Steps - Steps Displaying A Good and Correct Presentation: 1. Preparation Stage
Steps - Steps Displaying A Good and Correct Presentation: 1. Preparation Stage
Steps - Steps Displaying A Good and Correct Presentation: 1. Preparation Stage
NIM : 191600120
steps to present your presentation intelligently and convincingly. The steps are
divided into three stages, namely, the preparatory stage, the stage of presenting and the
evaluation stage. The following is an explanation for each of these stages.
1. Preparation Stage
In the preparation stage there are several things you have to do including determining
the topic, setting goals, recognizing the situation and recognizing the audience, compiling the
material, determining the approach used, compiling the slide design, and practicing.
What topics will I convey? Is this topic needed by an audience? Why did I convey this topic?
Those are some of the questions you need to ask yourself before deciding on a presentation
topic. That way you will easily find the topic precisely and in accordance with the needs of
the audience. Keep your topic interesting and inspiring the audience to listen.
b. Setting Goals
What do you expect from your presentation? The answer to this question will be the
direction of your presentation. Every presentation must have a purpose. By having a goal,
you will be better at making preparations, more careful in actions, appearing smarter and on
target, of course, with an impressive end result for the audience. Make your goals clear,
achievable and you know very well how to achieve them.
Knowing the situation and recognizing your audience will make you much calmer. In
this case you need to coordinate with the audience, or the organizing committee, to ask
questions that you want to know about. Like, at what event do you make presentations, how
long is the time for presentations, presentations are done outdoors or indoors, are there
supporting facilities used, who will be present, how old are they, what level of education,
what position, what ratio men and women, and others according to your needs.
d. Compiling Material
The next step is to arrange the material. In compiling material, carefulness and
accuracy are needed. Why must be observant and right? Carefulness is closely related to the
presenter's ability to choose a source that can be trusted while accuracy is related to the
suitability of the material to what is needed by the audience. So as a good presenter, you can
not be careless in preparing the material that you will convey.
There are requirements that must be met in preparing the material, among others the
material must be in accordance with the topic, updated and trusted. You can get material from
personal experience, books, journals, research results, magazines, internet or newspapers.
One more thing you have to understand, don't make too much material and don't use words or
sentences that you don't understand, which is :
Every presentation requires a method that is an approach that you use in delivering material.
A good method is a method that suits the topic you are conveying. There are several methods
that you can apply including lectures, experiments, simulations, demonstrations, plus lectures
and others. Please explore the method that best suits your topic. Your success in choosing the
right method will lead you to become a more effective presenter.
If your presentation uses slides, then the next step is to arrange your presentation slides as
attractive as possible. In making slides there are several principles that you must understand.
• Simple
• Strong content
• Beautiful fonts
• Comply with the CRAP principle, namely contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity.
By adhering to the six principles above, you will be able to create interesting and different
Practice your presentation
All good speakers always practice before making a presentation. With good practice you will
be more confident, able to adjust the material with time, and you will find the best way to
deliver a presentation.
2. Stage of Bringing
In delivering a presentation you can use a three-part structure, namely opening, discussion
and closing.
Opening Presentations
A good opening really determines the success of a presentation as a bad opening also tends to
make a presentation fail. There are many ways to open presentations with interest, including
stories, asking questions, using quotes, showing data and facts, using intermezzo, explaining
intentions and goals or using humor. You just choose which one is most suitable for yourself.
This is the core stage of your presentation. This is where your overall material is delivered.
You must explain your material in a structured and clear manner, besides that you also need
to be skilled at using transitions between sub topics, so that your audience gets clarity on your
presentation flow. Convey the material with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, optimize your body
language and intonation of your voice. Get your audience engaged in your presentation by
asking questions, getting your audience moving and influencing their emotions with inspiring
stories. If you do this well, then what will be the purpose of your presentation will be
Never leave your audience confused, but leave them with something meaningful that they
will remember forever. Close your presentation by concluding the essence of your
presentation, make it in a statement sentence, then convey your call to action. One more thing
you need to note, never close your presentation with a sentence that is too long and do not
Those are the three steps you can take in delivering a presentation. Do it well and you will be
remembered by the audience as an inspiring presenter.
Vital Records:
Before appearing there are a number of things you must do, which are to arrive early, check
the condition of the room, supporting equipment and other technical matters.
3. Evaluation Phase
This is a positive habit that you must do after you finish the presentation. I mean this
to evaluate which things did not go according to plan, which ones had to be improved and
which ones had to be maintained. And rest assured this will have a positive impact on your
next presentation.