Replacement of Cement by Metakaolin and Flyash
Replacement of Cement by Metakaolin and Flyash
Replacement of Cement by Metakaolin and Flyash
The application of concrete in construction is as old as the days of Greek and roman civilization. But for numerous reasons, the concrete construction industry is not sustainable. It consumes a lot of virgin materials and the principal raw material of concrete i.e. cement is responsible for green house gas emissions causing a threat to environment through global warming. Therefore, the industry has seen various types of concrete in search of a solution to sustainable development. Infrastructural growth has witnessed many forms of concrete like High Strength Concrete, High Performance Concrete, and Self Compacting Concrete. The history of cementing material is as old as the history of engineering construction. Some kind of cementing materials were used by Egyptians, Romans, and Indians in their ancient constructions. It is also believed that the early Egyptians mostly used cementing materials, obtained by burning gypsum. The story of the invention of Portland cement is, however, attributed to Joseph Aspdin, a Leeds Builder and brick layer, even though similar procedures had been adopted by other inventors. Joseph Aspdin took the patent of Portland cement on 21st October 1824. The fancy name of Portland was given owing to the resemblance of this hardened cement to the natural stone occurring at Portland in England. In his process Aspdin mixed and ground hard lime stones and finely divided clay into the form of slurry and calcined it in a furnace similar to a lime kiln till the CO2 was expelled. The mixture so calcined was then ground to a fine powder. Roman builders used volcanic tuff found near Pozzuoli village near Mount Vesuvius in Italy. This volcanic tuff or ash mostly siliceous in nature thus acquired the name Pozzolona. Later on, the name Pozzolona was applied to any other material, natural or artificial, having nearly the same composition as that of volcanic tuff or ash found at Pozzuoli. The word Pozzolona was derived from Pozzuoli, a town in Italy a few miles from Naples. The materials are of volcanic region containing various fragments of pumice, obsidian, feldspars,
and quartz etc. The name Pozzolona was first applied exclusively to this material. But the term has been extended later to diatomaceous earth, highly siliceous rocks I and other artificial materials. Thus, the pozzolanic material is natural or artificial having nearly the same composition as that of volcanic tuffs or ash found at Pozzuoli. Concrete is an artificial material in which the aggregates both fine and coarse are bounded together by the cement when mixed with water. The concrete has become so popular and indispensible because of its inherent characteristics and advantages either when green or hardened. The use of reinforcement in concrete has brought a revolution in applications, design and construction techniques. Its great versatility and relative economy in filling wide range of needs has made it a very competitive building material. The use of pozzolanic materials in cement concrete paved a solution for a) Modifying the properties of the concrete b) Controlling the concrete the production cost c) To overcome the scarcity of cement and finally d) The economic advantageous disposal of industrial wastes The most important pozzolanic materials are fly ash, silica fume, and metakaolin whose use in cement and concrete is thus likely to be a significant achievement in the development of concrete technology in coming few decades. 1.1 High Strength Concrete & High Performance Concrete
Compressive strength of concrete is the most important parameter to assess its quality. Normal strength concrete by ACI definition is a concrete that has a cylinder compressive strength not exceeding 42 MPa, Prasad and Jha. All other concretes with strength more than the specified one are referred as High Strength Concretes (HSC). With the advancements in technology, the demand of HSC increased in the construction industry but then came the new buzz word High Performance Concrete.
According to Aitcin [1990], HPC is nothing but HSC as high strength concrete not only gives high ultimate strength but performs better in many aspects like durability, abrasion resistance, and sulphate attack etc. ACI defines HPC as Concrete meeting special combinations of performance and uniformity requirements that cannot always be achieved routinely using conventional constituents and normal mixing, placing and curing practices. In fact, in HPC, the basic ingredients of normal concrete are proportioned in such a way so as to achieve efficiently the desired properties of strength and durability. A major criticism against the ACI definition of HPC is that durability of concrete is not mandatory; it is one of the options. The misconception that high-strength will automatically lead to high-durability has probably resulted in many cases of cracking and premature deterioration of HPC structures, as reported in the published literature, Mehta and Burrows [2001]. The reason lies in the mix proportions used to achieve very high-strength; for example, commercial highstrength concrete mixtures are often designed to obtain 50-80 MPa compressive strength at 28days and at times high early-strength values of the order of 25-40 MPa at 1-day, together with 150-200mm slump for ease of constructability. Typically, these mixtures are composed of a high cement content, viz 450-500 kg/m 3 Portland or blended Portland cement containing a relatively small amount of silica fume and fly ash or slag, a low water/cement on the order of 0.32 (with the help of a super plasticizing admixture), and an air-entraining agent when it is necessary to protect the concrete from cycles of freezing and thawing. Field experience shows that the foregoing high strength concrete mixtures are prone to suffer early cracking from a variety of causes, such as a large thermal contraction due to the high Portland cement content, a large autogenous shrinkage due to the low water-cementitious ratio, and a high drying shrinkage due to the high cement paste-aggregate ratio. Aitcin [1990] prefers to define HPC as a low water/binder concrete with an optimized aggregate-to-binder ratio to control its dimensional stability (i.e. drying shrinkage), and which receives an adequate watercuring (to control autogenous shrinkage).
This definition adequately addresses the potential for lack of durability of HPC concrete except with massive structural members that may be subject to thermal cracking. In this regard, an earlier definition proposed by Mehta and Gjorv[1982] stated that the term HPC should be applied to concrete mixtures possessing the following three characteristics: high workability, high strength, and high durability. 1.2 POZZOLONIC ADMIXTURES IN CONCRETE
Pozzolona is either naturally occurring or available as waste material. They mainly contain silica, which becomes reactive in the presence of free lime available in Cement when pozzolanic admixtures are mixed with cement. The reactivity varies depending upon the type of Pozzolona, its chemical composition and its fineness. In developing countries like India, pozzolanic materials are mainly available as industrial waste by-products. Fly ash, silica fume, none dust, blast Furnace slag, rice husk ash etc., are some of the industrial wastes and MetaCem is is a quality controlled reactive Pozzolona, made from purified kaolin which possess pozzolanic properties. Extensive research work has been carried out on the use of Pozzolonas in construction materials. Out of the above pozzolanic admixtures, fly ash can be considered as the one which is if abundantly available. Fly ash concrete possesses certain desirable and enhanced properties compared to ordinary plane concrete. Metakaolin made from purified kaolin, is not industrial waste product, can be recommended to be used along with Cement to derive certain enhanced properties for concrete in special situations.
It has been amply demonstrated that the best Pozzolona in optimum proportions mixed with Portland cement improves many qualities of concrete, such as: a) Lower the heat of hydration and thermal shrinkage b) Increase the water tightness c) Reduce the alkali-aggregate reaction d) Improve resistance to attack by sulphate soils and sea water e) Improve extensibility f) Lower susceptibility to dissolution and leaching g) Improve workability h) Lower costs In addition to these advantages, contrary to the general opinion, good Pozzolonas will not unduly increase water requirement or drying shrinkage. Pozzolanic materials can be divided into two groups, namely 1. Natural Pozzolonas 2. Artificial Pozzolonas The natural Pozzolonas are a) Clay and shales b) Opaline shales c) Diatomaceous earth d) Volcanic tuffs and e) Pumicities On the other hand the artificial Pozzolonas are a) Low calcium fly ash b) High calcium fly ash c) Silica lime
d) Surkhi e) Metakaolin f) Rice Husk ash MetaCem is made from purified kaolin. Most of the natural Pozzolonas require grinding to a high degree of fineness to make them suitable for use in concrete except Pumicities, which are normally in the finely divided form. 1.4GENERAL OVERVIEW ON ADMIXTURES According to Richard G. Mielang, an admixture is defined as a material other than water, aggregate and cement that is added as an ingredient of concrete or mortar either immediately before or during the process of mixing to modify certain desired properties of the normal fresh or hardened concrete or mortar or the grout. The most common reason for adding admixtures are to alter the workability, improve the rate of gain of strength, increase the strength itself, improve the impermeability and durability and also to improve the appearance. Sometimes many admixtures affect more than one property of concrete. Sometimes they affect the desirable properties adversely. An admixture should be employed only after an appropriate evaluation of its effects on the particular concrete under the conditions in which the concrete is intended to be used. Therefore one must be cautious in the selection of admixture and in predicting the effect of the admixture in concrete. There are wide variety and very large number of admixtures available in the construction l market. The admixtures are classified mainly into 15 groups as follows according to the type of materials constituting the admixture or characteristic effect of the use. a) Air entraining agents b) Accelerators c) Retarders d) Pozzolona e) Gas forming agents
f) Air entraining agents g) Alkali aggregate expansion inhibitors h) Damp proofing and permeability reducing agents i) Workability agents j) Grouting agents k) Corrosion inhibiting agents l) Bonding agents m) Coloring agents n) Fungicidal, Germicidal and insect cal agents o) Miscellaneous agents 1.5 FLY ASH
Fly ash, an artificial Pozzolona, is the un burnt residue resulting from combustion of pulverized coal or lignite, mechanical or electrostatic separators called hoppers collect it from flue gases of power plants where powdered coal is used as fuel. This material, once considered as a by-product finding difficulty to be disposed off has now become a material of considerable value when used in conjunction with concrete as an admixture. The earliest literature available on the use of Fly Ash is in 1932 which was carried out by Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Detroit Edison Company. However, the use of Fly Ash in concrete was first carried out by Davis and his associates in University of California in 1937. Extensive research was carried out throughout the world to promote the use of Fly Ash in construction, only a few milestones could be achieved till 1960 and that too in developed countries only. As far as India is concerned, the first ever study on use of fly ash in concrete was carried out in 1955 by CBRI, Roorkee, in the form of a review of American and Australian research work on Fly ash. Later, Fly ash was used in small proportions in mass concreting for dams and other hydraulic structures. The current fly ash worldwide production is nearly 1800 million tonnes. Fly ash is available in large quantities in India also. For every 100 MW of power generation, nearly 0.2 million tones of fly ash is being produced. Recent data show that from more than 70 thermal ~9~
power stations, nearly 40 million tones of fly ash are being produced every year in India. It is estimated that production of fly ash, by the run of the century, will be 100 million tones. About 6000 tonnes of ash is being produced daily at present in Andhra Pradesh alone. Such vast quantities of fly ash are causing pollution hazards affecting the ecological balance and human habitat environment. The disposal of these huge Fly Ash quantities is becoming a great problem day by day. Management of coal ash of this magnitude is a matter of great concern in the years to come. In view of the above serious considerations on fly ash, lot of investigation is being carried out to make its use as an alternative building material in construction, besides finding solution to disposal of fly ash, this would also save enormous amount of energy and scarce raw materials in the construction industry.
Increased awareness of environmental hazards, steep rise in prices of building materials, non availability of space to stack the fly ash and other factors have generated interest among the research community to work on the gainful utilization of fly ash. Researches all over world have proved that fly ash is suitable material for material for construction with many beneficial properties. It is disappointing fact that only 2% of the total generated fly ash is now being utilized in India, despite the enormous research work on utilization of fly ash in construction industry in the past half century. France is using 58% of its fly ash production while the European countries are
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using l0-20% of their fly ash production. The reason for this situation is, perhaps the lack of awareness on utility of fly ash at the root level of construction society. The technology on fly ash utilization has to be intensively taken to the door step of actual construction for its effective implementation thus increasing the use of fly ash. Confirmative experimental results on using fly ash as a partial replacement to cement especially in structural components at different levels in the construction society would definitely improve the use of fly ash. 1.6 USE OF FLY ASH IN HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE
The use of fly ash in high strength concrete has been tried for long and sufficient literature and data is available on the topic but very little research has been done in India on this front. Moreover, the properties of fly ash available from various sources and even from same source at different times are not constant. Therefore, the results available on a particular fly ash in a particular country cannot be fitted in everywhere. Hence, there is a scope of studying the effect of varying percentages of fly ash on various properties of different grades of concrete in India. Fly ash is most commonly used as a pozzolona in concrete. Pozzolonas are siliceous or siliceous and aluminous materials, which in a finely divided form and in presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperatures to produce cementitious compounds. The spherical shape and particle size distribution of fly ash improves the fluidity of flowable fill, thereby, reducing the demand of mixing water and contributing to long term strength of high strength concrete with fly ash. The use of fly ash in HSC and HPC has been studied by various researchers in past. The use of fly ash in concrete has been encouraged all over the world, Adams [1988] Naik et al [1989] replaced 40% cement by fly ash and achieved an increase in strength of concrete of 23% and 38% at 28 days and 56 days, respectively. Raju et al. [1994] 12 too tried a 40% replacement of cement by fly ash and achieved a characteristic strength of 45 MPa at 28 days with W/C ratio 0.4. The benefits of incorporating fly ash in to concrete have been
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demonstrated through extensive research and countless highway and bridge construction projects. The dosage of fly ash in concrete is generally restricted to 15-20% by mass of total cementitious material for commercial purposes. However, this small percentage is beneficial in achieving a good workability and for cost economy but it may not improve durability to considerable extent. Some of the benefits of fly ash in concrete are Higher ultimate strength Improved workability Reduced bleeding Reduced heat of hydration Reduced permeability Increased resistance to sulphate attack Lowered costs Reduced shrinkage Increased durability
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1.7 SILICA FUME Silica fume is a mineral admixture made up of very line, solid, glassy spheres and amorphous solids of silicon dioxide. It is a by-product obtained during the production of metallic silicon or Ferrosilicon alloys in electric arc furnaces. The silica content is as high as exceeding 98% as compared to about 38 to 48% in the case of fly ash. Because of extreme fineness, it is a very efficient pozzolanic material. Silica fume, also referred to as micro silica or condensed silica fume, is another material that is used as an artificial pozzolanic admixture. It is a product resulting from reduction of high purity quartz with coal in an electric arc furnace in the manufacture of silicon or ferrosilicon alloy. Silica fume rises as an oxidized vapor. It cools, condenses, and is collected in cloth bags. It is further processed to remove impurities and to control particle size. Condensed silica fume is essentially silicon dioxide (more than 90%) in non-crystalline form. Since it is an airborne material like fly ash, it has spherical shape. It is extremely fine with particle size less than 1 micron and with an average diameter of about 0.1 micron, about 100 times smaller than average cement particles. Silica fume has specific surface area of about 20,000 m2/kg as against 230 - 300 m2/kg. Silica fume is thus found a place to be in the group of pozzolanic admixtures and made away for the research community to develop high strength concretes of the order up to M50 or more. The silica fume concretes (SFC) are found to posses improved permeability properties. The sulphate resistance of SFC is also considerably good.
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1.8 METAKAOLIN Metakaolin is obtained by calcinations of pure or refined kaolin clay at a temperature between 650C and 850C, followed by grinding to achieve a fineness of 700 m 2/kg to 900m2/kg. The resulting material has high pozzolanity. Metakaolin is manufactured from pure raw material to strict quality standards. It is not a by-product. Other pozzolanic materials are currently available, but many are by products, which are available in chemical composition. They may also contain active components (such as sulphur compound, alkalis, carbon, reactive silica) which can undergo delayed reactions within the concrete and cause problems over long time periods. Metakaolin is a high quality pozzolanic material, which is blended with Portland cement in order to improve the durability of concrete and mortars. Metakaolin removes chemically reactive calcium hydroxide from the hardened cement paste. Metakaolin reduces the porosity of hardened concrete. Metakaolin densities and reduces the thickness of the interfacial zone, this improving the adhesion between the hardened cement paste and particles of sand or aggregate. Highly reactive metakaolin is made by water processing to remove un-reactive impurities to make 100% reactive Pozzolona. Such a product, white or cream in color, purified, thermally activated is called High Reactive Metakaolin (HRM). High reactive metakaolin shows high pozzolanic reactivity and reduction in Ca (OH)2 even as early as one day. It is also observed that the cement paste undergoes distinct densification. The improvement offered by this densification includes an increase in strength and decrease in permeability. The high reactive metakaolin is having the potential to compete with silica fume.
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1.9 IMPORTANCE OF METAKAOLIN The quest for developing high strength and ultra high strength concretes and is special purpose concretes with certain special characteristics for use under special circumstances is increasing from time to time. The usual ultimate utility/strength/durability parameters of normal cement concrete needs certain modifications. The special characteristics of silica fume, viz., super fineness, high silica content and etc., gave the scope for enhancing the normal cement concrete which when mixed with cement as a partial replacement. The excessive cohesiveness and excellent sulphate resistance of Metakaolin mixed concrete is of greater importance is Shotcrete applications. Metakaolin is generally more efficient in concrete having higher water-cement ratios. 1.10 STRENGTH PARAMETERS Because of very high silica content and super fineness, its reactivity is more, compared to other pozzolanic admixtures. As a result it contributes to strength improvement. Ultra high strength concrete of the order 70 N/mm2 to 120 N/mm2 is now possible for field place able concrete with metakaolin admixture. Such high strength concrete has increased modulus of elasticity, lower creep, and drying shrinkage. Another strength parameter of Metakaolin is its gain in strength at early ages. 1.11 ENHANCED DURABIUTY Metakaolin renders concrete more impermeable and watertight. The degree of impermeability of Metakaolin concrete is more than fly ash cement concrete. As a result the ingress of external agents into concrete is prevented. As such it renders Concrete more durable. The high silica content makes the Metakaolin contents more chemically resistant and projects the l concrete from the attack of sulphates. Hence deterioration of concrete and possible corrosion of steel reinforcement can be reduced.
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Thus the Metakaolin renders concrete more durable. The Metakaolin can be advantageously utilized for preparing concrete mixes, which are stronger, more durable, and also economical. The addition of Metakaolin does improve the performance of the concrete substantially. But availability and cost are likely to limit its utilization, at least for the present only to special concrete suitable for specialized applications. 1.12 APPLICATIONS
The Metakaolin mixed concrete is finding place in the following applications from technical considerations. a) In tall and heavy structures where high strength concretes are required b) In PSC works where too high strength concretes are essentially required c) In concrete works where corrosion problem is more i.e. in coastal areas & marine work d) In precast concrete works e) In combination with other chemical admixtures and steel fibers, it is suitable for repair works f) The low permeability and absorption of the Metakaolin mixed cement concrete as well as it enhanced resistance to deterioration in a variety of chemically aggressive environments, found a gainful use in Shotcrete applications in chemical, mining, paper and pulp industries g) In the manufacture of concrete pipes, Metakaolin addition has shown to increase the external load bearing capacity of the pipes and increased resistance against chemical attack h) Concrete containing Metakaolin is known as to have improved resistance to freezing, thawing, chloride penetration, and dealer scaling making it useful for road construction i) Fiber cement & Ferro cement products, Glass Fiber Reinforced concrete, Mortars, stuccos, Repair Materials, Pool Plasters etc., Due to the above reasons Metakaolin can be advantageously utilized for preparing concrete mixes, which are stronger, more durable. The addition of metakaolin does improve the ~ 16 ~
performance of concrete substantially. But availability and cost are likely to limit its utilization, at least for present, only to special concretes suitable for specialized applications. 1.13 PROPERTIES OF METAKAOLIN Metakaolin grades of Calcined clays are reactive alumino silicate Pozzolona formed by calcining very pure hydrous China clay. Chemically Metakaolin combines calcium silicate and calcium processed to remove uncreative impurities producing almost 100 percent reactive material. The particle size of Metakaolin is significantly less than cement particles. IS: 456-2000 recommends use of Metakaolin as mineral admixture. Metakaolin is a thermally structure, ultrafine Pozzolona which replace industrial products such as silica fume/micro silica. Commercial use of Metakaolin has already several countries worldwide. Metakaolin removes chemically reactive calcium oxide from the hardened cement paste. Metakaolin reduces the porosity of hardened concrete, Metakaolin densities, reduces the thickness of the interfacial zone, this improving the adhesion between the hardened cement paste and particles of sand or aggregate. Blending with Portland cement Metakaolin improves the properties of concrete and cement products considerably by: a) Increasing compressive and flexural strength b) Providing resistance to chemical attack c) Reducing permeability substantially d) Preventing Alkali-Silica Reaction e) Reducing efflorescence & Shrinkage f) Protecting corrosion
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1.14 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Average particle size, mm Residue 325 mesh (% max) B.E.T. Surface area, m2/ gm Pozzolanic Reactivity, mg Ca (OH)2 / gm Specific Gravity Bulk Density, gm/L Brightness Physical form 1.15 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION WT SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 CaO MgO TiO2 Na2O K2O Li2O LO.I 96.88% 0.39% 0.08% 1.35% 0.56% 0.06% Nil 0.68% 1.5 0.5 15 1050 2.5 300+ or -30 80 + or 2 Off-white powder
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1.16 POZZOLANIC REACTIVITY Metakaolin is a lime-hungry Pozzolona that reacts with free calcium hydroxide to form stable, insoluble, strength-adding, cementitious compounds. When Metakaolin HRM (AS 2) reacts with calcium hydroxide (CH), cement hydration by-products, a pozzolanic reaction takes place whereby new cementitious compounds, (CZASHS) and (CSH) are formed. These newly formed compounds will contribute cementitious strength and enhanced durability properties to the system in place of the otherwise weak and soluble calcium hydroxide.
Cement Hydration Process
AS2 + CH-------------------------------------------------- C2ASH8 + CSH Unlike other commercially available pozzolanic materials, Metakaolin is a quality controlled manufactured material. It is not a by-product of unrelated industrial process. Metakaolin has been engineered and optimized to contain a minimum of impurities and to react efficiently with cements hydration by-product calcium hydroxide. Table summarizes the relative relativities of six different Pozzolonas including High Reactive Metakaolin-HRM. 1.17 REACTIVITY OF POZZOLANIC MATERIALS Table 1.1 - Reactivity of Pozzolonic Materials Material Blast furnace slag Calcined paper waste Micro silica, silica fume Calcined bauxite Pulverized fuel ash High Reactive Metakaolin Pozzolanic Reactivity mg Ca (OH)2 per gm 40 300 427 534 875 1050
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1.18 TERNARY BLENDED CONCRETE (TERNARY CEMENT SYSTEM) It means Metakaolin or other cement replacement additives are to be used with OPC only. That is not strictly true and ternary mixtures comprise efficient -systems. The primary incentive of adding limited amount Metakaolin for example 5 percent with Fly-ash cement mixes was to ensure high early strength research has however, shown that Ternary mixtures of OPC, Metakaolin and Fly-ash result in synergic action to improve the micro structure and performance of concrete. When both Metakaolin and Fly-ash are used, the resultant enhancement of strength or pozzolanic activity was greater than super position of contributions of each, for the respective proportions. Such synergic effect results from strengthening the weak transition zone in aggregate cement interface, as well as segmentation and blocking of pores. Depending upon the service environment in which it is to operate, the concrete structure may have to encounter different load and exposure regimes. In order to satisfy the performance requirements, different ternary compounds required. Such as cement, fly-ash, metakaolin, silica fume. Greater varieties are introduced by the corporation of additives like pozzolona, granulated slag are inert fillers this leads to different specifications of cements in national or international. 1.19 EFFECTS OF TERNARY BLENDING The combination of Metakaolin and Fly ash in a Ternary cement system (i.e., Portland cement being the third component) should result in a number of synergistic effects, some of which are obvious or intuitive, as follows: Metakaolin compensates for low early strength of concrete with low CaO fly ash. Fly ash increases long-term strength development of Metakaolin concrete. Fly ash offsets increased water demand of Metakaolin. Fly ash due to presence of spherical particles that easily rollovers one another reducing inter partial friction (call bearing effects) leads to improved workability and reduction in water demand.
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1.20 FIBERS Steel Fibers reinforce in three dimensions throughout the entire matrix. They restrain micro-cracking and act as tiny reinforcing bars. The earlier a crack is intercepted and its' growth inhibited, the less chance it will develop into a major problem. Compared to plain or conventional reinforced concrete the most noticeable differences are improved ductility and post crack performance. Shorter fibers with a high fiber count offer superior first crack strength and better fatigue endurance. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is concrete containing fibrous material which increases its structural integrity. It contains short discrete fibers that are uniformly distributed and randomly oriented. Fibers include steel fibers, glass fibers, synthetic fibers, and natural fibers. Within these different fibers that character of fiber reinforced concrete changes with varying concretes, fiber materials, geometries, distribution, orientation and densities. 1.21 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The concept of using fibers as reinforcement is not new. Fibers have been used as reinforcement since ancient times. Historically, horsehair was used in mortar and straw in mud bricks. In the early 1900s, asbestos fibers were used in concrete, and in the 1950s the concept of composite materials came into being and fiber reinforced concrete was one of the topics of interest. There was a need to find a replacement for the asbestos used in concrete and other building materials once the health risks associated with the substance were discovered. By the 1960s, steel, glass (GFRC), and synthetic fibers such as polypropylene fibers were used in concrete, and research into new fiber reinforced concretes continues today. 1.22 EFFECT OF FIBERS IN CONCRETE Fibers are usually used in concrete to control cracking due to both plastic shrinkage and drying shrinkage. They also reduce the permeability of concrete and thus reduce bleeding of water. Some types of fibers produce greater impact, abrasion and shatter resistance in concrete.
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The amount of fibers added to a concrete mix is expressed as a percentage of total volume of the concrete and fibers, termed volume fraction (Vf). Vf typically ranges from 0.1 to 3%. Aspect ratio (l/d) is calculated by dividing fiber length (l) by its diameter (d). Fibers with a non-circular cross section use an equivalent diameter for the calculation of aspect ratio. If the modulus of elasticity of the fiber is higher than the matrix (concrete or mortar binder), they help to carry the load by increasing the tensile strength of the material. Increase in the aspect ratio of the fiber usually segments the flexural strength and toughness of the matrix. However, fibers which are too long tend to "ball" in the mix and create workability problems. The orientation factor denotes the efficiency with which randomly oriented fibers can carry a tensile force in any one direction. The effectiveness of fiber orientation is shown in table below Table 1.2 Orientation and Efficiency of Fibers Orientation 1. Uni directional 2. Orthogonal 3. Random (Planar) 4. Random (Spatial) 1.23 BENEFITS Steel fibers can: Improve structural strength Reduce steel reinforcement requirements Improve ductility Reduce crack widths Improve impact & abrasion resistance Improve freeze-thaw resistance Blends of both steel and polymeric fibers are often used in construction projects in order to combine the benefits of both products; structural improvements provided by steel fibers and the % Efficiency of fibers 100 40-50 30-40 15-20
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resistance to explosive spalling and plastic shrinkage improvements provided by polymeric fibers. In certain specific circumstances, steel fiber can entirely replace traditional steel reinforcement bar in reinforced concrete. This is most common in industrial flooring but also in some other pre casting applications. Typically, these are corroborated with laboratory testing to confirm performance requirements are met. Care should be taken to ensure that local design code requirements are also met which may impose minimum quantities of steel reinforcement within the concrete. There are increasing numbers of tunneling projects using precast lining segments reinforced only with steel fibers.
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The benefits of using metakaolin or fly ash separately in concrete as partial replacement for Portland cement are fairly well-established, especially for fly ash. However, because the cost of metakaolin is about 4-5 times the cost of ordinary Portland cement, thus using metakaolin alone as a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) may not be cost effective. On the other hand, the slow reaction rate of fly ash can make its use impractical when rapid early strength development is required. However, use of these materials in combination as a ternary blend has the potential to overcome the higher cost associated with metakaolin concrete and the slower strength development associated with fly ash concrete [6]. 2.2 EFFECTS OF FLY ASH Fly ash has standards in many countries. A significant problem is that two ashes, both meeting a specific standard, can give very different performance in concrete. Therefore, strict procedures for evaluation and specification of ash for concrete are required. Fly ash usually is beneficial in providing long-tem strength and impermeability. However, fly ash has a low rate of
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hydration which means that both short term strength and chloride resistance are typically detrimentally influenced. This slow development of properties is critical when the structure in question will be exposed to a chloride environment after 2-3 days or less. Fly ash has documented good performance concerning the resistance to chloride penetration. At volumes of 20 % and up there is a very good effect -after hydration is complete. Lesser volume has less effect. The cause of beneficiation from fly ash is believed to be to a minor part from better particle size distribution, for the major part from binding of chlorides by the aluminum in the flyash. 2.3 EFFECT OF METAKAOLIN Metakaolin removes chemically reactive calcium oxide from the hardened cement paste. Metakaolin reduces the porosity of hardened concrete, Metakaolin densities, reduces the thickness of the interfacial zone, this improving the adhesion between the hardened cement paste and particles of sand or aggregate. Blending with Portland cement Metakaolin improves the properties of concrete and cement products considerably by Increasing compressive and flexural strength, providing resistance to chemical attack and Reducing permeability substantially. 2.4 TERNARY BLENDING Recent studies of ternary blends, which contain cement and two supplementary materials (SCMs), have shown improvements in economy, early and late strength [1], and durability [8] and also decrease the heat of hydration as compared to ordinary concrete or binary blends. Ternary cementitious blends of Portland cement, silica fume, and fly ash offered significant advantages over binary blends and even greater enhancements over plain Portland cement, as the silica fume improves the early age performance of concrete, with the fly ash continuously refining the properties of the hardened concrete as it matured. In addition, the shortfalls of high
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CaO fly ash in terms of controlling ASR resistance could be compensated for by the incorporation of relatively small quantities of other SCMs like silica fume. Such combinations produced concrete with generally excellent properties and offset the problems associated with using the increased amounts of high CaO fly ash or silica fume required when these materials are used individually. In terms of durability (chloride diffusion, ASR and sulfate resistance), such blends were vastly superior to plain Portland cement concrete, although it was not clear how the two materials worked together to improve the durability. However, the same study suggested that it was possible that many of these benefits were attributed to reductions in permeability and ionic diffusivity in the system. Another study focused on accelerated cured ternary cement concrete showed that ternary systems (8% Silica fume + 25% slag) provided 18 h strengths exceeding 40 MPa. So, concrete mixtures containing 8% SF and 25% slag appear to have good potential for use in precast operations employing accelerated curing. In addition, the combined utilization of silica fume, fly ash and slag was found to be beneficial to the rheological properties of the high performance concrete (HPC). A recent study focused on studying the effects of different supplementary cementitious materials on strength and durability of concrete cured for a short period of time (2 weeks only), showed that replacing Portland cement with a combination of 10% silica fume, 25% slag, and 15% fly ash, also showed increase in compressive strength. The Effect Of Iran's Metakaolin In Enhancing The Concrete Compressive Strength[2] This paper presents the performance of metakaolin (MK) on compressive strength and durability of concrete. Fired (calcined) MK has a very good pozzolanicity, which could be partially replaced with Portland cement. It can decrease permeability, increase compressive strength, and concrete durability. In this study, four different type of metakaolin which one of them was made in UK and the others were from different part of Iran were used. Sixteen mortar mixtures with different amount of calcinating kaolin were made. The substitution proportion of metakaolin used was 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight of cement.
About 380 cylinders specimens were made to determine compressive strength. The results indicate that the replacing MK up to 20% has noticeable effect on compressive strength in comparing
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with mixture without metakaolin. Also, shrinkage test was carried out on some specimens. The results show that shrinkage in specimens containing MK were almost the same as that in the pure cement specimens.
ONG, CHEE HUAT [10] (2006) the study focuses on the compressive strength performance of the blended concrete containing different percentage of metakaolin. The cement is replaced accordingly with the percentage of 5 %, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 30% by weight. Concrete cubes are tested at the age of 1, 3, 7, and 28 days. In addition, the effect of calcination temperature to the strength performance is included in the study. Finally, the strength performance of metakaolin-concrete is compared with the performance of concrete blended with silica fume and slag. The results show that the strength development of concrete blended with metakaolin is enhanced. It was found that 10% replacement appears to be the optimum replacement where concrete exhibits enhanced compressive strength at all ages comparable to the performance of SF and GGBS. MOSER, ROBERT D, JAYAPALAN, AMAL R, GARAS, VICTOR Y AND KURTIS, KIMBERLY E [9] The potential for binary and ternary blends of metakaolin with 2 differing particle size distributions, and Class C fly ash to mitigate alkali-silica reactions (ASR) with a highly reactive fine aggregate, were evaluated using accelerated mortar bar test (AMBT) and concrete prism test (CPT) methods. Binary blends of metakaolin or Class C fly ash reduced expansion by 55-90% and 25-37% compared to the control, respectively. When incorporating metakaolin with a lower mean particle size, binary blends showed a greater reduction in expansion compared with Class C fly ash. Ternary blends of metakaolin and Class C fly ash resulted in a marginally higher expansion than binary blends incorporating the same amount of metakaolin. Correlation between AMBT and CPT results was good at high levels of expansion but poor for those compositions producing expansions near the acceptable limits corresponding to increased addition rates of metakaolin and/or Class C fly ash.
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BAI, JIPING, GAILIUS, ALBINAS [5] Development of a multivariate statistical model for consistency parameter prediction including slump, compacting factor and vebe time for concrete incorporating FA and MK is described. The models constructed provide an efficient, quantitative, and rapid means for obtaining optimal solutions to consistency prediction for concrete mixes using PC-FA-MK blends as binder. Based on the experimental data, comprehensive regression analysis and significance tests were performed and the best-fit models for predicting consistency parameters were found. Values of consistency were calculated by the proposed models and gave a good agreement with observed experimental data. It indicates that the models are reliable, accurate and can be used in practice to predict the consistency of PC-FA-MK blends. A.K.MULLCK [3] (2007) Described among the many factors that govern the durability and performance of concrete in service, type of cement receives greater attention. In his paper he describes the characteristics of cementitious systems required to meet the diverse requirements of strength and durability of concrete and highlights the advantages of part replacement of OPC by fly ash, granulated slag and silica fume- either singly or in combination in ternary blends. JELICA ZELI, IVANA RADOVANOVI, DRA`AN JOZI [7] Investigated the deterioration of concrete structures due to the presence of sulfate in soils, groundwater and marine environments is a well-known phenomenon. The use of blended cements incorporating materials such as natural pozzolona, fly ash, or silica fume have an important role in the longterm durability of concrete exposed to sulfate attack. R. D. NEVES AND J. C. O. FERNANDES DE ALMEID [11], conducted an experimental study to investigate the influence of matrix strength, fiber content and diameter on the compressive behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete is presented. Two types of matrix and fibers were tested. Concrete compressive strengths of 35 and 60 MPa, 0.38 and 0.55 mm fiber diameter, and 30 mm fiber length, were considered. The volume of fiber in the concrete was varied up to 1.5%. Test results indicated that the addition of fibers to concrete enhances its toughness and strain at peak stress, but can slightly reduce the Youngs modulus.
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Simple expressions are proposed to estimate the Youngs modulus and the strain at peak stress, from the compressive strength results, knowing fiber volume, length, and diameter. An analytical model to predict the stressstrain relationship for steel fiber concrete in compression is also proposed. The model results are compared with experimental stressstrain curves. ELAHI, P.A.M. BASHEER, S.V.NANUKUTTAN, Q.U.Z KHAN [4] (2009) Conducted an experimental investigation was carried out to evaluate the mechanical and durability properties of high performance concretes containing supplementary cementations materials in both binary and ternary systems. The mechanical properties were assessed from the compressive strength, whilst the durability characteristics were investigated in terms of chloride diffusion, electrical resistivity, air permeability, and water absorption. The test variables included the type and the amount of supplementary cementitious materials (silica fume, fly ash, and ground granulated blast-furnace slag). All the ternary combinations can be considered to have resulted in high performance concretes with excellent durability properties. ROLAND BLESZYNSKI, R.DOUG HOOTON, MICHAEL D.A. THOMAS, AN CHRIS A. ROGERS [12] (1998) Investigated the Durability of Ternary cementitious systems. Seven concrete mixtures, including three ternary concrete mixtures consisting of various combinations of silica fume, blast-furnace slag, and Portland cement were studied. In this paper they describe the project in detail and presents field observations and laboratory findings up to 2 years. A comparative summary revealed that the ternary blend concretes tested have a greater durability performance than the other mixtures tested.
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2.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Only a few research studies have examined the incorporation of metakaolin in ternary blend systems, resulting in a body of knowledge which is much less complete compared to the literature available for fly ash, silica fume, and slag ternary blend systems. Reductions in free drying shrinkage, restrained shrinkage cracking width, and chloride diffusion rate have been reported when metakaolin is used in combination with silica fume, as compared to concrete where these SCMs have been used alone. Another study showed that when metakaolin is combined with fly ash, the effects of metakaolin and fly ash on the temperature-rise tend to compensate for one another. For example, the temperature-rise for a 10% Metakaolin10% fly ash mortar is the same as that of the plain cement control. For water-cured concrete made with Portland cement, fly ash, and metakaolin, increasing the metakaolin content enhanced the 28-day compressive strength and reduced sorptivity to values below that of the control, whereas the sorptivities of fly ash concrete exceeded that of the control. Thus, it is believed that a combination of metakaolin and fly ash in a ternary cement system (i.e., Portland cement being the third component) should result in a number of synergistic effects, some of which may include: Fly ash increases long-term strength development of metakaolin concrete. Fly ash offsets increased water demand of metakaolin. Fly ash compensates for higher heat release from metakaolin cement. The relatively low cost of fly ash offsets the increased cost of metakaolin. Metakaolin compensates for low early strength of concrete with fly ash (binary blend of cement and fly ash). Metakaolin reacts with CH to produce C-S-H, thus potentially improving the behavior of higher CaO fly ash for reduces the normally high levels of high CaO fly ash required for ASR prevention Thus significant improvements in mechanical and durability properties could be achieved upon replacing some of the cement with metakaolin, and fly ash.
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2.8 TEST PROGRAM To evaluate the effect of different percentages of only metakaolin (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20) along fibers (0-1) with a w/c ratio of 0.32 To evaluate the effect of different percentages of only flyash (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20) along fibers (0-1) with a w/c ratio of 0.32 To evaluate the effect of different percentages of metakaolin and flyash (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20) along fibers (0-1) with a w/c ratio of 0.32 In all mixes the same type of aggregate i.e. crushed granite, river sand, and the same proportion of the fine aggregate to the total aggregate used. 2.9 THE PARAMETER STUDIES ARE: Percentage of Metakaolin Percentage of Flyash 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20
Percentage of Metakaolin & Flyash 0-20, 5-15, 10-10, 15-5 and 20-0 For each mix 3 cubes and 2 cylinders were casted and tested and 2 beams of size 100x100x500 were tested. The test program consisted of conducting compressive test of cubes, split tensile strength on cylinders and flexural strength on beams.
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3.4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT Table 3.1 - Physical properties of cement S.No. 1 2 3 4 Property Fineness of cement Specific gravity Normal consistency Setting time i. Initial setting time ii. Final setting time Compressive strength at i. 3 days ii. 7 days iii. 28 days Value 4.52 % 3.05 33 % 40 Mins 6 Hours 34 N/mm2 44.8 N/mm2 59 N/mm2
3.5 METAKAOLIN The Metakaolin is obtained From the 20 MICRONS LIMITED Company at Balanagar in Hyderabad. The specific gravity of Metakaolin is 2.4. The metakaolin is in conformity with the general requirement of Pozzolona. 3.6 PROPERTIES OF METAKAOLIN Table 3.2 - Properties of Metakaolin S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Property Specific Gravity Accelerated pozzolanic active index, % of control Residue on 45 micron sieve, % Chemical analysis Loss on Ignition Silica (SiO2) Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Aluminum (Al2O3) Calcium Oxide (CaO) Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Value 2.54 89 1.31 0.70 52.24 0.60 43.18 1.03 0.61
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3.7 FLY ASH The fly ash obtained from Hyderabad Industries, Andhra Pradesh is used in the present experimental work. Below Table gives properties of flyash. The chemical composition of flyash is rich in silica content which react with calcium hydroxide to form C-S-H gel. This gel is responsible for the strength mortar or concrete. The fly ash used to the specification of grade 1 flyash.
3.8 PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH (Hyderabad Industries Ltd, A.P) Table 3.3 - Properties of Flyash S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Constituents Silica, Sio2 Alumina, Al2O3 Iron Oxide, Fe2O3 Lime, CaO Magnesia, MgO Sulphur Trioxide, SO3 Loss on ignition Surface Area m2/kg Drying Shrinkage Bulk Density Percentage (%) 60.9 31.01 3.99 0.7 1.50 0.85 0.2 236 0.012 1.25
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The locally available Natural river sand conforming to grading zone II of table 4 of IS 383-1970 has been used as Fine aggregate. The following tests have been carried out per the procedure given in IS 383-1970(2) a) Specific Gravity b) Bulk Density c) Grading d) Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregate 3.10 PROPERTIES OF FINE AGGREGATE Table 3.4 - Properties of FA S.No. 1 2 3 Property Specific Gravity Fineness Modulus Bulk Density i. 4 Loose ii. Compacted Grading Value 2.60 3.77 14.67 KN/m3 16.04 KN/m3 Zone II
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3.11 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATE Table 3.5 Sieve Analysis of F.A S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Retained 4.75mm 25 2.36mm 56 1.18mm 169 600 278 300 375 150 82 75 10 Fineness Modulus = 3.77 Is Sieve Weight % Of Weight 2.50 5.60 16.90 27.80 37.50 8.20 1.00 Cumulative % Of Weight 2.50 8.10 25.00 52.80 90.30 98.50 99.50 Total = 376.70 % Of Passing 97.50 91.90 75.00 47.20 9.70 1.50 0.50
3.12 COARSE AGGREGATE Machine Crushed granite confining to IS 383-1970 [23] consisting 20 mm maximum size of aggregates have been obtained from the local quarry. It has been tested for Physical and Mechanical Properties such as Specific Gravity, Sieve Analysis, Bulk Density, Cushing and Impact values and the results have been shown in the Table below: Table 3.6 - Properties of C.A S.No. 1 2 Property Specific Gravity Bulk Density i. Loose Value 2.65 13.29 N/mm2 15.00 N/mm2 0.7% 10.22 % 11.54 % 21.43 % 15.50 %
ii. Compacted 3 Water Absorption 4 Flakiness Index 5 Elongation Index 6 Crushing Value 7 Impact Value 3.13 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF COURSE AGGREGATE Table 3.7 Sieve Analysis of C.A S.No. 1 2 3 4 Is Sieve 20mm 12.5mm 10mm 4.75 mm Weight Retained 3340 1635 875 145 % Of Weight 55.34 27.09 14.49 1.73
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5 6 7
0.33 0 0 Table 9
3.14 CRIMPED FIBERS Galvanized Crimped Iron Fibers with 0.6 mm dia and 32 mm in length are used. The Aspect ratio of the fibers is 53.3. 3.15 WATER Potable water has been used in this experimental program for mixing and curing. 3.16 SUPER PLASTICIZER Super Plasticizers are new class of generic materials which when added to the concrete causes increase in the workability. They consist mainly of naphthalene or melamine sulphonates, usually condensed in the presence of formal dehyde. Super plasticizer concrete is a conventional concrete containing a chemical admixture of super plasticizing agent. As with super plasticizer admixtures one can take advantage of the enhanced workability state to make reductions in water cement ratio of super plasticized concrete, while maintaining workability of concrete. Use of super plasticizer in RMC and construction reduces the possibility of deterioration of concrete for its appearance, density, and strength. On the other hand, it makes the placing of concrete more economical by increasing productivity at the construction site. 3.17 MIX CASE CONSIDERED
In the present investigation grade of concrete M60 has been considered. The mix of concrete is designed by Entroy and Shaklock; subsequently mixes were prepared with a partial replacement of cement by Metakaolin at percentages of 0, 5, 10, 15, & 20 by weight of cement for cubes, cylinders, and beams.
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Mix design can be defined as the process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their relative proportions with the objective of producing concrete of certain minimum strength and durability as economically as possible. The design of concrete mix is not a simple task on account of widely varying properties of the constituent materials, the condition that prevail at the work and the condition that are Demanded for a particular work for which mix is designed. Design of concrete mix requires complete knowledge of various properties of the constituent materials, the complications, in case of changes on these conditions at the site. The design of concrete mix needs not only the knowledge of material properties of concrete m plastic condition; it also needs wider knowledge and experience of concerning. Even then the proportion of the material of the concrete found out at the laboratory requires modifications and readjustments to suit the field conditions. The Mix Design for this experiment was designed using the Entroy and Shacklocks method.
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MIX DESIGN OF M60 GRADE CONCRETE USING ENTROY AND SHACKLOCKS METHOD Target Mean Strength Fck = 60 + 1.65 * 6.8 Maximum Size of CA Degree of Control = = = = fck + t*s 72 N/mm2 20mm Very Good
= = =
14 (Fig 9.1 pg 104, Design of Concrete Mixes, Krishna Raju) 0.32 (Fig. 9.5) 2.5 (Table 9.1)
75*2.5/100 1.875
C/3.05 + 0.625C/2.5 + 1.875C/2.65 + 0.32/1 = 980 C = 615Kg Materials required per m3 by weight: Cement F.A C.A Water = 615Kg =394Kg = 1185Kg = 201.5Kg
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Initially the ingredients of concrete viz., cement, Flyash and Metakaolin were mixed, to which the fine aggregate and coarse aggregate were added and thoroughly mixed. Water was measured exactly. Then it is applied to the dry mix and it was thoroughly mixed until a mixture of uniform color and consistency were achieved which is then ready for casting. Prior to casting of specimens, Workability is measured in accordance IS 1199- 1959 and is determined by slump test and compaction factor test. The results have been tabulated in the Table below Mix Proportion for grade of Concrete M60 per m3 concrete Table 3.8 Mix Proportion for grade of Concrete Water Cement Ratio Cement Fine Aggregate Course Aggregate Water Note: Maximum size of Coarse Aggregate is: 20 mm 3.20 MOULDING OF SPECIMENS After the completion of workability tests, the concrete has been placed in the standard metallic moulds in three layers and has been compacted each time by tamping rod. Now, vibrating the concrete in the moulds, using vibrator and the surface of the specimens finish smoothly. After vibration the top surface of the beam specimens based on IS 10262-1962[8] code of practice. 0.32 615 kg 394 kg 1185 kg 201.5 kg
3.21 DETAILS OF TEST SPECIMENS a) Compressive Strength of concrete b) Split Tensile Strength of concrete
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c) Flexures Strength 3.22 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE For each % of Metakaolin and flyash, 6 specimens have been moulded. In all cubes of size 100mm x 100mm have been moulded. 3.23 SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE For each % of Metakaolin and flyash, 4 specimens have been moulded. In all cylinders of size 150mm dia & 300mm height have been moulded. 3.24 FLEXURAL STRENGTH For each % of Metakaolin and flyash, 2 specimens have been moulded. In all beams of size 100mm x 100mm x 600mm have been moulded.
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3.25 AGE OF CURING CONSIDERED Concrete specimens are cured at 7 days and 28 days for Compressive Strength and for 28 days for Split Tensile Strength & Flexural Strength. 3.26 CURING PROCEDURE After the casting cubes, cylinders and beams the moulds are kept for air curing for one day and the specimens were removed from the moulds after 24 hours period of moulding of concrete. Marking has been done on the specimens to identify the % Metakaolin and flyash. To maintain the constant moisture on the surface of the specimens, they were placed in water tank for curing. All the specimens have been cured for the desired age. 3.27 TESTING PROCEDURE TEST FOR MEASURING WORKABILITY The following tests have been done measure the workability of concrete according to Indian Standard 11991959[4] 3.28 SLUMP TEST Slump test is a most commonly used method for measuring the consistency of concrete, which can be employed either in laboratory or at site of work. It is used conveniently as a control test, and gives an indication of the uniformity of concrete from batch to batch. The slump test is performed as per standard procedure with standardized apparatus. Bottom diameter of frustum of cone 20cm Top diameter of frustum of cone Height of the cone 10cm 30cm
The initial surface of the mould is thoroughly cleaned; the mould is placed on a smooth horizontal right and non-absorbent surface. The mould is then filled in four layers each approximately one fourth of the height of the mould. Each layer is tamped twenty five times by
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tamping rod, taking care to distribute the strokes evenly over the cross-section. After the top layer has been robbed the concrete is struck of level with a trowel and tamping rod. The mould is removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and carefully in vertical direction. This allows the concrete to subside. This subsidence is refereed as slump of concrete. The difference in level between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of the subsided concrete is measured. This difference in height in "mm" is taken as slump of concrete. Table 3.9 Metakaolin slump test results S.No. % of Metakaolin Slump (mm) Compaction factor 1 0 55 0.92 2 5 55 0.89 3 10 45 0.86 4 15 40 0.84 5 20 35 0.81 The results of Flyash are tabulated in Table below Table 3.10 Flyash slump test results S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 % Flyash 0 5 10 15 20 of Slump (mm) Compaction factor 50 50 55 60 65 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.90 0.91
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3.29 COMPACTION FACTOR TEST The compaction factor test is more precise and sensitive than the slump test and is particularly useful for concrete mixes of low workability. It measures the workability of concrete in terms of internal energy required to compact the concrete fully. The apparatus consists of two hoppers, each in shape of frustum of a cone and one cylinder. The upper hopper is filled with concrete this being placed gently so that this stage no work is done on the concrete to produce compaction. This is similar than the upper one and is therefore filled to overflowing and this always contains approximately the same amount of concrete in standard state, this reduces the influence of the personnel and the concrete falls into the cylinder. Excess concrete is cut by two floats of slide across the top of the mould and the net weight of the concrete in the known volume of the cylinder is determined. The results are tabulated in Table above. Partially compacted concrete
CF = ---------------------------------------------------------Fully compacted concrete 3.30 TESTING OF CUBES OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Compression test is done confirming to 18:516-1959[3]. All the concrete specimens are tested in a 200 tonnes capacity of the compression testing machine. Concrete cubes of size 100mm x 100mm x 100mm were tested for crushing strength, crushing strength of concrete was determined by applying load at the constant rate till the specimens failed. The maximum load applied to the specimens has been recorded and diving the failure load bye area of the specimens were calculated, graphs, bar charts and the results were recorded are shown in the next chapter.
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3.31 TESTING OF CYLINDERS FOR SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH This test is conducted in a 200 tonnes capacity of the compression testing machine by placing the cylindrical specimen of the concrete, so that its axis is horizontal between the plates of the testing machine. Narrow strips of the packing material i.e., ply wood is places between the plates and the cylinder, to receive compressive stress. The load was applied uniformly at a constant, rate until failure by splitting along the vertical diameter takes place. Load at which the specimens failed is recorded and the splitting tensile stress is obtained using the formula based on IS: 5816-1970[7]. The following relation is used to find out the split tensile strength of concrete Ft = (2*p)/ (*D*L) Where P = Compressive load on the cylinder L= Length of the cylinder D =Diameter of the cylinder The results have been tabulated and graphs, bar charts are plotted and discussions are given later. 3.32 TESTING OF BEAMS FOR FLEXURAL STRENGTH The element was simply supported on two rollers 4.5cm dia over the span of 50cm. The specimen was checked for its alignment longitudinally and adjusted if necessary. Required packing was given using steel packing. Care was taken to ensure the two loading points were at the same level. The loading was applied on the specimen using 15 tonnes pre calibrated proving ring at regular interval 100kgs. The load was transmitted to the element through the I section and 2-16 mm dia. Bars spaced at a distance of 250mm. for each increment of loading the deflection at the centre of span was recorded using dial gauge. Continuous observations were made and the cracks were identified with the help of magnifying glass. Well before the ultimate stage the deflection meters were removed and the process of load application was continued. As the load was increased the cracks were widened and extended to top and finally the specimen collapsed in flexure. At this stage the load was recorded as the ultimate load. Flexural strength of tested specimens, the variation of flexural strength with the percentage of Metakaolin and flyash is shown.
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Table 4.1 Cube Compressive strength of Metakaolin Blended Concrete at 7 days in N/mm2 % of Metakaolin 0% Fi 0.25% Fi 0.50% Fi 0.75% Fi 1.0% Fi 0% 57.35 58.39 56.85 59.53 53.55 5% 60.05 60.77 64.13 65.24 61.90 10% 61.09 64.95 63.06 65.91 62.37 15% 58.62 59.17 62.45 64.3 59.94 20% 57.91 59.93 60.32 61.22 58.53
Graph 4.1
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Table 4.2 Cube Compressive strength of Metakaolin Blended Concrete at 28 days in N/mm2 % of Metakaolin 0% Fi 0.25% Fi 0.50% Fi 0.75% Fi 1.0% Fi 81.13 83.94 84.50 87.30 82.76 87.70 91.72 94.20 95.62 90.70 91.89 96.10 96.41 99.70 94.43 90.29 94.32 95.28 97.09 92.61 89.07 90.87 92.16 95.99 92.26 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
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In the present experimental investigation, strength properties of concrete admixture with various percentages of Flyash (0% to 20%) have been studied. Fly ash is finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of powdered coal and transported by the flue gases and collected by electrostatic precipitator. High fineness, low carbon content, good reactivity are the essence of good fly ash. Since fly ash is produced by rapid cooling and solidification of molten ash, a large portion of components comprising fly ash particles are in amorphous state. The amorphous characteristics greatly contribute to the pozzolanic reaction between cement and fly ash. One of the important characteristics of fly ash is the spherical form of the particles. This shape of particle improves the flow ability and reduces the water demand. In the present investigation a mix of M60 with a water- cement ratio 0f 0.32 has been used. For all the admixture concrete mixes workability has been measured using slump cone and compacting factor apparatus. 4.3.1 Effect of percentage replacement of cement by Flyash on 7 days & 28 days compressive strength of Concrete: From the graph and table, it can be observed that maximum compressive strength has been attained for mixes containing higher percentage of Flyash along with 0.75% of fibers at 28 days. As the percentage replacement increases beyond the 28 days compressive strength of Flyash Blended Concrete started decreasing when compared to plain Concrete. Whereas, the compressive strength of flyash blended concrete at 7 days deceased as the percentage of flyash started increases, this is due to the slow reactivity of flyash particles in the chemical hydration process, but, as the age of concrete starts increasing the gain in strength of concrete is evident due to the slow forming of c-s-h gel, the strength of flyash blended concrete will increase till 90 days, so the overall strength will be higher than the present values. The slight decrease in compressive strength of mixes containing 1% of fibers is also due to the improper blending of fibers in concrete due to the balling effect of the fibers. Fibers with lower aspect ratio exhibit less balling effect. Table 4.3 Cube Compressive strength of flyash blended concrete at 7 days in N/mm2
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Graph 4.3
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Table 4.4 Cube Compressive strength of Fly ash Blended Concrete at 28 days in N/mm2 % of Flyash 0% Fi 0.25% Fi 0.50% Fi 0.75% Fi 1.0% Fi 0% 81.13 83.94 84.5 87.3 82.76 5% 83.88 84.89 85.19 88.48 86.58 10% 85.41 86.73 85.48 89.28 86.37 15% 86.83 87.66 85.76 89.42 85.79 20% 89.32 90.54 87.94 91.58 88.63
Graph 4.4
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4.4 WORKABILITY OF FLYASH & METAKAOLIN TOGETHER IN CONCRETE In the present experimental investigation, strength properties of concrete admixture with various percentages of Flyash and metakaolin (0% to 20%) have been studied. Fly ash is finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of powdered coal and transported by the flue gases and collected by electrostatic precipitator. High fineness, low carbon content, good reactivity are the essence of good fly ash. The addition of flyash reduced the water demand and the addition of metakaolin increased the water demand slightly, but, considering the water cement ratio of 0.32, addition of super plasticizer was required to give a good workability for all the mixes. The percentage of super plasticizer was kept as 0.75% throughout the experiment.
4.4.1 Effect of percentage replacement of cement by Flyash and Metakaolin on 28 days compressive strength of Concrete: From the graph and table, it can be observed that the strength of ternary blended concrete increases as the percentage of metakaolin increases till 10% and starts reducing beyond 10% addition of metakaolin. The minimum strength obtained by all the mixes is greater than the target strength of the mix design. The maximum compressive strength has been attained for mixes containing 10 % of Flyash and 10% of metakaolin along with 0.75% of fibers at 28 days. As the percentage replacement of flyash increases beyond 10%, the 28 days compressive strength of ternary Blended Concrete started decreasing. This is due to the slow rate of gain of strength of fly ash induced c-s-h gel in the concrete, the compressive strength containing higher flyash percentages is likely to increase by some more extent till the age of 90 days and beyond, thus resulting in overall gain of strength of the ternary blended concrete. The slight decrease in compressive strength of mixes containing 1% of fibers is also due to the improper blending of fibers in concrete due to the balling effect of the fibers. Fibers with lower aspect ratio exhibit less balling effect.
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Graph 4.5
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Table 4.6 Split Tensile strength of Metakaolin blended concrete at 28 days in N/mm2 % of Metakaolin 0% Fi 0.25% Fi 0.50% Fi 0.75% Fi 1.0% Fi 0% 8.02 8.34 9.45 9.54 8.64 5% 8.45 9.15 8.64 10.28 9.09 10% 8.77 10.05 9.72 11.05 9.77 15% 8.31 9.32 8.81 10.23 8.93 20% 8.36 9.98 8.75 10.08 8.84
Graph 4.6 4.4.2 Effect of percentage replacement of cement by Metakaolin on 28 days Split Tensile strength of Concrete: From the graph and table, it can be observed that maximum split tensile strength has been attained for mixes containing 10% Metakaolin along with 0.75% of fibers at 28 days. As the percentage of fibers increases, the 28 days compressive strength of Metakaolin Blended Concrete started increasing when compared to plain Concrete. The slight decrease in strength of mixes containing 1% of fibers is due to the improper blending of fibers in concrete due to the balling effect of the fibers.
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Table 4.7 Split Tensile strength of Fly Ash blended concrete at 28 days in N/mm2 % of Flyash 0% Fi 0.25% Fi 0.50% Fi 0.75% Fi 1.0% Fi 0% 8.02 8.34 9.54 9.45 8.64 5% 8.484 9.06 8.87 9.63 8.58 10% 8.75 9.33 8.66 9.9 8.72 15% 9.12 9.41 8.92 9.88 8.84 20% 9.1 9.16 9.52 10.06 9.14
Graph 4.7 4.4.3 Effect of percentage replacement of cement by Flyash on 28 days Split Tensile strength of Concrete: From the graph and table, it can be observed that maximum split tensile strength has been attained for mixes containing 15% Flyash along with 0.75% of fibers at 28 days. As the percentage of fibers increases, the 28 days compressive strength of Flyash Blended Concrete started increasing when compared to plain Concrete.
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Table 4.8Split Tensile strength of Fly Ash + Metakaolin blended concrete at 28 days in N/mm2
1 0%F+0%M 2 0% F+20%M 3 5% F+15%M 4 10% F+10%M 5 15% F+5%M 6 20%F+ 0%M
Graph 4.8 4.4.4 Effect of percentage replacement of cement by Flyash & Metakaolin on 28 days Split Tensile strength of Concrete: From the graph and table, it can be observed that maximum split tensile strength has been attained for mixes containing 10% Metakaolin & flyash along with 0.75% of fibers at 28 days. As the percentage of fibers increases, the 28 days compressive strength of Flyash Blended Concrete started increasing when compared to plain Concrete.
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Table 4.9 28 days Flexural strength of Flyash and Metakaolin blended Concrete in N/mm2
0% F+0% M 6.9 7.93 9.31 10.7 10.35 0% F+20%M 7.34 8.74 9.9 11.19 11.01 5% F+15%M 7.22 8.3 9.74 11.62 11.26 10%F+10 %M 8.01 9.01 10.34 12.04 11.87 15% F+5%M 7.14 8.59 9.63 11.49 10.71 20%F+0 %M 7.02 8.07 9.41 11.3 10.53
Graph 4.9
4.4.5 Effect of percentage replacement of cement by Flyash & Metakaolin on 28 days Flexural strength of Concrete: From the graph and table, it can be observed that the flexural strength of ternary concrete increases drastically with the addition of fibers, this is due to the bond between the concrete and the fibers which results in higher flexural strength, it can be also concluded that the flexural strength increases slightly due to the effect of metakaolin and flyash.
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