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Economic Evaluation of Magnesite Deposits of Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan

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Karachi University Journal of Science, 2008, 36, 9-14 9

Economic Evaluation of Magnesite Deposits of Khuzdar, Balochistan,


Erum Bashir1,*, Maria Kaleem1 and Salma Hamza2

Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan; 2Department of Geology, Federal Urdu
University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract: The cryptocrystalline magnesite deposits of Khuzdar region are Kraubath-type and are hosted within
serpentinized harzburgites. Mineralogical studies (XRD) revealed high magnesite in association of dolomite, calcite, Mg-
calcite, artinite, huntite, brucite and Fe-magnesite in variable quantities. These deposits have average 84.56% MgCO3,
11.57% CaCO3, 1.33% R2O3 (F2O3+Al2O3), and 2.12% SiO2. The specifications for industrial applications in terms of Mg
content are slightly less than the specified value (46.6%) and some impurities like CaO and SiO2 are high. The magnesite
ore of the study area is suitable to produce Mg metal, caustic, dead-burned and fused magnesia. It can also be utilized in
cement, chemicals, fluxes, animal-feed, paper, insulation and pharmaceuticals industries.
Key Words: Magnesite, Economic evaluation, Bela Ophiolite, Khuzdar, Pakistan.

INTRODUCTION paper and pharmaceuticals. Primary use of magnesium metal

is in aluminum-magnesium alloys, which are used in
Minerals are one of the principal natural resources products such as automobiles, aircraft and machinery [4].
essential for the economic development of any country.
Presently, the mineral sector of Pakistan is not substantially The aim of this paper is to evaluate the quality and
contributing in the Gross National Products (GNP). The quantity of magnesite deposits of Khuzdar area. The present
province of Balochistan has been generously bestowed by information assists miners, exploiters and industrialists in
the nature with vast mineral resources. It has a great potential better utilizing magnesite ore in Pakistan so that the mineral
both for metallic and non-metallic minerals [1]. Considering sector can play its proper role in boosting the economy of the
the rich natural endowment and geo-strategic location, country. In the light of present findings, the economic
Balochistan has the potential to emerge as Pakistan’s new feasibility of the magnesite ores in the area appears
economic frontier. encouraging for export of raw material and to meet the
domestic demands for metallurgical, chemical and other
The magnesite deposits of Khuzdar region are Kraubath- industrial uses.
type and are hosted within serpentinized harzburgites,
associated with Bela Ophiolite of Cretaceous age. The
deposits occur as cryptocrystalline veins of stockwork-type,
possessing botryoidal and bone habits [2]. The Kraubath-
type magnesite deposits of the study area are preferred in Samples of magnesite were collected from 24 different
metallurgy and refractory producers because of its higher locations of Khuzdar area (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Samples were
density and lower Fe, Mn and Ca content. crushed to 10mm size using Jaw crusher and pulverized (-
200 mesh) in a Tema mill for chemical analysis. One-gram
Economic utilization of magnesite is largely depends air free sample was treated with hot concentrated
upon physical properties of mineral. The color is normally hydrochloric acid. Insoluble residue (IR), combined oxides
white but it can display tints of yellow, orange and buff on (R2O3) and loss on ignition (LOI) were determined
surface. The specific gravity ranges around 2.8 to 3.0 gravimetrically. Calcium and Mg were measured by EDTA
depending on accessory mineral inclusions. It is mainly used titration. The XRD analyses of magnesite samples were
as chemically or thermally treated magnesite products in carried out using a Bruker AXS 5000 X-ray diffractometer.
many industries and also as raw material. In modern
industries, it becomes very important value added material.
Magnesite is used in refractories which consumed primarily
by the iron and steel industry [3]. In addition, Mg
compounds are used in such varied materials as cement,
rubber, fertilizers, insulation, chemicals, fluxes, animal-feed,
Mineralogical study is essentially required for better
evaluation of any ore deposit. The magnesite deposits of
*Address Correspondence to this author at the Department of Geology, study area are cryptocrystalline in nature so that only x-ray
University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan;
E-mail: ebahmed@yahoo.com

0250-5363/08 © 2008 University of Karachi

10 Karachi University Journal of Science, 2008 Vol. 36, No. 1 & 2 Bashir et al.

Table 1. Reserves, Volumes and Densities of Magnesite

Deposits of Study Area

Volume Density Reserve

(m3) (g/cc) (tons)

Sonaro (SN) 200 2.91 582

Godar (GD) 250 2.63 657
Sokand Ghar (SG) 310 2.78 862
Baran-Lak South (BS) 3250 2.74 8,905
Baran-Lak (BL) 7400 2.35 17,390
Baran-Lak East (BE) 8500 2.78 23,375
Baran-Lak North (BN) 7,200 2.74 19,728
Chokri Ghor (CG) 9,350 2.75 25,712
Pahar K. Bidrang south (PS) 1,250 2.69 3,362
Chrome Mine 1,400 2.74 3,836
Pahar K. Bidrang East (PE) 515 2.86 1,473
Pahar Khan Bidrang (PK) 9,750 2.66 25,935
Khushal East (KE) 790 2.73 2,156
Abui Ka Tang (AT) 50,000 2.67 1,33,500
Khushal West (KW) 3,550 2.65 9,407
Khushal Central (KC) 5,400 2.74 14,796
Ustam Butt West (UW) 14,700 2.82 41,454
Ustam Butt East (UE) 15,500 2.81 43,555
Gangu (GG) 3,00,000 2.72 8,16,000
Karku (KK) 11,500 2.78 31,970
Karku North (KN) 500 2.62 1,310
Lukh (LK) 480 2.64 1,267
Lukh North (LN) 750 2.82 2,115
Bhanbhori Na Kund (BB) 310 2.71 840







Fig. (1). Geological Map showing locations of studied magnesite 10

analysis is the valid technique. The XRD analysis of Fig. (2). Diagram illustrating the distribution of dominant minerals
magnesite ore samples indicates that magnesite, dolomite in the studied ore samples (all values are in %).
and calcite are widespread distributed minerals; Mg-calcite
and artinite are 24.13% (Fig. 2), while huntite, brucite and The proximate analysis of magnesites of Khuzdar reflects
Fe-magnesite are only reported from 4-5 localities. The high amount of MgO (av. 40.43%) and loss on ignition (av.
quality of magnesite is good and it contains >76% while rest 49.22%). Silica (SiO2), combined oxides (R2O3) and calcium
is occupied by other Mg-bearing minerals. (CaO) are present 2.12, 1.33 and 6.48% respectively as
Economic Evaluation of Magnesite Deposits of Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan Karachi University Journal of Science, 2008 Vol. 36, No. 1 & 2 11

impurities (Fig. 3). Harben and Bates (1990) [5] mentioned individual case. Based on thickness, specific gravity and
the specification in terms of chemical composition of a good depth of mineralization, the reserves of individual deposits
cryptocrystalline magnesite for used in different industrial are estimated (Table 1). The total probable reserves of these
applications as 46.6% MgO, 49.9% CO2, 0.70% SiO2, 1.35% deposits are 1.23 million tons.
CaO, 0.85% Fe2O3 and Al2O3. The samples of the study area
show that the av. MgO content (42.66%) of different
localities (Fig. 4a) is slightly less than the specified values, 50 MgO a
except in the SN locality (av. 32.37%). Calcium is
objectionable in many industries. In the studied samples, it 45
ranges between 1.64-10.69% (Fig. 4b), which is much
beyond than 1.35% [5]. Silica is also high (Fig. 4c) in 40
comparison to 0.75% and combined Fe and Al-oxides in the 35
northern area are within the specified range except BB
locality. The southern localities contain relatively high 30
proportion of R2O3 (Fig. 4d).






12 CaO b






8 R2O3 c

Fig. (3). Pie diagram illustrating the average concentration of major 4

constituents of the studied magnesites.

Reserves AT






Considering the other industrial minerals of Balochistan,
magnesite has low reserves. The Karubath-type magnesite 10
SiO2 d
occurs as veins of limited thickness and mostly they are 8
confined in the upper horizons. In majority of cases, these 6
veins have restricted lateral extension. In Baran Lak, Ustam
Butt, Khushal, Abui Ka Tang and Gangu localities these 4
veins run in hundreds of meter. In the study area, all 2
magnesite deposits are mined by open-pit methods. Total 0
reserves of the Balochistan area are not inadequately known.





Kazmi and Abbas (2001) [6] have mentioned few small

deposits in the study area. The annual production of
magnesite in Balochistan Province is about 700 tons (2003-
2004) which continually rises with the exploration of new Fig. (4). Comparison of important constituents (av. wt.%) of
deposits (1545 tons in 2004-2005). Recently the mining magnesite ores in different localities. Broken line represents
standard values of Harben and Bates (1990).
activities are increased but their exact production is not
known. Reserves of the magnesite deposits of the study area
have been calculated by considering area, thickness, specific Processing of Magnesite Ore
gravity and tonnage factor [7]. The density of magnesite
samples are determined by using steelyard method and the The processing of magnesite ore begins with crushing,
average of each locality is given in Table 1. Area and screening and washing (Fig. 5). Magnesite is converted into
thicknesses of the veins are calculated by simple magnesia by the application of heat which drives off carbon
measurement with the help of measuring tape. Present dioxide (CO2), thereby converting the carbonate to the oxide
calculations are made on 5 to 10m depth, depending upon the of magnesium (MgO). When raw magnesite is heated
12 Karachi University Journal of Science, 2008 Vol. 36, No. 1 & 2 Bashir et al.

between 700-1000oC, produces caustic-calcined magnesia computer casings and parts [9]. The automotive market for
(caustic magnesia). It is both; an end product and an Mg metal is expected to expand rapidly with current efforts
intermediary step in the chain of magnesia products (Fig. 5). to reduce the weight of vehicles to improve fuel economy
Caustic magnesia is able to absorb liquids and to absorb and reduce harmful emissions. Magnesite can be used as a
heavy metals and ions from liquid streams and is therefore slag former in steel making furnaces, in conjunction with
useful in water treatment. When calcined magnesia is heated lime, in order to protect the magnesium oxide lining. In
between 1530-2300oC, the product is non-reactive and addition, Mg compounds are used in such varied materials as
exhibits exceptional dimensional stability and strength at cement, chemicals, fluxes, animal-feed, paper, insulation,
high temperatures [8]. This product is known as dead-burned and pharmaceuticals [10]. It can also be used as a catalyst
or sintered magnesia. It is mainly used as a refractory and filler in the production of synthetic rubber and in the
material because of its inertness and high melting point. preparation of Mg chemical fertilizers. Similar to the
Heating to this level drives off all but a small fraction of the production of lime, magnesite can be burned in the presence
remaining carbon dioxide to produce a hard crystalline non of charcoal to produce periclase, an important product in
reactive form of magnesium oxide. When calcined or dead- refractory material. Magnesite insulating properties have
burned magnesia is heated in excess of 2800oC in an electric been used in firebricks and emergency flares. Because Mg
arc furnace, electro-fused magnesia is produced. It has has a relatively high melting temperature it can be cast into
higher strength, resistance to abrasion and chemical stability most forms and into near finished shapes. Magnesite's
than dead-burned magnesia. It is used in the manufacture of incredible resistance to stress, wear and tear nature and its
premium grade refractory bricks used in the high wear hot light weight are very useful. Its usefulness is far-ranging,
spots of basic oxygen furnaces, electric arc or similar from being a vital component of cement-like construction
furnaces where temperature can approach 950oC. material to being used in the tiles covering the Space Shuttle.
Almost 50% of all magnesium produced worldwide is used
to strengthen aluminum engines.
The magnesite of the study area is of good quality
magnesium carbonate and being used in many local
industries. One of the most important uses is in Pakistan
Steel, Karachi. Siddiqui et al. (1996) [11] has successfully
used serpentine and magnesite in sintering process of steel
production instead of dolomite. The deposits can be
considered as future resources to fulfill the requirement in
steel industry. In addition, the magnesite samples of study
area shows complete calcinations which could be utilized as
one of the important ingredient of refractory. Hirayama et al.
(1995) [12] and Mononobi et al. (1992) [13], prepared a
feasibility for refractory brick plant using magnesite from
Kumhar mines, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan and
also a plant to produce a new kind of fertilizer called as
‛Fused magnesium phosphate’.

World Production and Marketing

Major reserve of magnesite is found in China, Korea,

Russia, Turkey and Brazil [14]. China is the top producing
country then Russia, Turkey, Slovakia and Korea
respectively. Main exporters of magnesite are China,
Slovakia and Turkey. Although, Slovakia is forth major
producer but it is the second major exporter of the magnesite
Fig. (5). Fused Magnesia Process Flow Chart (Hughes, 2008). in the world. Pakistan contributes 0.05% of the world
production. The total magnesite production of Pakistan
varies between 4000-7000 tons per year.
Uses and Applications
The price of fused magnesia depends significantly on its
Magnesite is an important source of magnesium. quality. At the lower end of the scale, Chinese fused
Magnesite is used to produce magnesium metal, caustic, magnesia (97.5% MgO) is being sold at around US$300 per
dead-burned and fused magnesia. There are a plethora of ton into Europe, whereas 98.5% material would sell at
possible applications (Table 2). These include: mobile around US$450-550 per ton [8]. At the other end of the scale,
telephones, car, truck, motorcycle, aircraft engines and other highest quality fused magnesia with MgO contents of greater
aircraft components and high impact resistance portable than 99%, would sell for around US$1200-1400 per ton. The
Economic Evaluation of Magnesite Deposits of Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan Karachi University Journal of Science, 2008 Vol. 36, No. 1 & 2 13

Table 2. Generalized Industrial Applications of Magnesite (Baymag, 2006 and Harben, 2008)

Uses End User Industry Product/ Function

Chemical manufacture Feedstock, magnesium salts, magnesium metal and alloys.

Fire retardants /wood preservatives Feedstock

Rubber Catalyst and filler

Pulp and Paper Pulping liquors.

Steel, Copper and Nickel Refining Slag conditioners, insulators

Refineries/ Refractories
Fluxes (soldering, welding, & smelting) Fluxing agent

Fiberglass Feedstock

Glass and ceramics Specialty additives including frits, glazes, enamels Additives

Sealants & adhesives Cements.

Building Compounds / Cements, typically used in the production of fireproof materials and
Construction/ Building industry
Specialty Cements coatings, wallboards, flooring and grinding wheels.

Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutical industry Medicines, disinfectants

Fertilizer Secondary/micronutrients
Fertilizer/ Agriculture
Animal feed Nutritional minerals

Environmental, Water Chemical additives

Waste & effluent treatment
treatment, filtration FGD

Energy Oil and gas Drilling muds

Die-casting, mobile telephones, resistance portable computer casings

Media Electronics
and parts.

Engine alloys, car, truck, motorcycle aircraft Engines, light aircraft

Automobile Automobile/ Aircraft manufacturers

Raw materials
Human Consumption Active minerals

Food Filler/pigments

Used in various industrial processes as a pH modifier and precipitant.

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Industries/ Processes It also has a myriad of applications as a filler, desiccant, absorbent and

price of dead burned magnesia rose by over 25% in 2004, SiO2, R2O3 and CaO are slightly high. Although the estimated
which was the first increase since the late 1990s. reserves is not encouraging but it can be utilized in many
local industries.
CONCLUSIONS In general, the magnesite of the study area is of good
quality magnesium carbonate and being used in many local
The magnesite deposits of Khuzdar region are crypto- industries. Magnesite is an important source of magnesium.
crystalline Kraubath-type and are hosted within serpenti- It is used to produce magnesium metal, caustic, dead-burned
nized harzburgites, associated with Bela Ophiolite of and fused magnesia. Magnesium compounds are used in
Cretaceous age. The major mineral is magnesite with such varied materials as cement, chemicals, fluxes, animal-
variable amount of dolomite, calcite, Mg-calcite, artinite, feed, paper, insulation, and pharmaceuticals.
huntite, brucite and Fe-magnesite. The average chemical
composition indicates MgO, LOI, SiO2, R2O3 and CaO are
40.43, 49.22, 2.12, 1.33 and 6.48% respectively. The
specifications for some industrial applications in terms of
We are indebted to Mr. Shabbir Ahmed, proprietor,
Mg content are slightly less than the specified values. The
Industrial Mineral Syndicate, Karachi, for his interest, help
14 Karachi University Journal of Science, 2008 Vol. 36, No. 1 & 2 Bashir et al.

and logistic support during field work. We sincerely thank [7] Krishnaswamy, S. and Sinha, R.K., 1988. Indian Mineral
Resources. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd.
the inhabitants of the area and mine owners for their great
hospitality and permission to work in the area. [8] Hughes, W., 2008. www.azom.com/details.asp?articleID=1343.
[9] Baymag, 2006. Applications. www.baymag.com/applications/
REFERENCES [10] Wicken, O.M. and Duncan, L.R., 1975. Magnesite and Related
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