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Lab 04 - KVL, KCL, Nodal Analysis

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Laboratory # 4 KVL, KCL and Nodal Analysis

EE188L Electrical Engineering I
College of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Northern Arizona University

Week 1: Activity #1
Week 2: Activities #2-4
Due: Beginning of following lab class

Activity #1 / 50
Activity #2 / 80
Activity #3 / 20
Activity #4 / 50

At the completion of this lab, the student will be able to:
1. Apply Ohm’s Law
2. Apply KCL
3. Apply KVL
4. Transform between Wye and Delta resistor configurations.
5. Run a dc simulation using Multisim and determine the simulated values of node voltages and device
6. Effectively use the DMM, Protoboard, and power supply

Important Concepts
1. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, or KVL, is based on the principle of conservation of energy. We apply this
in electric circuits by noting that the sum of voltages around any loop must equal zero. An analogy is
going on a hike, up and down some hills, and coming back to the trail head, which is at the same
elevation as when you started. Similarly, when you follow a loop through various devices around a
circuit, the voltage may increase or decrease across each device but the voltages sum to zero.
2. Kirchhoff’s Current Law, or KCL, is based on the principle of conservation of charge. Current is the
movement of electrically charged particles. Consider a node in a circuit with several devices
connected to it. Each device either has current entering the node or leaving the node. KCL means that
the total current entering the node must leave the node, or Ientering = Ileaving.
3. Nodal Analysis is a circuit analysis technique that applies KCL to each node, resulting in a set of
equations that can be solved simultaneously to find all the node voltages in the circuit. Note that you
do not write an equation for the ground node.

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4. Circuit Simulation is a computer program that simulates the behavior of a circuit by calculating the
node voltages and device current for an entire circuit using nodal analysis. This is quite handy for
evaluating complex circuits.

Special Resources
1. The following files must be available in the class folder.
a. How to Run Multisim.ppt
b. Lab 03 – KVL, KCL, Nodal Analysis.ppt
c. MultisimManual.pdf
d. lab03_delta.msm
e. solve3x3.m

Activity #1 Simulation
Consider the circuit in Figure 1. The resistors are uniquely labeled (R1, R2 and so on). The nodes are
likewise uniquely labeled with a number in a circle. Note that ‘0’ is the ground node which is 0 V.
The network formed by resistors R2, R3, R4, and R5 is a called an “H Network” or “Bridge Network”. The
resistor in the middle, R6, represents the load device.

We will use the circuit simulation program Multisim in this lab to simulate the circuit. The input to
Multisim is a schematic with the components connected properly and appropriate device values. The
outputs are the node voltages and device currents.

1. Copy the Multisim schematic file lab03_delta.msm from the class folder to your disk space.

2. Double-click the file lab03_delta.msm to open. Multisim should launch. Type Ctrl-D if the text box is
not visible. See the Multisim window image in the file “Lab 03 – KCL, KVL and Nodal
Analysis.ppt” in the class folder.

3. Double-click each resistor and change the resistance value to the desired value as shown in Figure 1.
Save the file.

4. Run the simulation. The instructions are in the PowerPoint file “How to Run Multisim.ppt” in the
class folder.

5. From the simulation results, note the node voltages on the schematic in Figure 1. Also note the
device currents on the schematic. Be sure to include an arrow indicating current direction along with
the value and the units. You need all of these for a valid current.

Only the voltage source current is given in the simulation results. How do you determine the resistor

6. The equivalent resistance seen by the voltage source (between node 1 and node 0) can be found by
using Ohm’s Law (V = IR) and dividing the voltage of the voltage source by the current through the
voltage source.

Req with  configuration = .

EE 188 Lab 4, rev 9-13 Page 2 of 9

Figure 1. Circuit Schematic. Show node voltages and resistor currents on this figure.
4 1.5 k 1

R2 R3
3.9 k 2.2 k
Vsource R6
2.7 k
10 V
2 3

R4 R5
1.0 k 3.3 k

7. Note that R4, R5 and R6 form a Delta (or ) network. Calculate resistor values for the equivalent Wye
in the space below and draw the schematic in Figure 2. See the file “lab_03.ppt” file in the class
folder for information on transforming from  to Y. This is also explained on p. 50 of Irwin and

Figure 2. Circuit Schematic with Wye-Network.

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8. Copy the file lab03_delta.msm to lab03_wye.msm in your disk space. Modify the schematic to
change the Delta to a Wye and re-simulate. Note the node voltages and device currents on your
schematic in Figure 2.

9. Determine the equivalent resistance of the circuit with the Wye network from the simulation.

Req with Y network = .

10. Comment on the differences between the equivalent resistances of the two networks and why they are
different or not.

Activity #2 KVL and KCL

Now you are going to build the circuit in Figure 1 and measure the voltages and currents to compare with
the simulated values. You will also verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and Kirchhoff’s Current Law.

1. Note the schematic in Figure 1. Get the necessary resistors from the supply cabinet.

Note the color code and nominal value of each resistor and record in Table 1 below. Measure all the
resistor values with the DMM and record in the same table.
Table 1. Resistor Values
Color Code Nominal Value, k Measured Value, k % Error

2. Calculate the % Error using the following formula.

% Error = 100 * ( Measured Value – Nominal Value ) / Nominal Value

Are these all 5% resistors? This means the resistor values are all within 5% of the nominal value.
Generally, the manufacturer sells resistors as either 1%, 5% or 10%. Which is the most expensive?
Comment in the box below.

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3. Using the Protoboard, build the circuit in Figure 1, connecting the power supply after all other
connections are made.

4. Measure source voltage and the resistor voltages indicated in Table 2. Note the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ terminals
by the subscripts in column two. V1,2 means the ‘+’ is at node 1 and the ‘-‘ is at node 2.

Table 2. Measured Voltages.

Vx,y – note Measured Voltage, Calculated Simulated Current, % Error Current
x,y V Current, mA mA
Vsource V4,0 -- -- --
R1 V4,1

5. Calculate the current in each resistor using Ohm’s Law and fill in the Calculated Current column.

6. The values in the Simulated Current column are the resistor currents from the schematic in Figure 1.

7. Calculate % Error using Simulated Current as the standard.

% Error Current = 100 * ( Calculated Current – Simulated Current ) / Simulated Current

8. Note the worst case error between the simulated and the measured values. What causes the

9. Now you will verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law with the two loops in Table 3 and another loop of your
choosing. These voltages can be obtained from Table 2. Note that V1,2 = – V2,1. V1,2 means the ‘+’ is at
node 1 and the ‘-‘ is at node 2.

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Table 3. KVL Verification
Loop 1 (1, 3, 2, 1) Loop 2 (4, 0, 2, 3, 1, 4) Loop 3 ( )
-- V4,0 =
-- V0,2 =
V1,3 = V2,3 =
V3,2 = V3,1 =
V2,1 = V1,4 =

V = V = V =

10. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law states that the voltages around the loop should all sum to 0 V. Calculate the
sum of the voltages around each loop and note in the last row of Table 3, the V row. The sum will
likely be within a few 10s of mV of 0 V due to measurement error.

11. To verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law, you will need the current through the voltage source, which can
be measured with the DMM in series with the voltage source.

Here’s how to measure the current. On the DMM, move the red lead to the 100 mA current input and
push the DC current measurement button. Open the connection between the positive terminal of the
voltage source and R1. Connect the red lead of the DMM to the positive terminal of the voltage source
and the black lead to the node 4 side of R1. The value on the DMM will be the current entering the red
lead. See the file in the class folder “Electronics Lab Equipment.ppt” for details about using the

Current leaving ‘+’ terminal of voltage source ________________

12. For each node listed in Table 4, sum the currents entering and leaving each node.

Table 4. KCL Verification

Node 1 Node 2 Node 0

Ientering =
Ileaving =

13. Now to verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law. Does the sum of the currents entering the node equal the sum
of the currents leaving the node? Note this in the last row of Table 4. The sums will likely be within a
few 10s of A of each other which is within the measurement accuracy.

14. If you change the voltage source to 5 V, what do you expect to happen to the voltages and currents in
the circuit?

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15. Change the source voltage to 5 V. Measure some new resistor voltages and note in Table 5. You can
copy the resistor voltages when Vsource was 10 V from Table 3.

Table 5. Measured Voltages.

Vx,y – note x,y 10 V - Measured 5 V - Measured Voltage, 1 V - Measured
Voltage, V V Voltage, V

16. If you change the voltage source to 1 V, what do you expect to happen to the voltages and currents in
the circuit?

17. Change the source voltage to 1 V. Measure the same resistor voltages and note in Table 5.

18. Can you devise a rule for how the node voltages scale with the source voltage?

Activity #3 Delta-Wye Transformation

Now we want to find the equivalent resistance of the physical circuit. Note that R4, R5 and R6 form a Delta
(or ) configuration.

1. Disconnect the voltage source and measure the equivalent resistance between node 4 and ground of
the circuit and record.

Req with  configuration = .

2. Change the Delta network to a Wye network. Use the closest standard resistor value to what you
calculated above for each resistance so you will still have 6 resistors total.

3. Measure equivalent resistance between node 4 and ground of the circuit with the Wye network and

Req with Y configuration = .

EE 188 Lab 4, rev 9-13 Page 7 of 9

4. The two equivalent resistances should be within about 10%. If they are not, re-check your work until
you find the error.

Activity #4 Nodal Analysis

Nodal Analysis is a way to calculate the node voltages and device currents for any linear circuit. That is
really pretty amazing since some other techniques only work for certain kinds of circuits (series and
parallel resistors, for example) and some techniques are easy to apply for some circuits and very difficult
for others. In this activity, you are going to write the nodal analysis equations for the circuit in Figure 1.
You will use variables, i.e., node voltages, to write the equations (not the measured or simulated values
from above). You will also use device parameters, i.e., resistor values and voltage source value. Then you
will solve the system of equations and compare to the simulated results from Activity #1.

1. Consider the circuit in Figure 1. You will write 1 equation for every node except ground so you will
write _____ equations.

2. Because one terminal of the voltage source is connected to ground, the node voltage at node 4 is
known and is the first equation:

V4 =

To reduce the number of equations by 1, substitute this value of V4 in all the other equations.

3. Now consider node 1. There are 3 devices connected to node 1: R1, R2, and R3. You must account for
the current in each device. According to the current directions you used in Figure 1, identify whether
the currents are entering or leaving the node.

IR1 entering leaving IR2 entering leaving IR3 entering leaving

Write these currents in terms of the node voltages:

If entering node 1, IR1 = (V4 – V1) / 1.5 k

If leaving node 1, IR1 = (V1 – V4) / 1.5 k

If entering node 1, IR2 = (V2 – V1) / 3.9 k

If leaving node 1, IR2 = (V1 – V2) / 3.9 k

Now, write the equation for IR3 in terms of the node voltages:

If entering node 1, IR3 =

If leaving node 1, IR3 =

Now, using the current directions in your Figure 1, put the currents in terms of the node voltages on
the appropriate side of the equation:

Ientering = Ileaving

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4. Now consider node 2 and, using the current directions in your Figure 1, put the currents in terms of
the node voltages on the appropriate side of the equation:

Ientering = Ileaving

5. Write the nodal analysis equation for node 3:

Ientering = Ileaving

6. Now write these equations in matrix form, G · V = S. The left hand matrix (G) is 3x3 with some
entries being 0. The right hand side is a 3x1 vector (S). The unknown vector (V) represents the 3
unknown node voltages.

  V1   
    
  V2    
   
  V3 
  

7. Now solve the equations. You can do this by hand, on your calculator or using the Matlab file,
solve3x3.m, in the class folder. Fill in the Nodal Analysis Result in Table 6 along with the Multisim
result. These should be almost exactly the same since Multisim uses Nodal Analysis.

Table 6. Comparison of results of Nodal Analysis and MultiSim Simulation

Node Nodal Analysis Result, V Multisim Result, V


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