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Salt Analysis Record

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Systematic Qualitative Analysis of Simple Salt - 01

Aim: To identify the anion and cation present in the given simple salt


Preliminary Tests


1. Colour: May be due to

White colour absence of Cu2+ Fe2+
The colour of the salt is noted. Ni2+ Co2+
2. Smell :- No characteristic smell Absence of NH4+ ion
Take a pinch of salt between or CH3COO- ion
your fingers and rub it with
drop of water.
3. Action of Heat :- Brown colour gas evolves May be NO3- ion
Take a small amount of salt in
dry test tube and strongly heat.
4. Flame Test :- Absence of Ba+2,
Take a small amount of salt in No characteristic flame is Ca+2, Cu+2, Sr2+, ions
a watch glass add conc. HCl to observed
make a paste that is exposed
through a glass rod in a non
luminous flame

5. ASH Test :- No characteristic colored ash Absence of Al 3+ ion,

Take a salt in test tube add one Zn2+ ion and Mg 2+ion
or two drops of HNO3 and then
cobalt nitrate solution. Filter
paper dipped in it and burnt.

6. Action of NaOH: No ammoniacal smelling gas Absence of NH4+

Take a salt in a test tube add Salt
NaOH solution and Heat.

Identification of Acid Radical


7. Action of Dilute H2SO4 :- No characteristic gas evolved Absence of CO3-2,

Take a little amount of salt CH3COO- ions
in a test tube add dilute.
8. Action of Conc.
H2SO4 :- Reddish brown gas is evolved. NO3 - may be present
Take a little amount of salt
in a test tube add conc.
i) Manganese-di-oxide No Greenish yellow vapours or Absence of Cl – ion
Test :- Intense brown fumes are evolved and Br - ion
Mix a pinch of salt with a
pinch of MnO2 and add 3 –
4 drops of conc. H2SO4 and
heat the mixture.
ii) Action of conc. H2SO4 Reddish brown vapours are Presence of Nitrate
and copper tunings :- evolved (NO3-) ion
Take a little amount of
salt add copper tunings,
conc.H2SO4 and heat
9. Action of BaCl2 test:- White ppt. is not formed Absence of SO4-2
Add BaCl2 solution to salt ions

10. Ammonium molybdate test .

:- Canary yellow ppt is not formed Absence of PO4-3 ion
To the salt solution add
conc.HNO3 and ammonium

Confirmation tests for the Acid Radical

Preparation of sodium carbonate extract:

A small amount of salt is mixed with twice the amount of sodium carbonate and 20 ml of distilled
water is added, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The filtrate is called “Sodium carbonate

Confirmation test for Nitrate ion (NO3-)


1. Action of conc. H2SO4 & copper Reddish brown vapours Presence of Nitrate
tunings :- are evolved (NO3-) ion
Take a little amount
of extract add copper tunings,
conc.H2SO4 and heat strongly.
2. Brown ring test :- Brown ring is formed at NO3 - ion is confirmed.
To the extract add freshly the junction of two layers.
prepared Ferrous sulphate
solution. Then add conc.H2SO4
along the sides of the test tube
Identification of Group cation (Basic Radical)

Preparation of Original Solution

Take a little salt in a clean boiling tube and add a few ml of water and shake it. If it is not
dissolved, heat the boiling tube till the salt is dissolved and is taken as Original solution (O.S)
Group separation


Add dilute HCl to White ppt. is formed. May be presence of I

1. original solution Group ion (Pb+2)

Confirmation tests for the Basic Radical

Confirmation tests for Pb+2 (I group)
1. Add K2CrO4 solution to the Yellow ppt. is formed. Pb ion is confirmed
2. Add KI solution to Yellow ppt. is formed, when it is Pb+2 ion is confirmed
the OS mixed with hot water and then
cool under tap water golden
yellow spangles are formed.

Result: The given simple salt contains

(i) Anion : Nitrate (NO3-)

(ii) Cation : Lead (Pb2+)

(iii) Salt : Lead Nitrate (Pb(NO3)2

Systematic Qualitative Analysis of Simple Salt – 02
Aim: To identify the anion and cation present in the given simple salt


Preliminary Tests


1. Colour: The colour of the salt May be due to

is noted. White colour absence of Cu2+ Fe2+
Ni2+ Co2+
2. Smell :- Vinegar like smell May be presence of
Take a pinch of salt between CH3COO- ion
your fingers and rub it with
drop of water.
3. Action of Heat :- Colourless gas with Vinegar May be CH3COO-
Take a small amount of salt in like smell is evolved ion
dry test tube and strongly heat.
4. Flame Test :- Absence of Ba+2,
Take a small amount of salt in No characteristic flame is Ca+2, Cu+2, Sr2+, ions
a watch glass add conc. HCl to observed
make a paste that is exposed
through a glass rod in a non
luminous flame

5. ASH Test :- No characteristic coloured ash Absence of Al 3+ ion,

Take a salt in test tube add one Zn2+ ion and Mg 2+ion
or two drops of HNO3 and then
cobalt nitrate solution. Filter
paper dipped in it and burnt.

6. Action of NaOH: No ammoniacal smelling gas Absence of NH4+

Take a salt in a test tube add Salt
NaOH solution and Heat.

Identification of Acid Radical


7. Action of Dilute H2SO4 :- Colourless vapour with smell of CH3COO- may be

Take a little amount of salt vinegar on warming the test tube present
in a test tube add dilute.
8. Action of Conc.
H2SO4 :- No characteristic reaction. Absence of Cl - , Br -,
Take a little amount of salt NO3- ions
in a test tube add conc.
9. Action of BaCl2 test:- White ppt. is not formed Absence of SO4-2
Add BaCl2 solution to salt ions

10. Ammonium molybdate test .

:- Canary yellow ppt is not formed Absence of PO4-3 ion
To the salt solution add
conc.HNO3 and ammonium
Confirmation tests for the Acid Radical

Preparation of sodium carbonate extract:

A small amount of salt is mixed with twice the amount of sodium carbonate and 20 ml of distilled
water is added, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The filtrate is called “Sodium carbonate

Confirmation tests for acetate ion (CH3COO- )


1. Ester formation: - An acetate Pleasant fruity smell is CH3COO- ion is
salt when heated with ethanol and observed confirmed.
conc. Sulphuric acid.
2. Action of FeCl3 :- add Ferric A brown red ppt. is CH3COO- ion is
chloride solution to the (WE) salt formed confirmed
solution and heated
Identification of Group cation (Basic Radical)

Preparation of Original Solution

Take a little salt in a clean boiling tube and add a few ml of water and shake it. If it is not
dissolved, heat the boiling tube till the salt is dissolved and is taken as Original solution (O.S)
Group separation


Add dilute HCl to White ppt. is formed. May be presence of I

1. original solution Group ion (Pb+2)
Confirmation tests for the Basic Radical
Confirmation tests for Pb (I group)
1. Add K2CrO4 solution to the Yellow ppt. is formed. Pb+2 ion is confirmed
2. Add KI solution to Yellow ppt. is formed, when it is Pb+2 ion is confirmed
the OS mixed with hot water and then
cool under tap water golden
yellow spangles are formed.

Result: The given simple salt contains

(i) Anion : Acetate (CH3COO-)

(ii) Cation : Lead (Pb2+)

(iii) Salt : Lead Acetate Pb(CH3COO)2

Systematic Qualitative Analysis of Simple Salt – 03
Aim: To identify the anion and cation present in the given simple salt


Preliminary Tests


1. Colour: The colour of the salt May be due to

is noted. White colour absence of Cu2+ Fe2+
Ni2+ Co2+
2. Smell :- No characterstic smell Absence of NH4+ ion
Take a pinch of salt between or CH3COO- ion
your fingers and rub it with
drop of water.
3. Action of Heat :- No characteristic observation Absence of CO32- ,
Take a small amount of salt in Cl- , CH3COO-, NO3-,
dry test tube and strongly heat. NH4+
4. Flame Test :- Absence of Ba+2,
Take a small amount of salt in No characteristic flame is Ca+2, Cu+2, Sr2+, ions
a watch glass add conc. HCl to observed
make a paste that is exposed
through a glass rod in a non
luminous flame

5. ASH Test :- Blue Ash is observed May be Al 3+ion

Take a salt in test tube add one
or two drops of HNO3 and then
cobalt nitrate solution. Filter
paper dipped in it and burnt.

6. Action of NaOH: No ammoniacal smelling gas Absence of NH4+

Take a salt in a test tube add Salt
NaOH solution and Heat.

Identification of Acid Radical


7. Action of Dilute H2SO4 :- No characteristic reaction Absence of CO3-2,

Take a little amount of salt CH3COO- ions
in a test tube add dilute.
8. Action of Conc.
H2SO4 :- No characteristic reaction. Absence of Cl -, Br -,
Take a little amount of salt NO3- ions
in a test tube add conc.
9. Action of BaCl2 test:- White ppt. is formed. It is SO4-2 ion may be
Add BaCl2 solution to salt insoluble in conc. HCl present

10. Ammonium molybdate test .

:- Canary yellow ppt is not formed Absence of PO4-3 ion
To the salt solution add
conc.HNO3 and ammonium
Confirmation tests for the Acid Radical

Preparation of sodium carbonate extract:

A small amount of salt is mixed with twice the amount of sodium carbonate and 20 ml of distilled
water is added, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The filtrate is called “Sodium carbonate

Confirmation test for Sulphate ion (SO4-2)

1. Action of BaCl2 test:- Add White ppt. is formed. It is Sulphate (SO4 -2 )ion is
BaCl2 solution to salt solution insoluble in conc. HCl present

2. Lead acetate test:- To the salt White ppt. is formed. It is SO4 -2 ion is confirmed.
Solution(WE), add Lead acetate soluble in ammonium acetate
solution. solution

Identification of Group cation (Basic Radical)

Preparation of Original Solution

Take a little salt in a clean boiling tube and add a few ml of water and shake it. If it is not
dissolved, heat the boiling tube till the salt is dissolved and is taken as Original solution (O.S)
Group separation


Add dilute HCl to Absence of I – group

1. original solution No white ppt. is formed (Pb+2)

OS + dilute HCl + No Black ppt. is formed Absence of II– group

2. H2S (Cu+2)

O.S is saturated White ppt. is formed Presence of III ion

with solid NH4Cl Aluminum ion(Al+3)
3. and then add excess .
Confirmation tests for Al+3 ion (III group)


1. Action of NaOH :- Add White ppt. is formed. It is Al ion is confirmed.
NaOH soluble in excess NaOH
solution drop wise to the OS solution.

2. To the Original solution add A bright red lake is appeared Al+3 ion is confirmed
Ammonium Hydroxide and
Aluminon reagent.

Result: The given simple salt contains

(i) Anion : Sulphate (SO42-)

(ii) Cation : Aluminium (Al3+)

(iii) Salt : Aluminium Sulphate (Al2(SO4)3)

Systematic Qualitative Analysis of Simple Salt – 04

Aim: To identify the anion and cation present in the given simple salt


Preliminary Tests


1. Colour: The colour of the salt May be due to

is noted. White colour absence of Cu2+ Fe2+
Ni2+ Co2+
2. Smell :- No characterstic smell Absence of NH4+ ion
Take a pinch of salt between or CH3COO- ion
your fingers and rub it with
drop of water.
3. Action of Heat :- No characteristic observation Absence of CO3 2- ,
Take a small amount of salt in Cl- CH3COO- , NO3- ,
dry test tube and strongly heat. NH4+
4. Flame Test :- Absence of Ba+2,
Take a small amount of salt in No characteristic flame is Ca+2, Cu+2, Sr2+, ions
a watch glass add conc. HCl to observed
make a paste that is exposed
through a glass rod in a non
luminous flame

5. ASH Test :- Green Ash is observed May be Zn2+ ion

Take a salt in test tube add one
or two drops of HNO3 and then
cobalt nitrate solution. Filter
paper dipped in it and burnt.

6. Action of NaOH: No ammoniacal smelling gas Absence of NH4+

Take a salt in a test tube add Salt
NaOH solution and Heat.

Identification of Acid Radical


7. Action of Dilute H2SO4 :- No characteristic reaction Absence of CO3-2,

Take a little amount of salt CH3COO- ions
in a test tube add dilute.
8. Action of Conc.
H2SO4 :- No characteristic reaction. Absence of Cl - , Br -,
Take a little amount of salt NO3- ions
in a test tube add conc.
9. Action of BaCl2 test:- White ppt. is formed. It is SO4-2 ion may be
Add BaCl2 solution to salt insoluble in conc. HCl present

10. Ammonium molybdate test .

:- Canary yellow ppt is not formed Absence of PO4-3 ion
To the salt solution add
conc.HNO3 and ammonium
Confirmation tests for the Acid Radical

Preparation of sodium carbonate extract:

A small amount of salt is mixed with twice the amount of sodium carbonate and 20 ml of distilled
water is added, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The filtrate is called “Sodium carbonate

Confirmation test for Sulphate ion (SO4-2)

1. Action of BaCl2 test:- Add White ppt. is formed. It is Sulphate (SO4 -2 )ion is
BaCl2 solution to salt solution insoluble in conc. HCl present

2. Lead acetate test:- To the salt White ppt. is formed. It is SO4 -2 ion is confirmed.
Solution(WE), add Lead acetate soluble in ammonium acetate
solution. solution

Identification of Group cation (Basic Radical)

Preparation of Original Solution

Take a little salt in a clean boiling tube and add a few ml of water and shake it. If it is not
dissolved, heat the boiling tube till the salt is dissolved and is taken as Original solution (O.S)
Group separation


Add dilute HCl to Absence of I – group

1. original solution No white ppt. is formed (Pb+2)

To OS add dilute HCl No Black ppt. is formed Absence of II– group

2. and pass H2S (Cu+2)
O.S is saturated No characteristic ppt Absence of III- group
with solid NH4Cl . (Al+3, Fe+2) ions
3. and then add excess
4. To OS add NH4Cl, White ppt is formed Presence of IV group ion
NH4OH and pass H2S (Zn+2 )

Confirmation tests for Zn+2 ion (IV group)


1. Add NaOH solution to OS White ppt. is formed. It is Zn ion is confirmed.
drop soluble in excess NaOH
wise solution.

2. To the OS add potassium Bluish white ppt. is formed. Zn+2 ion is confirmed.
Ferrocynaide solution

Result: The given simple salt contains

(i) Anion : Sulphate (SO2-4)

(ii) Cation : Zinc (Zn2+)

(iii) Salt : Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4)

Systematic Qualitative Analysis of Simple Salt – 06

Aim: To identify the anion and cation present in the given simple salt


Preliminary Tests


1. Colour: The colour of the salt May be due to

is noted. White colour absence of Cu2+ Fe2+
Ni2+ Co2+
2. Smell :- No characterstic smell Absence of NH4+ ion
Take a pinch of salt between or CH3COO- ion
your fingers and rub it with
drop of water.
3. Action of Heat :- Colourless pungent smelling May be Cl- ion
Take a small amount of salt in gas (HCl)
dry test tube and strongly heat.
4. Flame Test :- May be Ba2+ ion
Take a small amount of salt in Apple green flame is
a watch glass add conc. HCl to observed
make a paste that is exposed
through a glass rod in a non
luminous flame

5. ASH Test :- No characteristic colored ash Absence of Al 3+ ion,

Take a salt in test tube add one Zn2+ ion and Mg 2+ion
or two drops of HNO3 and then
cobalt nitrate solution. Filter
paper dipped in it and burnt.

6. Action of NaOH: No ammoniacal smelling gas Absence of NH4+ Salt

Take a salt in a test tube add
NaOH solution and Heat.

Identification of Acid Radical


7. Action of Dilute H2SO4 :- No characteristic reaction Absence of CO3 -2,

Take a little amount of salt CH3COO- ions
in a test tube add dilute.
8. Action of Conc.
H2SO4 :- Colourless, pungent smelling Cl - may be present
Take a little amount of salt gas is evolved which gives
in a test tube add conc. white dense fumes of NH4Cl
H2SO4 when a glass rod dipped in
aqueous ammonia solution and
exposed to the mouth of the test

i) Manganese-di-oxide Greenish yellow vapours with Presence of Cl - ion

Test :-Mix a pinch of salt pungent odour is evolved.
with a pinch of MnO2 and
add 3 – 4 drops of conc.
H2SO4 and heat the
9. Action of BaCl2 test:- White ppt. is not formed Absence of CO3-2 ,
Add BaCl2 solution to salt SO4-2 ions

10. Ammonium molybdate test .

:- Canary yellow ppt is not formed Absence of PO4-3 ion
To the salt solution add
conc.HNO3 and ammonium
Confirmation tests for the Acid Radical

Preparation of sodium carbonate extract:

A small amount of salt is mixed with twice the amount of sodium carbonate and 20 ml of distilled water
is added, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. The filtrate is called “Sodium carbonate extract

Confirmation test for chloride ion (Cl- - )

1. Manganese-di-oxide Greenish yellow vapours Presence of Cl – ion
Test :-Mix a pinch of salt with pungent odour is
with a pinch of MnO2 and add evolved.
3 – 4 drops of conc. H2SO4
and heat the mixture.
2. Silver Nitrate test:- Salt White curdy ppt. is Cl- ion is confirmed.
solution (Water Extract) is formed. It is soluble in
mixed with dilute HNO3 and ammonium hydroxide
silver nitrate solution. solution.
Identification of Group cation (Basic Radical)

Preparation of Original Solution

Take a little salt in a clean boiling tube and add a few ml of dil.HCl and shake it, till the salt is
dissolved and is taken as Original solution (O.S)

Group separation


Add dilute HCl to Absence of I – group (Pb+2)

1. original solution No white ppt. is formed

To OS add dilute No Black ppt. is formed Absence of II– group (Cu+2)

2. HCl and pass
O.S is saturated No characteristic ppt Absence of III- group (Al+3, Fe+2) ions
with solid NH4Cl .
3. and then add excess
4. To OS add NH4Cl, No characteristic ppt Absence of IV group ions (Zn+2, Co+2 ,
NH4OH and pass Ni+2)

5. To OS add NH4Cl, White ppt is formed Presence of V- group ions (Ba+2,

NH4OH and Ca+2,Sr+2)
(NH4)2CO3 solution

Confirmation tests for Ba+2 ion (V group)

1. Add K2CrO4 solution to the Yellow ppt. is formed. Ba ion is confirmed.
Original Solution
2. Flame Test.:- Take a small Apple green flame is Ba+2 ion is confirmed.
amount of salt in a watch observed
glass add conc. HCl to make
a paste that is exposed
through a glass rod in a non
luminous flame
Result: The given simple salt contains

(i) Anion : Chloride (Cl-)

(ii) Cation : Barium (Ba+2)

(iii) Salt : Barium Chloride (BaCl2

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