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Gen Bio 1 Le Week 4 - Quarter 2

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Learning Delivery Modality Blended Distance Learning Modality

School Souhville INHS- Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher CASSY JOY E. Learning Area Science
Teaching Date December 7, 2021 Quarter 2nd Quarter

Teaching Time 2:30-3:30 No. of Days 1 DAY (Week 4)

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Define what is metabolism
2. Describe the characteristics of ATP in relation to first and
second law of thermodynamics.
3. Enumerate the functions of ATP
4. Explain ATP-ADP cycle.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the cell theory
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to prepare simple fermentation setup using common
fruits to produce wine or
vinegar via microorganisms.
C. Most Essential MELC No. 1- GENERAL BIOLOGY 1
Learning 1. Explain coupled reaction processes and describe the role of ATP in energy coupling
Competencies and transfer.
(If available, write the indicated MELC)

D. Enabling Competencies N/A

(If available, write the attached enabling


A. References

General Biology 1 Teacher’s Guide for Senior High School

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
pages 78-82
General Biology 1 Learner’s Material pages 86-92
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources ADM – Quarter 1 Module 1
B. List of Learning Resources for Power point Presentation
Development and Engagement Google Meet/Zoom
Activities Facebook Messenger
Quizzes App
A. Introduction Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency used
Day 1 throughout the cell. ATP provides energy for the cell to do work,
such as mechanical work, transport substances across the
membrane, and perform various chemical reactions. ATP is
composed of phosphate groups, a ribose and adenine. In the
structure of ATP, there are three phosphate groups attached to
adenosine. The last two bonds on the phosphate groups contain
especially high energy and are therefore very useful for doing
work within living cells. The bonds that hold phosphate groups
are easily broken by hydrolysis which results in the release of

• Structure composed of: sugar ribose, nitrogen base adenine
and a chain of 3-phosphate groups
• Mediates most energy coupling in cells
• Powers cellular work
• 3 main kinds of work of a cell: chemical work, transport work
and mechanical work. These are possible through energy
coupling, where the cells use and exergonic process to drive an
endergonic reaction.
• chemical work: synthesis of polymers from monomers (pushing
of endergonic reactions)
• transport work: pumping of substances across membranes
(against the direction of spontaneous movement)
• mechanical work: beating of cilia, contraction of muscles
• also used to make RNA (since ATP is used as one of the
nucleoside triphosphates

• process of breaking down bonds between the phosphate groups
• this happens when a water molecule breaks the terminal
phosphate bond
• HOPO32-, abbreviated P I leaves ATP
• Forming Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
• Energy is released. This comes from the chemical change of the
system state of lower free energy and NOT from the phosphate
• Hydrolysis releases so much energy because of the negative
charges of the phosphate groups. These charges are crowded
together and their mutual repulsion contributes to the instability
of that region of the ATP. The energy equivalent of the
triphosphate tail of ATP is compared to a compressed spring.
C. Engagement
How the Hydrolysis of ATP Perform Work
• Proof that ATP releases heat: in a test set up, the hydrolysis of ATP releases
energy in the form of heat in the surrounding water.

• Most of the time when an animal is exposed in a cold environment, the

reaction of the body is through shivering. In this reaction of the organism,
shivering uses ATP during muscle contraction to warm the body. Since it will
also be a disadvantage for organisms to generate heat during ATP hydrolysis, in
order to maintain the living conditions inside the cell, the energy released
during ATP hydrolysis is used by
proteins to perform work: chemical, transport and mechanical

• Hydrolysis of ATP leads to change in the shape of protein and in its ability to
bind to another molecule. Phosphorylation (ADP to ATP) and
dephosphorylating (ATP to ADP) promote crucial protein shape changes during
important cellular process.

The Regeneration of ATP

• ATP is a renewable it can be regenerated by the addition of phosphate to ADP
• Catabolism (exergonic) provides the free energy to phosphorylate ADP. 16
• ATP formation is not spontaneous, so there is a need to use free energy for the
process to work.
• ATP cycle is the shuttling of inorganic phosphate and energy.
• It couples the cell’s energy yielding processes (exergonic) to energy
consuming process (endergonic)
• ATP regeneration happens very fast (10M molecules of ATP used ad
regenerated per second)
• If ATP could not be regenerated by phosphorylation of ADP, HUMANS
would use nearly their body weight in ATP each day.
The Importance of Chlorophyll and Other Pigments

Chromatography - is a separation technique used to identify various
components of mixtures based on the differences in their structure and/or

Pigments - are substances that absorb visible light. Different pigments absorb
light of different

Light, as it encounters an object, is either reflected, transmitted, or absorbed.

Visible light, with a wavelength of 380–750nm, is the segment in the entire
range of electromagnetic spectrum that is most important to life on earth. It is
detected as various colors by the human eye. The color that is not absorbed by
pigments of objects
is transmitted or reflected and that is the color of the object that we see.

Pigments are the means by which plants capture sun’s energy to be used in
photosynthesis. However, since each pigment absorbs only a narrow range of
wavelength, there is usually a need to produce several kinds of pigments of
different colors to capture more of sun’s energy.

Chlorophyll- is the greenish pigment found in the thylakoid membrane inside

the chloroplast of a plant cell.

Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light while it transmits and reflects green
light. This is why leaves appear green.

There are several kinds of chlorophyll. Among these, chlorophyll a play the
most important role in photosynthesis. It directly participates in converting solar
energy to chemical energy.

Other pigments in the chloroplast play the part of accessory pigments. These
pigments can absorb light and transfer the energy to chlorophyll a. One of these
accessory pigments is chlorophyll b. Some carotenoids also contribute energy to
chlorophyll a.
Other carotenoids, however, serve as protection for chlorophyll by dissipating
excessive energy that will otherwise be destructive to chlorophyll.


• Head—a flat hydrophilic head called porphyrin ring. It has a magnesium atom
at its center. Different chlorophylls differ on the side groups attached to the

• Tail—a lipid-soluble hydrocarbon tail.

How does photoexcitation of chlorophyll happen?

1. A chlorophyll molecule absorbs photon or light energy.
2. An electron of the molecule in its normal orbital, said to be in its ground
state, will
be elevated to an orbital of a higher energy. The molecule is now in an excited
The molecule only absorbs photon that has the energy that is equal to the
needed for it to be able to elevate from the ground state to the excited state.
3. The excited state is unstable. Hence, excited electrons drop back down to the
ground state immediately after, releasing energy in the form of heat and photon.
happens in isolated chlorophyll molecules. However, chlorophyll molecule that
is found
in its natural environment in the thylakoid membrane forms a photosystem
with proteins and other organic molecules to prevent the loss of energy from the

A photosystem is an aggregate of pigments and proteins in the thylakoid
membrane responsible for the absorption of photons and the transfer of energy
and electrons. It is composed of:

• Light-harvesting complex— is also called the ‘antenna’ complex and is

consisted of several different pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and
carotenoids) bounded with proteins. When a pigment molecule absorbs a
photon, energy is passed on from one
pigment molecule to another pigment molecule until the energy reaches the
reaction center.

• Reaction-center complex—is composed of a pair of chlorophyll a and a

primary electron acceptor. The primary electron acceptor is a specialized
molecule that is able to accept electrons from the pair of chlorophyll a. The pair
of chlorophyll a in the reaction-center is also specialized because they are
capable of transferring an electron to the primary electron acceptor and not just
boosting the electron to a higher energy level.

There are two types of photosystems:

• Photosystem II—was discovered later after the discovery of Photosystem I,
but functions first in the light reaction of photosynthesis. The chlorophyll a in
the reaction center of Photosystem II effectively absorbs light with a
wavelength of 680nm and thus called P680.

• Photosystem I—was discovered first. Its reaction-center has a chlorophyll a

called P700 because it is effective in absorbing light with a wavelength of

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Direction: Provide the best answer in the blank.

1. What are the different forms of energy?

2. What are the laws of energy transformation and cite examples?
3. How does the cell go about the continuous release of heat during ATP

Activity 2: Question and Answer

Direction: Provide the best answer in the blank.

1. How do plants cope with the change in season? Give a detailed description
2. How do plants capture the sun’s energy?
3. What happens to light when it hits an object?

Activity 3: Learning Process Activity

Direction: Provide the best answer in the blank.

1. What wavelength of light is most important to life on earth?

2. What color/s of light does chlorophyll absorb? What color does it reflect?
3. What composes a photosystem?
4. In what part of the photosystem does the first step of light reaction take
5. Differentiate the two types of photosystem.
D. Assimilation

Direction: Create 3 “hugot-lines” based on the laws of transformation of

energy. Give justification for each “hugot-line” you’ll create. Make sure that the
“hugot-lines” are in tune with the
scientific concepts of the law of thermodynamics.


1. Research videos on the Forms of Energy, Transformation of Energy, Free

energy metabolism and ATP- structure and function.

2. Watch and Listen carefully to the video and be able to recognize and relate to
each attribute of the energy transformation.

3. Reflect on your life experiences and relate them to the lesson in the video so
that you will be able to make an analogy relating the concepts under ATP.

4. Write your answer on a long bond paper or newsprint

Direction: Choose the correct letter of the answer in each item.

_____1. A structure that composed of sugar ribose, nitrogen base adenine and a
chain of 3-phosphate groups.
a. ADP
b. ATP
c. NADH+
d. Nucleus

_____2. The process of breaking down bonds between the phosphate groups;
this happens when a water molecule breaks the terminal phosphate bond
a. Hydrolysis of ATP
b. Phosphorylation
c. Oxidation
d. Reduction

_____3. A separation technique used to identify various components of

mixtures based on the differences in their structure and/or composition.
a. Phosphorylation
b. Dephosphorylation
c. Hydrolysis
d. Chromatography

_____4. Are substances that absorb visible light; different pigments absorb light
of different wavelengths.
a. Chlorophyll
b. Photon
c. Pigments
d. Light energy

_____5. The greenish pigment found in the thylakoid membrane inside the
chloroplast of a plant cell.
a. Light energy
b. Chlorophyll
c. Photon
d. Pigments

(Reflection on the Type of Formative Assessment
I understand that __________________________________
Used for This Particular Lesson)
I realize that _______________________________________

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Head Teacher I
Science Department

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