542 400 056 en
542 400 056 en
542 400 056 en
number Issue
Extremely high rigidity
Good damping characteristics
Low thermal conductivity
Low epoxy resin content
Material properties
Density typ. 2.3 kg/dm³
Modulus of elasticity typ. 42 kN/mm² (38-45 kN/mm²)
Compressive strength typ. 110 N/mm² (>80 N/mm²)
Tensile strength 13 N/mm² (>10 N/mm²)
Poisson’s ratio 0.2
Damping ratio 0.3%
Therm. expansion coefficient 16*10-6 K-1 at 20°C
Heat conductivity 3 W/m K at 20°C
Spec. thermal capacity 0.9 kJ/kg K at 20°C
Linear shrinkage typ. 0.3 mm/meter
Component thickness typ. 80 mm
Maximum grain size typ. 16 mm
Area of application
Universal casting mixture with good damping characteristics suitable for easily refillable machine
components with high requirements regarding rigidity. It is also suitable to be used for filling welded steel
constructions, grey cast iron and other components.
The material recommendations are based on the experience of many years and correspond to the present
state of knowledge. Suitability tests are the responsibility of the customer and cannot not be assumed by
the vendor.
Material qualification
The material properties were compiled in co-operation with inspire AG and institutes of the ETH Zurich and
the examinations were carried out by authorized laboratories.
Tests – inspire/2010-01-13
Revision notice
Issue Name Author – Checked Approval
01 First issue 13.05.2010/QSU 01.06.2012 / HLA 26.05.2010 / HLA
OSU 1/1