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Quantum Physics and Applications: Wave-Particle Duality

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Quantum Physics and Applications

Wave-Particle Duality

Gopal Dixit

Recommended Readings

Matter wave, sections 5.1 and 5.2 in page 152 and 154.

Photoelectric Effect
Particle nature of Light
Compton Effect

Wave nature of Light
Quantum theory gives light a more flexible nature by implying
that different experimental conditions evoke either the wave
properties or particle properties of light. In fact, both views are
necessary and complementary.


Photoelectric Effect
Particle nature of Light
Compton Effect

Wave nature of Light

Thus we are left with an uneasy compromise between wave and

particle concepts and must accept, at this point, that both are
necessary to explain the observed behavior of light.

In General
Does light consist of waves or particles?

Phenomenon Wave Nature Particle Nature

Re ection Yes Yes

Refraction Yes No

Interference Yes No

Diffraction Yes No

Polarisation Yes No

Photoelectric effect No Yes

Compton Effect No Yes

Simple Idea

h⌫ h
For photon: p= =

More Complications

While people are struggling with this dual nature of

radiation (particles or waves), de-Broglie jumped in
and made the situation more complicated (or did he
make it simple?)

He said: If waves behave like particles, then why can’t particles

behave like waves?

Classically, we view massive objects (such as protons and

electrons) as particles and electromagnetic radiation as a wave.

In de-Broglie’s point of view, both of these should have both particle

and wave properties.
More Complications

This is surprising! Massive objects occupy well

defined positions in space at any given instant.
How can they have wave like properties?
Wave-Particle Duality
In 1923 Louis de Broglie gave hypothesis

If waves behave like particles, then why not

particles behave like waves?

Everything (matter and radiation) has both wave

and particle properties; which property you see
depends on the experiment you perform.

h⌫ h
For photon: p= =
h h
For a particle of momentum p, the wavelength is dB = =
p mv
Wave-Particle Duality
de Broglie hypothesis and Bohr’s Quantization condition

One of Bohr’s assumptions concerning hydrogen atom model

was that in a stationary state
L = me vr = n~
Wave-Particle Duality
de Broglie hypothesis and Bohr’s Quantization condition
Wave-Particle Duality
de Broglie hypothesis and Bohr’s Quantization condition
Wave-Particle Duality

Consider Jofra Archer

bowling at 145 km/hr.

Mass of the cricket

ball is 163 gm.

dB of the cricket ball is 10 m

Wave-Particle Duality
A ball of m = 150 g, v = 40 m/s
h 6.626 ⇥ 10 J-s 34
dB = = = 1.1 ⇥ 10 m
mv 0.15 kg ⇥ 40 m/s

An electron with v=5.9 x 106 m/s

6.626 ⇥ 10 34 J-s 10
dB = = 1.2 ⇥ 10 m
9.11 ⇥ 10 31 kg ⇥ 5.9 ⇥ 106 m/s

Atomic dimension:10-10 m; Nuclear dimension: 10-14 m

Wave-Particle Duality
de Broglie wavelength is negligibly small for macroscopic

de Broglie wavelength is important for microscopic objects

like electron

Objects that are large in the absolute sense have the

property that the de Broglie wavelength associated with

them are completely negligible compared to their size.

Therefore, large particles only manifest particle nature.

Young’s double
slitslit experimen
Young’s Double Slit Experiment
Path difference between two rays Path
Path difference
difference between
two rays:
= r2 r1 = d sin ✓
r2 r2 r1 r1 d sin
d sin

Constructive interference
Constructive Interference Destructive
Destructive interference
Destructive Interference
d sin
= d sin n mm ddsin
d=sin m((n
sin ✓ (= m1+/ 121/2)
/) 2)
Double Slit versus Multiple Slit
Replace two slit
Double slitsversus
with multiple
slit slits
Replace two slits with multiple equi-spaced slits

? comparable
51 # : sin >
to @
X-ray Diffraction
X-ray Diffraction (1912)
X-ray Diffraction A
Crystal plane 1
Bragg Equation
Crystal plane 2 B
2d sin ✓ = n
Path difference = AB+BC = n
Diffraction order n=
AB = BC = d sin
Wavelength ~ d-spacing
d-spacing ~ 0.2-0.3 ~
X-ray wavele

d-spacing ~ 0.2-0.3 nm X-ray wavelength, 0.01-10 nm

X-ray Diffraction
Crystal structure and Miller Indices

Planes with different

Miller indices in a cubic

Each plane will give

peak depending on d

and many more……

(Additional Information)
Wave-Nature of Electron
Davisson-Germer Experiment, 1927

Electrons were diffracted from a

Nickel crystal similar to x-rays. The
diffraction peaks satisfy the Bragg
p p
1 n p 2mE 2meV
= = = =
2d sin ✓ h h h

Electron wavelength
deBroglie through
Bragg law
relationship voltage V

Wave-Nature of Electron
de Broglie wavelength of electron dB =p
dB = 1.67 Å = 1.67 ⇥ 10 m for 54 eV electron

can be varied by varying accelerating voltage eV

Bragg law: 2d sin ✓ = n

should be of the same magnitude as d

Microscope Resolution ⇠ , shorter , better is resolution

=) Electron Microscope
Wavelength versus Size
With a visible light microscope,
Wavelength we areSize
versus limited to being able to
a visiblewhich are at least
light microscope, we about 0.5*10
are limited -6 m = 0.5 µm =
to being able to
resolve objects which are at least about 0.5*10-6 m = 0.5 μm =
500 nm in size.
500 nm in size.
This This is because
is because visible
visible light,
light, with
with a wavelengthofof~500
a wavelength ~500nm
nm cannot
cannot resolve objects whose size is smaller than its wavelength.
resolve objects whose size is smaller than its wavelength.

Bacteria, as viewed Bacteria, as viewed

using visible light using electrons!
Microscope Using Electrons
Ernest Ruska (and others) argued that if electrons behave like
waves then it should be possible to focus electron beams like

They designed magnetic lenses which could focus the electron

waves and created TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) in

Electron Microscope allows us to see things much smaller than

typical optical microscopes permit, because the wavelength of
the electron is much shorter than that of photons of visible light.

In principle, it can provide magnification factors of a million. Ruska

got a Nobel Prize in 1986.
Electron Microscope

The electron microscope is a device which uses the wave

behavior of electrons to make images which are otherwise too
small for visible light!

The best optical microscope using UV light have magnification of ~

2000 and resolution of ~ 100 nm, however, electron microscope
using 100 kV electrons has magnification of as much as 107 and
resolution of 0.2 nm.
Scanning Microscope
Electron Microscope (SEM)
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
3-d images by SEM. An electron beam
(20 KeV) is sharply focused on a
3-d images by SEM. An electron beam
(20 KeV)andisscanned.
sharply The low energy
focused on a
and scanned.electrons are
The low energy
scattered secondary electrons are

SEM can resolve features as small as 5

Thiscan resolve100
is about features
timesas smallthan
better as 5
is aboutwith
100 times better light
visible than
can be done with visible light

energy particles
energy can
particles canbe
to reveal thestructure
reveal the structureofof matter
matter ! !
Electron Microscope
YDSE with Electrons
C. Jönsson (Tübingen, Germany, 1961):

Double-slit interference effects for electrons by

constructing very narrow slits and using relatively
large distances between the slits and the
observation screen.

This experiment demonstrated that precisely the

same behaviour occurs for both light (waves) and
electrons (particles).
YDSE with
YDSE withElectrons
electrons: A historical perspective
Claus Joensson (1961) Interference pattern

With 2 slits

With 3 slits
YDSE with Electrons
electron double slit experiment
electron double slit experiment
Akira Tonomura and co-workers at Hitachi in 1989
Akira Tonomura and co-workers at Hitachi in 1989
just one electron in the apparatus at any one time
just one electron in the apparatus at any one time

they observed the build up of the

fringe pattern
they observed the build up of the
fringe pattern
The Tonomura Experiment
YDSE with Molecules
Wave Property of C60 molecule

Markus Arndt et al, Nature 401, 680 (1999)

YDSE with Molecules

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