What's New: Color The Fun Game
What's New: Color The Fun Game
What's New: Color The Fun Game
What’s New
Color the Fun Game
What’s More
1. Stress 10/10
2. Stimulus
3. Stressor
4. Response
5. Mental Health
6. Wellbeing
7. Relational
8. Hormones
9. Experience
10. Emotion
What I Have Learned
Activity 1.2 Sharing is caring
Consistent first honor from grade 7-10 Transferring from another school
Pressure. They want you to be consistent I'm worried that I won't have any friends
and perfect. They want you to remain on or other acquaintances to keep me
top, whether it's challenging/difficult or company.
not. Pressure can bring you down and it
won't surely lead you to the right path.
Scholarship. People will only recognize I will be able to meet new and different
your intelligence but not your sufferings. people, and I will have the opportunity to
master advanced topics and be an honor
Nevertheless, you'll be given a big
opportunity which is scholarship that student, something I did not attain in
will help you and your family. my former school.
These will be opportunities for me to You can have someone who appreciates,
hone my leadership abilities and to loves, and comforts you. Someone who is
properly manage my time and effort. always there for you in both good and
bad times.
In this activity, you will write the things that you’ve learned by writing your own definition of the
following terms.
1. Stress- Any sort of change that produces physical, emotional, or psychological pressure is
referred to as stress. Stress is your body's reaction to anything that demands your attention
or action.
2. Stressor- are occurrences or situations in your environment that might cause stress.
3. Mental health- Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being all contribute to our
mental health. It has an impact on how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we deal
with stress, interact with people, and make decisions.
What I Can Do
Learning the Skill: Stress as Stimulus, Response and Relational
1. D 10/10
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. A
Additional Activities
I feel calm when I get adequate sleep,
and I enjoy witnessing the sunrise and
sunsets at the beach and the trees in
the mountains.
Movement Smell
In my opinion, nothing can beat a I feel at ease anytime I smell the sea
morning jog; the chilly morning wind breeze or the breeze from the forests in
feels so good onto my sweaty face. It the rural region in the morning.
aids me in relieving tension from my
academic work.
Touch Hearing
I occasionally request that my father I listen to new popular Original Pinoy
massage my back, head, and limbs Music (OPM), especially if the songs are
since I feel so much better when he in the pop and folk genres and the topic
does. is about life, such as the band
Ben&Ben, December Avenue, IV of
Spades, and many more.