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Submitted by

YUVANSHANKAR P 611521104001

In partial fulfillment for the award of the credits


CHENNAI 600 025


Certified that this Internship Program report "VEGETABLE OIL REFINING"

is the bonafide work of YUVANSHANKAR P (611521104001), who carried out
the internship program under my supervision.



Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and

Engineering Engineering
Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Mahendra Institute of Engineering and
Technology Technology
Mahendrapuri, Mallasamudram, Mahendrapuri, Mallasamudram,
Tiruchengode Taluk, Tiruchengode Taluk,
Namakkal-637503. Namakkal-637503.

Submitted for the examination conducted during -------------- at -----------------------


I hereby by declare that the internship program entitled “VEGETABLE OIL REFINING”
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the credits in
B.E- Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Mahendrapuri, Mallasamudram, Tiruchengode Taluk, Namakkal is a record
of my own work carried out by me during the academic year 2024-2025 under the supervision
and guidance of Mr. R.ASHOKKUMAR, M.E., AP/Department of Computer Science and
Engineering. The sources of information are derived from the existing records and have been
indicated through the dissertation at the appropriate places. The matter embodied in this report is
original and has not been submitted for the award of any other credits, either in this or any other

(Signature of the Candidate),

YUVANSHANKAR P (611521104001)

I certify that the declaration made by the above candidate is true.

(Signature of the Guide)


(Assistant Professor)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Mahendrapuri, Mallasamudram,
Tiruchengode Taluk,


First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved Parents
who sacrifice their presence for my better future. And also I thank the Almighty for showering
His grace upon me which has empowered me to successfully complete this project in the
stipulated time.

It is a privilege and honour for us to record our indebtedness to our Head of the
Department Dr. U. Nilabarnisha, M.E., Ph.D., thought provoker, for her valuable ideas and
encouragement given to me in bringing this work successfully.

My heartful thanks to the external guide (Mr. Gokulraj. R Process and Maintenance
Engineer) for his inspiring guidance in explaining the process and gave valuable and remarkable
comment and providing me the process manuals for reference during the course of program.

My overall sincere and hearty sense of gratitude to my internal guide (Mr. R.

Ashokkumar, M.E., Assistant Professor) for his constant encouragement, clearing all of my
doubts through this period and guided me in the path of perfection throughout this project.

I wish thank all our Staffs of Computer Science and Engineering Department for their
enthusiastic encouragement.

And I also wish to express my hearty thanks to all the Staff Members of Company their
entire constant support during the internship program.


No hydraulic system, however large, can be effective unless it ensures delivery of

sufficient horsepower at the bit, where it can perform useful work. Perform useful work. A
numerical relationship is developed and computer plots presented, showing the critical
dependence of bit hydraulic horsepower on pump operating pressure for selected combinations
of variables.
The need for raising pressures is indicated for deeper wells, where the bit is remote from
its source of hydraulic supply. Other factors shown to be of prime importance in determining
pressures levels are pipe size, mud density and whole size.
The choice of nozzle diameter combination is less critical than is often supposed. A
simple method of choice. Due to goings, is discussed and recommended. With this method,
choice virtually depends only upon whole size and pump operating pressure, and the selection
remains unchanged until one or another of these criteria is changed. Validity can be readily
checked at the rig. A simple tabulation is available to the driller or the tool pusher. Results are
proven to be within 96 to 100 percent of absolute optimum. Percent of absolute optimum


1.1 Overview of the company 7
1.2 The Vision 7
1.3 Achievement 8
1.4 Presence in international market 8
2.1 Drilling Rigs 9
2.2 Types of Drilling 9
2.3 Drilling Hydraulics 11
2.4 Hydraulic Process 11
2.5 Drilling Mast 11
2.6 Construction of Drilling Machine 12
2.7 Working principle of drilling machine 12
2.8 Drive Mechanism of Drilling 13
3.1 PRD HC 500 M/E 17
3.2 PRD PC 500 19
3.4 PRD SPIDER 1000 23
3.5 PRD tractor mounted drilling rig 75HP 24

PRD Rigs is a family run business organization engaged in manufacturing, and exporting
a comprehensive range of drilling rigs. Commenced in the year 1972, having 45+ years of
legacy. PRD Rigs started its Exports in the name of Paranthaman Exporters in the year
1999. Since first manufacturing a Hydraulic Rig in 1992. PRD has exported more than 1000 rigs
to 60+ countries across the globe. PRD has 500+ trained employees. This leads to the expertise
in Engineering and Quality in manufacturing through world class manufacturing techniques
required to adapt to technological changes committing exports of the Global demand. PRD rigs
are the first drilling rig manufacturer in India with ISO 9001:2015 certification. We have
delivered an unmatched range of products for various applications like water well, mining,
exploration, construction and also the special purpose application. We have a focused design &
development Centre for continuous improvement which keeps us as the pioneers of Drilling Rig
Development in technological innovation and adaptable engineering. This enables us to supply
economical and robust machinery worldwide. Our branch offices are located at Kenya, Tanzania,
Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Sri Lanka and our
dealership network span across 5 continents.


To deliver high level of customer satisfaction by providing quality output and real value
for money. Work towards exceeding expectations through commitment to excellence, constantly
upgrading the product line to suit the ever changing market demands, trend and setting new
benchmarks in the drilling industry

Today, PRD is the leading manufacturer of Water Well Drilling Rigs in the country. The
company has experienced significant growth and improvement over the past years, which clearly
demonstrates our commitment to excellence. This has been achieved because of our superior
product quality, continuous R&D and goodwill of our esteemed customers.


We at PRD, have always strove to achieve better goals. Our recent success was
celebrated when our crew had successfully drilled a 6.5" bore hole with PRD MAX DRILL 2000
to a depth of 615 meters at our factory premise.


With the increasing demands of PRD rigs, the company has spread its operations across
the globe. It has now established itself in various parts of Africa. Having supplied quality
products and world class equipment, the demand for PRD rigs in the African market has
improved and our rigs are working in seven countries in Africa and have a total population of
twenty rigs in the continent. We have service centers in Ghana and Kenya.

India’s leading B2B market place, JD Mart ensures engaging in business activities is a
seamless process for small and medium enterprises as well as large businesses. In a wake to
enable these businesses to reach their audience, this portal lets them showcase their offerings in
terms of the products and/or services through a digital catalogue. This business has a wide range
of product offerings and the product/catalogue list includes PRD 650 Blast Hole, Tractor
Mounted Piling Rig Stock Racks, PRD Auto Loader Rig / Sensor, Tractor Mounted Drilling
Rigs, PRD Spider 1000 etc.

It is an integrated system that drills wells, such as oil or water wells, in the earth’s
subsurface. Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells,
oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by
one person and such are called augers. Drilling rigs can sample subsurface mineral deposits, test
rock, soil and groundwater physical properties, and also can be used to install sub-surface
fabrications, such as underground utilities, instrumentation, tunnels or wells. Drilling rigs can be
mobile equipment mounted on trucks, tracks or trailers, or more permanent land or marine-based
structures (such as oil platforms, commonly called 'offshore oil rigs' even if they don't contain a
drilling rig). The term "rig" therefore generally refers to the complex equipment that is used to
penetrate the surface of the Earth's crust.
Petroleum has mostly been recovered by oil drilling. Drilling is carried out after studies
of structural geology, sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir characterization. Recent
improvements to technologies have also led to exploitation of other unconventional reserves such
as oil sands and oil shale. Once extracted, oil is refined and separated, most easily by distillation,
into numerous products for direct use or use in manufacturing, such
as gasoline (petrol), diesel and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to
make plastics, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety
of materials, and it is estimated that the world consumes about 100 million barrels each day.
Petroleum production can be extremely profitable and was important for economic development
in the 20th century, with some countries, so called “oil” gaining significant economic and
international power because of their control of oil production.
Drilling and blasting currently utilizes many different varieties of explosives with
different compositions and performance properties. Higher velocity explosives are used for
relatively hard rock in order to shatter and break the rock, while low velocity explosives are used
in soft rocks to generate more gas pressure and a greater heaving effect.

For instance, an early 20th-century blasting manual compared the effects of black powder
to that of a wedge, and dynamite to that of a hammer. The most commonly used explosives in
mining today are ANFO based blends due to lower cost than dynamite.

In early oil exploration, drilling rigs were semi-permanent in nature and the derricks were
often built on site and left in place after the completion of the well. In more recent times drilling
rigs are expensive custom-built machines that can be moved from well to well. Some light duty
drilling rigs are like a mobile crane and are more usually used to drill water wells. Larger land
rigs must be broken apart into sections and loads to move to a new place, a process which can
often take weeks.
Small mobile drilling rigs are also used to drill or bore piles. Rigs can range from 100
short tons (91,000 kg) continuous flight auger (CFA) rigs to small air powered rigs used to drill
holes in quarries, etc. These rigs use the same technology and equipment as the oil drilling rigs,
just on a smaller scale.
The drilling mechanisms outlined below differ mechanically in terms of the machinery
used, but also in terms of the method by which drill cuttings are removed from the cutting face of
the drill and returned to surface.
An automated drill rig (ADR) is an automated full-sized walking land-based drill rig that
drills long lateral sections in horizontal wells for the oil and gas industry. ADR’s are agile rigs
that can move from pad to pad to new well sites faster than other full-sized drilling rigs. Each rig
costs about $25 million. ADR is used extensively in the Athabasca oil sands. According to the
"Oil Patch Daily News", "Each rig will generate 50,000 man-hours of work during the
construction phase and upon completion, each operating rig will directly and indirectly employ
more than 100 workers." Compared to conventional drilling rigs", Ensign, an international
oilfield services contractor based in Calgary, Alberta, that makes ADRs claims that they are
"safer to operate, have "enhanced controls intelligence," "reduced environmental footprint, quick
mobility and advanced communications between field and office. In June 2005 the first
specifically designed slant automated drilling rig (ADR), Ensign Rig No. 118, for (SAGD)
applications was mobilized by Deer Creek Energy Limited, a Calgary-based oil sands company.

It’s refers to how the drilling fluid in the circus- lasting system exerts pressure throughout
the system, par- secularly in the wellbore. Any back pressure that may be imposed at the surface,
for instance by circulating through a choke, will also act to increase either the static or the
dynamic BHP.
A hydraulic system in a rotary drilling rig is relatively wasteful of power. For example, it
would not be unusual for a pump receiving mechanical energy at the rate of 1,000 hp to deliver
not more than 750 hp to the hydraulic system, of which only about 400 hp is actually being used
in hydraulic jetting action at the bit.
If such a system, normally wasteful of power, is also operated inefficiently and power, is
also operated inefficiently and without proper engineering foresight, it would not be surprising to
find the bit action starved of hydraulic power, and the drilling capabilities of the rig seriously
This paper will examine the important factors controlling efficiency of the rig hydraulic
system, and indicate how these factors should be adjusted to provide reasonably high efficiency
with a reasonable economy of engineering effort.
It generates the force required - pressure builds to a maximum and when released, drives
an impact piston forward. When the piston strikes a chuck, it transfers its kinetic energy as a
stress wave through a drill rod to the drill bit, which uses this impact energy to pulverize the
rock. Hydraulic drills are powerful tools harnessing the power of pressurized liquid in order to
supply the driving force needed for excavation or other drilling related activities. Hydraulic
equipment is a popular choice when it comes to small drills because of the beneficial aspects that
they bring to any operation. A machine for drilling, reaming, counter boring, and tapping
holes especially: a power machine for drilling holes in metal (as a drill press or radial drill)
A drilling mast is a structure over an oil well which supports the drilling equipment and
allows it to be lifted into and out of the wellbore. The crown block is supported by the top
platform of the drilling mast or derrick. A drilling mast or derrick was erected over the well.
Drilling Machine: It is a machine which is used to drill the holes on the components or work
piece with the help of drill bits.

The drill bits are also called as Multi-point cutting tools which can have their rapid
impact on the Material Removal Rate (MRR) i.e. a single point cutting tool(like the one used in
a lathe machine) can removes the material slowly whereas, a multi-point cutting tool removes the
material at a faster rate and thereby increases MRR.
The parts are as follows.
1. Base (Bed):
The base is made up of Cast Iron which has the capability of high compressive strength,
good wear resistance and good absorbing capability (i.e. absorb the vibrations induced during
working condition) and for these reasons, it acts as a base to the drilling machine.
2. Column:
It is exactly placed at the center of the base which can act as a support for rotating the
Swivel table and holding the power transmission system.
3. Swivel Table:
It is attached to the column which can hold the machine vice in the grips and thereby, the
work piece is fixed in the machine vice to carry out the drilling operation. The Swivel table can
move up and down by means of rotational motion and can be locked to the column by means of
locking nut.
4. Power Transmission System:
It consists of motor, stepped pulley, V-belt and the Spindle. The power transmission is
explained in the working of the drilling machine.
5. Hand wheel:
By the rotation of hand-wheel, the spindle moves up and down in the vertical direction in
order to give the necessary amount of feed to the work. Here, the rotational motion is converted
into linear motion by means of a Rack and Pinion mechanism which was explained below.
6. Chuck: It is used to hold the drill bits


When the power is given to the motor, the spindle rotates and thereby the stepped pulley
attached to it also rotates. On the other end, one more stepped pulley is attached and that is
inverted to increase or decrease the speed of the rotational motion.

A V-belt is placed in between the stepped pulleys so as to drive the power transmission.
Here a V-belt is used instead of a flat belt, in order to increase the power efficiency. The drill bit
also rotates which was placed in the chuck and which was in connection with the spindle. As the
Pulleys rotate, the spindle also rotates which can rotate the drill bit. By the rotation of hand-
wheel, the spindle moves up and down in the vertical direction in order to give the necessary
amount of feed to the work and this drill bit is used to make the holes on the component placed
in the machine vice.
This drive mechanism is based on Rack and Pinion Mechanism. When the hand-wheel is
rotated, it is converting the rotational motion to the linear motion by means of rack and pinion.
The setup consists of Rack (has fine grooves), Pinion, Chuck and the Drill bit. The drill bit has
placed in the chuck and the chuck is connected to rack and when the hand-wheel rotates, the
Pinion is inserted in the grooves of Rack [shown in the below fig.] and thereby the rotational
motion is converted to linear motion and as this mechanism is running by means of Rack and
Pinion called as Rack and Pinion mechanism.
Types of Drilling Machines:
 Radial drilling machine
 Upright drilling machine
 Automatic drilling machine
 Multiple Spindle drilling machine
 Deep hole drilling machine
 Sensitive drilling machine
 Portable drilling machine
 Gang drilling machine
Radial Drilling Machine
Drilling Machine is to make circular holes on the components with the help of Drill bits.
But, the purpose of the Radial Drilling Machine is used to drill the holes in the given radial
distance and this will be used, when the component size is large in terms of height. When the
component is large, it cannot fit its structure in the Machine vice.

Therefore, the component has to be placed on the ground and the Radial arm of the
drilling machine has to be rotated w.r.t the component to do the operation. The Angle of a Drill
bit is 118°.
Working Principle of Radial Drilling Machine:
When the power supply is given, the spindle rotates which was in conjunction with the
motor. The Radial arm is adjusted w.r.t the type of operation and height of the work piece. The
spindle is connected to the chuck and the drill bit is placed in between the jaws of the chuck. The
Drill head is adjusted on to the work piece and a suitable feed is given. Then the drill bit drives
into the work piece very easily. Drive Mechanism: Rack and Pinion Mechanism
When the hand wheel is rotated, then the Pinion which is attached to the rack also rotates
which can convert the rotary motion to the linear motion and the driving mechanism is called
as Rack and Pinion mechanism.

Construction of Radial Drilling Machine:

The setup essentially consists of
 Base
 Column
 Radial Arm
 Motor for elevating the arm
 Elevating screw
 Guide ways
 Motor for driving drill spindle
 Drill head
 Drill spindle
 Table

 Base: It is made up of Cast Iron which possesses high compressive strength and good

wear resistance. The base is used to support the assembly of parts on it and also absorbs

the vibrations induced by the machine parts.

 Column: It is exactly placed at one end of a bed which can act as a support for rotating

the radial arm in 360 degrees.

 Radial Arm: It is the arm which is connected to Column. The Drill head is slided from

one end to another end by the guide ways.

 Motor: It is placed on the drill head for driving the work unit(Spindle of the Drill bit)

 Table: The machine vice is connected to a swivel table which can hold the work piece

for further operation.

 Flywheel or Hand wheel: It is connected to the spindle arrangement which is used to

move up and down w.r.t. the work piece.

 Drive Head: It generally consists of two levers which by varying can increase or

decrease the speed of chuck.

 Chuck: One end of the chuck is connected to the spindle arrangement and another end is

connected to the drill bit(tool).

 Tool-Drill bit: The drill bit is used to drill the holes on the specimens.

 Work piece: It has to be fixed in the machine vice provided on the table.
Main components comprise the drilling rig are:
 Power system.
 Hoisting system.
 Rotary system.
 Circulating system.
 Well control & monitoring system are the equipments used for drilling

Drilling equipment includes explosive loader trucks, diamond drills, rotary drills, percussion
drills, and drill boom jumbos rig system. The rig is basically comprised of a derrick; the draw
works with its drilling line, crown block and traveling block, and a drilling fluid circulation
system including the standpipe, rotary hose, drilling fluid pits and pumps.

Fig. 2.1.The drilling process
Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut a hole of circular cross-section in
solid materials. The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multi-point. Instead; the hole is
usually made by hammering a drill bit into the hole with quickly repeated short movements.

Fig. 2.2 Process Flow sheet of Drilling Process

3.1 PRD HC 500 M/E
Hydraulic drill rig for dimensional stone industry, aggregate quarries, mining and
 In this kind of rig the DTH method of drilling is used.
 The hole diameter of this kind of rig is 90mm-127mm (31/2”-5”).the drill rod diameter is
about 76 mm (3’).
 Its drill length is up to 3050 mm (10ft).the drill depth maximum is up to 15 mm (50ft).
 It is dual type of drilling rig, double side drilling can be done, the dust collector is used to
collect the impure air and filter .gives out the mud and air goes upwards.
 The HC 5000 maintains high –level productivity even under the toughest conditions.
Advanced hydraulics for a boom position, feed rotation & trammming ensures superior
 The unmatched stability b is study design incorporates strong ground support which
ensures superior performance.
 Unmatched mobility is operator-friendly and compact construction ensure smooth and
easy maneuverability and hassles -free site to site movement on rough terrains .the robust
diesel engine and hydraulic tramming motors help attain a tramming speed of 2.5km/hr.
 Optional attachment are dust collector, dust suppression system, electrical motor drive,
double side drilling.



Crawler mounted pneumatic drilling rig specially designed for small and medium size
quarries of aggregate, limestone, etc. it’s a workhorse with high productivity, efficient and

Segment is aggregate quarry, limestone, and construction and DSI market.
Capacity is DTH: 102-115mm (4”-4.5”) up to 15 m .Top hammer: 24-72mm (0.94”-
2.83”) up to 9 movers are the PRD PC500rig is powered by an air compressor. Feed
system is strong structural steel channel construction with chain drive max. Feed rate: 0.5
m/s Pull up force: 550 kgf Pull down force: 750 kgf. Total length: 5130 mm, Travel
length; 3565 mm.
Head are torque; 960 Nm, speed: 60 rpm .the carrier is tramming speed: 3.2 km/h,
track oscillation+ (or) - 20 deg. Ground clearance: 230 mm (9”) .climbing ability:
30degree .overall dimension are length: 5130mm, width: 1940 mm; Height: 2325 mm.
overall weight is 2890 kg. Air compressors are DTH: 450-550 cfm / 150-200 psi, top
hammer: 400-600 cfm/100 psi.


Auto rod handling system for 2000 feet water well drilling
Technical specification
The model is PRD autoloader .this application is used water well .maximum depth 2000ft
.the hole diameter 6 ½ “- 8”. Compressor capacity of pc 500 is (1100 /300 & 1200/330) .the
power take off is truck engine, and the centralizer 10.5”- 13” this is optional. The breakout
wrench hydraulic operated double clamp rod opener.
The raw materials are than assembled separately rotatory head assembly
Mast assembly
The rotary head assembly
The hydraulic motor has (OMV 400) danfoss. RH slide roller is 8 in count .rotary head
torque is 303 kg /m. Aryl head travel is 7m and the rotary head seep (0-80 rpm).
Mast assembly
The mast assembly was the most important part in this section in the entire process. The
mast helps to gives the direction to the drilling rod and it consist of cylinders to support .the
cylinders are most important to the movement of the mast rod .the cylinder is said to be feed
cylinder. Types of mast used in this process are channel construction .the diameter of feed
cylinder 160 dia. The rod handling capacity is 6m. the rope reeving ratio is 1:3 .The mast is the
main part of the entire system .it is functioned by hydraulic process .the hydraulic circuit consist
of pimps, hydraulic oil cooler, and oil tank capacity. The pumps imported gear 65 gpm -1 no,
and another imported gear 50 gpm -1no, vane double pump -2 no.
Feed system
The pull up force is 11790kg (160 dia feed cylinder ).the pull down force 7184 kg .the
pull up speed 44mtr /min. the down speed 72 mtr/min .no of rods in rod box 72 rods .
Optional attachments
Hydraulic hammer opener -6”hammer .the centrifugal water pump is the main part and
advanced part used in this process .it is used to supply water when the drilling process is carried
out in the rough site.

3.4 PRD SPIDER 1000

The technical specification

The capacity is 1200 ft of 61/2 “dia bore hole using 31/2“OD Drill pipe .the hydraulic power
is high pressure hydraulics powered by Ashok Leyland deck engine .engine was imported from
outside .the engine differs for different users request .the engine model are decided based upon
the costumers wish list and the atmosphere where it is used to drill. The materials and designing
is completely based on the BOM.
Mast structure
Sturdy steel channel construction length 2900mm head travel of 1925 mm rod handling
1.5 mtr 31/2 “OD. Top head rotary drive is capable speed range from 0-80 rpm torque of 200 kgs
–mtr. The mast assembly is most important part in every hydraulic drill .it was due to its length
and functioning the drilling process differs .as compared to other drilling systems this one was
different from size the smaller. it was easy to transport along with the compressor .the capacity
was mentioned above. The feed system for this kind of drilling system was
 Pull up/down force: 6800 kgs, 4600 kgs
 Pull up /down speed: 16.5, 27.5 mtr/min.
The stabilizer in this system consists of four hydraulics leveling jacks with pilot operated
check valves. Breakout wrench was that hydraulically operated break out wrench for breaking
drill pipes joints .the control panel in this spinder drilling machine was remote hydraulic joystick.
Mounting option
It is mounted on 5 ton track .track movement is operated by ratio remote system. The
mounting takes place in the assembly section. Overall dimension are mast height while raising
9ft 8 inch .mast while resting 7 ft .height/width/length 2330mm /1100mm/ 3685 mm.

Applications of tractor mounted drilling rig are
Construction, Water well, Solar, Exploration, Geotechnical, Core, RC.
 Pile drilling -300 to 1200 mm dia up to 75 mtrs.
 Rotary drilling- 450 mm dia up to 150 mtrs.
 DTH drilling -61/2 dia up to 200 mtrs.
 Auger drilling -300 mm diaup to 2 mtrs depth.
Mast structure
Sturdy steel channel construction length 5000 mm, Head travel of 4000 mm rod handling 3 mtr
drill rods 4 1/2 “ OD .Top head drive : capable speed range from 0-80 rpm ,torque of 400 kgs -
mtrs .
Feed system
 Max pull up/ down force -7900 & 5400 kgs,
 Max pull up /down speed – 35 & 23 mtrs /min.

Stabilizer in this kind of mounded drilling type four leveling jacks with pilot operated check
valves are used .Breakout wrench are hydraulically operated break out wrench for breaking drill
pipe joints. Control panel was swing out control panel is located at rear for easy operation of
drilling rig.
According to the drilling mounting, the functioning also differs say for an example
• Auger Drilling Rig
• Piling Rig
• water well rig (DTH)
According to design
• Mahindra-75 HP
• Deutz Fahr -80 HP
• Jonh Deere -75 HP
Optional attachments
• Hydraulic operated auxiliary winch is mounted on top of the mast for handling drill rods,
tools and accessories.
• SPT attachment for geo technical drilling
• Centrifugal mud pump
• Pole erection assembly
• Air compressor carrier for DTH

The rig manufacturer industry was more useful for us. At first, we don’t have any idea
about rig design, functioning and basic. After attend the internship more than basic knowledge.
The overview of the production and equipment used. The drilling rig used for various
purposes .Most of the drilling rig used in well, construction onshore field .Here we learned
about onshore water rig and there equipment, production . The Hydraulic operation was very
useful to us . That process gives more innovation ideas. We observed lots of technical topics. It’s
very useful and more helpful for students like us.


1. https://prdrigs.com/prdrigs.com was the main source.

2. https://www.indiamart.com/dthdrillingrig/borehole-drilling-rig.html

3. https://in.kompass.com/c/prd-rigs-india-private-limited/in746109/.

4. https://www.dthdrillingrig.com/borehole-drilling-rig.html

5. https://www.scribd.com/document/360478845/Drilling-Rig-Components-pdfScribd

6. https://www.scribd.com/document/360478845/Drilling-Rig-Components-pdf

7. https://aadeuh.squarespace.com/s/UH-Final-Presentation-1_Sept-9-2013_Printing.pdf

8. https://www.iitism.ac.in/~dheeraj/exp/dm2.pdfIndian Institute of Technology


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