. This will and other places. This can be taken at home also. There
loosen the food accumulated in the stomach and the is a separate room for sauna bath in gyms and other
waste matter will pass out from the body easily. The places. There is also a proper place to sit and vapor is
stomach will remain healthy and clean. Remember that spread into the room through pipe. This gives benefit to
only hip part of the body should remain in the water and the whole body. one has to sit naked for taking sauna
the remaining body should be dry otherwise the impor- bath. Weak people or patients should not take sauna
tance of hipbath will end. bath. It is beneficial for arthritis patient. It reduces body
If any patient is taking advantage of this bath then weight. It purifies blood. It opens the blocked pores and
the patient should lie down and wrap the body with blan- clears the skin. People suffering from itching, ring worm
ket or thick bed sheet to warm the body. the healthy and other skin problems should take the advantage of
patient should do some exercise or go for walk after sauna bath. Sunbath is also very popular besides sauna
this bath so that the body becomes warm. Hipbath re- bath.
duces body weight, overcomes constipation, it cures Hot water bath is harmful for men:
many stomach diseases. It also cures indigestion. It in- Taking bath with hot water for long can aggravate
creases the efficiency of digestive system and clears problems of men. Taking bath with hot water can de-
the intestines. velop symptoms of impotency in men and the sperm
Feet bath: become deformed. Taking bath with fresh and normal
Feet bath is very beneficial for legs and calves. water maintains the masculinity in men and does not
Pour hot water (till bearable temperature) in a bucket affect the sexual power. Therefore, men should not re-
and normal water in another bucket. Add a little bit of main in hot water for long time even in winters. It can
salt in hot water and lemon juice. Put the feet till calves prove dangerous for sexual power of men. It should be
in this bucket and wrap the body with towel and sit on mentioned that there is good arrangement for ozone
chair. When the temperature of the body becomes nor- bath and other baths as part of natural treatment at
mal then put the feet in the bucket containing normal Yoggram of Patanjali Yogpeeth. Bath overcomes both
water. Keep the feet in hot water for 20-30 minutes. curable and incurable diseases of the patients.
-Sushant Mishra, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
T he life science Ayurved contains useful infor- pranayam, and asanas in every season as described in
Ayurved. This will help in leading a healthy, happy,
mation about following the nature in order to keep the
body healthy, disease free and lead a happy life. disease free, prosperous life and enjoy the four
Six seasons have been considered as per Sankranti principles of life – duty, economy, sex and salvation.
in Surya Siddhanta. When Sun transits into Capricorn – /ekZFkZ dke eks{kk.kka vkjksX;a ewyewree~*
Aquarius signs, it is winter season, sun in Pisces- Aries, ^those 'kjn% 'kre~* in other words, the meaning of
it is spring, sun in Taurus-Gemini is summer, sun in virgo- living up to 100 years should come true.
libra is autumn, and sun in scorpio-sagittarius is mon-
The twelve months of the year are based on names COME SOON
of constellations, like, Chitra – Chaitra, Vishakha – -Vishendra Prasad
Vaishakh, Jyestha – Jyestha, Purvashada- Ashad,
tgk¡ cky fd'ku vkSj jkenso tSls yksxksa dk Msjk]
Shravan – Shravan, Purvabhadra – bhadrapada, Ashvini
– Ashwin, Kritika – Kartik, Mrig- margasira, Pushpa –
ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogka gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
pousha, magha – magh, uttarphalguni – phalgun. fo'o xq# dh mikf/ gS ik;h]
The seasons have been divided into two periods xaxk dks iznw"k.k eqDr djkbZAA
during the entire year – northern solstice and winter xk¡o xyh&xyh esa gks jgk gS] ns[ksa izHkkr isQjk]
solstice. ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogka gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
fol`tfr nnkfr i`fFkO;k% lkSE;ka'ka izkf.kukax cya psfr folxZ%A tgk¡ ckyÑ".k vkSj jkenso tSls yksxksa dk Msjk]
In other words, in southern solstice, the earth gets ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogka gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
soft part and all the creatures get strength. Hkkjr eka ds iq=k dgyk;sa] nq"V yksxksa ls ugha ?kcM+krs]
In winter season, moon’s strength provides nutri- jksx eqDr gks Hkkjr esjk ckr ;gh gS nksgjkrsAA
tion, coolness to the creatures. Our digestive fire is tgk¡ jkst lcsjs ;ksxklu ls fueZy ru gks rsjk]
strong in this season. Therefore, one should take sweet, ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
nutritious, strengthening food in sufficient quantity. Clari- tgk¡ ckyÑ".k vkSj jkenso tSls yksxksa dk Msjk]
fied butter, milk, condensed milk, honey, old jaggery, sea- ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogka gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
sonal fruits, green leafy vegetables, halva, Asagandha, jke y{e.k dh tksM+h cukbZ]
Shatavari, onion seeds, Shilajit, Chyavanprash or Avala nso vkSj fd'ku dgykbZAA
should be used in sufficient quantity.
,d ;ksxklu esa uke dekbZ]
Drink lukewarm water mixed with pure clarified
butter and honey (in unequal quantities). One should
nwljs lathouh dk irk yxkbZAA
eat as soon as one feels hungry. It is said that one should tgk¡ ;ksxklu dk ikB i<+krs 'kke vkSj lcsjk]
leave 100 works and have food on time. ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogka gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
While taking any nutritious food one should pay tgk¡ ckyÑ".k vkSj jkenso tSls yksxksa dk Msjk]
attention if the digestive system is functioning properly ogk¡ gksxk tYn lcsjk] ogka gksxk tYn lcsjkAA
and the stomach is clear. To clear stomach, drink luke- Synopsis: The poet says that where there are people
warm milk mixed with castor oil or Laghu Haritiki churna like Balkrishna and Ramdev, that place will see a new
morning very soon. They have worked to get back
or divyachurna in sufficient quantity. the status of world mentor for India and have made
It is advisable to massage the body with oil and the Ganga pollution free. A new morning can be seen
apply body pack. Sunbath is also very beneficial. One in every street of villages and cities. They are known
as sons of India and they do not fear from sinners.
should wake up at 4 am and go for morning walk. It is They always talk about making India disease free. A
beneficial to practice pranayam, Asana for good health. new morning will be seen where the people practice
One should not sleep till late in the morning Yogasana every morning. They have made a pair like
because it increases vata and therefore one should Rama and Lakshmana, one became popular with
Yogasana and the other found out about Sanjivani.
leave lethargy and wake up early in the morning. One They teach Yogasana to people and a new morning
should follow the natural laws, daily routine, activities, will be seen soon.
-Smt. Indu Soing
-Prema Kanwar
The plants are mesmerized and re-
mained cheerful.
decorated with colorful This is the reason
flowers and waiting for that goddess
their loved one with thou- -Jaishankar Mishra ‘Savyasachi’ Saraswati liked this sea-
sand eyes like a newly mar- son.
ried girl. Every part of the plant is Who is goddess Saraswati?
looking extremely beautiful. The forest What is her festival? When man was not present
flame trees are also blossoming with flowers. Mus- in the nature, we had no existence; the
tard plants are also eagerly waiting for its loved nature was just a ball of fire. This ball
one. Not only special trees but even the ordi- of fire was known as Adishakti (eternal
nary trees are enjoying the season. The whole strength) in spirituality.
atmosphere is filled with joy and happiness. The The beginning of nature was in this
nature is changing every moment and it ap- eternal strength. The ball kept on di-
pears that it is spreading honey. Who is viding and Sun, Moon, planets and stars
this, for whom the entire nature is wait- took birth. The Adishakti also got di-
ing so eagerly? It is the king of all sea- vided into many forms with the de-
sons, ‘spring.’ velopment of nature.
There is a story that the remain- Saraswati means knowledge and
ing five seasons, namely, summer, intellectual development; therefore,
monsoon, winter, fall and autumn took goddess is worshipped for intellectual
out eight days each from their seasons and development, good thinking, knowledge and internal
made a new enchanting season of 40 days. This is the brightness. There is provision of fasting etc. in worship
king of all seasons, spring. of goddess Saraswati. This is the festival of enjoyment.
Can we take out the sweet moments of our life As soon as we say the word ‘enjoyment’, we remem-
and collect them, or give it to somebody? Do we have ber of sex. Therefore, Vasant Panchami is also known
the feeling of dedication? Probably not, therefore, we as Shri Panchami. The goddess Rati and god Kaamdev
are human beings. We have locked ourselves in the are also worshipped on this day.
walls of hatred, dislike, jealousy, and disharmony. We When Kaamdev tried to disturb lord Shiva from
cannot bring in sweetness in our lives. his deep meditation with the feeling of ego, Rati prays
We are supposed to be descendants of god. But, lord Shiva and Shiva breaks her into several lives and
when the gods were completely fed up with the atroci- sends her into bodies of creatures. Kaamdev dies. Anang
ties of demons, then they collected their brightness and (Rati) is alive because only creatures are alive.
gave birth to goddess of immense strength. She is known Lakshmi is playful and Saraswati has slipperiness,
as Maa Durga. The Himalaya presented tiger as her therefore, it does not take much time for our mind to
vehicle, Indra gave diamond, yama gave a weapon called slip and it takes lot of time to control it. Saraswati is
Pasha and Shiva presented her with Trishul. Let us all Vedic goddess; she has been called as Devi in Brahmin
get united and organized to remove atrocities and sins literature. Saraswati is not just goddess of Hindus. Chi-
prevailing in the society. nese pray Neel Saraswati, Tibetans pray Veena
All the problems, contingencies and atrocities Saraswati.
should be faced with the combined strengths. Ravana Saraswati is related to human wisdom, that human
was very powerful and a rock of strength. But, he used empathy gives birth to Beejmantra. The construction of
it to punish and trouble others. Therefore, he was against a good society will be the real worship of Vagdevi, where
mankind. Rama used his strength for establishing peace, non-violence will prevail in place of violence, friendship
discipline and hence he was worshipped as supreme in place of disharmony, love in place of hatred, empathy
man, highest among men. in place of cruelty, knowledge in place of ignorance and
Why don’t we hand over our good qualities to oth- wisdom in place of foolishness.
ers because we do not want to ‘give?’ The nature was We can bring in sweetness in our lives by over-
waiting for the spring season for so many days and was coming physical and mental diseases with the practice
tired. Because she was not able to live without it. But, of Yog. The whole life will change and will become a
as the day of arrival of spring season neared, she was celebration.
-Rajiv Dikshit
When institutions like International Monetary prices to the developing and underdeveloped countries.
Fund and World Bank gives loans to nations, it is not for Secondly, the countries getting aid in this form
the development of the nations but it is to stop the remain technologically backward; they also become
backward economies from developing. The loan is given heavily indebted and keeps on increasing year after year.
so that those nations do not become self-reliant and In this way, those countries are forced to remain
poverty never ends in those nations. attached with western economies and the burden of
The economic aid that the World Bank gives to loan keeps on mounting. These countries fall into the
the poor nations does not come from rich nations but vicious circle of western countries and reach the verge
the so called aid is given to rich countries from poor of ruining their economy.
countries. It is clear that the developed country is not Thirdly, the rich countries get secret capital from
interested in order to stop this trend going on in the havala. The politicians of third world deposit their black
name of aid to developing and underdeveloped countries money secretly in western banks and in this way the
and use the aid actually to improve developing and western countries get easy capital for their projects and
underdeveloped countries. If they are interested in industries at zero interest rate. It is needless to say that
anything, it is to keep the poor and underdeveloped there is no interest on black money; the banks keeping
countries joined with its economy in the form of the deposits of black money are only guarantors of its
nourishing economies; so that they can see their obsolete security. The prosperity of the west is due to this secret
technology and tools to these countries and the poor capital. If that capital is stopped then their prosperity
and underdeveloped countries will always remain will be halved.
backward at technological level and indebted. Therefore, The rich countries have one more method to
the aid that comes from World Bank and IMF is a source increase the indebtedness of third world countries and
to keep the countries backward. that is to bring down the prices of raw materials of poor
The figures of World Bank and IMF show that the countries in the world market. When rich countries see
rich countries get raw materials and production worth that the poor countries are prospering then they put
500 billion dollars is passed on to rich countries every restrictions on the purchase of their raw material and
year in the form of profit in stead of the poor countries the prices fall as per the law of supply and demand.
getting aid from rich countries. It means, the rich When supply is more than demand, the prices fall. The
countries do not help us but we have been helping them countries selling raw materials suffer from poverty and
throughout. Money is flowing out from developing and unemployment.
underdeveloped countries to these rich countries. This Vicious cycle of debt:
is the aid of these countries to us for our development The structure of development that the multinational
and the misconception of governments of developing companies have given to the country is trapping the
countries with respect to development. country into the vicious cycle of debt. The interest
The rich countries get advantages at different levels repayment is also increasing along with the increasing
– firstly the developing and underdeveloped countries debt. It was 1.5 billion dollar in 1984, which increased
become suitable for buying their used and obsolete to 4 billion dollar in 1990. The interest increased to 4.6
technology and equipments, it means the technology and billion dollar in 1991.
equipment which has already given those benefits and The country had a total foreign debt of Rs.4, 53,
which is now useless for them that is dumped at high 397 crores by July 1995. This increased to Rs. 6, 80,
000 crores by 2008. The annual interest paid on this Rs. 5, 33, 053 crores in March 1995 from Rs. 59, 749
loan is Rs.94, 508 crores. This foreign loan does not crores in 1980-81. If we add foreign loan to these
include the soft loan and foreign aid taken by the payables then the situation will be worse. One –third of
government. If this is also included then the total loan gross domestic product is foreign loan and payables.
would be to the tune of Rs. 17, 91, 511 crores. As on The GDP of India is Rs. 4800000 crores, but the foreign
date, India is the second biggest debtor in the world. loan and repayments is Rs. 1800000 crores in 2008.
India was on the third position till last year. Mexico and These figures clearly sow that the Indian economy is
Brazil rank the first and second position. But India left totally dependent on foreign loan and payables. Latin
behind Mexico in 2008 with respect to foreign loan. America, Africa and several Asian countries have been
If we combine the interest paid on foreign loan destroyed by falling in trap of foreign loan and payables.
and short term loan taken by the government then the The condition of many countries is so critical that they
situation is very alarming. There is a sharp increase in cannot repay the foreign loan in spite of selling all their
domestic loans and payables on the part of central assets. Many countries have to take new loan in order
government. Payables are loans on which interest need to repay old loan. In this way the vicious cycle of loan is
not be paid. The total domestic loans and payables on tightening its strings on these countries.
central government in 1980-81 was Rs. 48, 451 crores, At present, India is spending 50 percent of its
which increased to Rs. 2, 83, 033 crores in 1990-91. It income from exports on repayment of interest every
was equal to Rs. 4, 83, 545 in March 1995. In the same year. The remaining 50 percent of export income is able
way, the foreign payables was Rs. 11, 298 crores in to fulfill only 42 percent of the annual imports. The
1980-81 which was equal to Rs. 3, 21, 525 crores in country is trapped in the web of foreign loan due to
1990-91. In the same way, total payables increased to reverse direction of development.
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C rying is as beneficial as laughing in life. One The lightness created after crying is beneficial for physi-
can lighten the heart by crying. Crying is to flow out our cal and mental health. Crying reduces stress.
emotions, feelings and sadness in the form of tears. Lot of studies and researches have been conducted
When the tears roll out then we feel clear and light on laughter also, the areas of the brain which become
from within. Crying or laughing flows out internal pain, more active at the time of listening to jokes have been
and gives lot of relief from within. termed as funny spots, laughing wholeheartedly brings
Laughter has lot of importance in human life, hap- in physical and mental changes. Laughter changes physi-
piness is very important but in the same way tears are cal hormones, which overcomes mental stress. Laugh-
also valuable. Today’s life is stressful. This stress has ter increases hemoglobin level in the blood. It makes
become an inseparable part of our life. Laughter is dis- the mind cheerful and light. The person comes out suf-
appearing gradually. American National Opinion Re- focated feeling. Every person has inborn laughing pro-
search Center conducted a study on 35000 people and cess and it develops suddenly within. It starts from within
found that women are happier when compared to men and comes like waves. It is very difficult to answer as
and youngsters are happier than adults. Luxury from to in which situations a man laughs and how much he
wealth and happiness from assets and property has short will laugh on which topic. Doctors believe that laughter
life. They bring in responsibilities and worries along with is the best source to prevent nervous problems and other
them and give lot of pain and problems. disease. Smile on our face creates internal happiness;
Crying has a wonderful affect on the body. Tears smile increases the brightness on our face. It creates a
work like oil and help in blinking eyes. It is much better mesmerizing personality, people flock to such cheerful
to cry and take out our feelings instead of laughing mean- person. It has a strength which flows energy in every
inglessly. The scientists have also found out from tests part of the body. Both, laughing and crying are benefi-
that it is better to cry and take out your grief and pain cial for us. Revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj has
for mental health instead of laughing. Crying helps in given special place to Hasyasana in his Yog and
maintaining the physical and organic chemical balance. pranayam package.
T he whole world is
talking about environment
protection and upliftment
these days. The condition
is so serious that the life
is endangered on
earth. Water, air are -Omprakash Makhija
badly affected due to
pollution. The worst cannot be an act of virtue. Even then, if it is necessary
condition of environment is due to industrialization, heat, to flow an idol in the river then a small idol made with
electricity production and transport, but in India, another flour should be used. Such idols can be decorated with
reason for water pollution is religious rituals and cus- sesame, rice, lentil etc. if such idols are flown in rivers
toms. then they will be consumed by aquatic animals and water
will not be polluted. In the same way, the ashes after
It is so sad that on one hand we are spending mil-
last rites should be used in the form of manures during
lions of rupees to clean Ganga, Yamuna and other riv-
tree plantation in stead of flowing the ashes in the riv-
ers and on the other hand we are increasing pollution.
ers. The ashes and bones of human beings can be col-
The ashes left over after burning the body are thrown
lected in burial grounds and can be used as manures in
in rivers like Ganga. Thousands of people die each day
the fields. The human bones and ashes contain several
and each day the ashes are thrown into the rivers. It is
minerals and chemicals, which improve the soil quality
difficult to estimate the pollution caused due to this prac-
and increase, produce. If human body can be useful
tice. The water pollution is increasing in spite of spend-
after death also then the life becomes successful. To-
ing crores of rupees on cleaning the rivers.
day, one can find these facts shocking but it is neces-
Besides this, the idols of gods and goddesses and sary for welfare of mankind and environment protec-
pooja material is thrown into the rivers during festivals tion. It is necessary to think about this.
like Durga Pooja, Ganesh Pooja and Chatt pooja. The
number and size of idols is increasing day by day. Plas- IT IS TURN OF BABA RAMDEV
tic and synthetic colours are used to make the idols. -Dineshchandra Tripathi
This is more of pretense rather than religious customs. ;ksx o ;ksxh ds jgL; dks tku ldk u dksbZ
When these types of materials are thrown in water, it ftruk tkuk mruk ckS u k cuk jgk gj dks b Z
not only increases water pollution but poses a danger peRdkj djrs ukuk fof/ HkkX; cnyrs lcdk
for the aquatic animals. The act that imbalances the [kqn fu/Zu] jksxh] ijk/hu fo'okl u djks mudk
environment and causes harm to living creatures can- dqN vPNs ;ksxh ;ksx ls gh mipkj jksx dk djrs
not be called religion. This is a sin instead of virtue. u;s&u;s dqN /eZ pyk bZ'oj dk in ys ysrs
Today, the whole world is involved in environment ;ks x 'kkL=k ds eehZ ;ks x h lgh ;ks x iFk tkus a
protection, other countries will improve their environ- v"Vkax ;ksx ds ;ksx 'kkL=k] lc vaxksa dks viukos
ment in the next one or two decades, but if we do not ,s l s ;ks x h vrq y oh;Z ] cyoku lnk ls gks r s
change our religious customs and traditions then our fo'o dh dksbZ 'kfDr ugha og ftlds vkxs jksrs
rivers will become worse and we will be responsible
guq e ku v# Hkh"e ljh[ks n;kuUn cy/kjh
for this condition.
mlh ns'k esa vkt ds ckck jkenso dh ckjhAA
The actual objective of religious customs and tra- Synopsis: the poet says that nobody came to know
ditions is to protect the living creatures, plants and na- about the secret of Yog and yogi. The understanding
ture along with welfare of mankind. When the custom and learning was less. Do not believe those who claim
of flowing the ashes of dead body in the rivers was to do miracles and change the fate of everybody. Some
made, at that time the population was very less and the good yogis cure diseases with Yog and follow the path
of god with good duties. The karma yogis of Yog know
rivers were full of water. This did not have any adverse the right path of Yog and teach Ashtang Yog to others.
effect on the rivers. At that time, people used to make Such yogis are very brave and strong and do not bow
idols of gods and goddesses at home using wheat flour in front of anybody in the world. It is the turn of today’s
or mud. The size of the idols was also small and the Baba Ramdev in the same country of Hanuman and
number also used to be less. Today, we need to under- Bhishma.
stand that polluting the rivers in the name of worship
With Reference To International
Women's Weak
Mummy Ji, you have come to know that I am girl and you are
going to stop me from taking birth. I could not believe this. How
can my mother do this to me? How can a mother bear the pain of
killing her daughter inside her womb?
P eople started avoiding birth of girl child with gotten due to lack of progeny? Not at all.
the fear of dowry system. Some greedy people found it Foeticide is a serious crime. It can be removed
as an opportunity to make money. New medical tests with social awareness. Ignoring girls in the society has
and ultrasound tests were used in order to find the gen- led to moral degradation in the society. The increasing
der of foetus inside mother’s womb and finish the fe- corruption, prostitution and rape clearly indicate this con-
male foetus. dition in the society.
This became the trend and the sayings like god The female foeticide has to be stopped in the soci-
live where women are worshipped became irrelevant. ety and people should celebrate the birth of girl and also
They were a part of female foeticide crime. The desire spread this message. Female foeticide should be con-
to give birth to male child became stronger due to reli- sidered a punishable offence.
gious backwardness and dowry system. The religious If female foeticide is not controlled, it will lead to
backwardness prevailed with respect last rites being social imbalance and will lead to grave problems in the
performed by the son after death, failing which the per- society. If we will not give birth to girls with the desire
son would not get salvation and the world will not re- for boys then a time will come when there will be no
member him. mother in the society because today’s girl is tomorrow’s
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime min- mother.
ister of independent India and his only daughter Indira The abortion Act of 1971 is being misused and fe-
Gandhi became world renowned as a successful prime male foeticide is taking place. The act allows abortion
minister of India. Gulzarilal Nanda was also the prime under special circumstances. This misuse is reducing
minister of India for two terms and did not have a son. the number of girl child in the society.
There was no obstruction in his career. Former election Today women is also reaching great heights with
commissioner, T.N.Seshan does not have children, he spread of education and giving fitting reply to those de-
did not adopt anybody also but still he was popular. manding dowry. But, the percentage of such girls is
Saints, great souls, Shankaracharya, ascetics who very less. The tests to detect sex were made to protect
do not have families and who give religious advices and the female body, and provide natural labor rights and
messages of salvation should not get salvation? At facilities and in serious conditions the foetus was de-
present, Swami Ramdev and his colleagues, Balkrishna stroyed. Both, boy and girl were included in this deci-
are propagating Yog and Ayurved in the whole world sion. But, today this has been limited only to girls. The
and have started a health revolution to make the whole mothers are killing their daughters inside their wombs
India disease free. Their missions are very successful. with the help of modern medical facilities and doctors.
Our former president, scientist Dr. A.P.J.Abdul An author from Punjab, Dr. Guruminder Siddhu
Kalam was a very simple and respectable figure, he is has made an emotional appeal in this way – “Mummy
also unmarried, but he is extremely popular and famous Ji, I am happy and pray god that you both also should be
all over the world. Will such great personalities be for- happy. I am writing this letter because I have come to
know about sensational news. Mummy Ji, you have have to dance in your backward with little anklets. I
come to know that I am girl and you are going to stop will not increase your expenses. Do not buy anklets for
me from taking birth. I could not believe this. How can me; I will wear didi’s (elder sister’s) anklets. I will wear
my mother do this to me? How can a mother bear the brother’s clothes which do not fit him now. Let me take
pain of killing her daughter inside her womb? You just birth from your womb and let me live under the blue
say once that all is false. I am shocked to hear all this. sky full of stars and moon. I am your daughter. I am the
My hands are so delicate that I cannot pull your dupatta
princess of your love. Let me take birth in your house.
while going towards doctor’s clinic. My hands are so
You would have nurtured me if I were a son, what is
thin and weak like mustard plant’s twigs that I cannot
wrong with me? No, do not be afraid of dowry, it is a
put them around your neck. One medicine will make
me slip out of your body just like the soap that slips myth. Sacrificing several girls for the sake of one boy,
from wet hands. No, mummy no, please do not do this. you and your son will be responsible for this sin. Just
I am writing the letter because I do not have voice yet. give me birth. You make some efforts; I will make ef-
How can I pray and to whom? I want to take birth. I forts on my part.
-Dr. Kailashlal Rai ‘Pritam’
ekrk gS cPpksa dh ekrkA
xÅ ekrk gS lcdh ekrkAA
ek¡ djrh cPpksa dk ikyuA
xÅ djrh ge lcdk ikyuAA
ek¡ cPps dks nw/ fiykrhA
xÅ ge lcdks nw/ fiykrhAA
ek¡ ds nw/ ls dqN ugha curkA
xÅ ds nw/ ls lHkh dqN curkAA
nw/ ls ngh] ngh ls NkN] eD[ku] ?khA
?kh ls curs Lokfn"V O;atuAA eSa dSlsa nw dye dks iw.kZ fojke\
ftuls gksrk lcdk euksjatuA xÅ ds fy, dqN fy[kuk rksA
eD[ku] ?kh ls rkdr c<+rhAA lp lw;Z dks nhi fn[kkuk gSAA
Å¡xyh ij mBk fy;k xkso¼ZuA xÅ ekrk dh efgek vikj gSA
JhÑ".k [kkrs Fks eD[kuAA xkrs&xkrs gh ejtkuk gS---
Synopsis: The poet says that mother is mother of her
ek¡ ds ey&ew=k dqN dke ugha vkrsAA children but cow is the mother of everybody. She takes
xÅ&xkscj ls curh gS [kknA care of everybody. Mother feeds her children with
[kkn ls cf<+;k [ksrh gksrhAA milk but cow gives milk for everybody. Mother’s milk
ftlls gksrs d`"kd vkcknA cannot be used to make anything, but cow’s milk
makes curd, buttermilk, butter and clarified butter.
d`"kd vkckn rks xk¡o vkcknAA Clarified butter can be used to make tasty things, which
xk¡o vkckn rks ns'k vkcknA strengthens the body. Lord Krishna used to eat butter
ns'k vkckn rks lHkh vkcknAA and lifter the entire mountain on his little finger.
xkscj vkSj xÅ ew=k ls curh gS vkS"kf/;k¡A Mother’s urine and feaces are not useful but cow dung
and urine are very useful. Cow dung makes manure
ftuls iw.kZ nwj gksrh gSa dbZ vlkè; O;kf/;k¡A and that in turn gives good crops. The farmers pros-
ek¡ dks ejus ij tyk nsrs gSaAA per and villages prosper. The country prospers when
ij xÅ dk peM+k vkrk gS dkeA villages prosper. Cow dung and urine make medicines,
xÅ ekrk dh efgek gS vijEikjAA which cure serious diseases. Mother is burnt on death,
but cow’s skin is useful after death also. Cow is great
gekjh vkRek dks djkrh cSrj.kh ikjA and is very important. She gives us salvation and is
gekjs tue ls ysdj e`R;q mijkUrAA useful from birth to death. Cow is useful for every-
xÅekrk vkrh ge lcds dkeA body. It is very difficult to write about cow, it is like
xÅ ekrk dh efgek dgk¡ rd fy[kw¡\ showing light to the Sun. cow’s significance is great.
-Dr. Jagdish Shastri
We take birth in one country, one state, one region, one district, one group of
people speaking the same language. The group can be Bengali, Marathi, Tamil,
Telugu, Santhali, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Kutchhi, and Konkani. Whatever be the
language of the group, we are able to exchange our thoughts and feelings. But
the question is up to how many people? Only to a small group !
Human being has lot of affection with the words ‘I’
of others. Therefore, language was originated. But, is
and ‘mine.’ He wants to remain attached with his ori-
our language able to fulfill this objective? Is it possible
gin. He wants to save the events of the past. Preserva-
to fulfill this objective amidst the variety of languages?
tion of language is the result of this attitude of human
We take birth in one country, one state, one region, one
being. Everybody wants to save their differences in this
district, one group of people speaking the same language.
world of diversity. Solid evidences are being collected
The group can be Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu,
regarding our existence in the past. We are the oldest,
Santhali, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Kutchhi, and Konkani. What-
we are the origin of everything, the whole world is due
ever be the language of the group, we are able to ex-
to us, and we are the most superior. Our caste, our
community, our civilization, our culture, our language is change our thoughts and feelings. But the question is up
the oldest. It is the origin of all languages and is the to how many people? Till that small group only.
supreme. Today different groups of the world are com- What is the percentage of these people in the world
peting with each other to protect our heritage and ruins. population? Not even one percent. Not even 100th part.
Conservation of language also comes under this. The The objective of creating a language is to talk with
dialect changes every one kilometer and after 100 miles, people. To establish contact with 100 percent people
the language changes completely. As a result, there are not with one small group. But we are able to talk to only
more than three thousand languages and dialects in the one percent with this special language or dialect. We
whole world. In India alone, there are more than 1600 are cut off from 99 percent of the people. We are not
dialects. Everybody wants to conserve their dialect and able to establish contact. It means that our language is
language. They want to extend its scope and propagate not fulfilling the objective of just one percent or less
it. Few out of these become politician and rule. Legisla- than that. The success rate is just one percent. If there
ture and legislative are made. Everybody makes rules are 100 languages in the world and there are 100 groups
to conserve the language of their area or state. The speaking that language. Then the success rate of all
first 14 languages were kept in the list in independent languages will be 1 percent. If there are 1000 languages
India. Now the number has increased to 24 but it has then the success rate with 1/1000th part. But, there are
not stopped. The regional feeling of everybody is in- thousands of languages in the world. The number of
creasing. people speaking these languages is not equal. Some lan-
The love towards their language is increasing and guages are spoken by only a few hundred people or
taking wild form. Use of language is becoming a thing few thousands. What is the relevance of that language
of fame and respect. Some languages were given po- in world population of seven to eight billions? It is negli-
litical protection then why not our language? We should gible. Such languages are very less successful. Actu-
also get protection. We should also get place in list of ally, this failure is not of the language but of the people
languages. Therefore, many languages are waiting to who speak it.
be enlisted in this list of languages. The administration Such people who speak only one language, like people
also wants to protect all languages and dialects and keep living a well are cut off from the rest of the world for
them alive. The question is if this conservation of lan- thousands of years. They are backward in all areas of
guage is a source or a barrier in fulfilling the meaning the life. If there had been only 50 languages in the world
hidden in language. The purpose for which language in stead of 100 then each language would have achieved
was produced, the objective with which we use lan- two percent of its target (because the contact and reach
guage. of the people speaking that language would have been
Does our language fulfill the objective of its origin? limited to two percent of the people). If the number of
The objective of originating language is the mutual trans- languages in the world reduces to 25 then the success
mission of human thoughts and emotions. We should be rate would have increased to four percent. If the lan-
able to express our thoughts and make them under- guages are only ten then the success rate would have
stand and we should be able to understand the thoughts 10 percent. If there are only five languages then the
relevance of language would in- larly, thousands of languages can
crease further and success rate We have not discovered different become on. But, it is possible only
would be 20 percent. In other languages but it is the result of our when we understand the objective
words, we will be able to learn
one language and increase our ignorance and laziness. All the of origin of a language. When we
will understand the meaning hid-
reach and contact with 20 per- dialects have taken birth due to den inside the language.
cent of world population, this man’s laziness and ignorance. When we understand the pur-
would mean around 1.5 billion Therefore, protecting those lan- pose of knowledge of language
people. If there are only two lan- being given by god, who created
guages in the world then the suc-
guages is not a matter of pride. It is
the language. We have not discov-
cess rate would increase to 50 not a matter of honour, fame and ered different languages but it is
percent. It means we will be able respect. There is no need to die or the result of our ignorance and
to talk directly with 3.5 billion kill anybody for the sake of these laziness. All the dialects have
people of the world. If there is
only one language then we will
languages. The dialects are con- taken birth due to man’s laziness
and ignorance. Therefore, protect-
achieve 100 percent success. served due to the attachment, affec- ing those languages is not a mat-
That language will fulfill 100 per- tion, pretense and ego towards the ter of pride. It is not a matter of
cent of its objective of its pro- language. honour, fame and respect. There
duction. In other words, studies is no need to die or kill anybody
have shown that when number for the sake of these languages.
of languages reduces then its The dialects are conserved due to
success increases and when increases number of lan- the attachment, affection, pretense and ego towards
guages then success rate reduces. More the number of the language. Man considers his language as valuable
languages, more the failure and meaningless is their pres- treasure, heritage, his fame and thing of beauty. When
ence. we will finish these reasons, when ignorance and lazi-
When there will be only one language in the world ness will be wiped out from our mind, the attachment,
then it will be fully successful. It will be completely ego and pride towards the language will be removed,
meaningful. The conclusion derived from this study is when we will understand and recognize the mother of
that in order to fulfill the meaning hidden in the lan- all languages. When we will realize that everybody has
guage, policy of conservation of the language is not a only one god, only one mother tongue and only one
good idea. The policy of keeping all the languages of mother language. When we will understand the desire
the world alive, increase their reach, encourage their of language unity and religious unity between the
learning is not good. The reason is that differences in people. When we will understand that language differ-
languages are the reason for fights and quarrels. It cre- ences and communal differences is not a matter of
ates a wall between the people and gives birth to dis- beauty for the man but it is a matter of deformity.
harmony. It destroys mutual love and brotherhood. It
It is a curse, we will realize this. We have not dis-
destroys mankind. It disintegrates the nations. Coun-
covered language; all the dialects are the deformed
tries like Russia, Pakistan got divided into pieces due to
ways of one root language. This is not a matter of
differences in languages. Canada is also on the verge
pride. When we will realize that language differences
of division. Language related fights in India are destroy-
is harmful for the mankind, when we will support world
ing brotherhood. The unity and integrity of the nation is
unity as per the wishes of god then there will be strong
in danger. The study shows that if the number of lan-
supporters of language unity. That time will definitely
guages reduces, the meaningfulness of other languages
come back, when all the people will speak the same
will increase. The mutual contact, understanding, broth-
language. The whole world will be one family. There
erhood, harmony will increase. The feeling of World is
my family will develop. The wall of language existing will be several other advantages of language unity.
between human beings will break down. Distances of Today, we waste lot of time in learning and writing
languages will reduce. The closeness of human beings different languages. That time can be saved.
will increase. Language related ignorance will be re- We can use that time to learn other subjects. This
moved. Language related disharmony, quarrels will come will develop knowledge, science, literature, art, exper-
to an end. tise and we can take out time for entertainment. We
There was a time when man used to speak only one can learn lot of things in less time. The problem of non
language, Sanskrit. They used to quarrel but for the availability of teacher of our language will come to an
sake of good and bad. It was not a quarrel for lan- end. The problem of translator, linguist and writers will
guage. Can we see that time on the earth again! It can end. The wastage of money in different countries due
definitely come. It is difficult but not impossible. One to work in dual language will be finished and savings
language can give birth to thousand languages, simi- will increase.
-Veer Sawarkar
ignorant about it. Therefore they sacred nation and were active in es-
consider it to be baseless or uncer- tablishing Hindu rule with their com-
tain. Usually, the readers of India or plete strength. They were dedicated
Hindu history have this illusion that towards national duty in their life
Chatrapati Shivaji and Samarth time. They had shown such wonder-
Swami Ramdas were the first and ful results with their work that
last patriots of India who had the de- Shivaji would also have been sur-
sire to get back the prestige of Hindu prised if he were alive.
rulers and who had demonstrated When Shivaji Maharaj was
C hatrapati Shivaji Maharaj extreme valour, sacrifice and cour- seated on the throne, at that time
expired in 1680 AD and Guru age to hoist the flag of Hinduism in there was a small region in his king-
Ramdas left his body in 1681 AD. It the entire country. Not only that, dom, but it was a great and presti-
is true that both these great souls there is one more misconception in gious incident looking into the con-
had earned a lot during their lifetime the minds of the people with respect ditions of that time. If we think over
on the basis of hard work and strong to Maharashtra that Shivaji had laid it seriously then we will experience
determination for the Hindu rulers. the stone of Maharashtra history and that the establishment of
But, lot was still left to be done. Their it ended with his death. According Maharashtra with honour took an
death at such a juncture was a great to them, there was peace in the state actual form only when his chief of
loss for this revolution, which was only after Shivaji’s death, in which Raghoba Dadaji led his army on the
born and nurtured under their lead- people with selfish interest and ill roads of Lahore taking forward the
ership. minded people had formed groups pious tradition of Shivaji Maharaj.
Although the life of both these with the intention of robbing and kill- The strong horses of his army were
great souls had ended, but the great ing and were inclined towards inva- running and jumping and filled the
revolution that they had begun did sion and had pushed the nation to- air with dust and quenched their thirst
not take a back seat because this wards destruction. Both these be- on the banks of Sindhu River. That
revolution had the feeling of com- liefs are totally baseless and mean- was a very prestigious day when
plete surrender towards the nation ingless. Raghoba had brought a great nation
in its root and not just hero worship. The truth is that the evidence under his shelter and protected it.
Therefore, this revolution was strong of greatness of Chatrapati Shivaji When Shivaji left this world the
in the whole country. This is one Maharaj and Swami Ramdas is that Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was
aspect of the history of Marathas. even after their death the great revo- alive. The hatred towards Hindu re-
All the Indians have some knowl- lution started by them was carried ligion and caste was still there in his
edge about the life story of on for long time and a big series of heart. Shivaji could sleep through-
Chatrapati Shivaji and his great men- great leaders with the desire of dedi- out his life due to the vow that he
tor Swami Ramdas. But the Indians cating everything in the feet of moth- had taken to remove these feelings
have very little knowledge about the erland were appearing. They had of hatred. That feeling could not be
last part of Marathas or completely the feeling of creating a pious and wiped out even after his death. But
the successors of Shivaji had repaid rificed their lives for the nation then successful. They were dedicated to
the atrocities of foreigners on their Shivaji Maharaj’s desires would not fulfill the desires of Shivaji even by
ancestors. Aurangzeb was buried have been fulfilled. His dreams giving their lives. We have to accept
along with the feelings of hatred would have remained a dream only that history of Maharashtra did not
against Hindus in a grave at and whatever success he had earned end after the death of Shivaji but it
Ahmednagar. during this lifetime would have been
had begun in one way. It would not
Shivaji Maharaj had ruled only counted ordinary like Bundela king
be an exaggeration to say that the
at Raigarh, but how was it possible and Patvardhan. Then we would not
glorious history of Maharashtra had
to reach the target of throne at an- have seen Chatrapati Shivaji seated
actually begun when Chatrapati
cient capital, Delhi for his succes- on a prestigious and honorable place.
Shivaji had aroused the great
sors? It is also true to say that if Actually the life long cooperation
given to him by his close friends and strengths of Hindus and left this
Dhannaji, Santaji, Balaji, Bajiraoa,
people is the main reason in making world. These energies took great
Malhar Rao, Madhavrai,
Parashuram Pant and Bapuji and him a powerful man. They were al- speed and movement after he
other great people had not risen their ways eager to help him and when passed away and kept on moving
spears and invited battle and had not Shivaji had entered work area then ahead in the direction of fulfilling his
shown their valour and had not sac- they offered everything to make him desires.
Synopsis: The poet says that the foreigners ravaged us and divided us. The vote politics is dividing the
people in the name of caste. The poet wants to share the story of conspiracy and corruption and show the
picture of injured mother India. He is asking the citizens as to how long they will sit quite with wounded
heart. We are like dead bodies and can we stop the crime. The terrorism is increasing and we are seeing
the mothers and sisters crying everyday. The so called secular parties are quite and interested only in vote
banks. Terrorism is being nurtured and politics of reservation and social venom is being served to the
nation. Fights between two brothers are being encouraged, talents are being exploited and incapable are
getting opportunities. The flatterers are given importance and the corrupt leaders have destroyed the na-
tion. The nation has become a popper with scandals unfolding each day. The poet wants to share the story
of black money and black sheep’s. He is asking till when cows will be slaughtered on this land and lives will
be lost by drinking liquor. Till what time the corrupt system will ravage the people and when will the nation
become prosperous. The time has come for the youth to come forward. Till when we will keep watching
this condition of mother India. He is asking the patriots to play the role of Rama and Krishna, only then we
will be truly independent. The seeds of poison will be removed and India will become world mentor. The
poet wants to share the story of freedom fighters and show the picture of injured mother India.
-Jagat Ram Arya
Children! Today I will tell you matchless brave and great warrior
in his neibhouring area in a very short
the story of a brave boy Chatrasaal.
Uncle Sujanrao gave bow and ar- time. He was a tough nut to crack
row to thais 13 year old nephew and for fighters elder to him
said, “Take it, and take care of your Once, an exhibition was orga-
ancestor’s property.” nized in the temple of Vindyavasini
Chatrasaal used to play with you were left alone in the ground. Devi. There was huge crowd and
toys till now and had learnt local Fortunately the enemies did not see lot of happiness. People had come
sports also. He took bow and arrow you. I think god also wanted to save far off places to see goddess.
in his hand and lifted it like a toy and you. Probably they he wanted you Sujanrao was talking with Bundela
said smilingly, “Uncle is this also my to do some big task.” leaders. Chatrasaal removed his
toy?” Chatrasaal held his bow tightly shoes, washed his hands and legs
once again and striked another ar- and took a basket. He went into the
Sujanrao smiled and said, “Yes
row with great speed. He hit the tar- garden to collect flowers for offer-
son, weapons are toys for
get and said with enthusiasm, “If god ing to goddess. Rajput princes of his
Kshatriyas and war is the entertain-
wanted this then I will definitely do age were also present there.
ing sport of their life. Do you like
that work, which my father could not Chatrasaal went a little far while
this toy?”
complete in his life time. What was collecting flowers. Meanwhile some
Chatrasaal, “So, am I not Muslim soldiers came on horses.
Kshatriya who will not like this the last wish of my father, uncle?”
They came near and got down from
sport? You teach me to aim with Uncle guessed that it is the right
the horses. They asked, “Where is
this.” Uncle showed him one aim. time and he aroused the feelings of
Vindyavasini temple?”
Chatrasaal pulled up the string of the patriotism and freedom in the heart
of his little nephew. That light gradu- Chatrasaal asked, “Why do
bow, and shot with the arrow. The
ally turned into a big flame which you want to pray goddess?”
first arrow hit the target.
destroyed the enemies. Uncle said, Muslim leader said, “No, we
Uncle was very happy and said,
“Son, your father was brave have come to demolish the temple.”
“Your father Maharaj Chamaptrao
also shot in the same manner with Bundela and they like only three Chatrasaal handed over the
his arrow. You are the brave son of things more than their life – their flower basket to other boy and
a brave father. You will also become prestige, their freedom and their shouted on them, “Mind your lan-
brave like him. God has given birth motherland. Bundela’s take birth to guage. If you talk again like this, I
you at such a time when bombs were protect these till their last breath. will pull your tongue.”
exploding on all our sides and arrows Your father also had these three The Muslim leader laughed and
were falling like rain. The enemies goals. He lifted sword in his hand to said, “What can you do. Your god-
were striking from a distance of 50 obtain these and he went to heaven dess also…..” Chatrasaal pieced the
to 100 feet. It was a very danger- while fighting to find these.” sword in his chest before he could
ous time when you took birth on this After listening to his father’s complete his sentence. A war broke
earth. Chatrasaal asked, “What hap- last wish, Chatrasaal’s blood became out in that flower garden. Those who
pened after my birth?” the boy hot like Bundela’s and he took vow did not have swords, they ran to pick
asked his uncle while loosening the in front of his uncle, “Uncle, I will up swords.
string of his bow. His uncle pointed learn art of weaponry from you and The news of this war reached
his finger towards a mountain and use it to protect my fame, freedom the temple. Rajputs wore their
said, “See, you were born in the for- and motherland.” shields and took swords in their
est of that mountain. At that time Uncle taught bow-arrow, spike hands. But they saw that Chatrasaal
army of Mughal emperor, Shahjahan and sword to his nephew. Uncle used was holding a sword dipped in blood
tried to surround the mountain from to teach one trick and nephew used and a flower basket in another hand.
all sides. Your father did not cel- to show him three tricks in return He was laughing and coming to-
ebrate the birth of his son at that time and astonish it. Uncle used to teach wards the temple. His clothes were
of war. Once the enemies were so him fight from one zone and nephew red with blood. He had killed the
near that people had to run here and used to make plans for three or four entire enemies single handedly.
there to save their lives. In this chaos zones. Chatrasaal had become a Chatrasaal was indeed a brave boy.
Fourth narration of Brahmanad Chapter both have scope through science only. All the learned
;rksokpksfuorZUrsA vizkI; eulk lgA vkuUna czã.kks people consider science as Brahma and worship him.
fo}ku~A u fcHksfr dnkpusfrA rL;S"k ,o 'kkjhj Those who consider Brahma as science and do not make
vkRekA ;% iw o Z L ;A rLek}k ,rLekUeuks e ;kr~ A mistakes, he gets rid of all the sins and achieves his
vU;ks¿Urj vkRek foKkue;%A rsuS"k iw.kZ%A l ok ,"k ambitions. The soul of scientific body and mental body
iq#"kfo/ ,oA rL; iq#"kfo/rke~A vUo;a iq#"kfoèk%A is same. There is another body within the scientific body
rL; J¼kSo f'kj%A ½ra nf{k.k% i{k%A lR;eqÙkj% but different from it, its soul is another body, which has
i{k%A ;ksx vkRekA eg% iqPNa izfr"BkA rnI;s"k 'yksdks made Brahma its basis, Brahma who resides in spiritual
HkofrAA(?k)AA body.
The place from where the voice comes back, that Diagram of five bodies
which the mind cannot obtain, the person who recognizes la0 uke dks'k nf{k.k oke /M+ vkJ; 'kjhj
that cheerful form of Brahma is never afraid. The person dks'k dk flj Hkkx Hkkx LFkku fo'ks"k
1 vUue; flj nka;k cka;k /M+ iwaN LFkwy
who worships Brahma considering him as food, vital
dks'k 'kjhj
life and mind does not obtain Brahma, he only enjoys
2 izk.ke; izk.k dku viku vkdk'k i`fFkoh
the luxuries, obtains vital life energy, and mental strength.
The place from where the voice comes back, the lw{e
3 eukse; ;tq% ½d~ lke vkns'k vFkoZ
theology begins from that place. dks'k
The soul of astral body is same as that of mental 'kjhj
4 foKkue; J¼k ½r lR; ;ksx eg%
body. There is another body within the mental body but dks'k
different from it, which is known as scientific body. The
5 vkuUne; fiz; eksn izeksn vkuUn czã dkj.k
scientific body is complete in mental body. The mental dks'k 'kjhj
body resembles the shape of man; the scientific body is The first is physical body. This body is physical
also of the similar shape. The head of this scientific body and is made of five elements, earth, air, water, fire
body is faith, the southern part is season, northern part and space. But this is the lowest body, the other four
is truth, body is Yog, tail or hind part is great. It is the bodies, are above it. Astral body is within the physical
prestige of scientific body in greatness. body but above it. Physical body is made of five elements,
Fifth narration of Brahmanad Chapter what is astral body made of? According to Upanishads,
foKkua ;Ka ruqrsA dekZf.k ruqrs¿fi pA foKkua nsok% astral body is made of vital life. If sky means ether,
loZsA czã T;s"BeqiklrsA foKkua czã ps}snA rLekPpsUu then the sages of Upanishads believe in minuter element
izek|frA 'kjhjs ikIeuks fgRokA lokZUdkekUle'uqr than ether which is known as vital life. This vital life is
bfrA rL;S"k ,o 'kkjhj vkRekA ;% iwoZL;A rLek}k also spread in the whole universe like ether and the
,rLekf}kkue;kr~A vU;ks¿Urj vkRek¿¿uUne;%A rsuS"k astral body is also made with it. Swarnamay means
iw.kZ%A l ok ,"k iq#"kfo/ ,oA rL; iq#"kfo/rke~A that which is made of gold, Kashtamay means that which
vUo;a iq#"kfo/%A rL; fiz;eso f'kj%A eksnks nf{k.k% is made of wood, similarly, pranmay means that which
i{k%A izeksn mÙkj% i{k%A vkuUn vkRekA czã iqPNa is made of vital life. Atharvaveda also believes vital life
izfr"BkA rnI;s"k 'yksdks HkofrAA (Ä)AA as a similar element.^;k rs izk.k fiz;k ruw%* (11&4&53)
Yagna or spiritual work, karma or worldly task, to be continued…
Lahore conspiracy: 23 March, Martyr Day’s Special
-Satish Upadhyay
Singh met other revolutionists like Batukeshwar Dutt, The bomb case of assembly was in Delhi court
Ajay Ghosh and Vijay Kumar. Later he started contrib- and Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar were kept in Euro-
uting articles for a newspaper called Pratap, run by a pean ward. They were given death sentence on 12th
student called Shri Ganesh. After sometime Bhagat June 1929. Bhagat Singh was kept in Lahore central
Singh returned to Lahore and established Naujavan jail where he started fast unto death. Lahore case was
Bharat Sabha. Bhagvaticharan was his colleague. unique in itself; the court gave its decision without the
Bhagat Singh believed that it is not possible to succeed presence of accused, witnesses or lawyers. Bhagat
in the efforts of an armed revolution without taking the Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were given punishment.
public into confidence. Bhagat Singh continued his education even after
Bhagat Singh was arrested on 29th July 1927 for being given death sentence. Charles Defense was his
Kakori conspiracy. He was imprisoned in Lahore fort favourite author. He had also studied the books of Gorki,
for 15 days, later he was sent to Postal jail. After a few Omar Khayyam, Angels Oscar Wild, and George Ber-
weeks he was released from jail. A column titled ‘Fansi’ nard Shaw. The revolutionary party was busy in bomb
meaning noose was published in Chand paper in No- blasts outside. Chatgoan weapon store was ravaged
vember 1928. Bhagat Singh had written several articles under the leadership of Shri Suryasen of Bengal. Revo-
on revolutionists. A commission headed by Lord Simon lutionist Yashpal tried to blow up the rail with bomb.
was set up to give recommendations on the subject of Young revolutionist Harikrishna shot Punjab Governor.
improving governance in India. The commission reached A signature campaign was organized in the whole coun-
Mumbai on 3rd February 1928 and by that time a strong try to save Bhagat Singh from death sentence. The king
revolutionary party was formed under the leadership of of Bikaner appealed viceroy and his members also ar-
Bhagat Singh. There was a plan to show black flags to gued in the England parliament that Bhagat Singh’s sen-
the commission on the station and to raise slogans of tence should be taken back, but in vain.
‘Simon go back’. Lala Lajpat Rai was also opposing Bhagat Singh met his family members for the last
this commission along with Bhagat Singh. British police time on 3rd March 1931. His younger brothers Kulveer
beat Lajpat Rai brutally. He gave a grand speech after Singh and Kartar Singh were also present. Bhagat Singh
getting injured, “I declare that the injury that I have did not have any affection for his life. Every drop of his
been given today will work like a nail on the coffin of blood was for the motherland. Chief Warden of Lahore
British rule.” jail, Chatur Singh was responsible for carrying out the
Lalaji expired on 17th November 1928 after this death order on the morning of 23rd march 1931. When
incident. Police had left dogs behind Chandrasekhar he came to know that Bhagat Singh was going to be
Azad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Jaigopal and other alive only for few more hours, he said, “please read
revolutionists as main accused for killing Asst. Police Guruwani for the last time, take the name of god.”
Superintendent Mr. Sanders who had ordered police Bhagat Singh started laughing. He said, “Because death
action on Lajpat Rai. The British police wanted to ar- is in front of me, I am not a coward to call god.” A jail
rest them. Bhagat Singh was furious. He decided blast officer standing there said, “Sardar Ji, we have received
bomb in Delhi assembly. The brave revolutionists were the orders to hang you on noose, please be ready.”
always involved in some plan or the other with the pur- Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev came out of their
pose of Indian independence. Bomb blast in assembly rooms; Bhagat Singh was in the middle. All the three
was Bhagat Singh’s idea and he was ready for it. The stopped for a moment and then walked towards the
decision of viceroy was going to be heard in the assem- noose.
bly on 7th April 1929. Batukeshwar Dutt was also with Bhagat Singh was singing,
Bhagat Singh. He threw bomb in the assembly; and ^^fny ls fudysxh u ej dj Hkh myiQr
police arrested both of them. The hearing of this case esjh feV~Vh ls Hkh [kq'cw&,&oru vk,xh**
began in the Court of Session judge Mr. Middleton on It means I will never cry even after my death, the
4th June 1929. Bhagat Singh was asked as to what he ash of my body will also have the smell of my mother-
understands from revolution? He replied, “There is no land.
definite place for dangerous struggles in revolution nor The warden moved forward and opened the door
it has room for personal revenge. Revolution is not the of the noose. All the three caught their respective noose
culture of bomb and pistol. We want to bring in change and kissed it. They wore it in their necks. The wheel
in the existing system based on injustice through revo- was rotated with shaking hands and all the three were
lution.” dedicated in the service of the motherland.
-Subhash Chandra Gupt
Food is the priority of life, whatever be its form. tice, introspection, positive attitude, involvement in
Every part has its own food, and it obtains it. Food work, cooperation, dedication and love.
becomes energy and is supplied to different parts of When the food of these five organs changes, then
the body. Balanced and regulated food works like the food taken in from mouth becomes balanced and
medicine and provides energy to the body. When the regulated automatically. When the attitude is pious then
food becomes imbalanced and unregulated, it causes the body also demands pious food and the mouth takes
lot of diseases and problems. in pure food only. There is no need to balance it, in
The food taken through mouth is solid food. The other words, the food taken is balanced only because
body takes food from eyes, nose, ears, skin and mind the enzymes and saliva secreting glands controlled by
also. Solid food provides only 20 percent of strength brain demand that type of food only, which is benefi-
to the body, the remaining 80 percent comes from cial for the body.
eyes, nose, ears, skin and mind. The mind and body Food taken in from mouth are solid food, protein,
take the form depending on the type of food given to lentils, rice, food grains, cottage cheese, and milk. Car-
these sensory organs. bohydrates like whole wheat grains, vegetables, fruits
According to science, balanced food contains etc. fat like soybean, mustard oil, cow milk and clari-
protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, mineral fied butter made from cow milk. Vitamins obtained
salts but natural science has something else to say. from season fruits, seasonal vegetables, sprouted
According to nature, the brain and stomach extract grains. Mineral salts, leafy vegetables, seeds, grated
necessary elements from solid food and supply it to fruits, spices, buttermilk, curd etc. drink at least three
other body parts. Natural elements play an important to four liters of pure drinking water in 24 hours.
role here. The pure food taken from different parts of The amount of food that is given to our body is
the body are, nose – pure and clean air, deep and long not actually required for it. The pancreas of a healthy
breathe, Jalneti and Kunjal. Ears – words that are person produce 25 to 30 units of insulin in 24 hours.
listened, effective and proper chanting like honey bee. One unit of insulin requires 40 to 50 calories of en-
Eyes – beautiful things to see, greenery, cleaning of ergy everyday. Therefore, the body requires 1200 to
eyes. Skin – wearing clean, cotton, loose clothes, mas- 1400 calories per day, out of which protein is required
sage, and exercise, sunbath, taking in fresh air, mud less. Therefore take balanced food and make food
therapy, and water bath. Mind- meditation, Yog prac- your medicine.
-Manmathnath Gupta
-Swami Ramdev
fo'ks"knf'kZu vkReHkkoukfofuo`fÙk% AA25AA ously. Until the relation between mind and man gets
Word meaning: Visheshdarshina – The mutual inactive and the yogi does not realize the difference
difference of mind and body, the yogi knowing the form between mind and man till then the river like mind does
specific fact; Atmabhavbhavnavinivritti – the inquisi- not flow on the path of wisdom. When the yogi realizes
tiveness of soul ends. the difference between mind and man with practice
Prose meaning: The yogi who realizes the mu- and devotion then the river like mind starts flowing on
tual difference between mind and body and form spe- the path of wisdom, it reaches the destination of salva-
cific fact overcomes soul related queries. tion. The slope on which the water moves is known as
Meaning: The person who is doing self introspec- Nimna or inclined in literary language and the place
tion has some natural queries related to the soul, for where the water gets accumulated is known as Pragbhar
instance, who am I? What was I in the previous birth? or inclination.
How was I? What will I be in the next birth? How will Query: Why do sometimes waves of conditions
I look? Etc. it is clear to all of us that there is a strong arise in the mind of the yogi even after understanding
relation between the man and the mind, due to which the mutual difference between mind and man?
we do not realize the mutual difference between the rfPNnzs"kq izR;;kUrjkf.k laLdkjsH;% AA27AA
mind and man. It happens with all of us and it is an Word meaning – Tata- Chidreshu – in the pores
accepted fact for all of us because we all are living in it. of the mind of wisdom and knowledge; Pratyaantarani
The understanding of mutual difference between man – conditions without wisdom and knowledge arise in
and mind is special. When the devotee realizes this mind; sanskarebhya – due to the virtues of previous
through the process of devotion then he experiences times arising in mind.
that I am pure and intelligent and the mind is totally Prose meaning: The conditions without wisdom
untouched with all these results. Education-ignorance, and knowledge arise in the pores of mind that is full of
happiness –unhappiness is all taking place inside the wisdom and knowledge, it happens due to the virtues of
mind. After experiencing all this, questions like what previous times that are still present in the mind.
was I in the previous birth? How did I look? Etc. be- Meaning – The author has used the word ‘chidra’
comes childish. Such types of queries rising in the mind meaning pores to denote the gaps that appear in the
of a yogi are overcome. mind of the person in between due to the lack of proper
Query – What is the condition of the mind of a understanding even after the person has understood the
yogi who realizes the mutual difference between mind difference between mind and man. Till such time that
and man? this difference is strong in the mind, the mind gets in-
clined towards salvation, but whenever this understanding
rnk foosdfuEua dSoY;izkXHkkja fpÙke~ AA26AA
becomes dull, then the mind loses this inclination due to
Word meaning – Tada – That time, in other words
affection and ego and things like ‘It is mine’, ‘I am
on realizing the mutual difference between mind and
happy’, ‘I am sad’ etc. arise. This has been termed as
man; vivekanimnam – person following path of wis-
conditions without wisdom and knowledge arising in
dom; Kaivalyapragbharam – turns towards the path of
mind. Question arises as to why does this happen? The
salvation; chittam – flow of mind.
answer is that the understanding of difference between
Prose meaning: When the yogi realized the mu-
mind and body is not mature, therefore the virtues present
tual difference between the mind and man then the flow
in the mind from ancient times become stronger in be-
of mind moves towards wisdom and he turns towards
tween. They arise in the mind due to this strangeness.
the path of salvation.
Query – How does the ignorance go away from
Meaning: Mind is like a river that flows continu-
4 March: Ramnavami Special
Many great souls have appeared on Yog Sandesh Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
vk rsA µ
o Rlks euksA ;er~ ijµekfPpARl/LFkkr~A
µs Roka dke;k fx µjkAA
Word meaning: Vatsa: I; Te mana: your mind; Paramat Chitta: very superior also; Sadasthat : from own
place; Aa Yamat: control it, obtain it; Agne: Oh lord!; Twam : you; Gira: through speech; Kamaye: like, want
to meet.
Appeal: Oh Lord! You have a very high place. How can I obtain your superior position? The divine abode
where you live, the all potent, knowledgeable, cheerful place where you live, how can I reach that place with
little knowledge, little energy? I am a very low person. But no, I am after all your son, your child, lovable
nectar, dear one. I might be very bad and sinner but I am immortal soul, and therefore, your abode is my
abode, your high places are my places also. How can the rights of your child be separated from your divine
place? I will pull you from your highest place and far off place through love. Oh god! What is the need for
becoming omnipotent and omnipresent? I will control your mind through my matchless devotion and deep
love. I will obtain your mind. What else do you want? Oh my lord! Oh my life! I like you with all my strength,
I have the desire. The internal strength called voice that you have kept in my soul, I will pull you back with
all my strength. I am spending all my strength and internal and external voice to unite with you. My mind is
full of your admiration, I am devoting for you, I chant your name. only your name is there in my heart and
mind, I chant your name. Whatever is expressed with our physical efforts, is your devotion, desire to obtain
you. You might live in very high places, but I will win your heart. My love, my devotion will obtain you and
then I will have to accept your mind, your love and your affection.
16 March: On the occasion of beginning of new Vikram Year
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New Delhi, M: 09811211785 , 4. Dwarka-Kakrola 09418234000, 5. Kangra, M: 09816120109, 6. Kullu,
Road, Delhi, M: 09818274240 , 5. Greater Kailash - M: 09817082310, 7. Lahol Sfiti, M: 09418574366, 8.
1, New Delhi-48, M: 09811526515 , 6. Harinagar, Jawahar Nagar, Mandi, M: 09816351133, 9. Mandi,
Delhi, M: 09811444809 , 7. Lakshmibai Nagar, New Ner Chowk, M: 09418042540, 10, Sarkaghat, Mandi,
Delhi-23, M: 09810015266, 8.Paschim Vihar, New M: 09418805394, 11. Nalagarh, M: 09416274893, 12.
Delhi, Ph: 011-64603973, 9. Mahipalpur, New Delhi- Nehran Pukhar, Kangda, M: 09811031069, 13.
37, M: 09899924290 , 10. Mahroli, New Delhi-30, Palampur, M: 09816726064, 14. Diyog, Shimla, M:
Ph: 26806693 , 11. Model Town, Delhi, Ph: 27224985, 09459089435, 15. Nichli Phagli, Shimla, M:
12. Naya Bazaar, Ph: 23985167, 13. New Rajendra 09816254479, 16. Rampur Bushehar, Shimla, M:
Nagar, Delhi, Ph: 42411100, 14. Lampur Mor, Narela, 09418152025, 17. Talant, Shimla, M: 09218533333,
Delhi, M: 09868535111, 15. Nazafgarh, New Delhi, 18. Solan, M: 09218533333, 19. Parvanu, Solan, M:
M: 09871020444, 16. Near Uttam Nagar, Delhi, M: 09218633333, 20. Una, M: 09418043126
9910182525, 17. New Friends Colony, New Delhi, 11.Haryana: 1. Bahadurgarh, M: 09315520980, 2.
M: 09650033881, 18. Preet Vihar, Delhi, Ph: Bhiwani, Ph: 01664-242253, 3. Ambala Cantt. Ph:
22548254, 19. Kohat Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi, M: 0171-2633064, 4. Ambala city, M: 09813852392, 5.
09891974743/44, 20. Rajori Garden, New Delhi, M: Faridabad, M: 09311268177, 6. Sector-37, M:
09212509673, 21. Samaypur, Delhi-42, M: 09818399047, 7. Palval, Faridabad, M: 09868361275,
09899996960, 22. Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-76, Ph: 8. Fatehabad, M: 09315381356, 9. Friends Colony,
26977777/8, 23. Shahdara, Delhi, M: 9311139098, 24. Gurgoan, M: 09911220500, 10. Arya Samaj Mandir,
Vivek Vihar, Delhi, M: 09873183337 Hisar, M: 09896170938, 11. Shop No. 24, SD Col-
8. Goa: 1. Bardej, Goa, M: 09975154622, 2. Mapusa, lege Road, Near SBI Hansi, Hisar, M: 09255103637,
Goa, Ph: 0832-2266424, 3. Ponda, Goa, M: 12. Badli, Jhanjhar, m: 09315520980, 13. Jhanjhar,
09766621189 M: 09315520980, 14. Old Bus Stand, Jhanjhar, M:
9. Gujarat: 1. Anand, M: 9427054031, 2. Amreli, M: 09416529511, 15. HUDA Complex, Jind, M:
09724336813, 3. Bapunagar, Ahmedabad, M: 09416774685, 16. Govind Colony, Kaithal, M:
09428479899, 4. Bharuch, M: 09428329027, 5. 09813219136, 17. Opp. Naikhaniya Bldg. Kaithal,
Sardar Park-2, Bharuch, M: 09925174000, 6. M: 09812040507, 18. Karnal, M: 09896347831, 19.
Maninagar, Ahmedabad, M: 09428076578, 7. Paldi, Kurukshetra, M: 09416026571, 20. Mahendragarh,
Ahmedabad, M: 09898225311, 8. Sabarmati, Ph: 01282-205003, 21. Panchkula, M: 09417042837,
Ahmedabad, M: 09724336806, 9. Sanand, 22. Sector-21, Panchkula, M: 09872228000, 23.
Ahmedabad, M: 09374226256, 10. Satellite, Panipat, Ph: 0180-3201230, 24. Sector -12, Panipat,
Ahmedabad, M: 09998002712, 11. Shahi Bagh, M: 09215539094, 25. Rivadi, M: 09416499887, 26.
Ahmedabad, M: 09825549661, 12.Banaskantha, M: Shila Bypass Chowk, Rohtak, M: 09416312445, 27.
09925047338, 13. Baroda, Alkapuri, M: DLF Colony, Rohtak, M: 09416401037, 28. Vinay
09898702548, 14. Manjalpur, Baroda, M: Nagar, Rohtak, Ph: 01262-266292, 29. Bhadra Ba-
09428151333, 15. Bhavnagar, M: 09898201194, 16. zaar, Sirsa, M: 09254121545, 30. Mahlana Chowk,
Bhuj, Kutch, Ph: 02832-255335, 17. Gandhi Market, Sonipat, M: 09466569636, 31. Sector-14, Sonipat, Ph:
Gandhidham, Kutch, M: 09426454902, 18. Tagore 0130-6451642, 32. Jagadhari, Yamunanagar, M:
Road, Gandhidham, Kutch, M: 09909005268, 19. 09355321415, 33. Prof. colony, Yamunanagar, M:
Nadiad, Kheda, M: 09825472915, 20.. Nakhtarana, 09896880051, 34. Near Nirankari Chowk,
Kutch, M: 09898612295, 21. Bilimora, M: Yamunanagar, M: 09416459506
09427469333, 22. Himmatnagar, M: 9426361816, 23. 12.Jammu & Kashmir: 1. Purani Mandi, Jammu, M:
Jamnagar, M: 09824085861, 24. Junagarh, M: 09419193602, 2. Jammutavi, M: 09419893360, 3.
09898071158, 25. Mehsana, M: 09426405519, 26. Udhampur, M: 9469093542, 4. Kathua, M:
Station Raod, Patan, M: 09601289254, 27. Opp. 09419151994
Kamla Park, Porbandar, M: 09724336810, 28. Rajkot, 13.Jharkhand: 1. Bokaro Steel City, M: 09334783470,
Ph: 0281-223223, M: 09426987888, 29. Bhatar Road, 2. Bokaro, Sector-4, M: 09431128267, 3. Devgarh,
Surat, M: 9827460059, 30. Deepa Complex, Surat, M: 9431003654, 4. Dhanbad, Ph: 0326-2224447, 5.
M: 9979869998, 31. Heera Bagh, Surat, M: Bhagalpur Road, Dumka, M: 09431367636, 6. Godda,
09925420902, 32.Varacha, Surat, M: 09375620300, M: 09939163678, 7. Bansilal chowk, Hazaribagh, M:
33. City Light, Surat, M: 09375620700, 34. 09308731352, 8. Jamshedpur, Ph: 0657-3297260, 9.
Surendranagar, M: 09426233388, 35. Vapi, M: Mango, Jamshedpur, M: 09204485892, 10. Ramgarh,
09427463630 M: 09934300002, 11. Ranchi, M: 09931102522, 12.
Chibasa, Singhbhum (East), M: 09431932731, 13. Navi Mumbai, Ph: 09819856592, 48. Kharghar, Navi
Adityapur, Saraikala, Kharsava, M: 09431183825 Mumbai, M: 09324224881, 49. Worli, Mumbai, M:
14.Karnataka: 1. Bagalkot, M: 09008100889, 2. Jai 09821118765, 50. Dr. A.B.Road, Worli, Mumbai, M:
Nagar, Bangalore, Ph: 080-26768560, 3. HRS Lay- 09821118765, 51. Bhandup (W), Mumbai, M:
out, M: 09448492814, 4. Indira Nagar, Bangalore, 09969543668, 52. Ambedkar Chowk, Nagpur, Ph:
M: 09008200344, 5. Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore, M: 0712-2778283, 53. Suyog Nagar, Nagpur, M:
0974074025, 6. Malleshwaram, Bangalore, M: 09422804236, 54. Lokmat Bhavan, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-
09342886181, 7. K.H.B. Colony, Bidar, M: 2448283, 55. Railway Road, Nagpur, M:
09449274690, 8. Mathikhare, Bangalore, M: 09001792910, 56. Sadar, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-2528182,
09880996422, 9. Gulbarga, M: 09944845358, 10. 57. Stadium Road, Nanded, M: 09823068808, 58.
Hospet, M: 09448120443, 11. Hubli, Ph: 0836- Shivaji Nagar, Nanded, M: 09423702333, 59.
2237511/12, 12. Mangalore, Ph: 0824-2211040, 13. Malegoan, Nasik, M: 09371255588, 60. Tikdi colony,
Mysore, M: 09342182468 Nasik, Ph: 0253-6990208, 62. Parbhani, M:
15.Manipur: 1. Imphal, M: 09436027817 09403525301, 63. Aundh, Pune, M: 09822025236,
16.Meghalaya: 1. Shilong, M: 09436100482, 2. Police 64. Baramati, Pune, M: 09422331597, 65. Chinchwad,
Bazaar, Shilong, M: 09436101262 Pune, M: 09850453774, 66. Hadpasar, Pune, M:
17.Maharashtra: 1. Navipet, Ahmednagar, M: 09822437298, 67. Kasarwadi, Pune, M:
09372416555, 2. Opp. Tarakpur Bus Stand, 09272109737, 68. Nana Peth, Pune, M: 09890581884,
Ahmednagar, M: 09420344777, 3. Shriram, 69. Pimpri, Pune, M: 09823320060, 70. Rastapeth,
Ahmednagar, M: 09822806349, 4. Behind Nishant Pune, M: 09371006718, 71. Gulistan Pune College
tower, SG Road, Akola, M: 9373220021, 5. Near LRT Road, Pune, M: 09372583838, 72. Prabhat Road,
College, Ratanlal Plot, Akola, M: 09822699398, 6. Pune, M: 09823082341, 74. Pune Nagar Road, Pune,
Amaravati, M: 09823651112, 7. Aurangabad, M: M: 09371000367, 75. Alibaug, Raigarh, M:
09822391825, 8. Sidco, Aurangabad, M: 09822832378, 76. Panvel, Raigarh, M: 09224273173,
09673216869, 9. Beed, M: 09822670053, 10. Jalalpur 77. Sangli, M: 09372141415, 78. Vishram Bagh,
Road, Beed, M: 09860713151, 11. Parli-Vaijyanath, Sangli, M: 09422615570, 79. Karad, Satara, M:
Beed, M: 09822503465, 12. Bhandara, M: 02164-230126, 80. Sore Goan, Sholapur, M:
09422804236, 13. Buldana, M: 09860555034, 14. 09822079039, 09970916089, 81. Dutt Chowk,
Khamgoan, Buldana, M: 09822699398, 15. Nandura, Sholapur, M: 09823025501, 82. Kudal, Sindhdurg, M:
Buldana, M: 09890519051, 16. Chalis Goan, Jalgoan, 09421261352, 83. Ratnagiri, M: 09422966106, 84.
M: 09822962359, 17. Jilapeth, Jalgoan, M: Biwandi, Thane, Ph: 02522-248729, 85. Dombivali
09890569981, 18. Dhulia, M: 09421531300, 19. Lane (E), Thane, M: 09324024343, 86. Navapada, Thane,
No: 6, Dhulia, M: 09823695054, 20. Garhchiroli, M: M: 09823121738, 87. Tendi Naka, Thane (W), M:
09421808129, 21. Gorelal Chowk, Gondia, Ph: 07182- 09320615412, 88. Ullasnagar, Thane, M:
231314, 22. Hingoli, M: 09860555034, 23. 09881356126, 89. Vagale Estate, Thane, M:
Chandrapur, Ph: 07172-258283, 24. Bhusaval, 09324023024, 90. Vaile Nagar, Kalyan (W), M:
Jalgoan, M: 09326190209, 25. Jilapeth, Jalgoan, M: 09987043484, 91. Vashim, M: 09422522749, 92. Arni
09823156748, 26. Jalgoan, M: 09422772126, 27. Road, Yavatmal, Ph: 07232-327743, 93. Dhamangoan
Jalna, M: 09823068050, 28. Shahpuri, Kolhapuri, M: Road, Yavatmal, M: 09421845067, 94. Ingole chowk,
09226340955, 29. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, M: Wardha, M: 9372854555, 95. Bachelor Road,
09860808048, 30. Rajarampuri, Kolhapur, M: Wardha, M: 09325653177
09226340955, 31. Latur, M: 09421445577, 32. 18.Madhya Pradesh: 1. New Market, Bhopal, Ph:
Udgeer, Latur, M: 09422471525, 33. Andheri (E), 0755-6454990, 2. Kolar Road, Bhopal, M:
Mumbai, Ph: 022-32954412, 34. Andheri (W), 09752591900, 3. Balaghat, M: 09300626243, 4. Betul,
Mumbai, M: 09322328094, 35. Bandra (East), M: 09425002724, 5. Bhind, M: 09826761407, 6.
Mumbai, M: 09892261817, 36. Borivili (E), Mumbai, Burhanpur, M: 09669911262, 7. Chatarpur, M:
M: 09819811471, 37. Chembur, Mumbai, M: 09893327808, 8. Chindwada, M: 09425834141, 9.
009821211177, 38. Dadar (W), M: 09619158989, 39. Damoh, M: 09425455434, 10. Rajgarh Crossing,
Dahisar (E), Mumbai, M: 09820275929, 40. Datiya, M: 09752591920, 11. Devas, M:
Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai, Ph: 022-32408989, 41. 09424874397, 12. Guna, Ph: 07542-254548, 13.
Goregoan (W), Mumbai, M: 09820350049, 42. Lashkar, Gwalior, M: 09425120280, 14. Vivek Nagar,
Kandivili (E), Mumbai, M: 09325950070, 43. Gwalior, Ph: 0751-2237112, 15. Avasthi Compound,
Papvinash Road, Latur, Ph: 02382-244211, 44. Harda, M: 09977970643, 16. Hoshangabad, M:
Lalbaug, Mumbai, M: 09322590678, 45. Marine 09827513029, 17. Indore, M: 09302120554, 18.
Lines, Mumbai, Ph: 022-66396525, 46. Belapur, Navi Anand Bazaar, Khajrana Road, Indore, M:
Mumbai, Ph: 022-67214071, 47. Sector-28, Vashi, 09752975147, 19. Jabalpur, Ph: 0761-6451291, 20.
Katni, M: 09425412630, 21. Khandwa, M: Moga, M: 09988337227, 23. Mohali, M: 09417042837,
09425927931, 22. Khargon, M: 09425313567, 23. 24. Navashaher, M: 09814880088, 25. Pathankot, M:
Mandla, M: 09993881531, 24. Murena, M: 09216440999, 26. Patiala, M: 09417015804, 27. New
09752591934, 25. Panna, M: 09977351967, 26. Officers Colony, Patiala, M: 09878901185, 28. Nabha,
Rajgarh, M: 09752591901, 27. Ratlam, M: Patiala, M: 09417158861, 29. Phagwara, M:
09893330555, 28. Riva, M: 09827329630, 29. Civil 09872217062, 30. Ropar, M: 09876464417, 31.
Lines, Sagar, M: 09826365611, 30. Jhanda Chowk, Ahmednagar, Sangrur, M: 09023291708, 33. Dhuri
Gopal Gunj, Sagar, M: 09329238999, 31. Satna, M: Gate Road, Sangrur, M: 09217223442, 34. Patiala
09425173657, 32. Kamla Shri Plaza, Shajapur, M: Gate, Sangrur, M: 09855853245, 35. Gita Bhavan
09752591907, 33. Gurudwara Chowk, Sihvpuri, M: Road, Sunam, Sangrur, M: 09463676768
09425093688, 34. Sivni, M: 09425873745, 35. 22.Rajasthan: 1. Ajmer, M: 09829523111, 2. Tej Mandi,
Shahdol, M: 09752591942, 36. Freegunj, Ujjain, M: Alwar, M: 09414017756, 3. Bus stand Road, Alwar,
09425093688 M: 09414401321, 4. Gud Mandi, Bhadra, M:
19.Nagaland: 1. Jinendra Tower, Dimapur, M: 09413536955, 5. Banswada, M: 09414567567, 6.
09436019729, 2. Sikosi Bldg. Dimapur, M: Baran, M: 09928382139, 7. Balotra, Barmer, M:
9436007288 09460461427, 8. Bharatpur, M: 09414715377, 9.
20.Orissa: 1. Shankar cinema Road, Angul, M: Bhilwada, M: 09414115423, 10. Bundi, M:
09861080789, 2. Balasor, Ph: 006782-262812, 3. 09414176312, 11. Rani Bazaar, Bikaner, M:
Bargarh, M: 09777433044, 4. Behrampur, M: 09252063246, 13. Kumbh Nagar, Chittorgarh, M:
09437122776, 5. Bhadrak, M: 09437297497, 6. 09799498466, 14. Churu, M: 09414399010, 15. Dosa,
Gautam Nagar, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09437231424, 7. M: 09414821189, 16. Dungurpur, M: 09460022133,
Rasoolgunj, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09438734568, 8. IRC 17. Hanumargarh Town, M: 09214025874, 18.
Village, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09937929834, 9. Bolangir, Kotputli, Jaipur, M: 09414823635, 19. Nathdwara
M: 09437124211, 10. Kaushal Kalamandal Road, Marg, Kankroli, M: 09414757552, 20. Mansarovar,
Bolangir, M: 09437570677, 11. Chodawar, Katak, M: Jaipur, M: 09414821188, 21. Nr. Sindhi Camp, Jaipur,
09437666028, 12. Bajarkabati Road, Cuttack, M: M: 09414071022, 22. Sanganeri Gate, Jaipur, M:
09438369660, 13. Rajendra Nagar, Madhupatna, 09829064334, 23. Sanganer, Jaipur, M: 09414071022,
Cuttack, M: 09437016323, 14. Jajpur, M: 24. Tonk Road, Jaipur, M: 09414053776, 25.
09437027310, 15. Jharsuguda, M: 09937728187, 16. Jhotwada, Jaipur, M: 09314138001, 26. Gopa Chowk,
Kalahandi, M: 09437070764, 17. Khurda, M: Jaisalmer, M: 09461533296, 27. Vaishali Nagar,
09437480348, 18. Koraput, M: 9437236687, 19. Jaipur, M: 09413236785, 28. Vidyadharnagar, Jaipur,
Baripada, Mayurgunj, M: 09437320079, 20. M: 09461664099, 29. Jalor, M: 09413502428, 30.
Nayagarh, M: 09438362035, 21. Nuvapada, M: Jhunjhun, M: 09950893550, 31. Jodhpur, M:
09437119634, 22. Ground Road, Puri, M: 09829598255, 32. Hindon city, Karoli, M:
09437000060, 23. Chind Colony, Rourkela, M: 9414307941/42, 33. Kota, M: 09414406430, 34.
09437248788, 24. Mangal Bhavan, Rourkela, M: Vinayak complex, Nayapura, Kota, M: 09799498452,
09861310003, 25. Sambalpur, M: 09438150381, 26. 35. Didwana, Nagaur, M: 09460891833, 36. Rail-
Sundargarh, M: 09937677994 way Road, Nagaur, M: 09413647413, 37. Sumerpur,
21.Punjab: 1. Amritsar, M: 09814808121, 2. Pali, M: 09829504787, 38. Pratagarh, M:
Tarantaran, Amritsar, M: 09915045404, 3. Laurence 09414396892, 39. Rajasmand, M: 09414169792, 40.
Road, Amritsar, M: 09417253060, 4. Barnala, Ph: Abu Road, Sirohi, M: 09414154042, 41. Nr. Birbal
001679&234461, 5. Bhatinda, Bharat Nagar, M: Chowk, Shriganganagar, M: 09414094874, 42. Sikar,
09316074066, 6. Kot Kapura, Faridkot, M: M: 09413463177, 43. Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur,
09417582111, 7. Firojpur, M: 09855649490, 8. M: 09351324806, 44. Surajpol, Udaipur, M:
Gurdaspur, M: 09814575387, 9. Hoshiarpur, M: 09829326446
09463024851, 10. Nakader Chowk, Jalandhar, M: 23.Tamilnadu:1. Agmore, Chennai, M: 09283234444,
09417540510, 11. Shahkot, Jalandhar, M: 2. Annanagar, Chennai, Ph: 0442-6285666, M:
09815188103, 12. Shri Devi Talab Mandir Charitable 9884048380, 3. Maylapura, Chennai, M:
Hospital, Jalandhar, M: 09417006231, 13. Kapurthala, 09003074296, 4. Coimbatore, M: 093631024885.
Ph: 01822-325438, 14. Khanna, M: 09878992927, 15. Kumarsami Patti, Salem, M: 09944127744
CSF, Khanna, M: 09878992927, 16. CN Tower, Link 24.Tripura: 1. Agartala, M: 09436126559, 2. Sarasima,
Road, Ludhiana, M: 09878992927, 17. Civil Lines, Beloniya, Ph: 03823-222427, 3. Teliyamura, M:
Ludhiana, M: 09878506023, 18. Nr. Shringar Cin- 009436188848
ema, Ludhiana, M: 09988005756, 19. Raikot, 25.Uttarakhand: 1. Almora, M: 09410158495, 2.
Ludhiana, M: 09357535333, 20. Mansa, M: Dehradun, Ph: 0135-6456898, 3. Ballarpur Chowk,
09217290767, 21. Muktasar, M: 09815962929, 22. Dehradun, M: 09219280321, 4. Vikasnagar,
Dehradun, M: 09411192708, 5. Haldwani, Nainital, Sector-26, Noida, M: 09811688223, 59. Sector-34,
M: 09837023498, 6. Mallital, Nainital, M: Noida, M: 09837094135, 60. Sector-8, Noida, M:
09412084037, 7. Pithoragarh, M: 09897089882, 8. 09910032999, 61. Urai, M: 09935848332, 62.
Roorkee, M: 09897046386, 9. Kashipur, Udhamsingh Pratapgarh, M: 09839029569, 63. Raibarieli, M:
Nagar, M: 09917384346, 10. Lalpur, Udhamsingh 09839129116, 64. Gopigunj, Sant Ravidas Nagar
Nagar, M: 09760095146, 11. Rudrapur, Udhamsingh (Bhadoi), M: 09415449486, 65. Saharanpur, M:
Nagar, M: 09412120763 09411959905, 66. Raiwala, Saharanpur,M:
26.Uttar Pradesh: 1. Kamla Nagar, Agra, M: 09897277411, 67. Sant Kabir Nagar, M:
09897007181, 2. Barah Khambha Road, Agra, M: 09936248265, 68. Shahjahanpur, M: 09451645099,
09897500500, 3. Sector 16-B, Agra, M: 69. Sitapur, M: 9235736718, 70. Renukoot,
09897327755, 4. Aligarh, M: 09359512771, 5. Sonbhadra, M: 9453324857, 71. Robertsgunj,
Ambedkar Nagar, M: 09919567035, 6. Narayanpur, Sonbhadra, M: 09415679062, 72. Sultanpur, M:
Orayya, M: 09760095207, 7. Delite Bhavan chowk, 09451494301, 73. Unnav, M: 09450365426, 74. Sigra,
Azamgarh, M: 09415208437, 8. Kurmi Tola, Varanasi, Ph: 0542-221062, 75. Durgakund Road,
Azamgarh, M: 09415208163, 9. Kareli Bagh Colony, Varanasi, M: 09452309100.
Allahabad, M: 09335137703, 10. RamBagh, 27.West Bengal: 1. Bankura, M: 09333470014, 2.
Allahabad, M: 09415236885, 11. Balia, M: Rampurhat, Birbhum, M: 09434326580, 3. Asansol,
09451551467, 12. Barabanki, M: 09415007404, 13. Bardwan, M: 09474122128, 4. Burdwan, M:
Bareili, M: 09411091083, 14. Rampur Garden, Bareily, 09332100418, 5. Burnpur, Burdwan, M:
M: 09758876700, 15. Basti, M: 09415037104, 09333469723, 6. Kalna Road, Burdwan, M:
16.Bijnor, M: 09837392151, 17. Bulandshehar, M: 09732049803, 7. Durgapur, Burdwan, M:
09456250215, 18. Devaria, M: 09889665041, 19. Eta, 09434002234, 8. Ranigunj, Burdwan, M:
M: 09760095109, 20. Itava, M: 09760095209, 21. 09434002234, 9. Coochbihar, M: 09434748722, 10.
Faizabad, M: 09451205999, 22. Khyali Ram Memo- South Dinajpur, M: 09434120786, 11. Raigunj, North
rial Society, Hospital Road, Fatehgarh, Farukhhabad, Dinajpur, M: 09434247288, 12. Hugli, M:
M: 9450005482, 23. Firozabad, M: 09837369291, 24. 09831296592, 13. Uttarpada, Hugli, M: 09433195993,
Patelnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 09871161867, 25. Sec- 14. Tarkeshwar, Hugli, M: 09732970544,
tor-10, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 0120&2822285, 26. 15.Karimpur, Nadia, M: 09434949776, 16. Nadia,
Vaishali, Ghaziabad, M: 09899522277, 27. Gajipur, Krishnanagar, M: 09434343094, 17. Nadia,
Ph: 0548&2220024, 28. Gorakhpur, M: 09839820080, Krishnanagar, M: 0943433094, 17. Pradhan Nagar,
29. Jail Road, Gorakhpur, M: 09451049610, 30. siliguri, M: 09832066480, 18. Burdwan Road, Siliguri,
Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, M: M: 09832041418, 19. Howrah, Ph: 0033-32421357,
09910407269, 31. Greater Noida, Gautam budh 20. Howrah, Shivpur, M: 09339077018, 21.
Nagar, M: 09891408721, 32. Greater Noida, Gautam Alipurdwar, M: 09679479500, 22. Baligunj Palace,
Budh Nagar, M: 09891408721, 33. Hapur, M: East Kolkata-19, M: 09883017969, 23. Bentick
9312633918, 34. Hardai, Ph: 05852-221616, 35. Street, Kolkata, M: 09830077899, 24. Chinar Park,
Jaunpur, M: 09935853010, 36. Jhansi, M: Kolkata, Ph: 033-27116454, 25. CIT Scheme,
09889810037, 37. Amroha, J.P.Nagar, M: Ultadanga, Kolkata, M: 09331260507, 26.
09412144550, 38. Hanuman Mandir Road, Kanpur, Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata-73, M: 09830665005,
M: 09336102101, 39. Aradhana Complex, Kanpur, 27. Dumdum, Kolkata, M: 09433532864, 28. Green
M: 09336102101, 40. Saket Nagar, Kanpur, M: Park Avenue, Kolkata, M: 09830816114, 29. Parvati
09336247517, 41. Vishnupuri, Kanpur, M: Ghosh Lane, Kolkata-07, M: 09330105000, 30. Satish
09336206670, 42. Kasgunj, Kashiram Nagar, M: Mukherjee Road, Kolkata, M: 09830037551, 31. New
09412896921, 43. Lakhimpur Khiri, M: 09451904034, Alipur, Kolkata, M: 09007789242, 32. Barasat, 24
44. Gomtinagar, Lucknow, 45. Lal Kuan, Lucknow, Paragana, M: 09830325795, 33. Bagoan, North 24
M: 09839640205, 46. Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Ph: Paragana, M: 09230096321, 34. Baraipur, 24
0522-3294398, 47. Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Ph: 0522- Paragana, M: 09831832733, 35. Kancharapara, 24
2738555, 48. Mathura, M: 09412727288, 49. Mau, Paragana, M: 09331022220, 36. Shyamnagar, 24
M: 09336312446, 50. Hanuman Ghat Road, Mau, Paragana (North), M: 09331036752, 37. East
M: 09450757698, 51. Meerut, M: 09897044107, 52. Midnapur, M: 09932208029, 38. Malda, M:
Modinagar, M: 09837371444, 53. Chandausi, 09434981127, 39. Murshidabad, M: 09932488979, 40.
Muradabad, M: 09411009512, 54. Muradabad, M: Shrirampur, M: 09433061901
09927069521, 55. Kanth Road, Muradabad, M: 28.Nepal: 1. Kathmandu, Ph: 00977-1-4674666, 2.
09927069521, 56. Mujjafarnagar, M: 09359317793, Rupandehi, Butwal, Ph: 00977-71-544714, 3. Kaski,
57. Chowk Bazaar, Nazibabad, M: 09837383914, 58. Pokhra, Ph: 00977-9856027826
gating it.
Swami Ji said that water and vital life purify us.
Water purifies our body from outside and vital life re-
moves the impurities within our body. it enlightens our
soul. Purity is necessary for our life. I see everything
from the scientific angle.
Patanjali Yogpeeth will establish herbal pro-
cessing center in Nepal – Acharya Balkrishna
v Free Yog centers will be established in all the
villages of Nepal
The Yog teachers of Nepal who had arrived in Yog
confluence at Haridwar took part in the Yog camp con-
I do not have political ambition, I want wel- ducted at Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar under the pious
fare of nation – Swami Ramdev proximity of respected Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and
v Foreign companies are ravaging economy of the Acharya Balkrishna.
nation National President of Nepal Communist Party,
I want to give whatever I have earned till now to Jhalaknath Khanal and Chief Convenor of Patanjali
the society and I am doing the same. I am dedicated in Yogpeeth (Trust), Nepal, Shri Shaligram Singh Suvedi
the work of building the nation. The politically polluted lighted the lamp and inaugurated the program.
people are afraid of me. I do not have any political Prime Minister of Nepal, Madhav Kumar, Presi-
ambition, I want welfare of the nation. However, even dent of Nepal Legislative Assembly, and Shri Subhash
the educated people are losing their values these days, Nembara gave best wishes and praised the work done
I feel hurt when I see these people. The whole country by Patanjali Yogpeeth, Nepal. They thanked Swami
should develop. When I talk about self-reliance achieved Ramdev Ji Maharaj and talked about good relations of
from swadeshi, people do not like it. I want to take my both the countries. Shri Jhalaknath thanked revered
country to greater heights than Canada and America. I Swami Ji and said that the Nepali Yog teachers com-
never talk about communal India. The corrupt people pleting the course from here will work for the welfare
are seeing India pride, Yog and Ayurved as dangers. of mankind with the medium of Yog and this will in-
Foreign companies are ravaging Indian economy. More crease the feeling of service of the nation.
than 100 crores rupees are being ravaged every year. Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj blessed all the people
Foreign companies treat me like danger. The commu- present on this pious occasion and said that our rela-
nity security is not proper in this country. In this condi- tions like brothers in spite of geographical boundaries.
tion, what can be the provision for my security, I am The political relations of Nepal and India are more than
also a common man like you. 100 years old but the personal relations are ancient. We
Revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj was address- all should collectively work for uniting Nepal through
ing the press in the first phase of Patanjali Yogpeeth. the medium of Yog for making it prosperous, strong and
He said that people have the desire to take a dip in holy healthy. Nepal will be strong only when its citizens are
water of Ganga at Haridwar on the occasion of healthy and strong. Swami Ji said that all types of hap-
Mahakumbha (great confluence) from ancient times. piness is within us, all types of chemicals, hormones
The sages have praised this great festival in one voice and medicines of all diseases are within us and we can
in classics and puranas. Indian culture has geographi- arouse it through Yog.
cal importance also. Zodiac signs, sun, moon have not Chief Trustee of Patanjali Yogpeeth, Acharya
only physical but also emotional affect on our body. this Balkrishna said that Nepal is full of herbs, Patanjali
has collective impact on our lives. Swami Ji advised the Yogpeeth, Haridwar will establish an herbal processing
people to practice Yog and said that good health can be center in Nepal to make proper utilization of these herbs
achieved with Yog. He said that multinational compa- very soon. This will provide good health to the public
nies and drug manufacturers are spreading the fear of through the herbs obtained from hilly areas of Nepal.
swine flu to sell their medicines. the European Health The farmers will gain from agriculture. Free Yog cen-
Union is also considering it as a conspiracy and investi- ters will be established in all the villages of Nepal through
University as an international University. The medicines
of Patanjali Yogpeeth should reach every corner of the
world and provide good health to the people.
Acharya Balkrishna honored Chief Guest, honor-
able Governor of Uttarakhand, Smt. Margaret Alwa
was honored with shawl. He said that a mission of In-
dian culture, tradition and health is being carried on with
the medium of Patanjali Yogpeeth. Revered Swami Ji
Maharaj’s dreams have to be fulfilled through the
strength of women who have come here. They have to
show their strength. Acharya Ji informed about Divya
the medium of more than seven thousand Yog teachers Yog Mandir Trust, Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust and Bharat
who have come here for providing good health to the Swabhiman Trust. He said that struggle gives the inspi-
citizens of Nepal. A Yog camp will be organized at ration to create or develop. Our trusts have been estab-
Kathmandu on 27th March 2010. lished in different parts of India and abroad.
The whole society progresses if woman is Acharya Ji said that Swami Ji is working to unite
educated – Governor of Uttarakhand the people divided in the name of castes through the
v You use your energy for propagating Yog Bharat Swabhiman trust and Yog. An OPD facility of
v Women have to show their strength in order to 15 hours is available at Patanjali which is a world record.
materialize Swami Ji’s dreams – Acharya He informed that Swami Ji has started world’s biggest
Balkrishna Mega Herbal Food Park at Padartha, Haridwar with
v Acharya Ji honored the governor with a shawl the purpose of agri revolution after Yog revolution.
One man is educated when one man is given edu- Swami Ji has helped the families of martyrs who lost
cation but when one woman is given education the whole their lives in Mumbai blasts and the people who died in
family is educated and the whole society progresses. Bihar floods and showed his humanity.
Revered Swami Ji Maharaj showed faith on women. Revered Swami Ji said that our learned women
Women are strength of motherhood, they should also are working in 600 districts of India to propagate Yog.
have faith on their internal strength. The work of Swami At present, one lakh sisters are giving their services in
Ji to serve the whole world and mankind with Yog and the country. This number will increase up to 10 lakhs
Ayurved is indeed commendable. within one year. One free Yog center will be opened in
Honorable Governor of Uttarakhand, Smt. Mar- every village of the country. The whole country will
garet Alwa addressed the participants of Women Yog filled with Yog. Everybody will become healthy and pros-
Camp organized by Patanjali Yogpeeth and said that perous through Yog and India will become a supreme
women are known as weak but the presidents of five power in the world.
national parties are women. Governor Margaret Alwa also released a book
Smt. Alwa said that Swami Ji has expressed faith titled, ‘Pieces to peace: taking little steps’ on this occa-
on women and has handed over the responsibility of sion. This book is authored by Dr. Radhika Nagrath,
teaching Yog to women. It is a very noble work. We member of Ashram and published by Diamond Publish-
should use our strength and take forward this mission. ers, New Delhi. This is her second book.
You will learn Yog from here and spread it in the soci- Governor Smt. Margaret Alwa, revered Swami
ety for the benefit of everybody. You should start the Ramdev Ji Maharaj and Acharya Balkrishna lighted the
process of social welfare. Use your strength for the lamp and inaugurated the function.
propaganda of Yog. Women should spread Yog – Didi Ritambhara
She said that five thousand years back Yog was Revered Didi Ma Ritambhara addressed the
limited to sages and seers. But, Swami Ji had spread it women devotees present in the women camp and said
to everybody and made it the path of health. Governor that women should raise voice against the social evils,
said that she is happy that research is being conducted traditions, superstitious customs and exploitation, they
in Patanjali Yogpeeth in a scientific way along with Yog should walk hand in hand with men and spread Yog
and Ayurved. She expressed her desire to see Patanjali with mutual equality and cooperation in order to estab-
lish a happy, peaceful and healthy society.
Yog guru Swami Ramdev is now world men-
tor – Swami Gyandas Ji
v Those who will separate from Swami Ramdev
will become handicapped
v It is my nature to honour saints and defeat de-
monic powers – Swami Ramdev
Yogguru Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj has become
world mentor. He is involved round the clock to provide
good health to the people at international level suffering
from pain and diseases. He is working hard through the
medium of Yog and Ayurved for the welfare of the man- Revered Swami Ji said that it is his nature to de-
kind and it is commendable. Revered Swami Ji is dedi- feat demonic powers and win over them and honour
cating his mind, body and wealth for Yog and country. saints. I am admirer of knowledge and Swami Gyandas
He has increased the prestige of Indian tradition, man- is the devotee of knowledge. He said, “I admire you a
kind and mothers of India. The question of separating lot.”
from him does not arise at all, those will separate from Talking on the occasion, Mahant Rajendra Das
him will become handicapped. Swami Ji Maharaj has Kothari of Bada Akhada, Haridwar said that a great
enlightened the whole world with his good deeds. This person takes birth on the earth after several years to
has raised the honour of India. This is our good fortune. improve the condition and direction of the country.
The work that Swami Ji is doing cannot be done by Swami Ji and Acharya Balkrishna have made India pride
everybody. His work is for the welfare of the mankind. in the whole world. Whatever Swami Ji has is nation’s
Ramdev loves mankind, I am devotee of lord Hanuman. wealth. It is the duty of you Yog teachers and devotees
Revered Swami Gyandas Ji Maharaj, President of to remove corruption from India and establish India on
All India Akhada Parishad was blessing the women the seat of world mentor.
devotees present in the National Women Yog Camp Green f odder will grow without land and
organized by Bharat Swabhiman Trust in the second manure, cows will sleep on mattress – Acharya
phase of Patanjali Yogpeeth. He said that I believe in Balkrishna
Vaishnav tradition. Swami Ramanand took birth when v Hydroponix machine will prove a blessing for
the mankind was crying in pain and established it. We Uttarakhand – Agriculture Minister
treat the country as biggest. We do not believe in castes Patanjali Hydroponix Unit was inaugurated at
but our method of worship is different. We want to ap- Goshala Farm in Divya Yog Mandir Trust in the journey
ply the sand of this earth on our forehead. of Yog revolution to agri revolution of Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Swami Gyandas Ji Maharaj addressed the women This machine will do farming only with water without
devotees who had come from different parts of the land (agricultural land) and manure. This system will
country and said that we desire strength, therefore we also overcome the agriculture and produce related prob-
will worship mother. You are the strength of this world. lems. Patanjali Yogpeeth is doing this kind of experi-
You are strength. You are fortunate that you have the ment in Uttarakhand. Mattresses have been spread in
guidance of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj. the cowshed for the cows to sleep in the lines of Cana-
Swami Gyandas Ji Maharaj said that I had come dian cow sheds. The mattresses are made with high
to learn Yog from Swami Ramdev Ji for the first time, technique. The cows will be free from diseases with
second time I got to meet him at Prayag and third time the use of these mattresses. Now the cows will also
at Panipat. I am fortunate to see you again in this rest on mattresses.
confluence of Yog organized on the occasion of great Agriculture Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Trivendra
confluence (Mahakumbha). Acharya Balkrishna is Singh Ravat and Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj jointly
walking hand in hand with Swami Ji for the welfare of inaugurated this modern machine. Agriculture Minister
the mankind and it is commendable. We all are with said that this machine will be a blessing for Uttarakhand
Swami Ji. We want that Swami Ji should go ahead and where is lack of agricultural land. The minister appreci-
protect the mankind. ated this machine and also ordered for one machine at
Acharya Ji said that this machine will be a bless-
ing for farmers and cattle growers of Uttarakhand, this
type of big machine will produce one ton of fodder ev-
eryday. This machine will produce organic and harm-
less wheat plant that can relieve different diseases. Work
will be done on scientific methods for making different
types of green houses, poly houses, nurseries and other
agricultural development for this company’s agricultural
work with high quality. Patanjali Yogpeeth has also re-
searched on increasing produce with minimum invest-
his place. Revered Swami Ji Maharaj says that at this time
Acharya Balkrishna said that this machine will re- existence of five mothers in endangered, one of them is
duce the dependence on land, water can be used after cow. The Canadian mattresses are being used for the
recycling and this will solve the water problem also. It cows under the guidance of Acharya Balkrishna.
will also stop the harmful chemicals pesticides, heavy Acharya Balkrishna said that the mattresses will pro-
metals used in fields through soil. Green fodder and vide comfort to the cows and also increase milk pro-
wheat plant will also be made with this machine. This duction. The cows will be clean and their breasts will
machine can produce one quintal and 26 kilos of green be healthy. On this occasion, he gave information to the
fodder without soil and manure. 20 kilos of millet, wheat agriculture minister about a plan to produce products
, corn seeds can be put in this machine everyday. This based on Panchgavya and to make a biogas plant of
will produce 126 kilos of green fodder everyday. 120 cubic meter capacity.
Humble message for avid readers of Yog Sandesh
Dear readers! your magazine, you can file your complaint along with
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Only drafts or money orders are accepted for the
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the magazine from the second month. Now you can ferred language in Hindi or English only. Yog teach-
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You are requested to wait till 15th of every month
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before lodging your complaint for non-receipt of the
magazine. The month in which you do not receive Editor
President of All India Akhada Parishad, Swami Honorable Governor of Uttarakhand, Smt. Margaret
Gyandasji, Mahant Rajendra Das Kothariji Maharaj and Alwa lighting the lamp on the occasion of
revered Swami Ji Maharaj blessing the devotees of Mahila Yog Camp along with revered Swami Ji Maharaj
National Women Yog Camp during the second phase of and Acharya Balkrishna Ji
Patanjali Yogpeeth
Acharya Balkrishna presenting a shawl to Governor of Uttarakhand enquiring about the health of
Honorable governor of Uttarakhand, Smt. Margaret Alwa former Defence minister George Fernandes during the
second phase of Patanjali Yogpeeth
Didi Ma Ritumbhara and revered Swami Ramdev Ji National president of NKP, Shri Jhalak Nath Khanal,
Maharaj seated on dais during Convenor of Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust, Nepal, Shri.
National Women Yog Camp Shaligram Singh lighting the lamp on the occasion of
yog science camp of Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Yog Sandesh-English
YOG SANDESH R.N.I. No. : DELENG / 2006 / 16626 D. C. Magazines
1. Eradication of corruption 2. Extending health services to the last
citizen of the country 3. Cleanliness campaign 4. Establishing
national language and Indian languages in the nation 5. Free
education to the poor and implementation of compulsory Yog
education in curriculum
1. Eradication of Corruption: We will organize the citizens of the
nation through Yog, carry on movements at national level and eradicate
motherland's blemish.
2. Extending health services: We will prepare Yog teacher for every 6
lakhs 38 thousand and 365 villages of India and impart free Yog
training through Yog teachers. We will teach the art of leading a healthy and self-reliant life to the last
person of the country, guide him for leading a healthy life through Yog,Ayurved and nature cure.
3. National Cleanliness campaign: We will prepare a plan to implement cleanliness campaign and clean
the country and present the picture of clean India on the world map.
4. Uniting India through languages We will ensure proper respect to Hindi and other Indian languages like
Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali etc. It is good to learn foreign languages but
using language of other country as national language is a matter of great shame and disrespect. No
country in the world gives education to its citizens in foreign language. Technical education, medical
education and other vocational training is given in foreign languages in stead of Indian languages and
Hindi. Due to this many children are unable to fulfill their dreams of becoming scientists, doctors and
managers etc. The children of laborers, farmers and poor people are talented in other fields and subjects
but they fail to pass out middle school or matriculation as English is compulsory and remain deprived
from becoming doctors, IAS officer, scientists etc. We will provide equal opportunities to our children in
their languages. We will provide vocational education to them in mother tongues, namely, Malayalam,
Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali and other regional languages and
5. Providing free education to poor and implementing compulsory Yog education in curriculum: We
will provide free education to the children of poor, laborers, farmers, and rural people, tribal's and slums
during morning and evening in addition to the normal timings of government and private schools. We
will provide them with opportunities to lead a life of self respect and self-reliance and increase the
participation of poor in development. We will have a dialogue with governments to implement Yog
education compulsorily in school curriculum from standard 1 to 12. If the governments do not agree then
we will start a movement all over the country with the cooperation of students of schools and colleges,
teachers and common people and declare that we want Yog education and not sex education.
Printed and Published by Acharya Balkrishan on behalf of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) - Patanjali Yogpeeth,
Hardwar, Printed at Jain Offset Printer, 344 Patparganj Industrial Area, New Delhi and
Published at C-25, Model Town, Delhi Editor : Acharya Balkrishan