Schedule: Issue Date: 29 September 2017 Valid Until: 8 December 2020
Schedule: Issue Date: 29 September 2017 Valid Until: 8 December 2020
Schedule: Issue Date: 29 September 2017 Valid Until: 8 December 2020
This laboratory has demonstrated its technical competence to operate in accordance with MS
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (ISO/IEC 17025:2005).
Scan this QR Code or visit for the current scope of accreditation
This laboratory’s fulfillment of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 means the laboratory meets
both the technical competence requirements and management system requirements that are
necessary for it to consistently deliver technically valid test results and calibrations. The
management system requirements in ISO/IEC 17025 are written in language relevant to
laboratory operations and operate generally in accordance with the principles of ISO 9001
(see Joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated April 2017).
& Waste Water, River & Preliminary Treatment of Sample for APHA 3030E
Seawater, Cooling Tower Metal Analysis APHA 3030F
Water, Boiler Water, APHA 3030G
Swimming Pool Water & Nitrate APHA 4500 NO3 -E
Spa Fluoride APHA 4500 F -D
Total Dissolved Solids APHA 2540 C
Chromium Trivalent In-house Method (LS/W/17-02)
Based on APHA 3120B
& APHA 3500 Cr-B by calculation
Temperature (IN SITU) APHA 2550 B
Colour (ADMI) APHA 2120 F
Palm oil and its products / Benzo (a) pyrene AOCS Cd 21-91
Edible oils and related
products Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons In-house method (LS/F/15-01) based
on AOCS Cd 21-91
- Naphthalene
- Acenaphthene
Scan this QR Code or visit for the current scope of accreditation
- Fluorene
- Phenanthrene
- Anthracene
- Fluoranthene
- Pyrene
- Benz (a) anthracene
- Chrysene
- Benzo (b) fluoranthene
- Benzo (k) fluoranthene
- Benzo (a) pyrene
- Dibenz (a,h) anthracene
- Benzo (g,h,i) perylene
- Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene
Palm oil and its products Moisture and volatile matter MPOB Test Method p2.1 Part 1:
MPOB Test Method p2.1 Part 2:
ISO 662
Palm oil and its products / Acid value (FFA) MPOB Test Method p2.5: 2004
Edible oils and related
products Ash MPOB Test Method p3.6: 2004
Palm oil and its products / Anisidine Value AOCS Cd 18-90 : 2009
Edible oils and related MPOB Test Method p2.4: 2004
products MS 817 : Part 5 : 1998
General Foodstuffs Total Carbohydrate (as per AOAC, Methods of Analysis for
calculation) Nutrition Labeling (1993) page106
Milk, Cream & Fat Content AOAC 17th Edition AOAC Official
Milk.Products Method 920.111 & 905.02 (Roese-
Gottlieb method)
Food (Butter & Salt Content AOAC 17th Edition Chapter 33.6.06
Margarine) Official Method 960.29
Scan this QR Code or visit for the current scope of accreditation
Food (Cocoa Bean and Its Moisture AOAC 17th Edition Chapter 31.1.02
Product) Official Method 931.04
Soap and Soap Moisture and Volatile Matter, Air AOCS Da 2a-48 2009
Products Oven Method
Method 9.6
Volume Sampler with Size Selective
Inlet – Gravimetric Method
Chimney / Stack / Ducting Determination of dark smoke US Bureau of Mines, IC 8333, 1967
Emissions emissions from chimney using
Ringelmann Smoke Chart
Food and Feed Total Plate Count / Total Aerobic AOAC 17th Edition Chapter 17
Count AOAC Official Method 966.23
Aerobic Plate Count/Total Plate Count FDA / BAM 8th Edition Chapter 3
Total Mould and Yeast Count FDA / BAM 8th Edition Chapter 18
Food and Feed Lipolytic Organisms Count Sri Lanka Standard 516 : Part 11 :
Milk and Milk Products Listeria monocytogenes Detection AOAC 17th Edition Chapter
AOAC Official Method 993.12
Food, Feed and Clostridium perfringens Count FDA/BAM 8th Edition Chapter 16
Pharmaceutical and Total Plate Count / Total Aerobic BP 2013 Ph. Eur. Method 2.6.12
Cosmetic Products Count
including Traditional
Medicines Total Yeast and Mould Count BP 2013 Ph. Eur. Method 2.6.12
Bile Tolerant- Gram Negative Bacteria BP 2013 Ph. Eur. Method 2.6.13
Detection and Enumeration
APHA – Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21 Edition
FDA – U.S. Food and Drug Administration
BAM – Bacteriological Analytical Manual
AOAC – American Official Analytical Chemist
BP – British pharmacopoeia