Project ReportEFEWF
Project ReportEFEWF
Project ReportEFEWF
Submitted by
MANOJ S – 20MER071
Submitted for the end semester viva voce examination held on ______________
2. NAGULRAJ V - (20MER079)
3. NAVEEN V - (20MER081)
I certify that the declaration made by the above candidates is true to the best of my
In today's modernized world, purified drinking water is very essential for
human being. Due to industrialization the water became polluted and harmful to
drink. Desalination is a process that removes salt and other minerals from seawater
or brackish water, making it suitable for human consumption or various industrial
applications. It is a technology used to produce fresh or "soft" water from sources
that are high in salinity. In regions where freshwater sources are limited, desalination
is an important method for providing a source of clean drinking water and for various
industrial processes. The water was purified using a variety of technologies,
including mechanical type filtration and sand filtration. However, not all of the
contaminants were eliminated. Thus, various cutting-edge filtration methods like
reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, and ion exchange were implemented. But in these
all-systems Energy consumption plays a major role, which determines its efficiency,
quality of the desalinated water and many more parameters. The problem is that
due to the increasing global demand for freshwater, coupled with the impacts of
climate change, poses a pressing challenge for water scarcity mitigation and Energy
consumption of a process can be reduced by properly utilizing the large amount of
waste heat liberated into atmosphere. The efficient liberation of waste heat in the
condenser of vapor compression refrigeration systems is crucial for energy
conservation and environmental sustainability.
Our work is to improve the co-efficient of performance (COP) of a vapour
compression refrigeration system, by recovering waste heat from the condenser and
the evaporator using humidification and dehumidification desalination process. The
ultimate goal of this experimental study is to analyze the viability of the improvement
of the COP and fresh water production through desalination using condenser waste
heat. Ultimately, this method produces fresh water at the rate of 4.773 kg/hr. The
improvement of COP to 4.52 and the reduction of power of desalination system when
compared to a commercial electric heater to evaporate water for fresh water
production is 73.8%. The findings of this research contribute to the development of
sustainable water desalination techniques that address environmental problems and
promote improved industrial processes.
We take immense pleasure to express our heartfelt thanks to our Head of the
Department, Mechanical Engineering, Dr. P. SELVAKUMAR, M.Tech., Ph.D., for
his constant support provided all through the course of our project.
This work would not have been materialized without the great guidance given
by our guide Dr. A. GANESH, B.E., M.Tech., has been a constant source of ideas
and inspiration.
We would also like to thank our former faculty Dr. A. SANTHOSH KUMAR,
B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., for his invaluable contributions, where his guidance and
expertise have been instrumental in the success of the project.
The purpose of this project is to conduct desalination the waste water using
the condenser waste heat as the energy source. Desalination is the process of
removing salt and other minerals from seawater or brackish water to make it suitable
for human consumption and agricultural irrigation. It is an essential technology for
regions that face water scarcity and where access to fresh water is limited. However,
desalination can be an energy-intensive process, and the high energy costs
associated with it can make it less economically viable. The project of desalination
system using condenser waste heat aims to address this challenge by utilizing waste
heat from a refrigerator’s condenser to power the desalination process. This
approach not only reduces the energy required for desalination but also makes use
of a previously wasted resource.
The project involves the design and implementation of a desalination system
that uses a multi-effect distillation process to convert seawater into fresh water. The
system will use the waste heat from the condenser of a refrigerator to heat the
seawater, causing it to evaporate and condense in a series of chambers. The
resulting fresh water will be collected and stored for use. The project aims to
demonstrate the feasibility of using waste heat to power a desalination system and
to evaluate its economic and environmental benefits. It will also contribute to the
development of sustainable water management practices that can help mitigate the
impact of water scarcity and climate change on communities around the world.
They would collect seawater in large shallow pans and allow the sun to evaporate
the water, leaving the salt behind. The water vapor would then be condensed and
collected as fresh water. In the Middle Ages, Arab inventors developed the first
practical method of desalination called "solar stills". They used a similar process to
the Greeks but used glass instead of shallow pans to capture the water vapor. The
stills were placed in the sun, and the heat from the sun would cause the water to
evaporate and condense on the glass, producing fresh water. Today, desalination is
used around the world to provide fresh water to millions of people who live in water-
scarce regions. The largest desalination plant in the world is the Ras Al-Khair plant
in Saudi Arabia, which has a capacity of 1.025 million cubic meters per day.
Desalination technology continues to evolve, and researchers are working to make
it more efficient and cost-effective, so that it can be used to provide fresh water to
even more people in the future.
In the Solar distillation process solar energy is used to evaporate water and
its condensate is collected within the same closed system. Unlike other forms of
water purification methods like desalination, this methodology can be used to turn
salt or brackish water into fresh drinking water. Solar still is the structure that
houses the distillation equipment. Solar distillation differs from a more energy-
intensive methodology like the reverse osmosis, or simply boiling water due to its
usage of ‘free’ and eco-friendly solar energy. A solar water distiller uses solar
energy that can separate salt or brackish into fresh drinking water through the
method of reverse osmosis. Unlike other methods of water purification, this
technology is simple and energy efficient to use, making it a cheaper alternative
to clean drinking water. Solar water distillation process includes the use of solar
still that separates clean water by the process of vaporization.
Reverse osmosis is one of the oldest and most popular separation techniques
used mainly for the purification of water. The process was mainly adopted for the
desalination of seawater in the year 1950 when the whole process was relatively
slow and limited to certain laboratories. However, after a lot of research and
advancements in technology, there were significant developments, especially in the
field of polymers and the production of efficient membranes.
Today, this technique is extensively used by many around the world to purify water
for industrial, residential, commercial and scientific purposes. While reverse osmosis
technology is one of humanity’s important scientific innovations, we will develop a
basic understanding of the whole process here on this page.
Water scarcity is a growing global concern, and the demand for fresh water
continues to rise. HD desalination offers a potential solution by using abundant
seawater or brackish water sources and converting them into fresh water through
evaporation and condensation. The HD desalination process has the advantage of
being energy efficient compared to other desalination methods such as reverse
osmosis. It utilizes low-grade or waste heat sources, such as solar energy or
industrial waste heat, to power the process, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and
lowering operational costs. HD desalination systems can be easily scaled up or
down based on the water demand, making them suitable for various applications
ranging from small-scale community projects to large-scale industrial installations.
Unlike some desalination methods that produce brine waste, the HD process
produces only a concentrated brine stream, which can be further treated or
discharged with minimal environmental impact. Additionally, HD desalination has a
lower carbon footprint compared to conventional desalination technologies,
contributing to sustainability goals. Ongoing research and development efforts are
focused on improving the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall performance of
HD desalination systems. This includes advancements in materials, heat transfer
techniques, process optimization, and integration with renewable energy sources,
which further enhance the growth potential of the technology. HD desalination is
particularly relevant for regions with high humidity levels and abundant heat
resources, such as coastal areas and arid regions. These regions often face water
scarcity issues and can benefit greatly from the implementation of HD desalination
systems. The HD desalination process has a lower environmental impact compared
to some other desalination methods. It produces only a concentrated brine stream,
which can be further treated or discharged responsibly. With growing concerns
about the environmental footprint of desalination, HD's comparatively lower impact
could drive its adoption in the future.
K Sridhar et al., (2018) Studied that by recovering waste heat from the
condenser and evaporator using a humidification dehumidification desalination
process, this research aims to increase the coefficient of performance (COP) of a
vapour compression refrigeration system. In order to recover the heat, water is
sprayed over the gunny bag that is positioned in the air route when the air from the
blower passes through a humidifier chamber. The hot, humid air is created by the
humid air moving around the condenser coil, which sub cools the refrigerant and
also absorbs heat from the condenser. After that, the hot, humid air is passed over
a dehumidifier coil, which warms the refrigerant exiting the evaporator to enhance
the quality of the vapour. Condensation happens concurrently in the warm condition.
Dahiru U Lawal, (2019) Proposed that the innovative heat pump
technology gives the HDH system's humidifier with the necessary warmth, and the
dehumidifier with the necessary cooling. Through water heated or cooled heat
exchange units, the suggested integrated unit is capable of providing freshwater as
well as cooling effect for space conditioning. On the general assessment metrics,
such as gain output ratio (GOR), recovery ratio (RR), coefficient of performance
(COP), and productivity, the impact of various operating parameters, such as feed
water flow rate, feed water temperature, and chilled water flow rate, is assessed.
The proposed desalination unit's anticipated cost of producing freshwater.
G Prakash Narayan et al., (2012) proposed that recent years have seen a lot
of interest in humidification dehumidification (HDH), a method that has promise for
small-scale seawater desalination. This technology's rather high energy
consumption is the main obstacle to its widespread use. The thermodynamic
W.F. He et al., (2016) Key parameters are set in order to complete the
performance study of the HDH desalination system and to achieve the pertinent
waste heat recovery findings. These calculations are based on the governing
equations of the component parts and the fixed-effectiveness model. Even if the
dehumidifier achieved its best performance at this moment, the simulation results
show that the balancing condition of the device is inaccessible because of a negative
specific entropy generated by the device. In conclusion, high component
effectiveness, beginning temperature, and vacuum environment values are
advantageous for improving desalination system performance and lowering PHE
heat transfer surface area.
Meysam Faegh et al., (2019) Two of the most important challenges that
people must address to achieve sustainable development are the availability of
water and electricity. The use of humidification-dehumidification technology has
been shown to be a practical way to meet the need for freshwater. To improve the
efficiency of the combined cycle and to increase the amount of produced freshwater,
cooling effect, power, etc., special attention has been paid to coupling the
humidification-dehumidification cycles with refrigeration, power, and other
desalination technologies. This article gives a thorough analysis of recent studies on
humidification-dehumidification technologies and how they integrate with the
aforementioned cycles.
M. Sarai Atab et al., (2018) The production of large quantities of a) water for
agriculture and b) high quality water for residential use is examined in this study as a result
of the hybridization of brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) desalination technology
with an adsorption cycle (AD). It has been tuned to produce fresh water and cooling using
the RO process and the AD cycle, which are both represented as numerical models. An
existing RO plant can be converted to a RO-AD process in order to reduce its overall
energy consumption and create a cooling effect that can be used for air conditioning or
local process cooling. To recover the refuse from the RO, an AD and pressure exchanger
(PX) are combined, which reduces electricity usage.
Kalpesh V.Modi et al., (2018) In the current global period, there is increased
emphasis on finding more effective techniques to offer cooling or air conditioning in
enclosed spaces without harming the environment. This is due to the constant
increase in energy demand, its associated cost, and pertinent climatic challenges. A
large portion of the electrical energy produced normally in hot and humid climates is
used for air conditioning. The lack of pure water is a problem that
the fast-expanding world faces just as much as the greenhouse effect and ozone
layer loss. As a result, potable, clean water and dehumidified air are now available
at the same time for human comfort.
R. Santosh et al., (2019) proposed that in the current study, the effectiveness
of a hybrid humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination system that uses
waste heat from a vapour compression refrigeration (VCR)-based home air
conditioner is examined. In order to assess the performance of the desalination
system under hot and moderate climatic circumstances, the article looks at design
and simulation elements while taking into account several ranges of space
conditioning temperatures (20 °C, 24 °C, and 28 °C, respectively). With experimental
validation of the key desalination system components, the heat and mass transport
processes in the various system components were established using the TRNSYS
• The hot humid air is then passed over another heat exchanger (dehumidifier
coil) which heats the refrigerant coming out from the evaporator so the quality
of the vapour improves. At the same time, condensation occurs in the hot
humid air along the surface of evaporator coil and the distilled water is
• The integrated water desalination system can simultaneously provide
freshwater and cooling effect. A gained output ratio as high as 4.07 and the
recovery ratio of 4.9% is achieved from the proposed desalination system.
• It is observed that this state of complete thermodynamic balancing (in
humidifiers and dehumidifiers) is closer to a state of constant local humidity
ratio difference than to that of a constant stream-to-stream temperature
• Enhanced dehumidification can be carried out by means of increase in the
times of dehumidification procedures or adding other devices (e.g., heat
pump evaporator). The latter method is more difficult to implemented than
the enhanced humidification methods for the reason that increasing the
humidification temperature by making full use of solar energy or waste heat
is easier than by further lowering the dehumidification temperature.
• It was observed that utilizing the multistage and bubble column humidifiers
and dehumidifiers enhanced the HDH system performance. In addition, it is
shown that the HDH cycles are capable of being powered by various solar,
biomass, geothermal and waste heat resources.
• The cooling effect of refrigeration cycles has been used for a variety of
purposes, including a decrease in the temperature of inlet saline water for
more air dehumidification and freshwater production, recovering the waste
heat of brine, decreasing the freshwater temperature in direct contact
dehumidifiers and more efficient air dehumidification.
• The freshwater yield of the designed system is highly dependent on ambient
air temperature and relative humidity. Freshwater production is higher during
summer season as the atmospheric air has lower relative humidity and higher
temperature which results in higher moisture holding capacity during
humidification and subsequently higher freshwater yield during
dehumidification process.
Various technologies like sand filtration and Mechanical type filtration were
used to purify the water. But they did not remove all the pollutants. So other
advanced filtration techniques like Ion exchange, Carbon filtration and Reverse
Osmosis came into effect. But in these all-systems Energy consumption plays a
major role, which determines its efficiency, quality of the desalinated water and many
more parameters. Energy consumption of a process can be reduced by properly
utilizing the large amount of waste heat liberated into atmosphere.
• To improve the coefficient of performance (COP) of a vapour compression
refrigeration system, by recovering waste heat from the condenser and the
evaporator using humidification and dehumidification desalination process.
• And addition to improvement of COP of the vapour compression refrigeration
system, to recover the waste heat from the refrigeration system, air from the
blower is passed through the condenser coil and the hot air is maken to pass
through a humidifier chamber in which water is sprayed over the air passage.
• The hot humid air is then passed over another heat exchanger (dehumidifier
coil) which heats the refrigerant coming out from the evaporator so the quality
of the vapour improves. At the same time, condensation occurs in the hot
humid air along the surface of evaporator coil and the distilled water is
• As the process runs over the time, the quantity of the water the quantity of
the water collected will be gradually increased and simultaneously there will
be improvement on the COP of the system.
Brand Tecumseh
Length 20 cm
Width 13 cm
Weight 7.2 kg
It’s usually mounted transversely, that is, the output of the engine phases
toward the side of the vehicle. in rear-wheel-drive cars with longitudinal engines,
cools the radiator with an engine-driven cooling fan. It’s designed to be controlled
with a thermostatically controlled viscous clutch.
An aquarium water pump is a fish tank accessory that aerates and circulates
water to make it healthier for marine life. The current produced by a water pump
ensures that all water in a tank feed through the tank’s filter. This constant flow
evenly distributes nutrients throughout the tank, creating high-quality water that
prevents diseases in fish. Not only do water pumps produce health benefits, but they
can also make your tank aesthetically pleasing. A water pump brings your tank to
life by making plants dynamic as they wave with the increased water flow. A
switching or variable-voltage system (also known as a "wave maker") is commonly
used in reef aquaria to more closely simulate the movement of ocean water. Water
circulation is vital to proper biological filtration of most saltwater aquaria (particularly
those using the Berlin Method), and is useful in freshwater aquaria for allowing free-
swimming fish adequate exercise.
The devices that are used for measuring pressure are called pressure
gauges. Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. For the
pressures above atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure is positive. For the
pressures below atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure is negative. The pressure
gauge is also known as pressure meters or vacuum gauges. A device that uses the
surface area and weight of a liquid column to measure and indicate pressure is
known as a manometer. Most gauges calculate the pressure relative to atmospheric
pressure as the zero point. Hence, this form of reading is known as gauge pressure.
Pressure gauges are analogy as well as digital.
26 Humidifier Duct
Ducts are conduits or passages used in heating, ventilation and air
conditioning (HVAC) to deliver and remove air. The needed airflows include, for
example, supply air, return air and exhaust air. Ducts commonly also deliver
ventilation air as part of the supply air. As such, air ducts are one method of ensuring
acceptable indoor air quality as well as thermal comfort. A duct system is also
called ductwork. Planning (laying out), sizing, optimizing, detailing, and finding the
pressure losses through a duct system is called duct design.
The waste heat from the condenser of the household refrigeration unit is
used to heat the dehumidification chamber, facilitating the vapor condensation
process. This is a critical step to drive the desalination process.
Initially the desalination process begins with the start and running of the
desalination system typically to 23-30 mins, in order to achieve steady state
condition overall in the various components of the desalination system. In a
typical refrigeration cycle, the condenser releases heat to the surroundings. In
order to implement the HDH desalination, and to capture the waste heat
generated by the condenser, air from the blower is passed through the
condenser coil, due to the captured heat the COP of the system increases.
Collect the condensed freshwater, which has been separated from the
saltwater vapor during the dehumidification process. As the saltwater
vaporizes in the humidification chamber, the salt content becomes more
concentrated. The system should operate continuously, with the condenser
waste heat being used to maintain the dehumidification chamber at an optimal
temperature for vapor condensation.
1. Compressor 1 3050
Figure 6.3 Evaporator water thermal Figure 6.4 Condenser coil thermal
Image - Day 1 Image - Day 1
Figure 6.8 Evaporator water thermal Figure 6.9 Condenser coil thermal
Image - Day 2 Image - Day 2
Figure 6.13 Evaporator water thermal Figure 6.14 Condenser coil thermal
Image - Day 3 Image - Day 3
h1 = enthalpy at compressor inlet
h2 = enthalpy at compressor outlet
h4 = enthalpy at evaporator inlet (h3=h4)
h3 = enthalpy at condenser outlet
• Enthalpy values are taken from Refrigerant Ph chart is taken as,
• h1 = 415 kJ/kg, h2 = 450 kJ/kg, h3 = h4 = 225 kJ/kg
• Therefore, COP of the system = 4
• Compressor Power input = h2 – h1 = 35 kJ/kg
h1 = enthalpy at compressor inlet
h2 = enthalpy at compressor outlet
h4 = enthalpy at evaporator inlet (h3=h4)
h3 = enthalpy at condenser outlet
• Enthalpy values are taken from Refrigerant Ph chart is taken as,
• h1 = 340 kJ/kg, h2 = 430 kJ/kg, h3 = h4 = 250 kJ/kg
• Therefore, COP of the system = 1.13
• Compressor Power input = (h2 - h1) = 90kJ/kg
the system
• Capacity of the System = 1 TR (Tonne of Refrigeration)
• Total heat extracted (Refrigeration effect) = 1 × 210 = 210 kJ/min
• Mass flow of refrigerant = Total heat extracted / refrigeration effect
per kg of flow
• Mass flow of refrigerant = 210 / (370-250) = 1.75 kg/min
• Total heat available in the condenser = 1.75 × 175 = 306.25 kJ/min =
5.10 kW
• Considering, Total heat can in the condenser can be utilized for
• Amount of water desalination is calculated using Psychometric chart
= 0.442 kg/s
+ latent heat
= 12170.577(kJ/hr) *0.27778
= 3350.13 W/hr
[1] Srithar, K., Rajaseenivasan, T., Arulmani, M., Gnanavel, R., Vivar, M., & Fuentes, M.
(2018). Energy recovery from a vapour compression refrigeration system using
humidification dehumidification desalination. Desalination, 439, 155-161.
[2] Lawal, D. U., Antar, M. A., Khalifa, A., Zubair, S. M., & Al-Sulaiman, F. (2020).
Experimental investigation of heat pump driven humidification-dehumidification
desalination system for water desalination and space conditioning.
Desalination, 475, 114199.
[3] Narayan, G. P., Chehayeb, K. M., McGovern, R. K., Thiel, G. P., & Zubair, S.
M. (2013). Thermodynamic balancing of the humidification dehumidification
desalination system by mass extraction and injection. International Journal of Heat
and Mass Transfer, 57(2), 756-770.
[4] Xu, H., Jiang, S., Xie, M. X., Jia, T., & Dai, Y. J. (2022). Technical improvements
and perspectives on humidification-dehumidification desalination— A review.
Desalination, 541, 116029.
[6] He, W. F., Xu, L. N., & Han, D. (2016). Parametric analysis of an air-heated
humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination system with waste heat
recovery. Desalination, 398, 30-38.
[7] Faegh, M., Behnam, P., & Shafii, M. B. (2019). A review on recent advances in
humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination systems integrated with
refrigeration, power and desalination technologies. Energy Conversion and
Management, 196, 1002-1036.
[8] Atab, M. S., Smallbone, A. J., & Roskilly, A. P. (2018). A hybrid reverse
osmosis/adsorption desalination plant for irrigation and drinking water.
Desalination, 444, 44-52.
[9] Modi, K. V., & Shukla, D. L. (2018). Regeneration of liquid desiccant for solar
air-conditioning and desalination using hybrid solar still. Energy Conversion and
Management, 171, 1598-1616.
[10] Santosh, R., Kumaresan, G., Selvaraj, S., Arunkumar, T., & Velraj, R. (2019).
Investigation of humidification-dehumidification desalination system through waste
heat recovery from household air conditioning unit. Desalination, 467, 1-11.
= = 8.58
h1 = enthalpy at compressor inlet
h2 = enthalpy at compressor outlet
h4 = enthalpy at evaporator inlet (h3=h4)
h3 = enthalpy at condenser outlet
The following figure 5.2 shows the various parts inside the proposed
combined pre filter along with the water flow direction.
Fabrication processes are the steps through which raw materials are
transformed into a final product. The process begins with the creation of the
materials from which the design is made. These materials are then modified through
various manufacturing processes and other process to become the required part.
Based on the flow rate calculation and some other parameters like cost, availability,
suitability, etc. the materials were selected.
1. Compressor
2. Condenser coil
3. Evaporator copper coil
4. Cooling fans
5. Aquarium water pump
6. Pressure gauge
7. R-134a Refrigerant gas
8. Battery
9. Humidifier
4..3 Compressor
A Refrigeration Compressor draws refrigerant from the evaporator at a
relatively low pressure, compresses it and then discharges it to the condenser where
it is cooled. The refrigerant then moves to the expansion valve and the evaporator
before being compressed again. The compressor is the heart of the refrigeration
system. The compressor acts as the pump that moves the refrigerant through the
system. Temperature sensors start the compressor's action. Refrigeration systems
cool objects through repeated refrigeration cycles. Refrigeration compressors
provide a refrigerant circulation in the system and, unlike gas compressors, are not
used independently out of the refrigeration system.
Brand Tecumseh
Length 20 cm
Width 13 cm
Weight 7.2 kg
An aquarium water pump is a fish tank accessory that aerates and circulates
water to make it healthier for marine life. The current produced by a water pump
ensures that all water in a tank feeds through the tank’s filter. This constant flow
evenly distributes nutrients throughout the tank, creating high-quality water that
prevents diseases in fish. Not only do water pumps produce health benefits, but they
can also make your tank aesthetically pleasing. A water pump brings your tank to
life by making plants dynamic as they wave with the increased water flow. A
switching or variable-voltage system (also known as a "wave maker") is commonly
used in reef aquaria to more closely simulate the movement of ocean water. Water
circulation is vital to proper biological filtration of most saltwater aquaria (particularly
those using the Berlin Method), and is useful in freshwater aquaria for allowing free-
swimming fish adequate exercise.
The devices that are used for measuring pressure are called pressure
gauges. Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. For the
pressures above atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure is positive. For the
pressures below atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure is negative. The pressure
gauge is also known as pressure meters or vacuum gauges. A device that uses the
surface area and weight of a liquid column to measure and indicate pressure is
known as a manometer. Most gauges calculate the pressure relative to atmospheric
pressure as the zero point. Hence, this form of reading is known as gauge pressure.
Pressure gauges are analogy as well as digital.
Any detected leaks should be repaired before proceeding. After the leak test, the
system needs to be evacuated to remove any moisture, air, or non-condensable gases. A
vacuum pump is typically used to create a vacuum in the system, pulling out any unwanted
substances that may hinder proper refrigerant circulation and cause performance issues.
The appropriate refrigerant for the system should be selected based on factors such as the
application, system requirements, environmental regulations, and safety considerations.
The refrigerant should be compatible with the system components and designed to achieve
the desired cooling capacity and efficiency.
Once the system is prepared, leak-free, and evacuated, the refrigerant can be charged.
The process may involve connecting refrigerant cylinders to the system using hoses and
valves. Refrigerant can be added in liquid or vapor form, depending on the system and
manufacturer's guidelines. It is crucial to charge the correct amount of refrigerant into the
system to ensure optimal performance. Overcharging or undercharging can lead to
inefficient operation, reduced cooling capacity, and potential damage to the system
components. The manufacturer's specifications or system design guidelines should be
followed to determine the proper refrigerant quantity.
The Table 6.4 shows the bill of materials of the proposed system, which is
done. It includes the components such as Temperature Sensor, Flow Sensor,
Arduino (Uno), Relay Switch, LED indicator
1. Compressor 1 3050
In conclusion, the humidification and dehumidification desalination system
offers a promising approach to address the pressing global water scarcity challenge.
This system utilizes the principles of evaporation and condensation to convert saline
or brackish water into fresh water. By harnessing renewable energy sources or
waste heat, it can provide a sustainable solution for water desalination. The key
advantages of the humidification and dehumidification desalination system include
its energy efficiency, scalability, and environmentally friendly nature. It can be
powered by solar energy or other renewable sources, reducing reliance on fossil
fuels. The modular design allows for scalability, making it suitable for various
applications ranging from individual households to large-scale water treatment
Furthermore, it minimizes the environmental impact by efficiently managing
brine disposal and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, challenges
remain in optimizing the system's efficiency, improving water recovery rates, and
reducing operational costs. Designing effective humidification and dehumidification
chambers, developing advanced heat transfer mechanisms, and integrating
innovative separation techniques are areas that require further research and
development. In conclusion, the humidification and dehumidification desalination
system holds great potential to provide clean and fresh water, particularly in regions
where water resources are limited. Continued advancements in technology, coupled
with research and innovation, will be instrumental in making this desalination
process more economically viable, environmentally sustainable, and accessible to a
wider population.
[7] Srithar, K., Rajaseenivasan, T., Arulmani, M., Gnanavel, R., Vivar, M., & Fuentes, M.
(2018). Energy recovery from a vapour compression refrigeration system using
humidification dehumidification desalination. Desalination, 439, 155-161.
[8] Lawal, D. U., Antar, M. A., Khalifa, A., Zubair, S. M., & Al-Sulaiman, F. (2020).
Experımental investigation of heat pump driven humidification-dehumidification
desalination system for water desalination and space conditioning.
Desalination, 475, 114199.
[9] Narayan, G. P., Chehayeb, K. M., McGovern, R. K., Thiel, G. P., & Zubair, S.
M. (2013). Thermodynamic balancing of the humidification dehumidification
desalination system by mass extraction and injection. International Journal of Heat
and Mass Transfer, 57(2), 756-770.
[10] Xu, H., Jiang, S., Xie, M. X., Jia, T., & Dai, Y. J. (2022). Technical improvements
and perspectives on humidification-dehumidification desalination— A review.
Desalination, 541, 116029.
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