Formation of Gigantic Gypsum Crystals: Special
Formation of Gigantic Gypsum Crystals: Special
Formation of Gigantic Gypsum Crystals: Special
Formation of gigantic
gypsum crystals
J . G A R C I A - G U I N E A 1, S . M O R A L E S 2,
A . D E L G A D O 3, C . R E C I O 4
& J. M . C A L A F O R R A5
Dept. Geologı́a. Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales
(CSIC) Madrid, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Dept. Mineralogia y Petrologia, Facultad Ciencias, Univ.
Granada, Granada 18002, Spain Fig. 1. Geode of the Jaravias mine (Pulpı́, Almerı́a, SE Spain).
Lab. Isotopos Estables, Estación Experimental Zaidin Transparent gypsum crystals
(CSIC), Granada 18008, Spain
Lab. Isotopos Estables, Facultad de Ciencias, Univ.
Salamanca, Salamanca 37008, Spain
5 Geological setting. The mineralized veins and masses of the
Dept. Hidrogeologia y Quimica Analı́tica, Univ. Almerı́a,
Almerı́a 04120, Spain Jaravias mine are related to the Miocene volcanic events, and are
analogous to those observed in nearby areas (sulphide–sulpho-
salts-bearing barite–siderite veins of the Sierra Almagrera
(Martinez Frias 1998; Morales 1994); volcano-sedimentary bar-
luid inclusions and stable isotopes of giant trans-
ite, Fe–Mn oxides and marine sediments at Herrerı́as (Martinez
parent gypsum crystals in a huge geode recently Frias 1998; Morales 1994); dacitic rocks with vertical veins of
discovered in Pulpı́ (SE Spain) are useful tools for Fe–Mn oxides and barite at La Serrecica). The geode is hosted
explaining its geological formation. Fluid inclusions by dolomites. The chronological sequence of mineralization is as
suggest a mixture of fluids, starting with freshwater and follows (from host rock to geode core): dolomite host rock,
including seawater in more advanced stages of the gypsum siderite, Fe–Mn oxy-hydroxides and gypsum crystals, which very
crystal growth. The isotopic composition of the hydration often included celestine needles.
water in the gypsum crystals agrees with a meteoric fluid.
The gypsum is enriched in 34 S, which denotes genetic links Experimental procedure. Optical and micro-analytical techniques (pet-
with marine sulphates via freshwater dissolution-recrystalli- rography, SEM, electron microprobe), micro-thermometry of fluid inclu-
zation of earlier marine evaporites. sions and stable isotopes (ä34 S CDT in sulphides and sulphates; ä18 O
SMOW in sulphates and gypsum hydration water; äD SMOW in gypsum
Keywords: gypsum, geodes, fluid inclusions, sulphur isotopes. hydration water) have been used to study the gypsum crystals and their
host rocks. Transparent gypsum crystals were also analysed by ICP-MS,
Spectacular colour pictures of huge gypsum crystals in a geode XRF and AAS. Melting temperatures of the last ice crystal of the fluid
inclusions can also be used (Attia et al. 1995) to infer the origin of the
from Pulpı́ (Almerı́a, Spain) were widely publicized in the
fluids. This micro-thermometric study was carried out on gypsum chips.
worldwide media. The impact of these images stems from an ä34 S and ä18 O in gypsum reflect the corresponding values of dissolved
exceptional combination of the huge size, transparency and SO4 2 in the mineralizing fluid. Data on natural samples and experi-
perfection of the crystals in a large rock cavity (Fig. 1). The mental results indicate that isotope ratios of the SO4 2 anion are not
Pulpı́ geode is 8 m long, 1.8 m wide and 1.7 m high and is significantly affected by dissolution-recrystallization processes at low
studded with 1 m long gypsum crystals. It is located in the temperature (Claypool et al. 1980; Chiba et al. 1981). Analytical results
Jaravias Fe–Pb mine (Pulpı́, Almerı́a) at about 50 m depth, 3 km can be obtained from the Society Library or the British Library
from the sea, and 0 m a.s.l. and is hosted by Triassic dolomite of Document Supply Centre, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23
the Betic Cordillera. The gypsum crystallographic lattice has 7BQ, UK as Supplementary Publication No. SUP 18174 (3 pages).
layers of SO4 2 tetrahedra bound together by Ca2þ and layers of
water molecules, which gives a perfect cleavage parallel to (010). Results and discussion. The transparent gypsum crystals are
Simple precipitation experiments of Bosbach & Rammensee pure CaSO4. 2H2 O with small and variable Sr (0.02–0.13%) and
(1994) demonstrated that speed is constant for crystal growth in Hg (0.01–0.23%), and minor amounts of other cations (Zn, Fe,
different directions and the anisotropy of the crystal habit remain Mg, Mn, Ba). Fluid inclusions (Fig. 2) in the gypsum crystals
constant during crystal growth. Crystal and dissolution processes have polyhedral morphologies (six-sided, trapezoidal, rhomb-
on the (010) surface of gypsum is a layer-by-layer process, which shaped, negative crystal shape, etc.); are very large (up to
is dominated by the movement of [100] and [001]. The large 250 ìm), two-phase (liquid þ vapour) at room temperature, and
crystal sizes and perfect shape, high transparency and minor solid have a fairly constant degree of filling (liquid/(liquid þ
inclusions, resulting in such clean crystals, must have been vapour) ¼ 0.85 to 0.95). Petrographic observations have estab-
produced in a unique environment. A suitable explanation of the lished the presence of two types of fluid inclusions: (a) primary
geode’s origin must address both the cavity formation and fluid fluid inclusions (PFI), that are generally found isolated and
characteristics, which produced these exceptional crystals. randomly distributed throughout the gypsum crystals and (b)
348 J. G A R C I A - G U I N E A E T A L .
to 0.5 and 3.7 wt% eq. NaCl). The decrease in Tmice values
(mainly in PSFI), which reflects an increase in solute content
with time, suggests a fluid mixing, starting with freshwater and
including a different type of water in more advanced stages of
the system. The dispersion of the Tmice values to 2.2 8C
suggests that this later fluid may have been seawater (B in Figure
2) or recycled seawater (C in Fig. 2). All values of Tmice are very
different from D in Figure 2, which excludes a genesis from
evaporated seawater.
The evidence is compelling, therefore, that the area has been
exposed to both marine and meteoric environments, thus water of
different isotopic composition may have been involved in the
formation of the geode gypsum crystals. The crystals are
relatively enriched in 34 S (ä34 S ¼ þ18.6‰ to þ19.8‰, see Fig.
3b), which strongly suggests a genetic link with marine
sulphates, probably by means of dissolution-recrystallization of
Fig. 2. Fluid inclusion in negative crystal displaying the monoclinic earlier marine evaporites. äD values for the hydration water
symmetry of gypsum from a (010) section. Frequency histogram of Tmice extracted from the gypsum crystals (ranging from 64.2‰ to
values (melting temperatures of the last ice crystal of the fluid
65.4‰ SMOW), however, demand involvement of fresh meteo-
inclusions). Dots (A), (B), (C) and (D) show published Tmice values by
ric waters.
Attia et al. (1995), as follows: (A) Freshwater satured with gypsum
(Tmice ¼ 0.08C); (B) Normal seawater (Tmice ¼ 1.9 8C); (C) ‘Recycled’
Experiments at temperatures from 17 to 57 8C (Fontes &
seawater (seawater saturated with gypsum derived from dissolution)
Gonfiantini 1967) have shown that hydrogen isotope fractionation
(Tmice ¼ 2.0 8C) and (D) Seawater evaporated to gypsum saturation between hydration water of gypsum crystals and the water from
point (Tmice ¼ 7.0 to 8.0 8C). which the crystals grow in equilibrium is not temperature
dependent; hydration water being 15‰ depleted in D with
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