Intergrated Science Term 2 7
Intergrated Science Term 2 7
Intergrated Science Term 2 7
2 Mixtures, Mixtures.(a).Me By the end of the lesson, In groups,pairs, How can we Digital Assessme
Elements and thods of the learner should be learners are separate a devices. nt rubric.
Compounds. Separating able to: guided to: solid-solid
Requirem Observatio
Mixtures.(Use mixture by
a) outline the outline the ents for n
of a magnet use of
procedure for procedures for the schedule.
and filtration) magnet?
separating solid- separating experime
solid mixture by solid-solid How is the nts.
use of a magnet. mixture by use method of Oral
of magnet and filtration report.
b) outline the Scholar
separating applied in
procedure for Integrated
solid-liquid the locality?
separating a solid Science
mixture by
-liquid mixture by pg 57-58.
carry out the
c) carry out an
experiment to
and record
separate a solid-
solid mixture by
use of a magnet.
discuss how
d) carry out an
filtration is
experiment to
applied in the
separate a solid-
liquid mixture by
home or in
e) enjoy carrying out mention other
the experiments. mixtures that
can be
separated by
filtration and
use of magnet.
3 Mixtures,Ele Mixtures. By the end of the lesson, In How can Requirem Assessme
ments and the learner should be groups,learners simple ents for nt rubric.
(a). Methods of
Compounds. able to: are guided to: distillation the
separating Checklist.
be used to experime
mixtures a) define the term search and
obtain pure nt. Observatio
(Simple distillation. explain the
water from n
Distillation) meaning of Digital
b) outline and river water schedule.
distillation. devices.
describe the at home?
procedure for outline the Top
separating procedure for Scholar
homogeneous separating a Integrated
solid-liquid homogeneous Science
mixture by simple solid-liquid pg 58-59.
distillation. mixture by
c) carry out an
experiment to
separate a carry out the
homogeneous experiment and
solid-liquid record the
mixture by simple observations.
discuss the
d) enjoy carrying out observations
the experiment. recorded.
search a video
on how
distillation is
used to
separate crude
oil in oil
4 Mixtures,Ele Mixtures By the end of the lesson, In groups,pairs, What are Top Assessme
ments and the learner should be learners are the different Scholar nt rubric.
(a). Methods of
Compounds. able to: guided to; methods of Integrated
separating oral
separating Science
mixtures. a) outline the uses use digital questions.
mixtures pg 56-66.
of different devices to
methods of search the Digital
separating internet on the devices.
used in day
mixtures in day to various uses of
to day life?
day life. different
methods of
b) appreciate the
use of different
mixtures in day
methods of
to day life
mixtures in day to discuss the
day life. application of
mixtures in day
to day life and
present their
findings in
3 1 Mixtures, Mixtures and By the end of the lesson, In pairs, Assessm Assessme
Elements and Methods of the learner should be individually,lear ent nt rubric
Compounds. Separating able to: ners are guided books.
Mixtures to:
a) Attempt the Top test.
Revision questions on the attempt and Scholar
Questions. sub-strand; answer the Integrated
Mixtures and questions on Science
Methods of the sub-strand: pg 66-67.
separating Mixtures and
mixtures. Methods of
2 Mixtures, Acids and By the end of the lesson, In What is an Top Checklists
Elements and Bases. the learner should be groups,learners indicator? Scholar .
Compounds. able to: are guided to: Integrated
(a). Preparing How do you Observatio
a) define the term Science
Plant Extracts outline the prepare a n
indicator. pg 68-69.
to be used as procedure for plant schedule.
Acid-Base preparing plant extract? Digital
b) outline the oral
Indicator. extracts. devices.
procedure for report.
preparing a plant prepare a plant Requirem
extract. extract. ents for
c) prepare a plant the
record and
extract and discuss the experime
record the observations nt.
observations. made from the
use digital
device to find
out other plant
extracts that
can also be
used as
3 Mixtures, Acids and By the end of the lesson, In How can Top Observatio
Elements and Bases. the learner should be groups,learners you identify Scholar n
Compounds. able to: are guided to: a substance Integrated schedule.
(b). Using plant
a) use plant extracts use plant as being Science
extracts to Checklists
as acid-base acidic or pg 69-71.
group extracts .
indicator. basic?
household indicator to Plant
solutions into Assessme
b) classify classify extract.
basic or acidic. nt rubric.
household common
solutions either household oral
ents for
as bases,acids or solutions as the
neutral. either basic or
acidic or
c) enjoy classifying nt.
the household Digital
solutions either record and
as acids,bases or discuss the
neutral. observations
from the
4 Mixtures, Acids and By the end of the lesson, In What is the Top Assessme
Elements and Bases. the learner should be groups,learners colour of Scholar nt rubric.
Compounds. able to: are guided to: the Integrated
(c). using Checklists
commercial a) identify the commercial Science
outline and .
indicators to commercial indicators? pg 71-72.
follow the
classify indicators used Oral
procedure for What is the Requirem
household to classify questions.
using advantage ents for
solution as solutions as commercial of the observatio
acids and either acidic or indicators to commercial experime n
bases. basic. classify indicators nt. schedule.
b) categorize household over the
different solutions as plant
household acids and extracts?
solutions as bases.
either acidic or carry out the
basic using experiment,
commercial record and
indicators. discuss the
observations .
4 1 Mixtures, Acids, bases By the end of the lesson, In groups, How does Top Assessme
Elements and and indicators. the learner should be learners are the Scholar nt rubric.
Compounds. able to: guided to; concentrati Integrated
(d). Determining oral
a) determine the on of an Science
the strength of conduct an questions.
strength of acids acid or base pg 73.
Acids and experiment to
and bases using affect its checklists.
Bases using determine the Universal
universal strength as
Universal strength of indicators
indicators. indicated by
Indicators. acids and .
a universal
b) carry out an bases using
indicator? Digital
experiment and universal
record the identify the Requirem
observation colors of the ents for
made. universal the
indicator when experime
placed in a nt.
basic or acidic
classify acidic
or basic
solutions as
either strong or
weak using
2 Mixtures, Acids and By the end of the lesson, In What is the Top Assessme
Elements and Bases. the learner should be groups,learners relationship Scholar nt rubric.
Compounds. able to: are guided to: between pH Integrated
(e). Determining oral
a) conduct an values and Science
the strength of carry out an questions.
experiment to strength of pg 73-74.
Acids and experiment.
determine the acids and observatio
Bases using pH Requirem
strength of acids match the bases? n
scale and pH ents for
and bases using colour of the schedule.
chart. the
pH scale and pH universal
chart. indicator in
each solution
b) classify the acidic to the pH chart Digital
and basic provided. devices.
provided as either classify acidic
strong or weak. or basic
solutions as
c) discuss what is either strong or
pH scale and pH weak using a
chart and how it pH scale and
relates to pH chart.
strength of acids
search, watch
or bases.
videos and
colours of acid-
base indicators
in different
3 Mixtures, Acids and By the end of the lesson, In What is the Top Assessme
Elements and Bases. the learner should be groups,learners significance Scholar nt rubric.
Compounds. able to: are guided to: of Integrated
(f). Application Written
a) outline the acids,bases Science
of Acids and explore test.
applications of and pg 75.
Bases in day to applications of
acids,bases and indicators? oral
day life. acids and Digital
indicators in real report.
bases in real How are devices.
life. life (antacid acids,
b) discuss the tablets, bases and
applications of common fruits indicators
acids and bases in the locality, applied in
in our daily lives. fertilizers,limin day to day
g of soil, life?
c) appreciate the detergents)
applications of
acids and bases use digital
in real life. devices to
search for
information on
applications of
acids and
bases in day to
day life.
discuss the
points and
present in
4 Mixtures,Ele Acids and By the end of the lesson, In pairs, Assessm Assessme
ments and Bases. the learner should be individually,lear ent nt rubric.
Compounds. able to: ners are guided books.
Revision Written
a) Attempt the to:
Questions. Top test.
questions on the discuss and Scholar
sub-strand: Acids, answer the Integrated
Bases and questions on Science
Indicators. the sub-strand. pg 76.
5 1 Living Things Reproduction in By the end of the lesson, In What is Digital Assessme
and Their Human Beings. the learner should be groups,pairs,le menstruatio devices. nt rubric.
Environment. able to: arners are n and
(a) The Human Dictionary Written
a) explain the guided to; menstrual
Menstrual . test.
meaning of cycle?
Cycle. use dictionary
menstruation and Top Checklist.
or ict devices How many
menstruation Scholar
to search and days does it
cycle. Integrated
discuss the take for
b) describe the meaning of menstruatio
pg 77-79.
menstruation n cycle to
menstrual cycle and the reoccur? Chart.
in human beings. menstruation
c) identify and
explain the four describe the
phases of menstrual
menstrual cycle. cycle.
draw the
cycle and
identify the
phases in
2 Living Things Reproduction in By the end of the lesson, In What Top Written
and Their Human Beings. the learner should be groups,pairs,le challenges Scholar test.
Environment. able to: arners are are Integrated
(b) Challenges oral
a) identify the guided to: associated Science
Related to questions.
challenges with the pg 80-82.
Menstrual identify the
related to menstrual Assessme
Cycle. challenges Digital
menstrual cycle. cycle? nt rubric.
related to the devices.
b) explain the menstrual How best
challenges cycle. can we
related to manage
discuss the
menstrual cycle. issues
related to
related to the
search for
information on
related to
cycle from
textbooks and
internet and
record their
discuss what
one should do
if she had the
related to
3 Living Things Reproduction in By the end of the lesson, In groups, What is the Digital Assessme
and Their human beings. the learner should be pairs, male sex devices. nt rubric.
Environment. able to: individually,lear cell called?
(c) The process Top Checklist.
a) explain the ners are guided
of fertilisation what is the Scholar
meaning of to: oral
and female sex Integrated
intersex questions.
implantation. discuss the cell called? Science
conditions. intersex pg 82-83. written
b) identify the conditions. test.
pictures of male identify the
and female male and
reproductive female sex cell.
describe the
c) describe the observable
observable structures of
structures of the the sex cells.
sex cells.
draw and label
d) draw and label the structures
the structures of of male and
the male and female sex
female cells.
search for
from the
textbooks and
internet about
the structure of
the female and
male sex cells
and their
4 Living Things Reproduction in By the end of the lesson, In groups, What is Top Assessme
and Their human beings. the learner should be pairs, learners fertilisation Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. able to: are guided to; and Integrated
(c) Process of Written
a) define the terms: implantatio Science
fertilization and use digital test.
fusion, n? pg 83-85
implantation. devices or
fertilization, oral
dictionary to How does Digital
zygote and questions.
search the the process devices.
implantation. meaning of of
Charts on
b) describe the fusion, fertilisation
process of fertilisation, and
zygote and implantatio
fertilization and implantation. n takes
implantation. place?
watch a video
c) identify where the on the
process of movement of
fertilisation and sperms, fusion
implantation and
takes place from implantation of
a diagram of the zygote in
uterus. the uterus.
draw the
movement of
the fertilised
egg from the
fallopian tube
to the uterus
7 1 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In What is Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le excretion? Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. system-Skin able to: arners are Integrated
why is Checklist.
a) mention the guided to: Science
(a). Identifying excretion
wastes from the pg 87-88. Written
parts of Human explain the important
body. test.
Skin. term excretion. to the Charts.
b) define the term human oral
name the Digital
excretion. body? questions.
organs devices.
c) identify the parts responsible for
of the human removal of
skin. wastes.
use digital
device to
search for a
well labelled
diagram of the
human skin.
2 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In Why is the Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le skin Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System - Skin. able to: arners are important in Integrated
a) identify and state guided to: humans? Science
(b). Functions test.
the functions of pg 89-91.
of parts of the use digital what is the
the parts of the oral
skin. devices to compositio Digital
skin. questions.
b) discuss the search the n of the devices Checklist.
functions of the internet on the sweat
different parts of functions of excreted
human skin. the different through the
parts of skin. skin?
c) outline the
functions of the discuss the
skin. functions of
the the
d) appreciate the
different parts
functions of the
of the skin.
different parts of
human skin. use a hand lens
to observe the
external parts
of the skin.
3 Living Things The Human By the end of the lesson, In How can we Top Assessme
and Their skin. the learner should be groups,pairs,le maintain a Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. able to: arners are healthy Integrated
(c). Lifestyle to Written
a) identify the guided to; skin? Science
promote a test.
lifestyles that pg 92-94.
healthy skin. identify
promote a Oral
lifestyles that Pictures.
healthy skin. questions.
promote a
b) discuss the healthy skin.
health practices discuss the
that enables one health
to maintain a practices that
healthy skin promote and
c) appreciate health help maintain a
healthy skin.
practices that search for
promote a more
healthy skin.. information
from the
internet on
practices that
maintain a
healthy skin.
4 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In groups,pairs, Why is Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be learners are proper use Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System-Skin. able to: guided to: of Integrated
a) mention the uses cosmetics Science
(d). Proper use give examples questions.
of cosmetics. important? pg 94-95.
of cosmetics. of cosmetics.
b) state the What is the Digital
search from
importance of importance devices.
the internet and
proper use of of using
other relevant
cosmetics. cosmetics
materials the
to our skin?
c) discuss the importance of
importance of proper use of
proper use of cosmetics.
cosmetics. discuss the
d) appreciate the importance of
importance of proper use of
proper use of cosmetics.
8 1 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In What are Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le the effects Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System -Skin. able to: arners are of Integrated
guided to: cosmetics Science
(e). Identifying a) identify the use digital on the pg 96-97. .
effects of effects of devices with human
Realia. Observatio
cosmetics on cosmetics on the internet to body?
the human human body. search on the Digital
What are schedule.
body. effects of skin devices.
b) discuss the the
effects of advantages
cosmetics on the discuss the of using
human body. findings and locally
present in made
c) use locally
class. cosmetics?
materials to identify the How can
make a cosmetic. various forms the locally
of cosmetics made
and discuss cosmetics
how they are be used or
applied. improved?
make a
cosmetic from
the locally
2 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In What are Digital Oral
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le the harmful devices. report.
Environment. System -Skin. able to: arners are effects of
Top Assessme
a) explain how guided to: the use of
(f). Importance Scholar nt rubric.
cosmetics can be cosmetics
and proper use search the Integrated
used for skin on human Checklists
of comsetics internet on how Science
protection, skin health? .
for consumer cosmetics can pg 98.
protection. repair and skin be used for Written
treatment. skin protection, test.
skin repair and
b) discuss the
skin treatment.
possible harmful
effects of the use discuss their
of cosmetics on findings , write
human health. them down and
present in
c) acknowledge the
harmful effects
of cosmetics on brainstorm on
human health. the possible
harmful effects
of the use of
cosmetics on
human health.
3 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In What are Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le the parts of Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System - able to: arners are the urinary Integrated
Urinary system. a) identify the waste guided to; system? Science
product excreted pg 98-99.
(a). Parts of the study the
by the urinary Checklists
Urinary system. diagram of the Charts.
system. .
urinary system
b) identify the parts and brainstorm Written
of the urinary on the its Digital test.
system. external parts. devices.
discuss the
parts of the
urinary system.
4 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In groups, What are Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be pairs,learners the Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System - able to: are guided to; functions of Integrated
Urinary system. the parts of Science
a) identify and state brainstorm on questions.
the urinary pg 99-
(b). Functions the functions of the functions
system? 100. Written
of the parts of the parts of the of the different
the urinary urinary system. parts of the Digital
urinary system. devices. Checklists
b) describe the .
use digital Charts.
functions of the
devices and
parts of the
urinary system. materials to
c) Appreciate the search for
functions of the information on
the functions
different parts of
of the parts of
the urinary
the urinary
discuss the
functions of
the parts of the
urinary system.
9 1 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In groups,pairs, What are Top Assessme
and their Excretory the learner should be learners are some of the Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System - able to: guided to: practices Integrated
Urinary system. that may Science
a) identify the explain the
cause pg 101- Checklists
(c). Kidney causes of the meaning of
kidney 102. .
Disorders. kidney disorders. kidney
disorders. Digital Written
b) discuss the devices. tests.
practices that use digital
may cause kidney devices to Posters. oral
disorders. search some of questions.
the examples
c) create posters of kidney
showing the disorders.
practices that
may cause kidney identify and
disorders. discuss the
practices that
may cause
2 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In which Top Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le healthy Scholar nt rubric.
Environment. System - able to: arners are lifestyles Integrated
Urinary system. guided to; can we Science
a) identify lifestyles n
adopt to pg 102-
(d). Identifying that promote a search the schedule.
promote 103
lifestyles that healthy kidney internet and
healthy Checklists
promote a and prevent other relevant Digital
kidneys? .
healthy kidney kidney disorders. materials for devices.
and prevent b) discuss the lifestyles that Charts. oral
kidney lifestyles that one promote a questions.
disorders. should adopt to healthy kidney
promote a and prevent
healthy kidney kidney Written
and prevent disorders. test.
kidney disorders.
identify and
c) demonstrate a discuss the
positive attitude lifestyles that
towards promote a
maintaining healthy kidney
kidney health and prevent
through lifestyle kidney
changes. disorders.
use digital
devices to
awareness on
the lifestyles
that promote a
healthy kidney
and prevent
3 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In Which Realia. Checklist.
and Their Excretory the learner should be groups,pairs,le locally
Digital portfolios.
Environment. System - able to: arners are available
Urinary System. guided to: materials observatio
a) use locally can be used Top n
(e).Project. available identify the
to model Scholar schedule.
materials to appropriate
the urinary Integrated
model the urinary locally
system? Science
system. available pg 103 &
materials to 100.
b) enjoy modeling
model the
the urinary
urinary system.
system using
locally available model the
materials. urinary system
using the
materials and
display in
4 Living Things Human By the end of the lesson, In pairs, Assessm Assessme
and Their Excretory the learner should be individually,lear ent nt rubric.
Environment. System - Skin able to: ners are guided books.
and Urinary to:
a) Attempt all the Top test.
questions on the answer the Scholar
Revision sub-strand: questions on Integrated
Questions. Human Excretory the sub-strand. Science
System. pg 104.
10 1 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In What is Top Assessme
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be groups,pairs,le static Scholar nt rubric.
able to: arners are electricity? Integrated
(a). Checklists
guided to: Science
Demonstrating a) identify the two How do .
pg 105-
the Existence of forms of search the materials
106. observatio
Static Charges. electricity. meaning of acquire
static static Digital
b) explain what is schedule.
electricity from charges? devices.
static electricity. the internet. oral
c) demonstrate the identify the two Requirem questions.
existence of forms of ents for
static charges in electricity. the
objects. experime
carry out an
experiment to
the existence
of static
rub different
objects to
show the
presence of
static charges
in objects.
record and
discuss the
2 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In What is Top Practical
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be groups,pairs,le charging? Scholar Work.
able to: arners are Integrated
(b). Methods of How do observatio
guided to: Science
Charging a) define the term materials n
pg 107-
Objects.(Rubbin charging. identify the get schedule.
g or Friction) methods of charged?
b) outline the Assessme
charging Requirem
methods of nt rubric.
objects. ents for
charging objects. the oral
conduct a
c) conduct an experime report.
practical on
experiment on nt.
charging objects objects by
by rubbing. rubbing.
d) enjoy conducting observe, record
the experiment. and discuss
3 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In What is Top Practical
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be groups,pairs,le charging by Scholar Work.
able to: arners are induction? Integrated
(b). Methods of Assessme
guided to; Science
charging a) explain what is nt rubric.
pg 108-
objects. induction. explain what is
110. Checklist.
(induction) b) Conduct an Requirem oral
experiment on conduct an
ents for report.
charging objects experiment on
by induction. charging
objects by
induction using
two balloons. Digital
observe, record
and discuss
4 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In What is Top Practical
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be groups,learners earthing Scholar work.
able to: are guided to: process? Integrated
(b). Methods of Assessme
charging a) conduct an carry out a What nt rubric.
pg 111-
objects.(Inducti experiment on practical observation
113. observatio
on) charging a single activity on s are
charging a expected Digital
polythene ball or single from the devices. schedule.
balloon by polythene ball experiment?
Requirem Oral
induction or balloon by
ents for questions.
method. induction.
b) discuss the observe,record experime
observations and discuss nt.
made from the the
experiment. observations
from the
search and
watch videos
from the
internet on
materials by
induction and
11 1 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In groups, What is the Top Practical
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be pairs,learners difference Scholar work.
able to: are guided to; between Integrated
(c). Types of Assessme
like and Science
Charges. a) identify the two use digital nt rubric.
unlike pg 113-
types of charges. devices to
charges? 115. observatio
search and
b) demonstrate the n
watch videos Requirem
types of charges schedule.
on types of ents for
using a balloon charges and the Checklists
and a ruler. write their practical. .
Digital oral
differentiate devices. questions.
between like
charges and
unlike charges.
conduct an
experiment to
the types of
charges using
a balloon and a
observe and
discuss the
2 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In What is the Top Assessme
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be groups,pairs,le difference Scholar nt rubric.
able to: arners are between Integrated
(d). Effects of Practical
guided to; attraction Science
Force between a) discuss the work.
and pg 115-
Charged effects of force conduct an
repulsion 118. Checklists
Objects. between charged experiment to
force? .
objects. demonstrate Requirem
the effects of ents for observatio
b) demonstrate the force between the n
effects of force charged experime schedule.
between charged objects. nt.
observe and
c) enjoy conducting record the
the practical observations
activity. from the
discuss the
effects of force
3 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In groups, What are Top Assessme
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be pairs, learners the uses of Scholar nt rubric.
able to: are guided to: static Integrated
(e). Uses of oral
charges? Science
Static Charges. a) mention the mention the questions.
pg 118-
equipment that equipment that Which
119. Written
use electrostatics uses equipment
to function. electrostatics uses Digital
to function. electrostati devices. Checklist.
b) identify and c charges to
discuss the uses use digital Pictures.
of static charges. devices to find
out how each
c) appreciate the of the
use of static equipment
charges in daily mentioned use
life. electrostatic
charges to
describe how
the equipment
electrostatic to
4 Force and Static By the end of the lesson, In What are Top Written
Energy. Electricity. the learner should be groups,pairs,le the dangers Scholar test.
able to: arners are of static Integrated
(f).Dangers and oral
guided to; charges? Science
Safety a) identify the questions.
pg 119-
measures when dangers that may search the Why is it 120. Checklists
dealing with occur when internet the advisable to .
static charges. dealing with dangers that switch off
devices. Assessme
static charges. may occur the car
nt rubric.
when dealing engine
b) outline the safety
with static when
measures when
charges. fueling in a
dealing with
static charges. discuss the
dangers when
c) use digital
dealing with
devices to create
static charges.
awareness on the
safety measures discuss the
against lightning. safety
when dealing
with static
e lightning)