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Project Report



Submitted By




(Final Year Mechanical Engineering)


Project guide


College of Engineering & Technology Amravati-444605
This is to certify that,
Project on


has been completed by



As partial fulfilment for the course of

Bachelor of engineering in Mechanical Engineering
As per the curriculum of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati.
This work is carried under my supervision and guidance

Prof. R.R. More

Project guide

Prof. S. V. Nimkarde Dr. A. B. Marathe

(H.O.D. Mech. Engg.) (Principal)


College of Engineering and Technology-444605
“Examiners Certificate”
This is to certify that the following students




Of Final Year B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) 2019-20

Were examined in the project work entitled


On dated / / 2020

Signature Signature

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Date __________ Date ___________

College of Engineering and Technology-444605

Behind every successful work, there are efforts of many peoples, directly or indirectly. We take
this opportunity to thank all those who helped us during this endeavour.

First of all, we would like to express our sincere, profound sense of gratitude towards our guide
Prof. R.R. More for the opportunity to conduct study and analysis in this growing and evolving field
as well as for his guidance throughout the last year.

And of course, the biggest thanks to our Head of Dept. Prof. S.V. Nimkarde and Principal Dr.
A.B. Marathe for their guidance and support throughout the last year.

We’d like to thank our family for standing by us and encouraging us throughout graduate school.
We would also like to thank all our friends who helped us directly and indirectly during the project


(Final Year Mech. Engg)


Sr. No. TITLE Page. No.

1.1.Introduction 1
1.2.Historical background 2
1.3.Objective 3
1.4.Orgnazation 4
2.1. Literature review 5
2.2 Disadvantages of Existing Vapour 15
Compression Refrigeration System
2.3 Need of Development of Vapour 16
Compression Refrigeration System
3.1 VCR System and their working 17
3.2 Experimental setup 19
3.3 Working of VCRs using two different 26
evaporator coil

Vapour compression Refrigeration is technology which is used daily in day to day life in
domestic as well as commercial purpose. About 15% of the world electricity is consumed by
refrigeration system. Thus reduction of energy consumption is a major concern in vapour compression
refrigeration systems. To reduce consumption of electricity of refrigeration systems .The COP should
be increased. Therefore increase COP we have changed the design of evaporator coil from helical to
conical design. The results show that increasing the evaporator taper angles and torsions. However,
the coils taper angles have the more dominant effect than the other studied parameters. Finally,
experimental correlations are developed to predict the COP of the VCRS in addition to the
performances of both the evaporator and condenser as functions of the investigated parameters.

Keywords: Conically coiled tube; Coefficient of performance; Vapour compression, refrigeration


Sr. No. Name of Figure Page No.

1 Simple VCR system 11

2 Ph-Ts diagram 17

3 Experimental setup 19

4 Compressor 20

5 Condenser 21

6 Capillary tube 22

7 Helical and conical coil 22

8 Filter 23

9 Pressure gauge 23

10 Temperature indicator 24

11 Energy meter 24

12 Ammeter and voltmeter 25

13 Valve 25

14 VCR system using two different evaporator coil 26

Sr. No. Name of table Page no.

1 Compressor specification 20

2 Condenser specification 21

3 Temperature indicator specification 24

VCRS Vapour compression refrigeration system

COP Coefficient of performance

CFC’s Chloro- fluro carbon

HCFC’s Hydro chloro-fluro carbon

To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -


1.1 Introduction
Vapour compression Refrigeration is technology which makes a major contribution to humanity in
many ways including food preservation, control of indoor air quality, gas liquefaction and industrial process
control, production of food and drink and computer cooling. About 15% of the world’s electricity is used to
drive refrigerating and air-conditioning systems. These systems typically present high energy consumption and
this use may increase in case of system failure. Thus reduction of energy consumption is a major concern in
vapour compression refrigeration systems.

For the reduction of energy consumption in these systems, it is necessary to have efficient systems.
Inside developing nation, most of the vapour compression refrigeration system (VCRS), keep running on
halogenated refrigerants because of their excellent thermodynamic as well as thermo physical properties in
addition to the low price. However, the international protocols (Montreal and Kyoto) restrict the use of the
halogenated refrigerants in the vapour compression-based refrigeration systems. As per Montreal Protocol 1987,
the use of Chlorofluorocarbons was completely stopped in most of the nations. However, Hydro
chlorofluorocarbons refrigerants can be used until 2040 in developing nations, and developed nations should
phase out by 2030. Thus to meet the global demand in refrigeration and air conditioning sector, it is necessary to
look for long-term alternatives to satisfy the objectives of international protocols. As per the Kyoto Protocol to
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the particular emission of hydro fluorocarbon
(HFC) refrigerants required to lessen possibly. Many developing countries still uses R134a (HFC) in
refrigeration devices due to low cost and excellent thermodynamic as well as thermo physical properties.

There are numerous methods that were employed in the VCRS to improve its COP. They are change in
design of evaporator coil, adding Nano material in system, using efficient refrigerant and LPG gas and by using
hybrid VCR (HVCR). This wide application of the HCTs is due to their compactness and the geometry
promotes good mixing of the fluids, which leads to increasing the heat transfer coefficients. Due to the extensive
use of the HCTs in these applications, knowledge about heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics is very
important. The researchers demonstrated that the condensation coefficients of the refrigerant were reduced with
increasing the Reynolds number of the water in the curved annulus. The experiments showed that the centrifugal
force caused due to the coil curvature, which generates a wall-clingy liquid film against gravity. From the above
noted points it is clear that there are numerous techniques that were conducted to enhance the COP of the
VCRSs. However, there is still a need for the COP improvement. The geometrical parameter of the coiled tubes
and the operating conditions of the VCRS affect its COP. It was demonstrated that decreasing the coil curvature
increased the rate of heat transfer rate in addition to the pressure drop. Therefore, in the present study, it is
aimed to investigate the effect of the geometrical parameters of coiled tubes with efficient taper angles and coil
torsions on the performance attributes of the refrigeration cycle at different operating conditions.

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

1.2 Historical Background

In 1805, the American inventor Oliver Evans described a closed vapour-compression refrigeration
cycle for the production of ice by ether under vacuum. Heat would be removed from the environment by
recycling vaporized refrigerant, where it would move through a compressor and condenser and would eventually
revert to a liquid form in order to repeat the refrigeration process over again. However, no such refrigeration
unit was built by Evans. In 1834, an American expatriate to Great Britain, Jacob Perkins, built the first working
vapour-compression refrigeration system in the world It was a closed-cycle that could operate continuously, as
he described in his patent: His prototype system worked although it did not succeed commercially.

“I am enabled to use volatile fluids for the purpose of producing the cooling or freezing of fluids, and
yet at the same time constantly condensing such volatile fluids, and bringing them again into operation without

A similar attempt was made in 1842, by American physician, John Gorrie, who built a working
prototype, but it was a commercial failure. American engineer Alexander Twining took out a British patent in
1850 for a vapour compression system that used ether. The first practical vapour compression refrigeration
system was built by James Harrison, a British journalist who had immigrated to Australia.] His 1856 patent was
for a vapour compression system using ether, alcohol or ammonia. He built a mechanical ice-making machine in
1851 on the banks of the Baryon River at Rocky Point in Geelong, Victoria, and his first commercial ice-making
machine followed in 1854. Harrison also introduced commercial vapour-compression refrigeration to breweries
and meat packing houses, and by 1861, a dozen of his systems were in operation in Australia and England. The
first gas absorption refrigeration system using gaseous ammonia dissolved in water (referred to as "aqua
ammonia") was developed by Ferdinand Carré of France in 1859 and patented in 1860. Carl von Linde, an
engineering professor at the Technological University Munich in Germany, patented an improved method of
liquefying gases in 1876. His new process made possible using gases such as ammonia, sulphur dioxide SO2
and methyl chloride (CH3Cl) as refrigerants and they were widely used for that purpose until the late 1920s.

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

1.3 Objectives

 To enhance COP of vapour compression refrigeration cycle.

 To test the behaviour of conically coiled evaporator coil.
 Compare helical and conical design of evaporator coil.
 Compare the same with the standard and calibrated VCR cycle.
 To test the behaviour of helically coiled evaporator coil.

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

1.4 Organization

 Design and development of conically coiled VCR cycle.

 Fabrication of the same of proper and required dimensions of components.
 Experimentation on VCR cycle.
 Comparing helical coiled tube and conically coiled tube.

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2.1 Literature Review

In this chapter the literatures available related to this research are reviewed within the purview of the present
investigation. Existing methods which are used to improve the performance of VCR system are reviewed under
various titles and these have been taken for further improvement of this study. The following are the previous
research review based on vapour compression refrigeration cycle

1. John Wiley & Sons (2008): This study aims that design of ejector and evaporator coil. Performance of
a vapour compression system that uses an ejector as an expansion device was investigated. In the
analysis, a two-phase constant area ejector flow model was used. R134a was selected as the refrigerant
the obtained results, for any operating temperature there are different optimum values of pressure drop
in the suction chamber, ejector area ratio, ejector outlet pressure and cooling coefficient of performance
(COP). The minimum COP improvement ratio in the investigated field was 10.1%, while its maximum
was 22.34%.
2. B. M. Tashtoush (2005): This aims that Performance analysis of a combined vapor compression cycle
and ejector cycle for refrigeration cogeneration. Hybrid vapor compression refrigeration (HVCR)
system, which combines vapor compression refrigeration (VCR) system and an ejector refrigeration
(ER) system, was developed. The waste heat energy from the gas cooler in the VCR system is applied
as driven source towards ER system. The results indicate that for the same cooling capacity, the
coefficient of performance (COP) of the HVCR system shows 25 % higher COP and the total
mechanical power consumption is reduced by 20 % than that of conventional VCR system,
3. M.R. Salem (2017): This study aims that Study of the performance of a vapour compression
refrigeration system using conically coiled tube-in-tube evaporator and condenser. In this the study of
design of condenser coil and evaporator coil is made which resulted in taper angles have the more
dominant effect than the other studied parameters. Finally, experimental correlations are developed to
predict the COP of the VCRS in addition to the effectiveness of both the evaporator and condenser as
functions of the investigated parameters.
4. Jatinder Gill (2017): This study aims that Energy Analysis of Vapor Compression Refrigeration
System using mixture of R134a and LPG as refrigerant. The mixing refrigerant R134a/LPG proposed
in this study seems to be an appropriate long-term candidate to replace R134a as a new generation
refrigerant of VCRS, because of its well environmentally acceptable properties and its favourable
refrigeration performances.
5. Eric Granryd (2001): discussed the usage of hydrocarbons and their lower impact towards the
environment due to very low GWP and zero ODP comparing HFCs and CFCs. From the hydrocarbon
group, Ethane (R170), Propylene (R1270), Propane (R290), Butane (R600) and Iso-Butane (R600a) are
having excellent thermo physical properties and efficient heat transfer characteristics. The only
problem is flammability and that can be avoided by implementing the proper safety precautions. The
performance parameters like volumetric cooling effect, thermodynamic cycle efficiency, heat transfer

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

characteristics, effect of condenser and evaporator temperatures were discussed and concluded that
hydrocarbon refrigerants could be
used as an eco friendly refrigerants in the refrigeration systems.
6. Dalkilic et al (2010) carried out the theoretical performance study on refrigeration system using the
refrigerants R12, R134a and various mixture combinations of R290/R600 and R290/R600a at various
mass fractions. The results states that the mixture of R290/R600a is suitable alternate to R12 and
R134a. The output parameters like refrigerating effect, compressor work, COP and volumetric
refrigeration capacity were computed and compared with CFCs and HFCs.
7. Mohanraj et al (2008) on assessment of alternate refrigerant in domestic refrigerators, R152a was
recommended as an alternate refrigerant to R134a. From their results, R152a have the better
uniqueness like zero ODP, low operating pressure, 7-9% higher COP, higher energy efficiency
compared to R134a. Their study also represents the refrigerants R290 and R1270 are having higher
operating pressure range, consequently they cannot be used in the refrigeration systems. Modification
in compressor design is required due to low operating pressure range of R600 and R600a. Hence they
are not recommended to be used in the domestic refrigerators.
8. Bolaji 2010: The performance of domestic refrigerator was evaluated through R152a and R32 as
refrigerants). The experimental work result gives that R152a offers lowest energy consumption,
refrigeration system with R152a closely follows the refrigeration system operating with R134a. COP
value about 4.7% higher than R134a. The performance ofrefrigeration system with R152a closely
follows the refrigeration system operating with R134a.
9. Tasi (2005) R134a has been used as the alternate refrigerant to CFCs and HCFCs in refrigeration
systems. Indicated that various ecological problems like global warming, environmental partition,
photochemical potential, etc would be occurred due to the usage of R134a in refrigeration systems.
According to the international protocols, ecological degradation and human healthiness, refrigerant
R134a is to be changed from the domestic and industrial refrigeration systems
10. Sekar et al (2005) HCM and R134a were utilized by Sekar et al (2005) as a refrigerant in domestic
refrigerator. Their result shows that the mixture R134a and HCM (9%) gave the better performance in
terms of energy consumption and improvement in COP compared to R12.
11. Zhao et al (2002) suggested the new working fluids R123/R290 (50/50 by mass %) and
R123/R290/R600a (40/50/10 by mass %) that will meet the requirement of the new working condition
of 80–100 oC as condensation temperature and 25–35 oC as evaporation temperature and at the same
time keep the highest pressure in the geothermal heat pump under 2500 kPa. The COP of this system
was above 3.0 with condensation temperature above 80 oC and condensation pressures below 2500
12. Fernando et al (2008) have predicted the heat transfer coefficients of condensers using propane as
refrigerant was found to increase in the subcooling section with large uncertainty.
13. Swinney et al (2001) have suggested that the binary mixtures (zeotropic or nonazeotropic) of
hydrocarbons can also be used in the hybrid absorption – compression refrigeration cycle. The
performance of this system is mainly based on volatility or fractional vaporization.

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14. Bobbo et al (2004) gave the solution as HCs+HFCs blends which can be used as refrigerants with low
GWP and ODP. Mixtures with R290 have acceptable COP and volumetric refrigerating effect only at
relatively high mass fraction of propane. They have suggested the use of these mixtures due to the
reduction in GWP without considering the elimination of flammability.
15. Sarkar & Bhattacharyya (2009) have suggested that the blend R744/R600a can be the best
alternative refrigerant to R114 for high temperature heating due to superior COP (more than twice)
over R600 and R600a and eliminating the requirement of extremely high side pressure of R744
systems. Gliding temperature during evaporation and condensation of Zeotropic blends instead of pure
counterparts can be employed very effectively in heat pumps for variable temperature or simultaneous
cooling and heating applications (e.g., dairy plants) at conventional high side pressure.
16. Girotto et al (2004) have investigated and quantified the total annual energy consumption of the
installed CO2 system which was 10% higher than the R404A system and confirmed the opportunity of
possible improvements of cycle efficiency.
17. Cho et al (2007) have optimized compressor discharge pressure of the variable speed CO2 cycle with
the internal heat exchanger and suggested the reduction by 0.5 MPa and increased the cooling
capacity, COP of the CO2 cycle by 6.2 -11.9% and 7.1 - 9.1% respectively with the installed internal
heat exchanger.
18. Devotta et al (2001) have studied the behaviour of usage of HFC134a and found that the system
required significant increase of the compressor size and also suggested that the following refrigerants
R290, R404A, R407C, R410A can be a replacement for HCFC and CFC.
19. Monte (2002) have proved that the gas compressibility effects play a ‘favourable’ role during the
isentropic compression processes since they allow the work transferred to be reduced up to 10% for
HFC refrigerant R134a and HFC refrigerant mixtures R407C and R410A. But they play an
‘unfavourable’ role since they can reduce the compressor volumetric efficiency (i.e. refrigerant mass
flow rate) and consequently the cooling (or heating) capacity of the vapour compression system up to
20. Meurer et al (2001) have studied the electrical properties of R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507
fluids and recommended as fairly strong insulators and CFCs are even stronger insulating media
compared with those of R12, so that the problems caused by unsuitable electric properties can be
21. Ozcan & Ozgener (2011) have suggested the possibility of alternative replacements to the traditional
refrigerants in geothermal heat pumps for 101 kW. The Geothermal heat pumps (COP) ranging
between 3.84, 3.08, and 2.92 for octa uorocyclobutane (RC318), hexa uoroethane (R116) and octa
uoropropane (R218) respectively. They have found R116 showing the maximum exergic efficiency of
68% among the selected BZT fluids.
22. Comakli et al (2009) observed that the most effective parameters were the condenser air inlet
temperature for COP and exergetic efficiency for the heat pump with the use of mixture of R404A /
R22 and found the parameters were not influenced by R404A. They also suggested that the pure R22
will be the only solution for heat pump application.

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23. Kim et al (2008) have experimentally confirmed the increased heat transfer area with the temperature
gradient of refrigerants similar to secondary heat transfer fluid to utilize the temperature glide effect
successfully. The addition of R290, which has higher refrigerating effect and a much lower vapor
density than CO2 and adding R290 to CO2 increases the system efficiency and reduces the cooling
capacity with the lowering of discharge pressure.
24. Niu & Zhang (2007) have suggested that the mixture of R744/R290 blends (71/29, mole fraction) as
the natural replacement for R13 as working fluid of refrigeration system operating with the evaporator
temperature higher than 201 K whose ODP is zero and GWP is smaller than 20.
25. Chen et al (2011) have proposed R32 having higher exergic density, resulting in lower mass flow than
CO2 for the same work output and introduced the newly developing Zeotropic mixtures as the ‘‘ideal’’
working fluid for the transcritical rankine cycles.
26. Li et al (2012) applied the energy analysis to a Combined Cooling, Heating & Power (CCHP) system
running with methanol & solar energy and suggested that solar energy utilization improves overall
efficiency by 4 percentage, single methanol production + CCHP: less efficient than traditional energy
supply, Poly generation + CCHP: save 10% energy in summer and 8% in winter and poly generation
with CO2 capture + CCHP: save 20–26% energy.
27. Cho et al (2009) have maximized the cooling COP of the two-stage CO2 cycle with gas injection by
16.5% over that of the two-stage noninjection cycle. They suggested the optimum control of electronic
expansion valve through the following experiment by decreasing the compression ratio and by
increasing the first and second stage electronic expansion valve and thus improves the cooling COP
which decreases the mass flow.
28. Nicola et al (2011) have revealed the advantage of the CO2 blends in terms of reduction in its
flammability and environmental decay even with the better performance in the low temperature side of
pure HC’s.
29. Gao et al (2012) have studied the absorption refrigeration system with the binary mixture of tri
uoromethane (R23) and N,N-dimethyl formamide as a promising new working fluid and found the
average relative deviation of 1.8% between experimental and calculated values of system parameters.
30. Bansal et al (2012) have studied the alternative technologies for refrigeration such as thermo-acoustic
refrigeration, thermoelectric refrigeration, thermo-tunnelling, magnetic refrigeration, stirling cycle
refrigeration, pulse tube refrigeration, malone cycle refrigeration, absorption refrigeration, adsorption
refrigeration and compressor driven metal hydride heat pumps. They suggested an integrated heat
pump system serving both heating and air conditioning applications in domestic applications.
31. Wang et al (2010) have confirmed the normal working of residential air conditioners with the use of
the mixture of R410a/MNRO as working fluid. The cooling/heating energy efficiency ratio of the
residential air conditioners increased about 6% by replacing the polyol-easter oil VG 32 lubricant with
MNRO (mineral-based nanorefrigeration oil).
32. Chen & Yu (2008) have confirmed the new refrigeration cycle having the evaporator circuit of two
branches to realize lorentz cycle with the advantage of temperature glide (NRC) using the binary non-
azeotropic refrigerant mixture (R32/R134a) which results in 8 to 9% COP raise and 9.5% increase in
volumetric refrigerating capacity.

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33. Jin et al (2003) have predicted the mean deviation of the calculated condensation heat transfer
coefficients for the binary Zeotropic mixture of R134a/R123 in the horizontal smooth tube which was
about 10.3% and they also suggested that the high mass flux transfer had slight effect on condensation
heat transfer.
34. Yu et al (2008) have proved that an outstanding merit in decreasing the pressure ratio of compressor as
well as in increasing the COP. For novel autocascade refrigeration system with ejector using the
mixture of R134a/R23 of quality 0.85:0.15 operated at the condenser outlet temperature of 40 oC, the
evaporator inlet temperature of -40.3 oC, the pressure ratio of the ejector reaches to 1.35 while the
pressure ratio of compressor reduced by 25.8% and the COP improved by 19.1% over the conventional
autocascade refrigeration cycle.
35. Scalabrin et al (2003) proposed the model to predict non azeotropic mixture’s enthalpy and entropy.
They applied regressed interaction coefficients in the case of azeotropy.
36. Lee et al (2002) have suggested the numerical code to predict the performance of condenser and found
the acceptable deviation of calculated and experimental values with the use of R22 were 10.1% greater
than experiment data and with the use of R407C the results were 10.7% less than experiment data and
thus they suggested the numerical code to be used as a design tool to develop better condenser paths.
37. Fukuta et al (2002) have found the application of Absorber Heat Exchanger (AHE) in hybrid cycle
could reduce the heat input to a generator thus improving COP and also increase in COP using a
compressor with good efficiency.
38. Giovanni Di Nicola et al (2005) have suggested the virial equation to predict the operating conditions
for R41+NO2 as working fluid and studied for 4 isotherms containing 16 sets with 144 experimental
39. Demicoli & Stichlmair (2004) have stated that at the end of separation, further purification will not be
40. Vorster & Meyer (2000) have suggested that the compressor displacement does not necessarily
increase substantially when wet compression was applied and also nonazeotropic mixtures gain more
from wet compression than pure refrigerants in the aspect of COP. They identified 70% of the low
temperature glide, 65% of the medium temperature glide refrigerant mixtures for heating of swimming
pool water and 50% of the low temperature glide, 30% of the medium temperature glide refrigerant
mixtures prefer wet compression during operation.
41. Kim et al (2007) have studied the overcharging effects in supercritical and subcritical operation and
found the steady and constant circulation concentration. They confirmed the tanscritical cycle without a
flooding effect. They have also confirmed the evaporation pressure decrease with the increase of
refrigerant charge which lead the enhancement of the specific refrigerating effect at overcharged
conditions and the drop of the specific compression work at undercharged condition.
42. Bilal Ahmed Qureshi & Syed M Zubair (2012) analyzed the performance of VCR system with
dedicated mechanical sub cooling. The performance of main refrigeration and sub cooling refrigeration
cycles were investigated with R717, R404a and R134a. Based on compressor sizing, R134a in main
refrigeration cycle gave better performance.

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43. Xuelin Meng et al (2013) Energy saving potentials by using hybrid refrigeration cycle was performed
by Xuelin Meng et al (2013). Absorption refrigeration system was powered by low grade solar energy
and R134a-dime-thylformamide pair was used as working fluid. The result concludes that 16.1- 67.1%
of energy could be saved.
44. Yinhai Zhu & Peixue Jiang (2012) designed a hybrid vapour compression refrigeration system which
gains the additional cooling capacity through ejector cooling cycle. Heat content from the discharge
line of the compressor was utilized to run the ejector cooling cycle. The geometry and discharge
temperature of the refrigerant were the key elements in refrigeration system. COP of the HRS was
enhanced about 5.5% and 8.6% for R152a and R22 respectively.
45. Mitsuhiro Fukuta et al (2002) studied the possible usage of compression-absorption refrigeration
system with propane and mineral oil as a working fluid. The experimental performance results were
compared with the theoretical values. Utilization of waste heat empowers the cycle performance.
46. Lemmon & Jacobsen (2004) have reported that no additional parameters were required to model the
ternary mixture and also slight systematic offsets were seen in several locations for example, The
R32/R125/R134a system is unique from a modelling standpoint since it combines the three mixture
equations, the individual equations for R32/R125/R134a and the generalized equation for R125/R194a.
47. Aprea & Maiorino (2009) have studied COP improvement by employing pressure control at gas-
cooler outlet and quantified as 6.6–8.5% under minimum pressure working condition at different
48. Yicai Liu et al (2010) Power consumption study on the household compression refrigeration system
with ejector refrigeration system was performed by Yicai Liu et al (2010). Different configurations
were analyzed and reduction in energy consumption was achieved about 7.75% in this hybrid
refrigeration cycle.
49. Kim & Kim (2002) suggested that natural refrigerants could be used in auto cascade refrigeration
system. Zeotropic mixtures of R744/R134a and R744/R290 were used as refrigerants in the
refrigeration system and performance was evaluated based on the evaporator and condenser inlet
50. Jose Fernandez et al (2006) Cogeneration system was used in compressionabsorption cascade
refrigeration cycle and its performance study was carried by Jose Fernandez et al (2006) at low
temperature and high temperature stages. CO2 and NH3 were used as refrigerants in compression
refrigeration system. NH3-H2O pair was used as a working fluid in absorption refrigeration system.
51. Kilicarslan 2004 Cascading of two different compression refrigeration systems were examined in the
literature (Kilicarslan 2004). Experimental results show that reduction in condenser pressure and
compressor power input were obtained, which leads to increase in COP of the cascade cycle.
52. Getu & Bansal (2008) analyzed the behaviour of two stage cascade refrigeration system with R744
and R717 as refrigerants. COP of the cascade system could be improved by increase in sub cooling,
evaporator temperature and isentropic efficiency of the compressor. COP and mass flow rate of
refrigerant were comedown when temperature difference increases in the cascade condenser.
53. Wei Han et al (2013) Effective utilization of waste heat and performance improvement of absorption-
compression refrigeration system was studied by Wei Han et al (2013). The cooling energy obtained

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from the proposed hybrid system was about 46.7% greater than the existing absorption refrigeration
system. COP of the hybrid cycle has been improved.
54. Srinivas Garimella et al (2011). cascaded cycle having elevated COP over broad range of working
conditions and the results were compared with two stage vapour compression cycle. Single effect LiBr-
H2O absorption cycle was cascaded with subcritical CO2 compression refrigeration cycle.
55. Huang et al (2001). Performance study on combined cycle refrigeration system with ejector cooling
cycle was carried out by Huang et al (2001). Simulation results shows that COP was enhanced about
18.4% at evaporator temperature of single stage refrigeration system. By using a proto type model of
combined cycle, 14% of COP improvement was obtained at evaporator temperature of – 4.5C
56. Lin Wang et al (2012) Solar energy based cascade refrigeration system was analyzed by Lin Wang
et al (2012). LiBr-H2O absorption system was coupled with compression refrigeration system with
R134a as refrigerant. Solar energy was used as heating source in absorption cycle and based on the
intensity of solar; the performance analysis of cascade refrigeration system was carried out.
57. Wieslaw Gazda & Joachim Koziol (2013) discussed the energy efficiency of a HRS which consists
of VCR system and a cryogenic refrigeration system.
58. The performance evaluation of HRS for telecommunication room was carried out by Jongmin Choi et
al (2007). HRS was designed based on the indoor and outdoor conditions. The cooling performance
was evaluated with respect to equipments heat density in telecommunication room.
59. Seyfouri Z & Ameri M (2012) studied the various configurations in integrated compression-
absorption refrigeration system that run by micro turbine. The cooling effect produced from absorption
system driven by exhaust gas was used to subcool the refrigerant from VCR system.
60. Pratihar et al (2010)Simulation of compression-absorption refrigeration cycles were executed with
different relative solution heat exchanger areas for chilling applications by Pratihar et al (2010). NH3-
H2O was considered as a working fluid in absorption refrigeration system. Heat and mass balance of
each components of the system was completed.
61. Senthilkumar et al (2011). Centrifugal humidification technique was utilized to cool the industrial
sheds and the effect of mass flow rate of water, disc speed, mass flow rate of air were discussed by
Senthilkumar et al (2011). Results of this study identified that medium mass flow rate of water and air,
high disc speed were the influencing parameters for better performance of the humidifier.
62. Jia Yang et al (2012) recommended that water mist evaporative pre cooling system has the
possibility to increase the performance of air cooled chillers. They have discussed the effect of mist
water spray in terms of experimental and analytical studies. Experimental results hold that the
reduction in condensation temperature was about 7K and improvement in COP of the chiller was
reached up to 18.6%.
63. Canan Cimisit & Ilhan Tekin Ozturk (2012) reported that electrical energy consumption of the
cascaded cycle was 48-51% lower than the compression refrigeration cycle and the COP of the general
cycle is enhanced about 33%. Among the LiBr-H2O and NH3-H2O working pair in absorption
refrigeration system, LiBrH2O operated absorption system provides highest COP for all kind of
refrigerants in compression refrigeration system.

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64. Kairouani et al (2006) Cooling performance and energy saving of compression – absorption
refrigeration cycle was investigated by Kairouani et al (2006). COP of combined refrigeration system
was improved about 37-54% compared to single stage refrigeration system with R717, R22, and R134a
as refrigerants in compression refrigeration system. Geothermal energy was used as a heating source
for absorption refrigeration cycle.
65. Maheshwari et al (2001). The possible usage of indirect evaporative cooler and energy-saving
potential in interior and coastal areas was analyzed by Maheshwari et al (2001). Evaporative cooled air
was employed to pre cool the fresh air before entering to the air conditioned buildings and obtained a
considerable amount of reduction in cooling capacity.
66. Yunho Hwang et al (2001). Experimental investigation was conducted on split heat pump system by
Evaporative cooled condenser was used instead of air cooled condenser with R22 as refrigerant in their
study. Cooling capacity and COP were raised about 1.8 - 8.1% and 11.1 - 21.6% respectively.
67. Krishan et al (2001). The application of evaporative cooling in space conditioning of multistory
building was completed by Hot climatic months were taken for this analysis at Delhi. In this paper the
effect of air-changes per hour and fresh-air bypass factor on the performance of the system was studied
by simulation .
68. Youbi-ldrissi et al (2007) discussed the effect of spraying on the condenser in the refrigeration
system. The system performance was analyzed with and without spraying on the condenser by means
of mathematical model and improvement in COP was the evident for their analysis.
69. (Ebrahim Hajidavalloo 2007)The application and effect of evaporative cooling on the condenser of
window air conditioner has been studied in the literature. In very hot climatic conditions, the
performance of air cooled condenser decreases and heat transfer rate would not be sufficient in
condenser. Based on the experimental results, 16% of reduction in power consumption and 55%
improvement in COP was obtained.
70. Metin Ertunc et al (2008). Experimental studies on evaporative condenser compression refrigeration
system with R134a as refrigerant was performed by Metin Ertunc et al (2008). Based on the
experimental data, the models of evaporative condenser were developed by using artificial neural
network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. These techniques were used to evaluate the
performance of evaporative condensers.
71. Nasr & Salah Hassan (2009) discussed the application of evaporative condenser for residential
refrigerators. The analysis was carried out with the increase in condenser temperature and different air
velocity in the refrigeration system. They found that heat rejection was 13 times more than that of air
cooled condenser.
72. Boulet et al (2013) discussed the effect air circulation with water droplets over the condenser coil and
enhancement in heat transfer. Temperature decrement and change of heat flux values were studied at
different mass flow rate of water (1.12 litre/hr, 1.4 litre/hr and 1.68 litre/hr). Heat flux values in air and
water stream modes were compared with numerically computed values which hold favourable resul.
73. Sabah A Abdul-Wahab et al (2009) discussed the performance of solar powered thermoelectric
refrigerator for transport of medicine and biological materials in deserts. The testing of thermoelectric
module was performed with canned water in the refrigerated area. It was identified that the decrement

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

in temperature from 24 to 5C within 44 minutes. COP of the thermoelectric module was obtained
about 0.16.
74. Yuanyuan Zhou & Jianlin Yu (2012) carried out the optimization of thermoelectric cooling systems
for electronic applications. Thermal conductance was playing an important role in performance
optimization of thermoelectric cooling. The maximum COP and cooling capacity of thermoelectric
cooling was obtained in optimised finite thermal conductance.
75. Astrain et al (2012) completed the study on HRS which consists of thermoelectric and VCR systems.
From their analysis, the power requirement for thermoelectric module and refrigerator were decreased
about 95% and 20% respectively. Among the configurations I, II and III, configuration III having better
performance under various operating conditions.
76. Onoroh Francis et al (2013). The performance analysis of thermoelectric refrigerator was carried out
by Onoroh Francis et al (2013). In this simulation work, various parameters like COP, cooling capacity,
input voltage, temperature difference between sink and source were analyzed. From their results, COP
was mainly influenced by the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the module.
77. Brijesh H Patel & Lalit S Patel (2013) discussed the effect of sub cooling on simple VCR system by
using thermoelectric module. R134a was used as a working fluid in the refrigeration system. COP of
the refrigeration system was enhanced about 14.17% at the evaporator temperature of -6C.
78. Sattar et al (2007)Experimental investigation on domestic refrigerator with hydrocarbons and blend of
hydrocarbons was carried out by Sattar et al (2007). The compressor power consumption for
hydrocarbons was about 2-3% lower than R134a. Better refrigeration performance in terms of
condenser duty, refrigerating effect andCOP were obtained for hydrocarbons and blend of
79. Halimic et al (2003) discussed the operating performance comparison of R401, R290 and R134a with
R12. From the results, R290 gave the better outcome in terms of higher cooling capacity and eco-
friendly nature with reference to greenhouse effect. Similar COP value was obtained for R290 and R12.
80. Tassou et al (2010) discussed the various emerging refrigeration technologies. Among these
technologies, thermoelectric modules have the potential features like compactness, noiseless, vibration
free and precise to temperature control. Thermoelectric cooling utilizes the Peltier effect to produce the
refrigerating effect.
81. Riffat & Guoquan Qiu (2004) discussed the performance comparison of vapour compression air
conditioning system and absorption air conditioning system with the Thermoelectric Air Conditioning
system (TEACs). TEACs are having the advantages of environmental free, less power consumption
and less space requirement. Due to these advantages, TEACs can be used in small capacity cooling
applications like car, submarine cabin etc.
82. Riffat et al (2001)Performance enhancement of thermoelectric refrigeration was analyzed by Riffat et
al (2001) with and without Phase Change Material (PCM). Six thermoelectric modules were used in
series connection to produce the refrigerating effect in the cabinet size of (420mm x 420mm x 380mm).
Thermoelectric refrigeration system was tested in two methods. In the first method bonded fin heat sink
was used in cold side and in second method, encapsulated PCM employed in the place of bonded fin
heat sink.

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83. The performance analysis with reference to cold storage and freezing application was carried out by
Lee et al (2002) using R600a as a refrigerant in the refrigeration system with different operating input
power. Two capillary tubes with parallel connections and single capillary tube were investigated with
R600a and these results were compared with R12 and R22.
84. Moo-Yeon Lee et al (2008) carried experimentation on performance characteristic of direct cooled
refrigerators using the mixture of (R290+R600a) and found that cooling speed was faster with lower
input power supply. Improvement in COP was attained for the proposed refrigerant mixture compared
to R134a.
85. Somchai Wongwises & Nares Chimres (2005) studied the alternate possibility of hydrocarbon and its
mixtures to replace R134a in refrigeration system. R134a, R290, binary mixture of hydrocarbons and
binary mixture of hydrocarbons with R134a were accounted in their study and reported that binary
mixture of R290 and butane could be substituted as an alternate to R134a.
86. Somchai Wongwises et al (2006) completed the experimental study on automotive air conditioning
system with Hydrocarbon mixtures (HCMs) as a refrigerant. The mixture of propane, butane and iso-
butane was suggested as an alternate to R134a with respect to various parameters like humidity of air,
torque, speed of the engine and flow rate of refrigerant in the air-conditioning system.
87. Akash et al (2003) used a composition of 30% propane, 55% n-butane and 15% isobutane in domestic
refrigerator as a substitute for R12. Refrigerant mass charge of 80g has the better results and also
having similar characteristics to R12.
88. Vjacheslav Naer & Andrey Rozhentsev (2002) has discussed the use of HCMs in cryogenic
applications. The mixture of propane and Iso-butane was considered in the experimental analysis with
the mass charge of 50-80 g. Low temperature range about (-73 to -183C) was achieved in cooler,
which could be used for several cooling applications.

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2.2 Disadvantages of Existing Vapour Compression Refrigeration System

 Many systems still use HCFC refrigerants, which contribute to depletion of the Earth's ozone layer.

 Ammonia is one of the oldest refrigerants, with excellent performance and essentially no pollution

problems. However, ammonia has two disadvantages: it is toxic and it is incompatible with copper


 The disadvantage of the traditional technique is its relatively low efficiency - the effect of heating

or cooling is only 2-3 times larger than the consumption of electrical energy.

 High initial cost

 Refrigerant leakage problem due to complex system and high pressure

 Banned use of R134a after 2040 in developing countries and after 2030 in developed countries due

to high polluting contents

 Low efficiency of vapour compression refrigeration system because of less efficient design of

vapour compression refrigeration cycle and especially of evaporator section.

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2.3 Need of Development of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System

As vapour compression refrigeration system is used in many applications and has become the need of

day to day life. It is used in many applications like cooling systems, food preservations and many more. As

these systems are not very much developed it consumes more energy and as energy conservations is the

major problem world facing. 15% of the total consumption of energy is consumed by refrigeration systems.

3. Experimental Setup and Working

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3.1 VCR System and their working

Figure no. 1 Simple VCR System

The figure above depicts a typical, single-stage vapour-compression system. All such systems have
four components: a compressor, a condenser, a thermal expansion valve (also called a throttle valve or
metering device), and an evaporator. Circulating refrigerant enters the compressor in the thermodynamic
state known as a saturated vapour and is compressed to a higher pressure, resulting in a higher temperature
as well. The hot, compressed vapour is then in the thermodynamic state known as a superheated vapour and
it is at a temperature and pressure at which it can be condensed with either cooling water or cooling air
flowing across the coil or tubes. This is where the circulating refrigerant rejects heat from the system and
the rejected heat is carried away by either the water or the air (whichever may be the case).

Figure no. 2 P-h and T-s diagram

The condensed liquid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic state known as a saturated liquid, is next routed through
an expansion valve where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in pressure. That pressure reduction results in the
adiabatic flash evaporation of a part of the liquid refrigerant. The auto-refrigeration effect of the adiabatic flash
evaporation lowers the temperature of the liquid and vapour refrigerant mixture to where it is colder than the
temperature of the enclosed space to be refrigerated. The cold mixture is then routed through the coil or tubes in

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the evaporator. A fan circulates the warm air in the enclosed space across the coil or tubes carrying the cold
refrigerant liquid and vapour mixture. That warm air evaporates the liquid part of the cold refrigerant mixture.
At the same time, the circulating air is cooled and thus lowers the temperature of the enclosed space to the
desired temperature. The evaporator is where the circulating refrigerant absorbs and removes heat which is
subsequently rejected in the condenser and transferred elsewhere by the water or air used in the condenser. To
complete the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant vapour from the evaporator is again a saturated vapour and is
routed back into the compressor.

3.2 Experimental setup

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Figure no. 3 Experimental setup

The vapour Compression Refrigeration System Mainly Consist Of components:

1. Compressor

2. Condenser

3. Capillary (Expansion Valve)

4. Evaporator

5. Filter

6. Pressure Gauges

7. Temperature Indicator Kit

8. Energy Meter

9. Ammeter

10. Voltmeter

11. Valve

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

1. Compressor:-
The function of compressor in a VCRS is to continuously draw the refrigerant vapour from the
evaporator and also to increase the pressure and corresponding saturation temperature (boiling point) of the
refrigerant vapour to high enough level so the refrigerant can condense by rejecting its heat through the

Figure no. 4 Compressor

Product Specification

Model KCE 444 HAG

Usage/Application Water Coolers / Bottle
Product Type Hermetic Compressor
Voltage 230V,50Hz,1Phase
Brand Emerson Copeland
Model Number KCE 444 HAG
Warranty 1 Year
Weight 12 kg
Refrigerant R-134a
Phase Single
Colour Black
Material Copper
Capacity 0.25 ton
Temp. Range -17.8°C To 12.8°C

Table No.1. Compressor Specification

2. Condenser:-

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A condenser is simply a heat exchanger; the purpose of a condenser in the cycle of compression
refrigeration is to change the hot gas being discharged from the compressor to a liquid prepared for use in the
evaporator. The condenser accomplishes this action by the removal of sufficient heat from the hot gas, to ensure
its condensation at the pressure available in the condenser. The heat is shifted to another medium, like water or
air, to cool the condenser.

Figure no. 5 Condenser


Model Air Cooled Condenser

Usage/Application Water Coolers
Product Type Forced Air Cooled
Voltage 230V,50Hz,1Phase
Dimension (inch) 12x13x3
Motor (rpm) 1400
Material Copper

Table No.2 Condenser Specification

3. Capillary (Expansion valve)

Expansion valves are flow-restricting devices that cause a pressure

drop of the working fluid. The valve needle remains open during steady state operation. The size of the opening
or the position of the needle is related to the pressure and temperature of the evaporator. We have used two
capillary tube as expansion device in our project .The length of each capillary tube is 5 feet for better cooling
effect. Dimension of the coil outer diameter of 0.37cm and inner diameter of 0.305cm.

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Figure no. 6 Capillary tube

4. Evaporator coil

The main function of the evaporator in the Refrigeration system is to absorb the heat from the
substances to be cooled in the refrigeration system. We used two evaporator coils. Helical coiled type and
conically coiled type. The length of the copper tube used for evaporator coil is 40 feet 20 feet for conical coiled
type and 20 feet for helical coiled type. Evaporator gets cool low-pressure liquid refrigerant from the dispenser
liquid refrigerant vapour turns into approximately the same temperature as the liquid.

Figure no. 7 Helical and Conical coil

5. Filter

The filter is used to clean the refrigerant as it moves throughout the

vapour compression refrigeration system. Impurities from compressor and various components can get added
and can block the capillary also can causes damages to compressor .to prevent the system from getting damaged
it is necessary to add filter to refrigeration system.

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Figure no. 8 Filter

6. Pressure Gauges

Instruments used to measure and display pressure in an integral

unit are called pressure gauges or vacuum gauges. A manometer (not to be confused with nanometres) is a good
example, as it uses a column of liquid to both measure and indicate pressure. Likewise the widely used Bourdon
gauge is a mechanical device, which both measures and indicates and is probably the best known type of gauge.

Figure no. 9 Pressure Gauge

7. Temperature Indicator

We used touch sensitive temperature indicator with high accuracy

NTC temperature sensor. These indicators designed for refrigeration have several features specially designed for
safety of compressors. These ratings are 230 VAC, 50-60Hz standard. Indicator is expensive and accurate.

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Figure no. 10 Temperature indicator


Operating temperature 0°C To 60°C

Measuring Range -45°C To 99°C
Accuracy +/-1°C
Dimensions Frontal: 78 x 36 x 59 mm
Operating humidity 20% To 85%

Table No. 3 Temperature Indicator Specification

8. Energy Meter

The meter which is used for measuring the energy utilizes by the
electric load is known as the energy meter. The energy is the total power consumed and utilized by the load at a
particular interval of time. It is used in domestic and industrial AC circuit for measuring the power
consumption. The meter is less expensive and accurate.

Figure no.11 Energy meter

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9. Ammeter and Voltmeter

Ammeter is the device used to measure the current in the circuit.

Voltmeter is the device used to measure the voltage in the circuit.

Figure no.12 Ammeter and Voltmeter

10. Valve

It is a one way valve. The valve is used for at a single time a refrigerant flow in only one evaporator coil.
This is main used of this valve in setup. This valve is expensive.

Figure no. 13 Valve

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3.3 Working of vapour compression refrigeration system using two

different evaporator coil

Figure no. 14 VCR System using two different evaporator coils

Refrigeration is the process of cooling. Refrigeration is done by

absorbing heat from a substance. All such systems have four components: a compressor, a condenser, a thermal
expansion valve and an evaporator. In this experiment setup two coils are used one is helical and other is conical
evaporator coil. The process is start from compressor. The vapour refrigerant enters into the compressor from
evaporator at low pressure and low temperature where it is compressed to a higher pressure and the pressure and
temperature of vapour refrigerant increases after that vapour refrigerant enters into the condenser where the heat
rejected and the vapour refrigerant converted into the liquid + vapour refrigerant at constant pressure and
temperature. The fan is used for condensation. With the help of fan large amount of vapour refrigerant converted
into the liquid refrigerant.

After the condensation process the liquid + vapour refrigerant

enters into the expansion valve as a capillary tube where its pressure and temperature decreases and the liquid +
vapour refrigerant completely converted into the liquid refrigerant. After this expansion process the liquid
refrigerant enters into the helical evaporator at that time the valve A is opened and valve B is closed so the
liquid refrigerant only enters into the helical evaporator. Where the evaporator coil absorbs heat from the fluid
and converted the liquid refrigerant into vapour at low pressure and low temperature and the cycle is completed.

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In second process the whole cycle is repeated but at the time of

evaporation the liquid refrigerant enters into the conical coil where the valve A is closed and valve B is opened
so the liquid refrigerant only enters into the conical evaporator and the process is completed.

The difference between the helical and conical coil is its shape. The
helical coil is like a cylinder in shape. The helical coil is directly in contact with the evaporator wall so it
contacts only the wall of substance so it takes more time for cooling the substance. The conical coil is like a
pyramid in shape so it is directly contact with the centre of substance so it takes less time for cooling the
substance. So at the time of helical coil the compressor works more time and obtained less cooling effect but at
the time of conical coil the compressor works less time and obtained more cooling effect all because of its

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V= × 𝐷 × ℎ

V = Volume flow rate

D = Diameter of tank = 26cm = 0.26m

h = Height of tank = 34cm = 0.36m

𝑉= × (0.26) × 0.34

V = 0.018 𝑚

1 Litre = 10 𝑚

m = mass flow rate = 18 litre

m= = 0.3 kg/sec


𝑃 = 0.5 bar

𝑃 = 9 bar

𝑇 = 26*C

𝑇 = 50*C

𝑇 =10*C

From p-h diagram

ℎ = 395

ℎ = 435

ℎ =ℎ = 215

For theoretical COP

ℎ −ℎ 395 − 215
ℎ −ℎ 435 − 395

(𝐶𝑂𝑃) = 4.5

For actual COP

Refrigeration effect (RE)

RE = m𝐶 𝑑

=0.3 × 4.187 × (11 − 10)

RE =1.25

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

Work done in compressor (WD)

No. of blinks = 80

Time (t) =2min 22sec = 144sec

For temperature 11*C to 10*C

WD = =

WD = 0.563


Actual COP

𝑅𝐸 1.25
(𝐶𝑂𝑃) = =
𝑊𝐷 0.563

(𝐶𝑂𝑃) = 2.2

(𝐶𝑂𝑃) = 4.5


𝑃 = 0.5 bar

𝑃 = 7.5 bar

𝑇 = 32*C

𝑇 = 43*C

𝑇 = 19*C

From p-h diagram

ℎ = 32 ∗ 𝐶

ℎ = 43 ∗ 𝐶

ℎ = ℎ =19*C

For Theoretical COP

ℎ −ℎ
(𝐶𝑂𝑃) =
ℎ −ℎ

425 − 229
497 − 425

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To investigate the performance of VCR cycle of helical and conical evaporator BE -

(𝐶𝑂𝑃) =2.72

For actual COP

m = 0.3 kg/sec

Refrigerating effect (RE)

RE =𝑚𝐶 𝑑

=0.3× 4.187 × (11 − 10)

RE = 1.25

Work done on compressor

No. of blinks = 115

Time (t) = 3min 47sec = 227sec

WD =


WD =0.51

Actual COP

(𝐶𝑂𝑃) =


(𝐶𝑂𝑃) = 2.45

(𝐶𝑂𝑃) =2.72

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We studied this test rig we observed that the conical coil takes
less time for refrigeration as compare to helical coil. It means that the coefficient of performance (COP)
of the conical coil is more than the helical coil.

(𝑪𝑶𝑷)𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 > (𝑪𝑶𝑷)𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍

Conically coiled design is more efficient than helically coiled design.

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