Refratechnik Bricks Wear Rreasons
Refratechnik Bricks Wear Rreasons
Refratechnik Bricks Wear Rreasons
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the demands placed on the refractory lining
have intensified. The main causes of this trend
are the increasing use of secondary fuels and
raw materials, the increased capacity and en-
ergy input of the plants and additionally
adopted combustion modules.
Regarding these conditions, the elongation
of the zones in the rotary kiln installed
with basic brick grades is indispensable
(Fig. 12).
Additionally, following essential demands are
placed upon the basic refractory products to
Fig. 8 Thermally loaded bricks including hot face clinker melt infiltration and condensa-
reduce or prevent the before mentioned wear
tion of elemental carbon at the cold face side (left/right: black horizons). The sample in
phenomena from the refractory side:
the middle is the re-oxidized counterpart from right: the condensated carbon is burned
out and the bleaching vanishes.
• minimisation of infiltration and corrosion of
refractory components
• optimisation of the structural texture by
higher flexibility and high structural
• optimisation of the thermochemical and
thermal resistance.
Within the last ten years, successes relating to
increased wear resistance and lifetime exten-
sion of refractories were already achieved
with the development of basic bricks with
lower apparent porosity and higher structural
strength combined with increased structural
flexibility, like the AF-product ALMAG® AF.
Initial positive trials of these brick grades were
already carried out at the turn of the millen-
Fig. 9 Salt and heavy metal infiltrations in different horizons of basic bricks: LTZ (left)
= mainly alkali sulphate salts, UTZ (in the middle: mainly alkali chloride and alkali sul-
phate salts; right: lead sulphite (PbS), and alkali chloride and alkali sulphate salts) For higher mechanically loaded kiln sections,
like tire areas, basic brick grades with in-
If the salt loaded brickwork is additionally ex- moval of bricks from the lining. Fig. 11 shows creased chemical resistance combined with
posed to strong reducing or varying redox such loaded used bricks with differently excellent structural flexibility were also devel-
atmosphere, condensation of alkali sulphite coloured salt efflorescences on the surfaces. oped within the last years, like the magnesia
(K2SO3) and alkali sulphides (K2S, K2S3) be- spinel brick grade ALMAG® A1.
sides alkali sulphates (K2SO4) occurs. During 5 Conclusion and prospect For the burning zone, which temporarily suf-
kiln stops these strongly hygroscopic salts From the selected examples of wear phenom- fers operational thermal fluctuations due to
easily draw moisture from air, and a typical ena it is clear that, in spite of the optimisation the use of different secondary fuels, thermo-
H2S smell is perceivable, especially during re- of the process technology of cement plants, chemically reinforced concepts combined with
Fig. 10 Type of silicate corrosion due to Fig. 11 Used bricks exposed to reducing atmosphere including salt condensations and
excessive sulphur in the kiln atmosphere efflorescences
2 0 1 2
14-16 May 2012 CONFERENCE
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