CV - Arvind Gaur
CV - Arvind Gaur
CV - Arvind Gaur +91-8879110406
@Arvind_Gaur7 arvindgaur87
Brand Management Marketing Strategies Consumer Insights Marketing Research and Analysis
New Product Launch Digital Marketing Team Management Managed OTX/OTC Brands
Global Accolade- Received International Growth Powerhouse Award for the Amplinak launch.
Allergan India
Received INSPIRE award for market shaping in monofocal IOL segment resulted market leadership.
Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision.
Product Manager | Portfolio: Intraocular Lens (IOLs)
Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision
05/2019 - Present, Gurgaon
Key Job Responsibilities
Work as Product Manager and spearheading Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision business with an emphasis on
Monofocal Intraocular Lens (IOLs) portfolio to achieve global consistency.
Managing largest IOL Portfolio Monofocal IOLs for the size of USD 45 M.
Build robust marketing plans by charting out brand development strategies, new product launches and contributing
towards enhancing market services and achieving target volumes and profitability norms.
Develop and implement a Marketing Plan to ensure achievement of strategic and financial objectives for Monofocal
IOLs. Manage digital marketing strategy and internal resources to drive business results against a defined strategy.
Key Contributions:
Shaped the Monofocal IOL category, created a sub-category 'Monofocal Plus' with a successful launch of
Tecnis Eyhance IOL under the larger monofocal IOL category. Captured 18% MS with 24 months of the launch
Developed and implemented a comprehensive patient counselling model to accelerated patient acquisition.
Monofocal IOL Market Share gained from 38.7% to 40.2% in imported monofocal segment.
Increased Toric IOL penetration through HCP skill enhancement programs.
Senior Product Manager- India & South Asia | Portfolio: Cataract and Newer Market
Allergan India, Bangalore
06/2015 - 05/2019,
(Promoted as Senior Product Manager from April 2018)
Key Job Responsibilities
Managed USD 20 Mn cataract product portfolio. Served as Senior Product Manager and managed the overall
marketing strategies and organization's vision by evaluating new business opportunities and long-term growth
potential for the portfolio of Cataract and Newer Market Avenues.
Developed the marketing mix, brand plan, and promotional mix for the cataract portfolio and evaluated newer
market avenues capitalizing on it by launching new products.
Led cross-functional team to successful, on-time execution of marketing plans, including promotional programs, new
product launches and integrated events.
Key Contributions:
Prepared business case and worked on the product development and launched Amplinak (Nepafenac 0.1% E/D).
Augmented 10.5% MS within a year of launch.
Introduced digital platforms like Quiet Eye Lib. and Cloud. Developed CLM (Close Loop Marketing) model
for each target segment on digital platform.
Independently managed business operations of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh which contributed revenue of USD
6.5 M to Allergan India.
Senior Brand Manager | Portfolio: Gastro & Nicotine Replacement Therapy (OTX) |
Brands: Nicotex and Rabicip
Cipla Ltd.
02/2012 - 06/2015,
(Promoted as Senior Brand Manager from Nov 2014)
Key Job Responsibilities
Worked as Senior Brand Manager for the Nicotex and Rabicip brands for the Gastro & Nicotine Replacement Therapy
(OTX) Portfolio.
Conducted competitor and market analysis, analysed affiliate expectations, evaluated market potential, prepared
medium-term marketing strategy and investment plans.
Established targets and allocated approved budget segment-wise, finalized annual brand plans, product mix and
product launch plans to ensure achievement of annual business plans pertaining to therapy areas.
Involved in developing Promotional Plans, Investment, Advertising and Campaigns. Provided the affiliate
management with product and marketing updates.
Led a foundation to make Nicotex OTC through Think to Quiet campaign. Spearheaded Rabicip L launch.
Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. as Product Executive- OTC (06/2010 - 01/2012)
Portfolio: Respiratory & OTC | OTC brands: Rhine (Nasal Saline), Decon (Xylometazoline)
MBA Biotech (Marketing)
Tilak Maharashtra University, Pune
2007 - 2009, First Class
Marketing Management with super specialization in Biotechnology
BSc Biotechnology
Rajasthan University,
Jaipur First Class
2004 - 2007,
Certification on Digital Marketing Strategies for Growth | IIM, Bangalore (11/2018)
Digital marketing strategies, Content marketing, Direct response communication, Social media marketing, Influential
marketing, Digital PR, Digital analytics, and recent analytical tools in digital marketing
Entrepreneurial: Analytical and Logical:
Carry creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as In depth ability to investigate a problem and find the
the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve ideal solution in a timely, efficient manner. Expert in
objectives. Strong business acumen with a thorough detecting patterns, brainstorming, observing,
understanding of sales & marketing strategies, interpreting data, integrating new information,
business cycles and consumer behaviour. theorizing, and making decisions based on the multiple
factors and options.
Pay close attention to all of the small factors when Team Player:
working on a task or project. Provide undivided attention Demonstrate a commitment to the mission and motivation
and catch mistakes, errors, or changes before they to combine the team’s energy and expertise to achieve a
snowball into a bigger problem. common objective. Understand the dynamics of effective
teamwork in order to attain higher levels of performance.
English Hindi
Travelling Music Reading Networking