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Lead Nitrate

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Systematic Procedure for Inorganic Qualitative Analysis

S.N Experiment Observations Inference

Preliminary Tests

I Physical Examination Absence of

i.Colour Colourless Cu2+,Ni2+,Fe2+,Fe3+,Co2+,Mn2+
2 ii.Apperance Crystalline May be Cl-,Br-,NO3-,I-,CH3COO-,
Except (NH4)2Co3

3 iii.Solubility May be Cl-, Br-, NO3-, I-,CH3COO

Take a pinch of salt in a test Soluble , except ( NH4)2Co3.
tube, add few ml of water.

Action of Heat
4 Take a small amount of the Decrepitation: The salt
given salt taken in a dry test decrepitates (Crackling Presence of Pb(NO3)2
tube, heat it gently; then sound)
Flame Test :
5 To a small amount of the given No characteristic flame Absence of Cu2+,Br2+,Sr2+,Ca2+
salt taken in a watch glass, add
a drop of Con. HCl and make it
into a paste. Introduce into
non-luminous part of the flame
using a charred match stick.
Ash Test:
6 A pinch of the salt is mixed No characteristic ash Absence of Al3+,Zn2+,Mg2+,
with Conc.HNO3 and a few
drops Co (NO3)2. A filter paper is
dipped in the above mixture
and ignited.
Identification of Anions (Acid Radicals)
Action of dilute H2SO4:
7 To a small portion of the given No Characteristic gas is Absence of S2-, CO3 2-
salt taken in a test tube add 1 evolved.
or 2ml of dilute H2SO4
Concentrated H2SO4 Test:
8 A pinch of the solid salt heated Reddish brown vapour Presence of NO3-
with Conc.H2SO4
Manganese dioxide test:
9 (MnO2) No Characteristic gas Absence of Cl-, Br -, I-
Heat a pinch of the salt with a
small quantity of MnO2 and
Conc. H2SO4.
Copper Turning Test:
10 Heat a pinch of salt with Conc. Reddish brown gases of Presence of NO3-
H2SO4 and a few copper turning nitrogen dioxide are
Chromyl Chloride Test:
11 Heated a pinch of the salt with No Characteristic gas Absence of Cl-
solid K2Cr2O7 along with Conc.
Ammonium molybdate test:
12 Take a pinch of salt add No Characteristic ppt Absence of PO43-.
Conc.HNO3 and boil. Add
ammonium molybdate solution
in excess and again boil
Ester Test:
13 Take a small pinch of the salt in No Characteristic odour Absence of CH3COO-
a test-tube. Add few ml Conc.
H2SO4 and heat. Now ethyl
alcohol (1 ml). Shake. Pour the
contents of the tube in a beaker
full of water. Stir.
Action of NaOH:
14 Heated a pinch of salt with No Characteristic gas Absence of NH4+
Conc.solution of NaOH
Preparation of Sodium Extract:
Take 1 tablespoon full of salt in a boiling tube. Mix about 2 tablespoon full of
solid sodium carbonate and add 15 mL of distilled water to it. Stir and boil the content for about 10
minutes. Afterwards solution was cooled and filtered using a filter paper. A colorless filtrate was
Confirmatory test for NO3-:
1 (Brown Ring test): Add a few A Brown ring is formed at Presence of NO3- is
ml of freshly prepared solution the junction of the two confirmed.
of ferrous sulphate to a few ml liquids.
of water extract / sodium
extract and added
Conc.H2SO4 slowly along the
sides of the test tube

Analysis of Cations: [ Preparation of Original Solution]

Take a pinch of salt dissolves in few ml water. This is called Original solution.
Note: If the salt is insoluble and is a carbonate in the above statement H 2O to be prepared by dil. HCl.
Identification of Group Analysis:
To a few ml of the original A white ppt Presence of Group I (Pb2+)
1 solution added dil. HCl
To a few ml of original solution (i) Yellow ppt soluble in Presence of Pb2+ is confirmed.
1 added K2CrO4 (Potassium NaOH
Chromate) solution.

2 To a few ml of original solution (ii) Yellow ppt which Presence of Pb2+ is confirmed.
added KI (Potassium Iodide) dissolves on heating and
solution reappears on cooling as
golden yellow spangles


The given simple salt contains

Anion: NO3

Cation: Pb2+

The simple salt is: Pb(NO3)2……….

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