1.1 Age ;
1.2 Gender ;
2.2 Discrepancies
3. What is the level of work-life balance among Faculty Members in terms of:
3.1 Individual
3.2 Family
study to arrive at more accurate conclusions. The participants involved were the
faculty members fo the College of University of Batangas. Fill in the box type of
questionnaire was used in order to gather data needed for the research. Attached
with the questionnaires was the letter of request. The questionnaires underwent
Upon the approval of the title, the researchers began the data gathering task
by visiting the library and other sources which are related to their statement of the
problem as well as online sources for a further understanding the topic. The
researchers made use of frequency, weighted mean, Analysis of Variance and T-test
The following are the findings of the researchers on the gathered data:
1.1 Age.
1.2 Gender ;
2.1 Need Fulfillment. The data gathered shows us that overall, the
participants were satisfied with their need fulfillment with a composite mean of
5.34 or they were for the most part moderately satisfied. This can be seen
through the weighted means of their basic needs with 5.42, their personal
security and well-being with 5.19, their sense of belonging and acceptance with
2.2 Expectations. From the data gathered, it was concluded that the
expectations of the individuals were met and there was no major contest to what
they were provided with in their positions. This can be observed through the
given indicators. The results show a composite mean of 5.04, not that different
attainment within their positions, they were really satisfied and had a composite
mean of 5.33. they showed that they were highly satisfied with the universities
values being aligned with theirs, averaging a 5.5 weighted mean. Closesly
5.35, The policy and rules of the college department is well respected with 3.32,
and lastly their timae allowance to do all the task assigned is reasonable with
5.13. The data shows that there is no significant factors within value attainment
2.4 Equity. As shown in the data, it can be concluded that the participants
were moderately satisfied with their university when it comes to equity. There are
no major recorded problems with the individuals. With a composite mean of 5.19
and all of the weighted means being relatively close, it is known they are
3. What is the level of work-life balance among Faculty Members in terms of:
respondents, they were satisfied with their environments, competetive sides, and
maintained a good health and wellness with a composite mean of 5.01. The
respondents showed that they were not overly-dedicated to their work with a
mean of 4.71, yet they remained competitive and active with a 5.21 mean.
3.2 Family. It can be observed through the data collected that the
participants of the study were well satisfied when it came to their work-life
balance regarding their families. It shows that a majority of the faculty has extra
responsibilities concerning children or eldery family member with a mean of 5.02.
Also, they have the oppurotunity to spend quality time with their families with
their work schedule with 4.98. They have time with their children and helping
them and arent spending too much time at work with means of 5.07 and 4.8
respectively for a composite mean of 4.97 showing they are satisfied when it
3.3 Work and Organization. After analyzing the data, it can be drawn that the
respondents were overall satisfied with their work and organizations. With a
composite mean of 5.11, the participants revealed that their work and is
recognized and their organizations satisfy their needs. This can be seen through
mean of the close responses in each factor were very similar and did not
highly satisfied in their social enviroments. Their composite mean resting at 5.25,
the respondents had positive feelings about their social enviroments. There is no
significant factor that shows an impact from work-life blance to job satisfaction.
1. There is no significant effect of the profile of the individual with the effects of
of the questions that were answered by the participants, there was no major
2. The level of Job satisfaction among the faculty of the University of Batangas were
ranked positively. With no faculty members having major issues with the university.
3. The work-life balance of the participants was at an even level allowing them time
to be with their family and lead their own lives. There were only a few respondents
who were having a more difficult time to manage some aspects, but there was no
The work-life balance does have and impact on the job satisfaction of an employee,
5. Job Satisfaction and work-life balance are related to one another and therefore
can impact eachother. Though the work-life balance in most cases in the present
age, isnt the biggest factor in job satisfcation and can only go so far due to its
1. Maintain and constantly innovate orgainzational and enviromental factors that can
work-life balance.