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Self-Learning Module for Grade 11


Directions for the User

Here are some reminders to guide as you go through this module:
1. Read and follow each directions carefully;
2. Answer the pre-test before proceeding to the activity;
3. Take down notes and record points for clarification;
4. Always aim to get at least 75% of the total number of items given;
5. Be sure to answer the post test at the end of the module.
Have you been curious of when and where did life possibly start? This module will
help you understand the historical development of the concept of life based on emerging
pieces of evidence. This will trace back the events, processes, and living organisms existed
on earth from the earliest time to present.

Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the
circle that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What is the age of the planet Earth?

A. 3.8 billion years old B. 4.6 billion years old
C. 13.7 billion years old D. 200 thousand years old

2. Fossils are usually contained in rocks which provide a lot of information

A B C D about the history of life on earth. What type of rocks are the
A. Igneous rocks B. Plutonic rocks
C. Metamorphic rocks D. Sedimentary rocks

3. Dinosaurs are reptiles that existed for a very long time. Which era did
these organisms evolve?
A B C D A. Proterozoic B. Paleozoic era
C. Mesozoic era D. Cenozoic era

4. What are the first photosynthetic organisms that grow well on earth?
A B C D A. Bryophyllum B. Cyanobacteria
C. Stromatolites D. Zyrcon crystal

5. What are called the remains of living organism used in understanding the
history of life on earth?
A. Bone B. Shells
C. Seeds D. Fossils
Competency: Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence
S11/12LT -IIa-1
1. Identify the sequence of events of the history of life on earth
2. Name the pieces of evidence on the evolution of life on earth
3. Recognize the importance of knowing the history of life on earth
Procedure / Learning Experience
A. Engage
Activity No.1
Directions: Read and study the timeline. Put the following pictures in order. Write
1,2,3,4….under each picture to show the order of the history of life on earth.

__________ __________ ________ __________

__________ __________ __________

Activity 2.
Direction: Name the pieces of evidence on the evolution of life. Write your answer on
the space provided. Pick your answer from the terms inside the box.

Zircon crystal Stromatolites Cyanobacteria

First Eukaryotes Multicellular Organisms
Trilobite fossils Homo erectus

Timeline Evidences
4.6 to 3.6 Billion Years Ago 1.
3.5 Billion Years Ago 2.
3.0 Billion Years Ago 3.
2.0 Billion Years Ago 4.
1.2 Billion Years Ago 5.
500 Million Years Ago 6.
250 thousand years ago 7.

Activity 3.
From the given graphic organizer showing the sequence of history of life
identify what is evident on each period.

Violent Earth
describe by the
occurence of volcanic Cenozoic Era: Recent
First Eukaryote
eruptions and Life
presence of

Life began with the

appearance of
Paleozoic Era
prokaryotes appeared
on sedimentary rocks

Appearance of the
Mesozoic era: Age of
first photosynthetic
Activity No.4
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Choose from the word/s
inside the box.
Human Beings Zircon Crystal
4.6 Billion Years Ago Mesozoic era
Cenozoic 3.0 Billion Years Ago
Earth Homo erectus

About (1) __________, the earth was formed as the solar system came into
existence with the other planets rotating around the sun. (2) __________is said to be
geologically violent because of the continuous bombardment by meteorites and volcanic
eruptions. With this condition, minerals were formed from the elements and compounds
contained in the molten material. The oldest material found on earth is the (3) ________that
is estimated to be 4.3 billion years old. Life on earth is believed to begin 3.5 billion years ago
with single –celled prokaryotes, as discovered in sedimentary rock formations called
(4) __________. As early as (5) __________, the first photosynthetic organism thrived the
earth which is blue green algae called cyanobacteria. It was 2.0 billion years ago when the
first eukaryotes appeared and the influx of multicellular organisms occurred 1.2 billion years
ago. During the paleozoic era which lasted 542 to 251 MYA, the Cambrian and Ordovician
period has been known as the age of invertebrates when trilobites and cephalopods became
dominant in the (6) __________. The (7) __________ is the age of reptiles that has a span
of 251 to 65.5 MYA divided into Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaneous period. (8) ___________
is the era of recent life and based on paleontological evidence (9) __________ have evolved
250 thousand years ago. (10) ____________ are the only surviving species and one of the
living evidences that life have existed on earth.

Activity No. 5
Direction: Name the evidence illustrated in the box.
Illustration Name of Evidence
Activity No. 6
Directions: Arrange the jumbled word to reveal the evidence in the history of life on
earth. Write the answer on the space below the grid.
 A marine animal first evolved at
R I O T L T I E B the beginning of the Cambrian
period, 542 MYA, where they
dominate the ocean.

 The modern human that have

E E R C T U S M O H O evolved 250 thousand years ago.

A K R P O R Y O T S E  A basic cell type which lack true

nucleus. Bacteria, blue-green
algae, archaeans and spirochetes
are examples of organisms
belonging to this cell type.
R U O S D N I A S  These are giant reptiles that
roamed the earth during the
Mesozoic era.

 This basic cell type possess a true

nucleus that contains DNA.

Activity no. 7
Directions: Column A are evidences while column B refers to certain timeline. Match
them by writing the letter of your answer on the space before the number.
Column A Column B
_____1. Homo erectus A. 4.3 BYA
_____2. Eukaryotes B. 2.0 BYA
_____3. Zircon crystal C. Mesozoic era
_____4. Dinosaurs D. 250 thousand years ago
_____5. Trilobite fossils E. Cambrian period

II. Reflection
Direction: Write a short poem about the importance of the history of life on earth.

Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade
the circle that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What condition caused the existence of life on earth?

a. D A. Pyroclastic flow B. Volcanic eruption
C. Temperature cooled down D. Bombardment of meteorites
2. Which of the following evidence started the process of converting
A B C D light energy to chemical energy?
a. A. Stromatolites B. Cyanobacteria
C. Zyrcon crystal D. Trilobite fossil
3. Life on Earth is believed to begin with a cell found in stromatolites.
What type of cell was found in it?
A. Plant cell B. Animal cell
C. Eukaryotes D. Prokaryotes
4 4. Which of the following organisms evolved 542 to 251 MYA?
A B5 C D A. Birds B. Dinosaurs
C. Trilobite D. Prokaryotic cells
5. Humans are the only surviving species. Which of the following
A B C D species of human evolved 250 thousand years ago?
A. Homo habilis B. Homo sapiens
C. Homo erectus D. Cro – magnons
Answer Key:

1. D
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D

Activity No. 1
Skeleton – 7
Trilobite fossils and Cephalopods- 5
Cyanobacteria- 3
Stromatolites- 2
Volcano and Zircon Crystal- 1
Animal Cell (Multicellular)- 4
Dinosaurs- 6

Activity No. 2
1. Zircon crystal
2. Stromatolites
3. Cyanobacteria
4. First Eukaryotes
5. Multicellular Organisms
6. Trilobite fossils
7. Homo erectus
Activity 3:
1. Zircon crystal
2. Stromatolites
3. Cyanobacteria
4. First Eukaryotes
5. Multicellular Organisms
6. Trilobite fossils
7. Homo Erectus

Activity No. 4
1. 4.6 Billion Years Ago
2. Earth
3. Zircon Crystal
4. Stromatolites
5. 3.0 Billion Years Ago
6. Ocean
7. Mesozoic era
8. Cenozoic
9. Homo erectus
10. Human beings
Activity 5
1. Trilobites
2. Cephalopods
3. Reptiles
4. Eukaryotic
5. Stromatolites

Activity No. 6
Homo erectus

Activity No. 7
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. E

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B


Ramos, J.D.A. and A.C.M. Ramos. Exploring Life Through Science BIOLOGY. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.,2006.

Rea, M.A.D and N.H.A Dagamac. GENERAL BIOLOGY 2. Manila: Rex Book Store

Sia, S.R.D. and L.A.S. Cortez. Earth and Life Science.Quezon City. Sibs Publishing
House, Inc., 2016.

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