Experiment No. 5 Diode Approximation: Abstract - Bridges Are Unarguably One Key Components of The
Experiment No. 5 Diode Approximation: Abstract - Bridges Are Unarguably One Key Components of The
Experiment No. 5 Diode Approximation: Abstract - Bridges Are Unarguably One Key Components of The
Diode Approximation
Bulabos, John Kenneth A.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department, University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Alabang-Zapote Road, Pamplona, Las Pinas, Metro Manila, Philippines 1740
Abstract— Bridges are unarguably one key components of the an ideal diode, but it can be seen as a good approximation for
transportation infrastructure in modern days. Due to natural a real diode.
disasters and environmental conditions, the bridges get damage
and it causes loss of connectivity, loss of lives, excessive repairs at A diode is simply a pn junction with the
times. Inexpensive and efficient Bridge Structural Health
following characteristics:
Monitoring utilizing Wireless Sensor Network is helping to
facilitate the selection of the bridges that require maintenance. 1.Under forward bias, it needs a small voltage to conduct. This
Wireless sensors are low-cost data acquisition nodes that voltage drop is maintained
collocate communication and computing functionality with the during conduction.
sensor transducer. This paper will present the experiences with 2.The maximum forward current is limited by heat-dissipation
the research and development of wireless sensors designed for ability of the diode. Usually
structural health monitoring of bridges. it is around 1000 mA.
3.There is a small reverse current.
Index Terms— Wireless sensor Network, Structural health
monitoring, Monitoring Sensors, Bridge, Autonomous Data
1.Connect the circuit of Fig. 3 – 1a. Adjust the source to set up
To study the characteristics and applications of silicon diodes.
a current of 10 mA through the diode. Estimate the diode
voltage V and record in Table 3 – 1.
2.Bulk resistance -
approximate resistance across the terminals of the diode when
a forward voltage and current are applied across the diode.
The first approximation is not used for real-life
situations but just as general approximations when preciseness
isn't needed. In the second approximation, the diode is seen as
as a diode that needs voltage in order to turn on.
For a silicon diode, the diode needs about 0.7V in order to turn
on. When the voltage fed into the diode forward biased is
0.7V or greater, the diode switches on. When the voltage is
less than 0.7V, the diode turns off.
The researcher takes this opportunity to express gratitude to
the people who have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project. Especially, to those who laid time
and effort in conceptualizing this project. He would also like
to show his greatest appreciation to his adviser, Engr. Ronn
Conception II. For the support, advices and assistance
throughout the research project. Without his encouragement
and guidance this project would not have materialized.