What's In: Activity 1 Developmental Aspect Childhood Adolescent Plans To Improve Yourself Physical Aspect (Physical)
What's In: Activity 1 Developmental Aspect Childhood Adolescent Plans To Improve Yourself Physical Aspect (Physical)
What's In: Activity 1 Developmental Aspect Childhood Adolescent Plans To Improve Yourself Physical Aspect (Physical)
What’s In
Activity 1
Processing questions:
What’s New
Activity 2:
What’s More
Situation Thoughts Feelings Action
Situation 1: There’s There’s an Scared Relief I will run and See if the
someone Dog/cat shout for help. Dog/cat it
following me nearby. hurt if it is
with not then I’ll
malicious go back
intent. walking.
Situation 2: Scold my Maybe he is Anger admiration I’ll ask my I’ll ask my
brother for also practicing parents to let brother
being to for a make my calmly to
noisy. performance brother stop lower its
in the future. what his doing volume
because its because I am
disturbing. doing some
Situation 3: My father Something Distress Joy I wouldn’t say Apologize for
and mother Good happen anything, I coming home
are not on that’s why just go late.
good terms he’s straight to my
again. celebrating. room.
Situation 4: I dont want Thankful for Doubtful Excitement Ask the Thank the
to participate choosing me teacher to teacher for
as a pick another choosing me,
representative. representative. and tell her
that I’ll do
my best in
Situation 5: That one That one Anger kindness Ask that Let that
classmate is classmate classmate to classmate
probably not probably listen to my ask me a
listening to didn’t discussion. question, to
my understand clarify which
presentation. clearly what i part of the
am presenting topic he
didnt clearly
What I Can Do
This is how I'm feeling right now; my emotions are as rough as the paintbrush's flow on the painting. Confusion,
Fear, and Anxiety are the emotions I'm experiencing while painting, and they're all tangled up together just like the
lines on the painting. I'm not sure when this pain will end; I'm physically and psychologically exhausted, yet I can't
relax just yet since there's still so much to accomplish. I also fear that doing my best will never be enough, and I am
concerned about what will happen in the future as a result of these concerns. I feel like I'm carrying a burden in my
brain, and I can't seem to stop worrying about the wrongdoings I've committed.
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. D
Additional Activities