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Effecriveness of 4Ps Program

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Research Design

This research utilizes descriptive method in order to explain the different problems

encountered by the 4ps senior high school students in distance learning.

Descriptive research is a type of research that describes a population, situation or

phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what, when and here

questions. Further, descriptive research makes observations and describes the results of those

findings, providing an accounting and delineating component of a problem without making

inferences regarding causality.

Also, this research design involves the interpretation of data according to the variables

involves in the study. Also, it utilizes different data gathering techniques such as interviews,

questionnaires, surveys and registrations.

Study Site and Participants

The research will consider the health workers currently serving in the municipality of

Diffun, Quirino. They consist of the doctors, nurses, midwives and other medical pratctitioners

in the Rural Health Unit and the Diffun District Hospital and the barangay health workers in the



The research will use a structured questionnaire composed of three parts. The first part is

a checklist on the profile of the respondents containing information on the gender, age, position,

monthly income and area of assignment.

The second part of the instrument is a questionnaire checklist on determining the received

health risks assistance of the respondents the third part of the instrument is a questionnaire
checklist on determining the perceived level.of satisfaction of the respondents on the received

health risks assistance during the COVID 19 pandemic. Data gathered were described using the


Range Numerical Description Indicators

3.26-4.00 4 Very Satisfied The respondents are very satisfied
on the received health risk
2.51-3.25 3 Satisfied The respondents are satisfied on
the received health risk assistance.
1.76-2.50 2 Dissatisfied The respondents are dissatisfied
on the received health risk

1.00-1.75 1 Very Dissatisfied The respondents are very

dissatisfied on the received health
risk assistance.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher will follow the protocol in conducting a research. The outline will be

submitted to the members of the panel for their suggestions. When the outline is finished, the

researcher will seek approval from the municipal mayor to conduct the survey. Data gathered

will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The tables to be

generated from this program will be the basis for the interpretation, conclusion and


Data Analysis

Data gathered in the research were analyzed using the following statistical tools:
1. Frequency count and Percentage. These will be used to describe information about the profile

of the respondents.

2. Mean. This will be used to describe the level of agreement of the respondents to the indicators

given on the problems and challenges and coping mechanisms employed toward distance


3. t-test. This will be used to determine existence of significant differences on the problems and

challenges and coping mechanisms employed toward distance learning.

4. ANOVA (F-test). This will be used to determine existence of significant differences on the

problems and challenges and coping mechanisms employed toward distance learning.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers are aware that it is imperative that ethical issues are considered during

the formulation of the evaluation plan. The researchers will guarantee accountability and

responsibility of the following ethical considerations to the research participants: informed

consent, voluntary participation, to do no harm, confidentiality, anonymity and to only assess

relevant components.

The respondents’ participation in this study will be voluntary. To ensure confidentiality,

the background and profiles of the participants will not be exposed and were treated with utmost

confidentiality. Moreover, a consent form will be filled up by the partakers and crafted as proof

that the participants agreed and were informed that they were subjected into this study.
The researchers will not oblige a participant to take part on the study who wished to

withdraw in the midst of the research since it is their right.

In order to ensure the rigor and trustworthiness of this study, the researchers will set aside

personal feelings and opinions for the better result of the study. The participants statements will

be analyzed and supported by theories. The researchers will be optimistic in engaging with the

respondents themselves, experiencing and evaluating the situation of the education system at

present and will be determining the difficulties faced by the participants in the adjustment to

distance learning. Thus, the researchers will be in better position to suggest viable action plan in

implementing modular approach.

Chapter IV


The results of the study are presented in this chapter in the following order: profile of the
respondents, extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic, spending financial
allowance and improving the students’ academic performance.

I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Frequency and Percent Distribution of Respondents by Profile

Profile Specifics Frequency Percent

Male 5 17.0
Female 25 83.0
17 years old 11 36.67
18 years old 17 56.67
19 years old and above 2 6.67
Regular Job 5 17.0
Parents’ Source of Contractual 11 36.67
Income Small Business Owner 3 10.0
Part Time/Seasonal Job 11 36.67
2-4 17 56.67
Number of members
5-8 10 33.33
who are 4Ps Beneficiary
9 and above 3 10.0
1, 500.00-2, 500.00 17 56.67
Monthly Cash Grant
2, 501.00-4, 500.00 10 33.33
4, 501 and above 3 10.0
3-5 9 30.0
Family Size 6-8 18 60.0
9 and more 3 10.0

It is observed in the profile table that almost all respondents are female with 25 or 83.0
percent and only 5 or 17.0 percent are male. As to age distribution of the respondents, 18 or
56.67 percent have age that is within 17, 38 or 36.67 percent of the respondents have age within
17 years and older, while 3 or 6.67 percent have age of 19 and above. Eleven (11) or 36.67
percent of the respondents have parents who are contractual and part time/seasonal jobs, 5 of 17
percent have regular jobs and 3 or 10 percent have small businesses. As to number of members
who are 4ps beneficiaries, majority of the respondents of 17 or 56.67 percent have 2-4
beneficiaries, 10 or 33.33 percent have 5-8 beneficiaries and 3 or 10 percent have 9 and above
beneficiaries. Majority of the respondents of 17 or 56.67 percent receive a grant of Php1, 500.00
to Php 2, 500.00, 10 or 33.33 percent receive Php2, 501.00-4, 500.00 and 3 or 10 percent receive
Php4, 501.00 and more. Regarding family size, 18 or 60 percent have 6-8 members, 9 or 30.0
percent have 3-5 and 3 or 10 percent have 9 or more members.
II. Student’s Perceived Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners

Table 2. Perceived Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners as to the Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to
the SHS Students during Pandemic

Mean Description
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our educational Agree
needs (school supplies, allowance, etc.) even in times of 3.11
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school obligations and Agree
contributions even in times of pandemic.
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in times of Agree
Grand Mean 3.16 Agree
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The respondents “agreed” on all statements on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS
students during pandemic. The highest mean of 3.20 is on the statement “My parents/guardians
are able to pay school obligations and contributions even in times of pandemic,” followed by the
statement “I am able to submit school projects on time even in times of pandemic” with mean of
3.16 and “My parents/guardians are able to provide our educational needs (school supplies,
allowance, etc.) even in times of pandemic” with mean of 3.11. The grand mean is 3.16 which is
described as “agree.” This implies that the respondents agree that as to the extent of use of 4Ps
grant to the SHS students during pandemic, the parents are able to provide their school needs.

Table 3. Perceived Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners as to Spending Financial Allowance

Since we are receiving 4Ps grant… Mean Description

1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily school
3.18 Agree
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough nutritious Agree
food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical needs Agree
(check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for additional Agree
income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan money to Agree
provide all our needs.
Grand Mean 3.19 Agree
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

Pertaining the agreement of the respondents on how they spend their financial allowance,
it was revealed that they “agree” in all the statements in the table. The highest mean however is
on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to buy enough nutritious food for us.” with a
mean of 3.23, followed by the statement “My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical
needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)” with a mean of 3.21. The grand mean perception is
3.19 which is described as “agree.” This implies that the respondents agree that their parents
spend their financial allowance to their needs and do not need to help them to work and borrow

Table 4. Perceived Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners as to Improving the Students’ Academic

Mean Description
1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements on
3.17 Agree
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we receiving 4Ps Agree
cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and Agree
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps cash 3.24
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS because I Agree
don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed because I Agree
don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I don’t need Agree
to worry about my needs.
Grand Mean 3.20 Agree
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

On improving the students’ academic performance, the respondents agree on all

statements with a grand mean of 3.20. The statement “I am motivated to attend online classes
regularly and answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps cash grant” has the highest
mean of 3.24. Described as “agree” with a mean of 3.17, the statement “I am able to attend
online classes when needed because I don’t have to help in household chores” has the lowest
mean of 3.17. The grand mean is 3.20 which is described as “agree.” This implies that the
respondents agree that their 4Ps grant helps in the improvement of their academic performance
despite the pandemic.

III. Test of Significant Differences on the Student’s Perceived Benefits of 4Ps to SHS
A. Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic

Table 5. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on Extent of Use
of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when they are grouped by Gender

Male Female
Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, etc.) 3.16 A 3.04 A
even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 3.52 SA 3.10 A
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in
3.00 A 3.12 A
times of pandemic.
Grand Mean 3.21 A 3.08 A

Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)

2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The level of agreement of the respondents on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS
students during pandemic when they are grouped by gender reveals that the male respondents
agree that their 4Ps grant is used at full extent for their educational needs. The male respondents
responded “strongly agree” on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of pandemic.”

Table 5a. t-test on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic
when they are grouped by Gender
F-test p-value Decision
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, etc.) 1.672 .204 Accept Ho
even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 3.486 .043 Reject Ho
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in
2.076 .140 Accept Ho
times of pandemic.
The t-test on the differences in mean agreement on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the
SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by gender reveals significant differences
on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to pay school obligations and contributions
even in times of pandemic.” The existence of significant result leads to the rejection of the null
hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the Agreement of the
Respondents on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they
are grouped by gender. This implies that the age of the respondents has something to do on their
level of agreement on the statement with significant result, while age has nothing to do on their
perceptions on the statements that are not statistically significant.

Table 6. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Extent of
Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when they are grouped by Age

17 years 19 years old

18 years old
old or older
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, 3.14 A 3.04 P 3.18 P
etc.) even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 3.50 SA 3.10 P 3.24 P
3. I am able to submit school projects on time
3.00 A 3.12 P 3.26 HP
even in times of pandemic.
Grand Mean 3.21 A 3.08 P 3.23 P
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students
during pandemic when they are grouped by age reveals that all groups agreed that the 17 year old
group strongly agreed to the statement “My parents/guardians are able to pay school obligations
and contributions even in times of pandemic” with mean of 3.50 while the ages 19 above stated
the same on the statement “I am able to submit school projects on time even in times of
pandemic” with mean of 3.26. However, each did not affect the overall description which is

Table 6a. ANOVA on the Differences in Level Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of
4Ps to SHS Learners on the Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic
when they are grouped by Age

T-test p-value Decision

1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, -1.574 .116 Accept Ho
etc.) even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of -2.062 .039 Reject Ho
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even
-1.679 .093 Accept Ho
in times of pandemic.
The analysis of variance on the differences in mean level of agreement of the respondents
on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by
age reveals significant differences on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to pay
school obligations and contributions even in times of pandemic.” The existence of significant
result leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant
differences on the level of agreement of the respondents on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the
SHS students during pandemic. This implies that the age of the respondents has something to do
on their level of agreement on the statement with significant result, while age has nothing to do
on their perceptions on the statements that are not statistically significant.

Table 7. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Extent of
Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when they are grouped by Number of
Members who are 4Ps Beneficiaries

2-4 5-8 9 and above

Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide
our educational needs (school supplies,
3.27 SA 3.09 A 3.27 SA
allowance, etc.) even in times of
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay
school obligations and contributions even 3.45 SA 3.17 A 3.45 SA
in times of pandemic.
3. I am able to submit school projects on
3.36 SA 3.13 A 3.36 SA
time even in times of pandemic.
Grand Mean 3.40 SA 3.12 A 3.40 SA
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their level of agreement of the respondents on the
extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by
number of members who are 4Ps beneficiaries reveals that the respondents who have 2-4 and 9
and above members who are 4Ps beneficiaries affirmed that they “strongly agree” in all the
statements while “proficient” by the respondents who have 5-8 number of members who are 4Ps

Table 7a. ANOVA on the Difference in Perceptions of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on the Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when
they are grouped by Number of Members who are 4Ps Beneficiaries

F-test p- Decision
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, etc.) 1.672 .204 Accept Ho
even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 3.486 .043 Reject Ho
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in
2.076 .140 Accept Ho
times of pandemic.
The analysis of variance on the differences in mean level of agreement of the respondents
on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by
number of members who are 4Ps beneficiaries discloses significant differences on the statement
“My parents/guardians are able to pay school obligations and contributions even in times of
pandemic.” The existence of significant result leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which
states that there are no significant differences on the level of agreement of the respondents on the
extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic. This implies that the number of
members who are 4Ps beneficiaries of the respondents has something to do on their level of
agreement on the statement with significant result.

Table 8. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Extent of
Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when they are grouped by Parents’
Source of Income

Regular Contractua Small
Job l Job Business
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to
provide our educational needs
3.05 A 3.10 A 3.29 SA 3.10 A
(school supplies, allowance, etc.)
even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to SA
pay school obligations and
3.18 A 3.16 A 3.35 3.16 A
contributions even in times of
3. I am able to submit school SA
projects on time even in times of 3.04 A 3.23 A 3.41 3.23 A
Grand Mean 3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their level of agreement on the extent of use of 4Ps
grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by parents’ source of income
exposes that the respondents who have small business answered that they “strongly agree” while
“agree” by the rest of the groups on all of the statements.
This implies that the groupings as to parents’ source of income caused variation on their
grand mean descriptions.

Table 8a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on the Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when
they are grouped by Parents’ Source of Income

F-test p-value Decision

1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, etc.) 2.487 .088 Accept Ho
even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 1.262 .288 Accept Ho
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in
5.870 .004 Reject Ho
times of pandemic.
The analysis of variance on the differences in mean perceptions on the in agreement of
the respondents on extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are
grouped by parents’ source of income displays significant differences on the statement “I am
able to submit school projects on time even in times of pandemic.” The existence of significant
result leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant
differences on the agreement of the respondents on extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students
during pandemic when they are grouped by parents’ source of income. This implies that the
parents’ source of income by the respondents has something to do on their level of agreement on
the statement with significant result, while parents’ source of income has nothing to do on their
agreement on the statements that are not statistically significant.

Table 9. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Extent of
Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when they are grouped by Monthly Cash
Grant Received

1, 500.00-2, 3, 501.00-4, 4, 501.00 and

Learner and Subject Matter Knowledge 500.00 500.00 above
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide
our educational needs (school supplies,
3.12 A 3.14 A 2.89 A
allowance, etc.) even in times of
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay
school obligations and contributions even 3.15 A 3.36 SA 3.11 A
in times of pandemic.
3. I am able to submit school projects on time
3.15 A 3.25 SA 2.89 A
even in times of pandemic.
Grand Mean 3.14 A 3.25 A 2.90 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students
during pandemic when they are grouped by monthly cash grant received tells that the
respondents that the respondents who receive 3, 501.00-4, 500.00 “strongly agree” on the
statements “My parents/guardians are able to pay school obligations and contributions even in
times of pandemic” and “I am able to submit school projects on time even in times of
pandemic”. The groups of respondents who receive 4, 501.00 and above had the lowest mean of
2.90 with description of “agree.”

Table 9a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on the Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when
they are grouped by Monthly Cash Grant Received

F-test p-value Decision

1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, etc.) .676 .521 Accept Ho
even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 1.738 .200 Accept Ho
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in
3.104 .065 Accept Ho
times of pandemic.
The analysis of variance on the differences in agreement of the respondents on extent of
use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by monthly cash
grant received uncovers no significant differences on all of the statements. The inexistence of
significant result leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which states that there are no
significant differences on the agreement of the respondents on extent of use of 4Ps grant to the
SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by monthly cash grant received. This
implies that the monthly cash grant received has nothing to do on their level of agreement on the
statements that are not statistically significant.

Table 10. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Extent of
Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when they are grouped by Family Size

3-5 6-8 9 and more

Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to provide
our educational needs (school supplies,
3.09 P 3.19 P 3.07 P
allowance, etc.) even in times of
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay
school obligations and contributions even 3.21 P 3.19 P 3.18 P
in times of pandemic.
3. I am able to submit school projects on
3.16 P 3.14 P 3.15 P
time even in times of pandemic.
Grand Mean 3.15 P 3.14 P 3.16 P
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS Students
during pandemic when they are grouped by family size professed that they “agree” in all the
statements. The grand means of the respondents with 9 and more is 3.16 which is slightly higher
than the grand mean of the respondents who have 3-5 members with 3.15 and those with 5-8
members with 3.14 mean. All grand means are described as “agree.” This implies that the
agreement of the respondents did not vary even if they are grouped by family size.

Table 10a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Extent of Use of 4Ps Grant to the SHS Students during Pandemic when
they are grouped by family size

F-test p-value Decision

1. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
educational needs (school supplies, allowance, 2.501 .088 Accept Ho
etc.) even in times of pandemic.
2. My parents/guardians are able to pay school
obligations and contributions even in times of 1.262 .288 Accept Ho
3. I am able to submit school projects on time even in
5.855 .004 Reject Ho
times of pandemic.
The analysis of variance on the differences in mean perceptions on the in agreement of
the respondents on extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are
grouped by family size displays significant differences on the statement “I am able to submit
school projects on time even in times of pandemic.” The existence of significant result leads to
the rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the
agreement of the respondents on extent of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic
when they are grouped by family size. This implies that the family size the respondents has
something to do on their level of agreement on the statement with significant result and that it
has nothing to do on their agreement on the statements that are not statistically significant.

B. Spending Financial Allowance

Table 11. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on their
Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Gender
Male Female
Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
3.21 A 3.29 SA
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough SA
3.29 SA 3.34
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our SA
3.21 A 3.29
medical needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for SA
3.29 SA 3.29
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan SA
3.29 SA 3.29
money to provide all our needs.
Grand Mean 3.26 SA 3.30 SA
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

It is shown in Table 11 that the female respondents regarded themselves to be strongly

agreeing to all the statements with a grand mean of 3.30 described as “strongly agree”. Also, the
male respondents’ response has a grand mean of 3.26 described as “strongly agree”, too but not
in all statements but to “My parents/guardians are able to give me daily school allowance” and
“My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins,
etc.)” with “agree” description however not affecting the grand mean.

Table 13a. t-Test on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on their Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by
t-Test p-value Decision
1. Know the school district curriculum guides and
-.657 .511 Accept Ho
2. Understand the scope and sequence of learning goals
-1.830 .067 Accept Ho
and objectives.
3. Develop appropriate curriculum guides and set up
-1.241 .215 Accept Ho
outlines for unit plans.
4. Be able to perceive the gap between planned
-.834 .404 Accept Ho
curriculum and received curriculum.
5. Choose the most effective pedagogical strategies that
can best communicate subject content topics, -1.049 .294 Accept Ho
problems or issues.

The t-Test on the differences in agreement of the respondents on their spending financial
allowance when they are grouped by gender reveals no significant result in all the statements.
The absence of significant results leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which states that
there are no significant differences on the agreement of the respondents on their spending
financial allowance when they are grouped by gender. This implies that the gender of the
respondents has nothing to do on their spending financial allowance when they are grouped by

Table 12. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Age
17 18 19 and above
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me
3.09 A 3.20 A 3.09 A
daily school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy
3.45 SA 3.21 A 3.15 A
enough nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide
our medical needs (check-up, medicines, 3.36 SA 3.20 A 3.37 SA
vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in
working for additional income 3.27 SA 3.17 A 3.26 SA
5. My parents/guardians do not need to
borrow/loan money to provide all our 3.27 SA 3.14 A 3.26 SA
Grand Mean 3.28 SA 3.15 A 3.23 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are
grouped by age reveals that the respondents who are 17 years old supposed themselves to
“strongly agree” in all statements with a grand mean of 3.28 except to “My parents/guardians
are able to give me daily school allowance”. Meanwhile, a description of “agree” was deduced
by the respondents who are 18 and 19 years old and above. The 19 years and above group
strongly agreed on “My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical needs (check-up,
medicines, vitamins, etc.)”, “I don’t need to help my parents in working for additional income
acquisition” and “My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan money to provide all our
needs” but still landed to “agree.”

Table 12a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Age
F-test p-value Decision
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
2.025 .147 Accept Ho
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough
2.667 .084 Accept Ho
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
.959 .394 Accept Ho
medical needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for
3.173 .056 Accept Ho
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan
5.413 .010 Reject Ho
money to provide all our needs.

The ANOVA on the differences in agreement of the respondents on their spending

financial allowance when they are grouped by age discloses significant differences on the
statement “My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan money to provide all our needs.”
The existence of significant result leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which states that
there are no significant differences on the agreement of the respondents on their spending
financial allowance when they are grouped by gender. This implies that the age of the
respondents has something to do on their level of agreement on the statement with significant
result, while it has nothing to do on their agreement on the statements that are not statistically

Table 13. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Number of members who
are 4Ps Beneficiary
2-4 5-8 9 and above
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
3.13 A 3.16 A 3.29 SA
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough
3.15 A 3.26 SA 3.27 SA
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
medical needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, 3.15 A 3.26 SA 3.26 SA
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for
3.16 A 3.23 A 3.18 A
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to
3.05 A 3.23 A 3.27 SA
borrow/loan money to provide all our needs.
Grand Mean 3.10 A 3.20 A 3.25 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are
grouped by number of members who are 4Ps beneficiary affirms that the respondents who has 9
and above member beneficiaries strongly agreed in all statements except to “I don’t need to help
my parents in working for additional income acquisition” described as “agree”. It landed to a
grand mean of 3.25 described as “agree” due to the marginal mean results in the statements. All
the groups however regarded themselves as “agree” as to the grand means.

Table 13a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by
Number of members who are 4Ps Beneficiary
F-test p-value Decision
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
2.918 .059 Accept Ho
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough
4.118 .019 Reject Ho
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical
1.427 .245 Accept Ho
needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for
.201 .819 Accept Ho
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan
3.794 .026 Reject Ho
money to provide all our needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences on the agreement of the respondents on their
spending financial allowance when they are grouped by number of members who are 4ps
beneficiary reveals significant differences on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to
buy enough nutritious food for us” and “My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan
money to provide all our needs.” The existence of significant result leads to the rejection of the
null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the agreement of the
respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are grouped by number of members
who are 4ps beneficiary. This implies that the number of members who are 4ps beneficiary of the
respondents has something to do on their level of perception on the statement with significant
result, while it has nothing to do on their perceptions on the statements that are not statistically

Table 14. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Monthly Cash Grant

1, 500.00-2, 2, 501.00-4, 4, 501.00

500.00 500.00 above
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily A
3.15 3.25 A 3.22 A
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough A A
3.20 3.32 SA 3.22
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our A A
medical needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, 3.26 SA 3.21 2.89
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for A A A
3.24 3.07 3.11
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to A A A
3.20 3.14 2.89
borrow/loan money to provide all our needs.
Grand Mean 3.21 A 3.19 A 3.06 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are
grouped by monthly cash grant received reveals that the respondents who receive 1, 500.00-2,
500.00 “strongly agree” to the statement “My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical
needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)” with a marginal mean of 3.26, thus unaffectingthe
grand mean description of “agree”, 3.21. Meanwhile those who receive 2, 501.00 to 4, 500.00
“strongly agree” to the statement “My parents/guardians are able to buy enough nutritious food
for us.” All the respondents in different groups perceived themselves to “agree” in the rest of the
statements in the table. The grand mean descriptions are all described as “agree.” This implies
that the groupings as to monthly cash grant received did not make a difference in their grand
mean descriptions.

Table 14a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by
Monthly Cash Grant Received
F-test p-value Decision
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
.432 .655 Accept Ho
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough
.714 .502 Accept Ho
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical
4.348 .025 Reject Ho
needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for
1.591 .225 Accept Ho
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan
3.118 .064 Accept Ho
money to provide all our needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences in agreement of the respondents on their

spending financial allowance when they are grouped by monthly cash grant received reveals
significant differences on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical
needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)” The existence of significant result leads to the
rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the
agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are grouped by
monthly cash grant received. This implies that the monthly cash grant received has something to
do on their level of agreement on the statement with significant result, while it has nothing to do
on their agreement on the statements that are not statistically significant.

Table 15. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Parents’ Source of Income

Regular Contractua Small
Job l Job Business
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to
3.05 A 3.10 A 3.29 SA 3.10 A
give me daily school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to
buy enough nutritious food for 3.18 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
3. My parents/guardians are able to
provide our medical needs
3.04 A 3.23 A 3.41 SA 3.23 A
(check-up, medicines, vitamins,
4. I don’t need to help my parents in
working for additional income 3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
5. My parents/guardians do not
need to borrow/loan money to 3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
provide all our needs.
Grand Mean 3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their level agreement on their spending financial
allowance when they are grouped by parents’ source of income exposes that the respondents who
have small business answered that they “strongly agree” while “agree” by the rest of the groups
on all of the statements.
This implies that the groupings as to parents’ source of income caused variation on their
grand mean descriptions.

Table 15a. ANOVA on the on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits
of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped
by Parents’ Source of Income
T-test p-value Decision
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
2.136 .147 Accept Ho
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough
1.391 .241 Accept Ho
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our
5.932 .017 Reject Ho
medical needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for
2.498 .117 Accept Ho
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan
.759 .386 Accept Ho
money to provide all our needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences on the agreement of the respondents on their

spending financial allowance when they are grouped by parents’ source of income reveals

significant differences on the statement “My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical

needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)”. The existence of significant result leads to the

rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the

agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are grouped by

parents’ source of income.

Table 16. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Spending Financial Allowance when they are grouped by Family Size

3-5 6-8 9 and more

Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. My parents/guardians are able to give me
3.09 A 3.19 A 3.07 A
daily school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy
3.15 A 3.14 A 3.16 A
enough nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide
our medical needs (check-up, medicines, 3.16 A 3.14 A 3.15 A
vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working
3.15 A 3.14 A 3.16 A
for additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to
borrow/loan money to provide all our 3.21 A 3.19 A 3.18 A
Grand Mean 3.15 A 3.14 A 3.16 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are
grouped by family size professed that they “agree” in all the statements. The grand means of the
respondents with 9 and more is 3.16 which is slightly higher than the grand mean of the
respondents who have 3-5 members with 3.15 and those with 5-8 members with 3.14 mean. All
grand means are described as “agree.” This implies that the agreement of the respondents did not
vary even if they are grouped by family size.

Table 16a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the spending financial allowance when they are grouped by Family Size

F-test p-value Decision

1. My parents/guardians are able to give me daily
2.501 .088 Accept Ho
school allowance.
2. My parents/guardians are able to buy enough
1.454 .238 Accept Ho
nutritious food for us.
3. My parents/guardians are able to provide our medical
1.262 .288 Accept Ho
needs (check-up, medicines, vitamins, etc.)
4. I don’t need to help my parents in working for
1.444 .248 Accept Ho
additional income acquisition.
5. My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan
5.855 .004 Reject Ho
money to provide all our needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences in agreement of the respondents on their

spending financial allowance when they are grouped by family size displays significant
differences on the statement “My parents/guardians do not need to borrow/loan money to
provide all our needs.” The existence of significant result leads to the rejection of the null
hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the agreement of the
respondents on the agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when
they are grouped by family size. This implies that the family size the respondents has something
to do on their level of agreement on the statement with significant result and that it has nothing to
do on their agreement on the statements that are not statistically significant.

C. Improving the Students’ Academic Performance

Table 17. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by Gender

Male Female
Mean Des Mean Des
1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
3.36 SA 3.15 A
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we SA
3.36 3.22 A
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps 3.55 SA 3.21 A
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS SA
3.45 3.15 A
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed A
3.18 3.17 A
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I don’t SA
3.27 3.21 A
need to worry about my needs.
Grand Mean 3.36 SA 3.21 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the on the improvement of the students’ academic
performance when they are grouped by gender reveals that the male respondents strongly ageed
on all statements except to “I am able to attend online classes when needed because I don’t have
to help in household chores.” which was described as “agree” On the other hand, the
respondents who are female res. This implies that the respondents who are single have higher
perceptions on skills in learning and differentiated planning as compared to the married

Table 17a. t-Test on the Differences on the Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when
they are grouped by Gender
T-test p-value Decision
1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
1.296 .198 Accept Ho
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
.937 .351 Accept Ho
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps 2.399 .018 Reject Ho
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
1.427 .181 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
.061 .952 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I
.432 .666 Accept Ho
don’t need to worry about my needs.

The t-Test on the difference on the agreement of the respondents on the improvement of
the students’ academic performance when they are grouped by gender reveals significant result
on the statement “I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and answer SLMs and LAS
because we receiving 4Ps cash grant.” The existence of significant results leads to the rejection
of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the agreement of
the respondents on the improvement of the students’ academic performance when they are
grouped by gender. This implies that the gender of the respondents has something to do on their
perceptions on the statement with significant result.

Table 18. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by Age
17 years 19 years old
18 years old
Skills old and above
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. I am able to submit projects and other
3.14 A 3.12 A 3.26 SA
requirements on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
3.29 SA 3.22 A 3.24 A
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes
regularly and answer SLMs and LAS because 3.29 SA 3.22 A 3.26 SA
we receiving 4Ps cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my
SLMs/LAS because I don’t have to help in 3.14 A 3.16 A 3.24 A
household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
because I don’t have to help in household 3.07 A 3.12 A 3.29 SA
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because
3.29 SA 3.16 A 3.26 SA
I don’t need to worry about my needs.
Grand Mean 3.21 A 3.18 A 3.29 SA
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the improvement of the students’ academic

performance when they are grouped by age reveals that the respondents who are 19 years and
above earned a grand mean of 3.29 described as “strongly agree” while the other two groups had
a close mean of 3.21 and 3.18 described as “agree”.
This implies that the older respondents have higher confidence on the statements as
compared to their younger counterparts.

Table 18a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when
they are grouped by Age
F-test p-value Decision
1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
.905 .408 Accept Ho
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
.112 .894 Accept Ho
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps .189 .828 Accept Ho
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
.392 .677 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
2.544 .084 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I
.719 .490 Accept Ho
don’t need to worry about my needs.

The analysis of variances on the differences in agreement of the respondents on the

benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement of the students’ academic performance when

they are grouped by age reveals no significant results. The absence of significant results leads to

the acceptance of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences in

agreement of the respondents on the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement of the

students’ academic performance when they are grouped by age. This implies that the age of the

respondents has nothing to do on the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement of the

students’ academic performance.

Table 19. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by
Number of members who are 4Ps Beneficiary
2-4 5-8 9 and more
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
I am able to submit projects and other A
3.35 SA 3.19 A 3.11
requirements on time.
I am motivated to get high grades because we A
3.29 SA 3.23 A 3.22
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
I am motivated to attend online classes regularly
and answer SLMs and LAS because we 3.35 SA 3.23 A 3.20 A
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
because I don’t have to help in household 3.41 SA 3.16 A 3.13 A
I am able to attend online classes when needed
because I don’t have to help in household 3.41 SA 3.19 A 3.09 A
I am motivated to focus on my studies because I A
3.35 SA 3.10 A 3.24
don’t need to worry about my needs.
Grand Mean 3.41 SA 3.20 A 3.18 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the
improvement of the students’ academic performance when they are grouped by number of
members who are 4ps beneficiary shows that the respondents who have 2-4 member
beneficiaries perceived to “strongly agree” in all the statements with a grand mean of 3.41 while
the other groups earned a description of “agree”.
This implies that the respondents who have lesser member beneficiaries believe that they
are provided more with their needs.

Table 19a. ANOVA on the Differences Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on the Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they
are grouped by Number of members who are 4Ps Beneficiary

F-test p-value Decision

1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
1.511 .226 Accept Ho
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
.159 .854 Accept Ho
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps .762 .469 Accept Ho
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
2.632 .077 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
4.363 .015 Reject Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I
1.736 .182 Accept Ho
don’t need to worry about my needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences agreement of the respondents on the benefits
of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement of the students’ academic performance when they are
grouped by number of members who are 4Ps beneficiary reveals significant result on the
statement “I am able to attend online classes when needed because I don’t have to help in
household chores.” The existence of significant results leads to the rejection of the null
hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences agreement of the respondents on
the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement of the students’ academic performance
when they are grouped by number of members who are 4Ps beneficiary.

Table 20. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by
Monthly Cash Grant Received

1, 500.00-2, 2, 501.00-4, 4, 501.00

500.00 500.00 above
Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. I am able to submit projects and other
3.15 A 3.25 A 3.22 A
requirements on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
3.20 A 3.33 SA 3.22 A
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes
regularly and answer SLMs and LAS because 3.28 SA 3.21 A 2.89 A
we receiving 4Ps cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
because I don’t have to help in household 3.24 A 3.07 A 3.11 A
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
because I don’t have to help in household 3.19 A 3.20 A 3.06 A
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because
3.20 A 3.14 A 2.89 A
I don’t need to worry about my needs.
Grand Mean 3.21 A 3.19 A 3.06 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the
improvement of the students’ academic performance when they are grouped by monthly cash
grant received reveals that the respondents who receive 1, 500.00-2, 500.00 “strongly agree” to
the statement “I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and answer SLMs and LAS
because we receiving 4Ps cash grant.” with a marginal mean of 3.26, thus unaffecting the grand
mean description of “agree”, 3.21. Meanwhile those who receive 2, 501.00 to 4, 500.00 “strongly
agree” to the statement “I am motivated to get high grades because we receiving 4Ps cash
grant.” All the respondents in different groups perceived themselves to “agree” in the rest of the
statements in the table. The grand mean descriptions are all described as “agree.” This implies
that the groupings as to monthly cash grant received did not make a difference in their grand
mean descriptions.
Table 20a. ANOVA on the Differences Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to
SHS Learners on the Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when
they are grouped by Monthly Cash Grant Received
F-test p-value Decision
1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
.432 .655 Accept Ho
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
.714 .502 Accept Ho
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps 4.348 .025 Reject Ho
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
1.591 .225 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
3.118 .064 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I
don’t need to worry about my needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences in agreement of the respondents on the

improvement of the students’ academic performance reveals significant differences on the
statement “I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and answer SLMs and LAS because
we receiving 4Ps cash grant.” The existence of significant result leads to the rejection of the null
hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences on the agreement of the
respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are grouped by monthly cash grant
received. This implies that the monthly cash grant received has something to do on their level of
agreement on the statement with significant result.

Table 21. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by
Parents’ Source of Income

Regular Contractua Small Parttime/

Job l Job Business Seasonal Job
Mea Des Mea Des Mea Des Mea Des
n n n n
1. I am able to submit projects and
3.05 A 3.10 A 3.29 SA 3.10 A
other requirements on time.
2. I am motivated to get high
grades because we receiving 4Ps 3.18 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online
classes regularly and answer
3.04 A 3.23 A 3.41 SA 3.23 A
SLMs and LAS because we
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer
my SLMs/LAS because I don’t
3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
have to help in household
5. I am able to attend online
classes when needed because I
3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
don’t have to help in household
6. I am motivated to focus on my
studies because I don’t need to 3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
worry about my needs.
Grand Mean 3.09 A 3.16 A 3.35 SA 3.16 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on agreement of the respondents on the benefits of 4Ps
to SHS learners on the improvement of the students’ academic performance when they are
grouped by parents’ source of income leaks that the respondents who have small business
answered that they “strongly agree” while “agree” by the rest of the groups on all of the

Table 21a. ANOVA on the on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents Agreement of
the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the Improvement of the
Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by Parents’ Source of
T-test p-value Decision
1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
2.136 .147 Accept Ho
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
1.391 .241 Accept Ho
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps 5.932 .017 Reject Ho
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
2.498 .117 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
.759 .386 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I
1.391 .241 Accept Ho
don’t need to worry about my needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences on the agreement of the respondents on their

spending financial allowance when they are grouped by parents’ source of income reveals

significant differences on the statement “I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and

answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps cash grant.” The existence of significant result

leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no significant differences

on the agreement of the respondents on the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement

of the students’ academic performance when they are grouped by parents’ source of income.

Table 22. Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps to SHS Learners on the
Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are grouped by Family Size

3-5 6-8 9 and more

Mean Des Mean Des Mean Des
1. I am able to submit projects and other
3.09 A 3.19 A 3.07 A
requirements on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because
3.15 A 3.14 A 3.16 A
we receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes
regularly and answer SLMs and LAS 3.16 A 3.14 A 3.15 A
because we receiving 4Ps cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my
SLMs/LAS because I don’t have to help in 3.15 A 3.14 A 3.16 A
household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when
needed because I don’t have to help in 3.19 A 3.18 A 3.18 A
household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies
because I don’t need to worry about my 3.17 A 3.15 A 3.16 A
Grand Mean 3.15 A 3.14 A 3.16 A
Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 – Strongly Agree (SA)
2.51 – 3.25 – Agree (A)
1.76 – 2.50 – Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.75 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

The agreement of the respondents on their spending financial allowance when they are
grouped by family size professed that they “agree” in all the statements. The grand means of the
respondents with 9 and more is 3.16 which is slightly higher than the grand mean of the
respondents who have 3-5 members with 3.15 and those with 5-8 members with 3.14 mean. All
grand means are described as “agree.” This implies that the agreement of the respondents did not
vary even if they are grouped by family size.

Table 22a. ANOVA on the Differences in Agreement of the Respondents on the Benefits of 4Ps
to SHS Learners on the Improvement of the Students’ Academic Performance when they are
grouped by Family Size

F-test p-value Decision

1. I am able to submit projects and other requirements
2.501 .088 Accept Ho
on time.
2. I am motivated to get high grades because we
1.454 .238 Accept Ho
receiving 4Ps cash grant.
3. I am motivated to attend online classes regularly and
answer SLMs and LAS because we receiving 4Ps 1.262 .288 Accept Ho
cash grant.
4. I have sufficient time to answer my SLMs/LAS
1.444 .248 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
5. I am able to attend online classes when needed
1.262 .288 Accept Ho
because I don’t have to help in household chores.
6. I am motivated to focus on my studies because I
5.855 .004 Reject Ho
don’t need to worry about my needs.

The analysis of variance on the differences in agreement of the respondents on the

benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the improvement of the students’ academic performance when
they are grouped by family size displays significant differences on the statement “I am
motivated to focus on my studies because I don’t need to worry about my needs.” The existence
of significant result leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which states that there are no
significant differences on the agreement of the respondents on the benefits of 4Ps to SHS
learners on the improvement of the students’ academic performance when they are grouped by
family size. This implies that the family size the respondents has something to do on their level
of agreement on the statement with significant result and that it has nothing to do on their
agreement on the statements that are not statistically significant.

Based on the result of the study the following conclusion where reached:

1. The respondents generally agreed that the SHS learners are benefited to the 4Ps grant as
to its extent of use of during the pandemic with a mean of 3.16.
2. The respondents generally agreed that the SHS learners are benefited to the 4Ps grant as
to as to the spending of financial allowance during the pandemic with a mean of 3.19.
3. The respondents generally agreed that the SHS learners are benefited to the 4Ps grant as
to as to the improving the students’ academic performance during the pandemic with a
mean of 3.20.
4. Significant differences were found in the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the extent
of use of 4Ps grant to the SHS students during pandemic when they are grouped by
gender, age, number of members who are 4Ps beneficiaries, parents’ source of income
and family size. No significant difference was found as to monthly cash grant.
5. Significant differences were found in the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the
spending financial allowance during pandemic when they are grouped by age, number of
members who are 4Ps beneficiaries, parents’ source of income, monthly cash grant and
family size. No significant difference was found as to gender.
6. Significant differences were found in the benefits of 4Ps to SHS learners on the
improving the students’ academic performance during pandemic when they are grouped
by gender, number of members who are 4Ps beneficiaries, parents’ source of income,
monthly cash grant and family size. No significant difference was found as to age.


From the analysis of all data collected and the responses made by the student-
beneficiaries, the following recommendations have been arrived at:
1. The government may consider extending the age limit of the beneficiaries to sustain their
schooling until the time they graduate especially now that two years have been added to
the secondary education;

2. The DSWD and the local government units should intensify the implementation and the
scope of the livelihood programs to serve as additional source of income for family-


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