Supplier Quality Agreement
Supplier Quality Agreement
Supplier Quality Agreement
Quality Agreement
(Hereafter referred to as the “Company”)
(Hereafter referred to as the “Supplier”)
This agreement is made between the above named parties in order to assure the quality of
supplied product(s).
This is confirmation of receipt and agreement. Any deviations to this original document made by
the Supplier must be approved by the Company in advance, submitted in writing and attached to this
confirmation. This Quality Agreement replaces all previous quality agreements.
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Form No. :PUR-FR-07
Rev.No.& Date: 01/01.06.2013
1 General
1.1 The provisions of this Quality Agreement, together with the Company’s purchase terms and conditions,
shall apply to all current and future purchase agreements between the Company and the Supplier.
1.2 On new projects, the Company may request changes or additions to this document, which must be
approved by the Company and the Supplier.
1.3 It is the responsibility of the Supplier to make products and provide services that meet the requirements of
the Company and its customers. The Supplier is further responsible for the quality of the products provided
by their sub-suppliers and ensuring that they adhere to the same quality requirements to which the Supplier
is obligated.
1.4 It is the Supplier’s responsibility to inform the Company of any change to the status of an approved quality
or environmental certification and to provide proof of new or updated certification upon receipt from an
approval body.
1.5 This Quality Agreement is of unlimited duration. Failure to maintain a Quality Agreement with the company
may result in the Supplier being removed from the Approved Supplier listing.
1.6 The supplier shall keep all details of any communication, verbal or written, confidential.
2.1 The Company and its customers reserve the right to examine, evaluate and audit the processes and quality
assurance measures of the Supplier and its sub-suppliers at any time as per the ISO/TS 16949 & VDA 6.3
requirements, with or without advanced notification.
3.1 Where appropriate, the Supplier will be involved in the production of drawings or specifications. During the
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) process, it may be necessary to establish “Special
Characteristics” (SC) or “Critical Characteristics” (CC). These characteristics must be statistically controlled
with records available to the Company or its customer on demand. Other special requirements, such as
“Appearance Level” may also be specified and must be controlled as required by the Company and its
3.2 The Supplier must conduct and document a detailed analysis of the suitability of the manufacturing plant
used. The Company, during the APQP process, will set specific machine capability and/or process
capability target values that must be achieved prior to approval.
3.3 The Supplier product and packaging and all the materials used in the manufacture of the product and
packaging must conform to all applicable governmental, safety and environmental regulations as they apply
to the country of manufacture and sale, and in the country where the product(s) is received by the company.
4.1 PPAP/VDA documentation must be submitted for all products to a level stipulated by the Company.
Product(s) must not be shipped unless PPAP/VDA approval has been obtained.
4.3 The Company will not pay for tooling until PPAP/VDA approval, unless otherwise agreed.
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Form No. :PUR-FR-07
Rev.No.& Date: 01/01.06.2013
4.4 The Supplier must not make any changes to the product, the production processes, or the manufacturing or
warehouse location without the approval from the Company. Approval must also to be given if production is
re-started following a shutdown of greater than three (3) months. The supplier must give a minimum of three
(3) months notice to the Company for any proposed change.
4.5 Following PPAP/VDA , the Company may inspect 100% of deliveries until satisfied that sample inspection is
adequate. The cost for the inspection is the responsibility of the Supplier.
4.6 The Supplier shall re-qualify the product and processes on a periodic way. And at a minimum with
dimensional / analytic checks of our products at least yearly and upon request send the results to us within
48 hours.
5.1 To meet Company requirements, Supplier performance must target 100% delivery (on-time and quantity) in
accordance with Company schedules.
5.2 The Supplier use of Electronic Data Interface (EDI) is recommended and may be required for certain
products designated by the Company.
5.3 Delivery must be in accordance with the Company’s normal receiving hours, unless otherwise agreed.
Information must accompany each delivery to identify the Supplier, the product(s) and quantities, the
reference/ order number, and hazardous material or environmental notification. The Company may specify
additional requirements.
5.5 The Supplier must track, document and report on all instances of premium transport used for product(s)
delivered to the Company.
6 Zero Defects
6.1 It is the Supplier‘s responsibility to maintain a production and quality system to provide a product with zero
defects that meets the Company specifications. In order to achieve the objective of zero defects, the
supplier shall have an active Continuous Improvement Program in place.
6.2 The Company may inspect a product at any stage of manufacture to ensure zero defects.
7 Corrective Action
7.1 Upon notification of a concern or defect, the Supplier must respond with written documentation indicating
immediate corrective and/or preventative measures taken to avoid further defects, using suitable problem
solving techniques in G8D or similar format. This must be provided within 24 hours of notification.
7.2 The Supplier must arrange for collection and replacement of defective product immediately or arrange for
personnel to sort or rework at a location specified by the Company.
7.3 Should the Supplier fail to respond adequately within 24 hours, the Company may take appropriate
measures to ensure production is not jeopardised. All actions will be documented and costs tracked
(see “8 Failure Costs” below).
7.4 The Company reserves the right to specify Level I or CSL ONE (supplier certification of material
conformance) or Level II or CSL TWO (third-party certification of material) containment activities depending
on the nature of the defect, the supplier's ability to manage the issue, and ultimate assurance of customer
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Form No. :PUR-FR-07
Rev.No.& Date: 01/01.06.2013
7.5 The Supplier must update the G8D (or similar) document regarding the identification of the root cause(s),
actions taken to prevent recurrence, and verification that the actions have been effective within a period of
time specified by the Company.
7.6 The concern will be deemed closed when the Supplier receives a signed-off copy of the concern from the
7.7 The Company reserves the right for an escalation audit on a management level within 24 h without an
additional notification before if:
1. The reporting requirements regarding “Out of specification notification” are not followed.
8 Failure Costs
8.1 In the event that a defective product is found, the Company will take reasonable actions necessary to
maintain production at the Company or customer location(s). All costs incurred will be documented and may
include, but is not limited to, inspection, premium freight, and travel and expenses to and from customer
sites. All or some of the costs incurred may be charged to the Supplier.
8.2 Subsequent deliveries must be 100% inspected at Supplier cost, as the Company requires. Parts must be
suitably identified with 100% sort labels.
9 Documentation
9.1 The Supplier and their sub-suppliers must keep quality records on file to ensure 100% traceability of
products back to the date of manufacture or receipt. The Company will specify the required data and
retention period. If no date is specified, the documentation must be kept indefinitely. The Supplier must
make these available on request by the Company or the customer.
10.1 The Company reserves the right to participate in tests and inspections carried out by the Supplier and their
sub-suppliers, to have inspections observed by an authorised third person, and to carry out inspections of
products and system from the Supplier, if deemed necessary.
11.1 The Supplier must ensure that products and services delivered comply with all relevant regulatory
requirements on occupational and public health and safety as well as environmental protection in both: the
country of manufacture as well as in the country of sale.
11.2 The Supplier must provide all regulatory required documentation for the products and services delivered
(e.g.: safety data sheets; marking and labeling of hazardous materials; machines safety conformity
declarations associated with operation manual and technical file; etc.) in the languages needed.
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Form No. :PUR-FR-07
Rev.No.& Date: 01/01.06.2013
11.3 The Company expects the Supplier to perform its manufacturing and other activities in compliance with all
relevant health, safety & environmental regulatory requirements.
11.4 The Company would encourage that the Supplier establishes and maintains an environmental management
system in accordance with ISO 14001 or equivalent. At least, environmental procedures should be in place
covering the manufacture and delivery (e.g. durable, recyclable packaging) of the products or services in
12 Contingency Plan
12.1 Suppliers shall develop a contingency plan for potential catastrophes disrupting product flow to the
Company, and advise the Company at the earliest in the event of an actual disaster. In an actual
catastrophe, suppliers shall provide the Company access to the Company tools and/or their replacements.
15 Quality Targets
15.4 Quality Management System certification ISO 9001 Minimum from an approval body.
15.5 Customer audit will held based on ISO/TS 16949 & VDA 6.3 System
15.6 Supplier performance will monitored as per Annx.A & will communicated on monthly basis
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