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Development Program
Part One
Hisham El Mohandes
Day II, 16/3/2016
We are offering you Knowledge, Skills
and Techniques to :
• Attract and keep audience’s attention.
• Control yourself and the audience.
• Deliver your message properly and clearly.
• Stimulate audience’s mind and leave them want more.
• Demonstrate professionalism.
• Achieve your objectives of your presentation.
Program 4 Major Parts
• PART I “Planning & Preparation”

• PART II “Communication Skills”

• PART III “Self Control”

• Part IV “Handling Audience”

Key Contents:
PART I “Planning & Preparation Skills”
• Group presentation
• Planning and preparation
• Controlling your presentation
• Controlling Presentation’s Environment

PART II “Communication Skills”

• The various effective Presentation Skills
Key Contents:
PART III “Self Control”
• Your Anxiety
• Your Fear
• Your Speech

PART IV “Handling Audience”

• Manage Q & A session
• Handle Attitudes
• Handle Multi-cultural Group
There are no
“Born Speakers”
Presentation Skills


Acquired Skills

What Is a Group Presentation?

Any giving talk or making

a speech in front of any
audience (either internal
or external)
What Is an Effective Presentation?
• The one which achieves a specific objective with targeted
audience within the allocated time frame
• Delivers comprehensive information to the audience
accurately and clearly
• Organized in a logical fashion
• Delivered in an
• Attractive, interesting and persuasive way
• Delivered with
• Confidence, enthusiasm and sincerity
“Success is

99% Preparation
1% Aspiration”

Albert Einstein
• “Planning & Preparation ”
• PART II “Communication Skills”
• PART III “Self Control”
• Part IV “Handling Audience”

An advice to remember

Do not rely too much on

luck or confidence
The 6 P’s of Planning
Prior Tip of the
Audience always ask themselves 5 Questions:
 O bjective why am I attending?

 R esponse how am I going to respond?

 I nterest what is in it for me?

 N eed how relevant is it; how it may

satisfy my need?

 T ime how long will it take from my precious?

You also, should ask Yourself 9 Questions:
Who? Audience
How many? Number
Why? Objectives
What? Content
When? Time/date
Where? Venue
Which? Tools
How? Delivery
How long? Duration
Plan Your Time
Before the presentation
50% RULE
Rehearse it  Time it  Cut it by 50%

Allow to deal with :

 Late start
 Sharing thoughts triggered by the
 Participants’ questions
 Overrun by previous speaker
An advice to remember

“Who failed to prepare should

be prepared to fail”
M.A.G.O.R. Preparation steps
M Main reasons
A Audience analysis
G Goals
O Organization
R Rehearse
What could be the Main reasons?
• Offering a demo or training for Pharmacists,
Nurses or other Stakeholders.
• Could be a part of A Continuous Educational
• Providing information or updates.
• Sharing new idea, practice or success story.
 Professional Style & Characteristics

 Personal Attitudes

To Sell Ideas

To Tell Provide information

To Motivate / Inspire / Entertain

Summarize your main objective in


1- Brainstorm the main ideas :
• Reflect with
• Yourself, your colleagues
• Your manager
2- State the benefit :

• Benefits could be used as the main points

• Benefits should fit with audience needs
• Be precise in explaining the outcomes to the
3A- Develop Handouts:

• The handout must be specific, relevant and to the

point to deliver the core message
• Handouts must be disbursed quickly without
distracting the presentation
• Be careful; while reading, people do not listen
• It can be delivered by the end as a reminder or
3B- Develop Speaker Notes:
 Hard Paper Or Cards
 Numbered Pages
 One Side Only
 Different Coloured Pens
 Short & Sharp Bullet Points
4- The use of visual aids

• Once your organizational pattern has been

• you need to decide which visual aids are you going to
use and when?

5- The use of media/materials

• Decide which one are you going to use

6- Main idea review, 3 Tell Technique:

• Tell them what you are going to tell them,

tell them,
tell them what you have told them

7- Develop the introduction :

8- Develop the conclusion :

“Without introduction and conclusion there is no

Rehearse your presentation
• Review it
• Run through it
• Check the exact running time
• Practice presenting it
• To your spouse, friend or a colleague
What Are The Elements Of An
Effective Presentation?
3 Tell Concept

Opening Closing


and With BANG
Presentation Opening
Opening A Presentation

What? (Main points)

•Welcome the audience
•Introduce yourself
•Introduce the title and highlight the main topics
• linking the topics to their needs
•Mention the duration
•Indicate the time for the questions
Presentation Opening

•Impress the audience
•Gain their attention
• Let them decide to listen to you
•Make them eager to hear more till the end
•Show passion and keep high energy
Opening techniques
• How
• Anecdote:
• telling a short relevant story
• Humor:
• funny situation
• Ice breaker:
• must be linked to the topic, audience or
• Involving question:
• to take draw their attention & initiate their thinking
• questions must be planned in advance
• Quote or Proverb
Presentation’s Body
• What?
• Goal of the body :
To generate interest, interaction and to keep the
audience thinking
It contains the core
• How ?
- By organizing what you present [Set-UP]
- By supporting the key points with information and
Organizing the Body of the
Presentation [Set-Up]
I. Outline 3 key points
II. Present them in logical sequence
III. Tie each point to overall frame
IV. Use bridges between points
V. Use short sentences, make your message clear,
concise and simple, KISS
Ways to Support Key Points
• Examples • Others’ experiences
• Analogy/Contrast • Short stories
• Illustrations • Impressive quotes
• Facts • Famous proverbs
• Statistics • Visual aids
Visual aids
Visual aids
• Use visual aids to :
• Maximize the attention
• Reinforce your verbal message
• Stimulate interest
• Illustrate facts that are hard to verbalize

• Don’t use visual aids to :

1- Impress your audience with complicated
2- Avoid interaction with your audience
3- Present an easy or simple idea
In a presentation,

of what we remember
comes in
through eyes
Visual Aids
• The most important visual support is

As A Major Tool
Grounding I know what I’m talking about
Clarity I know where am I and where
I’m going
Integrity I’m genuine, natural & honest
Breadth of Knowledge
• Rapport & self

Depth of knowledge

• Credibility
Managing your Slides
• Make text and numbers legible :
• 2 plain fonts
• Times New Roman for titles
• Arial/Tahoma for bullets
• Font sizes:
• Focus on readability (20 – 36 points)
• Titles (36-44 points)
• Bullets (20-32 points)

• Make visuals big enough to see :

Check before you start
Managing your Slides
• Use color carefully :
* Keep the color theme consistent
* No more than 3-4 colors per visual aid
to avoid rainbow effect
• Make visuals attractive :
* Use high contrast such as yellow & blue
* Work for simplicity and clarity
• Graph data :
* Whenever possible use graphs instead of
Managing your Slides
Important Tips
For word slides:
• 7 – 7 – 7 Rule
Max of:
•7 bullets/lines per page
•7 words per bullet
•No more than 7 word slides in a
row without a chart or graphic
Closing the Presentation
Presentation closing
• What?
• Review and reinforce the key points
• Tell them what they can do
• Issue a challenge
• Provide an action plan and agree upon next steps )
• Give thanks
• Start the Q &A session
Closing Techniques
2- Anecdote
3- Humor
4- Request an action
5- Quote or Proverb
6- Stimulating question

Presentation closing

• Use Positive language, be confident

• Take your last chance for a good impression

“Last in presentation last in memory“


V en e ri al
ue M at
The Golden Advice
Venue Management
Assess all details in advance..no matter how minor it is..
• Locate/Test light switches, plugs, electric connections, air
condition/ventilation, extra chairs etc.
• Decide the position of audio-visual materials
• Check audio visual facilities
• Locate fire exits/smoking area/telephone etc...
• Decide on room size / layout
U-Shape, Boardroom,Theatre ..etc
• Seating arrangements:
Entrance and Exit have to be at the rear
Keep a space for your steps
The Meeting Room: Seating arrangements for a

1 2

= Speaker
= Participant
The Meeting Room: Seating arrangements for
working groups
4 5

Overhead Projector

• Once upon a time

Flip chart :

• Enough papers Marking

• How to use?
• Ways to stand.
Multimedia projector :
• Have a hard copy if applicable
• Is it working
• Check the picture on the
screen & colors
• Compatible with your
• Connections, power port.
• Consider its rental cost.
Using a pointer
• Should be used to draw audience attention to an
important point on the screen
• Point once on a pictorial chart or to trace
relationship of data on a graph.
• Keep your shoulder oriented toward the
• Don’t play with the pointer when not using
Our communications
• To understand
• To be understood
The Art of Communication

“To make the new familiar

the familiar interesting”
• PART I “Planning & Preparation Skills”
• “Communication Skills”
• PART III “Self Control”
• Part IV “Handling Audience”
• Appearance • Gestures
• Posture • Eye Contact
• Movement • Using Voice
• Shoulder • Facial Expression

Perception is affected by: Cloth, style, hair, face, etc.,

“If you Can’t make up your mind, wear something usual”

• Wear comfortable loose fitting Formal dress
• Brush your hair well and check the zippers/buttons
• Have a good night’s sleep to get a fresh looking

• Wear any dress that distract the audience
• Wear contrasting coloured dress
• Wear unpolished shoes
 Keep your body erect & relaxed
 Head held high/Straight
 Stand up with legs straight and slightly apart
 Wear comfortable shoes & watch out the furniture
 Hands relaxed & fingers loose
 Use hands & body as visual
o Typically , speakers tend to stand in one spot ,
feet rooted to the ground
o Few steps is needed to end your anxiety and to
make you feel natural
o Avoid Money/keys jingling
When moving during the presentation,
 Relax but be alert
 Be confident & look purposeful
(Mentally shake hands)
 Keep shoulder pulled back
 Keep it oriented to the audience
• Eye contact opens channels of communication
between people.
• A glance at your audience for 2-3
seconds/person- unless in dialogue
• Don’t ignore people sitting in the
corners and in your peripheral vision
• Don’t get attracted to a beautiful
audience or a friendly looking
• Do not let your eyes dart around the
room, but Keep them awake
Are essential material for speaking

Is the instrument which shapes that material
• Clear
• no fuzziness or laziness
• Controlled
• indicating knowledge
• Varied in volume & emphasis
• to avoid boredom
• Conversational
• become natural, two ways, friendly, no bad language
• Talk directly to individuals
• Look into the eyes ( eyeball to eyeball)
• Speak as you are conducting one to one conversation
• Never talk to objects, floor, screen or the instrument
you are using
• Keep projecting your voice to reach who are sitting in
the last raw.
Presentation Skills on the scale:

• 7% Words

• 27% Voice / Tone

• 66% Body language


Train yourself to gesture in front of the audience exactly as

when you are with a friend
Body language
• Body signs •Interpretation

 Clasped hands  The meeting is over

behind, elbows out for all purposes
 The interesting part
 Putting glasses on
has begun
 Removing glasses  Disagreement
 Leaning forward  Interesting & involved
Body language
• Body signs • Interpretation

 Arms folded  Defensive, negative

across chest tightly threatened or rejecting
 Tapping Impatience, nervousness

 Not interested or
 Drawing
losing concentration
Convey emotions more accurately than voice
tone/body posture

 Mouth, eyebrows, nose and skin colour show indications

in change of emotions
 Recognising/Controlling facial expression is so useful in
Learn tomessages
relax your facialto:muscles
 Watch their faces and trust your own judgment
• PART I “Planning & Preparation”
• PART II “Communication Skills”
• “Self Control”
• Part IV “Handling Audience”
Control Your Anxiety
Control Your Fear
Control Your Speech
Sources of Anxiety
• Lack of experience
• Number of attendees and their arrival time
• VIP presence
• Interruptions, mobile ..etc.
• Fear of failure
• The importance of the meeting outcome
• Fear of forgetting or looking foolish
A) Control Your Anxiety

• Focusing on relaxation
• Breathing exercise
• Moving
• Keeping eye contact
Exercises to Relieve Muscular Tension:-

• Stretch yourself and imagine that you are taller than

you really are
• Hand squeeze exercise to relieve tension in hands
• Neck-push exercise to relieve tension in neck and
• Stretch the spine to relieve tension in spine
and shoulders
• Relax in an upright position for 5 min. without moving
The Worst Human Fears
• Speaking in public
• Heights/Narrow places
• Insects and bugs
• Financial problems
• Deep water
• Sickness or Death
• Loneliness
B) Control your Fear
Know your material well & practice rehearsing it.
Prepare an outline and follow it
Audience Analysis
Learn participants’ names and use them
List the factors that make you nervous
Get a good night sleep the night before
Manage your appearance
B) B) Control your Fear
 Accept some fears as being good
 Introduce yourself to the group in advance
 Imagine yourself as a good speaker
 Put yourself in your audience’s shoe
 Think of audience not as FACES starring at
you but as Humans
Take a deep breath, relax, smile and start
your speech smoothly.
C) Control Your Speech
Effective speaking

 Reading aloud (10min/day)

 Enriching your vocabulary (1 new word/day)

 Correcting your pronunciation ( audio )

 Avoiding Verbal “Ticks”, “Mannerisms”

(clichés & catch phrases) if you know what I mean,
as you know, actually..
– indicate poor vocabulary, laziness, or habit.
C) Control Your Speech
 Choosing your words
 Adds interest
 Indicates educational level and knowledge
 Avoiding slang/technical words
 Avoiding unclear abbreviations
 Avoiding Speech errors
• “um’s, er’s, etc.,” [Indicate anxiety, stress or uncertainty] 
• PART I “Planning & Preparation”
• PART II “Communication Skills”
• PART III “Self Control”
• “Handling Audience”
Audience Behaviors Toward A
Poor Presenter

 Not actively Listening

 Side Discussions.
 Asking meaningless questions, or not asking at all.
 Going in and out; lots of movements.
 Reflux Body
Audience behaviors toward a good

• Actively Listening
• Get involved
• Asking meaningful questions
• Keeping eye contact with
speaker or screen
• Active Body language
• Enjoy the presentation
Audience Behaviors Toward A Good
How to Handle Audience?

• Manage Q &A session

• Handle Attitudes
• Handle Multi-cultural Group
Audience Control
Handle audience questions
Preparing Question / Answers

 Think of the likely questions

 incorporate the answers in the presentation
 be prepared for KISS answering
 Think of unexpected questions
 Think how can you answer them
 Think of the reasons of asking questions
 This’ll help you answering them
Handle Audience Questions
Why do people ask questions ?
 Really want to know
 Gain attention
 Display knowledge
 Challenge
 Relieve boredom

Real False
• Answer by KISS  Handle who requests

• Confirm whether the spotlight

answer is satisfactory
“The way you answer the questions, the way
the audience will remember the whole
TRAC Technique
Questions Handling
Depending on the questions, decide to:
Group: • how do the rest of the group feel?
• Has anyone else had similar problem?

Ricochet: ( To one participant)

• “ Mr. X, you are an expert on this?

Reverse: (back to the questioner)

• So, obviously you have done some
thinking on this, what is YOUR
Managing Q/A Session
• Tell the audience when they can ask
• Listen carefully to the question
• Repeat in your own words to
• ensure that you have understood it
• make sure that other’s have heard it
• give yourself extra time to think
• Relate answers to points made in the
If you don’t know the answer to a
question, It is okay to say –
 ”I don’t know the answer at the moment. I’ll be
happy to find out and answer you soon”

Be natural - to maintain rapport

Be enthusiastic/energetic [it is contagious]
Pause before you answer
 Use little humor
 Complement them
Good question/point, excellent question,
absolutely, totally agree or 100% right etc..)
 To control time, Use word like :
 Any other questions, last question
Don’t involve with one or two leaving the
Eye Contact Rule
 During answering, direct 25% of eye
contact to the person who asked
 and 75% to the rest of the group.

This to stay in command of the situation

and keep your audience in
Behavior/Attitude Iceberg
Visible Behavior

Hidden Attitude
I- Common Attitudes

The whisperers
 Reasons
 Doesn’t understand what is going on.
 Discussing something important.
 Sharing anecdotes triggered by your
 clarify or translate the current point
 Bored, mischievous or hypercritical (unusual)
I- Handling Attitudes
 Strategies to overcome it
 Stop talking, wait for them to look up
and ‘non-verbally’ ask for their
permission to continue.
 Start discussion with someone near the
 Make noise (use humor) or raise your voice
 Take Break
 Avoid saying one meeting please
Handling Attitudes
II The shy type
 Ask easy questions, improve his self-confidence,
give him/her credit when possible


 Great help in discussion, add his contributions, use
him/her frequently


Don’t criticize, use ‘yes-however” technique.
Let the group to handle
Handling Attitudes
 Tries to trap the Group Leader.
 Deflect, Ricochet or Revert
 Minimize eye contact with him/her


 Play on his ambitions
 Recognize his/her knowledge and experience and use them
 Use analogy, examples, repeat in other words
The way to deal with
diversity is not to deny it or
ignore it, but to learn about
differences so they don’t
impair communication
Why to handling multi-cultural group?
• To facilitate understanding
• To assess understanding
Facilitate Understanding
• Speak slowly and distinctly
- Always forgotten in the heat of the moment
• Use of appropriate tone
-Emphatic tone - underline the importance
-Compassionate Tone - Relieve anxiety
• Use non-verbal skills
(Warning : Be aware of the meaning of
certain physical gestures to other cultures)
Facilitate Understanding
• Avoid slang/jargon/Acronyms biggest
source of misunderstanding , confusion and embarrassing
(if it is necessary to use them, explain the meaning first)
• Repeat the information ” 3 TELL “
• Check understanding frequently and avoid quizzing the
Cultural Awareness Advise
“If you are

• Humble
• Respectful
• Friendly
• Humors

you will always be fine”

• There is nothing called ”born speaker”

• Preparation is a key success factor

• By practice you’ll get experience

• By experience :
• Your anxiety will decrease and your presentation
skills will become a second nature

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