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Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 295–300


Fluid inclusions and quantitative model for gold precipitation

in the Tiouit deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
a,* b
Fouad Benchekroun , Abderrahim Jettane
Département de Géologie, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 20, Université Chouaib Doukkali, Eljadida, Morocco
Département de Géologie, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 524, Université Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco

Available online 1 October 2004


In the Tiouit gold deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), a paragenetic study has revealed the existence mainly of two generations of
gold, the earliest one was cogenetic with ferro-arseniferous stage I; the second generation (most important) is associated with the
minerals of a cupro-zinciferous sulphide stage II. A microthermometric study of fluid inclusions demonstrates that the main part
of the gold was introduced by an aqueous solution of relatively low salinity (1.7 m Nacl) and deposited at about 400 °C and 500
bars in microfractures crosscutting early sulphides. A calculated quantitative model for the fluid-mineral interaction demonstrates
that a significant amount of gold (3 mg deposited from 1 kg of solution, i.e. 43% of total gold), transported as bisulphide complexes
(HAuðHSÞ02 , AuHS0 and AuðHSÞ 2 ), can be deposited as a result of a decrease in both H2S activity and oxygen fugacity produced by
the alteration of pyrrhotite into pyrite.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Morocco; Tiouit deposit; Quantitative model; Gold precipitation; Sulphidation

1. Introduction pH change, H2S loss, and oxidation), the present study,

based on detailed fluid inclusions microthermometric
The Tiouit gold deposit situated on the northern study, as well as mineralogical and paragenetic studies,
slope of the eastern Saghro (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), is was undertaken with a view to constrain conditions of
localized in the granodiorite massif of the Upper Pre- the gold-bearing mineral assemblage deposition, and
cambrian II (Fig. 1), intrusive in a sedimentary series, notably to elaborate a model for gold precipitation in
deformed and metamorphosed in the greenschists facies, the Tiouit deposit.
during the major Panafrican phase. The Tiouit gold de-
posit was mined by several companies during the periods
1950–1955 and 1960–1964 with the average ore grade
2. Fluid inclusions
being 15–20 ppm Au, 120 ppm Ag and 0.5–5% Cu. Be-
tween 1982 and 1995 the average grade was 7 ppm Au
The succession of mineralization/alteration stages,
and 57 ppm Ag.
established from fluid inclusions and mineralogical data
Taking into account that several mechanisms may
(Al Ansari and Sagon, 1997; Jettane et al., 1999), is sum-
cause gold precipitation in sulphide-rich bodies (cooling,
marized in Table 1 and briefly described hereafter.

Stage I: characterized by [L2I] fluid (< 5 wt.% eq. NaCl,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +212 23 34 23 25; fax: +212 23 34 21
Th = 320 °C, Fig. 2) responsible for the deposition of the
E-mail addresses: fbenchekroun@caramail.com, fbenchekroun@ early Fe–As–S (Cu) mineral assemblages: pyrrhotite,
ucd.ac.ma (F. Benchekroun). arsenopyrite and pyrite with inclusions of chalcopyrite

0899-5362/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
296 F. Benchekroun, A. Jettane / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 295–300

Fig. 1. The Precambrian inliers of the Saghro massif (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), according to the Saghro-Dadès geological map at 1:200,000 scale.

and gold (very low concentrations), and for the associ- one hand, by the warm brines (fluid [S], 41 wt.% eq.
ated silicification which is well displayed in the subplates NaCl, Th = 345 °C) associated with post-Pan-African
mineralized structures. Since the pyrite, that contains at events or representing more recent circulations, and
some places pyrrhotite inclusions, is not limited in a on the other hand, by the last, cooler, low-salinity
given moment of the history of the Tiouit hydrothermal aqueous fluid [L1A] (< 10 wt.% eq. NaCl, Th =
system (Al Ansari, 1997), we consider, among the differ- 200 °C).
ent replacements (arsenopyrite and pyrite by sphalerite
and chalcopyrite), the transformation of pyrrhotite into
pyrite as a ‘‘hinge stage’’ between the two sulphide
3. Gold deposition process
Stage II: marked by the [L2II] fluid, distinguished The process of gold precipitation in the Tiouit deposit
through its average composition of 9 wt.% eq. NaCl is a matter of controversy. One can nevertheless consider
(1.7 m NaCl) and by trapping conditions estimated at the following:
400 °C and 500 bars (Fig. 2). This fluid is considered
as responsible for the precipitation of the Cu–Zn–Au (1) No significant oxidation of the surrounding rocks
assemblage (stage II, Table 1), and for the most signifi- (presence of hematite, magnetite, or other oxides)
cant gold concentrations (10–20 ppm). has been observed in connection with the auriferous
A first hydrothermal event, late- to post-Precambrian paragenesis of the stage II. Therefore, this process is
II, would be represented by these two ore-forming fluids not involved in the deposition of gold.
[L2I] and [L2II], evolving by dilution-cooling in a med- (2) The process involving unmixing of an immiscible
ium temperature and pressure regime. The earlier aque- CO2-rich fluid, cited as the cause of gold precipita-
ous fluids [L1Sp] and [L1Mp] (15–27 wt.% eq. NaCl, tion in many mesothermal gold deposits (Robert
Th = 330 °C, Fig. 2), probably indicating the end (the and Kelly, 1987), can be ruled out, as the aqueous
last stage) of crystallization of the Precambrian II inclusions [L2II] are clearly later than the early car-
granodiorite massif and/or the later magmatic eventsÕ bonic inclusions.
influence, are also associated with this first thermal (3) The localization of the gold mineralization (stage
event. II) in microfractures crosscutting early sulphides
They were followed by a cooler, oxidizing fluid of indicates that gold deposition might be related to
moderate salinity (fluid [L1Mt], 15 wt.% eq. NaCl, chemical changes in the ore-forming fluid, induced
Th  200 °C), most probably responsible for a third epi- by reactions between fluid and sulphide minerals
sode characterized by the deposition of gold-hematite. of the host rock. Such a process has been already
The final stages of the hydrothermal system ob- advanced by some authors (Groves et al., 1984;
served in the Tiouit deposit, are represented, on the Hannington and Scott, 1989). Accordingly, the
F. Benchekroun, A. Jettane / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 295–300 297

Table 1
Paragenetic sequence in the Tiouit gold deposit

From Al Ansari and Sagon, 1997.

Fig. 2. P–T plot of the paleofluid isochores of the Tiouit gold deposit.

envisaged metallogenic model consists of a gold-

bearing aqueous fluid (stage II) circulating in the
sulphide-rich bodies and precipitating gold in these Fig. 3. Variations of fO2, aH2S and gold solubility (dashed curves
bodies. labelled in ppm) in the initial solution reacting with the pyrrhotite (Po).
(Py: pyrite; Mt: magnetite). A stands for the infiltrating solution and
the arrows indicates the reaction with pyrrhotite.

4. Composition of the infiltrating aqueous solution

From the mineralogical and fluid inclusion data, the
We assume that the initial fluid was approximately in P–T conditions of gold precipitation were approxi-
equilibrium with quartz (Q)–potassium feldspar (F)– mately 400 °C, 0.5 kbar and the fluid salinity was
muscovite (M) assemblages, as hydrothermal solutions 1.7 m NaCl. Values of fO2 are chosen slightly above
are commonly buffered by this mineral association (Hel- those defined by the pyrrhotite–pyrite join (point A,
geson, 1969; Gibert et al., 1993; 1998; among others), Fig. 3).
and that gold deposition resulted from reaction between The pH corresponding to the QFM assemblage is
the fluid and early sulphides (pyrrhotite). nearly neutral. Under such conditions of salinity, fO2
298 F. Benchekroun, A. Jettane / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 295–300

and pH, gold-chloride complexes (AuCl 2 ) are unimpor- The simplified composition of the infiltrating solu-
tant and gold is mainly transported as bisulphide tion, calculated according to the constraints above, is
complexes (Hayashi and Ohmoto, 1991). Several exper- presented the Table 2 (equilibrium constants and equa-
imental studies of gold solubility in aqueous sulphide tions describing the conservation of mass and charge
solutions in the presence of pyrrhotite and pyrite have are given in Table 3 and in Jettane, 2001). The ionic
been performed (Seward, 1973; Wood et al., 1987; Ren- strength, activity coefficients and molalities of the
ders and Seward, 1989; Shenberger and Barnes, 1989; charged species have been calculated according to the
Hayashi and Ohmoto, 1991; Gibert et al., 1993; 1998). HKF model (Helgeson et al., 1981), and the equation
All authors agree that ðAuHSÞ 2 is the dominant gold system solved by the method of Newton–Raphson. Note
complex in neutral to slightly alkaline solutions. Seward that the concentration in HAuðHSÞ2 is superior to the
(1973), Renders and Seward (1989) and Gibert et al. other gold-bearing species (Table 2).
(1993, 1998) found that (AuHS)0 was the dominant gold
species in solutions with acid to neutral pH on the other
hand, Seward (1984), Wood et al. (1987) and Hayashi 5. Mechanism of gold precipitation
and Ohmoto (1991) proposed a neutral complex with
an HAuðHSÞ02 stoichiometry. At a given temperature, the gold solubility is mainly
defined by equilibrium (1) and by equilibrium between
Table 2 the dominant gold complex HAuðHSÞ2 and minor aque-
Simplified compositions (moles) of the initial aqueous solution 
ous species (mainly H2S, HS and H2).
(buffered with QFM, in equilibrium with gold and pyrite, calculated
at point A, Fig. 3) and of that equilibrated with pyrrhotite (400 °C, 500 AuðcÞ þ 2H2 S () HAuðHSÞ2 þ H2 ð1Þ
Apart from a decrease of temperature, that we do not
Infiltrating solution Solution at saturation
in pyrrhotite take into account here because temperature effects in
natural systems are difficult to evaluate (Romberger,
H2 6.91E03 1.45E02
H+ 2.46E05 2.40E05 1988; Shenberger and Barnes, 1989), the equilibrium
OH 3.82E06 3.92E06 (1) indicates that gold deposition at Tiouit can have
HS 7.89E04 7.87E04 been in response either to an increase in H2 activity
HSO 4 2.44E09 1.16E10 (reduction), or to a decrease in H2S activity. If the infil-
SO2 1.59E09 7.83E11
4 trating solution equilibrated with sulphides only by dis-
HC1 3.82E04 3.72E04
Cl 6.53E01 6.50E01 solving them, an increase in H2S concentration and
NaCl 9.60E01 9.60E01 accordingly an increase in gold solubility would be ex-
Na+ 5.64E01 5.60E01 pected. In order to precipitate gold it is necessary to
NaOH 4.46E05 4.58E05 envisage a process decreasing aH2S and/or fO2. The
KCl 8.56E02 8.56E02
transformation of pyrrhotite into pyrite [sulphidation
K+ 8.94E02 8.94E02
KOH 1.77E06 1.82E06 reaction (2)] fulfills these requirements.
AuCl 2 9.50E09 5.96E09 FeS þ H2 S þ 1=2O2 () FeS2 þ H2 O ð2Þ
AuðHSÞ 2 1.48E05 9.92E06
HAuðHSÞ02 2.81E05 1.83E05
AuHS 1.88E06 1.25E06
FeCl02 1.97E07 4.16E07
6. Numerical modeling
FeCl+ 1.36E06 2.87E06
Fe2+ 4.05E07 8.54E07
H2S 2.66E01 2.50E01 The previously discussed mechanism has been verified
Log fO2  27.60  28.254 by modeling the interaction between the infiltrating
pH 5.27 5.29 solution and pyrrhotite (at T = 400 °C, P = 0.5 kbar,
Au total (ppm) 7.021 3.029
pH = 5.27, fO2 = 1027.6). For all reactions, equilibrium

Table 3
Equilibrium constants for reactions involving gold-bearing complexes (400 °C, 500 bars)
Reactions Equilibrium constants Sources
HAuðHSÞ02 þ 1=2H2 ðaqÞ () AuðcÞ þ 2H2 SðaqÞ 5.00 (a)
AuðHSÞ þ 1=2H2 ðaqÞ () AuðcÞ þ H2 SðaqÞ 6.23 (b)
2 þ 1=2H2 ðaqÞ () AuðcÞ þ H2 SðaqÞ þ HS

2.23 (c)
2 þ 1=2H 2 ðaqÞ () AuðcÞ þ 2Cl
þ Hþ
2.80 (d)
(a) Extrapoled from Hayashi and Ohmoto (1991); (b) Gibert et al. (1998); (c) Gibert et al. (1998) recalculated from the data of Shenberger and Barnes
(1989); (d) Zotov and Baranova (1989) (in Gibert et al., 1998).
F. Benchekroun, A. Jettane / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 295–300 299

with the buffer assemblage quartz–K feldspar–muscovite the anonymous reviewer for their suggestions and com-
has been assumed. A simplified mass transfer program ments that were most helpful in improving the
written by B. Moine (Toulouse, France) was used to cal- manuscript.
culate the composition of the solution after equilibration
with pyrrhotite through reaction (2) (Table 2). The main
results are:
(1) The correlated variations of the aH2S and fO2,
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according to equilibrium (2), lead to precipitation aurifères mésothermales associées à une granodiorite dÕâge Protér-
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mg of gold (43% of total gold) can be deposited Marrakech, p. 284.
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Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Maroc). Un système mésothermal polyphasé à
(2) At pyrrhotite saturation, the amount of gold precip-
sulfures-or et hématite-or dans une granodiorite potassique dÕâge
itated from 1 kg of H2O essentially depends on the protérozoı̈que supérieur. Chronique de la Recherche Minière, 527,
initial values of the total sulphur content (RS) and 3–25.
of fO2. Indeed, with increasing (RS), keeping fO2 Gibert, F., Pascal, M.-L., Pichavant, M., 1993. Solubility of gold in
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Hydrothermal Reactions, 65–68 (abstract).
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of the infiltrating solution at constant (RS), imply- stability of hydrosulphide complex of gold (AuHS°) at 350 to
ing a decrease in (RFe), also results in an increased 450 °C and 500 bars. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 62 (17),
mass of gold being precipitated, although of less
Groves, D.I., Philips, G.N., Ho, S.E., Henderson, C.A., Clark, M.E.,
significance. Woad, G.M., 1984. Controls on distribution of Archaean hydro-
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7. Conclusion GoldÕ82, pp. 689–712.
Hannington, M.D., Scott, S.D., 1989. Sulfidation equilibria as guides
to gold mineralization in volcanogenic massive sulfides: evidence
The numerical model presented above has been car- from sulfide mineralogy and the composition of sphalerite.
ried out using a simplified program whose flexibility of Economic Geology 84, 1978–1995.
utilization allows one to work in any system and all Hayashi, K.I., Ohmoto, H., 1991. Solubility of gold in NaCl and H2S-
P–T conditions, for which thermodynamic data are bearing aqueous solutions at 250–350 °C. Geochimica Cosmochi-
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available. Even though these calculations involve
Helgeson, H.C., 1969. Thermodynamics of hydrothermal systems at
approximations concerning notably equilibrium con- elevated temperatures and pressures. American Journal of Science
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consistency of the model. It is of note that ore-bearing Helgeson, H.C., Kirkham, D.H., Flowers, G.C., 1981. Theoretical
fluids are undersaturated with respect to native gold prediction of the thermodynamic behavior of aqueous electrolytes
at high pressures and temperatures: IV Calculation of activity
and they transport only a fraction of aqueous gold con-
coefficients, osmotic coefficients, apparent molal properties to
centration which is calculated at saturation. The depos- 600 °C and 5 kb. American Journal of Science 281, 1249–
ited amount of native gold must clearly be smaller in the 1516.
considered process. In conclusion, these results demon- Jettane, A., Boutaleb, M., Farazdaq, H., Jabrane, R., 1999. Les
strate that sulphidation reactions can be efficient proc- événements thermiques polycycliques à sulfures-or et hématite-or
du gisement de Tiouit (Anti-Atlas, Maroc). Chronique de la
esses for precipitating gold transported as bisulphide
Recherche Minière 536–537, 65–78.
complexes, at relatively high temperature. Also, our re- Jettane, A., 2001. Le gisement aurifère de Tiouit (Anti-Atlas oriental,
sults can explain gold enrichments which have been fre- Maroc), approche quantitative et modélisation du dépôt de lÕor.
quently observed as a consequence of increasing sulphur Thèse Univ. Fès, p. 175.
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Acknowledgments Romberger, S.B., 1988. Geochemistry of gold in hydrothermal
deposits. U.S. Geological Survey. Geology and resources of gold
in the United States, A9–A25.
This study was performed using a mass transfer pro- Seward, T.M., 1973. Thio complexes of gold and the transport of gold
gram written by B. Moine (Toulouse, France), to whom in hydrothermal ore solutions. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 37,
we are grateful. Thanks are also due to M.-L. Pascal and 370–399.
300 F. Benchekroun, A. Jettane / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 295–300

Seward, T.M., 1984. The transport and deposition of gold in Wood, S.A., Crerar, D.A., Borcsik, M.P., 1987. Solubility of the
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Geochemistry, and Genesis of Gold Deposits, GoldÕ82, 165–181. stibinite–bismuthinite–argentite–molybdenite in H2O–NaCl–CO2
Shenberger, D.M., Barnes, H.L., 1989. Solubility of gold in aqueous solutions from 200 to 350 °C. Economic Geology 82, 1864–
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