Presentation From Preparation To Delivery
Presentation From Preparation To Delivery
Presentation From Preparation To Delivery
Reference :
Purpose of presentations
Preparing an effective presentation customized for your
audience and setting
Deliver an effective presentation that produces action
Address questions and keep people focused during your
Jeetender Singh Kushawaha
A presentation is an interactive dialogue between you and your audience. The better you
understand your listeners, the more you can customize your presentation. Make sure that you
can answer these questions:
Is the subject controversial, familiar, or newor a combination to this audience?
Who are they and what is their relationship to your topic?
How well informed are they about the subject? What do they need to know about it?
What do they expect from the event? From your presentation?
Are they accustomed to a certain type of presentation?
What do they know about you? What more do they need to know? How do they feel about
Why are they present? Are they there by choice or by requirement?
Are they likely to be enthusiastic? Polite? Apathetic? Hostile?
Are there any other obstacles, history, or expectations that you need to take into account?
Maximize the impact of your presentation by learning more about your audience. Make sure
you have answers to these vital questions.
Prepare thoroughly
Detailed preparation and research are
fundamental to giving a successful speech.
It is crucial to take the time to research the
audience, the event's other speakers and
the context of the event beforehand, or the
lack of preparation could prove costly upon
Call to action
One of the most powerful ways to
end your presentation is with a call
to action.
Learn how to structure a closing that
is solid and persuasive.
Using Visuals 1
You have many choices for your
visuals, including overheads,
computer-based slides, flip charts,
and handouts.
When selecting from among these
media, you need to consider
flexibility, cost, and appropriateness
for your presentation.
Using Visuals 2
Effective visuals
Not all visuals enhance a presentation. To be effective,
visuals should:
Be simple
Use graphics, icons, and symbols to reinforce or
communicate a concept
Use key words, not full sentences
Contain only one concept per slide or page
Contain only three to six ideas on each flip chart sheet
Use color where possible, but not excessively
Using Visuals 3
Create an effective visual
An effective visual aid can be the key
to your presentation's success. See if
you know the characteristics of an
effective visual.
Rehearsing 1
Rehearsing is the key to delivering a
successful presentation
Rehearsing 2
Prepare mentally and physically
Delivering an effective presentation requires mental and physical
preparation. For example:
Visualize yourself giving a successful presentation. Repeat
positive statements to yourself, such as "I am relaxed and ready."
Use breathing techniques and tension-relieving exercises to
reduce stress.
Ask yourself, "What's the worst that can happen?" and then be
prepared for that possibility.
Accept nervousness as natural and do not try to counteract it with
9/2/16 caffeine, drugs, or alcohol prior to the presentation.
Rehearsing 3
Presenting Effectively 1
Manage your delivery
Once you're actually in the room with your audienceyou've prepared your
messages, your materials, and yourselfyou can focus on delivering the most
engaging presentation possible. You will achieve your best performance if you
speak effectively, project a positive image, and keep your audience engaged.
The following are some basic suggestions for effective speaking practice:
Make your presentation conversational.
Do not talk from a script. Talk from your notes only if you have to.
Avoid the use of jargon or terms that may be unfamiliar to the audience.
Face your audience and make eye contact. Avoid standing behind a podium, if
you can help it.
Walk around your audience or use movement when you want control, more
involvement, or to become one of the group.
Watch the audience for nonverbal clues about their response.
Gesture in a relaxed, natural way and do not jingle keys or coins in your pockets.
Breathe. It helps you relax and reduces filler language such as "um" and "er."
Presenting Effectively 2
Choose words carefully
becomes, the more people will hang
consequence, leaders should be
careful about what they say to avoid
confusion and potential problems.
Presenting Effectively 3
Use your voice
To use your voice to its best advantage, consider the following:
Keep the tone of your voice natural and conversational.
Speak loudly enough for everyone to hear if you do not have a
microphone. Check the acoustics when you rehearse.
Use a microphone for a large group or a large space, and
practice beforehand to find a comfortable speaking volume.
Avoid rapid-fire or drawn-out speech. Practice with a tape
recorder or a colleague to get feedback.
Be expressive. Don't speak in a monotone. Raise and lower
your voice to make your point.
Enunciate and pronounce words clearly.
Presenting Effectively 4
Project a positive image
Your confidence in and commitment to your message
are reflected by your demeanor and body language. To
optimize your effectiveness, make sure to do the
Project confidence through your dress and presence.
Make sure your facial expressions convey interest in
the audience. If you are too nervous to look at the
entire audience, focus on individuals instead.
Make and maintain eye contact with audience
Presenting Effectively 4
Keep the audience engaged
Most speakers confront one or several difficult audience members: the tuned out,
the overloaded, or people so busy that they are forever thinking about other
pressing issues. People in these groups will not likely hear what you have to say
unless you take measures to grab their attention, and hold onto it.
To keep your audience's interest level high:
Change what you're doing (e.g., make a sudden pause or change your vocal tone)
Ask for a show of hands
Add humor
Provide analogies and vivid examples
Introduce personal stories
Employ compelling statistics and expert testimony
Use visuals, such as illustrations, charts, and graphs, to good effect
Ask a question
Questions taken from the audience can both engage the listeners and provide you
with opportunities to furnish greater detail in areas that matter to your audience.
it is important that you be well prepared for the questions you28will
Presenting Effectively 5
Evaluate a presentation
Watching someone else present can
give you a vivid appreciation of
which behaviors are effective and
which are ineffective.
Handling Questions 1
Anticipate questions
Some people feel that if there are no questions, the
presentation is a success.
However, if your listeners are engaged and are
working with you, they most likely will have questions
for you.
Anticipate questions by focusing on your listeners'
concerns and how your presentation might strike
Rehearse your talk with someone else and ask for his
or her questions.
Handling Questions 2
When should you answer questions?
Many speakers take questions at the end of their presentation. This
allows them to complete a talk within a specified time and be sure the
audience has the whole picture. If you choose this approach:
Make the transition to your question and answer (Q&A) session clear.
Maintain control of the Q&A session by repeating the question and
giving the answer to the whole group, not only to the questioner.
Some speakers also take questions during the presentation, thinking
that it keeps people engaged and gives you immediately feedback
about how well they understand your message. Use this approach with
caution since it may cause you to lose control of your talk.
Finally, other speakers take questions at specific points during the
presentation. Such times might include when you want people's
reactions or when you want their ideas. However, if you choose this
approach, be sure to identify these points ahead of time and flag them
in 9/2/16
your presentation so you do not forget to stop for questions.
Handling Questions 3
How should you handle questions?
Many times, the success of your
entire presentation will be judged on
how well you handle the question
and answer session.
Making Group
Presentations 1
Assign presenters
Making Group
Presentations 2
Making Group
Presentations 3
Coordinate visuals
Evaluating Your
Presentation 1
Before the presentation
Evaluating your presentation is an important part of
understanding its impact.
Before the presentation, practice your presentation
on test audiences and get their feedback.
Assemble people who are similar to your audience
For example, if you are presenting to experts on the
topic, ask an expert.
Test as many features of your presentation as you
can: the visuals, logic, etc.
Evaluating Your
During the presentation
During the presentation, look for cues that will help you gauge
audience reaction. Body language can indicate interest or
boredom: Are listeners nodding their heads in agreement or
sitting with their arms crossed? The questions they ask can
help you identify areas of your presentation that need
If possible, have another person in the audience take notes on
audience reaction for you. You can make notes on those issues
immediately after the presentation while it is still fresh in your
mind. In many situations it is appropriate to directly ask the
audience how it's going. For example, "Does this make sense
so far?"
Evaluating Your
Presentation 3
After the presentation
After the presentation, assess its overall effectiveness. Ask for
feedback from credible participants. Note what went well and
what needs to be improved. Ask yourself:
Was your objective achieved? Did you make the sale? Persuade
the audience to adopt your recommendation?
Did the audience seem engaged and attentive?
If you're going to give the presentation again, what changes can
you make to improve it?
What general lessons did you learn about presenting?
Creating and delivering a presentation is a process that, like any
other process, can be improved. Once you identify the root
causes of below-standard performance, you can address them
Questions ?
Let us begin now.
Thank you
For Your Patience