Republic of The Philippines University Town, Northern Samar Web: Http://uep - Email
Republic of The Philippines University Town, Northern Samar Web: Http://uep - Email
Republic of The Philippines University Town, Northern Samar Web: Http://uep - Email
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies
Syllabus in Macroeconomics
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
College Goals
UEP’s Vision: Academically competitive, research and development- The college aims to produce God-fearing, nationalistic, humanistic,
focused, public service-driven, and economically sustainable state and ecologically responsive professional teachers, leaders and
higher education institution. managers.
UEP’s Mission: To offer academic program and services that will Program Outcomes (from CMO No. 75, s. 2017, p. 5):
effectively transform individuals into productive citizens of the country 1. Utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials in
and accelerate the development of high-level professionals who will explaining current issues.
provide leadership in meeting the demands of sustainable 2. Organize communities towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
development and challenges of a diverse and globalized society. 3. Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the principle of
the common good.
Institutional Graduate Outcomes: Graduate of the University of Objectives (Social Studies)
Eastern Philippines should: 1. Utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials
in explaining current issues
1. Exhibit proficiency in their chosen field of discipline through their 2. Organize communities towards self-reliance and self-
involvement in various types of employment; sufficiency
2. Utilize research methodologies that will allow them to generate 3. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching or
new knowledge and address problems and issues and promote training students whom will empower their communities
development; 4. Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the principle
3. Values Philippine historical and cultural heritage; of the common good
4. Demonstrate global awareness through responsible global 5. Employ principles of sustainable development in teaching and
citizenship; learning
5. Clearly communicate in several modes of delivery (oral, written, 6. Show scholarship in research and further learning
and visual) in English and Filipino; and 7. Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who ahs mastery
6. Manifest high degree of professionalism through observation of of the subject matter.
ethical and professional behavior.
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The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.
Course Title: Macroeconomics
3 units, 3 hrs./wk. (18 weeks, 54
Course Credits: Contact Hours/Week:
hrs. total)
Course Description: The course guides the students to demonstrate an understanding of the cause and effects of inflation,
unemployment, fiscal and monetary policies, modes of taxation, international trade, Gross National
Policy, Gross Domestic Policy, and consumer development index.
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
A. demonstrate understanding of the cause and effects of inflation, unemployment, fiscal and
monetary policies, modes of taxation, international trade, Gross National Product, Gross Domestic
Product, and consumer development index;
B. demonstrate understanding on the theories of consumer behavior, basic economic theories and
history of economics; and
C. apply critical and creative thinking through a survey of small-scale business/entrepreneurs on the
challenges encountered.
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Learning Plan
Teaching and
Time Course Learning activities/
Learning Outcomes Resources Assessment Tasks
Allotment Content/Topic Instructional
Weeks 1-2 At the end of these weeks, A. Understanding Lecture-discussion Written objective test/essay on
the preservice teacher Economics using PowerPoint understanding economics
(PST) should be able to: a. Economics defined Presentation on
a. define and discuss b. Nature of understanding
Economics and its two Economics economics
major divisions; c. Methods and Tools
b. describe the nature of of Economics
Economics; d. Divisions of
c. enumerate and Economics
differentiate the different e. The Methodology of
methods and tools used in Economics
the study of economics;
and d. discuss the
methodology of
Week 3-4 At the end of these weeks, B. The Circular Flow • Lecture-discussion Written objective test/essay on
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Azanza, P. A. (2001). Economics, society and development. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore.
Mc Connell, C. R. & Brue, S. L. (1996). Economics: principles, problems and policies. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. Miranda, G. (2001).
Introductory economics. Manila: L & G. Business House, 3rd Revised Edition
Pagoso, C. M. (1996). Introductory economics. Manila: Rex Bookstore.
Ramos, C. C. R. (2003). Globalization and technology. Manila Rex Bookstore
Resurreccion, C. O. (1996). Basic economic concepts in Philippine context. Quezon City: Phoenix Press Inc.
Tullao, T. S., Jr. (1995). Understanding economics in the Philippines setting. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House.
Villegas, B. M. (2001). Guide to economics for Filipinos. Manila: Sinagtala Publishers, Inc
Website/Videos/Film Clips
Class materials
Instructional Materials
Powerpoint presentation
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