Construction of Paving Blocks by Using Plastic Waste
Construction of Paving Blocks by Using Plastic Waste
Construction of Paving Blocks by Using Plastic Waste
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Countless plastics have been gathered from a waste have been investigated to be incorporated into the
variety of locations, including commercial and open bricks [6]. Plastic waste which is increasing day by day
places. When making plastic paver blocks, high density becomes eyesore and in turn pollutes the environment,
polyethylene plastic is gathered, cleaned, and utilised in especially in high mountain villages where no garbage
place of aggregate. The central governing body of India collection system exists. A large amount of plastic is being
said that more than 30.5 lakh tone of plastic garbage was brought into the tourist trekking regions are discarded or
generated in 2018–2019 and 34 lakh tone of waste in burned which leads to the contamination of environment and
2019–2020 and 2020–21. Waste for 2021 is not computed air. Hence, these waste plastics are to be effectively utilized.
Over the past decade, India's production of plastic waste High-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyethylene (PE)
has increased by an average of more than double that bags are cleaned and added with sand and aggregate at
amount, 21.8 % annually. Projects like Plastic Paver various percentages to obtain high strength bricks that
Block help reduce plastic waste in various ratios with possess thermal and sound insulation properties to control
aggregate. Since plastic degrades far more slowly than pollution and to reduce the overall cost of construction, this
other types of waste, the initiative is beneficial in finding is one of the best ways to avoid the accumulation of plastic
practical ways to reduce plastic waste on the planet. waste which is an on-degradable pollutant [7]. The nearness
According to a study on them, plastic paver blocks are a of the saturated zone to the land surface and the manner of
better choice than conventional cement paver blocks. fluctuation of this zone has direct effect on the geotechnical
properties of the soil. These in turn influence the stability of
I. INTRODUCTION engineering structures such as houses, bridges, dams, and
roads [8-9]. Natural resources such as limestone used in the
Paver block pavement is adaptable, aesthetically manufacture of cement are constantly being depleted
pleasing, practical, affordable, and requires little to no care globally while generation of wastes especially plastic is on
provided it is made and installed properly. Although there the increase on a daily basis thereby creating an imbalance
are two primary areas of concern, most of the concrete block in the sustainability of our dear environment. The
paving constructed in India has also operated satisfactorily: construction sector is therefore in need of non-conventional
infrequent failure brought on by extreme surface wear and and innovative materials, whose availability is not a
variability in block strength. Natural resource depletion challenge in order to replace the diminishing of natural
worldwide is accompanied by a significant increase in waste resource [10-11]. Plastic is very common material that is
produced by industry and human occupancy. Sustainable now widely used by everyone in the world. Waste plastic is
development for the building industry entails the use of used to make plastic paver blocks. The separating area's
unusual and new materials as well as the recycling of waste environment and air are contaminated due to the large
materials in order to make up for the shortage of natural amount of plastic waste being disposed of or burned there.
resources and explore alternative means of environmental Sand is manually placed into heated garbage plastic that is
preservation. also operated mechanically.
The local region provided the plastic garbage that was Recyclable plastic plays a major role in this period as it
utilised in this project. The amount of plastic garbage is compact & light in the weight. The big problem with
dumped in India each year is currently at 56 lakh tonnes [1]. plastic is its decomposition. Plastics are made from polymer
The environment is polluted by the rubbish placed there. chemicals and are not biodegradable. The use of eco-friendly
Consequently, it has direct and indirect effects on both and lightweight building material has grown in popularity in
people and animals. Therefore, it's important to dispose of the building industry. Consumption of plastic materials from
plastic garbage correctly in accordance with the rules set 5 million tonnes in the 1950s to 100 million in the 2000.
forth by our government. Use of concrete paver block in road
pavements is more common nowadays. Concrete paver II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
block is a better option in road construction when compared
to the conventional road which is made by bitumen and A. Materials
gravel [2]. Paver block is versatile, aesthetically attractive, In view of the proposed experimental study, the materials
functional, and cost effective and requires little or no used are:
maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid [3]. They Cement
stay solid and, unlike thermoplastics cannot be re-melted. Sand
Based on the advantages of thermoplastics over thermoset Aggregates
Plastics, it is preferably used in production of paver blocks Plastic
[4-5]. Brick is one of the most common masonry units used
as building material. Due to the demand, different types of
Fig. 1: Cement
Fig. 2: Sand
Fig. 3: Aggregates
Fig. 4: Plastic
350*250 – PVC plastic mould.
350*250- Pre casted iron mould.
III. EQUIPMENTS USED whole length and projects radially 88 mm into the
cylinder. The shelf must be mounted using bolts or
The equipment used while performing these tests can be another method that has been approved so that it is
described as below: sturdy and rigid.
A. IMPACT TESTING APPARATUS C. Compression Testing Machine
An impact testing device that adheres to the following The ability of a material or structure to support loads on
standards and is of general form its surface without cracking or deflecting is known as
An inside measurement steel cup that is cylindrical with: compressive strength. When a material is compressed, its size
50 mm of depth, a minimum thickness of 6.3 mm, and a tends to decrease, and when it is stretched, its size elongates.
diameter of 102 mm. Load Frame:- A load frame is typically made up of two
A case-hardened, cylindrical, lower end of a metal powerful supports for the machine. Some compact
hammer with a weight between 13.5 and 14.0 kg, a machines only have one support.
diameter of 100.0 mm, and a length of 5 cm. The upper Load Cell:- A force transducer or equivalent device for
end should also have a 2 mm chamfer. For the bottom measuring the load is needed for a load cell. Usually, a
(cylindrical) portion of the hammer to be above and quality system or regulatory regulations call for periodic
concentric with the cup, it must freely travel between calibration.
vertical guides. Cross head:- A cross head that can move up or down is
A way to raise the hammer to a height of 380.0 mm and controlled. Usually, a steady pace is used. Hydraulic servos
then let it fall freely between the vertical guides onto the are employed.
test sample in the cup. a way to change the height of the Output device:- A method of distributing test findings is
fall by no more than 5 mm. offered. Older machines occasionally contain dial gauges or
displays. A computer display for analysis and printing is a
B. Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Apparatus feature of many modern devices.
A hollow steel cylinder with a diameter of 700 mm on
the inside and a length of 500 mm on the inside will D. Vibrating table
make up the Los Angeles abrasion testing device. It will Vibrating table was provided on site where the tests and
be closed at both ends. The cylinder must be mounted construction were carried out. It is used to compact concrete
on stub shafts that are attached to the ends of the in mould and remove air voids present in concrete.
cylinders but do not extend inside of them. It must also
be fixed in a way that allows for horizontal rotation of E. Melting Barrel
the cylinder around its axis . 1 barrel of melting (an oil drum cut in half, 80cm wide
The cylinder must have a hole for the entry of the test and 50cm high). To keep the fire confined to the area beneath
sample. the barrel, if at all possible, employ a shield. Simple oil drums
One element of the cylinder's interior surface must be should be split in half, and three rebar legs should be attached
attached with a detachable steel shelf that extends its to create the melting barrel. The ideal barrel height and width,
with the legs attached, are 50 cm and 80 cm, respectively. Try
a) Select the right plastic shopping bags, and plastic film. Use of other plastics
It is necessary to just choose the right kind of plastic. should be avoided since they could be detrimental to
This is due to the physical characteristics and your health. Make sure most of your plastic garbage
varying melting and burning temperatures of various is clean. Get rid of everything that is not LDPE
varieties of plastic. With LDPE, the procedure as (including other plastics). Leave something out if
described here performs nicely. LDPE is typically you're unsure of its LDPE composition.
used to make water bags, non-woven plastic
Observations Table 5
Total weight of the collected dry sample taken = W1 g 340g 345g 350
Weight of the portion passing through 2.36 mm sieve = W2 g 50g 53g 55g
Aggregate Impact Value = (W2/W1) * 100 14.70% 15.36% 15.71%
Table 5: Impact Value Test
Result:-The aggregate Abrasion Value of the provided sample of coarse aggregate is 39.84%.
Trail 1
Trail 2
Trail 3
N/mm2 N/mm2
50% Plastic) 40% Plastic)
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has productive way of disposal of plastic waste. [7.] Dinesh.A , Kirubakaran.K, (2016), “Utilization
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