Mrs. Savitha K
Mrs. Savitha K
Mrs. Savitha K
Volume 10, Issue 11, November-2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:
Background: Adolescence is a time of transition from childhood to adulthood, involving biological, cognitive,
psychological and social changes. Leisure time activities can play an important role during the transition from childhood to
adulthood. Many studies have identified the relationship between the leisure time activities and psychological wellbeing.
Spending the leisure time by the nursing students will promote their academic achievement as well as enhance their
psychological wellbeing, in order to cope up with the stressful programme.
Aims: To assess the impact of leisure time on the psychological wellbeing of adolescents stayed in Thirumathi Sigappi Achi
nursing student’s hostel, Annamalai University, at Chidambaram.
Methodology: Non-experimental descriptive design was used. The Sample size was 50 B.Sc nursing students. 25 students
per day were selected by convenience sampling technique. Structured questionnaire used to assess the leisure time activities
and the five-point scale of Warwick Edinburgh psychological wellbeing scale developed by Ruth fish wick and Louis Hiller
used for psychological wellbeing.
Results: Almost 92% of adolescent girls had 2-4 hours of leisure time from Monday to Saturday in a week among 50 B.Sc
nursing second year students. In regards to psychological wellbeing, 30% of the study participants were scored above 50
indicated good psychological well-being, 68% of them were scored 40-60 indicated moderate psychological wellbeing and
only 2% of the study participants were scored <40 indicated poor psychological wellbeing. There was significant
association of leisure time activities with number of siblings and psychological wellbeing.
Conclusion: The present study was assessed the impact of the leisure time activities on the psychological well-being of
adolescents. The study results revealed that most of the adolescents had 2-4 hours of leisure time per day and there was a
significant relationship between the leisure time activities and psychological well-being of adolescents. In order to use the
leisure time in an effective way by adolescents should provide a model on the effective use of Leisure time.
In every culture, there are hours in the day when adolescent people are not formally required to be in college or engaged in
family circle. There are various activities chosen by them in those hours. There are public and private programs,
organization and individuals who support their participation to spent their leisure time. Leisure time, at a minimum, is the
waking hours during which a young person is not in college and not a work. Adolescence is a time of transition from
childhood to adulthood, involving biological, cognitive, psychological and social changes. Leisure time activities can play
an important role during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Some of the profit added to quality of life such as fresh
air, sunshine, social interaction, health benefits and improved self-esteem.
Enjoyable activities may also act as “restores” that facilitate the individual’s recovery from stress by replenishing damaged
or depleted resources. Leisure scientists have long believed that leisure plays a role in benefitting overall well-being and
buffering stress. This benefit may occur as the result of leisure encouraging positive feelings and promoting a variety of
social and physical resources that allow individuals to feel refreshed and better cope with stress.
Noriko Cable (2006) Conducted a study on Do adolescent leisure time physical activities foster health and wellbeing in
adulthood? Evidence from two British birth cohorts. There was a constant relationship among leisure time physical activity
in adolescence and psychological wellbeing nearly 15 years later for both the cohorts.
J L Mahoney, H Stattin (2000) Conducted a study on Leisure activities and adolescent antisocial behavior, the role of
structure and social context. The goal of this study was to understand better how the structure and social context of
adolescent leisure activities relate to antisocial behavior, the combination of involvement in a low structured activity and
the absence of any highly structured participation characterized by antisocial behavior and were also deviant peer relations,
poor parent-child relations.
1. To Assess the leisure time activities among second year B.Sc nursing students.
2. To identify the psychological well-being of second year B.Sc nursing students.
3. To correlate the impact of leisure time activities with psychological well-being of second year B.Sc nursing
4. To associate the psychological well-being of second year B.Sc nursing students with selected demographic
variables of income, type of family, numbers of siblings and previous knowledge about rest time.
Conceptual Framework Based on Health Belief Model (Rosenstoch’s-1974 & Becker and Maiman’s-1975)
Quantitative research approach and Non experimental descriptive design was adopted to carry out this study. Present study
was done on 50 adolescent girls who are studying Second Year B.Sc Nurisng were selected from Annamalai University-
Thirumathi Sigappi Achi Nursing Hostel by using Non-Probability Convenience Sampling technique. During the free time
25 students per day were selected for two days after institution approval and accurate written consent obtained from the
students. The structured questionnaire and Warwick Edinburg’s five-point scale used for data collection. The researcher
distributed the self-administered questionnaire to every student in the English language was approximately 20 minutes. All
data were coded and analysed using SPSS version 23 with a prior set of p<0.05 level.
Frequency and percentage distribution of Demographic variables of the Second year B.Sc Nursing Students:
Demographic Variables (f)
Rs.1000 10 20.0
Rs.1000 - 5000 30 60.0
10 20.0
Joint Family 11 22.0
Type of family Nuclear
39 78.0
One 21 42.0
Number of Siblings Two 23 46.0
Three above 6 12.0
Previous knowledge Yes 6 12.0
No 44 88.0
Rest time
Frequency distribution of time spent by girls for leisure time among the second year B.Sc Nursing Students:
The above table shows that among 50 students 42 (84%) of them had 2-4 hours of leisure time and 8 (16%) of them had 4-6
hours of leisure time on Monday and also 43 (86%) of them had 2-4 hours of leisure time and 7 (14%) of them had 4-6
hours of leisure time on Tuesday.
On Wednesday 45 (90%) of them had 2-4 hours of leisure time and 5 (10%) of them had 4-6 hours of leisure time while 44
(88%) of them had 2-4 hours of leisure time and 8 (12%) of them had 4-6 hours of leisure time on Thursday.
On Friday 47 (94%) of them had 2-4 hours of leisure time and 3 (6%) of them had 4-6 hours of leisure time whereas 10
(20%) of them had 2-4 hours of leisure time, 25 (50%) of them had 4-6 hours of leisure time, 15 (30%) of them had 6-8
hours of leisure time on Saturday.
Percentage distribution of overall leisure time score of second year B.Sc. Nursing students:
The above table displays the leisure time level of 50 adolescents in which 15 (30%) study participants scored >60 indicates
Good psychological wellbeing, 34 (68%) of them scored between 40-60 indicates Moderate psychological wellbeing and
only one (2%) of them had Poor psychological wellbeing.
Comparison of leisure time activities and the psychological well-being second year B.Sc Nursing students:
The above table exhibiting that there was a significant association between the psychological wellbeing of Second year
B.Sc Nursing Students and the leisure time they spent, which was found to be statistically significant at the level of p< 0.05.
Overall 30% of the students had good psychological well-being, 68% of them had moderate psychological wellbeing and
only 2% of them were on poor psychological wellbeing.
There was a significant association between leisure time activities scores of nursing students and number of siblings at the
level p <0.05, not associated with other demographic variables in this study and also there was a significant association
between the leisure time activities and psychological well-being if the students had only 2-4 hours of leisure time per day.
The present study assessed the impact of the leisure time activities on the psychological well-being of adolescents. It
indicated that most of the adolescents had 2-4 hours of leisure time per day and there was a significant relationship between
the leisure time activities and psychological well-being of adolescents. In conclusion, in order to use the leisure time in an
effective way by adolescents should provide a model on the effective use of Leisure time.
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