B.E Mech Batchno 33
B.E Mech Batchno 33
B.E Mech Batchno 33
Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of NIKET
KUMAR SNNGH (Reg. No.39150093), VISHESH DHILLON (Reg. No. 39150135),
who carried out the Project entitled “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SOLAR
POWERED GRASS CUTTER” under our supervision from December 2022 to April
Internal Guide
hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF
SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing
support and details at the right time during the progressive reviews.
I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Internal Guide
and constant encouragement paved the way for the successful completion of my
project work.
I also express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
Department of Aeronautical Engineering who were helpful in many ways for the
The Internal Combustion motor was used in older lawn shaper models and thus as a
result of its natural effect contamination level ascents ic motor driven shaper is all the
more exorbitant support of such traditional machine is more to stay away from these
downsides arranging of building new sort of grass shaper which runs on sunlight
based energy and this model is efficient contrasted with past one the point of our
undertaking is to make the grass cutter which works on sunlight based energy
henceforth save the power and decreases labor. This solar grass cutter uses sharp
edges to cut a yard to an exact length. It is used to maintain yards in gardens,
institutions, and even sports fields. The operations of a grass cutter are governed by
this microprocessor. Two ultrasonic sensors, one for obstruction detection and the
other one for blade damage management, are also included in the grass cutter, as
well as a sensor that monitors the engine's temperature.
These modifications have been made to the current machine in order to make it
easier to use and least expensive. Our primary point is to limit pollution while also
making efficient use of solar energy. Based on the model’s performance some
calculation had been made, where total power consumption is 65w/hr and power
required for working one day for four hours is 260w/hr. Therefore, to generate this
required power the solar panel should be kept seven days for charging. Other than
that, based on the output of the solar panel, temperature, and voltage data various
graphs were also being made which can be seen in upcoming pages.
Product Details 23
Specification and Features 23
Product Details 24
Specification and Features 25
Application 25
Product Details 25
Specification and Features 27
Application 27
Product Details 28
Specification and Features 28
Product Details 29
Specification and Features 30
Product Details 31
Specification and Features 31
Product Details 32
Specification and Features 32
Using a traditional engine-driven grass cutter to operate the grass cutters is
a task that no one appreciates. Cutting grass will take longer with the help of a
matured cutter, then younger cutter. Lawn cutters with motors cause commotion
pollution as a result of the noisy motor, as well as contamination in the surrounding
air as a result of the motor's ignition. Similarly, an engine-controlled motor
necessitates routine maintenance, such as changing the motor oil. Despite the fact
that electric operated solar directed grass cutters are environmentally friendly, they
might be inconvenient. Electric powered grass cutters, like engine operated grass
cutters, are dangerous and cannot be used by everyone without problems.
Furthermore, if the electric lawn cutter is corded, cutting should be demonstrated
to be dangerous and harmful. By integrating sun boards, the model may potentially
be charged from the sun.
bone-dry and semiarid areas of India, typical solar radiation is 7.5 w h/m/day. Sun-
based power has a 5-10 ×10 w h/yr capability to meet the basic energy needs of
the many millions of people who live in rural India. Daylight-derived power is an
enormous, smooth, mild, and inexhaustible form of power. Sunlight and warmth
are transmitted by the sun. The sun's rays and gentle warmth contribute to the
planet's climate, with noticeable natural consequences.
Previously, the majority of the activities were completed manually. Step by
step, a plethora of large and little machines have been developed to facilitate
human activities and, as a result, to reduce human effort in accomplishing tasks.
Most activities that previously required human effort are now replaced or
automated by the use of machines or other types of equipment in the afternoon.
Traditional lawn cutters necessitate the use of professional humans. Because we
employ animals such as bulls here. The era has progressed in many arms,
professional personnel with traditional grass cutter have been reduced. Nowadays,
there is a strong desire to rely on technology. Because of the dangers of using a
traditional lawn cutter, only a small number of people choose this way of grass
cutting these days. In addition, adolescent education in India is improving.
Because of this, people are becoming increasingly unwilling to use traditional
grass cutters.
● The electrically powered mowers are appropriate for land under 1/3 acres.
They provide similar functions to that of gasoline-powered mowers together
with 3-in-1 characteristic, push or self-propel, wide reducing and so on. but
they save the fuel and upkeep price.
● Furthermore, they've enormously quieter operations. These machines are
environmentally friendly without a carbon emission.
● There are corded and cordless electric mowers to be had and usually have
a motor energy among 6-12 amps. Cordless mowers perform on battery
providing you with ease of mowing round.
● Those are most suitable for flat surfaces.
• As opposed to stroll-behind garden mowers, the riding garden mowers have
a seat to journey on for mowing.
• It consists of diverse controls that enable you to mow your lawn while being
seated in this mower.
• These are appropriate for large lawns and are regularly termed as small
farm tractors.
• These machines have effective engines and cutting decks as compared to
push mowers.
Fig 1.1: Electric Mower
• Tow-behind mowers are used for a lot of large regions, like massive fields, and
are used much more in agriculture and street sides.
• They use the rotation and power generated by being pulled across the ground to
cut grass, sod, and anything else that needs to be cut.
functional and cost-effective. The prototype is developed in 3D using SolidWorks
software, starting with a hand caricature. The proportions of the plan are crucial,
and they must be exact and precise in order to maximise the safety factor.
The force required to cut the garden, as well as the force acting on the blade, were
taken into account when developing the cutting blade. Any sharp object must exert
far less force than 10 Newton to have an effect on the grass. It also depends on
the object's peak, density, and the region blanketed by it (Atkins, 1984). As a
result, the force necessary for effective mowing must be greater than 10 Newton
when constructing the blade of the solar lawn mower. The cutting blade was made
of stainless steel because of its strength and weight, which allowed it to transmit
the same velocity as the DC motor with less friction.
Fig 1.4: Smart Grass Cutter
The solar grass cutter's mechanism is that it has a panel positioned in a specific
arrangement so that it can capture high-energy sun rays. It converts mild power
into electrical electricity. Battery is continuously charging all through grass cutter is
in working scenario. When the battery is fully charged, it is automatically
disconnected from the panel; on the other hand, when the battery is low, it is
automatically connected to the panel for charging. After the ones automobiles are
related to battery through connecting wires. DC motor, rechargeable battery, solar
panel, blade, and relay for control are the raw materials used in the creation of the
solar power lawn cutter. In our task four automobiles are used for shifting purpose,
which follow the right, left, forward, backward commands. The motor has a
thousand rpm and is connected to the tempered blades. The blades of the grass
cutter are rotated at an excessively fast rate, allowing the grass to be cut.
This study offers a solar-powered vision-based robotic lawn mower that is
self-sufficient, with the goal of allowing individuals to eliminate grass with minimal
effort. Unlike other robotic garden mowers on the market, this design does not
require fence wires to keep the robot inside the yard, and it also takes far less
human effort in the guiding mode operation. This robot will not only stay in the
garden, but will also avoid and find goods and persons, thanks to an array of
sensors. They performed their assignment with a 12v 310mA solar panel. The sun
panel has 24 solar cells, each of which contributes zero.5 volts. They could use a
battery, however because of the limited output of the sun panel, the lead acid
rechargeable battery used is only rated at 12v 1.2Ah, so it won't be overcharged.
They employed IR sensors with a 1m 555 IC to cross the borders. On each facet,
there are sensors. This is because if the barrier is to the left, it will pass in the right
direction, and if the proper sensor identifies the obstacle, it will move miles to the
left. However, one problem is that the system's reaction can be slow at times,
therefore real-time high-quit DSP processors are suggested as a speedier
alternative. ( Kumar, D. P. et al.2021)
impediment is found, the microcontroller moves the motor vehicles ahead of
schedule. If an impediment is identified by the sensor, the grass cutter motor is
stopped by the microcontroller to prevent any damage to the item/human/animal
approaching. (P, B. et al. (2017)
In this paper, they designed a lawn cutting machine with tempered blades.
In addition to being computerised, this grass cutter can be handled manually. GI
sheet, motor, wheel, Al sheet, switch, cable, rectangular tube, and inert material is
one of the most suitable materials.(Ms. Lanka Priyanka et al.,2015 )
P. Bulski et al. determine that the machine's sound causes noise pollution.
He investigates the sound produced by the equipment, with the goal of removing
the sound while also reducing the grass mostly on field or even the floor. Because
using a motor pollutes the environment, my suggestion is to use an electric lawn
mower.(P. Bulski et al.2008)
In this paper, Praful P. Ulhe et al. have used a hand grass cutter with spiral
roller blades to boost slicing efficiency. The mower has a height-adjustable loop
trimming element. The lawn cutter could cut all varieties of grasses equally.
(Praful P. Ulhe et al.2016)
In 1902, Ransoms released the first version of the primary. Around World
War I, JP Engineering of Leicester established a line with well chain-driven
mowers. Around a certain period, a worker should have had previous expertise
driving massive devices drawn by animals. The driven mowers have been the
most common. In 1914 ideal energy created the first gasoline-power mower.
( Swedish company et al 2019) however, comes at a cost: $1,995 plus $200 to
$300 for installation. This year, it's only available in limited quantities from a few
retailers. The organisation also intends to introduce a solar-powered version in the
United States next year. Both the Husqvarna automobile mower and the
Husqvarna sun mower are self-contained. The automatic grass cutter is secured to
the garden by a boundary loop wire, and a search loop ensures that it returns to
the docking station for battery recharge. The solar-powered version will be
available in the next 12 months and will not require a charging point. Each cutter
performs comparable functions, with the power supply being the most significant
difference. Environmentally friendly and practically silent. The hunt loop cord
(yellow) drives the mower to the charging station, while the perimeter loop twine
(purple) specifies the cutting area of an automatic cutter.(Mohammad et al.2018)
The border loop is also built up around bushes and garden surfaces in such a way
that it cannot be reduced any longer. The garden mower adjusts its path if it comes
into contact with garden furniture, a tree, or other heavy objects, but it can still cut
through bushes and hedgerows. You could set the trimming level in between 30
and 95 mm to get the lawn you want. (L) 71 cm, (W) 60 cm, (H) 26 cm
Dimensions: (L) 71 cm, (W) 60 cm, (H) 26 cm [6] Ms. Lanka Priyanka et al. They
have created a sun-powered grass-cutting device with tempered blades attached
to this grass cutter on this paper. This lawn cutter may be controlled manually as
well as automatically. GI sheet, motor, wheel, Al sheet, transfer, cord, rectangular
pipe, and insulating material are the most commonly used materials. Comparator,
rechargeable battery, relay, temperature sensor, and DC motor are among the
additions employed.. They organised a solar-powered, vision-based fully
automated garden mower that could be handled manually with minimal effort. With
the help of MATLAB programming and a digital camera positioned above the robot
shape, prepared software is sent into the system, and robotic motions are
performed in accordance with a predetermined sample. Robots that are designed
to reduce human effort can also identify humans and other objects in front of the
robot. As a result, it safeguards the gadget from injury while simultaneously
reducing the risk to humans. As a species by way of humans, the robot cuts the
grass in a unique method to create unique layout patterns. The author creates a
solar grass cutter machine to reduce human labour basis.(M, S. M. & Ahmad, P. K.
The objective is to prevent the nation from facing an energy deficit by
minimizing the need for human labor, decreasing operational expenses, and
reducing maintenance costs. Furthermore, a solar-powered lawn mower helps to
maintain community cleanliness by cutting different types of grass for various
The solar panel is connected to the batteries and charges them while in
motion, ensuring that we have enough battery power even on cloudy days. This
stored energy can be utilized for our needs. A stationary solar panel may have a
long-lasting warranty and requires minimal maintenance. However, sun trackers
have shorter warranties and require one or more actuators to move the panel.
The following images are taken from the 3D modelling software solidworks 2022
(proposed model are shown in Fig (3.2, 3.3,3.4,3.5 )
Fig 3.4: Front View
A survey had been made to check which parts are needed for fabrication of
the model. Then some brainstorming had been done to find out what material will
be suitable for completion of the model, how the model will look and how it will
function. Then all the major parts which were required for the model were being
bought from different sources. The major parts that are effectively employed in the
Design and Fabrication of Solar powered grass cutter are described below: -
● Solar Panel
● Motor
● Display
● Motor driver
● Ultrasonic Sensor
● Temperature sensor (LM35)
● Battery
● IR Sensor
● 1 Channel Relay
● 4 Channel Relay
● ATmega32 Microcontroller
● Solar tracker 5w
product details
The photovoltaic effect helps to convert light energy (photons) from the
sunlight into electricity. Wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or slender cells are
used in most modules. The best layer or the rear layer of a module is oftenly the
architectural (load-bearing) member. Moisture and mechanical damage to cells
must be prevented. The preponderance of the modules is firm, however there are
some that are semi-bendy and accommodate slender cells. Electrically, the cells
are interconnected in series, one to a fixed voltage, then in parallel to increase
amperage. The watts of a module is the product of its voltage and thus its ampere.
The assembly decisions on solar-powered chargers are made under well-known
conditions, which aren't always the most severe working conditions that solar-
powered chargers are exposed to at the setup site. As the result interface, a PV
intersection field is connected to the back of the sunlight-based charger. For some
photovoltaic modules, MC4 connectors are used to function with easy
weatherproof connections with the rest of the device. It's also possible to use a
USB energy point of engagement. depicted in fig 4.1.
Order of configuration
A solar panel or PV machine's electrical connections are either in series to
achieve a specific voltage output or in parallel to provide preferred current-day
functionality (amperes). The conducting wires that transmit electricity outward from
the modules must be constructed of silver, copper, or other non-magnetic
conductive transition metals and scaled to the ampacity. In the case of partial
module shading, two diodes can be added or used remotely to optimize the output
of module areas that are still light. [need a source] In a few unique sun PV
modules, concentrators are used to focus light through lenses or mirrors onto
smaller cells.
Every module is evaluated based on its DC yield power under standard test
conditions (STC), and the on-discipline yield energy may fluctuate as a result. The
power fluctuates between 100 and 365 Watts on a regular basis (W). Given a
comparable evaluated yield, a module's proficiency determines its earth - an 8%
green 230W module can have twice the earth of a 16 percent green 230 W
module. Sun-oriented modules can produce up to 24 percent more revenue than
conventional modules. By and large, the most easily completed sunlight
transformation expenditure (sun module execution) in the new current product is
about 21.5%, which is not quite the efficiency in their cells in detachment. The
most green, sunlight based modules [disputed - discuss] have energy thickness
upsides of up to 175 W/m2 (16.22 W/ft2).
Researchers at Boeing's Spectro lab have proposed a 40 percent efficiency
increase in multi-intersection sun-oriented cells, which might be used to replace
solar photovoltaic cells. In the long run, the Spectro lab researchers predict
concentrator sun-powered cells to achieve efficiencies of around 45 percent or
half, with efficiencies of around 58 percent feasible in cells with several
● Polycrystalline Solar Panel.
● Wattage: 3W.
● Voltage: 12V.
● 3W-12V Polycrystalline Solar Panel System for 9 V Battery Charge with 3
meter Dc 5521 Cable
● Length- 28cm
● Breadth- 12.5cm
● Thickness- 1.5cm
● Efficiency- 18.6%
Product Details
Internally attached shaft with screw and thread for connecting it to the wheel with
ease. DC Geared vehicles with a sturdy steel gearbox for high-reliability
applications, available in a wide RPM range and particularly suited for robotics and
business. It's simple to use and comes in a regular size. Interior threaded shaft
with screw and thread to connect it to the wheel without difficulty.shown in fig 4.2.
Product Details
Robotics programs involve 30 RPM 12V DC geared motors. It also has a large
torque of 32 kg cm. The motor seems to have a metal gearbox and a driveshaft
that is stale-cantered.
● Visual signal application where the light goes more or less directly from the
LED to the human eye, to convey a message or meaning.
● Illumination where LED light is reflected from objects to give visual
response to these objects.
● Generate light for measuring and interacting with processes that do not
involve the human visual system.
Product Details
This Arduino L293D Motor Driver (fig. 4.4) Shield has two servos with four
motor interfaces supporting DC or stepper cars, offering one of the most versatile
on the market. As a result, it's a wonderful protection for any automated project.
L293D is a four-channel main thrust with a solid coordinated high voltage, high
current. Basically, this demonstrates that one can use DC motor and strength parts
of up to 36 Volts with this chip, which is a quite large motor, and the chip can
deliver a maximum current of 600mA per channel. H-Bridge is another name for
the L293D chip. The H-Bridge is an electrical connection that allows voltage to flow
in both directions over a stack to a destination, such as an engine. Two L293D
engine drivers and one 74HC595 shift check-in are included in the shield. The shift
check-in expands the Arduino's 3 pins to 8 pins to monitor the engine drivers'
● Tested compatible with Arduino Mega 1280 & 2560, Diecimila,
Duemilanove, and UNO.
● Weight= 60g.
Product Details
The ultra - sonic sensor HC-SR04 (fig. 4.5) was introduced. One such practical
sensor has a span of 2cm to 400cm of non-contact estimation capacity and a
went accuracy of up to 3mm. A ultrasonic transmitter, a beneficiary, and a control
circuit are completely remembered for each HC-SR04 module.
The HC-SR04 has four pins, something one ought to know about: VCC (power),
Trig (trigger), Echo (getting), and GND (ground) . One will uncover that setting up
and involving this sensor for your first assortment observing mission is a pleasure.
The sensor incorporates progressed control hardware that could likewise assist
with keeping away from "bouncy" information from the program.
● OperatingVoltage = DC 5V
● OperatingFrequency = 40KHz
● MaxRange = 4m
● MinRange = 2cm
● RangingAccuracy = 3mm
● MeasuringAngle = 15 degrees
Product Details
Product Details
A 6V battery (fig. 4.7) is a lead-acid kind cell. It's also known as a lantern
battery. It usually makes use of 4 big ones. 6V batteries are used in dog schooling
gadgets, clinical units, film and virtual cameras, and plenty of different devices.
6v batteries will commonly hold enough price for 45-60 minutes of continuous use,
whilst 12v batteries can maintain enough for two-four hours depending on the
power necessities of the mounted motor. 24v batteries range, again relying on the
energy usage of the motor, however commonly last between 2-4 hours. The
capacity of the battery is given for a particular discharge contemporary. With a
higher discharge modern, you will get less electricity from the battery. With a
decreased discharge modern, you will get greater power from the battery.
● Nominal voltage: 6V
● Rated capacity :5Ah
● Sealed type: sealed
● Maintenance type: free
● Container material: ABS
● Dimensions: (L*W*H) mm: 70*120*80
● Battery cell composition: Sealed Lead Acid
These are used for high stop packages of standby energy like trip on Toys,
UPS, electric Converter, Railway Communications, safety structures and many
Product Details
The IR (fig. 4.8) sensor module comprises explicitly of the IR Transmitter and
Receiver, Op-amp, Variable Resistor (Trimmer pot), yield LED related to not many
IR LED Transmitter
Photodiode Receiver
LM358 Op Amp
The series resistor voltage drop of a photodiode is greater than the threshold
voltage, indicating that the Opamp yield is high.
Because the series resistor voltage drop of the photodiode would be less than the
threshold voltage, the Opamp yield is low, and the Opamp result is excessive, the
LED at the Opamp yield terminal acts (Indicating the recognition of article).
Variable Resistor
Here, the variable resistor is pre-set. It's being used to evaluate the
detection applications spanning for an object.
● Obstacle Detection
● Wheel encoder
● Industrial safety devices
Product details
Table 4.1: Pin description (1channel relay)
Product Details
Product Details
By performing solid recommendations in a single clock cycle, the device achieves
throughputs approaching one MIPS for each MHz, allowing you to fine-tune power
usage and handling speed.
Product Details
Arduino (Fig. 4.12) is an open-source model stage that is based on a simple
set of tools and programming. It consists of a programmable circuit board (known as a
microcontroller) and an Arduino IDE (included development environment) ready-to-use
programming application for writing and transferring PC code to the physical board.
Arduino is a popular open-source electronics platform that allows users to
create interactive and programmable projects with ease. It consists of both hardware
and software components that work together to provide a versatile and accessible
development platform. One of the most significant advantages of Arduino is its ability
to interact with various sensors and devices, making it suitable for a wide range of
applications. The hardware component of Arduino consists of a microcontroller, which
is a small computer chip that controls the board's input and output functions. This
microcontroller can read data from various sensors, such as temperature sensors or
motion detectors, and use this data to control the board's output devices, such as
LEDs, motors, or displays. The software component of Arduino is the Arduino
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a user-friendly programming environment
that simplifies the programming process. Users can write code in the Arduino IDE
using an enhanced version of C++ programming language, which is specifically
designed to be easier to learn and use. The IDE also includes a range of pre-written
code examples and libraries that make it easy for users to get started with their
projects. Another significant advantage of Arduino is its ease of use. Unlike other
programmable circuit boards that require a separate programmer device to load new
code onto the board, Arduino boards can be programmed using a simple USB cable
connected to a computer. This makes it much easier and more convenient to program
and debug projects. Finally, Arduino is continuously evolving, and there are plans to
release a standard framework that will simplify the development process further. This
framework will divide the microcontroller's features into a separate package, making it
easier for developers to create and test code without needing to understand the
underlying hardware. Overall, the Arduino platform provides a flexible and accessible
tool for both hobbyists and professionals to create innovative projects with ease
• When the user starts the vehicle, vehicle will go ahead by making a gross
• The microcontroller moves the robot in forward directions with the help of
DC motors which are interfaced to the microcontroller along with l293d
motor driver.
• When the ultrasonic sensor detecting the obstacle while moving the vehicle
it will avoided the obstacle and moves forward by making a gross cut.
• In this we are attaching the grass cutter at the shaft of DC motor which is
interfaced to the microcontroller along with relay control by the
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