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What's In: Activity 1 Developmental Aspect Childhood Adolescent Plans To Improve Yourself Physical Aspect (Physical)

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Name of Learner : Jonrheym P Remegia Grade Level and Section : 12 Hawking

Subject : Personal Development Module No. : 3

What’s In
Activity 1

Developmental Childhood Adolescent Plans to

Aspect improve
Physical Aspect When I was a youngster, I It's difficult to find time to go To improve myself, I
(Physical) used to go outside with my outdoors and exercise, and intend to consume
friends, play computer games, my friends are equally nutritious meals and
and watch cartoons. In preoccupied with their exercise on a regular
comparison to my peers, I had academics. I"ve discovered basis.
a weak physique. I become that I don"t enjoy being
sick quickly when I undertake outside as much as I used to.
strenuous activities or My body has evolved, and
consume anything I'm allergic while my allergies remain the
to. same but I"ve learnt to avoid
certain foods over time.
Cognitive When I was a kid, I didn't pay Now that I am adolescents, I It is critical for me to
Aspect attention to grownup am now more conscious of maintain a social
(Mental) concerns; instead, I was more what is going on around me, connection and gain
concerned about when my such as my father's efforts to experience in order to
favorite cartoon show was put food on our tables. develop my cognitive
going to broadcast on TV. I Everything my moms go abilities.
was so naive back then that I through to wash our clothing
had no idea how difficult the makes sense today. This
world might be. causes my Cognitive Aspect
to be shaped in the manner
of how a proper adolescent
should act, such as
prioritizing my needs over my
wants and having better
humility, both of which I
lacked throughout childhood.
Psychosocial As a youngster, I was able to I hardly show my emotions to To enhance my
Aspect openly express my emotions people now that I am an psychosocial aspect, I've
(Emotional & without caring about what adolescent, and I am even discovered that opening
Social) others thought of me. For hesitant with my parents. I out to someone, such as
example, telling my parents "I no longer cry in the grocery family or close friends, is
love you" or crying at the store because it would be not difficult; rather, it
grocery because my parents embarrassing. We tend to relieves the load I've been
didn't buy me candies. modify our personalities at carrying.
this age to fit in with
society's expectations.
Spiritual Aspect I only pray while I'm at school I learn more about God and In order to improve my
since I'd never really known have a deeper relationship Spiritual Aspect, I'm
God as a child. I'd always with him. Every Sunday, I'd keeping a diary in which I
believed that God would go to church and meet my record my prayers and
become enraged if I said church mates, and I'd always the difficulties I've
hurtful things. thank God and pray for encountered. It helps me
strength to help me conquer relax before going to
my own obstacles. sleep.

Processing questions:

1. What aspect did you find difficult to answer? Why

 The Psychosocial Aspect, Because I find it challenging to socialize with others because of my
introverted personality. Especially when it comes to expressing my thoughts and emotions.
2. How does each aspect influence each other?
 The physical aspects of our bodies, such as our eyes, ears, mouth, and so on, are used to
perform cognitive functions such as learning, attention, language, reasoning, and creativity.
The same is true for the psychosocial aspects, in which we use our bodies to convey our
emotions, personalities, and social connections. And the spiritual component strengthens our
psychosocial aspects, which are based on the ideas we have, motivating us to do what we do in
our lives.
3. Can you share a situation or experience that prove your answer?
 One example is religion; I believe that all creation was created by God, and I worship him,
asking for strength as I face life's challenges. And it motivates me to believe that I am favored
by God, which enhances my psychosocial aspects. A positive mood can also have a significant
impact on our cognitive abilities to complete the tasks at hand.

What’s New
Activity 2:

Scenarios Feelings/ Action Results of the

Emotion action
You have a classmate I would feel a mix of I'd probably sit at my They'd probably exploit
who leads in making your emotions of frustration, table and take my time my flaws to excuse their
classmates laugh at you. anger, helplessness, and letting my emotions settle behavior. If that's the
He also makes you feel embarrassment. before asking them what case, I'd rather be alone
that you do not belong to I did to deserve what they than part of a group
their group. You always did. where I don't belong.
choose to ignore but this
time you can’t stand it.
The end of the semester Frustration, I'll finish the outputs In this method, I will be
is near and most helplessness, and fear before the deadline by able to accomplish my
teachers would be my emotions in requesting the assistance outputs exactly on time.
require you to submit all this circumstance. of my family and set
the outputs in their aside things that aren’t
subjects. But you are still related to school.
working on them and you
find it difficult to handle
the situation. They
particularly remind you
to comply because you
failed in the previous
grading period. You have
to pass time because this
is your last chance.
You experience a pimple I'd be irritated and sad at I'd figure out how to treat As a result, I'd be able to
breakout in your face the same time. my hormone imbalance address my hormone
because of hormonal and avoid it in the future, imbalance and the
imbalance that changed such as by eating a pimple would go away,
your appearance. You are healthy diet, exercising, and I wouldn't have to
not comfortable with it and using medicine and worry about my crush
because your crush supplements. rejecting me.
might not like you.
You always have I would be upset and I'd want to discuss my If they agree to my idea,
arguments with your discouraged. desire for independence I'll leave the house; if not,
parents because of with my parents. I'll listen to their
staying less at home. You reasoning and accept
spend more time with their choice.
your friends because you
share the same interests
and desire for
You and your circle of I'd be a little I'd definitely say no since As a friend, I'll try to
friends share the same disappointed. cigarette smoking makes persuade him to quit
interests. One of your me cough, and I despise smoking while he's still
friends asks you to try the smell of cigarette relatively new to it,
cigarette but you know smoke. because it'll be addictive
from the start that your in the long run.
parents have negative
opinion about it and they
constantly remind you
not to try it.
Processing questions:

1. What did you discover about yourself?

 I've noticed that whenever I'm in a dilemma, I quickly trigger my negative emotions.
2. Which aspect of personality do you give more priority to be dominant in developing your well-being?
 The cognitive aspect of my personality is the one that I prioritize in growing my well-being
because I want to integrate all of the information that I've acquired and establish links between
experiences and knowledge.
3. How will you improve the weakest aspect of your personality?
 I intend to practice interacting with other people in order to enhance my weakest component of
my personality, which is the psychosocial aspect. Listen to, comprehend, and recognize
another person's point of view. Accept criticism and recognize sentiments this way I can
improve my psychosocial aspect.

What’s More
Situation Thoughts Feelings Action
Situation 1: There’s There’s an Scared Relief I will run and See if the
someone Dog/cat shout for help. Dog/cat it
following me nearby. hurt if it is
with not then I’ll
malicious go back
intent. walking.
Situation 2: Scold my Maybe he is Anger admiration I’ll ask my I’ll ask my
brother for also practicing parents to let brother
being to for a make my calmly to
noisy. performance brother stop lower its
in the future. what his doing volume
because its because I am
disturbing. doing some
Situation 3: My father Something Distress Joy I wouldn’t say Apologize for
and mother Good happen anything, I coming home
are not on that’s why just go late.
good terms he’s straight to my
again. celebrating. room.
Situation 4: I dont want Thankful for Doubtful Excitement Ask the Thank the
to participate choosing me teacher to teacher for
as a pick another choosing me,
representative. representative. and tell her
that I’ll do
my best in
Situation 5: That one That one Anger kindness Ask that Let that
classmate is classmate classmate to classmate
probably not probably listen to my ask me a
listening to didn’t discussion. question, to
my understand clarify which
presentation. clearly what i part of the
am presenting topic he
didnt clearly
What I Can Do

This is how I'm feeling right now; my emotions are as rough as the paintbrush's flow on the painting. Confusion,
Fear, and Anxiety are the emotions I'm experiencing while painting, and they're all tangled up together just like the
lines on the painting. I'm not sure when this pain will end; I'm physically and psychologically exhausted, yet I can't
relax just yet since there's still so much to accomplish. I also fear that doing my best will never be enough, and I am
concerned about what will happen in the future as a result of these concerns. I feel like I'm carrying a burden in my
brain, and I can't seem to stop worrying about the wrongdoings I've committed.

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. D
Additional Activities

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