Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Editorial Board:
NATHAN BACK,State University ofNew York at Buffalo
IRUNR. COHEN, The Weizmann Institute ofScience
ABELLAJTHA, N.S. KlineInstitutefor Psychiatric Research
JOHND. LAMBRIS, University ofPennsylvania
RODOLFO PAOLETII, University ofMilan
Volume 648
Editedby Constancio Gonzalez, ColinA. Nurse,and ChrisPeers
Volume 649
Editedby CarlosLopez-Larrea, and Roberto Diaz-Peila
Volume 650
Editedby PierreFerrier
Volume 651
Editedby R. JeroenPasterkamp, MartenP. Smidt,andJ. PeterH. Burbach
Volume 652
Editedby Carmen Espin6s, Vicente Felipo, and Francese Palau
Volume 653
Editedby UdayKishore
Volume 654
Editedby Md. Shahidullslam
Volume 655
Editedby CarlosA. Guzman and GioraZ. Feuerstein
AContinuation Order Plan isavailable forthis series. Acontinuation order will bring delivery ofeachnew
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Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Carlos A. Guzman, MD, PhD
Department of Vaccinology andAppliedMicrobiology,
HZI-Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research. Braunschweig. Germany
Giora Z. Feuerstein, MD, MSc, FAHA
Wyeth Research,
Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA
All rightsreserved.
Nopartof thisbookmaybe reproduced ortransmitted inanyformorbyanymeans, electronic or mechani-
cal, including photocopy, recording, or anyinformation storageandretrieval system, without permission
in writingfromthe publisher, withthe exception of any material supplied specifically forthe purpose of
beingenteredand executed on a computer system; for exclusive use by the Purchaser of the work.
The chaptersin this book are availablein the Madame Curie Bioscience Database.
ISBN: 978-1-4419-1131-5
xii participants
Abstract 1
Drug Targets-Historical Perspectives 1
Translational Medicine: Definition 2
Biomarkers-Utilitarian Classification 2
Principles of Target Selection 7
Class A-Disease Specific 8
Class B-Target Present Physiologically but in a Non-Active Form,
but Is Activated and Contributes to the Disease 8
Class C- Target Functions Physiologically but at Augmented,
Uncontrolled Fashion That Contributes to the Disease 9
Class D-Target Maintains Physiological Functions in Normaland Disease States 10
Conclusion 11
Abstract 13
Introduction 13
Drug Discovery Evolution 17
Natural Products Properties 17
The Urgent Need for New Drugs 18
From Microbial Diversity to Drug Discovery 19
Microbial Sources 19
Microbial Extracts 21
Chemical Screening 22
Biological Screening 22
Production, Purification and Characterization of a New Natural Product 22
xvi Contents
Abstract 28
Introduction 28
Protein Drug Discovery 29
Novel Agents 32
Challenges and Opportunities 33
Next Generation Proteins 34
Conclusion 34
Abstract 37
Introduction 37
Role of Nanoparticles in Drug Discovery 37
Role of Nanoproteomics in Drug Discovery 39
Atomic Force Microscopy for Drug Discovery 40
Role of Nanoscale Biosensors in Drug Discovery 40
Nanofluidics, Nanoarrays and Nanobiochips 41
Nanomaterials as Drug Candidates 41
Nanobiotechnology and Drug Discovery for Personalized Medicine 42
Conclusion 42
Abstract 44
Introduction 44
Calcium Channel Inhibitors 45
Sodium Channel Inhibitors 45
Antagonists of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors 46
Norepinephrine Transporter Inhibitors 47
NMDA Receptor Antagonists 47
Neurotensin Receptor Agonists 47
Contents xvii
Abstract 49
Introduction 49
The Rise and Rise of Antibodies 50
What Are IgNARs? 51
How Diverse Are IgNARs? 54
What Is the Function of IgNAR? 55
Developing IgNARs as Therapeutics 56
Intrinsic Therapeutic Attributes of IgNARs 56
Isolation of Antigen-Specific Clones 57
In Vitro Maturation 57
Formatting 58
Conclusion 59
Abstract 63
Introduction 63
Toll-Like Receptors and Their Known Ligands 64
Toll-Like Receptor Signaling 64
The Role of Toll-Like Receptors in the Human Immune System 67
TLR-Based Immune Intervention in Humans: Promise and Caution 68
TLR2 68
TLR4 69
TLR5 71
TLR7 and TLR8 72
TLR9 72
Other Signaling Molecules 73
Conclusion 74
Abstract 81
Conventional Vaccinology 81
Reverse Vaccinology 82
The Classical Reverse VaccinologyApproach 83
Comparative Genome Analysis: The Second Phase of Reverse Vaccinology 84
Subtractive Genome Analysis: Third Phase of Reverse Vaccinology? 85
Conclusion 88
xviii Contents
Abstract 90
Introduction 90
A New Paradigm in Bacterial Vaccine Development 92
The Advent of Monoclonal Antibodies in Disease Treatment 98
From Serum Treatment to Anti-Infective Monoclonal Antibodies 103
The Next Chapter of the Antibody Success Story: Bacterial Infections •••••••••••.•..•..••• 105
Abstract 118
Introduction 118
HSV-1 Genome and HSV-Derived Vectors 120
Engineering Techniques 123
HSV-1 Based Vectors Applications 125
HSV-1 Based Vectors for Gene Therapy of Nervous System 127
Conclusion 133
Abstract 145
Introduction 145
Insect Cells and Baculovirus Expression System as Preferred System
for VLP Production 148
VLPs Produced for Structurally Simple Non-Enveloped Viruses 149
Abstract 159
Introduction 159
Basic Structure of Bacterial Ghosts 160
Bacterial Ghosts as Vaccines 162
Bacterial Ghosts as Carrier of Subunit Vaccine 163
Bacterial Ghosts as Carrier of DNA 166
Bacterial Ghosts as Carrier Vehicles for Active Substances in Tumour Therapy 167
Other Medical Applications for Bacterial Ghost Packaged Active Substances 168
Bacterial Ghosts as Enzyme Reactors for Novel Probiotics 168
Conclusion 169
Contents xix
Abstract 171
Introduction•.•..••..•.••••••••••.•••••••••.•.••..•.....•..............•.•.•.....................•......•.•.•..••••..•.••.••...... 171
Immune Modulators with Defined Molecular Targets 175
Bacterial Toxins and Their Derivatives 179
CDld Agonists .......•.•.•••••••••••••••••.•.....••••.•.......•...........•...............•.••..••.•••••••.••.•••••••••••••••.•• 179
Cytokines 180
Cell Wall Components 180
Co-Stimulatory Molecules 181
Bis-(3',5')-Cyclic Dimeric Guanosine Monophosphate (cdiGMP) 182
Conclusion ..................................................••.••....•.•..........................................................182
Abstract•..........................•.......................................•................•..•••••••••••••••••••.•....•............ 189
Rationale and Roadblocks to mv Vaccine Development 191
Correlates of Protection.•....................................•.•••.•••.•••.••••••••.•.•.••............•................... 191
General Strategies Adopted to Induce Protective Immunity 198
Key Issues Relevant to mv Vaccine Development: How to Get the Right
Responses in the Right Places 205
New Particulate Delivery Systems 219
VLPs 220
Prime Boost Strategies•••••.••.•••••••••.•••••••.••••....•.................••.•.••.•••••.•.•••••••••.••.•....•.............220
International Networking to Ease and Accelerate mV/AIDS Vaccine
Conclusion 222
Abstract 243
Introduction 243
Manufacturing of Influenza Vaccines 244
Strategies to Improve the Immunogenicity and Efficacy of Current
Influenza Vaccines 246
Conclusion 250
he success rate ofnovel medical entities that are submitted for registration by the regulatory
agencies and followed successful marketing hasbeen stagnating for the past decade. Failure
in efficacy and safety continue to be the prime hurdles and causes offailure. Translational
medicine is a new function within the pharmaceutical industry R&D organization aimed to im-
prove the predictability and success ofdrug discovery and development. Biomarkers are the essence
of the translational medicine strategy focus on disease biomarker, patient selection, pharmacody-
namic responses (efficacy and safety) target validation, compound-target interaction). Successful
deployment of biomarkers research, validation and implementation is adopted and embraced as
key strategy to improved the drug discovery and development towards new medical entities.
·Corresponding Author: Giora Z. Feuerste in-Wyeth Research, 500 Arcola Road, COL 5230 7,
Collegeville, Pennsylvan ia 19426, USA. Email: feuersgwwy eth .corn
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, edited by Carlos A . Guzman and Giora Z. Feuerstein.
©200 9 Landes Bioscience and Springer Sciences-Business Media.
2 Pharmaceu!iCllIBiotechnology
and the "reverse pharmacology" era.The "reverse pharmacology" eraisdefinedby the need to first
clarifythe biologyand medicalperspectives ofthe target soasto qualifyit asa drugableand phar-
maceutically exploitablefor drug discovery and developmentscheme. The pharmacogenomic era
providesvastopportunities for selectionofnew moleculartargetsfrom a gamut of approximately
30,000primarygenes, over100,000proteinsand multiplesoftheir translationaland metabolomics
products. Thus, the permutations in respect to opportunities for pharmacological interventions
are unprecedented,vast and most promisingfor innovativemedicines.
The pharmacogenomics era as a source for drug targets also posesunprecedented hurdles in
selection,validation and translation into effective and safedrugs. New technologies continue to
drive efficiency and robustness of mining the genomicdrug discovery opportunities but physi-
ologicaland integrated biologyknowledge is lagging. In this perspective, translationalmedicine
and biomarkers researchhave taken center stagein validation of the moleculartarget for phar-
In this chapterweoffera utilitarian approachto biomarkers and targetselectionand validation
that isdrivenbythe translational medicineprospectof the targetto becomeasuccessful drug target.
We hereby offer classification and analytical process aimed to assess risk, innovation, feasibility
and predictability of success of translating novel targets into successful drugs. This manuscript
provides cleardefinitions on the type ofbiomarkers that are core to translationalmedicine and
biomarkersresearchin modern pharmaceutical companies.
Biomarkers-Utilitarian Classification
Biomarkers arethe stepping-stones for moderndrugdiscovery and development.1-4 Biomarkers
are defined as biologicalsubstances or biophysical parametersthat can be monitored objectively
and reproduciblyand used to predict drug effector outcome. This broad definition is however,
oflittle utility to the pharmaceutical processsinceit carries no qualification for the significance
and useof the biomarker. Thefollowing classes and definitionsof biomarkers arethereforeoffered
(see Fig. I}:
I. Disease Biomarkers: disease biomarkers are biomarkers that correlatestatistically with
the disease phenotype (syndrome)for which therapeuticsare developed. Correlation of
levels (in the circulation,other fluidsor tissue)or expression patterns (gene, protein) in
peripheralblood cellsor tissues should signifydisease initiation, progression, regression,
remission or relapse. When we applythese criteria to our empiricalapproach to current
strategiesto developdrugs for certain diseases, it becomesapparent that our current ap-
proachesemployedin clinicaltestingaresub-optimal.One pertinent example isprovided
by the wayindustry has approachedthe developmentoftreatments in schizophrenia.
a. Disease Initiation Misconceptions: Unfortunately in the past SO years all marketed
therapieshavebeendeveloped around the dopamineD2 receptor, eitherin the formof
full antagonismor partial agonism. Thesetreatmentsareonlyeffective on the positive
symptoms in around 70% ofpatients and are associated with treatment resistance and
poor sideeffectprofiles. Current clinicalpracticeand drug discovery is basedaround
the conceptthat the onsetof positivesymptomsrepresents the initiationof the disease.
Arguably, however, these symptomsarrivelate in the chapter of schizophrenia. The
focuson the positivesymptomshas impeded the developmentof noveltherapeutics
Translational Medicine-A Paradigm Shift in ModernDrugDiscoveryand Development 3
V. Patient Selection: biomarkers that are used for selection of patients for clinical studies,
specifically proof-of-concept studies or confirmation Phase 3 clinical trials that are required
for drug registration. These biomarkers are important in order to help in the selection of
patients likely to respond (or conversely, not respond) to a particular treatment or a drug's
specific mechanism ofaction and potentially predict those patients who may experience
adverse effects. Such biomarkers are frequently genetic (single nucleotide polymorphism,
haplotypes) or pharmacogenomic biomarkers (gene expression), but could be any of the
primary pharmacodynamic biomarkers. Biomarkers for patient selection are now main-
stream ofexploratory clinical trials in oncology where genotyping of tumors in view of
establishing the key oncogenic 'driver(s)' are critical for prediction potential therapeutic
benefits of modern treatments with molecular targeting drugs. The success ofthe new era
of molecular oncology (as compared to the cytotoxic era) will largely depend on the abil-
ity to define these oncogenic signaling pathways via biomarkers such as phosphorylated
oncogenes, or functional state due to mutations that cause gain or loss offunction.
a. Imaging regional cerebral activation whilst patients perform tests of cognitive per-
formance can be used to dissect the discrete neural regions and substrates supporting
cognitive performance. In contrast to oncology, it is rare that there are concrete physical
matter to quantify based on the heterogeneous nature ofneuropathological abnormali-
ties (see section I). However, imaging techniques such as functional MRI (fMRI) are
bridging this gap. fMRI has the potential to be a powerful, sensitive and repeatable
tool in our armamentarium. This technology affords the potential to dissect patients
with cognitive deficits that are driven by, for example, either medial temporal lobe
or by frontal lobe dysfunction (e.g., episodic memory vs. executive function deficits)
within a clinical trial. Applied in early clinical POC studies we can, in essence, turn
our current heterogeneous clinical population into discrete, focused sub groups with
which to answer specific and focused hypothesis about the target, patient population
and ultimately increase the probability of seeing an effect with our compound whilst
improving the potential for d ifferentiation from comparators. This in turn can aid
patient selection in larger Phase III confi rm studies and can be driven by adaptive trial
VI . Adaptive Trial Design: The overall objective ofadaptive trial design is to enable real time
learning. The method is based on computer modeling and simulation to guide clinical drug
development. In a first step, decision criteria and assumptions are defined and analyzed
str ateg y and stu dy designs are formulated to test competing hypotheses in one aligned
Once this framework is established, a formal scenario analy sis, comparing the fin-
gerprints of alternative designs through simulation is conducted. Designs that appear
particularly attractive to the program are further subjected to more extensive simulation.
Decision criteria steer away from doses that are either unsafe or nonefficacious and aim
to quickly hone in onto the most attractive dose -range. Response-adaptive dose-ranging
studies deploy dynamic termination rules, i.e., as soon no effect dose scenario is established
and the study is recommended for termination. Bayesian approaches are ideally suited to
enable ongoing learning and dynamic decision-making.'
The integrator role of "adaptive trials" is particularly strong in establishing links be-
tween regulatory accepted "confirm" type endpoints and translational medicine's efforts
to develop biomarkers. Search for biomarkers that may enable early decision making need
to be read out early to gain h igher confidence in basing decisions on them. A biomarker
can be ofvalue , even if it only allows a pruning decision.
These considerations highlight the importance of borrowing strength from indirect
observations and use mathematical modeling techniques to enhance learning about the
research question. For instance, in a dose -ranging study, it is assumed that there should
be some relationship bet ween the response ofadjacent do ses and this assumption can be
6 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
1. Weak
..: 3. Strong
3. Strong -----.
1. Weak
Pharmacodynam ic 2. Moderate -----. Po~ ibltbutnolpro\'Cl'l:prioran"kh~~
rmu ( .
Activ ity
3. Strong -----. Upnd a'tailb": . PO<.' .. ih ~kraKC
Patient Stratification
Adaptive design
Experi- Discovery Pre
mental Development
Pre- Dev
Exp Discovery Phase 2 3 4
Dev Track
pathophysiological event. Example ofsuch targets in the "Type 1 class B" category is the P-selectin
adhesion molecule. This adhesion molecule is normally cryptic within platelets and endothelial
cells. Upon activation of these cells, P-selectin is presented on the surface of the cell and medi-
ates adhesion interaction with its ligand, a mechanism believed to playa role in thrombosis and
inflammation. Inhibitors of P-selectin binding to its ligand, the P-Selectin Glycoprotein ligand
(PSGL-l), are expected to provide clinical benefit with a lower likelihood of adverse events. To
validate this situation, biomarkers that confirm the preferential role of the activated target in a
pathophysiological process while maintaining little physiological function is essential.
However, one must be aware ofpotentially serious limitations to this approach where cryptic
targets in the physiological state that are activated in the pathological condition and where inhibi-
tion of the target may not only provide for significant therapeutic benefit, but where inhibition
ofsuch a target may also expose the patient to some other risk, such as loss of host defense from
injury. Such is the case ofthe platelet adhesion integrin molecule, GPlIb/IIIa, which serves as the
final common pathway for platelet aggregation . Interfering with activated G PIIb/IIIa binding to its
ligand (e.g., fibrinogen) provides effective and often life-saving therapy in patients with acute risk
for thrombosis; however chronic treatment with G PIIB/IIIa antagonists have not been particularly
effective in providing benefit due to the relatively high frequency ofsignificant adverse effects due
to bleeding since platelet adhesion to matrix protein is essential to seal bleeding sites in trauma and
disease conditions. Thus biomarkers for this class must establi sh the full physiological significance
of the target in order to assess the therapeutic index oftolerability (benefit as well as risk).
The analysis and classification offeredin rhis chapter regardingbiomarkers in drug discovery
and developmentaim to highlight the need to carefully study and analyze rhe significance of rhe
targetselected fur rherapeutic interventionasrhefirstcross roadforsuccess or failure in rhedevelop-
ment of effective and safedrugs.F'Ihe analysis and utility of biomarkers alongrhe process of drug
discovery and development has become an integral part of rhe "learnand confirm" paradigmof
drug discovery and developmentin leadingpharmaceutical organizations suchasWyerhresearch.
Suchanalyses are useful to guide rhe "learnphase"in searchfor biomarkers that can better assess
the benefitsand risksassociated wirh manipulation of rhe moleculartarget.
Thescopeof this paperdoesnot allowfor adetailedreview of rhe"learnand confirm" paradigm.
for which rhe readers are directed to recent references.P:'?Various technological and strategic
activities are needed to establishrhe biomarkerstrategiesfor rhe various targets described. The
need to addressrheseissues viabiomarkers research, validationand implementationcommencing
at rheveryearlystages of rhe drug discovery and developmentprocess isemphasized. In rhe phar-
maceutical setting. it meanscommencingeffons to identify biomarkers for all 5 categories listed
above. Sucheffortscould commenceevenbeforea tractablecompound (biological)is in hand, a
timewheretargetvalidationisaclearfocusof rheprogram. Ascompoundbecomesavailable. com-
pound-target interaction. pharmacodynamic (efficacy and safety) biomarkers and strategies for
patient selectionand adaptivedesignneedsmust beexplored. At the onset of rhe "firstin human"
studies.allstrategies.plansand biomarkers research shouldbewell workedout (asmuchaspossible).
We believe that fundamental changes in the structure. function and interfaces of Pharmaceutical
R&D isurgentlyneeded to provideforakeyroleof translationalmedicineand biomarkers research
towardsmore successful discovery and developmentof innovative medicines.
I. Biomarker Definition Working Group. Biomarkers and surrogate biomarkers endpoints: preferred defini-
tions and conceptual framework . Clin Pharmacol Theraputics 2001; 69:89-95.
2. Trusheim R. Ernst R, Berndt ER er al. Strat ified medicine : strategic and economic implications of
combining drugs and clinical biomarkers. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2007; 6:287-293.
3. Feuerstein GZ . Rutkowski ]L. Walsh FS et al. The role of translational medicine and biomarkers research
in drug discovery and development. American Drug Discovery 2007 ; 2:23-28.
4. US Food and Drug Adm inistration (FDA) report. Challenge and opportunity on the critical path to
new medical products. hnp itepaper.pdf (2004).
5. Zammit S, Allebeck P, David AS. A longitudinal study of premorbid IQ Score and risk of developing
schizophrenia. bipolar disorder. severe depression and other nonaffective psychoses. Arch Gen Psychiatry
2004; 61(4) :354-60.
6. Green ME Cognitive impairment and functional outcome in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.]' Clin
Psychiatry 2006; 67(I0) :d2.
7. Wynn ]K. Green MF, Sprock] et al. Effects of olanzapine, nsper idone and haloperidol on prepulse
inh ibit ion in schizophren ia patients : a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Schizophr Res 2007;
95(1-3) :134-42.
8. Iritani S. Neuropathology of schizophrenia : A mini review. Neuropathology 2007; 27(6) :604-8.
9. Do rph -Perersen KA. Pierri ]N. Perel ]M er al. The influence of chronic exposure to antipsychotic
medications on brain size before and alter tissue fixation : a comparison of haloperidol and olanzapine
in macaque monkeys. Neuropsychopharmacology 2005; 30(9) :1649-61.
10. Berry DA . Bayesian Clinical Trials. Nature Drug Discovery Reviews 2006; 5:27-36.
II. Gallo P, Chuang-Stein C, Dragalin Vet al. Adapt ive design in Clinical Drug Development- an executive
summary of the PhRMA working group . ]ournal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 2006; 16:275-283.
12. Krams M. Lees KR , Hacke Wet al. Acute Stroke Therapy by Inhib ition of Neutrophils (ASTIN). Stroke
2003; 34:2543-2548.
13. Kurzrock R. Studies in target -based treatment. Molecular Cance r 'Iheraputics 2007; 6:1477.
14. Hampton T. Trials assess Myasthenia Gravis therapies . ]AMA 2007; 298-1: 29-30.
12 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
15. Chien KR. Herceptin and the hean-a molecular modifier of cardiac failure. N Engl] Med 2006;
16. Hershey]. Steiner B. Fischli W et al. Renin Inhibitors: An antihypertensive strategy on the verge of
reality. Drug Development Today 2005; 2:181-185.
17. Simmons D. What makes a good anti-inflammatoty drug target? Drug Discovery and Development
2006; 5/6 :210-219.
18. Gombar C, Loh, E. Learn and Confirm. Drug Discovery and Development 2007; 10,22-27.
19. Sheiner LB. Learning versus confirming in clinical drug development. Clin Pharm Ther 2007 ;
61: 275-291.
atural products and their derivatives have been and continue to be rich sources for drug
N discovery. However, natural products are not drugs. They are produce in nature and
through biological assaysthey are identified as leads, which become candidates for drug
development. More than 60 % of the drugs that are in the market derive from natural sources.
During the last two decades , research aimed at exploiting natural products as a resource has seri-
ously declined. This is in part due to the development ofnew technologies such as combinatorial
chemistry, metagenomics and high-throughput screening. However, the new drug discovery ap-
proaches did not fulfilled the initial expectations. This has lead to a renewed intere st in natural
products, determined by the urgent need for new drugs, in particular to fight against infect ion s
caused by multi-resistant pathogens.
H isto rically,chemical substances . derived from animals , plants and microbes have been used to
treat diseases. Plants and microorganisms produce unique bioactive substances, providing access
to very different types oflead compounds, the natural products.
Natural products have played and continue to play an invaluable role in the drug discovery
process, particularly in the areas of cancer and infectious diseases. In fact , more than 60% of the
approved drugs are of natural origin. In the modern drug discovery era there are three major
sources ofnew compounds: original natural products, structures derived semi-synthetically from
natural products and combinatorial synthetic compounds based on natural products models. '?
Bioactive natural products are mostly low-molecular weight organ ic compounds known as second -
ary metabolites.t The producer organisms can growth without synthesizing the se metabolites and
produce them in response to environmental cues. These compounds could be produced in nature
as "weapons" that organisms use to fight each other.S.6
In this chapter will be described the role ofnatural products in the evolution ofdrug discovery,
giving emphasis to the natural products which provide candidate s to be used in infectious disease
therapy: the antibiotics. Antibiotics are biologically active molecules with different structures and
mode of action made by microorganisms, which are active against other microorganisms at low
concentrations. Many antibiotics are made chemically by modifi cation ofnatural products through
a process called semi-synt hesis and the effective compound is a semi-synthetic derivative. In Table
1 are sum marized different antibiot ics from natural origin actually used in the clinic. The majority
ofantibiotics inhibit targets involved in essential microbial fun ctions: protein synt hesis (30S and
50S subunits of the ribosome and RNA polymerase), DNA replication (D NA gyrase) and cell
Novobiocin Natural coumarin DNA synthesis: DNA gyrase - Streptomyces spheroids S. niveus
wall synthesis. Many other cellular functions which are essential for microbes are also present in
mammalian cells making them unsuitable targets .
10-14 years
Da) , number of hydrogen-bond donors «5), number of hydrogen-bond acceptors «10) and a
calculated octanol-water partition coefficient to indicate the ability to cross biological membranes
«5). Other studies characterized the molecular frameworks and substituents,13.14 the statistical
analysis ofdifferent drug databases" and the introduction ofa drug-like index. 16The work from
Feher and Schmidt? analyzed the molecular diversity of natural products in comparison to that
ofcompounds obtained from combinatorial chemistry and synthetic drugs derived from natural
products. After the analysis of several databases they counted: 10,968 drug molecules, 670,536
combinatorial compounds, 3,287 natural products and 27,338 molecules considered as natural
and semi-natural. Many molecular properties, such as number ofchiral centers, rotatable bonds,
unsaturations, atom types, rings and chains were evaluated and results showed that natural
products and combinatorial libraries have different properties, demonstrating that combinatorial
compounds are substantially less diverse than either drugs or natural products. Furthermore, the
diversity of combinatorial compounds is confined to an area where appears to be little diversity
for natural products, thereby raising the question of the real significance of this diversity in the
context of biological processes (Le., why this type ofdiversity was not positivdy selected during
evolution). In conclusion, products obtained from natural origins show more diversity, contain a
greater number ofchiral centers and higher steric complexivity.
term for infectious agents which have developed resistance to almost all commercial drugs. These
multiple resistant bacteria are now one of the most challenging problems for modern medicine.
There are limited and rather expensive therapeutic options for infections caused by Staphylococcus
aureus, particularly for the methicillin-resistant S. aureus(MRSA) strains. which show an incidence
exceeding 40% in some European countries. 17 The new drugs on the market (e.g., linezolid, quinu-
pristin-dalfopristin, daptomycin) have limitations, such as high rates ofside effects or low efficacyin
pulmonary infections.'?Other problematic gram-positive pathogens are the vancomycin-resistant
enterococci and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Another class of superbugs, the
opportunistic gram negative pathogens [e.g.• Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkbolderiacepacia and
Stenotropbomonas maltopbilia], which are frequently from environmental origin and generally infect
compromised patients, are intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics. IS Acinetobacter baumanii, a
pathogen which is responsible of7% ofall cases of pneumonia and kills 40% ofinfected patients,
has successfully developed resistance against all common antibiotics including colistin (polymyxin
E), the last universally active drug against this pathogen.19,20Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a pathogen
considered under control, is now re-emergingas problematic due to its resistance and persistence."
In addition. the emergence of new fungal and viral diseases poses the need of rapid discovery in
response to new infectious diseases [i.e., we cannot afford to wait 10-15 years).22.23
Microbial Sources
Microorganisms. bacteria and fungi were and still are a rich source of natural products.
Over 6.000-12,000 compounds of microbial origin with anti-microbial activity have been
isolated. However. only five phyla (Actinobacteria. Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes and
Proteobacteriat include species that produced bioactive molecules which were developed to drugs."
In the past , drug discovery programs focused only in group oforganisms, as Actinomycetes (mostly
represented by Streptomycetes) and fungi isolated from easily accessible environmental soil samples
and cultivated under standard conditions. Approximately 3,500 bioactive compounds have been
recognized from the genus Streptomyces. In particular, strains from Streptomyces griseus and S.
hygroscopicus produce over 50 and 200 different compounds with anti-bacterial activity, respec-
tively," Other known producers ofbioactive compounds are Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp.
Different strains from Bacillussubtilis produce over 60 different active compounds. Other novel
groups ofmicroorganisms, such as Myxobacteria, resulted to be rich sources of new strucrures .P:"
However. despite the huge amount ofbioactive compounds characterized each year from microbial
sources, only a relatively small number ofcompounds, approximately ISO, have been commercially
developed as antibiorics. YThe most important are listed in Table 1. Most of them are produced
by Streptomyces raising the question if they are the only microorganisms able to produce active
compounds with low toxicity.
Nevertheless. the microbial world represents 90% of all biological diversity and less than 1%
has been explored." Mining this microbial diversity is the key for obtaining high compound
diversity. A huge source for new natural products remains unexplored and the microbiological
efforts are actually concentrated in the study ofunexplored niches to access unknown uncultured
20 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Microorganisms from
unexplored environments
UV & MS analys is
active tractions
Database search
Screens tor detection
ot biological activities
HPLC profiling of
extract fractions •
Lead identification
microbial diversity (e.g., marine environments or tropical forests). In addition, the development of
new cultivation technologies could let to identify and characterize new forms ofbiodiversity. 23,24,29
Good examples are the probes obtained from the deep-sea hyper saline anoxic basins of the
Mediterranean sea, which harbored uncharaeterized biodiversity.30-32 Novel lineages ofmicrobes
have been found and several novel enzymes exhibiting exceptionally catalytic activities ofindustrial
Natural Products in Drug Discovery 21
relevance have been recovered and characterized, indicating that new groups of microbescould
exhibit new capacities.
The selectionof the environmentalniche to exploreis matter of continuoussearch.New com-
paniesareableto providematerial fromexoticenvironments. However, microbiological expertise
isrequiredfor the isolationof newmicroorganisms.New methods,ashigh-throughputcultivation
usingmicrotitre dishes, microencapsulation of singlecellsand automated processes wererecently
developedto increase the percentageof strains culeured.P'" Once the environmentalstrains are
isolated, antagonist methods could be used for the detection of substances with anti-microbial
activity.Thecocultivation ofa targetand a newisolatedmicroorganism in solidmediaallowa rapid
identificationof antagonism.However, the observationof antagonismdoes not implysuccess in
the discovery of the activestructure. The antagonist compound could be produced only in pres-
ence of the target or in low amounts makingdifficultthe characterization process. Furthermore,
this method limits the exploitationof a new isolateto anti-microbialcompounds.
Microbial Extracts
Bioactive natural products are secondarymetabolitesproduced and secretedin nature by mi-
croorganisms duringcompetition in microbialcommunities. In the laboratory, duringcultivation,
microorganisms may also produce many compounds as a result of their secondarymetabolism.
The extraction of the secondary metabolitesproduced during growth will let to the generation
of a library of extracts, which could be stored and screenedin parallelscreens using a varietyof
assays (Fig.2).
Cultivation is a crucial process since microorganisms could show the capacity to produce
bioactive compounds only under specific growth conditions. Fewgeneralrulescould be applied
for the determination of the optimal cultivationconditions for production of bioactivities. First,
should be takeninto considerationthe requirementsof the group of microorganisms under study
(e.g., the addition of seasaltsor the useof sterilizedseawater for marineisolates). A widerangeof
differentmediahavebeensuccessfully usedfor the production ofbioactivemetabolites. Literature
search, once the species of the producer strains are known, could provide usefulinformation for
the choice of the appropriate medium and growth conditions (e.g., temperature and aeration).
Optimization of production yields should be investigated before shifringto large-scale produc-
tion. During the initial cultivationof a largenumber of unknown environmentalstrains, a general
mediumin which organisms grownin formerstudiesshowedproduction ofbioactivecompounds
could be applied.However, when strainsareselectedthrough the primaryscreens for their capac-
ity to produce bioactive substances, different cultivation strategies should be further explored.
Conditions that influence the yields of secondarymetabolitesproduction are:variations ofgrowth
substrates(e.g., carbon sourceand concentration),variation of growth parameters (e.g., effectof
time of incubation, temperature and aeration) and the addition of supplements or precursors"
[e.g., Mn, Mg and DMSO). Afrercultivationand filteringof the biomass, wholebroth extraction
is the primary step of the isolationprocess. In addition to the classical extraction usingdifferent
solvents (e.g., chloroform,acetoneand ethylacetate), several newapproaches weredevelopedover
the last years to increase the efficiency of extraction.37 Alternative, cultivationcould be performed
in the presenceof a resin.38.39 The resinwilladsorbthe secondarymetabolitesproduced during the
whole incubation time, stabilizingthem and reducing the risk of degradation. In addition, this
approach facilitates the biomass separation processby collectingthe resin on a filter or a sieve.
Finally, the adsorbedcompounds areeluted (e.g., methanol) and the extracts areconcentrated by
rorary evaporarion."
Crude extracts arecomplex, containingfrom 10to 100metabolites. Thequantityofcompounds
present in an extract is not know, many of them are present at low concentrations, limiting the
possibility to useHTS technologyfor identification ofbioactivities.Therisksin performingscreens
usingcrudeextracts are: (i) the concentrationlevels ofcompoundsmight not be enoughfor detec-
tion of activityand (ii) the presenceof other compounds could inhibit the test. Moreover, new
HTS assays arebasedon fluorescence reactions and manycrude extractscontain compoundsthat
22 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
could affectthe readout of the assay byautofluorescence or absorbtion at the samewave lengths?
However,interferences couldbe overcome using"lifetime discriminatedpolarization',a technique
that reducepotential interferences byrejectionofsignals from short-lifetimesources" or by using
red-shifted wavelength dyes.42 Once available a library of extracts,two main strategies could be
pursued for the discovery of new compounds: the biologicaland the chemicalscreenings.
Chemical Screening
During the chemicalscreeningeach extract is analyzedby high performanceliquid chroma-
tography (HPLC). This analysis coupled to ultraviolet(UV) photodiode arraydetection and to
massspectrometry(MS)usingeleetrospray ionization(ESI)and atmospheric pressure lonlzarion,"
will providethe massand UV spectradata of eachpeak,which will be usedto comparewith data
from databases to recognize new compounds. Liquid chromatography (LC) combined with
MS, UV and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), using techniques such as LC/UV, LC/MS,
LC/MS/MS and LC/MS/NMR quicklyprovidestructureinformationwith minimalamountsof
compounds.r'Thisenablesthe differentiationbetweennovelcompoundsand known compounds
present in crude extracts. Isolationof known compoundscan be avoidedand onlysubstances with
novel structures are isolated to generate a natural product library. Theselibraries contain new
molecules that need to be incorporatedin biological screens in the searchfor possible applications.
The chemicalscreeningis recommendedparticularlywhen extractsobtained from newgroupsof
organismsare analyzed.
Biological Screening
During the biological screening,parallel assays (e.g.,detection of anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,
anti-yeast and anti-mycobacterial activities; inhibitionofenzymatic processes; effects on eukaryotic
cells) areperformedwith the crude extractslibraries. Assay interferences, particularlybythe enzy-
matic tests,could be reducedbyscreeningfractionatedsamples obtained from crude extracts.45.46
Thesesamples contain less complexmixturesand the relative concentration of the compounds is
increased. therebyincreasing the chancesof detectingbiological activities. However, this strategy
requiresa first fractionation/purificationstep (through HPLC) beforeperformingthe screening
for biological activities and multipliesthe number ofsamples to be screened.
During the primaryscreens bioactive extractsareselectedfor further analysis.The compound
contained in the crude extractand responsible for the bioactiviry should be recognizedand iden-
tified. One or more rounds of chemicalpurificationand biological assay might be necessary for
identifyingand isolatingthe activecomponent in the complexmixture.At this point of the drug
discovery processcombined expertise from microbiologists and chemistsis required. A strategy
that allows a rapid identificationof the activeprincipleis the HPLC-activity profiling.The active
extract is separatedon an analytical HPLC and fractions are collectedin a microtitre plate.The
fractionsare tested in the biological assay that allows the identificationof the activefraction (Fig.
2).The activepeak is further analyzedby LC coupledto UV detection and MS.47.48The massand
UV data allow recognition of known compounds through databases49.5o (e.g., Chapman & Hall
Dictionary of Natural Products"). When no matches are found. the new moleculeshould be
identified.New activities for known compoundscanbe discovered byimplementingnewscreens.
Then, the activeprinciple need to be isolatedfor characterization.
(e.g., a collection of soil isolates) by using new screens or by sampling previously unexplored
Platensimycin has a novd chemical structure and targets an enzyme involvedin fatty-acid
synthesis. This compound was discovered by screening250,000 extractswith a new screen.64.65
Samplingof unexplored environmentsfrom Indonesia also allowedthe discover of a new vari-
ant of a macrolactin produced by B. subtilis, which show activity against MRSA and VRE.39
Interestingly, this new macrolactin seems to havea novel mechanismof action by targeting the
The decline in the discovery of natural products during the last decades was a consequence
ofthe shift of interest when scientists concentratetheir effortsin chemicaland geneticcombina-
torial methods, as well as in the devdopment of HTS for testing existingcompounds libraries.
Nevertheless, nature still contains a treasureof diversitywhich it is essential to tap, particularly
considering the meageroutcome from combinatorial approaches. Hopefully, the environment
offers us its treasure of unexplored resources, allowing the discovery of new weapons against
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Protein Pharmaceuticals.
Discovery and Preclinical Development
Davinder S. Gill·
roteins are natural molecules that carry out important cellular functions within our bodies.
Their preciserole is crucialto the maintenance of good health. Malfunctioning proteins or
those not produced optimally result in disease. The foundation ofbiopharmaceutical drug
therapyhas thereforebeento modularecellular function bytargetingspecific proteinsexpressed on
or outsidethe cell. Because most biopharmaceuticals arenatural in origin,theyare biologically and
chemically verydifferent from conventional medicines. In addition to differences in mechanism of
action,biopharmaceuticalsdiffer in theprocess bywhichtheygetmanufactured andddivered.Because
of their large, complex structure,they must often be produced by culturingcells and then purified
from a host of cellular components. Thiscanbe time-consuming and costly. Also, most biopharma-
ceuticals aregiven by injectionunder the skinor by infusioninto the veins. This creates significant
limitations to their utility. Nonetheless, biopharmaceuticals can be verypowerfuland sdectivein
disease applications such as in rheumatoid arthritis or cancer. This chapter describes methods by
whichproteins drugs arediscovered, optimizedand developed, It alsocovers novd agents and next
generationproteinsaswellassomeof the challenges and opportunitiesin the area.
Most biopharmaceuticals today can be broadlyclassified into one ofthree major categories-
monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins or native biologics. Monoclonal antibodies are a grow-
ing class of Biopharmaceutical products that includes 21 FDA approved drugs to date.1 The
list includes products such as Bevacizumab (Genentech), Panitumumab (Amgen), Rituximab
(BiogenIdec/Genentech) and Adalimumab (Abbott). In 2006, this class of drugs generated
greater than $19 billion in annual salesworldwide, a figurethat is expectedto growat the rate of
30-40%for the next S years,"? Fusion proteins are a class of drugs exemplified by Eeanercept, the
extra cellulardomain of the TNFa receptor (p7S) fused the Fcdomain ofinununoglobulin IgG.
Since its launch in 1998, Etanercept is used for the treatment of chronic inflanunatory diseases
such as Rheumatoid arthritis, plaquepsoriasis and alkylosing spondylitis. Other examples of this
class of drugs include Alefacept(BiogenIdec) for treatment of multiple sclerosis and Abatecepr
(Bristol-Myers Squibb) also for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Fusionproteins are an estab-
lished class of drugs with medicinessuch as Etanercept projected to reach $S billion in global
salesby 2010.3 Native biologics is a class of drugs that are also referredto as secretedproteins or
replacementtherapiesand it represents the earliestcategoryofbiotherapeutic drugs approvedby
the US FDA. It includeserythropoeitins, interferons,insulins,clottingfactors, growthhormones
and interleukins.Bymarket size, this class of Biopharmaceutical products dominates the global
portfolio of protein-baseddrugs. Erythropoeitins alone drew closeto $10 billion in worldwide
salesin 2004 and the number is stillgrowing.'
*Davinder S. Gill-Wyeth Research, BiologicalTechnologies, 87 CambridgePark Drive,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA. Email:
PharmaceuticalBiotechnology, edited by CarlosA. Guzman and Giora Z. Feuerstein.
©2009 LandesBioscience and SpringerScience+Business Media.
ProteinPharmaceuticals: Discoveryand PreclinicalDevelopment 29
Proteins,likesmallmoleculedrugs,frequently requireoptimizationbeforeleadcandidatescan
beidentifiedforfurther development. Often,the optimizationisfocused towardsimprovement of
binding affinityor selectivity. But it can alsoinclude reduction of potential for immunogenicity
or improvementof solubilityof stability characteristics. For fusion proteins or nativebiologics
ProteinPharmaceuticals: Discovery and Preclinical Development 31
since the initial screens are small, sometimes optimization in included upfront as in the case of
darbopoetin alfa.s
Over the past decadeseveraldifferent optimization technologieshavebeen developed. It isnot
possibleto reviewthem exhaustively here.However,it isimportant to highlight a fewkeytechnolo-
giesthat havehad the most impact in the protein optimization process.Most protein optimization
technologies haveessentiallyrelied on two keysteps. The first step has been to generate chemical
diversity within the protein through a variety of mutagenesis techniques. Depending on the size
ofthe diversity created, the second step is to useanyone ofa number of "Display"technologies to
sort through the libraries and isolate important variants. There are also semi-rational approaches
based on protein structural modeling that generate small and focused chemicaldiversity that can
be screened using standard methodologies.
One of the earlyapproaches used to generate diversity was the use oferror-prone PCR.lsThe
approach reliedon the lowfidelityofthe polymerasesused in the PCRprocessto randomly create
mutations across a stretch of DNA. When the low fidelity of an enzyme like Taq polymerase is
combined with certain PCR conditions such as high Mg2+ concentrations, the error rate can be
as high as 0.01 mutation/bp/PCR cycle. The advantage of the error-prone PCR processis that it
is simple, it introduces mutations acrossthe gene of interest and can therefore be very useful for
identify structure/function "hotspots". The disadvantage is that biaseswith certain polymerases
have been reported and newer polymeraseshave been engineered to overcome the problems but
still the overallmutational rate achievedislow.A different approach, targeted mutagenesis,works
better when there is knowledge ofwhere mutations need to be introduced as in the caseantibody
CDR regions.P This approach generates far more chemical diversity than error-prone PCR but
in a more restricted portion of the sequence. Targeted mutagenesis can involve any number of
oligonucleotide-mediatedstrategies.Thiscan include spikingwild type nucleotidesor codons with
mutants or replacingstretchesof sequences with nucleotidesor codons that arecompletelyrandom-
ized such that each nucleotide is substituted by every other possibility. Thus if three nucleotides
are substituted with four possibilitiesat each position (G, A, T or C) then this generates 34 or 81
possiblecombinations. For larger sequence stretches the permutations are even larger.
Yetanother approach that combinesthe breadth oferror-prone PCR and the depth oftargeted
mutagenesisis Directed Evoludon." Here, codons aredesigned to introduce all possiblemutations
at a given position in linear sequence. However, rather than carry this through in a combinato-
rial fashion all along the sequence, parallel synthesis is conducted to construct small pools of
mutagenic sequence.Thesepools are then assayed using traditional screens to isolate functionally
important variants.
Two more mutagenesis approaches are worth mentioning. One involves randomly shuffling
DNA to createchemicaldiversiry.'<Iheprocessbeginsby firstdigestingDNA into smallfragments
usinga restriction endonucleasesuch asDNase I. Digested fragmentsarethen randomly combined
and amplifiedusingPCR to recreatethe full length gene. The diversityof sequencescreated bythis
process is sorted for functionally important clones. The process is then repeated until the protein
is optimized, for example,until a certain improvement in binding affinityis achieved.
For some of the mutagenesis approaches discussed above there is the limitation that the
chemicaldiversitygenerated can only be partiallysampled. That isbecausethe number ofpossible
permutations rise exponentially with linear sequence sampled whereas the maximum number
of variants that can tested is around 1010 due to limitations in bacterial transformations. Some
of these limitations are alleviated by the use of cell-free systemsas described below. But another
approach has been to use semi-rational or computational methods to sample protein sequence in
silico before any experimental works begins.P The process begins with construction ofa protein
structural model followed by analysis of all possible sequences that permit the fold predicted by
the model. Using computational resourcesa large number of possiblesequencesare screened and
those predicted to retain the protein functional foldgiventhe highest score.Only the most optimal
sequences predicted by the algorithm are synthesized and experimentally tested. Thus, sequence
space is reduced to fewerfunctionally relevant sequences.
32 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Novel Agents
As mentioned in the introduction, most biopharmaceutical products can be classified as
monoclonal antibodies, receptor fusion proteins or native biologics. However, there are some
products that do not fallin anyof thesecategories. Two of them are worth mentioning under the
categoryof novelagents.
The firstof this novelset of proteins areantibodydrug conjugates.Thesenovelagentsare part
protein and part smallmolecule drugs.Thenoveltycomesfrom the roleplayedbyeachcomponent
in producing a safe, pharmacological effect. It is well recognizedin fields such as Oncology that
if chemotherapeutic drugs could be made safersuch that they more selectively kill cancer cells
than normal cells, it would greatlyimprovetheir safetyprofile. Antibody drug conjugates do just
that. An excellent example of this mechanism is Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin which is approved
as monotherapy for treatment of relapsedacute myeloid leukemia." This drug consists of three
components: a humanizedmonoclonalantibodydirected againstthe CD33 antigen expressed on
myeloidcells, a hydrolysable bifunctional linker and calicheamicin, a potent cytotoxicdrug. By
itself,calicheamicin is too toxicand cannot be usedwithout serious sideeffect. Without the drug
the antibody by itself has no effect. However, couplingthe two allows the drug to be selectively
deliveredto targetpositivecells minimizingnonhematologictoxicity. Upon binding to CD33, the
conjugategets internalizedinto endosomeswhereuponthe linker holding the calicheamicin gets
Protein Pharmaceuticals: Discovery and Preclinical Development 33
hydrolysed. Calichaemicin gets released resulting in cell death. Since the approval ofCemtuzumab,
this type ofapproach hasbeen used for the development ofseveral conjugates for both hematologic
malignancies as well as for solid tumors, In such casesa variety ofcell surface antigens such as ErbB2
or CD30 have been targeted using chimeric or hwnanized monoclonal antibodies conjugated to
other cytotoxic drugs such as maytansinoid or aurastatin.24-2S
Another class ofbiopharmaceutical drugs that are novel agents is one composed of proteins
that exert their pharmacologic effect through the implantation ofa device. An example ofthis class
of products is recombinant hwnan bone morphogenetic protein - 2 (rhBMP2).26 rhBMP2 is a
member ofthe TGF~ superfamily that has strong osteogenic properties. This protein is too potent
to be delivered systemically..But when administered along with absorbable collagen sponge (ACS)
as a matrix , rhBMP21ACS is effective at inducing de novo bone formation. The drug has been ap-
proved by the FDA for three distinct indications in the orthopedic area-interbody spinal fusions,
open tibial fractures and for autogenous bone grafts. The choice ofthe delivery device for rhBMP2
has a strong effect on its clinical activity. It was the development ofa suitable carrier that took up
a significant time in the clinical development of rhBMP2.26 Given that several other members of
the TGF~ superfamily are candidates as drugs in the muscle, tendon and bone repair areas, lessons
learnt from the development of rhBMP2 would help these programs move forward.
The US Food and Drug Administration approvedthe first protein drug developedusing re-
combinant DNA technology(human insulin) in 1982.Thus, the protein drugindustryis relatively
youngwhen comparedwith the traditional drugindustry.As discussed in this chapter, significant
Protein Pharmaceuticals: Discovery and PreclinicalDevelopment 35
new technologies developedin the recent years promise to allow rapid advancementof protien
drugs. Biopharmaceuticals have enjoyed tremendous success in the recent years judged by the
surgeof approvals by the FDA. This success drawsupon technological advances madein the field
of protein therapeutics but also on a greater realization that there are significant opportunities
within pharmaceuticaldrug development to exploit the power of biopharmaceuticals. Indeed,
we are now witnessing the emergence of protein drug developmentopportunities in areassuch as
metabolicdisorders,Alzheimer'sdisease and osteoporosis. Traditionally,theseareaswerereserved
for conventionaldrug discovery. As we moveforward into the new millennium,it is hoped that
the synergybetween biopharmaceuticals and conventional medicines can be further leveraged
for saferand more cost-effective treatments. If successful, these therapies will addresssignificant
unmet medicalneedswhoseaggregate cost to the healthcaresystems worldwideruns into tens of
billionsof dollarseachyear.
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25. Doronina SO. Toki BE. Torgov MY et al. Development of potent monoclonal antibody auristatin
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26. Seeherman H . WozneyJM. Delivery of bone morphogenetic proteins for orthopedic tissue regeneration.
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2005: 16(3):329-45.
27. Jones PT. Dear PH . Foote J et at Replacing the complementatiry-determining regions in a human
antibody with those from a mouse. Nature 1986; 321(6069 ):522-5.
28. Queen C. Schneider wp. Selick HE er al. A humanized antibody that binds to the interleukin 2 recep-
tor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1989: 86(24):10029 -33.
29. Mendez MJ. Green LL. Corvalan JR er al. Functional transplant of megabase human immunoglobulin
loci recapitulates human antibody response in mice. Nat Genet 1997: 15(2):146-56.
30. Gill DS and Damle NK. Biopharmaceutical drug discovery using novel protein scaffolds. Cure Opin
Biotechnol, 2006 17(6):653-8.
enom peptides offerenormous opportunity for the discovery of peptide drug leads. This
Venomous animalshavedevelopedrich cocktails of pepndes they deliverthrough specialised
envenomation apparatus into the soft tissueof animals. Thesevenom peptides havediverse and
selective pharmacologies.' Their evolved bioactivitymakes venom peptides a unique source of
bioactives fromwhichnewtherapeuticagentsand research toolscanbedeveloped. To-date, alinear
peptide from the saliva of the gilamonster lizard(Exendin-4), adisulfidebonded globularpeptide
from a cone snail (ro-MVIIAor Prialt) and a peptide mimetic (captopril)of a snakeangiotensin
convertingenzymeinhibitor (teprotide) have reach the clinic to changeclinicalpractice for the
treatment ofdiabetes,pain and hypertension.' This chapter focusses on the therapeuticpotential
ofthe smallbioactive peptides conotoxin or (conopepcides) produced by marine moluscs ofthe
Conotoxins are amongst the most interesting of the venomous species. They have evolved
hundreds of highly selectivity peptides that help immobilise their prey of either including fish,
molluscs or worms.Theirsmallsize, relative easeof synthesis, structuralstabilityand target speci-
ficitymake them ideal pharmacological probes (Table 1). Somewhatsurprisingly, manyof these
classes of conotoxins act on pain targets,allowingthe specific dissection of keyion channels and
receptorsunderlyingpain and providingimportant new ligandsfor developing pain therapeutics.
It is estimated that in excess of 50,000 conopeptideshaveevolved for prey immobilisation, with
<0.1% characterised pharmacologically. A surprising number are highly selective for a diverse
rangeof mammalianion channelsand receptorsassociated with pain pathways. In this chapter,we
discuss how differentclasses of venompeptides from marine cone snails(Table 1) can be used to
improveour understandingand treatmentofpain.Conotoxinsactat manyof the ion channelsand
a smallernumberof receptorsfound in pain pathways (Fig. I). Ofparticularinterestareconotoxins
that inhibit pain pathways byblockingcalciumand sodium channels, the nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor,the norepinephrine transporter, the NMDA receptorand the neurotensin receptor.
' Sequences of representat ive co nopeptides of each class are shown . Conopepti des w ere isolated
from fish hunt ers C. geographus (G) C. magus (M), C. catus (C), C. purpurascens (P), or mollusc
hunters C. marmoreus (Mr) and C. victoriae (Vc).
bB is 6- bromotr yptophan, 0 is trans-4 -hydro xyproli ne, y is y-carboxyglutamic acid, Tg is glycosylat-
ed threo nine and *am idated C-termini. Cysteines invol ved in disulfide bo nds (bolded) that connect
is discrete patterns depending on sequence.
cold, hot.
acid. mechanical
Figure 1. This figure illustrates targets associated with acute and chronic pain states. "Pain"
signals arising in the periphery (e.g., the skin, a wound, or in bone cancer) travel through
nerves to a key excitatory synapsesin the spinal cord . Depending on the strength of this signal
and other activating or inhibitory infl uences, this signal can enter the brain and be perceived
as pain of varying intensities. The complexity of the different inflammatory and neuropathic
pain types and their associated specific pathways, has frustrated attempts to rationally de-
velop new classes of pain therapeutics. The specificity of conotoxins may circumvent this
problem, especially if they can be discovered or developed to act selectively at specific
targets expressed by nociceptive primary afferent nerves. Attractive targets include TTX-R
channels (Nay1.8), the TTX-S channels (Na,1.7), capsaicin sensitive channels (TRPV1)and the
pH sensitive channels (ASICs), as well as neurokinin, neurotensin and glutamate (NMDA)
receptors and the descending inhibitory pathway associated w ith norepinephrine release and
reuptake (N ET). Bolded targets are inhibited by conotoxins. Several classes of conopeptides
(OJ-, X-, a-conopeptides and the contulakins, see Table 1) have entered clinic development as
novel analgaesic for chronic pain. OJ-MVIiA(Prialt, Elan) is now approved by the FDA to treat
otherwise unmanageable severe chronic pain (figure modified from ref. 1).
(TIX-R) classes. A number of these sodium channel subtypes are implicated in clinicalstates
such as pain (seeFig.1)7 as wellasstrokeand epilepsy. Giventheir criticalrole in the central and
peripheral nervoussystem, it is not surprisingthat conesnailshaveevolved a number of different
ways to target thision channelclass. However, despitesubtypeselective sodiumchannelinhibitors
havingconsiderable therapeuticpotential, little progress hasbeen madetowardsthe development
of sodium channel inhibitors from cone snails. This may changewith the recent discovery that
J.l0-conotoxins MrVIA and MrVIB, selective inhibrors of a keyTTX-R sodium channelin pain
pathways, is analgesic in animalswithout affectingmobility!
Aspectsof thisworkweresupportedbyNHMRC Programand Projectgrants.ARC Discovery
grants and Auslndustry.
1. Lewis RJ. Garcia ML. Therapeutic potential of venom peprides . Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2003 ;
2. Lewis RJ. Nielsen K]. Craik DJ er aL Novel w-conoroxins from Conus catus discriminat e among neuronal
calcium channel subt ypes. J Bioi Chern 2000 : 275 :35335-35344.
3. Malmberg AB. Yaksh TL. Effect of continuous int rathecal infusion of omega-conopeptides, N-t ype
calcium-channel blockers. on behavior and ant inociception in the formalin and hot-plate tests in rats.
Pain 1995: 60:83-90 .
4. Smith M . Cabot PJ. Ross FB et al. The novel N-t ype calcium channel blocker, AM336. produces potent
dose-dependent antinociception after intrathecal dosing in rats and inhibits substance P release in rat
spinal cord slices. Pain 2002: 96:119-12 7.
5. Nielsen K. Schroeder T. Lewis RJ. Structure-activity relationships of e -conoroxins at N-type voltage-sen-
sitive calcium channels . J Mol Recognition 2000 ; 13:55-70.
6. Schroeder CI . Smythe ML. Lewis RJ. Development of small molecules that mimic the binding of
o-conctoxins at the N-t ype voltage-gated calcium channel. Molec Diversity 2004; 8:127-134 .
48 Pharmaceutical B;ot~chnology
7. Wood]N, Boorman J. Voltage-gatedsodium channel blockers; target validation and therapeutic potential
Curr Top Med Chern 2005; 5:529-537.
8. Ekberg J, Jayamanne A, Vaughan CW et al. 110-conotoxin MrVIB selectively blocks Na,J.8 sensory
neuron specific sodium channels and chronic pain without motor deficits. Proc Nad Acad Sci 2006 ;
9. Nicke A, Wonnacott S, Lewis RJ. a -Conotoxins as tools for the elucidation of structure and function
of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes. Eur J Biochem 2004; 271:2305-2319.
10. Sandall DW; Satkunanathan N. Keays DA et al. A novel a-conotoxin identified by gene sequencing is
active in suppressing the vascular response to selective stimulation of sensoty nerves in vivo. Biochemisrry
2003 ; 42 :6904-11.
11. Sharpe IA. Gehrmann J, Loughnan ML et al. Two new classes of conopeptides inhibit the al-adreno-
ceptor and noradrenaline transporter. Nature Neurosci 2001; 4:902-907.
12. Nielsen CK. Lewis RJ. Alewood D et al. Anti-allod ynic efficacyof the X-conopeptide. Xen2174. in rats
with neuropathic pain. Pain 2005; 118:112-124.
13. Paczkowski FA, Sharpe lA, Dutertre S et al. X-Conopeptide and tricyclic anti-depressant interactions at
the norepinephrine transporter define a new transporter model. J Bioi Chern 2007; 282:17837-17844.
14. Malmberg AB, Gilbert H, McCabe RT et al. Powerful antinociceptive effects of the cone snail venom-de-
rived subtype-selective NMDA receptor antagonists conantokins G and T. Pain 2003; 101:109-116.
15. Craig AG, Norberg T, Griffin D er al. Contulakin-G, an O -glycosylated invertebrate neurotensin, J Bioi
Chern 1999; 274:13752-9.
16. Allen]W. Hofer K. McCumber D et al. An assessment of the antinociceptivc efficacyof intrathecal and
epidural contulakin-G in rats and dogs. Anesth Analg 2007; 104:1505-13 .
ver recent decades we havewitnessed a revolution in health care as new classesoftherapeu-
O tics based on natural biological molecules have become availableto medical practitioners.
These promised to target some ofthe most serious conditions that had previously evaded
traditional small molecule drugs , such as cancers and to alleviate many ofthe concerns ofpatients
and doctors alike regarding adverse side effects and impaired quality oflife that are often associ-
ated with chemo-therapeutics. Many early ' biologics' were based on antibodies, Nature's answer
to invading pathogens and malignancies, derived from rodents and in many ways failed to live up
to expectations. Most of these issues were subsequently negated by technological advances that
saw the introduction ofhuman or 'humanized' antibodies and have resulted in a number ofcom-
rnercial 'block-busters. Today, most ofthe large pharmaceutical companies have product pipeline s
that include an increasing proportion ofbiologic as opposed to small molecule compounds. The
limitations of antibodies or other large protein drugs are now being realized however and ever
more inventive solutions are being sought to develop equally efficaciousbut smaller, more soluble.
more stable and less costly alternatives to broaden the range of drug-able targets and therapeutic
options. The aim of th is chapter is to introduce the reader to one such novel approach that seeks
to exploit a unique antibody-like protein evolved by ancestral sharks over 450 M years ago and
that may lead to a host ofnew therapeutic opportunities and help us to tackle some ofthe pressing
clinical demands ofthe 21st century.
The world of pharmaceutical development and the treatment of disease were revolut ion-
ized in 1982 when the first recombinant protein drug, insulin, was approved for human use.
This event was the dire ct result of previous momentous achievements, notably in 1972 when
Paul Berg at Stanford produced the first recombinant DNA (rDNA) and the following year
when Herbert Boyer first transformed E. coli bacteria with a rDNA plasmid that included a
gene encoding a human protein. Boyer went on to establish Genentech, the world's largest
Biotechnology Company. The reason that this was possible at all is that the same genetic code
is shared by all living organisms, reflecting their common ancestry. Initially clinical develop -
ments con centrated on generating recombinant versions of human proteins for the treatment
ofdeficiencies , such as Factors VII, VIII and IX for blood clotting disorders and human growth
hormone (hGH). Other popular products were cytokines, ego interleukins, interferons and
*Corresponding Author: Keith Charlton-Wyeth Research, Cornhill Road, Foresterhill,
Aberdeen AB25 2ZS, Scotland, UK. Email: charltkeswyeth.corn
PharmaceuticalBiotechnology, edited by Carlos A. Guzman and Giora Z. Feuerstein .
©2009 Landes Bioscience and Springer Science-Business Media .
50 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
tumor necrosis factor-a. In the latter cases, it was fortuitous that these proteins exhibited the
desired therapeutic effectsdespite being produced in bacterial expressionsystems that do not
allow for the inclusion ofposttranslational modifications,specifically glycosylation. A notable
exception to this waserythropoietin (EPO), which initiallyhad poor in vivoefficacy due mainly
to its pharmacokinetic profilewhen not glycosylated. Thisproblem wasovercomesubsequently
by production ofEPO in mammalian cell culture.
It was perhaps the emergence of antibodies as therapeutic reagentsthat have reallyhad the
most profound and excitingeffecton the developmentof new treatments for diseases that had,
until recently, evadedthe best effortsof the medicalcommunity.
there are a number ofapplications for which the whole antibody was not generally held to be the
ideal molecule as they have a number oflimitations. IgG antibodies are the most common serum
form and the one favored for almost all therapeutic development programs. They are multi-domain,
four chain molecules of -1 SO kDa with two identical antigen binding sites, each formed by the
association ofone heavy chain with one light chain. Their size and to a lesserextent their Y-shaped
configuration restricts their mobility and targeting to more accessibleextra-cellular and cell-surface
antigens . This limitation is exemplified by the number of approved antibody drugs and those
currently under investigation that target the same narrow range of antigens and clinical indica-
tions. The ability to access more cryptic , intra-cellular or recessed epitopes currently intractable
to conventional antibodies, will undoubtedly afford the opportunity to exploit a new range of
clinically relevant targets.
Accordingly, there is a continual drive within the immuno-therapeutic and diagnostic com-
munities to develop smaller, more stable, highly soluble, high affinity (nM) binding domains.
To this end an extensive array of recombinant antibody formulations have been developed,
reducing antibodies to minimal binding domains, modulating effector functions, increasing
valency and avidity and conjugating to other protein domains to improve pharmacokinetic
or in vivo efficacy.An ideal biologic therapeutic will possess all of these attributes. In order to
generate promising candidate products, it is also necessary to couple ease of manufacturability
i.e., high functional expression yields, low aggregation and consistently homogenous protein
production with freedom to operate in a complex intellectual property landscape. One very
exciting discovery to have emerged recently and that could have a significant influence on
future therapeutic generation is the discover y of a new antigen binding molecule from sharks,
the IgNAR. This chapter aims to introduce the reader to this remarkable protein, to describe
some of its unique characteristics and to discuss how these might be exploited to lead us into
the next generation of biologic therapeutics.
Figure 1. The spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, one of the smaller and easier to keep shark
species currently being evaluated as a source of novel IgNAR-based immuno-therapeutics.
The first IgNAR cD NA clones to be sequenced were isolated from a nurse shark spleen library
and were shown to consist of a variable domain and five constant domains consistent with im-
munoglobulin superfamily V and CI-SET domains.t" As with classical B-cell antigen receptors,
IgNAR exists as both membrane-bound and soluble forms . In higher vertebrates the former ac-
tivates lymphocytes while the latter serves to bind serum antigen and provide secondary effector
functions. There are two distinct splice-variants ofthe membrane-bound form , with three and five
domains respectively. The soluble form also comprises fivedomains." Differential amplification of
these has shown that the secretory form exhibits a much greater degree ofmutation, indicative of
antigen-driven selection. IS What, if any,effector function is provided by the secretory form has yet
to be determined. The sequence ofIgNARshows greater homology with IgLk and TCR-V chains
than IgH and shows very low levels of sequence homology to human VH.4.s From a structural
perspective it falls somewhere between cell adhesion molecules, antibodies and T-cell receptors,
perhaps providing some insight into its evolutionary origins . It is conceivable therefore that a recep-
tor which evolved independently ofantibodies was subsequently adopted by the immune system."
The most profound differencesbetween IgNAR and conventional antibodies lie at the hydrophobic
interface between VH and VL domains. IgNAR lacks many of these residues and replaces others
with hydrophilic ones resulting in a greatly truncated CDRl region and high solubility in the
absence of light chains . The lack of CDRl makes IgNAR-V the smallest independent antigen
binding domain in the animal kingdom with a molecular mass of approximately 12 illa.
To date, there are three defined types ofIgNAR known as 1, II and III (Fig. 2). These have
been categorized based on the position ofnoncanonical cysteine residues which are under strong
selective pressure and are therefore rarely replaced .6.17.18
All three types have the classical Ig canonical cysteines at positions 35 and 107 that stabilize
the standard immunoglobulin fold, together with an invariant tryptophan at position 36. There
is no defined CDR2 as such, but regions of sequence variation that compare more closely to
TCR HV2 and HV4 have been defined in framework 2 and 3 respectively," Type I has germline
encoded cysteine residues in framework 2 and framework 4 and an even number of additional
cysteines within CDR3. Crystal structure studies ofa Type I IgNAR isolated against and in com-
plex with lysozyme" enabled the contribution of these cysteine residues to be determined. Both
the framework 2 and 4 cysteines form disulphide bridges with those in CDR3 forming a tightly
Shark Nove/Antigen Receptors-The Next Generation ofBi%gic Therapeutics! 53
Type I
Type II
Type III
Figure 2. Structure of rearranged IgNAR genes showing positions of canonical (0) and non-
canonical (e) cysteine residues, disulphide bonds (connecting lines), conserved tryptophan
(W) and hyper-variable (CDR/HV ) regions.
packed structure within which the CDR3100p is held tightly down towards the HV2 region."
Interestingly, to date Type I IgNARs have only been identified in nurse sharks-all other elasmo -
branchs, including members of the same order have only Type II or variations of this type.
Type II IgNAR are defined as having a cysteine residue in CDRI and CDR3 which form
intra-molecular disulphide bonds that hold these two regions in close proximiry.P:" resulting in
a protruding CDR3 (Fig. 3) that is conducive to binding pockets or grooves. Type I sequences
typically have longer CDR3s than Type II with an average of21 and 15 residue s respectively. This is
believed to be due to a strong selective pre ssure for two or more cysteine residues in Type I CDR3
to associate with their framework 2 and 4 counterparts." Studies into the accumulation ofsomatic
mutations show that there are a greater number of mutations in CDRI of Type II than Type I,
whereas HV2 regions ofType I show greater sequence variation than Type II. This evidence cor -
relate s well with the determined positioning of these regions within the antigen binding sites." A
third IgNAR type known as Type III has been identified in neonates. Thi s member ofthe IgNAR
family lacks diversity within CDR3 due to the germline fusion ofthe D 1 and D2 regions (which
form CDR3) with the V-gene . Almost all known clones have a CDR3length of 15 residues with
Figure 3. Backbone structures of Type I and Type II anti-lysozyme IgNAR compared w ith a
human VH domain .
54 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
little or no sequence diversity. Tissue expression patterns show an initial high level in the spleens
of newborn nurse sharks that then declines after 2-4 months, leaving the epigonal organ as the
primary tissue ofexpression throughout adulthood." It is hypothesized that this type ofIgNAR
may have evolved to protect young pups from early stage exposure to a common pathogen, or to
be involved in regulating immune system development.
Higher [
similar mutational patterns and serine codon hotspots (AGC /T) as those seen in mammalian
systems have been identified in addition to strand bias and a bias in favor of transitions over
transversions. Unusually, base changes occur in tandem (doublets and triplets), particularly in
"hotspots" and palindromic repeats."
confirming their function as primary lymphoid tissues.27•44 In adult sharks, many secretory B-cells
can be located in the epigonal organ suggesting a role as a reservoir for activated antibody secret-
ing Bvcells, similar to the role ofbone marrow in mammals."
Spleen and thymus have been identified as the secondary lymphoid organs in sharks. The
spleen, which is believed to be the site ofantigen driven B-cell activation , changes histologically
as sharks mature . Studies in nurse shark pups show the presence ofIgM positive but no IgNAR
positive cells-it takes approximately five months before the latter are detectable." The spleen is
highly vascularized and compartmentalized into red and white pulp zones, although "classical"
germinal centers where B-cell activation and antigen-specific affinity maturation occurs in higher
vertebrates are not seen. However, the fact that IgNAR does undergo somatic hypermutation and
there is white zone compartmentalization of B-cells, T-like cells and dendritic cells, is strongly
indicative ofthe spleen being the site ofB-cell activation."
(e) (d)
38 12 kf).-
Figure 5. Molecular models illustrating the structures and relative sizes of examples of the
many antigen-binding formulations currently being developed for therapeut ic applications;
(a) whole IgG antibody, (b) scFv-Fcfusion (SMlp®), (c) bi-specific trivalent camelid nanobody
and (d) shark IgNAR single domain.
SharkNovelAntigenReceptors-The Next Generation ofBiologic Therapeutics? 57
It is the opinion ofthe authors however, that the unusual topographyofthe IgNAR binding
site, particularlyasa resultof the lackof a true CDR2 and the lengthybut conformationally con-
strained CDR3 (Fig. 3), are paramount to its potential. Theseenable IgNARs to be targeted to
recessed epitopes that conventionalantibodiescannot reach, evenwhen that part of the antigen
is sufficiently exposed. Evidence for this is borne out by the nature of epitopes recognized and
targeted by IgNARs,e.g., the active sites of enzymesY·46.48-50
In Vitro Maturation
During the antibody drug developmentprocess, isolatinga leadbinder isjust the beginningof
a lengthyprocess. In the majority, if not all cases, there is a need to modify aspectsof the protein.
This might involve increasingaffinity, fine-tuning specificity, increasingfunctional expression
yield/solubility, resolving potential immunogenicityissues or modulatingpharmacokinetics. The
precisealterations will varydependingon the inherent characteristics of the leadprotein and the
application for which it is intended. An interesting exampleis targeting of solid tumors, where
experience hasshownthat improvements in bindingaffinitydo not necessarily equateto improved
efficacy. A predominant reasonfor this in manycases isthat antibodieswith veryhigh affinities are
likely to localize on the tumor surface and not achieve the desiredpenetrarion.P-" In this instance,
a more moderate affinity, combined with reduced molecularweight and associated increases in
mobility/diffusion might contribute favorably to efficacy. Indeed it has been demonstrated that a
loweraffinitydiabody (two linked singlebindingdomains)exhibited a greatercoverage of tumor
targetsthan the ten fold higher affinitysingledomain."
58 PharmaceuticalBiottchnology
Leadantibodiesareusually isolatedinitiallyassingle-chain fragments and typically do not have
the pharmacokineticsuitablefor therapeutic administration. In addition, there is the complica-
tion of effectorfunctions which mayor maynot be desirable, dependingon the target and mode
of action required. For imagingpurposes there is no requirement for effectorfunction, indeed
this would be undesirable. Further more,such reagentsshould ideallybe of minimalsize, both to
maximize tissuepenetrationand to minimizeserumhalf-life.Antibodiesdeveloped for therapeutic
purposesoften require a much longer half-life to increaseefficacy and reducethe need for repeat
dosing. Where effectorfunction isdesirable, it istypicallyachievedbyengineeringthe bindingsite
into an IgG-I format.Forcertainapplications an IgG-4formatispreferred,providingan extended
half-lifebut not recruiting complementactivation. Alternativetechnologies to increase half-life
ofsingledomains include conjugation to polyethylene glycol, so-calledPEGylation,60 by target-
ing human serum albumin (HSA) in a bi-specific format61.62or byengineeringsingle-domain-Fe
fusion proteins. For manyindications,the bindingofan antibody isnot sufficient to generatethe
desiredcellkilling. In suchcases, it isoftenpreferredto 'arm' the antibodywith a toxin,enzymeor
pro-drug. Thereis little doubt that antigen binding singledomains afforda number ofpotential
opportunities that are not found with conventional antibodies or antibody fragments. Chief
amongst these is the ability to designand build multi-valentconstructs e.g., diabodies, triabod-
iesetc. Not only can such molecules increaseapparent affinitydue to avidityeffects, but can also
be multi-specific enablingsimultaneous binding to more than one target. Such approaches can
be used to modulate pharmacokinetics, increase tissue specificity or to deliver payloads. Our
current knowledgeon the structure and function ofthe variousdomainsof antibodies,together
with protein engineeringadvances mean that such modificationsare readilyachieved. There is
currently little published researchdescribingthe formatting ofIgNAR, one exceptionbeing the
dimerization to createbivalentIgNARs.63
One veryimportant facetof any biologic therapeuticthat has been mentioned brieflyalready
is that of host immune responses. It is well known and accepted that whole antibodies from
nonhuman species are likelyto elicit a degreeof anti-protein response in some if not allpatients.
There are now a number of wellestablishedtechnologies that havebeen developed to overcome
this problem, particularlywith respectto antibodiesof rodent origin.The past two decadeshave
seen a drive to isolate antibodies from sources that are as human as possible from the outset.
There is howevergrowingacceptance that evena 'fullyhuman' antibody can been seen asforeign
by a proportion of the patient population. In these cases it is the variable domains that form the
binding site that provideimmunogenicepiropes, rather than the constant domainswhich are far
more immunogenicwhenderivedfrom nonhuman origins. This has someveryimportant implica-
tions for the bio-pharmaindustry. On one hand, it isnow consideredan essential part ofthe drug
development processthat any biologicbe analyzed for indications of potentially immunogenic
epitopes and that appropriate measures are taken to engineer these in such a wayas to alleviate
the problem without adversely affectingdrug function. On the other hand, it alsomeansthat the
perceiveddisadvantage of starting with a nonhuman protein is perhaps not such a handicap as
wasonce thought.
SharkNovelAntigenReceptors-TheNext Generation ofBiologic Therapeutics? 59
Does shark IgNAR representa suitableplatform to produce the next generationof therapeu-
tic biologic molecules? We have witnesseda whole new sector of the pharmaceutical industry
emergearound antibody therapeuticsover recent decades. There wasinitially some disappoint-
ment that early antibodies derivedfrom rodents did not, on the whole, deliveron the possibly
over-ambitious expectationsof many commentators that "magic bullets"would lead to a major
break-throughin the treatmentof manydiseases, not leastcancer. Sincethosedaysthe industryhas
matured considerably and our expectations are perhapsmore measured, though in manyways no
less ambitious. The principaldriversbehind the recent resurgence must surelybe advances in the
generationof 'fullyhuman' antibodiesthrough phagedisplayand transgenicmiceand the ability
to de-immunizeboth human and nonhuman proteins. Thesetechnologies havehad a profound
effecton the therapeuticantibody landscape- ten years ago only two monoclonal antibodydrugs
were FDA approved. Todaythat number is 21, including 8 'blockbusters', with several hundred
at variousstages of clinicaland preclinicaldevelopment.Todaybiologics representan increasing
proportion of pharma companies'pipelines, a trend that is also expected to continue. The time
when antibody based therapeuticswereconsideredthe answerto our all of our problemsis long
overhowever-"onesizefitsall"simply doesn'twork.Greaterunderstandingof humanbiologyand
in particular the biologyof disease processes has highlighted the manydeficiencies of antibodies.
We are now entering a new era,wheredesignerbiologics willplayan increasingrole.
Single domain proteins are ideallysuited to these new approaches in many respects. The sim-
plicity of a receptor that does not require the correct association and alignment of two separate
domainsto generatetarget recognition,e.g.,Vh-Vl, has obviousadvantages in relationto produc-
tion of functional material.Thisisevenmore sowhen consideringmulti-specific molecules where
mis-pairingofbinding domain partners resultsin lossoftarget recognition.The ability to target
multipleepitopesor antigens withasingle molecule presents numerousadvantages, includingbetter
celltargetingor tissuespecificity in cases whereone antigen isoverexpressed on target cells but is
not unique to these cells. It can alsobe used to bring together differentcelltypesto improvedrug
efficacy, e.g., havingone domain that targetsa cellsurfaceantigen and a secondthat has agonistic
binding to T-cellreceptors. Other possibilitiesinclude targetingHSA to increase serumhalf-life,
or directing an enzyme, radio-label or toxin to a desired tissueso reducingdosagerequirements
and minimizing off-site toxicity. Of course not all designerbio-therapeuticsrelyon the antigen
recognitionelementof an antibody. A good example of this Enbrel,wherethe solubleform of the
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor is fused to an antibody Fc region.
Where then doesIgNARfit into the equation?Asantigenbindingsingle domainsthey fulfill all
of the attributes and opportunities describedabove. Theyare readilyexpressed at high functional
levels in a varietyof systems and are amenableto both in vivoand in vitro display systems. The
antigenbindingloopscanaccommodate extensive modifications to modulateantigenbindingand
they can easily be engineeredasfusionsto additional functional protein domains.
Howeverthere a number of other attributespossessed bythis unique class of receptorsthat are
generating the realexcitement and openingthewayfor newopportunitiesto beexploited.At a mere
12 kDa comparedto -25 kDa for the minimalfunctionalbindingunit of aconventionalantibody,
the V-regions of IgNARare the smallest naturallyoccurringantigenbindingdomain.Thisin itself
reducespotential immunogenicityissues and providesfor rapid renal filtration and short serum
half-life which can be readily extended if required as describedearlier. The smallsizeaffordsthe
possibilityto localize therapiesveryquicklyto target tissues and to improvedeliveryasa resultof
increasedpenetration of solidtumors.Theyarealsoableto access antigensthat are unavailable to
conventional antibodies dueto stericconsiderations. Comparedto conventional antibodies, IgNAR
exhibit a remarkable degreeof stability. Theyareableto resisthigh concentrationsof denaturants
and after exposure to temperaturesof 90'C they will refold to their original conformation, so
restoringbinding function. This property probablyresultsfrom the adverse environment found
in the blood of sharks,which useureaasan osmo-regulator. Froma clinicalperspective it not only
meansthat IgNAR basedtherapeuticsarelikely to havean extendedshelf-life, particularlyuseful
60 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
in many areasof the developing world where refrigeration is not always available, but may also
open up opportunities for novelroutesofadministrationrather than parenteral.Thereisa second
class ofnaturallyoccurringsingle domainantigenreceptors found in camelids and termedVHH.64
UnlikeIgNARtheseareclearly evolved fromantibodyheavychainsand sharesignificant sequence
homology. Theysharemanyof the propertiesofIgNAR suchassolubility, stability, smallsizeand
an extendedprotruding CDR3 and there areseveral noveltherapeutics in development basedon
this molecule. It issomewhat remarkable that, despitesharingverylittle sequence homologyand
beingseparatedbysome400 millionyears,sharkIgNARisStrUcturally and functionally incredibly
similarto camelVHH-a true case of convergent evolution. VHH sharethe samenoncanonical
cysteineasTypeII IgNAR.Thereishowever no TypeI equivalentin camels and asa resultIgNAR
has the potential to provideevengreatercoverage of otherwiseunavailable epitopesbyvirtue ofa
seconddistinct bindingsitetopography. Wehave described earlierthe issue ofimmunogenicity and
the impact that this has on the development of biologic therapeutics. Byanalyzing the structure
ofcrystallized IgNARproteins we can see that they adopt a conformationthat isverysimilarto
that of somehuman VH domains (Fig.3). Whilst they appearintrinsically to showverylow im-
munogenicityin mammals (unpublished), it mayneverthe less be possible to engineerthem into
a more human formatbyreplacing componentsofthe framework regions with thosefrom human
antibodies. Conversely, it maybe equally plausible to engineersomeof the usefulcharacteristics
ofshark IgNARinto human VH domainsby takingthe reverse approach.
Overall, there areclearly immense opportunities for future therapeuticdevelopment basedon
this novelprotein-harnessing a receptorthat predatesthe ageof dinosaurs to tacklesomeof the
urgent clinicalchallenges of the 21st century.
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oll-like receptors (T LRs) are the immune sensors for infections, triggering robust innate
immune activation followed by protective adaptive immunity against various infectious
diseases. Recent evidence, however, has suggested that TLRs are involved in the pathogen-
esis ofmany diseases, including not only infectious diseases but also autoimmune diseases, allergy
and atherosclerosis. Therefore, prophylactic or therapeutic application of TLR-based immun e
interventions should be potent, but their safety must be demonstrated using experimental animal
models as well as human resources , including analysis ofsingle nucleotide polymorphisms. Here,
we focus on recent advances in understanding of the protective and pathogenic roles ofTLRs in
human di seases.
An important role of the innate immune system in the first-line defense against pathogens,
and the underlying molecular and cellular mechanism(s) involved not only in infectious diseases
but also in cancer, allergy, autoimmune disea ses and atherosclerosis, has recently been unveiled.
When the Toll pathway in Drosophilameltlnogaster was discovered in the mid-1990s, it was initially
thought to be important in embryonic patterning but was then found to be a component of the
host defense against fungal and Gram-positive bacterial infections. I Subsequently, its mammalian
homologues, evolutionarily conserved Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been discovered. '
Th e mammalian TLRs are a class of pattern recognition receptor (PRR) molecules consist-
ing of at least 11 members that recognize microbial compo nents known as pathogen-associated
molecular panerns .v' Similar to the other PRRs, mammalian TLRs are widely distributed on/in
the cells of the immun e system and are capable of discriminating among a varie ty of invading
pathogens such as protozoans, fungi , bacteria and viruses ,' Direct interaction ofTLRs with the
cognate ligand triggers intracellular signalin g pathways through multiple adapters, transduction
and transcription molecules, leading to robust immune responses characterized by production of
inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and immunoglobulins, and up-regulation ofcosrimulatory
molecules. In particular, the activation of dendritic cells via TLRs is critically important because
of their ability to prime the adaptive immune responses linking innate immune responses to
adaptive immuniry. -?
In addition to their 'primary function' offighting invading microbes, TLRs are also involved in
the pathogenesis ofman y diseases. In particular, TLR recognition ofself-molecules derived from the
host (e.g., nucleic acids) may be linked to autoimmune diseases and po ssibly to other immunological
(TIRAP) specifies MyD88-dependent TLR2 and 4 signaling. TLR3 and 4-mediated activations
Signalthrough ToUIlL-l R domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-beta (IFN~) (TRIF),
the so-called MyD88-independent pathway, leading to the induction ofIFN~ and IFN-inducible
genes. The TRlF-related adaptor molecule (TRAM) further specifies the MyD88-independent,
TRIF-dependent Signaling pathway ofTLR4, acting as a bridging adaptor between TLR4 and
TRlF (Fig. I).
Upon TLR-stimulation, MyD88 as well as TRIF subsequently associate with tumor necrosis
factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6), culminating in the activation of nuclear factor
(NF)-KB and /or the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP-Kinase) pathway, resulting in the
production ofpro-inflammatory molecules including cytokines and chemokines (reviewed in ref.
4).TRAF6 forms a complex with ubiquitin-conjugatingenzymes (Ub) such as Ubcl3 and activates
transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase I (TAKI),which in turn activates transcription
factors NF-KB and activator protein-I (AP-I) through the canonical IKBkinase (IKK) complex
and MAP-Kinase. The IKK complex is composed of two catalytic subunits, IKKa and IKK~.
NEMO (also known as IKKy) encodes the regulatory component ofthe IKK complex, which is
responsible for activating the NFICB signaling pathway. IKK phosphorylates IKBand targets it for
degradation. The removal OfIKBenables NFKB to translocate into the nucleus, where it activates
the transcription ofvarious target genes.
In addition to these signaling pathway s controlled by IKK complexes, TLR7/9 mediated
MyD88-dependent signaling has a distinct signaling pathwa y for Type I IFN production. MyD88
66 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Table 1. Toll-like receptors and their diverse ligands (based on ref. 12)
Ligand Ligand
(Non Hostderived = (HostDerived =
TLR Exogenous) Endogenous) Source
Table 1. Continuted
Ligand Ligand
(Non Hostderived = (Host Derived =
TLR Exogenous) Endogenous) Source
formsacomplex with IL-l R-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4) and lRAKl . Dependingon the typesof
cells or stimuli,TLR-MyD88-dependentsignaling requires lRAK4 or lRAKl.I4-16While lRAK4
isnecessary for mostTLR-mediatedpro-inflammatory cytokineproduction bymacrophages and
dendritic cells, lRAKl was shown to be essential only for TLR7- and TLR9-mediated Type I
IFN production byplasmacytoid dendriticcells. I?Recently, TRAF3 and IKKa werefound to be
indispensable for TLR7/9-induced IFNa induction.18.20 TLR3 and TLR4 also mediateType I
IFN productionviaanothermajoradaptormolecule, TRIF and TRAF-family-member-associated
NF-KB activator (TANK) bindingkinase 1 (TBKl).TBKl comprises a family with inducible IKB
kinase(IKK-i, alsoknown as IKK-E), and thesekinases directlyphosphorylateinterferonregula-
tory factor 3 (IRF3) and IRF7.21,22TBKlIKK-i-mediated TypeI IFN induction is not restricted
to TLR3 and 4, but is alsoinvolved in TLR-independent virus-, RNA- and DNA-inducedType
I IFN produceion.P'"
Transcriptionfactorssuch as IRF5 and IRF7 werealsofound to be important mediatorsfor
TLR-dependent and -independenr signaling pathways. In particular, IRF5 was found to be in-
volved in mostTLR-mediatedpro-inflammatory cyrokineproduction but not IFNa production,
independentlyofNF-KB or the MAP-Kinase signaling pathway.v In contrast, the transcription
factor IRF7 wasshown to playa criticalrole in TLR7- and TLR9-mediated IFNa production
by direct interaction with MyD88as wellas TLR-independent TypeI IFN production induced
is expressed in plasmacytoid DC only and not in conventional (myeloid) DC. suggesting that
TLR expression patterns in certain immune cellsdiffer between murine and human cells.and that
careful human studies should be carried out to determine their potency.
In humans. definitive and suggestive evidence has accumulated by large-scale analyses ofSNPs
in TLRs and several human diseases such as infectious diseases. asthma. atherosclerosis. and
autoimmune diseases (see ref. 10). The idea is that naturally occurring variation in the innate im-
munity genes has an important role in human susceptibility to a variety ofdiseases. Identification
and functional characterization ofpolymorphisms in innate immunity-related genes may provide
insight into genetically determined susceptibility to disease that might allow us to understand the
nature and outcome ofthe disease. and evaluate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies." Knowing
the TLR SNP genotype of a patient suffering a severe infectious disease may allow clinicians to
tailor treatment and evaluate the prognosis. In the sections below. we discussthe relevance ofTLR
SNPs in human diseases and future manipulation tactics.
TLR2 is a major mammalian TLR that can recognize various components ofbacteria . viruses.
fungi and parasites by forming heterodimers with TLRI or TLR6.39•40 Studies in animals have
shown that TLR2-deficient mice are more susceptible to infection with Gram-positive bacteria (i.e.•
Staphylococcus aureus.Listeria monocytogenes.Streptococcus pneumoniae).Mycobacterium tuberculosis
and B. burgdorferi. 41 In humans, several SNPs were identified in TLR2 and an Arg753Gly poly-
morphism was found to be associated with reduced pro-inflammatory responses to Staphylococcus
infection (Table 2),42Another TLR2 polymorphism. Arg677Trp, wasassociated with susceptibility
to certain infectious diseasessuch as tuberculosis and leprosy. suggesting the importance ofTLR2
genetic variants in the response to infections in humans,42-46
Immune Interventions ofHuman Diseases through Toll-LikeReceptors 69
It is clear that TLR2 plays an essential role in the recognition of several microorganisms, and
promotes defense; thus, manipulation of TLR2 function could contribute to the design of new
therapeuticstrategies for preventionand/or vaccine development againstinfectious diseases. For
example, the TLR2 agonistMalp-2(TLR2/6ligand) has already been investigated experimentally
in mice as a mucosal adjuvant,47.48 The TLR2 agonist Pam3Cys-S~ (TLR211 ligand) has been
examinedexperimentally to treat established Inflammarion." On the other hand, TLR2 agonists
can result in experimentalasthma," but a polymorphismin TLR2 reduced the risk of asthma."
A TLR6 polymorphismwasalsofound to reducethe riskof asthma." An additional cautionwith
TLR2 agonistsis their link to atherosclerosis. Accumulatingevidence suggests the involvement
of multiple microorganisms such as Chlamydia pneumonia, Helicobacter pylori and cytomegalo-
virus in the inflammatory etiology of atherosclerosls." Most TLRs, including TLRl, 2, 4 and
5, are expressed in atherosclerotic plaquesby several cell types, and can triggerTLR2- or other
TLRlMyD88-dependent activation, includingthe production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and
chemokines in aeherogenesis.b" However, an Arg7S3GlnpolymorphismofTLR2 in humanswas
found to be closely related to coronaryreseenosis." suggesting that the TLR2 pathwaymayhave
a dual role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Nevertheless, the aboveinformation should be
consideredcautiously in the caseof usingTLR2 agonises/antagonists.
TLR4 recognizes LPS,a majorcomponent of the Gram-negative bacterialcellwallthat plays
criticalrolesin the pathogenesis of Gram-negative bacterialinfectionssuch assepsis.57'59It is im-
portant to searchfor new pharmacological interventions, through manipulationofTLR4, due to
the increasing antibiotic resistance of Gram-negative and Gram-positive infections, and bacterial
product-relatedcomplications suchassepticshockthat cannot be treatedwith antibiotics. Bycon-
trollingor modifyingTLRs and their signaling, the entire septicprocess maybe modified.6O•61
In a mousemodel,TLR4- and MyD88-deficient micewerefound to be resistant to LPS chal-
lenge. 57.62 A similarphenomenon wasobservedin humans, in that some people with the TLR4
polymorphisms Asp299Glyand Thr399llewerehyporesponsive to inhaledLPS.59 Furtherstudies
sought the link betweentheseSNPsand susceptibility to several infections, and revealed that such
TLR4 polymorphisms increased susceptibility to respiratorysyncytial virus(RSV) infection, bru-
cellosis, severe malaria, and candidalbloodstreaminfections(refs. 63-66,and seeTable2 for TLR4
SNPs and relation to human diseases). Thesedata are in accordance with previousreports that
TLR4 recognizes not onlyLPS, but alsoRSVfusionprotein," indicatingconsiderable correlation
between functional mutation(s) and human infectiousdiseases causedby a varietyof microbes.
TLR4 and several other TLR polymorphisms werefound to be relatedto chronicinflammatory
diseases such as Crohns disease, ulcerative colitisand sarcoidosis. Indeed, TLR4 wasconsidered
to trigger the development of Crohn's disease in mice through microbial recognition in the
intestine and following inflammatory responses/" In humans, TLR4 expression was found to be
elevatedin patients with ulcerative colitisor Crohns disease, and the Asp299Glyand 1hr399Ile
polymorphisms ofTLR4 havebeenlinkedto the etiologyof both of thesediseases and the chronic
course of sarcoidosis.f"?' Moreover, TLR4 has been suggested to play an important role in the
recognition of H pylori in the gastric mucosa," though TLR4-independent detection is also
possible," probablydue to TLR2 recognitionofatypicalH pylori LPS,74.75or NOD-dependent
recognition of peptide glycan." In addition, H pylori HSP60 wasdemonstrated to activateboth
TLR2 and TLR4.77 Further investigation ofTLR2 and TLR4 polymorphisms in H pylori infec-
tion in humans would be necessary to elucidatethe precisemolecularand cellularmechanismis)
in H pylori-induced pathogenesis.
In addition,studieshavesuggested associations ofTLR4 polymorphism withchronicobstructive
pulmonarydisease and severe asthma,78.79 whileother studieshaveobservedno association between
TLR4 and TLR signaling molecule polymorphisms and the riskof asthma'" Clearly, more studies
will open new avenues to understandingthe roleofTLR4 in asthmaticand allergic patients.
Despitethe pathogenicrolesdescribedabove, LPSand its purifiedproducts havebeen usedas
pharmaceutical agentsdue to their potencyin elicitinginnate immuneresponses. Initially, purified
70 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
TLRor SNP(s)
Signaling or
Molecule Genes Effect on the Disease Reference
Table 2. Continued
TlR or SNP(s)
Signali ng or
Molecule Gene s Effe ct on the Disease Reference
TLR5 recognizes the bacterialprotein flagellin that is found in the flagellar structure of many
bacteria." TLR5 is expressed in epithelialcells in the lung and gut, but is alsohighlyexpressed in
residualdendritic cells, such as in the lamina propria of the intestine." Signaling of flagellin via
TLR5 enhancesthe diversityof the response, probablybyengagingMyD88-independentadaptors
to activate the interferonpathway, whileTLR5-independent recognition machinerywasreported
72 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
TLR7 andTLR8
Single-stranded RNA genome or oligoribonucleotides with sequences derivedfrom HIV or
influenzavirus, and small synthetic compounds known as imidazoquinolins, are recognizedby
TLR7 in miceand TLR8 in humans,activatingvarious immunecells that elicitTypeI IFNsaswell
as cellularimmune responses.P':'?' Several TLR7 agonistshavebeen approvedfor clinicaluse in
variousviralinfections.105The TLR7 agonistimiquimod (5%cream)has been shown to be effec-
tive for externalgenitalwarts,basalcellcarcinomaand actinic keratosis,I06-108 and is in a Phase I
clinicaltrial against human paplllomavirus.f Several other syntheticTLR7 agonist compounds
havebeen in PhaseI or PhaseII trialsagainsthepatitis B virus,hepatitis C virus, and cancer.'"
TLR7 also recognizes autoantigens complexed with RNA, such as UlsnRNP (nuclear
self-antigen) in mice,I09-112 that could play important roles in the pathogenesis of SLE. These
recent reports raisedsafetyconcernsabout the syntheticTLR7 agoniststhat arealreadyin usein
humans,in that they mayact in asimilarmannerto the autoantigens, activatingaTLR7-rnediared
immune cascade and triggeringand/or worseningcertain autoimmune diseases such as SLE.In
turn, TLR7 antagonists could be important pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of SLE. A
carefulevaluationof dose,formulation and route of administration should be made to overcome
these issues.
TLR9 recognizes unmethylatedCpG (cytosinephosphate guanosine) motifs found in bacte-
rial and viral DNA.30 Syntheticoligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) that contain these CpG motifs
triggerTLR-mediated, MyD88-dependentsignalling ofmacrophages, dendritic cellsand B cells
to produce pro-inflammatorycytokines, chemokines and immunoglobulins. The robust innate
immune response to CpG ODNs skews the host'simmune milieuin favourofThl cellresponses
and pro-inflammatory cytokineproduction,an effectthat underlies their useasimmunoprotective
agents,vaccine adjuvantsand anti-allergens. Preclinical studiesprovideevidence that CpG ODNs
Immune Interventions ofHuman Diseases through Toll-Like Receptors 73
are effective for each of these uses and can modulate the immune response to co-administered
allergensand vaccines." CpG ODNs have had promising results in human use and haveentered
PhaseIII clinicaltrialsagainst several typesofcancer,including melanoma,lymphoma, and nons-
mall cell lung cancer, either alone or in combination with chemotherapy.r' The other promising
application of CpG ODN under clinicaldevelopment is a vaccinecomposed ofallergen antigen
conjugated with CpG ODN to either treat or prevent allergicdiseases.113•114 CpG ODN skews
the Th2 allergicimmune milieu to a protective Th 1 immune milieu, whereby allergicsymptoms
are diminished or
Recent evidence,however, suggests that CpG ODN should be categorizedinto severaltypes
and is not the only ligand for TLR9. There are at least severaltypes of CpG ODN that activate
innate immune responses differentially and that maybe usedin differentapplications.116Moreover,
ODN-based TLR9 agonists that do not require unmethylated CpG motifs have been demon-
strated,117.118 suggesting that TLR9-mediated immunotherapeutic applications can be tailored
for respective applicarions." ? Although these TLR9 agonists are very potent and promising in
eliciting innate and adaptive immune responses, and can be used in many immune-therapeutic
applications, there are recent reports suggestingthat TLR9 alsorecognizesother molecules, such
as heme metabolites derived from malaria-infected red blood cells,120 and self-DNA-chromatin
complexes.V!" These results raised safety concerns for DNA-based TLR9-mediated immune
intervention, though the roleofTLR9 in the etiologyand pathogenesisofSLE iscontroversialin
animal models and human SNP studies.122.124 It was previously shown that TLR9 ligand-in-
duced arthritis was reduced by guanine-rich ODN (suppressive ODN or inhibitory ODN), an
antagonist ofTLR9Ys In addition, the sameODN has been found to reduce the pathogenesisof
collagen-induced arthritis, a naturally occurring autoimmune disease, I 26.127suggestingthat such
TLR9 antagonismmayblockor reducethe pathogenesis ofautoimmunedisease and mayovercome
the deleteriouseffectsofTLR9 ligand therapies.
TLR3 recognizes double-stranded RNA derived from synthesis (e.g., poly-I:C), the viral
genome, or the intermediates generated during viral replication,all ofwhich havebeen shown to
playan important rolein anti-viralresponses. Poly-I:C wasone of the first therapeutic agentsused
to treat HIV and leukemiapatients, but wasabandoned due to its toxicity.l28 Severalstudies have
been undertaken to reducethe toxicityof poly-I:C and there areclinicaltrialsagainstbreastcancer
and ovarian cancer.!" To date, there havebeen few studies investigatingthe possibleinvolvement
of TLR3 in the pathophysiology of human diseases. Pirie et al reported that polymorphisms in
the TLR3 gene may be associatedwith Type 1 diabetes, though studies of a larger population
seem to be needed.l"
TLRIO isfound in humans but has no functional homologue in rodents,and to date no ligands
havebeen identified. However, TLRI 0 sharesa common locuswith TLRI and TLR6 that makes
hetero/homodimers with TLR2.Thus, it hasbeen speculatedthat TLRI 0 couldact asa coreceptor
with TLR2 .131Fewstudies haveinvestigatedpolymorphismsof the TLRI 0 genein relation to hu-
man diseases,especially in the lungand nasopharyngealregion,becauseTLRI 0 isexpressed mostly
in the pDC of those regions.'?' Recent studies havefound a relationship between variousTLRI 0
polymorphisms and increasedrisk of asthma and nasopharyngealcarcinoma (Table 2).29.132
the regulatorycomponent of the IKK complex responsible for activating the NF-KB signaling
pathway, which is critical for the TLR-mediated NF-KB activation that regulates immediate
transcriptionalresponses in innate immunity. Similarly, lRAK4 wasfound to be a keysignaling
moleculethat affects mostTLR signaling. Supportingthe resultsobtained from lRAK4-1- mice,
which developed defective responses to bacteriallnfections.P' patients who havefrequent pyro-
genicinfectionswerefound to haveautosomalrecessive amorphicmutationsin lRAK4. 13s More
recently, IRFS,which isimportant for the transactivation ofvariouspro-inflammatory genes, has
polymorphisms in humans that increase the riskof SLE.l361he intracellular signaling molecules
involved in innate immuneresponses arethereforepotential targetsfor immuneintervention,and
attention should be paid to their polymorphisms.
Investigations ofTLR-mediatedinnateimmuneresponses haveopenednewperspectives to the
understandingof the pathophysiology of disease. Mousestudieshaverevealed that TLR agonists
or antagonistscanbe usedto preventor treat immunedisorders. In humans,searchingfor SNPsin
TLR genes and their relationto diseases will leadto better understandingand control of disease,
and future development ofnewtherapeuticapproaches. However, TLR-mediatedinnateimmune
activationin response to infectionor tissuedamagemayresult in a deleterious outcome such as
sepsis, autoimmunedisease, or atherosclerosis, dependingon the TLR and the signaling pathway.
Furthermore, inhibition ofTLR signaling maycauseinnate and/or adaptive immunedeficiency,
which couldbelethalforcertainpatient populations[i,e., patientswith SNPs).1hus, the risksand
benefitsof the manipulationofTLR-mediated immuneresponses need to be balanced.
Wethank the members oftheAkiraLaboratory forvarious discussions. This workwas supported
bygrants from the MinistryofEducation•Culture, Sports,Science and Technology inJapan,and
from the 21st Century Center ofExcellence (COE) ProgramofJapan.
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138. Ahmad-Nejad P. Mrabet-Dahbi S. Breuer K et al. The toll-like receptor 2 R753Qpolymorphism defines
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144. Brand S, Staudinger T. Schnitzler F et al. The role of Toll-like recepror 4 Asp299Gly and Thr399ne
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acterial infectious diseases remain a major cause of deaths and disabilities in the world.
Conventional Vaccinology
Vaccine development followed the same basic principles for more than two centuries. When
Edward jenner inoculatedJame s Phipps with a bovine poxvirus to induce protection against the
closely related human pathogen smallpox virus in 1796 and then , almost a century later, Pasteur
developed a live attenuated vaccine against rabies, the basic principles for vaccine development were
established 1 These approaches served as guidelines for the development ofvaccines throughout
th e twentieth century, allowing the protection against many once lethal infectious diseases. In face,
all existing vaccines were developed using at least one of the following approaches: killed (inac-
tivated), live attenuated or subunit (includin g the protein-conjugated capsular pol ysaccharides,
toxoids, cell-free extracts, recombinant proteins and stand-alone capsular polysaccharides)vaccines.
Because of those basic principles, several infectious diseases can be prevented by vaccines. Table
1 shows the vaccines licensed for immunization and distribution in USA , all of them obtained
basically by conventional approaches.' Conventional approaches led to great achievements such
as the eradication of smallpox and the virtual disappearance of diseases like diphtheria, tetanus,
poliomyelitis, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella and invasive Haemophilus influenzae B, increas-
ing the life quality and expectan cy.' It was also important to pro vide the basis of vaccinology
but showed to be time-consuming, leading to years or even decade s of research. Inactivation and
attenuation were the first choice for many years, but the difficulty in cult ivating some microorgan-
isms in vitro and the fact that even att enuation may result in detrimental or unwanted immune
respon ses showed that these approaches are impractical in some instances," Even the purification
of specific antigens failed in many cases in providing a protective vaccine candidate, since the
·Correspondi ng Author : Rino Rappuoli - Novarti s Vaccines, Via Fiorentin a 1, 53100 Siena,
Italy. Email: rino .rappuoli
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, edited by Carlos A. Guzman and Giora Z . Feuerstein.
©2009 Lande s Bioscience and Springer Science-eBusiness Media.
82 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Anthrax Subunit
Diphtheria Subunit
Haemophilu5 influenzae b Subunit
Hepatitis A Inactivated
Hepatitis B Subunit
Human papillomavirus Subunit
Influenzavirus Inactivated, live
Japanese encephalitis Inactivated
Measles Live
Meningococcus Subunit
Mumps Live
Pertussis Subunit
Plague Inactivated
Pneumococcus Subunit
Polio Inactivated
Rabies Inactivated
Rotavirus Live
Rubella Live
Smallpox Live
Tetanus Subunit
Tuberculosis Live
Typhoid Live, subunit
Varicella Attenuated
Yellow fever Live
Herpeszoster Live
methods usuallyused led to the identificationof the most abundant but also most variable and
lesssuitablevaccinecandidates,'Although successful for manypathogens,conventionalvaccinol-
ogy still left many diseases uncontrolled by vaccination. Considering that even new diseases are
sure to emergethrough evolutionbymutation and geneexchange, interspecies transferor human
exposure to novelenvironmentsf afasterand morereliable approachmustbe available to promptly
respond to those threats.
Reverse Vaccinology
The sequencingof the-first bacteriumgenomein 1995 led the vaccine developmentto enter a
new era and to open a new chapter in the vaccine developmentguidebook.Suddenly, allproteins
encoded bya microorganismwereavailable and for the firsttime,aftermore than two centuries, it
waspossibleto identifyvaccine candidateswithout usingthe conventionalvaccinology principles.
This new approach, named reverse vaccinology, gives full access to allthe proteins that a microor-
ganismcan encode and, by computer analysis, it is possible to identifypotential surface-exposed
proteins in a reverse manner,starting from the genomerather than the microorganism. Problems
related to noncultivablemicroorganisms and also to antigens that are not expressed in in vitro
conditions, conferringthe most important obstacles for vaccine development, could be avoided
by the reverse vaccinology approach. The feasibUity of this approach relies on the availability
of a high-throughput system for protective immunity screeningand also on good correlates of
protection (Fig. 1).The greatestlimitation of the reverse vaccinology approach is the inabilityin
identifyingnonproteic antigenssuch aspolysaccharides, componentsof manysuccessful vaccines
Genome-Baud Vaccine Development: A ShortCutfor theFuture 83
Figure 1. The reverse vaccinology equation: the availability of n genome sequences, associated
to advanced bioinformatic tools and reliable high-throughput systems for protective immune
screening have proved to be a balanced equation for vaccine development.
and glycolipids, a new promising group ofvaccine candidares.' Nevertheless, reverse vaccinology
seemed to be a powerful tool that could help researchers to overcome the obstacles ofconventional
vaccinology and lead to the discovery and development ofnovel vaccines for the most concerning
emerging diseases.
Pathogen Disease Vaccine Development Ref.
of agalactiae pan-genomesize(the set of genes that will be observedat leastonce if an infinite
number of differentstrainswould to be sequenced), corresponding to 2713 genes, of which 907
belong to the dispensable genomeand alsoallowedthe prediction that the pan-genomeisgoingto
growabout 33 newgeneseverytime a new strain issequenced. Thisprofileiscompletelydifferent
of those observed for other microorganisms, such as Bacillusantbracis. Eight genome sequences
weredetermined for this microorganism, but after the fourth it wasverifiedthat the number of
new genesadded to the pan-genomerapidlyconverged to zero.15•16
Comparative genome analysis also provided the information necessary to face the quest of
providing a universal vaccine against S. agalactiae. Computational algorithms predicted 589
surface-associated proteins, of which 396 belong to the core genome and 193 were absent in
at least one strain. Each of this protein was tested for protection and four antigenswereable to
elicit protective immune responses in the animal model, not only by passive immunization and
challenge in newborn mice but also active maternal immunization and challenge of offspring
within the first48 hoursoflife." None of theseprotectiveantigenscouldbe classified asuniversal,
because three of them wereabsent in a fraction of the tested strainsand the fourth, belongingto
the core genome, had a deficientsurface accessibility in some strains.17 The cocktailcombining
the four best candidatesconferred59-100% protection against a panelof 12 S. agalactiae isolates,
includingthe majorserorypes, aswellas two strains from a less common serotype." Without the
determination of additional genome sequences, a universal vaccine against S. agalactiae would
havebeen compromised. The comparative genome analysis provided new concepts in delivering
universal vaccines by the reverse vaccinology approach,evenfor microorganisms in which a high
variabilitycan be observed, opening the pan-genomicreverse vaccinology era.
Although the classical reverse vaccinology approach was efficient in providing protective
candidatesagainst serogroup B N. meningitidis, subsequent analysis showed that NadA, one of
those best candidates,ispresentin only 50%of strainsfrom patients with meningococcal disease
and only 25% of strains carried by healthy people, indicating that also the pan-genome of this
microorganism could havethe samefeatures of S. agalactiae pan-genome." It ispossible that the
availability of novelgenomesequencesof N. meningitidis couldprovideevenmorecandidatesthat
could increase the coverage and efficiency alreadyachieved.
A) C1asalcalnwerH vKdnology
virulence , fitness and colonization factors could be overlapping and dependent of the niche and
environmental conditions, understanding the 'nonpathogenic' commensals could prevent th e
development ofvaccines with a minimum impact to the commensal flora, especially for microor-
ganisms that possessboth phenotypes, such as E. coli.
88 PharmaceuticalBiotechnobJgy
To date, 1,327bacterial genomes have beensequenced, of which 520 genomesequences have
alreadybeen completed. Table3 shows the number of genomesequencing projects of bacteria
that could be associated to human diseases." For most of them, no efficient vaccine is available.
In those cases, a comparative genome-based analysis would permit not only the better under-
standing of strain variability and pan-genome estimation, but also the delivering of a single or
combined-antigen universalvaccines in afield where conventionalapproaches have failed asproved
byN. meningitidis BandS. agalactiae experiences (classical and pan-genome reverse vaccinology).
Even forvaccines already available, theseapproaches couldpermitthe improvement andincrement
of protection byinclusion of novelantigens, when required. Moreover, the knowledge of antigen
genevariability coulddrivestrategies of rationalengineering to improvethe coverage with proven
efficacy. Consideringthe fact that nonpathogenic strainsarepresentfor manygenera, sequencing
of nonpathogenicgenomes couldbe alsoimportant in highlightingthe antigens that really could
make the difference in pathogenesis. Comparative genome analysis between pathogenic and
nonpathogenicgenomes would prompt straight to the genes responsible for pathogenesis and,
in most cases, responsible for the closest interactions betweenpathogenand host and, therefore,
good vaccine candidates (Fig. 2).
In conclusion, manydiseases can not be still controlledbyvaccination and more diseases are
expected toemerge.Aftertwohundredyears ofvaccine research anddevelopment, genome sequenc-
ingprovidedcrucialinformationrequiredto defeatinfectious microorganisms. Nevertheless, we
need to learn to decipherthe informationgeneratedin order to convertit in protective vaccines.
Classical reversevaccinology approach madethefirstmoves, beensuccessful forthedevelopment of
avaccine againstN. meningitidis B. In spiteof that,it had to evolve in orderto besuccessful against
amorecomplex microorganism likeS. agalactiae. And it stillneedsto evolve,providingnoveltools
that will avoidthe continuingescape of microorganisms from host defense mechanisms.
1. Fraser CM, Rappuoli R. Application of microbial genomic science to advanced therapeutics, Annu Rev
Med 2005 ; 56:459-474.
2. FDA. Vaccines licensed for immunization and distribution in the USA.
vaccine/hcvacc .htm. Accessed in 08/13/2007.
3. Andre! FE. Vaccinology: past achievements, present roadblocks and future promises. Vaccine 2003 ,
4. Purcell AW, McCluskey], Rossjohn J. More than one reason to rethink the use of peptides in vaccine
design. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2007 ,6:404-414.
5. Rappuoli R. Reverse Vaccinology. Curr Opin Microbiol 2000 , 3:445-450.
6. Plotkin SA. Vaccines: past, present and future. Nat Med 2005 , 11(4 Suppl):S5-S1I.
7. Pizza M, Scarlato V, Masignani V et aI. Ident ification of vaccine candidates against serogroup B menin-
gococcus by whole-genome sequencing. Science 2000, 287:1816-1820.
8. Mora M, Veggi D, Santini L ee aI. Reverse vaccinology. Drug Discov Today 2003 ,8(10):459-464.
9. Tettelin H , Masignani V, Cieslewicz MJ er aI. Complete genome sequence and comparative genomic
analysis of an emerging human pathogen, serotype V Streptococcus agalactiae. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA
2002 ; 99:12391-12396.
10. Maione D, Margarit I, Rinaudo CD er aI. Identification of a universal Group B streptococcus vaccine
by multiple genome screen. Science 2005; 309:148-150.
11. Wizemann TM, Heinrichs JH, Adamou JE er aI. Use of a whole genome approach to identify vac-
cine molecules affording protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Infect Immun 2001;
12. Ariel N, Zvi A, Grosfeld H et aI. Search for potential vaccine candidate open reading &ames in the
Bacillus anthracis virulence plasmid pXOl : in silico and in vitro screening. Infect Immun 2002,
70 :6817-6827.
13. Montigiani S, Falugi F, Scarselli M et aI. Genomic approach for analysisof surface proteins in Chlamydia
pneumoniae. Infect Immun 2002, 70:368-379.
14. Ross BC, Czajkowski L, Hocking D et aI. Identification of vaccine candidate antigens &om a genomic
analysis ofPorphyromonas gingivalis. Vaccine 2001; 19: 4135-4142.
15. Tettelin H, Medin i D, Donati C ec aI. Towards a universal group B Streptococcus vaccine using multi-
strain genome analysis. Expert Rev Vaccines 2006; 5(5):687 -694.
Genome-Based Vaccine Development:A ShortCutfor theFuture 89
16. Medini D. Donati C. Tettelin H et al. The microbial pan -genome. Curr Opin Genet Dev 2005 ;
17. Mora M. Donati C . Medini D er al. Microbial genomes and vaccine design: refinements to the classical
riverse vaccinology approach. Curr Op in in Microbiol 2006; 9:532-536.
18. Alekshun MN. Levy SB. Commensal upon us. Biochern Pharmacol2006; 71 :893-900.
19. O'Hara AM. Shanahan F. The gut Hora as a forgotten organ. EMBO Rep 2006; 7(7):688-693.
20. Dagan R. The potential effect of widespread use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on the practice
of pediatric otoryngology: the case of acute otitis media. CUrt Op in Otoryngol Head Neck Surg 2004;
21. Satola SW; Schirmer PL. Farley MM . Genetic analysis of the capsule locus of Haemophilus influenzae
serotype f. Infect Immun 2003 ; 71(12) :7202-7207.
22. NCBI Microbial Genornes. http:/ /www.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/genome s/MICROBES/microbial_taxrree.
html . Accessed in 08/13/2007 .
The Antigenome:
From Protein Subunit Vaccines to Antibody
Treatments of Bacterial Infections?
Carmen Oiefing, EszterNagy and Alexandervon Gabain*
ew strategies areneeded to masterinfectiousdiseases.Theso-called"passive vaccination",
Infectiousdiseases remain a major threat againsthuman life.Microbialinfectionsare stillout
ofcontrol in manyparts of the less developedworldwhere they count for most of the deaths,but
alsocausean often underestimatedtoll ofdeath [e.g.,communityacquiredPneumococcal diseases
and Pseudomonas infectionsin patients in intensivecare), life-longmutilation (infertilitydue to
Chlamydia trachomatis), medicalcomplicationdue to nosocomialinfectionscausedmostoftenby
Staphylococcusaureus, Enterococcusfaecalis,Klebsiella sspand fungi.It isestimatedthat nosocomial
infectionsannuallyadd US$5-10 billionto the costof the nationalhealthcaresystem in the United
States,' Apart from infections causedby viruses and protozoa that only in specific instancescan
*Corresponding Author: Alexander von Gabain-Intercell AG, Campus Vienna Biocenter 2,
A-l030, Vienna, Austria. Email:
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, edited by CarlosA. Guzman and Giora Z. Feuerstein.
©2009 LandesBioscience and SpringerScience+Business Media.
The Antigtnome 91
Drug Pathogen Antigen Target Type of Antibody Highest Phase Originator Indication ~
Aurograb '" S. aureus A BC transporter Huma n-de rived single III NeuTec Pharm a M ethi cill in -resistant
chain variab le S. aureus infections
fragment (scFv) the rape utic
Altastap h' S. aureus S. aureus Type 5 Polyclonal (5% Ig prepa red II Nabi Staphylococca l
and Type 8 from donors imm unized Biopharmaceuticals infections
po lysaccharides wi th StaphVAXTM)
Pagibaxi mab Staphylococcus Lipoteic hoic Chimeric mAb II Eli Lilly/Bio synexus Staphylococcal
spp. acid (LTA) infect io ns
S. epidermidis
Aurexis'" S. aureus S. aureus ClfA Hum anised mAb II Inhibitex Treatment- in
co mbi nation wit h
antib iotics-of serio us
S. aureus infec tions in
hospitalized patients
Veronate'" S. aureus Staphylococca l Human polyclona l Preregistario n Inh ibitex Staphylococca l
fib rinogen-binding infectio ns in VLBW
protein s SdrG (very low birth w eight)
and C1fA infants: Prevention of
(MSCRAM M) hospitaI-associ ated
infections in pre mature
infa nts we ighing less
than 1,250 grams
continued on next page
Table 1. Continued
Drug Pathogen Antigen Target Type of Antibody Highest Phase Originator Indication
ETI211 S. aureus S. aureus protein A Antibody conjugate: Precl in ical Elusys Therapeu tic s Methicillin-resistant
anti-human comp lement S. aureus infecti ons
receptor Type-1 mAb
chemically cross-linked
w ith an anti-So aureus
protein A mAb
S. aureus S. aureus IsdB Fully human mAbs Precl in ical MerckJlntercell Staphylococca l
mAb infections
SdrC mAb S. epidermidis SdrC -fibrinogen- Human polyclon al Prec lin ic al Inhibitex S. epidermidis infecti o ns
binding MSCRAMM
prote in
Enterococcal Enterococcus MSCRAMM«> Fully human mAb s Precl ini cal Inhib itex/Dyax Drug-resistant
mAb proteins entero co ccal infect io ns
IC47 S.pneumoniae Surface proteins Fully human mAb s Preclini cal Kirin/lntercell Pneumo co ccal infect ions
therapeuti c in immunocompromi sed
anti bodies patient s
KBPA 101 P. aeruginosa Directed against Fully human mAb s II Kenta Biote ch Pseudomonal
pseudomon al infecti o ns
Anti-P. P. aeruginosa Natural human Fully human mAbs I Berna Biotech Pseudomonal
aeruginosa immune response infect ions 11:
mAbs ~.
Anti-P. P. aeruginosa Undisclosed Fully human mAbs Precl ini cal Millenium Biologix Pseudomonal t·
aeruginosa Corporation infect ions s..~
mAbs :s
continued on next page ~
Table 1. Continued I "~
Drug Pathogen Antigen Target Type of Antibody Highest Phase Originator Indication
MDX 066 Clostirium Toxin A Fully hum an mAb s II M edarex, Universit y C. difficile infection s,
difficile of M assachu sett s Di arrh ea
M edical Schoo l
MDX 1388 C. difficile Toxin B Undisclosed Preclinical M edarex, MB L C. difficile infec tions
DiffGAMTM C. difficile C. difficile toxins Bov ine immu noglobuli ns I Imm uCell C. difficile infect ions
Anti-botul ism Clostridium Type A-b otuli num mAbs Preclin ical XOMA Biological agent s used in
neurotoxin botulinum neurotoxin bioterrorism
Urtoxazumab Shiga-l ike B-subunit of Recom bi nant II Teijin Pharm a haem olytic uraem ic
tox in -pro du cing shiga-like toxin hum anised mAbs syndro me
E. coli II (SLT II)
Raxibacum ab B. anthra cis B. anthracis Fully human mAbs I Hu man Genome Anthrax
protective antigen Sciences
Valortirn' B. anthra cis B. anthracis Fully human mAbs I M edarex A nthrax
protective antigen
Anthirn" B. anthracis B. anthracis Heteropolymer chemica lly I Elusys Therapeuti cs Anthrax
protect ive antigen linked mAb
Afelim om ab Septic shock human TN Fa. Murine mAbs III Ab bott GmbH & Co. sept ic shoc k
Ant i-TNFo. Sept ic shoc k human TN Fo. Sheep pol yclonal II Protherics septic shoc k (amo ng
(amo ng ot hers) others)
Data w ere co llec ted fro m the Ad is R&D Insight database and homepages of listed companies in July 2006 using the wo rld w ide web. Antibodies were sorted
according to antigen target: first, antibo dies targeting pathogen surface structures are listed, fo llowe d by anti -tox in anti bodies and last antibodies against TNFo..
M onoclonal Antibo dies are abbreviated with mAbs. This is not a co mplete list.
96 PharmauutiaJBiotechnology
The availability of complete genome sequences of pathogens has dramatically changed the
perspectives for developing improved and novel vaccines by increasing the speed of target
identification. Genomics-based technologieshave many advantages compared to conventional
approaches.which are time-consumingand usuallyidentify only abundant antigensexpressible
under in vitro culture conditions. Strategiesbasedon genomicshavemade major contributions
to the identification and selection of novel vaccine candidates to combat bacterial infections
by exploiting genome sequence information in alliance with adjunct technologies. including
in silico prediction (bioinformatics). expression analyses (random mutagenesis. microarrays,
in vivoexpressiontechnologies). or protein/peptide based selection methods (proteomics and
immune-selection usingpeptide expression libraries). Although. most technologiescan be read-
ily applied to most pathogens. certain strategiesare more suitable than others due to distinct
advantages and limitations.
The most promising candidate antigens haveto be (1) expressed during human disease; (2)
accessible (surfacebound or secreted) for functional antibodies or effector immune cells; (3)
conservedamongstrains; (4) essential for in vivosurvival in order to avoidcounter selection;and
(5) protective in animal models mimickingthe relevant human disease. There is no technology
available today that can selectantigen candidatesfulfilling all five attributes.However. a compre-
hensiveselectionprocedure meetingthe keycriteriacan be combinedwith a validationscreening
that addresses the remainingrequirements.
To date. approximately 300 pathogen genomesequences havebeen determined (http://www.
tigr.orglcmr). Genome sequences of bacterialpathogens contain an average of 2700 genes. thus
appropriate selectioncriteriahaveto be applied to reduce the number of antigen candidatesfor
empiricaltesting.Bioinformatics has been successfully employedfor the prediction ofcandidate
antigensofextracellular pathogens.due to the specific features easingthe predictionof cellsurface
and secreted proteins and/or the identification of genes that show sequenceand/or structural
homology to known virulencefactors. 26 This type of genome-based systematic searchfor vaccine
candidateswastermed"reverse vaccinology".The validityof thisapproachwasfirstconfirmedbythe
identificationofprotectiveantigensfrom Meningococcus serogroupBand laterfrom Pneumococcus
(reviewedin ref 27). "Reverse vaccinology in silicoprediction" typicallytargetsup to 25%ofall
genome-encoded proteinsand. thus,necessitates subsequenthighthrough-putcloningand recom-
binant protein expression.Inclusionof more restrictive selectioncriteriabecamepossiblethrough
the availability of several genomesfor individual pathogenic species. Comparative genomics is
another suitabletool to identifygenes sharedamongspecies of relatedpathogensor. alternatively.
to identify genespresent only in pathogenic, but not in attenuated or narurallynonpathogenic
strains or species. Such approaches havebeen successfully applied to Group A Streptococcus and
Thehallmarkofeffective vaccine antigensistheir abilityto induceantibodiesand/or to activate
immune cells. Regardingthis feature, in silicoprediction of antigenicityis stillin infancy. It is an-
ticipatedthat with the wealthof knowledge currentlybeinggenerated. it will bepossible to develop
prediction algorithmsto pinpoint proteins likely to be immunogenicand/or protective." More
advanced is the strategyto mine genomicsequencedatabases of intracellularpathogensfor pre-
dicted T-cellepitopesand validatethem experimentally basedon immunerecognition.32J 3 Despite
all successes. the bioinformaticgenomemining approach has limitationsdue to the inaccuracy of
available algorithms. regardingthe prediction of (1) open-readingframes that encode proteins;
(2) surfaceand secretedproteins; (3) genefunction basedon homologysearches. Moreover. it is
almost impossible to predict the conditions under which candidateantigensareexpressed. unless
the genesare equipped with well-definedregulatorysequences and promoters.
The availability of complete pathogen genome sequences stimulated the development and
wide-spread application of high density DNA-arrays. Comparative microarray analysis identi-
fies genomic diversityand conservationpatterns among bacteria.The developmentof vaccines
cross-protective among serotypes and variantsof pathogenicspecies specifically profitsfrom this
The Antigenome 97
analysis, as it was demonstrated by the identification of common genes and protective antigens
from major serotypes of Streptococcus agalactiae.34,35
Profiling of genomic expression with microarrays has revolutionalized the analysis of genes
involved in microbial pathogenesis (reviewed in ref. 36) . Considering its value in vaccine devel-
opment, the emphasis is focused on pathogen-host interactions. In several studies novel vaccine
candidates were identified, based on requirement for infectious state and dissemination, adhesion
or evasion of innate defense mechanisms.Fr'?This approach-that heavily relies on genome an-
notation and bioinformatics-is most powerful in providing a global view on integrated cellular
processes active during infection. Again, it has to be followed by combined application of gene
cloning, recombinant protein technology and in vitro functional assaysto validate target selection
for vaccine development.
Proteome analysis has rapidly developed in the postgenome era and is now widely accepted
as a complementary technology to genetic profiling (reviewed in ref AI). The most direct way
of using proteomics technologies for antigen identification is the combination of conventional
proteome analysis with serology. There have been a number of recent studies investigating the
"immunoproteome" ofirnportant human pathogens (for an example see Haas et al42) . Combining
"reverse genomics" and proteomics isespeciallyuseful for confirmation ofbioinformatic prediction
of0 RFs and surface location. Moreover, a strong asset ofproteomic studies is the identification of
surface located proteins that cannot bepredicted by bioinformatic means.43,44 Serologicalproreome
analysis of enriched membrane and cell wall fractions from several pathogens, such as S. aureus,
Bacillus antbracis and S. agalactiae has indeed demonstrated to identify novel surface antigens
and protective vaccine candidates without sequence features that could have been recognized by
in silico prediction algorirhms.v"
The design ofproteome-based studies has to be carefully performed, since there is an inherent
risk to preferentially detect abundant proteins and to miss those that are expressed only under
in vivo conditions and have lower solubility (e.g., membrane and surface proteins). Another need,
not necessarilymet by proteome analysis,is that protective vaccine components have to be derived
from proteins expressed under disease conditions against which prevention is directed. As many
virulence factors and antigens are only expressed in vivo, approaches that solely rely on in vitro
grown bacteria are likely to miss important protective antigen s.
Evaluation of immune responses against any candidate antigen is a crucial validation task
and cannot be circumvented. Therefore, techniques using human immunogenicity as their pri -
mary screening and selecting parameter on a genome-wide basis seem to be especially valuable
for vaccine development. Recently a novel approach combining the advantages of full genome
coverage and serological antigen identification was published. The method was first applied to
the genome-wide identification of in vivo expressed antigens from S. aureus by using antibod-
ies from human serum and comprehensive small-fragment genomic surface display libraries .P
Subsequently, the technology was extended with an integrated approach for antigen validation
as selected clones are directly subjected to generation ofepirope-specific immune sera for surface
localization and in vitro functional assays. This feature allows the analysis of antigens without
the demanding task ofhigh through-put recombinant protein production. This method, named
antigenome technology, has been extended to many important human pathogens and validated
by the discovery ofnovel and highly protective antigens, in addition to the identification ofthe
majority of the one s that have been previously described.P Since the antigenome technology
provides a subset of all genome-encoded proteins, which are expressed by the pathogen in vivo
and induce antibodies in humans, the identified antigens fulfill major requirements ofvaccine
candidate antigens. It is interesting to note that the antigens confined by the antigenome seem
ofien to be involved , as secreted and surface bound proteins, in virulence functions and , thus ,
being attributed to the "parhosphere" that has been defined as the growing gene pool in which
pathogens meet and mingle to cause diseases.48lt is observed that many ofthe identified antigens
from various pathogens were not or only very weakly expressed under in vitro growth conditions,
indicating that a proteomic approach that preferentially selects abundant proteins would likely
fail to identify them. As the bioinformatic genome mining approach depends on the accuracy
98 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
of available algorithms, potential vaccine candidates can be missed due to a misleading or not
existing annotation. Based on the analysis of the antigenomes of fifteen pathogens. approxi-
mately 25% ofall identified antigenic proteins can only be assigned to hypothetical proteins or
proteins with unknown function. Many ofthe identified antigens would, thus. be not be found
by a bioinformatic approach. The cumulative data obtained fur the fifteen antigenomes showed
that a large fraction ofthe antigens identified by this method represents cell surface or secreted
proteins. Nearly fifty percent of all antigens fell into four cellular role categories: cell wall, cel-
lular processes, transport and binding proteins and determinants of protein fate. In order to
pinpoint candidates for vaccine development, a comprehensive and rapid validation strategy
to retrieve the most promising antigens from the 100-200 antigens was implemented. Clones
selected from peptide display libraries are directly subjected to generation of epitope-speci6c
immune sera used fur testing of surface localization and in in vitro bactericidal assays.The hu-
man immunogenicity of identified antigens is evaluated with synthetic peptide epitopes. The
application ofthese major selection criteria combined with traditional gene conservation studies
reduces the antigenome to a small number ofcandidate proteins that can be rapidly expressed in
recombinant form fur subsequent in vivo studies. The re-idenrification ofmost ofthe previously
identified protective antigens of Staphylococci and Streptococci. such as PspA. M1 protein. Sip
and ClfA gives further supports the power of the antigenome technology. Most importantly.
novel protective proteins yielding animal protection in animal vaccine models. were found in
the prioritized groups of antigens derived e.g., from S. aureus23 and Streptococcus pneumoniae
(unpublished data) , respectively. Thus, the utilization ofprotective antigens-included in sub-
unit vaccines-as targets for monoclonal antibodies, provides an attractive strategy to develop
novel treatments against life threatening infections. Such a notion is supported by recent data
showing that protection can be conferred to naive animals, using serum directed against target
antigens that have been validated in vaccine models (Nagy et al, personal communication).
! 1
- - - - - - - - - -............ 'C
I j _.....
1890 1935 1975 1980
1890-193S: Senm therapy
lor Ire8lmentlor \'Ilrious
Inledious diseeses
Figure 1. Evolution of antibody therapy and application in the c1inic.49 ,s 2,s 4,61,71 After extensive use of anti serum therapy at the beginning of the last
century it was almost abandoned until the advent of monoclonal antibodies. In general new monoclonal antibodies were approved by the FDA 10
years after the development of a new technique was reported in the literature. Palivizumab is the only momodonal antibody currently used in the
clinic that targets an infectious disease. '0
100 Pharmaceutical Biouchnology
antibody only contains the antigen binding regionfrom mouseorigin.whilethe remainderof the
variableand constant regionsis derivedfrom a human source.
While routine mousemonoclonal antibody production has been established. human mono-
clonal antibodies cannot be generated by conventionalhybridoma technology, sinceit was not
possibleto found human celllines that secreteconstantlyhigh levels of antibodiesand, further-
more. humans cannot be challengedwith all kind ofantigens,due to ethical and safetyreasons.
Nowadays. phagedisplaytechnology(reviewed in refs. 57-59) and transgenicmicewith a human
antibody locus (reviewed in ref 60) represent established, widespread and robust technologies
that allowthe generationof potent human antibodies.
Phage displaytechnologies enable in a simple to use and highly versatile procedure for the
selectionof antibodiesagainstknown or novelantigens.The phage displaylibrary (firstdescrip-
tion by McCaffertyet al61) represents a collectionof independent clonescarryinga foreignDNA
sequence encoding an antibody domain expressed as a fusion with the coat protein of mainly
filamentous bacteriophages. as M13 or Fd (reviewed in ref 62). Monoclonal antibody libraries
can be recruited from immune fragments that are already biased towards certain specificities
(encoded in the genome of immunized or infected animalsor humans),or naiveunbiasedfrag-
ments that can be derivedfrom nonimmune natural or semi-synthetic sources, bypassing the need
for previousimmunization. Byapplyingthe best suitableselectionprocedures, those phagesthat
bind to the target antigen with highest affinityare retained.The phagesareenriched by selective
adsorption to an immobilizedantigen ("panning") (reviewed in ref. 12); howevervariousspecial-
ized screening techniques exist.57.6~5 Phage display provides the opponunity to mimic human
immune response, alsobecauseof the high degreeof natural variationsfound in the replicationof
the phagegenomes.66 B-cellmaturation in vivorequiresrecombinationofgermlinegenesegments
accompaniedwith changes and mutations that can be imitated in vitro by DNA random cloning
ofVH and VL chain genes. 67The somatichypermutation processthat naturally contributes to
the affinitymaturation of antibodiescanbe achieved artificially byinsertingpoint mutations into
genesegmentsofcomplementaritydetermining regions. 68.69
A method to circumvent the laborious steps of founding humanized and to obtain directly
human monoclonal antibodies wasdevelopedbyengineeringtransgenicmicewith a human im-
munoglobulin locusassourcefor antibodyproducing hybridomacelllines.(reviewedin ref. 60).
Already in 1985 Alt et al proposed to exploit transgenicmice for the generation oftherapeutic
antibodies." and as soon as 1994 the Xenolvlouse" (Abgenix, Inc.FI and the HuMAb Mouse"
(Gen-Pharm-Medarex}" were reported to be the first mice carryingboth the human VH and
VL repertoire createdvia pronuclear microinjectionor yeastprotoplast fusion with embryonic
stem cells, respectively. For monoclonal antibody generation B-cells are isolated from immu-
nized mice and fused to hybridomas,in a similarmanner to the traditional mouse monoclonal
antibody production. By employing rnicrocell-mediared chromosome transfer-a technique
capable to transfer very large fractions of the human germline-Tomizuka et al generated a
chimeric mouse-TransChromo Mouse" (TC Mouse™) carryinghuman chromosomes2 and
14 regionscontaining the human K -light-chainand heavy-chain loci?3,74 In order to increasethe
lowefficiency of hybridoma production due to instabilityof the IgKlocus,the KM MouscTM was
created by cross-breeding the Kirin TC Mouse™ with the MedarexYAC-transgenic mouse."
These mice possess the capability to carry out VDJ recombination. heavy-chain class switch-
ing and even somatic hypermutation of human antibody genesin a normal mode to generate
high-affinityantibodies with completelyhuman sequences.f The resultingantibodies exhibit a
half-lifesimilar to natural human antibodies" and show only differences in glycosylation pat-
terns, thereby representinga major improvement in hybridoma technology." Although human
monoclonal antibodies derived from transgenic mice havenot yet paved their wayup to FDA
approvaland far clinicaltrialswith them havenot revealed adverse immunogenic
sideevents in patients.71l•w in contrast to chimeric,CDR graftedor phagedisplayderivedmono-
clonal antibodies." However there is still a need for confirmingthese promisingdata by testing
transgenic mousederivedantibodies in largersubject cohorts.
The Antigenome 101
cell-mediated cytotoxicity
toxin x~\
neutralization ~
virus *-J
neutralization \
protein function
The major disadvantages of antibody based therapies are high costs associated with produc-
tion, storage and administration. Since antibodies have to be produced in live expression systems,
the risk of contamination with prions or viruses requires continuous monitoring and testing.
Additionally, antibodies have to be administered shortly after infection to be efficient, requiring
rapid microbiological diagnosis . Additionally manufacturing ofSymphobodies, mimicking poly-
clonal antibodies in human immune response , may still have to prove that they can be obtained
without chance in their composition under stable GMP conditions.
THE nluc·of tibody <OAtenU'&tC in <he ..... m••' olType I
du.•• Im pna\'cil met hod, of manufacturE permit uf a reduction in the
lobar pneumonia is dearly iudi<::&1cd by t:ak:ina the toa k of ticura llrilT'liouf:
reported dwinr: the put ... yca.n by PAlKo SULLOWA and ROIl ... Rt:nxt-I) .......t CONC t:NT RATf. O
S!= ~ ~
S,.riD ge ,,"tlnt~i n i n &: 10,000unita•• o r • • o. , 7.00
Syrinrr ("u ntaining' 20,000 un its •• ~ . ... . 12.00
CO NTltOU •••• • • SS)
T..AT<n ••••••• 707
18.S ~
W hen the: lCtUm-t reated Olaet are f'ettI'ieted to thow: trea led w ilmA
- - - - - .- - - - -
Pack ag es and Dosage
72 houn after nnlCt. there is a funhct reduction in morality ..
e- ..... ~ -e'F
R-.Jl1l1liE-~ 7 w$-----I
177 19 10.~ 2. .... U" ' TncJ (o-MI
I'.'" u..... Ty .... I (u... .........)
It ill ettim.ted thtr of approxim ately 30.000 death. in the U nited
r--, [)q Sl; -
....Ul$r J!I,(KIU un iu intn\-.:no ufly.
8tI~ every y~ from Type I pD4e umon j.~ rwo..d\ircb could be Suo:w I>U't. -20.00CJ u nitt int ravcnood y. Repeat the eecoed dcee
aVOided by «he early adminlttrUion of Type I Serum. int"''''C'NtUtly at interva ll of kfUr tn sir houn unt il th e te m pera rure
b ll, :lnd be"n<-licial effect . are e vident.
Drug Pathogen Antigen Target Type of Antibody Phase Originator Indication
Paliv izum ab RSV RSV F glycoprotein Humanised mA b IgGl Launched Medlmmune RSV infections
Motavizumab RSV RSV F glycoprotein Hu manised mA b IgGl III Eli Lilly/ RSV infecti ons
(derived from Medlmmune
2G12,2F5, HIV HIV gp120, HIV gp41 Human mAb II Polymun HIV infecti o ns
4El 0 Scientific treatment & pr evention
hNMOl HIV V(3) region of the HIV- Humanised mA b I SRD HIV infectio ns treatmen t
1 envelope protein gp120 Pharmaceutical s
HIVgp41 HIV H IV gp41 surface Fully human mAb Precl inical MedarexiPfizer HIV infectio ns treatment
mAb glycoprotein
HEB/GTM Hepatit is B Und isclosed Poo led plasma of individuals Launched Nab i Hepati tis B
with high ti ters of anti body to Biopharmaceutic als
the hepatiti s B surface antigen
Ctvecit" Hepatitis C Undisclosed Plasma of infected patients w ith I Nabi Hepati tis C
high levels of anti-hepatitis C Bioph armaceuticals,
virus (HCV) anti bodies Novartis
XTL 6865 Hepatit is C HCV envelop e E2 Fully human (derived from I XTL Hepatiti s C ~
prote in human immune cells of Biopharmaceuti cals '~"
convalescent patie nts) ~
Ant i-SARS Severe acute SARS coronavirus Fully human mAb Preclinical Medarexl Coronav irus infectio ns ~.
mAb respirator y glycoprotein S Massachusetts -
syndro me Biologic Laboratories ~
(SARS) s..
continued on next page
Table 2. Continued
Drug Pathogen AntigenTarget Type of Antibody Phase Originator Indication
CCR5mAbOO4 HIV Human CCR5 Fully human Human Genome HIV infections treatment
mAb 1F7 HIV Idiotype common to Murine mAb IgMlC Preclinical Immune Network HIV infect ions treatment
anti-HIV and anti-SIV
mAb B4 HIV HIV receptor complex Murine mAb Preclinical United Biomedical HIV postexposure
mAbA3D8 HIV CD44 Murine mAb Preclinical Duke University HIV-1 infections,
Medical Center myeloid leukaemia
CFY 196 Rhinovirus ICAM-l(receptor for Tetravalent humanised Fab Preclinical Perlan Rhinovirus infections
HRV) fusion protein Therapeutics
Anti-IFN-y Herples Interferon-y (IFN-y) Polyclonal antibody Advanced HSV infections
polyclonal Simplex virus Biotherapy treament, among other
antibody (HSV) applications
Bavituximab Viruses Phospholipid Chimeric antibody Peregrine Cancer, Hepatitis C
abnormally exposed on Pharmaceuticals treatment, Influenza ~
vascular endothelium virus infections, Viral
of tumor blood vessels infections ~
Data were collected from the Adis R&D Insight database and homepages of listed companies in July 2006 using the world wide web. Data were grouped into: b;
first, antibodies targeting the virus particle itself and then second, those targeting host structures. Monoclonal Antibodies are abbreviated with mAbs. This is not t·
a complete list.
Drug Pathogen Antigen Target Type of Antibody Phase Originator Indication
Mycograb" Candida spp . Heat shock protein Huma n genet ica lly Preregistration NeuTec Treatment of system ic
(c. elbicens, 90 (hsp90) recomb inant antibody Pharm a candidiasis, Cancer
C. krusei, (e.g., Breast cance r)
C. parapsilosis,
C. tropica lis)
Candida MAb Candida spp . MSCRAM M" Undisclosed Precl inica l Inhibitex Treatment of cand id iasis
ACE 5033 As pergillus A . fumiga tus Fully hum an mAb Precl inical ACE Asperg illosis, M ycoses
fum igatus surface protei n Bio 5ciences,
Ge nmab
Candida mAb C. alb icans Corixa antigens Fully hum an mAb Preclinica l G laxoSmi thKline Fungal sepsis caused by
and Amgen C. albicans
Data were collec ted from the Adis R& D Insight database and homepages of listed companies in July 2006 using th e world w ide web. M on oclo nal A ntibodies are
abbreviated w ith mAbs. This is not a complete list.
110 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
invadingthe market has establishedthe attitude in the medicalcommunityup into the 1970sof
the last century that bacterialdiseases maybelong to the past. However. the emergingpattern of
rnuleidrug-resisrant strains of an increasing number of pathogens in hospitals and communities
has quicklyended the optimisticbeliefthat the repertoireof anti-bacterial treatments will suffice
the challenges in the infectiousdisease arena (for reviewseeref 130). Also the discovery, develop-
ment and registrationof novelantibioticshavenot fulfilled the too optimistic expectationsthat
new registrations of treatments maybounceoff the threat ofuntreatablebacterialinfections (see
commentariesby Clarke!" and in Blocenrury'Pj.The infiltrarionofgenomics.P' intelligentdrug
designand molecularstudiesofbacterialhost interactionsin antibioticdevclopmenr'" has rather
ledto the soberingrecognitionthat the numberof suitabletargetsfor newanti-bacterial drugsmay
be ratherlimited.135•137Furthermore. the oftensevere sideaffects, includingallergic reactions against
specific antibiotics.isrestrictingtheir applications, sometimes in criticalmedicalconditionswhen
they are most needed. Last, not least antibioticsoften lead to lysis of bacterialcellsand thereby
freeingendotoxins at high levels, therebycausingovershootingimmunity includingsepsis. 138
On the other hand before the advent of the monoclonal antibody technology. treatments of
bacterialdiseases with antibodieshavebeenout of the reachof economicalfeasibility. Production
of antibodies by immunizinganimalsas resorts to obtain serum is not a trivialprocessregarding
quality, reproducibilityand unwanted contaminations. Also as one has experienced with whole
cellbacterialvaccines. immunization with in vitro grown pathogens maynot lead to the type of
specific antibodies that neutralize them, since they may not display the proper antigens at the
surface. Thus,the progress madein definingdisease specific antigensfor vaccinedevelopmenthas
provided noveltools to raisehighlyspecific antibodiesthat mayprevent or block bacterialinfec-
tions or at leastsupporting the recovery process.
Theskepticism in the medicaland scientificcommunitytowardsthe paradigmof anti-infective
anti-bacterialmonoclonalantibodiesis nurtured by multiple linesof thoughts:
1. Existingtreatments are sufficient to control bacterialdiseases.
2. Monoclonal antibody therapymaynot find its wayinto treatment schedules that would
justify the costs.
3. A singlemonoclonalantibody directed against a specific antigen per se maynot be able
to counteract the pathogeniccourseof a bacterialinfection.
While all three argumentsare widdy accepted, a closerlook into the paradigmdiscloses that
they are not necessarily substantiated. if one considers the medical need, the progressmade in
identificationofsuitableantigenictargets and the positiveexperience of usingmonoclonal anti-
bodies againste.g., malignantdiseases (reviewed in ref 139).
The medical need is given, wheneverconventionaltreatment and prophylaxis are not avail-
able. S. aureus in context with nosocomialinfections is equallya target for antibody treatments
as Pneumococcus, both representing problem germsin intensivecare (Table4).
Moreover, costsfor antibodytreatmentsin connectionwith abovedescribedinfectiousdisease
outbreaksoften missingadequatemedicaltreatmentsappearto be not too dramatic,if one relates
them to the hospital conditions and the underpinning economical efforts spent. Last but not
least, the increasingly wide usageof monoclonalantibodiesoutside of the infectionsdisease area
has certainlyaided in loweringthe costsof developmentand manufacturing,therebypavingthe
wayto noveltreatments.!
Thequestion remainswhat kind of features form the prerequisites for a monoclonalantibody
in order to be able to counteract a bacterialinfection?The answerto this problem lies-to our
opinion-in the sdection of the bestsuitableantigenictargetsfor the developmentofmonoclonal
antibodies. Theantigensshouldbeexpressed on the pathogensurface duringthe infectiousprocess;
preferredthroughout the mostimportant stages ofdisease manifestation: i.e., duringcolonization,
spreading and invasion. Also the antigens of choice should have a proven record to be a target
of antibodies from individuals who haveencountered the pathogen with positiveor protective
outcome. In addition, the selectedantigensshould be conservedamong all clinicalstrains of the
germ causingthe underpinning infections.
Table 4. Medical need for novel therapeutics against nosocomial pathogens
Pathogen Disease Target Group Incidence Medial Need ~
No socomial Sepsis, bacteremia, Ho spitalized Nosocomial infections: High incidence High s.
pneumonia, wound and surgical (esp. elderly, 2 million/yr/US; medical costs (20 Bn$/yr in ::l
site infection, osteomyelitis, immunocompromized) 1 of 20 hospital admissions; dev. World) Increasing
urinary tract infect ions 100.000 death/yr/US antibiotic resistance
s. aureus Sepsis, bacteremia Premature newborns, < 34t h 1-2/1000 life birth Support the premature
pregnancy week immune system
S. aureu s Sepsis, bacteremia, Hospitalized, esp. surgery 25% of nosocomial infections High mortality
pneumon ia, wound infection, patients High incidence
osteomyelitis High medical costs
Multi-drug resistance
S. pneumoniae/ Bacteremia Community acquired, eld erly - 75.000/yr/ US High mortality
Pneumococcus Pneumonia - 500.000/yr/ US High incidence
Meningitis - 5.000/ yr/ US High medical costs
Antibiotic resistance
Group B Strep/ Bacteremia, pneumonia, Premature newborns, <34th 1-2/1000 life birth Support the premature
S. agalactiae meningitis pregnancy w eek immune system,
increasing ab resistance
P. aeruginosa wound infection, bacterem ia, Intensive care, burn pati ents 80% of 2nd and 3rd grade burn High mortality
S. aureus sepsis patients High medical costs
Multi-drug resistance
P. aeruginosa Pneumonia, sepsis Intensive care, artifici ally 15-20% of HAP and 80 % of Multi-drug resistance,
ventilated VAP high mortality, high
medical costs
E. faecalis and faecium Sepsis, bacteremia, Abdominal surgery pati ent s 10% of nosocomial infections Mortality, multi-drug
endocarditis resistance (E. faecium)
Klebsiella pneumoniae Nosocomial pneumon ia Hospitalized (esp. elderly, 10% of nosocomial infections Multi-drug resistance
Hospital associated pneumonia (HAP) makes up 5-10/1000 hospital admissions and ventilation associated pneumonia (VAP) accounts for 80% of all HAP. Hos-
pitalized burn patients average out 50.000 per year in the US. Of all approximately 9 million life births in the US and Europe per year premature birth before the
36th week accounts for 25% and premature birth before the 34th week for 10%. ....
112 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
All up to here listed features of target antigens may suffice the need to detect the intruder
with a monoclonal antibody. particularly ifthe bound antibody funnels the bacterium into the
immunological decontamination program, e.g.• opsonization. On the other hand, the lesson
learnt from antibiotics is that they have to kill the pathogen or at least disable bacterial growth
in the host. In the light of the notion that prevention or treatment ofa bacterial infection with
monoclonal antibodies may be restricted to a single antibody. one would aim the target antigen
also to exert a function needed for bacterial survival in the host . Thus, the antibody will neutralize
a virulence factor or an enzyme needed in the infections life cycle of the pathogen. Such a dual
mode of action resembles the features of monoclonal antibodies employed in cancers therapy:
these antibodies seem to block cancerous cells by marking them for the immunological destruc-
tion, but also by blocking their growth. Thus. monoclonal antibodies need to be directed against
carefully selected antigenic targets in order to achieve an optimum ofinterference with bacterial
survival in the host.
The recently invented antigen identification procedure that is designed to establish the "antig-
enorne" of pathogens has been instrumental in the development of novel bacterial subunit vac-
cines.2()'22 Characterization ofas. aureus antigen derived from the antigenome-that is presently
used in preclinical and clinical programs-has indeed revealed its involvement in virulence and
survival function.23,128.14O
The feasibility of antigens to serve as targets for monoclonal antibody treatments can
be pretested in vaccine models where protection of pathogen-challenged animals is ac-
cessed,t06, There is no doubt in mind that antigens giving the wanted protection
in a vaccine model may not be sufficient when employed for the development ofanti-infective
antibodies. However. the potency of an antigen in providing protective immunity as vaccine
may be a positive and sufficient selective criterion, alongside with all the other features that have
been described for antigens selected for subunit vaccine development.
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heverydeepknowledge acquiredon the genetics and molecularbiologyofherpessimplex
virus(HSV), majorhuman pathogenwhoselifestyle isbasedon a long-termdualinterac-
tion with the infected host characterized by the existence of lytic and latent infections,
has allowedthe development of potential vectorsfor several applications in human healthcare.
Theseincludedelivery and expression of human genes to cells of the nervoussystem, selective de-
struction of cancercells, prophylaxis againstinfectionwith HSV or other infectious diseases and
targetedinfectionofspecific tissues or organs. Threedifferentclasses ofvectorscanbederivedfrom
HSV-l: replication-competent attenuatedvectors, replication-incompetent recombinant vectors
and defective helper-dependent vectorsknown asamplicons. Thischapterhighlightsthe current
knowledge concerningdesign, construction and recent applications, aswellas the potential and
current limitations of the three differentclasses of HSV-l-basedvectors.
Thehumanherpesviruses arean impottantfamily of viruses,whichbecomeestablished invarious
tissues for the life of the host.1,2 Herpes simplex virus (HSV), is a complexhuman neurotrophic
virus that afrerinitial infectionand lyticmultiplicationat the bodyperiphery. generally at oral or
genital epithelialcells, entersin sensorynerveendingsinnervatingthe siteof multiplicationand
it is retrogradetransported to the nucleus of sensoryneurons.v'
The genome is a linear double stranded DNA of 152 kb encodingat least80 geneproducts.
Thegenomeisreplicating bya rollingcircle mechanism forminghead-to-tailconcatamers, During
the replication, the presence of inverted repeats sequences flanking the two unique segments of
the genome (unique long UL and unique short US) are causing the formation of four isomers
equallyinfectious(Fig. 1).3,5
The infectious virus particle comprehends an icosahedral capsid, which contains the viral
DNA genomein association with core proteins. Around the capsidthere is an amorphouslayer
knownasthe tegument,containingsome20different proteinswithstructuralandregulatoryroles,
surroundedbyan externalenvelope containingdifferentglycoproteins involved in differentfunc-
tions,amongwhich the firststepsof bindingand entry into the host cell. Once the de-enveloped
particlehasentered the cytoplasm, it istransported through association with microtubules to the
nuclearmembranewhere the viral DNA is released into the nucleus through the nuclearpores."
all the viral replication, from the transcription to the assembly of a new capsid, takesplaceinto
ssn -0
ssn Q)
rsn ~ esn<l'il. ~
5sn VI
tSn C
esn ~
lsn >-
120 PharmaceuticalBiotechnou,gy
the nucleus. Following the release of the viral DNA into the nucleus, the viralgenome circular-
izesand a cascade is initiated with the transcriptionof five immediateearly(IE) genes (infected
cellprotein ICP4. ICP27. ICPO. ICP22, ICP47) through the binding of a viralprotein present
in the tegument (VP16). in combinationwith cellular factors. to the enhancerelementpresent
in all IE promoters (TAATGARAT)?The products of the abovegenes are responsible of the
transactivationof the earlygenes (E) which are encodingenzymes and DNA binding proteins
required for the viralsynthesis; the IE and E are followed by expression oflate genes (L) which
products are principally structural proteinsof the capsid. tegumentand envelope (primarilyviral
structural components).3.5
Following natural infection the virus is know to be axonaltransported from the peripheryto
the cellbodyof the sensory ganglionwhereestablishes alyticor alatent infection.8 HSV-1persists
in the latent statein the nervoussystems of the host for a lifetimewherethe viralgenomepersists
in an epichromosomal state associated with histoneswithout integratinginto the host genome,"
During a latent infectionthe virusisin a relative quiescentstatewherethe transcriptionislimited
to a singleregionofthe viralgenomeand only a groupoflatency-specific RNAsaredetectablein
the nucleiofneuronalinfectedcells. Due to several stimuli. the viruscan be reactivated from the
latency and usually by anterogradetransport gets back to the site of primaryinfection where it
starts a newlyticcycle. Only in fewcases the viralparticleis retrogradetransported to the central
nervous system (CNS) and starts a latent or a lytic infection, which evolves in encephalhis.'?"
The newlyreplicatedvirustransported anterograde. usually to a siteat or near the portal of entry.
maycausea localized coldsoredisease lasting2-10dayswith subsequentremission when the cold
soresdisappear. Over time. periods of remission generally increase in length and the duration of
cold soresdecrease. until the person rarelyhas active disease. Thisprocess is regulatedby specific
immunity developed by the patient againstthe virus." The virusinfection is. however, life-long
and can be retriggered in some individuals by specific events. such as sunburn. stress or other
infections. 13,14
Amplicon vector
Amplicon plasmid
'. X
Q t~~
= . r"'Y~D@
-152 kb
Amplicon Vectors
Amplicon vectors are HSV-l particles identical to wild type HSV-l from the structural, im-
munological and host-range points of view, but which carry a concatemeric form of a plasmid
DNA. named the amplicon plasmid. instead of the viral genomeY ':l4 Amplicon vectors possess
several advantages as gene delivery vehicles: (a) a large transgene capacity (150 kb), (b) the repeti-
tive character ofthe genome carried by the amplicon particle ensures the introduction ofmultiple
copies ofthe transgene per infected cell; (c) the ability to infect a wide variety ofcell types. includ-
ing dendritic cells; (d) the ease ofvector construction; (e) the limited toxicity due to the lack of
viral coding sequences.
Amplicons are bacterial plasmids that contain one or more transgene cassettes and two non
coding viral sequences, an origin ofDNA replication (ori) and a D NA cleavage/packaging signal
(pac) and they require a helper system to be produced. In the presence ofHSV-l helper functions.
a circular amplicon can be replicated and amplified as head-to-tail concatemers and packaged
into HSV-l particles as approx 152 kb linear DNA (Fig. 2).35 Classically. amplicon vectors were
prepared in cells transfected with the amplicon plasmid and superinfected with helper HSV-l.
As the helper virus was generally a replication-defective mutant ofHSV-l , the amplicon stocks
were produced in transcomplementing cell lines. However. the use of standard HSV-l as helper
resulted in the production of helper -contaminated vector stocks. 36•37 The contaminant helper
particles. even if defective. induced significant cytotoxicity and inflammatory responses. prevent -
ing their use in gene therapy or vaccination protocols." To overcome these obstacles. different
helper systems that produce essentially helper-free vector stocks have been recently developed ."
The last generation of helper system consists of the entire HSV-l genome. without pac signals.
cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (HAC) in E. coli supplying the full set of transacting
HSV-l functions.39,40 Another different helper system recently developed is based on the deletion.
by Cre/loxP-based site-specific recombination. ofthe packaging signals ofthe helper virus in the
cells that are producing the arnplicons."
122 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Replication-Defective vectors
The replication-defective viruses are viral vectors where "essential" genes for in vitro viral
replicationare either mutated or deleted.Therefore, these mutants cannot growexceptin trans-
formed cell lines, where they are complemented in trans. To date, several replication-defective
vectors havebeen constructed in which the IE genes, expressing infected cellproteins (ICP) 0,
4, 22, 27 and 47, havebeen deleted in various combinations. IE genes are expressed shortly a.tter
viral entry into the host cell and are required for initiation of a cascade of E and L viral gene
transcription. ICP4 and ICP27 are essential for replicationand the deletion of one or both of
thesegenesrequiresadequatecomplementing celllinescapable of providingin trans the proteins
encoded bydeletedviralgenes.42-44 ICPO, 4 and 27 areresponsible for Eand Lgeneexpression.45.46
Beside its transcriptionalfunctions,ICP27 alsoaffects the splicing, polyadenylation and stability
of mRNAs. ICPOis a promiscuous transactivator actingon ICP6 gene,which encodesthe viral
ribonucleotidereductase largesubunitand possesses a hybridpromoter,whichisactivated asan IE
and an E fUnction.47.48 ICP22, the viralproduct that might be involved in sequestering of cellular
DNA polymerase 49 is phosphorylatedby two accessory genes ULl3 and US3-encoded proteins
50-52 and isrequiredfor the optimalexpression of the ICPOprotein. Deletionof the ICP22 IE gene
can be responsible for an overexpression OfICPO.53 ICP47 inhibits MHC class I antigenpresen-
tation contributing to the virusescape from the immune surveillance.54-S6The "firstgeneration"
of replication-defective HSV-l basedvectorsconsistedof mutants deletedin the single essential
IE gene encoding ICP4, namelyd120.4s Although these vectors show reduced pathogenicity
and can be used to efficiently transfer and transiently express reporter genes in brain, they are
nonetheless cytotoxicfor neurons in culture. Cell lines that complementICP4 and ICP27 have
permitted the construction of a "second generation" of highlydefective mutants.43,S7.S9 To date,
several replication-defective vectorshavebeenconstructedin which ICPO, ICP4, ICP27, ICP22
and ICP47 geneshavebeendeletedinvarious cornbinations.w" Deletionof allfive IE genes(ICP
0,4,22,27 and 47) preventsvirustoxicityfor cells at high multiplicityof infection, allowing the
vector geneto persistin cells for longperiods 60-62 demonstratingthat the residual cytotoxicityof
the "firstgeneration" of replication-defective HSV-l basedvectorsresultsfrom the expression of
the other four IE genes.28The multiplydeleted mutants showan unusually prolongedtransgene
expression from the ICPOIE promoter or the HCMV IE promoter in neurons.v The advantages
of these second generations of replication-defective vectorsare characterized by absence ofearly
and lateviralgeneexpression and provideenoughspace to introducedistinct and independently
regulatedexpression cassettes for differenttransgenes.?
Deletion of somenon essential viralgenes resultsin viruses that retain the abilityto replicate
in vitro, but are compromised in vivo, in a contextdependent manner.64•6SAmongthe limitations
to the useofHSV is the fact that wt virusishighlypathogenicand cerebralinjectioncauses fatal
encephalitis. Toxic and/or pathogenicproperties of the virus must, therefore, be disabledprior
its useas a genedelivery vector.
Several genes involved in HSV replication, virulence and immuneevasion, whichare non es-
sentialforvirallifecycle in vitro,havebeenidentified. Thesegenes areusually involved in multiple
interactions with cellular proteins,which optimize the abilityof the virus to growwithin cells.
Understandingsuch interactionshas permitted the deletion/modification of these genes, alone
or in combination, to createHSV mutants with a reducedabilityto replicate in normalquiescent
cells, but that can replicate in tumor or dividingcells. These attenuated viruses harbor further
modificationso they alsoserveas therapeuticgenedelivery vehicles.6S.66
ManyHSV-l and HSV-2 genes that arenon essential in culturealtervirulence in animal models.
Among these genes, the ones encoding thymidine kinase (TK), ribonucleotide reductase (RR),
the virion-host shut off (Vhs)67and the ICP34.S proteins havebeen extensively studied.68 TK
is involved in optimizingnucleic acid metabolism for virusgrowth and is necessary for efficient
replicationin neurons. RRis necessary for the conversion of rNTPs to dNTPs in neurons,which
HSVas a Vector in Vaccine Development and Gene1herapy 123
are otherwise lacking but necessary for the synthesis ofnew viral DNA during virus replication/"
The Vhs function of HSV causes rapid destabilization of host RNAs and translational arrest."
Vhs also destabilizes viral messages, resulting in over accumulation of IE and E genes during
lytic infection?Q-72The ICP34.5 neurovirulence factor has been found to be essential for HSV
pathogenicity?' It appears to provide multiple functions to the virus life cycle, one ofwhich is to
block the arrest in translation, which usually occurs in virus-infected cells as an anti-viral response
preventingvirus replication. This effect is mediated through the cellular PKR kinase, which phos-
phorylares the translation initiation factor eIF2a, thereby stopping translation. ICP34.5 recruits
protein phosphatase Ia, to rephosphorylare eIF2a, allowing protein translation and continued
virus replication. Tumor cells often display an impaired PKR pathway and/or elevated levels of
eIF2a, that allow replication ofICP34.5-deleted viruses, as the inactivation ofthe PKR response
is less critical in this contest.V" Secondly, ICP34.5 seems to be involved in allowing new virions
to become packaged and leave infected cells in a cell type-specific fashion . Consequently, in non
permissive cells in the absence of ICP34.5 the nucleo capsids are retained in the nucleus and a
productive infection cannot ensue.
Use of non replicating viruses or non viral systems as vectors can limit the maximum achiev-
able efficiency ofgene transfer. In contrast, use ofreplicating vectors to allow replication ofgenes
delivered initially to a small number of cells and their subsequent transfer to neighboring cells,
as infection spreads, can significantly increase the efficacy of gene delivery?6-78Attenuated HSV
vectors have been tested as live viral vaccines, as oncolytic viruses and as gene therapy vectors to
deliver transgenes to the nervous system.
Engineering Techniques
Alterations of the HSV genome can be achieved in a number ofways. These usually require a
two-step process (named: marker transfer/marker rescue) in which portions ofthe herpes genome ,
which have been cloned into a plasmid vector, are first modified in vitro. The plasmid DNA is
then cotransfected into cultured cells with infectious viral DNA and recombinant viruses are
selected . Several methods have been described to insert DNA sequences into the viral genome.
Efficient recombination into specific sites within the viral genome has been achieved in vitro using
a recombination system der ived from phage Pl.79 It is also possible to enhance the frequency of
recombination.59 The initial requirement is the insertion ofa reporter gene such as ~-galactosidase
(lacZ) cassette flanked by Pac! or Pmei restriction enzyme sites not otherwise found in the viral
genome. The second phase is the substitution of the reponer gene with other foreign cDNAs by
digestion ofthe vecto r DNA with Pac! or Pmei to remove the lacZ gene and subsequent repair of
the vector genome by homologous recombination with a transgene expression plasmid. Potential
recombinant identified by a "clear plaque " phenotype after X-gal staining arose at high frequency
(80-100%) (Fig. 3).59 A different procedure involves transfection ofcells with overlapping cosmids
containing appropriate insertion or deletions. Expression of genes contained in cosmids leads
through recombination to the con struction of full-length viral genome. f -" To select recombi-
nant vectors it is critical to have a system by which to identify successful recombinants. The viral
TK gene is particularly useful site for insertion since its inactivation does not affect in vitro the
replication ofthe virus. TK mutants can be easily selected in the presence ofbromovinyl deoxyu-
ridine or acyclovir.82.83Another marker system involves disruption of nonessential viral envelope
glycoprotein genes, such as the ones encoding gC or gE. Recombinant viruses are identified by
loss ofan antigenic determinant ofthe glycoprotein using specific monoclonal antibodies (black
or white plaques staining).
Traditionally, recombinant HSV vectors have been generated through homologous recombi -
nation between the HSV genome and a recombination plasmid, which usually requires laborious
screening or selection and can take several months. Recent advances in bacterial artificial chromo-
some (BAC) technology have enabled cloning ofthe whole HSV genome as a BAC plasmid and
subsequent manipulation in E. coli. Thus, we sought a method to generate recombinant HSV
vectors more easily and qu ickly using th e bacterial recombination machinery. 84.85
a b UL b' a' a' c' Us a c
Co-transfectlon and selection for
virus encoding the marker gene
(marker transfer)
a b UL b' a' a' c' Us a c
.. . . h ...
a b UL
! b' a' a' c' Us a c
Selection for recombinant virus
carrying the transgene
(marker rescue) ~
-----. /' ~~
a b UL b' a' a' c' Us a c
Figure 3. Mechanism of construction of recombinant viruses by classical homologous recombination (marker transfer/marker rescue) and using the .,;s
"Pad system".
HSVas a Vector in Vaccine Development and Gene Therapy 125
BAC cloning requires insertion of mini F plasmid sequences and antibiotic resistance genes
into the viral genome and the length of these BAC backbone sequences is usually greater than 6
kb in total. Insertion ofBAC sequences into the wild-type HSV genome (152 kb) will increase the
genome length to -1 58 kb and there will be no space left for the insertion ofadditional sequences.
To avoid deleterious effects ofthe BAC sequences, includinggrowth defects and potential transmis-
sion between bacteria and man , some herpesvirus BAC clones have been constructed with 10xP
site-flanked BAC sequences , which can be removed by Cre recombinase.86-88
Amplicon Vectors
Amplicons were studied as vaccines against HIV 96 or intracellular bacteria, " They show unique
advantages over other viral vectors. " Firstly, amplicon particles are absolutely apathogenic for
infected cells since their genome is devoid from HSV-l genes. Secondly, the repetitive character
ofthe genome carried by the amplicon particle ensures the introduction of multiple copies ofthe
transgene transcription unit per infected cell, likely resulting in strong expression. Lastly, the pan-
tropic properties ofHSV-l particles in experimental systems, which are conserved in amplicons,
should allow these vectors to infect a large range ofcells, including dendritic cells.
Moreover, amplicons could also allow antigens to be presented by both MHC pathways during
the same immunization protocol. This could be achieved (i) by introducing the transgene both
in the amplicon genome and in the helper genome or, (u) by inducing the in vivo production of
empty virus-like capsids ofselected viruses (e.g., HIV-l, HCY, or HPV-16). Concerning this last
property, it has been shown that HSV-l amplicons encoding Moloney murine leukemia virus gag,
pol and env genes can ind uce the synthesis of retrovirus-like particles in cultured cells. Amplicons
have been used to efficiently transduce the full set ofproteins ofMoMLV retrovirus vectors, thus
rescuing integrated retrovirus vectors,lOO.lOl as well as the nonstruceural'P" or structural'?' proteins
ofHCV. 1M An interesting remark is that amplicon expressingcytokine genes have been found to
be a promising strategy for the development of tumor vaccines. 105.106
Replication-Defective Vectors
Until recently, it was believed that, to be effective, viral vaccines must cons ist of a live, repli-
cation-competent virus or a large do se of inactivated virus. Replication oflive virus was believed
126 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Replication-Competent Vectors
Attenuatedlivevirusesarethemosteffective to serve asvectorsforvaccination. However, a major
concern exists about attenuated HSV asa vector.In fact, in addition to the problemof genotypic
stabilitythere are other safetyissues includingquestionsregardingthe potential ofvaccine vector
to establishlatency, reactivate or recombinewith virulent wild type strain. To overcome someof
theseproblems,an approachbasedon definingand eliminatinggenesinvolved in neurovirulence,
latencyor reactivation wasdeveloped.I 16
The firstand to date the onlyone, attenuated HSV-l virusto be constructed and analyzedasa
viralvaccinein humans,wasthe NVl 020 (formerly R7020) strain.I 17 Thisvirus,basedon HSV-l
strain F, has a portion of the unique short region of the viral genome,encoding glycoproteins
G, D, I and E, replacedby the homologous region from HSV-2 and possesses only one copyof
ICP4. This virus is verystronglyattenuated in rodents and primates. In a dose escalation study,
localreactionswerenoted in HSV-l-infected persons.A dose-dependentinduction of antibodies
occurred in HSV-l seronegative subjects, but the developmentof this mutant has been stopped
sinceit resulted too over-attenuatedand it wasconsequently poorly immunogenic.
Thegoalto construct a safe, less attenuated vaccine candidate,lead to the construction ofRAV
9395 RAV9395 isbasedon HSV-2,strain G, which carries deletionsin the UL55 and
UL56 genes, encoding proteins with unknown functions, the deletion ofwhich causes attenua-
tion and deletion in both copiesof the y34.5 gene (encoding ICP34.5 protein). Concomitant
with this deletion, both copiesof the open readingframe (ORF) P havealso been deleted. The
HSVas a Vector in Vaccine Development and Gene Therapy 127
tk gene was left intact and functional, conferring acyclovir sensitivity to the recombinant virus.
When used as a live viral vaccine in a guinea pig model of HSV-l infection, it was shown to be
protective and it was also demonstrated that the immunologic answer depended on the route of
administration of the virus.
AD472 is an evolution ofRAV 9395 , in which deletions in UL43.5 and in the US 10-12 region
were added to obtain an additional safety level by increasing the genetic and phenotypic stability
ofthe virus. I 19 In a guinea pig model , AD472 administered intramuscularly did not prevent infec-
tion and viral replication in the vaginal tract, but reduced lesion development and severity in a
dose-dependent manner after HSV-2 wt challenge. Moreover, it generally precluded establishment
oflatency by the challenge virus.
Mutations in TK, especially for HSV-2 , do not attenuate the virus sufficiently for human
vaccines.12o•12l Other attenuated HSV-l and HSV-2 viruses with single deletion in vhs or in RR
respectively,122.l23 were shown to determine a protective immunity when tested in animal models,
but still they are too neurovirulent to be used for human trials.
A further improvement to antigen presentation to the immune system could involve the dele-
tion , from the viral DNA backbone, ofthe genes that codify for the vhs and the ICP47 proteins. In
fact, two mechanisms have been described by which HSVinhibits antigen presentation by MHC
class I and class II molecules. The first is related with the ability of the Vhs protein to accelerate
the degradation of cellular mRNA molecules'? and has also been shown to block dendritic cell
maturation and thus to inhibit the immune response against the vector -delivered rransgene."
The elimination of the UL41 locus from the viral genome was reported in the same paper to
allow dendritic cell activation and also to stimulate the antigen specific T -cell response in vitro.
The second is based on the abilit yofICP47, one ofthe immediate early proteins, to bind to Tap,
the transporter associated with ant igen processing and to prevent peptide translocation into the
endoplasmic reticulum. \ 4.\ 6
Amplicon Vectors
Amplicons havebeen used to deliverand express transgenes in neurons in vitro and in brain
in vivo.They have been used to deliverneurotrophins,like nerve growth factor (NGF)124.125 or
brain-derivedneurotrophicfactor (BDNF),124.126 antiapoptoticgenes,127.128 heat-shockproteins 129
or antioxidant enzyrnes.P" in attempts to protect neuronsagainsta varietyof neurological insults,
in many different experimental settings.Ampliconsexpressing genesaffecting neurotransmitter
expression or neuroreceptorsynthesis havebeenusedto studybehavioral features, likelearningand
memory.131'134 Amplicons havealsobeenusedto deliver tyrosinehydroxylase and other genes to the
nigro-striaralsystemor to culturedstriatalcells, in studiesaimedto treat Parkinson's disease.135•139
More recently, ampliconswereshown to be ableto delivergenesto the retinalpigment epithelial
cellsofthe rat retina, but not to the adjacentphororecepeors.l'? In this study,ampliconsallowed
rapid and efficient, but transient, gene transfer, following subretinalinjection.
The limitation in the ampliconssafetyprofilewas the presenceof helper virus panicles that
resultedin somecytotoxicity.Thisproblemhasbeencircumvented recently byusingaplasmid-based
BAC transfection system to providethe helper functions, although the particleyieldis relatively
low.39.40 Geneexpression in vivousingamplicons hasbeen reponed to persistaslongasone month.
However,it cannot be excludedthat long-termexpression from amplicons maybe relatedto per-
sistent low-level replicationby contaminating recombinant wild-typevirus in the brain. In fact,
in contrast with other ampliconpreparations,"helper-free" stocksproduce only transient expres-
sion of reporter transgenein vivousing the samepromoter reported previously to remain active
long-term.Another limitation of the amplicons wasthat theycannot accommodate insertslonger
than 10kb. Wade-Martins and coworkers havedevelopedan efficient viraldelivery and expression
systembasedon the HSV-l ampliconvector,termed the iBAC, or infectiousBAC that can carry
largegenomiclocuswith surrounding sequences.r'"!"
Replication-Defective Vectors
Major advances have recently been made to improve the characteristics of these vectors, in
particular to reduce their toxicity, to modulate the greamess and the time-course of transgene
expression, to precisely target specific cell populations and to transfer multiple genes. 17.21.144-147
NonreplicativeHSV vectors havebeen tested in many different gene therapy animal modelsof
various neuropathies, Parkinson's disease,148-150Alzheimer's disease,'!' chronicpain 152,153or lysosomal
storagedisorderswith neurological involvemenr.P'
Therapyoflysosomalstoragedisorderswith neurological involvement such asTay-Sachs (TS)
disease requiresproduction and distribution of the missingenzymeinto the CNS. Several thera-
peutic approaches allowrestoringthe enzymaticactivityin manykeytissues (kidney, liver, spleen,
etc.) but the reduction of the GM2 ganglioside depositsin the CNS is difficultto achieve since
CNS, is kept in a privileged environment separatedfrom the blood systemby the blood-brain
barrier (BBB), which represents an obstacleto therapy.154 Martino et al havedemonstrated that a
nonreplicatingHSV vectorencodingfor the hexosaminidase (Hex)A a -subunit (HSV-TOaHex)
and deliveredinto the internal capsule of the TS brain animal model was able to re-established
the Hex A activityand removedthe GM2 ganglioside storagein both injected and controlateral
hemisphereand in the cerebellum one month of treatment.Thestudiesconcerninglysosomal stor-
agedisordersareparticularlyimportant because theyrepresentthe firstevidence ofthe distribution
ofa therapeutic viralvector throughout the entire CNS and suggest that the anatomic structure
ofthe brain maybe a usefultool in therapyfor geneticneurodegenerative dlsorders.P'
Among them, vectorsexpressing multiple trophic factorsseemto be verypromisingas a side
treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. Motor neuron disease (MND) isa groupof neurological
diseases characterized by degenerative process of the upper and lowermotor neuronl'" in differ-
ent pans ofthe motor system includingthe spinalcord, brain stem and motor cortex. One of the
major breakthroughs in the fieldof CNS regeneration is the concept that neurotrophic factors
(NTFs), which are endogenoussolubleproteins regulatingsurvival, growth,morphologicalplas-
ticity, or synthesis of proteins for differential functions of neurons, governthe processes involved
HSVas a Vector in Vaccine Developmentand Gene1herapy 129
in brain and spinal cord repair. 1S6 Experimental evidence indicates that treatment with multiple
neurotrophic factors can significantly increase motor neuron survival in comparison with the
delivery ofa single factor alone.IS7.IS8 HSV-l vectors that have been engineered to express multiple
neurotrophic factors have been used to deliver these molecules to specific neuron populations.IS9
Nonreplicative vectors containing basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), ciliary neurotrophic
factor (CNTF) and EGFP (as a reporter gene) have already been shown to induce proliferation
and differentiation in 0-2A oligospheres obtained from newborn rat brains in vitro and also in
the rat hippocampus in vivo. ls8
Replication-Competent Vectors
One of the potential target organs of replication competent HSV vector applications, the
peripheral nervous system (PNS), seems likely to promise the most successful results. In fact,
inoculation ofHSV vector by peripheral routes can take advantage ofthe natural life cycle ofthe
virus, which usually infects axonal nerve terminal at peripheral sites before retrograde transport to
neuronal cell bodies where latency is established. It is well known that viral replication is necessary
to cross the synapses among neurons and for efficient establishment oflatency.l60 In the PNS there
are a number ofpotential applications for HSV replication competent vectors capable ofperipheral
replication and axonal transport, including the stimulation of regrowth of damaged nerves, the
study and treatment of various pain states, the protection of neurons from further degeneration
in motor neuron disease, the study and treatment ofvarious neuropathies, the study of neuronal
development and the screening of the relevance of genes implicated as being important in any
of these processes by a gene delivery approach. Thus, viruses mutated in either gC or TK or RR
have been extensively used, which, while being somewhat attenuated compared to wt virus, are
also replication-competent. The data obtained to date show the potential ofsuch vectors for gene
transfer. Attenuated vectors in fact demonstrated to be highly efficient in driving proenkephalin
A (PA) gene expression in dorsal root ganglia (DRG),161 to deliver genes into monkey eyes162 and
to rodent visual system l63 and to express active nerve growth factor beta subunit (~-NGF) in
latently infected DRG .
Amplicon Vectors
Most anti-cancer amplicon vectors used to date have employed standard amplicon vectors, which
efficiently deliver genes to the cell nucleus but are lost with successive cell division. Therapeutic
transgenes used in the context ofamplicon vectors have included anti-angiogenic factors , immune
enhancing agents, proapoptotic proteins and RNAi.17S
130 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Replication-Deftctive "Vectors
Multipleimmediateearlygene-deleted nonreplicative HSV-l vectorsarecharacterized byhigh
efficiency of transduction of several different host species and celltypes,both dividingand non
dividing,includingvarious tumor aswellasendothelialcells. 23,204-207 Differentreplication-defective
HSV vectors have been produced that deliver anti-cancer transgenes to tumor cells such as
melanoma." gliosarcoma,2OS,208.209 or glioblastoma.i'" Two or more therapeutic molecules, acting
additively or synergistically, can thus be expressed at comparablelevels bycellstransducedwith a
combination vector, which is clearly an advantage in comparisonwith co-administrationof two
or more vectors encoding a single transgeneand also in comparisonwith co-expression of two
molecules, separatedby IRESsequences, bya unique vector.
Thesemutant vectors express, in association with the autologous HSV-l tk gene acting as a
suicidegene when accompanied by its pro-drug ganciclovir, further transgenes chosen for their
potential to synergize in tumor cell killing and induction of anti-tumor immunity with genes
HSVas a Vector in Vaccine Development and GeneTherapy 131
encoding for solublehuman cytokines(IL-2, GM-CSF and IFN-y),the human B7.l geneencod-
ing a costimulatorysurface antigen (CD80);43 rat connexin 43 geneimprovingthe HSV-l TK/
GCV killing of glioma cells by increasing the bystander effect 211 or rat connexin and human
TNFa. 21O,212 Recently, an HSV-l-derivedreplication-defective vector (TO- IFI16)wasdeveloped,
204 which has been shown to efficiently transduce an interferon-inducible gene (IFIl6), into pri-
mary human umbilicalvein endothelialcells(HUVEC), which are usually poorly transfectable.
It has also been possible to infect HUVEC cells with similar HSV-l-based vectors expressing
anti-angiogenic fusionproteinsendostatin::angiostatinand endostatin::kringleS.Theexpression
ofanti-angiogenic proteinsbydirectlyinfectedHUVEC cells has beenshownto inducecytostatic
effects in proliferationassays in vitro.Also,by addition of gancyclovir to the cellculture media,a
majorcellkillingeffectwasobserved.P' In vivo,the expression of autologoustk genein association
with GCV was shown to be highly efficient in both reducing small tumor masses growth rates
and also in inhibiting tumor cell engrafiment. The expression by tumor cells of vector-encoded
angiostaticproteins was also extremely efficient in inhibiting the tumor establishment, both in
presenceor in absence of GCV.206
The wide spectrum of dividingor nondividing cell types that can be easily infected by non-
replicative HSV-l vectorsand amongthem endothelialand dendritic cells, alongwith their large
exogenous DNA accommodatingcapacity, makesthese vectors very attractivedelivery systems.
These uniquefeatures mightbeofextreme importanceforcombinedtherapeutic strategies requiring
the simultaneousexpression of high levels of multiple foreigngenes, likesuicidegenes, cytokines
or other immunomodulatorymolecules, anti-angiogenic proteins,solublegrowthfactorreceptors
and so forth. As varioustypes of tumors present differentcharacteristics, the high manageability
of large,wellcharacterized HSV-I genomemight permit the combination,in a unique backbone,
of the most appropriateexogenous genes for treatment of eachparticular tumor.
Thedifferentkindsof vectorsthat derivefrom HSV-I wereconceived to takeadvantage ofthe
biological properties of this virus.Therefore, recombinant HSV-I vectors.either attenuated or
defective, attempt to exploitdifferentadaptationsofHSV-1 to the nervesystem, such aslatency,
the presenceof powerful neurospecific promoters, or the occurrenceof viral genes controlling
neuroinvasiveness or neurovirulence. Sofar. promisingresultshavebeenobtained in treatment of
several modelsofPNS and CNS diseases,154.258.259 in treatment of pain17.161 and usingsuchvectors
as tools for investigation of behavioral traits. like learning and memory'>'and for neuroscience
research in general.146Although thesevectorshavebeen used mainlyfor gene transfer to neurons
or glialcells. theyholda bigpotentialasvectorvaccines," both againstinfectious disease and cancer.
In fact. they can efficiently deliver genes to other cell types,includingepithelial cells, fibroblasts,
134 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
myoblasts, myotubes, embryonic and adult cardiomyocytes and celllines derived from gliomas,
hepatocellular carcinomas, osteosarcomas, epidermoid carcinomas and many other human and
murine malignancies. In no case, the vectorgenomes integrateinto host chromosomes, therefore
precludingthe riskofinsertional mutagenesis. Theother type ofvector, namdytheamplicon vectors,
attempts to exploitthe capacity of the virus capsid to accommodate more than 150 kb of foreign
DNA. HSV amplicons possess the uniquefeature to possibly ddiver entiregenomic lociincluding
allupstream regulatory dementsand downstream intronsand to converttheminto humanartificial
chromosomes. One of the majorareas of interestin amplicon devdopmentregards thepossibility to
producestilllargeramountsof purified vectors than thosegenerated bycurrentprocedures. Tothis
purpose,different suggestions regardthe improvement of the structureof theamplicon plasmids, of
the helpervirus systems and of the transcomplementing celllineswhere the amplicon vectorstocks
arebeingproduced.Asasecondpoint,thereis the possibilityofcontrollingtransgenic expression for
therapeutical applications and to avoid transgenic silencing. Thiscan be achieved since helper-free
amplicons do not express proteinsenhancingexpression, like ICP4,27and22,orproteinsprotecting
fromsilencing, likeICPO. Asa consequence, transgene expression depends on celltype, multiplicity
ofinfection andcellcycle.It ispossible thatplacingtransgenic expression underthecontrolofgenuine
cellular regulatory sequences will resolve, at leastin part, this difficulty.142.260.261
Much moreworkremains to be carriedout, especially ifweintend to prolongtransgene expres-
sionand to improve celltargeting. However, althoughshort-termtransgene expression represents a
greatlimitationfor the useofvectors in the genetherapyof diseases, this is not necessarily the case
when considering their usefor geneexpression that are associated with certainbehaviors that are
often transient.
Another goalto increase the efficacy of the HSV vectors and to decrease the undesired effeCts
such as infection of healthy cells is to target infection to specific tissues or organsor to restrict
transgene expression to predefined subsets of cells, Geneticmodifications to the genomeofHSV-l
vectors havebeengenerated to preferentially targetviralinfection and/or replication to tumor cells
versus normalcells.'?' Targeting viralinfection to particularcells can beobtainedbymodifying the
firststepsof the virus lifecycle, i.e.,adsorptionand penetration. Efforts for engineering the HSV-l
envelope to obtain targetedinfectionare currently in progress.16,262-264 AlteringHSV-l host range
hasproveda formidable taskbecause H5Y-I infection is a complex process involving the actionof
several glycoproteins in cellattachment, entryand cell-to-cell spread.
Asa final consideration, althoughthe vectorology areaof research is stillin continuousdevelop-
ment,certainly, moreworkshouldbedoneinorderto betterunderstand thevector/hostinteractions.
Anyway,it canbeinferred, fromwhatit isknownon HSV-l immunebiology, that allthe threetypes
ofHSV vectors, includingamplicons, will inducean anti-viral cellular response, at leastin somecell
types and will stimulate both theinnateandadaptive branches oftheimmuneresponse in theinfected
organism. These responses caneventually resultin the elimination of the vectoror in the silencing
of the therapeutic transgenes. Finally, it can be predicted that the large size insert capacity of the
amplicongenome, that allowthesevectors to express several viralor cellular proteinswell-known
to down-regulate or to inhibit the anti-viral and immuneresponses, will be a majoradvantage of
amplicons overother vectors to fightagainst the silencing cellular forces.
This work was supported by MIUR-FIRB-2001 (RBNEOI27YS-002), by grants from
the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS), the Italian Concerted Action on HIV-AIDS Vaccine
Development (ICAV), the Italian Ministry for the University and Scientific Research (FISR),
the Italian National Institute of Health (ProgramStemCells,CS 126.1),aswellasbythe French
societies Association Francaise contre lesMyopathies (AFM) and Association pour la Recherche
sur le Cancer (ARC) and from grants form European Commission (THOVLEN project and
HEVARproject, FP6).
HSVas a Vector in Vaccine Development and Gene Therapy 135
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accines against viral diseasehave trad itionally relied on attenuated virus strains or inactiva-
There are many infectiousviruses that remain major threats to public health (seeTable 1).Where
an effective vaccine exists,vaccination is usually the most cost-effective long-term protection against
diseaseand spread for most viruses.The principle ofvaccination is to generate sufficient immunity
to protect from infectious disease. Thus the vaccine stimulates the body's natural defensesagainst
disease through use of a benign 'decoy' that mimics the virulent pathogen. The more similar a
vaccine is to the natural disease, the better the immune response to the pathogen on subsequent
exposure. In general, resistance to virus infection depends on the development ofan immune re-
sponse to antigens present on the surface ofvirions or virus-infected cells. Therefore identification
ofprotective antigens is the first step in the development ofeffectiveviral vaccines.
Currently many successfulviral vaccines have been developed and are in use. These vaccines
are predominantly based on live attenuated or inactivated viruses. The live attenuated vaccines
such as measles, mumps, rubella, oral polio, smallpox, varicella and yellow fever are a weakened
form ofthe "wild" viruses. These attenuated virus vaccines rely on limited replication ofthe virus
in the host following vaccination. Immune responses induced are similar to those from natural
infections and often these vaccines are effective after a single dose. However, such vaccines may
cause severe reactions in some patients, which are ofien the result ofthe limited replication ofthe
att enuated virus following vaccination. In contrast to attenuated live virus vaccines, inactivated
(or killed) vaccines can not replicate, as their genetic material or overall structure are purposefully
destroyed. These vaccines are safer than live vaccines but generally not as effective,requiring 3-5
Virus Disease
RSV Respiratory Infection
Hepatitis B Liver Cancer
Hepatitis C Cirrhosis/Cancer
Epstein Barr Virus lymphomas, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
HPV Cervical Cancer
Measles Pneumonia (infants)
Influenza Pneumonia
Abbreviations: HIV human immunodefi ciency virus, RSV rous sarcoma virus, HPV human
VLP Family Expressed Vaccine Tested In VLP Refs.
Abbreviations: BTV Bluetongue virus, HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, SIV simian immuno-
deficiency virus, FIV feline immunodeficiency virus, FeLV feline leukem ia virus, SV40 simian virus
40, rota rotaviru s.
not allofthe VLPs that are generated to date are appropriate vaccine targets, some VLPs have been
generated to facilitate in fundamental understanding of virus assembly process, morphogenesis
or architecture ofviruses. However, an important point remains that the structure of the target
virion is not limiting to the successofVLP production. Although various expression systems have
been employed for VLP production, this chapter will mainly focus on insect cell culture produced
VLPs that are being developed as candidate vaccines. The rationale behind this is that among all
expression systems, insect cells, together with baculovirus expressing system, appear to be one of
the most promising for VLP technology for development ofviral vaccines (Fig. 1).
148 Pharmaceutical Biot~chno/Qgy
Figure 1. Key stages of intracellular assembly of VLPs using the baculovirus system. a)
Baculovirus acts as a vehicle to efficiently deliver DNA, encoding recombinant proteins,
to the nucleus of insect cells. b) Viral DNA is uncoated and replicates in the nucleus. c)
Recombinant protein expression is driven by strong very-late viral promoters. d) Viral mRNA
is used for the synthesis of recombinant proteins. e) VLPs are assembled by the interaction
of proteins w ithin the cytoplasm.
immunogenicity of insect cell expressed Norwalk virus VLPs has confirmed that they are both
safeand effectively stimulate IgG and IgA responses.26.27
VLPsfor Hepatitis E havebeen assembled usinga truncated form of the viruscapsidprotein."
In immunization studies in mice these VLPswereable to induce systemic and mucosalimmune
responses following oral adminisrrarion.P" Furthermore, oral administration of the Hepatitis
E VLPs to cynomologousmonkeys induced IgM, IgA and IgG responses and was sufficient to
protect against infection and disease on challengewith virus," Thus there is clear potential for
the application of theseVLPsas a vaccinefor hepatitis E.
VLPpreparationsto Circoviruses and Polyomavirusareat a less advanced stage.VLP formation
hasbeen reported for Circovirusbut asyetno seriousattempt hasbeenmadeat vaccine production.
Vaccination of rabbitswith VLPsfor human JC virusin the presenceof adjuvantallowedproduc-
tion ofa hyperimmuneserumthat effectively neutralizedinfectiousviruspreparadons." However,
in the absenceofadjuvant there was no response. This pattern of responseis unusualfor VLPsin
general,which often stimulatestrong immune responses evenin the absenceofadjuvant.Indeed,
VLPs of murine polyomavirus were able to stimulate a strong immune responsein the absence
of adjuvant when administered as a single 610 ng dose.32 Intriguingly, these particles appear to
be particularlystablewith no alteration ofparticle morphology or reduction in immunogenicity
even after 9 weeksstorageat room ternperature.P
« VP3
B 600
- . · - 10 J,g VlP
.& 400 · · ·. · · 5OI'll VLP
~ _100 ~gVLP
0 20 60 80 100 120
Inocu lum CRI V1r. em 1a
(day. post c ha''-nge)
10,.gVLP 00 none
50 ,ogVLP 00 none
l00~gVLP 00 none
2OOI'llVLP 00 none
SalIne 6.5 0 • .,.4·14
Figure 2. Summary of pro duc tio n and tes ting of VLPs for Blue to ngue virus. A) Left, car toon
showi ng the multi-laye red structure of BTV VLPs. Right, e lectron micrograph of negatively
stained BTV VLPs. B) Summary of neutra lizing a ntibody respo nse to VLP vaccination in
Me rino sheep. She ep were vaccinated with two doses of VLPs with dose ranging from 10 Ilg
to 20 0 ug as indicated. Neuralising antibody titre was followed for 117 days, at whic h point
the sheep we re c hallenged w ith virulen t BTV. C) Ta ble showing clinical reac tion index (CRI)
and length of Virae mia in sheep vaccinated with va rious doses of VLP an d control. No signs
of blueton gue disease or virae mia we re detected in any of the VLP vacci nated a nimals .
is controlled at the level of the cell. rather than the level of the culture as is the case with mixed
infections. BTV VLPs (Fig. 2) are structurally indistinguishable from virus particles bu t lack the
segmented. double-stranded (ds) RNA virus genome normally present in infectious virus."
Antibodies raised to purified BTV VLPs gave high levels of neutralizing antibodies against
the homologous BTV serorype.i In subsequent clinical trials 1 year-old Merino sheep were vac-
cinated with various amounts (10-200 fLg) ofVLPs for BTV serotype 10. All vaccinated animals
developed demonstrable neutralizing antibodies 39•40 and when challenged with virulent virus after
four months of vaccination were completely protected from disease. In contrast, unvaccinated
control animals developed typical BT clinical symptoms. Even at doses as low as 10 fLg VLP was
sufficient to protect animals from any signs ofdisease. Further efficacy tests were performed where
VLPs from two different serotypes were combined to vaccina te the same animal. In these animals
VLPs vaccination provided complete protection against the rwo vaccine serorypes and also partial
152 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
600 ,
Mouse serumaamples
Figure 3. Summary of production and testing of VlPs to SARS coronavirus. A) left, cartoon
and right, electron micrograph of VlPs produced by co-expression of E, M and S proteins of
SARS coronavirus . These VlPs were used to raise anti-sera in mice and the ability of these
anti-sera to protect against infection with a SARS 5 protein pseudotyped lentivirus were as-
sessed. B) le90 neutralising antibody dilution for SARS S pseudotyped lentiv irus, using sera
from 3 mice immun ized with SARS VlP, rotavirus VlP and serum obtained from a SARS
convalescent patient.
To date, the most structurally complicated enveloped virus particle that has been used to
generate VLP is influenza.VLPs for InfluenzaA H9N2 and H3N2 have been produced by other
groups.PThese studies have shown that expression of the major structural protein MI alone is
sufficient result in the budding ofvirus-likevesicles from insect cells.? Also, co-expressionofMl
with M2, HA and NA leads to the assembly of influenzaVLP and MI-HA and MI-HA-NA VLPs
confer protection from lethal challengewith the same type influenza A in mice.60•61 VLP produc-
tion was also successfully achieved by co-expressing HA, NA, MI and M2 from influenza virus
A/Udorn/72 (H3N2) using a single recombinant baculovirus.P To date none ofthese influenza
VLP havebeen tested in humans. However the potential that HA and NA could be incorporated
directly into these VLP from circulating influenza strains without passage in tissue culture has
particular advantage for the control of rapidly changing influenzaA virus.
deliveryof epieopes, DNA and smallmolecules targetingother diseases. This has been facilitated
by the excellent structural information that is often available for virus particlesallowingrational
designof vaccines where epitopes are exposedon the surfaceof the VLP. Manyof the VLPsthat
have been developedas vaccines in their own right have also been tested as delivery systems for
other molecules. It is not possible here to providea full accountof this approach, as the literature
on deliveryand display usingVLPsis at leastaslargeas that on VLP production for direct immu-
nization (for reviewseeref 62). Howeverit is necessary at least to introduce this important area
ofVLP-based vaccine development.The use ofVLPs as carrier molecules for epitopes for other
diseases isnot limited to thoseVLPsthat areformed from the capsids of economically significant
viruses. The reasonthat manyVLPsmakeexcellent carriermolecules for the delivery of epitopes
in vaccines is most likely because the particulate VLP structure is readily taken up into antigen
presenting cells and thus is able to prime long lasting CTL responses in addition to antibody
responses.6.63.64 Certainly accumulatedevidence on VLP vaccines suggests that they are efficient
at stimulating both cellularand humoral immune responses. H 64-66 Notable work has been done
in this areawith both the hepatitis B core particles, human papillomavirus VLPsand parvovirus
VLPsdisplayingT-cellspecific epltopesfromanother protein on their capsid.5.64-66.67 Thesestudies
demonstrate that like bacterialepitope displaysystems VLPs are efficient stimulators of MH C
class I and class II responses.v ThusVLPshavegreatpotential asepitope displaysystems for other
diseases. Theonly majordrawbackfor this approachisthat the requirementof the capsidprotein
to assemble often constrains the sizeof the foreign sequence that can be tethered to the VLP.
One approach that maybe of use to overcome this constraint would be to link foreign protein
sequences to capsidproteins in such a way that they extend the N or C termini of the protein
and extendeither insideor outside to particle/" Ofcourse,this isonly suitablewhereone or both
termini ofthe protein are exposedon the insideor outside faceof the capsid. So far, there are no
VLP that we are awareof that havefullyexploitedthe potential of this approach but it has been
successfully employedfor other protein-basedparticulate structures that are similar to VLPs in
their stimulation of B-cell and T-cell responses and requirement for complexprotein-protein
interactions for particleassembly/"?'
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accination remains th e most valuabl e to ol for preventing infectious diseases. However,
V th e performance ofmany existing vaccines should be improved and there are diseases for
wh ich vaccines are still not available. The use ofwell-defined antigens for the generation of
subunit vaccines has led to products with an improved safety profile. However, purified antigens are
usually po orly immunogenic, making essential th e use ofadjuvants. Despite the fact that adjuvants
have been used to increase th e immunogenicity of vaccines for more than 70 years, only a hand-
ful has been licensed for human use (e.g., aluminium salts, the micro-fluidized squalene-in-water
emul sion MF59 and monophosphoryllipid A). Thus, the development of new adjuvants which
are able to promote broad and sustained imm un e responses at systemic and muco sal levels still
remains as a major challenge in vaccinology. Recent advance s in our understanding ofthe immune
system have facilitated the identification of new biological targets for screening programs aimed
at the discovery ofno vel immune stimulators. This resulted in the identification ofnew candidate
adjuvants, wh ich made po ssible the modulation of the immune responses elicited according to
specific need s. A number of promising adjuvants which are currently under preclinical or clinical
development will be described in this chapter.
A key requirement for the immune system is the discr iminat ion between self and nonself,
particularly in the context ofmicrobial agents able to cause disease. The recognition ofpathogenic
micro-organisms is in pan performed by th e presence of pattern recognition receptors (PRR),
such as th e Toll-like receptors (TLR), on cells from the innate immune system. Thi s system has
also evolved other mean s to ident ify potentially dangerous entities, such as the CD ld-mediated
recognition of cerarnide s: th e complement system ; specialized receptors enabling natural killer
cells to sense "nonself", "missing-self" and "induced-self "; and the Nod proteins by wh ich unique
microbial motifs are detected (e.g., peptidoglycan), thereby initiating pro-inflammatory signaling
cascades.u ·s On the other hand, the recognition ofdangerous enti ties by the innate immune system
is a prerequisite for th e stimulation of pathogen- specific adapt ive immune responses.F It is no w
known that adaptive immunity dependencyon th e innate immune system results from the need for
antigen pro cessing and presentation. These fun ction s are d isplayed by professional antigen present-
ing cells (APC), such as dendritic cells (D C) .N The initial uptake and phagocyto sis ofmicrobes by
APC is facilitated by recognition ofpathogen-associated molecular patterns (PA M P) by PRR.This
..........• cellular _'~\.
,1 \ .
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'.. I
, '---I
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• Iflb/ll I
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hurnoral r "
vaccines. Although severe side effects are rare, alum has the potential to cause sterile abscesses,
eosinophilia and myofasciris.fThere are also concern regardingthe potential role of aluminum
in neurodegenerative diseases."Alum inducesstrongantibody and Th2 responses. Therefore, ad-
juvantsableto promote Th1 and CTL responses arestill needed. Interestingly, the useof alum in
combination with ILI2 can redirectresponses fromTh2 towardsaThl-dominant response." On
the other hand, MFS9 promotes both humoral and cellularimmune responses. 14.1S.22.23Squalene
or squalaneemulsionsareefficient adjuvants whichcan bestabilizedbymicro-fluidization, sothat
the emulsionscan be frozenor kept for years at room temperature, allowingalsotheir sterilization
by terminal filrradon." Antigensare added after emulsification, so that conformationalepitopes
are not lost by denaturation, as well as to facilitate manufacturing. 24.25 Clinical trials of several
MFS9-adjuvantedvaccines, which were performed in different age groups (from newborns to
elderly), havedemonstrated their safetyand immunogenicity. However, PhaseIVsmdiesareman-
datory,sincethe useof oil-based adjuvants maybe associated with a higher riskfor autoimmunity
in experimentalmodels." Thisseems to be relatedwith the hydrocarbon's abilityto induce ILI2,
IL6 and TNFa. Whether this is of relevance for human vaccinationis matter a discussion, since
immunotoxicity depends on many factors, such as the species, genetic makeup, route, dose and
duration ofthe administration. In fact, up to now,clinicalstudiesdo not seemto support a high
risk for autoimmune disease.
Saponinsare a chemically heterogeneous group of sterolglycosides and triterpene glycosides,
which are common constituents of plants. They are known to cause substantialenhancement of
immuneresponses sincethe 1920s. Naturallyoccurringsaponinsfrom QUillaja saponaria stimulate
humoralresponses againstT-dependenr andT-independentantigens and CTL responses." Despite
their usein animalvaccines, the developmentof saponin-based formulations for humanshasbeen
impeded by their complexityand concernsabout toxicity.3S,36 On the other hand, ~ilA, which
resultsfrom partial purificationfrom crudefood-grade extracts, iscontained in severalveterinary
vaccines. Further purificationprovided concentrated saponin fractions, such as QS-21, which is
currently under clinicalinvestigation in humans.37.39 Interestingly, purifiedsaponinsseems to be
alsoeffective asadjuvantswhen delivered byoral route."
Saponinshavebeen combined with cholesterol and other lipidsto generateimmunosdmular-
ingcomplexes (ISCOMs), which areopen cage-like structureswith build-inadjuvantactivitythat
promote antibody,T helper and CTL responses. ISCOMs seemto enhance antigen targetingto
APC , as well as their subsequent uptake, processing and presentation. The use ofISCOMs also
result in the production of pro-inflammatorycytokines, such as Ill, IL6 and ILl2. 40 Liposomes
representa relateddelivery system, which alsohasbuild-inadjuvantproperties.Theyarevesicular
structureslimited bya bilayermembranecomposedof phospholipidsand cholesterol.Liposomes
can carry both membrane associated antigens, as well as water solublemolecules. Their physical
properties are highly variable, depending on the composition and the manufacturingmethod.
This allows the optimization of the designfor specific tasks (e.g., targeting, co-incorporation of
adjuvants). Liposomes havea longhistoryasvehicles forantigendelivery.41.42 Recently, the so-called
virosomes havebeen developed, byincorporatingthe hemagglutininfrom the influenzavirusinto
llposomes.vr" Thisglycoprotein guidesvirosomes to APC and promote their fusionwith the en-
dosomalmembraneat lowpH.Thisin tum leadsto the cytoplasmic release of the antigens, thereby
providingoptimal processing and presentation in the context of MH C class I molecules.
Thereare other candidateadjuvants in advance stages of preclinicaland clinicaldevelopment,
such as a new generation of water-in-oil emulsions [e.g., Montanide, CSA 720), which were
demonstrated ableto triggermoreefficient humoralresponses than alumin several animalspecies
and humans.47-49A smallimmunomodulatory peptide, CEL-l 000, alsopromoted the elicitation
of protective Thl responses against infectiousagents and rumors in experimental animal mod-
els.SO.51 Nevertheless, despitethe availability of a number of molecules with adjuvantproperties,to
optimize rational vaccinedesigna broaderpalette of adjuvants ableto promote differenttypesof
immune responsewould be necessary. In this context, the availability ofimmune-modulators with
well-definedmoleculartargetswould representa clearasset. This approachwould not only allow
Immune Modulators with Defined Molecular Targets 175
fine-tuningand customizingresponses accordingto the specific needs, but would also facilitate
the prediction ofpotential sideeffects.
The mammalianTLR family consists of at least 13 members(10TLRs (TLRI-1O) in human
and 12 TLRs (TLRI-9 and TLRII-13) in mice) havebeen found and eachTLRis involved in
recognizingavarietyof microorganism-derivedmolecularstructures(Table2).55.56 TLR comprise
a extracellular domain with dozensofleucine-richrepeatmotifs,a trans-membranedomain (with
the exceptionofTLR3) and a cytoplasmic Toll/ILlR (TIR) domain similar to that of the III
receptors (ILlRs).57The TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLRS, TLR6 and possibly TLRII are expressed
on the cellularsurface, whereas TLR3, TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9 are believedto reside insidethe
cells (e.g., endoplasmicreticulum and/or endosomes). Each TLR is expressed in a varietyof im-
mune cells, includingmacrophages, DC and Bvcells, aswellasin other celltypes(e.g.,endothelial
cells, epithelial cells). TLR can recognize molecular patterns conserved among but unique to
microbes, which usually do not existin the host. Pathogen recognition by TLR provokes a rapid
activationof the innate immune system by inducing production of pro-inflammatorycytokines
and up-regulationof costimulatorymolecules. The activatedinnate immunesystem subsequently
leadsto effective adaptiveimmunity. Dependingon the TLR triggered, specific signalingpathways
are activated (Fig. 2). DifferentTLR can exert distinct, but to some extent alsooverlapping sets
of biological effects." StimulationofTLR2 and TLR4 failed to increase CTL responses, whereas
ligandsofTLR3, TLRS and TLR7 exhibitedmoderateactivity. In contrast,stimulationofTLR9
dramatically increases CTL responses.f
Agonists able to either control the over-expression ofTh2 cytokines or skew the ThI :Th2
balancetowards a Thl profilewould be of clinicalrelevance for the control of allergic disease/"
In fact, different TLR ligands were demonstrated to be able to inhibit Th2 cell activation and
IgE-dependent release ofTh2 cytokines in animal experimentalmodels of allergy.61.6Z TLR are
alsoimportant for the stimulationofTh2-typeresponses, sincethey augmentthe overall maturity
ofDC.63.64 Someof the initial studies performed with native ligandsgave conflictingresultsdue
to contamination with other moieties. However, the availability of well-defined syntheticderiva-
tives made possible to dissect the signaltransduction events triggered by the specific activation
of a TLR . Thus, the exploitationof well-defined TLR agonistsfor the establishmentof immune
prophylacticor therapeutic interventions seems to be an extremely promising field. However,
safetyaspects need to be carefully addressed during preclinical and clinicaldevelopment, since
TLR seem to be involved in the pathogenesis of human diseases (e.g., autoimmunity,allergies,
asthma and cardiovascular diseases).
In thiscontext, bacteriallipoproteinsand their syntheticanalogues arestrongimmunemodula-
tors during infection, signalingthrough TLR2/TLRI heterodimers.Their synthetic derivatives,
suchasPam3CyS-SK" havebeenexploitedasadjuvants and modulatorsofT-cellresponses. Previous
176 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
With Other Ligand Ligand
TLR TLR (Exogenous) (Endogenous) Source
studies suggested that Pam.Cys-Sk, is able to ameliorate established allergic airway inflamma-
tion by promoting Thl response rather than by affecting regulatory Tvcells." On the other hand.
its co-administration with anti-CD3 antibodies resulted in modulated immune responses. by
inducing the proliferation ofhoth regulatory and effector T-cells in the absence ofAPe. Thus. it
seems that Pam3Cys-S~ improves adaptive responses by expansion ofeffectors and mitigation of
suppressive activity ofTregs.66.67
Immune Modulators withDefinedMolecular Targets 177
Figure 2. The Thl/Th2 network. IL4 and IFNy do not promote a direct inhibition of Thl or
Th2 cells differentiation, but rather block the differentiation of these subsets from naive
Natural and synthetic derivatives of diacylated lipopeptides from Mycoplasma spp. and
Francisella tularensis, such as the macrophage-activating lipopeptide of2 kD (MALP-2). induce
the maturation and activation ofAPC with release of soluble mediators able to act on bystander
cells via activation of the TLR2/TLR6 heterodimer.68•69 Their co-administration with antigens
by either systemic or mucosal route results in the elicitation of strong humoral and cellular
responses. 68•70 Additional studies demonstrated that MALP-2 promotes aT-cell-independent
activation and maturation of Bvcells, increasing also the frequency ofIg-secreting cells. Activated
B-cells exhibited increased expression of both activation markers and ligands which are critical
for cross-talk with T-cells (e.g.• CD19. CD25. CD80. CD86. MHC I, MHC II and CD40).
Immunization ofmice lacking T-cells also showed that MALP-2-mediated stimulation ofTLR2/
TLR6 was unable to circumvent the need ofT-cell help for efficient antigen-specific B-cell acti-
vation. On the other hand. immunization of mice lacking B-cells demonstrated that B-cells are
critical for MALP-2-dependent improvement ofT-cell responses.T " Thus. B-cell stimulation by
PRR seems to be a basic mechanism which can be exploited to improve the immunogenicity of
vaccine formulations.
The lipopolysaccharide (LPS). a component ofthe outer membrane ofGram-negative bacteria.
stimulates adaptive responses. Since the 1970s it was known that the adjuvant effect depends on
the integrity of the lps locus.7; .""7 Then. positional cloning showed that the ips locus was identical
to tlr410cus.-~ However. the toxicity of the LPS prevented its clinical use. making necessary the
development ofnon toxic derivatives. Among them. MPL, a derivative oflipid A from Salmonella
minnesota. was proven to be safe and effective as a vaccine adjuvant for humans. " A new class of
fully synthetic lipid A mimetics (e.g.• aminoalkyl glucosaminide 4-phosphates, RC-529) have
been engineered to target human TLR4 and are showing promise results as vaccine adjuvants and
therapeutics against a wide range of infectious agents." Thus. it seems that the potent immune
178 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
modulatory properties ofTLR4 agonists allow their exploitation as both vaccine adjuvants and
stand-alone therapeutics.
Synthetic double stranded polyribonucleotides act at the levelofTLR3, inducing the production
IFN and other cytokines.This activity can beexploited to increase the effect ofanti-viral drugs. For
example, the anti-retroviral effect ofzidovudine is enhanced by combination with polyribonucle-
orides." Poly I:C was one ofthe first therapeutic agents used to treat HIV and leukemia patients,
but it was abandoned due to toxicity," Synthetic polyribonucleotides also induce the activation
and maturation ofDC. In vitro results demonstrated that a novel non toxic analogue ofpoly I:C
(Ampligen) effectively induce in vitro maturation ofmonocyte derived human DC with sustained
production ofILl2. DC primed with tumor lysates and matured with synthetic dsRNA may offer
a valid alternative for optimizing Th 1 anti-tumor responses in cancer patients."
The binding of bacterial flagellin to TLR5 results in DC stimulation and promotion ofThI
responses. 1.84.85 This depends, at least in part, in the up-regulated expression ofILl2 resulting from
phosphorylation ofp38 and c-jun N-terminal kinase 1/2. Monomeric flagellin acts as local and sys-
temic pro-inflammatory factor via activation ofthe TLR 5-NF-kappaB axisand IL8 production.58.86
Co-administration of tetanus toxoid (TT) with flagellin to mice by intranasal route resulted in
significantly enhanced TT-specific humoral responses in the mucosal and systemic compartments.
Vaccinated mice were completely protected after challenge with a 200 -fold minimum lethal dose
oftetanus toxin. FlaB colocalized with CD Llc as patches in putative DC and a clear increment in
the number ofTLR5-expressing cells was also observed in cervical lymph nodes. 87•88
Imiquirnod, a synthetic imidazoquinoline which was approved in 1997 for the topical treatment
of genital warts , exhibits anti-viral and anti-tumor activities . Imiquimod binds TLR7 and TLR8
on DC leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IFNa, which in turn
stimulates both the innate immune system and the cellular arm of the acquired immune system
(e.g.• improvement of CTL responses). 89.90 This suggests that imiquimod mimics natural ligands
ofTLR7 and TLR8 (e.g., ssRNA from viruses). However. recent experimental and clinical data
indicate that imiquimod also exerts direct pro-apoptotic activity on tumor cells." Imiquimod is
insoluble in water but in most clinical studies its incorporation into an oil-into-water cream emul-
sion (1-5%) was well-tolerated with mild-to-moderate drug-related side effects, such as itching,
burning sensation, pain , erythema. erosion and oedema." An analogue, the so called resiquimod
(R848), is able to promote similar 'Ih l -biased responses . but at 10-fold lower dosages than imi -
quimod." Initial clinical studies suggested that resiquimod reduces the recurrence rate ofgenital
herpes, however. Phase III trials were suspended due to lack ofefficacy.89
In the course ofnatural microbial infections. TLR9 recognizes double stranded DNA which,
in contrast to mammalian DNA. is characterized by the abundance of unrnethylated deoxycyti-
dyl-deoxyguanosine dinucleotides (CpG). The stimulatory activity of microbial DNA can be
mimicked by synthetic oligodeoxynudeotides (ODN) containing such motifs (CpG-ODN).94
The TLR9-mediated stimulation ofthe vertebrate innate immune system and subsequently. ofthe
adaptive immune system, allows the use ofTLR9 agonists as highly effective vaccine adjuvants
for infectious diseases, as well as stand-alone or part of combination therapies against cancer.95.96
TLR9 shows a restricted cellular and sub-cellular pattern ofexpression, which changes also between
animal species. CpG-ODN acts on human B-cells and plasmacytoid DC increasing the produc-
tion ofpro-inflammatory cytokines and promotingAPC maturation and Th 1 responses. F:" These
biological activities enable CpG-ODN to act as adjuvants when co-administered with a given
antigen by systemic or mucosal route, thereby leading to improved antigen-specific responses.
These effects are optimized by maintaining close physical contact between the CpG-DNA and
the immunogen. Ongoing clinical studies also indicate that CpG -ODN are well-tolerated in hu-
mans. 98.99 During infection. recognition of CpG DNA of intracellular pathogens skews immune
response towards a Th 1 dominant pattern. This can be also desirable in therapeutic interventions
aimed at the prevention ofallergic responses.
ImmuneModulators withDefinedMolecular Targets 179
CDld Agonists
NKT-cellsrepresenta unique subsetofimmune regulatoryT-cells, whichareableto recognize
glycolipids presentedbythe MH C class I-likemoleculeCD 1d. Because of their biological proper-
ties, NKT-cells are attractivetargetsfor the developmentof immunotherapies. The prototypical
NKT-celiligand agalactosylceramide (aGalCer) , originallyisolatedfrom a marine sponge,has
potent immunemodulatory activities. aGalCer isa ligandof invariantVa14+ NKT-celIs, which
is presented by CD Id on APC. Administration of aGalCer to mice resultsin a rapid activation
of NKT-cells, which is characterized by cytokine secretion, surface receptor down-regulation,
expansionand secondaryactivation of a varietyof bystander cells from the innate and adaptive
immune systems. Differentstudieshavedemonstrated the efficacy of aGalCer againstmetastatic
tumors,infectionsand autoimmunediseaseS.108. l ll Studiesperformedwith structuralanalogues of
aGalCer alsoshowedthat ~-anomeric GalCer can induce CD Id-dependenr biological activities
in mice,albeit at lowerpotency than n-anomericGalCer.1l 2 The response ofNKT-celis to distinct
GalCer analogues seems to differboth at quantitativeand qualitative levels.Thesefindings indicate
that specific glycolipids could be exploitedto fine-tuneNKT-cells responses, therebyshapingthe
elicited immune responses in vivo. This approach will certainlyfacilitate the developmentof ef-
fective and safeNKT-cell-based immunotherapies.iv'P!"
Different studies have also demonstrated that aGalCer could act as an effective adjuvant
when co-administered with antigens by either systemic or mucosal route. When aGalCer was
180 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
administered with the model antigen ovalbumin by intranasal route to CS7BL/6 and BALBlc
mice. strong ovalbumin-specific humoral and cellular immune responses were stimulated at
systemic and mucosallevd, characterized by a mixed ThllTh2 cytokine profile. Vaccinated mice
also showed complete protection against challenge with the ovalbumin-expressing tumor cell
line EG7. Furthermore, intranasal vaccination with the hemagglutinin from the influenza virus
A/PR/S/34 co-administered with aGalCer also conferred significant protection against viral
infection. Interestingly. when aGalCer was given with a replication-deficient adenovirus to mice.
significantly enhanced immune responses were detected The adjuvant effect induced by intrana-
sal co-administration with aGalCer was blocked in CD Id-I- mice. indicating that the immune
responses were exclusivdy dependent on the CD Id molecule present on APe. Experiments
performed using CFSE-Iabded aT-I cells which were adoptivdy transferred into syngenic mice
showed that naive T-cells were activated and stimulated to differentiate into functional effector
T -cells.1l6The efficacy ofaGalCer as adjuvant was also demonstrated in the context ofother vac-
cine rdevant antigens (e.g.• malaria, influenza . hemagglutinating virus ofJapan}.l13·117.1l8 Despite
the excellent results obtained using aGalCer, there are major drawbacks preventing the efficient
transfer into the clinic. such as its poor solubility. To provide soluble formulations. non organic
solvents or detergents are needed. which represent a safety concern and might affect the immu-
nological properties of some antigens. However. a new pegylated derivate. aGalCerMPEG, has
been recently described. which is water-soluble and retains both the specificity for the CD Id
receptor and the immune stimulatory properties when tested in vitro or in vivo, even at 33-fold
lower concentrations ofthe active moiery.!"
The process by which mammals meet the dual need of an immediate response to danger and
initiation oflong-term protection is regulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are primar-
ily produced by cells from the innate immune system. Therefore, cytokines have been widdy
exploited as natural adjuvants for the design ofimmunotherapeutic or prophylactic interventions.
Many cytokines were demonstrated to be able to enhance protection against infectious agents and
tumors. both in preclinical and clinical studies. One of the most exploited ones is ILl2, which
plays a key role linking the innate and acquired immune systems. ILI2 is critical for activation of
NK cells. promotion ofCTL development, T-cell independent induction ofIFNy, activation of
differentiated CD4+ and CDS+ T-cells, development ofTh 1 responses. provision ofcompiemen-
cary immune-regulatory signals to IL2 and defense against intracellular pathogens.P? Therefore.
also other members ofthe ILl2l1L23/1L27 family, whi ch share ligand and receptor subunits and
play overlapping roles in innate and adaptive responses are also considered as prime candidares,"!
The use ofIL2 also gave promising results. The mechanism ofanti-tumor activity ofthis cytokine
is related to its ability to expand and activate the NK and CTL subsets.!" There is also increasing
evidence that local or systemic effector cell dysfunction, which is characteristic of patients with
advanced cancer, can be reverted by IL2. Another important cytokine, Il.l S, is produced by
several leukocytes in response to infections. IL IS exhibits many homologies to IL2 and. like IL2 ,
stimulates NK cells.!" Chemokine-antigen fusions also resulted in enhanced immunogenicity.
The rational use of combinations between eytokines and chemokines could promote the target-
ing ofantigens to APC, their subsequent maturation. the attraction ofcritical bystander cells, the
steering of cellular immune responses toward a Th 1 response pattern, the improvement of CTL
responses and the enhanced production ofsystemic IgG and secretory !gA. Several review articles
have provided additional information about the most commonly used eytokines and chemokines
for immunotherapics.P'P?
toxicity precludes its use in humans. Nevertheless, subsequent studies allowed the isolation ofthe
active components and a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of adjuvanticity.
This resulted in the identification of molecules exhibiting similar immune modulatory proper-
ties and an adequate safety profile. N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutarnine (I.e., muramyl
dipeptide; MDP) was the first. l3l This is a synthetic derivative of a component present in the
bacterial peptidoglycan. The activity ofMDP can be attributed to its ability to cause the release
of multiple cytokines, Animal studies established that MDP exhibits a broad array ofimmuno-
logical effects, including: (i) enhancement or suppression of antibody levels dependent on the
time of administration relative to antigen; (ii) improvement of cell-mediated immunity; (iii)
enhancement of nonspecific immunity to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites; (iv) stimulation
of natural resistance to tumors; (v) promotion of eytokine release and (vi) pyrogenicity. MDP
is recognized by NOD2, but not by TLR2 or heterodimers formed by TLR2 with TLRI or
TLR6.132 In contrast to intact and diacylated MDP, derivatives with a single octanoyl or stearoyl
fatty acid chain were found to activate TLR2 and TLR4 (see above) and exert their activities
through the MyD88-dependent pathway on APe. 133 Studies performed using a Mycobacterium
tuberculosis animal experimental model also showed that NOD2 and TLR are two non redundant
recognition mechanisms which synergize for the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines.!"
Interestingly, MDP also exerts pronounced neuropharmacological activities, probably through
the interaction with 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors. However, some ofthese biological activities
are undesirable for clinical use.m Thus, structurally well-defined synthetic derivatives from the
MDP were generated,which exhibit improved pharmacological properties. Among these
non toxic derivatives can be mentioned the adamantylamide dipeptide (AdDP), MDP-Lys (LI8)
and murabutide. The AdDP is a synthetic compound in which the dipeptide was combined with
the anti-viral compound amantadine. AdDP exerts its adjuvant properties when administered by
either systemic or mucosal route , leading to the elicitation ofstrong humoral and cellular responses
at both systemic and mucosal Ievels.r'"!"
Co-Stimulatory Molecules
Processed antigenic peptides are presented by APC to T -cells in the context ofMHC mol-
ecules, which are the only physiological ligands for the T-cell receptor (TCR). However, several
additional receptors form pan ofthe immunological synapsis. In fact, ligation ofthe TCR to the
MHC Il-peptide complexes (signal 1) leads to various T-cell effector functions, depending on the
specific nature of the costimulatory receptors (signal 2). Thus, surface molecules such as CD40
and CD 1S4 are central to the cross-talk between T-cells and antigen-presenting cells. The study
of the immune respon ses against intracellular pathogens showed the relevance ofCD40-CD 154
interactions in the regulation ofILl2 and IFNy secrerion .!" Furthermore, anti-CD40 antibod-
ies can be effective adjuvants when administered either separately (high dosages) or conjugated
(low dosages) to the antigen. In the former case, it is likely that side effects such as splenomegaly
would occur, whereas when conjugates are used, side effects may be avoided.145.146 GM-CSF has
been shown to be synergistic with IL 12 or CD 154 for induction ofCTL responses and the triple
combination of GM-CSF, ILI2 and TNFa appears to induce the most effective protection in
some experimental models. The combination of costimulatory molecule s with vaccine antigens
has also resulted in a synergistic effect.147Another potential target molecule is CD134, a member
of the TNFR superfamily. CD 134 is transiently expressed on T-cells following ligation of the
TCR. The CD 134 ligand, known as OX40L, is a TNF family member expressed on APe. The
OX40/0X40L pathway offers opportunities for both enhancing responses through use ofagonists
(adjuvants) and abrogating unwanted responses, such as those generated in autoimmune diseases,
through the use of blocking reagents and antagonists.!" Another widely studied costimulatory
pathway is the CD28-CD80/CD86. CD28 is constitutively expressed on T-cells and can be
seen as analogous in funct ion to CD40 on B-cells. The ligands for CD28 are CD80 and CD86
(also known as B7-1 and B7-2). They are members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, which
182 PharmaceuticalBiotechno/qgy
are transientlyexpressed on activated APe. Forcedexpression ofB7 on tumor cells, whichdo not
normallyexpress it, resultedin enhancedT-cellresponses.149-152
The advent of subunit vaccines rendered obviousthe pressing need for developing efficient
and safeadjuvants. This is particularlytrue when mucosalvaccination strategies are cominginto
consideration, sinceonly a few moietieshavebeen identifiedso far exhibitingthis property. In
particular,thereisa high demandfor adjuvants ableto stimulatecellular immunity, whichisessen-
tialfor combatingintracellularpathogensand tumors. In this context,it wouldbe helpfulto have
well-characterized moieties, which are ableto exert their biological activitythrough stimulation
ofdefinedcellulartargetsand/or signaling cascades. Thisisnowpossible due to the identification
ofagonistsof PRR presentof APC, whichare thought to providea link betweenthe innate and
adaptiveimmune system. An in depth understandingof the underlying mechanisms of action of
thesemoieties, togetherwith the availability of syntheticderivatives with a well-defined structure
will certainlyreduce the likelihoodof undesiredside effects. It would be alsofeasible to choose
the most appropriateentity in order to stimulatepredictableimmuneresponses, accordingto the
specific clinicalneeds. Another aspectwhich requires attention is the minimizationof effector
functionsin untargetedcells.Tothis end,effortsarebeinginvested to achieve the specific targeting
ofadjuvants and/or formulations.Thetargetingencompasses both organand cell-specific delivery
[e.g., local lymph nodes,solid tumors, APe). This is expected to facilitate optimal stimulation
with negligible side-effects. Thus, basic research in immunologywill continue being the main
drivingforcefor innovationin the vaccinology field. Increase predictabilityfor candidatestested
in preclinicaland clinicalstudieswill facilitate the cost-efficient development ofefficient vaccines
with an optimal safetyprofile.
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he acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) emerged in the human population in
the summerof 1981.Accordingto the latest United Nations estimates,worldwideover33
millionpeopleareinfectedwithhuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the prevalence
rates continue to rise globally. To control the alarmingspread of HIV, an urgent need exists for
developinga safeand effective vaccine that prevents individualsfrom becoming infected or pro-
gressing to disease. To be effective, an HIV/AIDS vaccineshould induce broad and long-lasting
humoraland cellularimmuneresponses, at both mucosal and systemic level. However, the nature of
protectiveimmuneresponses remains largely elusive and this represents one of the majorroadblocks
preventingthe developmentofan effective vaccine. Here wesummarize our presentunderstanding
of the factorsresponsible for resistance to infection or control of progressionto disease in human
and monkey that may be relevant to vaccinedevelopment and brieflyreviewrecent approaches
which are currently being tested in clinicaltrials. Finally, the rationale and the current status of
novel strategiesbased on nonstructural HIV-1 proteins, such as Tat, Nef and Rev, used alone or
in combination with modified structural HIV-1 Envproteins are discussed.
Epidemiology: Main GlobalandRegional Trends
Human immunodeficiencyvirus/acquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome(HIV/AIDS) remains
one ofthe most serious threatsnot onlyto globalhealth,but also to globaldevelopment.According
to the 2007 AIDS epidemicupdate byWorld Health Organization (WH 0) and theJoint United
Nations Programme on HIV/ AIDS (UNAIDS), approximately 33.2 million people wereliving
with HIV in 2007 1 of whom 2.5 million were due to new infection among adults and children
(Fig. 1).Today, Sub-SaharanAfricacontinues to pay the highest toll to the globalepidemic,with
68% of new infections,76% of the estimated 2.1 million deaths in 2007 and 90% of the 2.5 mil-
lion children livingwith HIV worldwide.Despite major methodological improvements, which
have cut by 16%the former estimates, the statisticsstill indicate that the number of people living
with AIDS increasedin 2007, partly due to expanded access to therapy that reduced the number
ofdeaths. This new analysis also showsthat the pandemic actuallypeaked in the late 1990s and
"Ihese authors have contributed equally to this chapter.
'Corresponding Author: Barbara Ensoli-Director, National AIDS Center, Istituto Superiore di
Sanlta, V.le Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy. Email:
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, edited by CarlosA. Guzman and Giora Z. Feuerstein.
©2009 LandesBioscience and SpringerScience+Business Media.
" ~.NAI~-
Total: 33.2 (30.6 - 36.1) million ~
~3lO7. t·
Figure 1. Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV, 2007. Reproduced by kind permission of UNAIDS (2007) (
Innovative Approaches to DevelopProphylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines againstHIV/AIDS 191
Correlates ofProtection
Lessonsfrom the NaturalHistory ofHIV-l and SIVInfection
Thecomprehensionof mechanisms of natural resistance to HIV/AIDS mayhaveimplications
for the identification ofnovelanti-viral strategies and in particularforthe development ofinnovative
diagnostics, therapeuticsand vaccines. It is now clearthat both host and viralfactors contribute
to the outcome of the infection and mayexplainthe higher or lowerindividualsusceptibility to
HIV /AIDS (Table 1). In particular,two phenomena ofnatural resistance to HIV-l infection or
progression to disease havebeen described: individuals that remain uninfected despiteexposure
to the virus [multiplyexposeduninfected (MEU) individuals, also termed exposed-uninfecred
(EU), or highly exposed persistently seronegative (HEPS) individualsj'? and individuals that
becomeinfectedbut do not progress to AIDS [long-termnonprogressors (LTNPs)]. Both MEU
and LTNPs offer valuable clues to elucidate immune mechanisms involved in the resistance or
control of infection, respectively and might thus providea unique resource to identify correlates
ofprotectiveimmunity to HIV.
MEU include HIV-discordant couples having unprotected sex,21.22 sex workers23.25 and
health care workers.26.27 Homozygosis for a mutation in CCRS gene (the 32 bp deletion, i.e.,
CCRS-Delta32allele) ispresently considered the mostrelevantgeneticprotectivefactor 8.3Q (Table
1). Further,in a cohort ofMEU Kenyan sexworkersHIV-l specific CTLs werefound both in the
blood and in the vaginal mucosa." Interestingly, theseCTLs, whichhadsimilarspecificities, recog-
nizedepitopesdistinctfrom thoserecognised byHIV infectedindividualsf and maycontribute to
protection frominfectionwith both cytolytic and noncytotoxicanti-viral effectorrnechanisms.F"
In the Nairobi cohort, HIV-l specific CD4+ T-cells produce interleukin-Z (IL-2) rather than
interferon-y (IFN-y)and display limited activationand celldeath ascomparedto HIV-l infected
Table 1. Major host factors associated to resistance or control of HIV infection and relevant to vaccine development
Genetic Polymorphism
CCR5 CCR5 a32 homozygosis CCR5 a32 heterozygosis 28,60,61
CCR2 CCR2-641 473
CCR5 & CCL3L1 Polymorphisms of these genes affect the capacity 79
to mount immune responses (DTH)
MHC A2/6802 supertype B57, B5801, B27 and additional polymorphisms in 62,80,412
B, C and outside Band C loci
KIR Activating (KIR3DS1) and inh ibiting (KIR3DL1) 66,474
NK cell receptors binding HLA-B molecules with
isoleucine at position 80 (HLA-Bw4)
Innate Immune Response
Natural antibodies Against CCR5 Against CCR5 475,476
a and II defensins Increased in the genital mucosae 36
CCL5 (RANTES) Increased in the genital mucosae 477
NK Increased production of IFN-y Conserved lytic activity despite altered phenotype 35,478
Adaptative Immune Response
Antibodies Neutralizing IgA in the genital mucosae 37,479 ~
CD4 ' T-cells Prevalent IL-2 production, limited activation and cell death Polyfunctional, high per cell cytokine production 480 ~~
as compared to infected individuals l:
CD8 ' T-cells Polyfunctional, found also in the genital mucosae, with Polyfunctional, mostly against Gag, highly cyto- 34,63,71
specificities different from those found in infected individuals toxic
CCR5: chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5; CCR5 a32: a 32-base pair deletion mutant of the CCR5 gene; CCR2: chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2; CCL3L1: C-C S.
chemokine ligand 3-like 1 (MIP-1a isoform), a high affinity ligand for CCR5; MHC: Major Histocompatibility Complex; KIR: Killer cell Immunoglobulin Receptor; :s
CCL5: Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5; NK: Natural Killer cells. s-
InnovativeApproaches to Develop Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines againstHIV/AIDS 193
Structure-Assisted Immunogen Design - To improve understanding of the structural basis of antibody binding to the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein
- To stabilize gp120 into more immunogenic forms or to scaffold conserved neutralization epitopes
into foreign prote ins
- To identify epitopes capable of inducing neutralizing antibodies or antibodies contributing to
neutralization (additive or synergistic effect)
To Assessthe Role of Fc Receptors and Complement - To standardize assays that measure these anti-viral activities
- To assess their biologic relevance in passive protection experiments in animal models using
antibodies that exhibit the different effector functions in vitro
Assay Standardization and Validation - To standardize and compare neutralizing antibody assays in order to identify the most reliable
assayor combination of assays to measure neutralization
- To use more than one assay to assure that all neutralizing antibodies are detected
- To prioritize standardization of the PBMC assaybecause it is the only one partially validated in
passiveantibody experiments in animal models
- To validate neutralization assays based on new technologies in passive antibody experiments in
animal models
- To generate new SHIVs from nonclade B viruses to address the above issues
Immunoregulation of B-cell Responses - Better understanding of B-cell responses regulation (and dysregulation) is needed in order to
ident ify the best way to induce long-lasting neutralizing antibodies
- To identify genes that are associated with the wide variation in neutralizing antibody responses in
HIV-1-infected individuals and in vaccine recipients ~
- To study in nonhuman primate models the potential functional contributions of B-cells to HIV :l'.
infections £
- To establish a research consortium to study fundamental B-cell biology as it relates to HIV-1
vaccines So
monkeysand protect from disease progression upon intravenous challenge with the pathogenic
SHIV-89.6P.141.142 but to a muchlesser extentagainstan intrareetalchallenge with SIVmac239.143
Notably. thelimitedprotection upon SlVmac239 occurredin the presence ofT-cellresponses that
correlatedwith protection in the former study.144 Thus. the recent failure (no reduced transmis-
sionor viralloadin vaccinees without pre-existing immunityto the vector)of the PhaseII clinical
trial based on the MRKAd5 trivalentvaccine would suggest SIV as a more rigorous challenge
virus and better predictor of vaccine efficacy in human.145.146 An additional factor complicating
the identification of correlates of protections is the possibility that T-cell responses effective at
controllingprogression in LTNPs,when induced byvaccination prior to infection mayactually
favourthe selectionofescape mutantsand accelerate progression.!" Suchan acceleration mayalso
occurbecause ofthe expansion of HI V-specific CD4+T-cellsinducedbyvaccination. whichactu-
allyincreases the number of susceptible target cells to the incomingvirus.148Thus.despitemajor
advancements in the field. solidcorrelates of protection arestill lacking. The recent introduction
in the HIV vaccine field of midsize Phaselib test ofconcept (TOe) trialsbasically acknowledges
thisweakness and isaimedat obtainingvaluable informationaboutvaccine efficacy beforemoving
to much larger. longerand costly PhaseIII efficacy trials.
SOS gpl4O, designated SOSIP gpl4O, appear to be fully cleaved, to be predominantly trimeric
and to have favourable antigenic properdes .l'" In a recent study, comparison ofthe immunogenic-
ity of SOSIP gp140 trimers with uncleaved gp140 trirners and monomeric gp120 using a DNA
prime-protein boost immunization regimen in rabbits, indicated that SOSIP gp 140 trimers were
superior to gp140 uNc and gp 120 proteins at inducing NAbs.170.184 and SOSIP gp 140 trimers with
Env from other clades have been generated, which have comparable or better stability and capability
to induce NAbs as compared to a prototypic strain OR-FL, subtype B).I64,185.186
In a third approach, heterologous trirnerization domains at the terminus ofthe gp41-ectodo-
main187,188were introduced to stabilize the molecule and 30 aminoacids in the second hypervari-
able region (V2) were deleted to expose neutralizing epitopes shielded by V2 .189,190 This particular
variant, termed AV2 Env, has been developed and tested in preclinical models including rabbits
and monkeys and is currently being evaluated in a gag + env DNA/PLG prime-AV2 Env protein
boost preventive Phase I triaI.168.169,177,I89-191
Since critical neutralizing epitopes are displayed very transiently upon binding to CD4, an-
other strategy developed by Merck and by the University of Maryland!" is based on covalently
linked monomeric gp120 or oligomeric gp140 to soluble CD4 or to synthetic mimetics of the
CD4 receptor in order to induce the conformational changes that take place upon binding of
the virus to CD4 prior to virus entry, thus revealing critical neutralizing epitopes, such as those
involved in coreceptor binding. This approach was tested in macaques and shown to elicit broadly
cross-reactive NAbs.193Finally, broadly NAbs are presently being exploited to select peptides from
phage-display libraries that mimics the Env neutralizing epitopes (mimoropes) with the goal of
identifying immunogens capable to elicit broadly NAbs (for a review see ref. lOS).
Table 3. Rationale to use Rev, Tat, and Nef for an HIVIAIDS vaccine
Pathogenetic Rev, Tat and Nef are expressed very early and strongly dysregulate the immune system contributing 15,200,205,241,251
importantly to the establishment of infection and to disease progression
Epidemiological In asymptomatic individuals responses to these nonstructural proteins significantly correlated with non- 74,201,225 ,229,481
progression to disease
Immunological Rev, Tat and Nef are conserved in their functional and immunogenic regions (both B- and T-cell 198,212,215,216,482
epitopes). Further, Tat and Nef display immunomodulatory effects on APCs exert ing adjuvant effects and
determining the type of immune response elicited
Preclinical Tat, Rev and Nef, either alone or in combination, have demonstrated in preclinical models to be safe and For a review, see refs. 240,483
to elicit broad and specific immune responses and, more importantly, to control viral replication and to
block disease progression
Clinical Tat, Rev and Nef either alone or in combination have demonstrated in Phase I trials to be safe and to For a review, see ref. 240
elicit broad and specific immune responses
Innovative Approaches to Develop Prophylacticand Therapeutic Vaccinesagainst HIVIAIDS 201
of natural HIV-l infection and contribute importantly to the total Hlv-J -specific CD8+T-cell
responses. sincemultiple CTL epitopeshavebeen identifiedin functionallyimportant regionsof
these proteins.20I'204 Furthermore, they haveimmuno(dys)regulatory effects aimed at facilitating
target cellrecruitment and activation, further promoting HIV replicationand spreading. 20 5-207Of
note. Tat and Nef arealsofound extracellularly and in thisform they exerteffects on differentcell
types.includingchemotacticactivityfor HIV target cells. 208
In particular.extracellular Tat can enter both infected and uninfecredcells, whereit promotes
HIV replicationor modulates the expression of cellulargenes, respectively (for a review see ref.
209). Among others. extracellular Tat upregulates the expression of chemokine receptors and
HIV coreceptors. CCR5 and CXCR4.21O,211 Extracellular Tat has also important effects on im-
munoregulatoryfunctions (for a review seeref.209) (Table3). In particular. bioactive solubleTat
selectively bindsand entersboth immatureand matureDCs (iDCs and mDCs. respectively).drives
iDCs maturation and activationtoward aT-helper 1 [Th-I) inducing phenorype.i" gainsaccess
to the MH C class I pathwayof presentation,213.214 and modulatesthe proteasomecatalyticsubunit
composition. modifying the hierarchyof the CTL epieopes presented in favor of subdominant
and crypticepitopes,215.216This latter activitymight be of relevance sinceone wayused by HIV-l
to escape CTL recognition is to mutate residues in the epitope that prevent or impair processing
and the majorityof the multiplyexposeduninfectedsexworkers
of the Nairobi cohort, CTLs recognize epitopes chat are either subdominant or not recognized
in infected women." It remains to be seenwhether Tat contributes to it in the courseof natural
infection.whether targetingTat impactson this typeof immuneevasion,or whether this property
of Tat maybe exploitedto inducebroaderT-cellresponses by includingit in HIV /AIDS vaccines
targeting other antigens. Indeed. preliminarydata indicate that in mice co-immunizationwith
Gag and Tat induces CTL responsesagainst 11 different T-cell epitopes, as compared to mice
vaccinated with Gag alone, which only responded to 6 epitopes."? Both cellularand humoral
Tat-specific immunity may contribute to the control of infection and/or disease progression.
Because HIV-infected cells express Tat veryearlyafter infection, vaccine-induced anti-TatCTLs
mayeliminateinfected cells and block HIV infection at an earlystage.220In fact. rapid induction
of anti-TatCTLs hasbeenreported in naiverhesusmacaques acutelyinfectedwith the pathogenic
SIVmac239 molecularclone,leadingto the selectionofapparentlyless aggressive virusvariants.P!
Notably. anti-TatCTLs werefound moreeffective thananti-GagCTLs at suppressing virus repli-
cation in Mamu-A*OI rhesus macaques.i" Ofoutmost importance. these data havebeen recently
confirmedin patientsenrolledprior to seroconversion and in which a strong temporal correlation
betweenanti-TatCTLs appearance (asearlyas8 dayspostinfecrion),viralload decline and CD4+
T-cells recovery wasfound."
Consistent with this hypothesis. the presenceof Tat-specific CTL responses correlates with
nonprogression to AIDS both in SIV-infected monkeys and in HIV-positive individuals.223•226
Furthermore.anti-TatAbscansequester the extracellular protein. thus preventingthe extracellular
Tat-drivenenhancementofinfection and immunedysregulation associated with them. Strikingly,
anti-TatAbs,whicharefoundonlyin a minority(15-20%) of HIV-I infectedindividuals. arealmost
exclusively present during the asymptomatic phase of infection and correlatewith nonprogres-
sion to AIDS.227.231 Whether this indicatesthat neutralizationof extracellular Tat mayimpact on
disease progression or ismerelya reflection of an underlyingeffective and broad immuneresponse
iscurrentlyunder investigation. Tat is alsohighlyconservedin its immunodominant domains. as
suggested bythe observationthat serafrom Ugandanand South Africanindividuals infectedwith
nonclade B HIV-l strains cross-react with the Tat protein of an HIV-l cladeBsrrain.!"
Vaccines basedon HIV-l Tat (both proteinand DNA) haveprovento besafeand immunogenic
in miceand protectivein monkeys.232'236However. theseresultshavenot been confirmedbyother
investigators utilizingdifferentTat formulationsand vaccination strategies.237•239 Whether these
apparentlyconflictingresults are due to the nature of the vaccine antigen (DNA, nativeversus
inactivated Tat protein. vectored antigen), the monkey species. the route of the administration.
202 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
the antigen dose and schedule of immunization, the adjuvant used, or the virus challengedose,
still remains to be elucidated.24O
Rev is also absolutely required for HIV replication since it facilitates the nuclear export of
intron containing viral mRNAs allowingthe transition from the early to the late phase of gene
expressionand proviruseslackingRev do not produce virions.i" While it is presently unknown
whether Rev is releasedextracellularly and exertseffectson neighbouring cells, Rev, like Tat and
NeE, is often targeted by CTLs in HIV-positive individuals'?' and is broadly conserved among
different HIV-l cladesin its functionally constrained and immunodominant domains at the N
rermlnus.t? However, spontaneously occurring mutations in Rev reduce HIV-l structural gene
expression to levels undetectable byCTLs and mayrepresenta mechanism to escapeimmune rec-
ognition. 205Ofimportance, HIV-l Tat and Revare the dominant viral proteins produced before
Nefdown-regulatesMHC classI moleculeson the cellsurface,hampering recognition ofinfected
cellsby CTLs65 (Table 3). Vaccine basedon Revand Tat hasproven protective in monkeys.s" Rev
alone or in associationwith Nef and Tat has been used for therapeutic vaccinationand resulted to
be safeand immunogenic in HIV-l infected individuals.244-246
HIV-l Nef protein is a myristoylated,membrane-associated cytoplasmicprotein abundantly
expressedin the earlyphaseofHIV-I replicationand releasedin the extracellularmilieu.247.248 Nef
protein serves multiplefunctionsand islikelyto contribute to viralpathogenesis bydownregulating
CD4 and MHC classI on the surfaceofinfected cells249(Table 3). Among its biologicalactivities,
Nef mediates receptor down-regulation, T-cell activation and cytoskeleton rearrangement.250.251
The Nef protein alsoentersB-cells and suppresses immunoglobulinclass-switch contributing to the
evasionofprotective T-cell-dependent IgG and IgA responses.P' In addition, Nefinterferes with
the ability ofCTLs to kill infected T-cellsbydecreasingthe surfaceexpressionofMHC classI on
HIV-l-infected Tcells" and favoursspreadingofHIV to T-cellsby increasingthe expressionof
DC-SIGN on DCs, which traps infectiousHIV parricles'" and bypromoting DC marurarion.i"
Further,differentlyfrom Tat, Nefinduces FasLupregulation and apoptosisin bystandercellsboth
in vitro and in vivo,255 whereasit selectivelysparesinfected cells,256 contributing to immuneevasion
and pathogenesis. Finally,infectionofMDDCs with awild type but not with a nefdefective HIV-l
induces the releaseofsolublefactors recruiting and activatinglymphocytes, which consequently
become targets for productive HIV lnfecrion.P'Taken together these data strongly support the
view ofNef as an important vaccinecandidate alone or in associationwith other HIV antigens
(for a reviewseeref 240). Immunization with plasmidDNA or a MVAvector expressingNefwas
demonstrated to be safeand immunogenic in preclinical and clinicalstudies.258.260
Completed (T) IS
Nef, Rev, Tat, Gag, RT, Env Nef, Rev, Tat + + + + + 'l:>.."
Gag, RT, Env + + + + To be started
Multi HIV B-c1ade Ags and epitopes' Multigene· + + + + Completed (P + T) i:!
Multi HIV A-clade Ags and epitopes" Multigene + + + Pending To be started
Multi HIV C-c1ade Ags and epitopes" Multigene + + + Pending To be started ~
Multi HIV FGH-c1ade Ags and epitopes' Multigene + + + Pending To be started ii-
'Mice efficacy is evaluated as the capability of HLA-A2 transgeni c C57BI/6 mice to elimi nate the engraftment of HIV-l /M uLV-infected syngeneic splenocyte s ~-
injected int raperltona llv.v" 2P: Preven tive ; T: Therapeutic; 3L\V 2Env: Env deleted in V2 (see text for further deta il s); 4M VA : Modified Vaccinia An kara ~
vi rus; 5M ulti HIV, also terme d MultiHIV DNA vacci ne is a pl asmid exp ressing an antige nic fusio n protein compo sed of the regul ator y HIV-l proteins ~
Rev, N ef and Tat, Gag p17/p24 and a stretch of 11 cytotox ic T-Iymphocyte (CTL) epitope clusters fro m Pol and Env, wh ich w as cloned into a nov el
DNA vector named the Ge ne Transport Unit (GTU). Four differe nt pl asmids expressing the same im munogens but originating from subty pes A , B, C
consensus, or FG H ancestral seq uences, are currently und er evaluat ion; 6M ultigene is a coc ktail of seven plasmids enc odi ng cl ade B Nef, Rev, Tat,
RT, clade A and B Gag and clade A, B and C Env prot eins.
204 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
protects monkeys againstan intrarectalchallenge with SHIVSFl62p4 (ref 267 and EnsoliB,unpub-
lished data) or an intravenous challenge with SHIV89.6P.268 Basedon thesepromisingresults, a
PhaseI clinicaltrialwill start in 2008.Theminimumcriteriumof success forEnv-specific responses
will be the induction of NAbs against the vaccine strain [Le••homologous neutralization)in at
least 50%ofthe trial participants.
The other minimalistic approach developed within the AVIP consortium is based on the
combination ofNefand 1:1V2-Eny26'l (Table4). Thisvaccine iscomposedof the nefgeneinserted
into the MVA(seebelow)in combinationwith the same1:1V2-Env protein mentionedbefore. As
for the Tat/1:1V2-Envapproach.the Nef/1:1V2-Envvaccine will be administeredin HIV-negative
volunteers. seekingto inducemostlyanti-Nefcellular immunityand anti-Envhumoralimmunity.
in particular NAbs,to prevent (or reduce)virusentry and to controlvirusreplication. As for the
Tat/1:1V2 Envvaccine. criteriafor advancement of the Nef/1:1V2 Envvaccine beyond PhaseI will
be provensafetyand broaderand morepotent immune responses againstthe componentsof the
combinedvaccine. ascomparedto thoseobtaineduponvaccination with thesingle antigens. Phase
I trialswith Nef or 1:1V2-Env alone havebeen completed189•2S9 preclinical testingin macaques of
the Nef/1:1V2-Env combinedvaccine will be carriedout in 2008 and preventive PhaseI studies
will followshortly.
The multigene strategy represents another attractivevaccine approach based on the design
ofa cocktailof geneticimmunogens (DNA constructs)encodingseveral viralcomponentsfrom
varioussubtypesofHIV-I. includingstructuraland regulatoryproteinsaswellasviralenzymes. 266
Twomultigeneapproaches arebeingevaluated in the AVIP containingacocktail
ofsevenplasmidsencodingNef Rev. Tat. Gag. RT and Envantigens. termed HIV multigene;266
the second one, basedon the genescodingfor Rev, Tat. Net Gag. p17, p24 full length antigens.
alsoincludesover20 T-cellepitopesfrom Pol.Protease and Envantigens and is thereforetermed
Multi-HIVantigens/epitopes.265 Aprophylactic Phase I trialwith the HIV multigenewasrecently
conducted in Sweden and shown to be safeand highlyimmunogenic. More than 90% of the 38
volunteers mounted T-cell responses (proliferative and IFN-y ELISpot responses) against the
vaccine antigens upon administration with a needle-free device (Biojector) of DNA encoding
Env(cladeA, B. C), Rev(B),Gag(p17/p24, A and B),RT (mutated,B)followed bya boost with
MVAexpressing Env, Gagand Polof CRFOIA_E.269 Basedon theseencouraging results showing
that thisadministration strategy and the useofGM-CSF asadjuvant increases the immunogenicity
of a DNA prime followed byMVAboostingin human, a newpreventive PhaseIIII studystarted
in 2006 in Tanzania.F? As part of the AVIPprogram, a therapeuticPhaseI-II trial has recently
started in UK and Sweden with the aim of comparingin individuals infectedwith HIV cladeB
the immunogenicity ofthe multigenevaccine basedon cladeBantigens with that of the cladeA-C
multigenevaccine. Ofnote, both vaccines includea newlydeveloped plasmidencodingTar/Nef
as a singlefusionprotein.266The Multi-HIV antigens/epitopes approachexploits a noveldelivery
systemtermed genetransport unit (GTU), a proprietary technologyof FIT BIOTECH, which
increases the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines therebyavoiding the need for an heterologous
boosting.265 PhaseI studiescarriedout in Finland haveproven that GTU-MultiHIV (B clade) is
safeand immunogenic in healthyand HIV-I infectedindividuals and it iscurrently beingtestedin a
therapeutic Phase lIa clinical trialin SouthAfrica. 265 Asecondgeneration vector,called Auxo-GTU,
wasmorerecently preparedand aconstructsexpressing multipleantigens andepitopesfromseveral
clades (A, B,C, FGH) wasmadeand it isgoingto be evaluated in a PhaseIIII trial in 2008.
To address the issue of viraldiversity, a novelstrategyto broaden cross-clade T-cellresponses
has been recently proposed. Accordingto this strategy, polyvalent vaccines can be made that
comprise a mosaic of several naturallyoccurringsequences computationally optimizedto include
the maximumnumberofpotentialT-cellepitopesfrom relatively conserved and immunologically
relevantHIV-I prorelns.f" In vivotesting will verifythe validityof this approach.
Innovative Approaches to DevelopProphylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines againstHIVIAIDS 205
Delivery Systems
Subunit (proteins or peprides)vaccines aregenerally verysafe. with well-defined components.
However. these antigens are often poorly immunogenic and adjuvants are required to induce
a measurable and supposedlyadequate immunity. Thus. a vast array of delivery systems (e.g.•
micro/nanoparticles, emulsions. ISCOMS. liposornes, virosomes and virus-like particles). im-
munomodulators (cytokines, chemokinesor costimulatorymolecules) and, as mentioned above.
evenautologousDCs pulsedwith viralantigenshavebeen proposedand are presentlybeingused
to increasethe efficiency of vaccines against HIV/AIDS (Table S). Furthermore.several highly
attenuated replicatingand nonreplicatingvectors have been or are being tested in a number of
preclinicaland clinicaltrials[ref 240 and Table 6)
Thesestrategies. reviewed elsewhere.P" haveproven effective in controllingviremiaand pro-
gression to AIDS in nonhuman primates.but observations in earlyphaseclinicaltrialsin humans
have not been promising. In fact. some of the trials had to be stopped at variousstages due to
adverse reactionsto the delivering vector312or the inabilityof the expressed immunogen to cover
genetically diverse isolates prevalent in the geographical areas. 313 Nevertheless. the outcome of
several ongoing clinicaltrialsis expectedto delivergood newsabout safevaccine delivery vectors
and. ifpossible, an effective vaccine againstaparticularstrain ofHIV-1 9 (Table6). Herewebriefly
reviewthe different approaches utilized to delivervaccines that are currentlybeing evaluatedin
clinicaltrials (TableS).
Genetic vaccines (naked-DNA vaccines). employDNA plasmidsas"Trojanhorse"vectorsto
delivergenesthat codefor HIV epiropes (fora review seeref 314).Theseexpression vectorsremain
in their episomalform into the host cellwherethey produce peptidesthat induce cellularimmu-
nity. Compared to viraland bacterialvectors.DNA plasmidsfocusthe immuneresponse on more
narrowlyon HIV insert sequences. do not induce (and are not affectedbypre-existing) immunity
to the vector.are cheapand haveseveral regulatory. safety. handling advaneages.l" Immunization
with DNA plasmidscontaining HIV inserts has been demonstrated to elicit substantialcellular
responsein miceand nonhuman primates.315.316 but not in humans,"?
Therefore. many strategies have been undertaken to enhance the immunogenicityof genetic
vaccines. which includedelivery systems. modifications of thevaccine construct,fonnulation with
immunostimulatory rnolecules.l" In particular promoter modification and inclusion of genes
Table 5. Major HIV-vaccine approaches .is'
Types of HIV Vaccine Advantages Disadvantages Type of Response Elicited
Whole HIV Viruses <!
- Killed/Inactivated Viruses Simple to prepare; they might present HIV Litt le efficacy in nonhuman primates; Few NAbs, no CTL response s,
surface proteins in a relatively native conforma- safety concerns (inactivation efficiency) ~
tion depending o n the inactiv ation pro cedure; no
mutation or reversion ~
- Live Attenuated Viruses Mimic natural infecti on; high levels of protect ion Safety conce rns: mutation; potential Long-lasting cell- media ted and ~
in animal mod els reversion to virulenc e hum oral immunity -s<!
Recombinant Viral Proteins Safe; simple and inexpensive to prep are; defin ed Immunogenic response is restricted to Target humoral immunity, no CTL
(Subunit Vaccines) composition (mostly structural protein s) selec ted ant igens; responses are not respon se ~.
durable; no protection in two effica cy
trial s; adjuva nt required
Peptides These vaccines use small pieces of HIV protein s Poorly immunogenic in human trials; Poorly im munogenic in human
trials; adjuvant requ ired
as an immunogen; safe, inexpensive, potentiall y stability issue ~
useful for broad antigenic diversity ,,"
Naked DNA Safe; stable; no cold chain required; inexpensive; Poorl y imm unogenic in humans; co n- Cellular immune respon ses; ~
potential to encod e multiple anti gens; immu - cerns abo ut DNA integration into hum an heterologous pr ime-b oost strate- sR~
nogenic in animals; prolon ged immunity; mor e cells gies needed to induce humor al ~
effective in heterol ogou s prim e-boost strategies respo nses in primates '~" .
Viral Vectors The vaccine is a w eakened vi rus, unrelated Complica ted to prepare; viral escape Dependi ng on the vector, sys-
to HIV, into wh ich HIV genes are inserted; mutants; potenti al immunodysregulator y temic and mu cosal humoral and ~
high-level produ ct ion of protein antigens directl y effect of the vector proteins ; pre-existin g cell-mediated immune responses ~
with in cells of the immunized host, potenti al imm unity t;
adjuvant effects of the viral delivery system itself;
delivery of antigen dir ectly to co mpo nents of the
immune system, such as antigen-presenting cells
continued on next page '-1
Table 5. Continued ~
• Poxviruses Highly immunogenic. they grow to high tite rs, Safety concerns Mucosal and systemic antibody
are very stable when lyophilized and are capable and T-cell responses
of accepting large transgene sequences; potential
to be administered by different routes
- M VA Safe because they do not replicate in mammalian Limited immunogenicity and durability Both CTl and Ab responses
- NYVAC cells; possibility of introducing large amounts of of immune responses in humans at both systemic and mucosal
DNA; effective in nonhuman primate models sites, depending on the route of
- Canarypox (CPV) ex. Safe because they do not replicate in mammalian Limited immunogenicity T-cell responses
ALVAC cells; no concerns about pre-existing immunity
- Fowlpox (FPV) against these vectors in humans
- Adenoviruses (Ad) Safe (replication incompetent Ad), stable; highly Responses limited by pre-existing Robust mucosal and systemic
immunogenic; wide tropism; high effici ency of immunity (especially to AdS) humoral and cellular immune
cellular uptake; can be administered at mucosal responses, especially when
sites replication-competent Ad vectors
are used
- Adeno-Associated Viruses They establish a persistent infect ion in the host Poorly immunogenic in human; in mice Humoral and cellular immune
(AAV) they induce T-cells with an altered responses
phenotype and functionally impaired ~
- Alphaviruses: They can infect a large number of animal cell Anti-vector immune response Humoral and cellular immune '"
- Sindbis (SIN), types and transiently express high amounts of vi - responses
- Venezuelan equine ral and heterologous protein s; safe because their
encephalitis (VEE), replication occurs exclusively within the host-cell l
- Semliki Forest (SFV) cytoplasm; lack of preexisting immun ity; ability c;"
virus to induce apoptosis of transduced cells, favoring s..
DC cross-priming
continued on next page ~
Table 5. Continued .l:lSi"
Types of HIV Vaccine Advantages Disadvantages Type of Response Elicited ~
- Herperviruses (HSV) Dur able immunity; abi lity to activate the inn ate Safety con cerns in immunocompro- Humoral and cell ular immune
immune system; ability to acco m mo date large mi sed individuals; pre-existing immunity respon ses
inserts of DNA
- Rhabdoviruses (VSV) Rapid growth; relatively safe; mu cosal efficiency Potent ial safety concerns in immuno- HIV speci fic CTL respon se b
comprom ised ~
- Polioviruses They grow to high titers; easy to prepare and Pre-ex isting immun ity Mu co sal humoral and cell ular -ss-
to deliver orall y; stable in the intestinal tract immune responses
wh ere they infect the mucosal M -cell s respon - -s"'<l"
sible for antigenic presentation; immunogenic in ...i:""
nonhum an prim ates
Bacterial Vectors Simple and inexpensive to prep are; probabl y lS
Stability issue Humoral and cellular respon ses; l:l..
safe; they can be administered at mu cosal site mu cosal immunity
- Mycobacterium (BeG) Safe in human s; easily administ ered and Safety issues especially in children and Mucosal and systemic humoral ~
affordable; able to indu ce long-lasting immunity; immuno- compromised hosts and cellular iimune responses l~.
muco sal delivery of HIV antigen s; ability to
accommodate large inserts; adjuvant activity ~
- Listeria Sti mulates innate and adaptive im mune Safety issues especi ally in ch ildren and CD4' and C DB" T-cell respon ses S·
responses immuno-comprom ised hosts ~
- Salmonella Safe; inexpensive; offers the benefi t of oral Safety issues especially in children and Mu cosal and system ic hum oral ~.
delivery; muco sal targeting immuno-compromised hosts; poor and cellular immune respon ses
immunogenic ity in hum ans ~
VLPs Safe; mimi c the virus particl e, d isplaying HIV Di ffi cult to prep are Good cellular and humoral ~
prote ins in a relatively native co nfor matio n imm une responses at system ic b
and mu cosal level
Microparticles Enhance the bioavalaibility of the antigen, Instability and manufacturing difficulties CTL response
reducing the numb er of doses in the
immunization schedul e; targeting of DCs N
210 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
encoding cytokines that increasethe expansionof antigen-specific T-cells (IL-2 and IL-IS), or
attract and inducethe maturationofAPCs (GM-CSF and B-chemokines) havebeenevaluated (for
a reviewseerefs.318. 319). Furthermore,novelformulationsare beingpursued to increase the in
vivoexpression ofDNA vaccines and to protect them from rapiddegradation,involvingadjuvants
or carrierssuch as Iiposomes, bacterialendotoxin, macroglobulins, CpG oligodeoxinucleotides,
peptides and polymers (described below).320-322 Nevettheless, DNA vaccines recently tested in
clinical trials displayed limited immunogenicity195.323-325 and most DNA vaccines are presently
deliveredas a prime in heterologousprime-boostsstrategies (seebelow).
Bacterial Vectors
Among bacterialvectors.liveattenuated recombinant~cobacterium spp. and entericbacteria
such as Salmonella spp. are microorganisms that can be administered at a mucosalsurfaceand
should be ableto specifically induce mucosalcellularand humoralimmuneresponses/" Bacterial
DNA vaccine delivery demonstrated in vivo efficacy in several experimental animal models of
infectious diseases.l" Attenuated strainsof Salmonella spp.havebeen developedaspotential vec-
tors for stimulating immune responses in the gastrointestinal mucosa .l" An advantage of these
vectors is the possibilityto exploit the Type III secretionsystem. a multicomponent systemthat
allowdeliveryofantigensdirectlyinto the cytoplasm, favouring MH C class I antigen-processing
and presentation.F'
A Salmonella in which the SIV gagtransgenehad been fused to a Type III-secretedbacterial
protein wasusedin a Salmonella-prime/MYA-boostregimento stimulateSIV Gag-specific CTL
responses in the gastrointestinaltract of rhesusmacaques.P" Although low levels of CTLs were
detected afterthe priming,upon MYA boostingstrongCTL responses weredetected in the blood
and in the colonic mucosa. However. no protection against intrarectal challenge with SIVmac239
was observed.P" In a PhaseI dose escalation trial oral delivery of Salmonella expressing HIV Gag
resulted safeand induced strong immune responses to Salmonella antigens, but modest immune
responses to Gag.m.332
Mycobacterium booisBacillus Calmette-Gulrin (BCG) is another promisingvector. BCG has
a longrecord of safetyin humansand isableto inducelong-lasting imrnuniry.P! However, despite
extensive testingin smallanimals (miceand guineapigs),evidence in nonhuman primatesofprom-
isingimmunogenicity334.335 and efficacy againstan homologouschallenge afterasingleinoculation
of rBCG expressing the HIV MN V31oop,336 recommendations byWHO and UNAIDS to further
explorethe useofrBCG asa potential vectoredvaccine for HIY,337no clinicaltrial has started yet
with this vaccine approach. While pre-existing immunity to BCG doesnot seemto be a problem,
use of this vector in developing countrieswhere Mycobacterium tubercolosis (and tubercolosis) is
highly prevalent and even BCG vaccination may be fatal in immunodeficient children.r" raise
some concernson the feasibility of largescalevaccination with this platform.
Another interestingvectorisrepresented byListeria monocytogenes (Lm). afacultative intracel-
lular bacterium that enters the cellby phagocytosis and colonizes the cytosolof the host cell.339
Several properties makeLm an attractiveHIV vaccine vector. First.this bacteriumis a good agent
to stimulate innate as well as adaptiveimmune responses sinceit specifically infectsand induces
maturation of DCs. Second. foreign antigensencoded by Lm are efficiently processedand pre-
sented by both MHC class I and MHC class II molecules. thus activatingboth CD8- and CD4+
antigen-specific T_cells.340-342 Third,Listeria-derived vaccine vectors maybegiven orally.343 In animal
models,oral or parenteral immunization with Lm engineeredto express a number of HIV/SIV
antigensinduced strongcell-mediated immune responses, but demonstratedlittle efficacy against
a SIVmac239 challenge in macaques vaccinatedagainst Envand Gagin DNA prime-rLm boost
regimen.339.344.345 However, as Lm can causeseriousinfectionsin neonates,pregnant women and
immunocompromised hosts, different attenuation strategies are being undertaken to overcome
safetyissues associated with the useof liveLm asvaccine vector in humans. In particular,a liveat-
tenuatedLm 346and a killedbut metabolically active Lm 347 havebeenrecently developed and shown
preserved immunogenicity and efficacy in tumor mouse models.346-349 In nonhuman primates,
Innovative Approaches to DevelopProphylacticand Therapeutic VaccinesagainstHIVIAIDS 211
vaccination with an attenuated strain termed Lmdd expressing HIV-l gag induced Gag-specific
'f-cell responses upon oral administration, whereas combined oral/intramuscular administration
induced strong Gag-specific systemic and mucosal Ab responses. This difference was also evident
for anti-vector Ab, indicating that the route of administration strongly influences the type of re-
sponse elicited. Ofnote, a very late boost failed to induce a robust increase ofanti-Gag Ab titers,
suggesting that anti-vector Ab may severely limit the vaccine immunogeniciry.P" In this regard , an
heterologous DNA prime-oral Lm boost strategy appears a more promising approach, in that it
induced in rhesus macaques mucosal SIV-Gag-specific CD8' T-cells expressing the a4~7 integrin
gut-homing reccptor.l"
Viral Vectors
Safety concerns about live attenuated viruses and inactivated vaccines352J53have led scientists
to look for better and safer ways ofmaking an AIDS vaccine. Most of the more promising AIDS
vaccine candidates currently beingdeveloped and tested use viral vectors, viruses that are not harm-
ful and act as the delivery system to carry HIV antigens to the immune system. 354The potential
advantage ofthe viral vector strategy is to mimic as closely as possible the efficacyoflive-attenuated
vaccines, while at the same time offering much greater safety. Since several of such vectors are
replication competent, the emergence ofviral escape mutants may represent a concern. Further,
although used as vectors, these are actually viruses that have developed multiple and sophisticated
ways to modulate and evade the defense system,355 which may affect the immunogenicity of the
transgene, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Also, some of the proteins of the vector may be
highly immunogenic, thus hampering the immunogenicity ofthe transgene. Thus , a better knowl-
edge of the se aspects is critical when designing vaccination approaches based on viral vectors. A
number of different viruses have been developed as vectors for vaccines. The different vectors all
have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among viral vectors, poxviruses and adenoviruses
have received the most attention in the design of HIV vaccine.
Poxvirus Vectors
Several poxviruses , relatives ofvaccinia (the smallpox vaccine) , are attractive vectors since thei r
large genome allows for the inclusion of multiple heterologous genes, including those encoding
antigens, costimulatory molecules and cytokines, Moreover, poxvirus vectors may be used for mu-
cosal immunization.F" Attenuated vaccinia strains such as MVA and NYVAC (derived from the
Copenhagen strain by further deletion of 18 open reading frames encoding molecules implicated
in pathogenicity and host-range regulatory functions) are the most frequently used poxvirus vec-
to rs. These vectors have been shown to be safe in immunocompromised macaques and in human
Phase IIII clinical trialS.357.36O Pre-existing immunity to vaccinia is ofa limited concern since its use
for smallpox vaccination has ended more than twenty years ago. Most of the recombinant HIV
vaccine usingpoxviruses are effective in nonhuman primate models ,361.364 however, they have much
less immunogenicity and less durable immune responses in humans.
Vaccination with rMVA alone has failed to show sufficient immunogenicity in preventive
and therapeutic Phase I clinical trials 365.366 and because of the inherent high immunogenicity of
the vecto r MVA is currently used as boost for DNA vaccines (see below) . However, therapeutic
vaccination with MVA-nef was safe and induced novel immune respon ses in the majority of the
14 volunteers.259.367
Other poxvirus vectors presently being tested include canarypox'" and fowlpox (for a review
see ref 369). Despite promising results in monkeys.V? Canarypox vectors expressing different HIV
genes have shown limited immunogenicity in humans even at high doses, which were associated to
high reactogenicity.371.m Results from a Phase II trial recently cond ucted using the recombinant
cana rypox ALVAC vCP 14S2A administered alone or together with rgp 120 failed to demonstrate
sufficient imm un ogenicity to grant advancement to Phase III trials." ! Based on composite data
from Phase I and Phase II trial s, Aventi s and the Thai Ministry of Health, together with the US
National Institutes ofHealth (NIH) and the US Military HIV Research Program, have launched a
Phase (1,11,11I)
Vaccine Type Trial N° Organizer, Producer Vaccine Product (Clade) Start Date
DNA HVTN 070 Univ. Pennsylvania DNA gag, pol , env (B):I: Il-12 or Il-15 DNA I (preventive) Sep-07
Env DNA St. jude, NIAID DNA env (A, B, C, D, E) I (preventive) May-OS
Protein C86P1 SGUl, Richmond Pharma- Prime: HIV-gp140-lT-K63 I (prevent ive) Sep-06
cology, Novartis Vaccines Boost: HIV-gp140-MF59
HVRF-380 -131004 Moscow Institute Env, Gag (B) I (preventive) Mar-06
Vectored Antigen
• Poxviruses HPTN 027 NIAID, Sanofi AlVAC-HIV vCP1521 env (B, E) I (preventive) Oct-06
RV138IVR811 USMHRP A lVAC- HIV vCP205 env gag, pol (B) I (preventive) Mar-06
HIVIS 02 Karolinska Institute, SMI, MVA env (E), gag (A), pol (E) I (preventive) jan -06
RV 158/WR 1143 USMHRP,WRAIR MVA gp160, gag, pol (A, E) I (preventive) jul-05
- Adenoviruses VRC012 NIAID-VRC Ad35 env (A) I (preventive) May-07
AdS env (A) ~
HVTN 054 NIH-VRC Ad gag, pol (B), env (A, B, C) I (preventive) jul-05
Heterologous Prime Boost HVTN 072 NlAID Prime: DNA env (A) I ( preventive) May -07
Boost: AdS or Ad35 env (A) ~,
HVTN 049 NIAID, Chiron Prime: DNNPlG microparticles gag, env (B) I (preventive) jan-OS Ii:
Boost: oligomeric V2-deleted gp140 (B)-MF59 c;'
continued on next page S.
Table 6. Continued l;;'"
Vaccines Based on HIV Structural Gene Products ~
Phase (1,11,11I) S.
Vaccine Type Trial N° O rganizer, Producer Vaccine Product (Clade) Start Date
H V TN 042/AN RS NIAID, ANRS Prime: AlVAC-H IV vCP1452 env, gag, po l + CTl 1/11 (preventive) Apr -04 ~
VAC019 epi top es fro m nef/pol (B) ~
Boost: L1PO-5 or AlVAC (CTl epi topes) fro m Gag,
Pol, Env (B) ~'"'"
RV144 DoD,Thailand Pr ime: A lVAC env (B, E) III O ct-03 ~
MOPH,N IA ID Boost: Gag (B), Pol (B), Env (B, E) pro teins ~
TAVEG,Sanofi,VaxGen l:.
POl A I47490 University of M aryland Prime: Salmonella Typhi env (B) I (preventive) Jun-03 t;:l
Boost: Env Protei n(B) '"
NOl AI05394 N IAI D Prime: D NA env, gag (A, B, C, E) I (preventive) M ay-03 ~
Boost: Env, Gag prote in (A, B, C, E)
Vaccines based on combined HIV structural and nonstructural gene products ;;;'
DNA N/A Guangxi CDC M ulticlade D NA plasm ids (B, C) I (preventive) M ar-OS ~.
H IVISOl Karolinska Institute, SM I, D NA env (A, B, C), gag (A, B), RT (B), rev (B) I (preventive) Feb-OS
040254; 04- 1-0254 NIA ID M ulticlade DNA plasmids: gag, pol, nef (B), env (A, B,C) I (preventive) Aug-04 ::.::
Protein 108706 GlaxoSmithK line Gag, Pol, Nef 1/11 (preventive) Feb -07
HV TN 064 DA IDS, Protein ep itopes Env, Gag, Pol, Vpu (B) andlor DNA I (preventive) Jan-06
Pharmexa-Epimmune gag, po l, vpr, nef (A, B, C, D, F, G)
Table 6. Continued
Phase (1,11,111),
Vaccine Type Trial N° Organizer, Producer Vaccine Product (Clade) Start Date
Vectored Antigen
- Poxviruses IAVI C003 ADARC, IAVI, Rockefeller MVA env/gag-pol, nef-tat (C) I (preventive) Nov-06
HIV-POL-OOl Bavarian Nordic MVA HIV polytope vaccine I (preventive) Oct-06
IAVI DOOl IAVI, Therion TBC-M4 MVA env, gag, tat, rev,nef aRT (C) I (preventive) Dec-OS
IAVI C002 IAVI-ADARC MVA env/gag-pol, nef-tat (C) I (preventive) Jan-OS
- Adenovirus (Ad) AINS04-AS218 NlAID, Merck, HVTN AdS gag, pol, nef (B) II (therapeutic) Sep-OS
HVTN OS7 NIAID Ad gag, pol (B), env (A, B, C) I (preventive) Nov-04
- Adeno-associated IAVI A002 IAVI, Targeted Genetics AAV gag, PR, aRT (C) II (preventive) Nov -OS
viruses (AAV)
Heterologous Prime Boost HIV NAT 064 The National Centre in Prime: DNA gag, pol, tat/rev, env (A, E) I (preventive) May-07
HIV Epidemiology and Boost: rFPV gag, pol, tat/rev, env (A, E)
Clinical Research, The
University of South Wales
HVTN 067 NIAID, DNA vaccine and MVA (alone or in I (preventive) Apr-07
Pharmexa-Epimmune prime-boost regimen) env, gag, pol, vpu (B); ~
gag, pol, vpr, nef (A, B, C, D, E, G) ~
HVTN 069 NIAID Prime: DNA gag, pol, nef (B), env (A, B, C); I (preventive) Nov-06
Boost: Ad gag, pol (B), env (A, B, C) l
l; "
continued on next page s,
Table 6. Continued ~.
Vaccines Based on Combined HIV Structural and Nonstructural Gene Products ~
Phase (1,11,111), ~
Vaccin e Type Trial N° Organizer, Produc er Vaccine Product (Clade) Start D ate ~
V RC-Ol l N IAI D, VRC Prime: D NA gag, po l, nef (B), env (A, B, C) or I (preve ntive) May -06 ~
Ad gag,po l (B),env (A, B, C)
Boost: Ad gag, po l (B) env(A, B, C) ~ ""
HVTN 065 NJAID, Geovax Prime: D NA gag, pro, RT, env, tat, rev, vpu (B); I (preventive) Ap r-06 t-
Boost: M VA gag, po l, env (B) ~.
HV TN 06 8 DAIDS, N IAID, VRC Pri me: Non repl icating Ad gag-po l (B), env (A, I (preventive) M ar-06
B, C) or DNA gag, pol, nef (B), env (A, B, C);
Boost: Ad gag-pol (B), env (A, B, C)
EuroVacc 02 EuroVacc Foundatio n Prime: DNA env, gag, po l, nef (C) I (prevent ive) Feb-06
Boost: N YVAC env, gag, pol , nef (C) 1::t.....
IAVI VOO l IAVI, NIAJD Prime: D NA gag, po l, nef (B), env (A, B, C); I (preve ntive) Nov-05
Boost: Ad gag, pol (B), env (A, B, C) R
HTV N 063 NIAI D, W yeth Prime: D NA gag (B) ::l: IL-15 I (preventive) Sep-05 ii '
Boost: D NA gag (B)::l: IL-15 or DN A gag (B) ::l: ~
IL-12 ~.
HTVN 060 NIAI D, Wyet h Prime: DNA gag (B) ::l: IL-12 I (preventive) Aug-05
Boost: D NA or peptide gag (B) or gag, env, nef ~
(B) + GM-CSF ~
H IV IS 03 M UCHS, Karolinska Prime: DN A env (A, B, C), gag (A, B), RT (B), 1/11 (preventive) De c-06 b
Table 6. Continued
Phase (1,11,11I),
Vaccine Type Trial N° Organizer, Producer Vaccine Product (Clade) Start Date
RV 172/WR 1218 USMHRP, NIAID Prime: DNA gag, pol, nef (B), env (A, B, C); 1/11 (preventive) May-06
Boost: Ad gag, pol (B); env (A, B, C)
HVTN 204 NIAID, Vical, GenVac Prime: DNA gag, pol, nef (B), env (A, B, C); II (preventive) Sep-OS
Boost: Ad gag, pol (B), env (A, B, C)
HVTN 055 NIAID, Therion Prime: MVA env, gag (B) + tat, rev, nef, pol (B); I (preventive) Sep-04
Boost: FPV env, gag (B) + tat, rev, nef, pol (B)
Whole HIV DCV-02 Hospital Clinic Barcelona DCs pulsed with inactivated autologous HIV I/II(therapeutic) Nov-06
5P01A157127-2 NIAID HIV immunogen (whole killed gp120-depleted 1/11 (therapeutic) Oct-05
HIV inactivated)
2000456-01 H Ottawa Health Research Institute Remune (vaccine) and AlVAC (vaccine) 1/11 (therapeutic) Sep-05
ADARC: Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center; ANRS: Agence Nationale de Recherches sur Ie SIDA (France); DAIDS: Division of AIDS; DoD: US Department
of Defense; EuroVacc: European Vaccine Effort Against HIV/AIDS; Guangxi CDC: Guangxi Centre for Disease Control and Prevention; HPTN: HIV Prevention ~
Trials Network; HVTN: HIV Vaccine Trials Network; IAVI: International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; MoPH: Ministry of Public Health; MUCHS: Muhimbill University
College of Health Science; NIAID: US National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases; NIH: US National Institutes of Health; SGUL: St George's, University ~
of london; SMI: Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control; St. Jude: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; TAVEG: Thai AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Group; ~
USMHRP: US Military HIV Research Program; VRC: Vaccine Research Center; WRAIR: Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; MVA: Modified Vaccinia An- ::-.
kara; FPV; fowl poxvirus; vCP: viral Canarypox; LT·K63: nontoxic mutant of Escherichia coli heat labile enterotoxin (IT); PLG: Polylactide- coglycolide; GM-CFS: b:I
Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor.
Innovative Approaches toDevelop Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines agaimt HIV/AIDS 217
PhaseIII trialwith a HIV-l Env-based vaccine in which a canarypox prime isfollowed byboosting
with the VaxGen gpl20 protein (Table6).
Similarly. despitepromisingresultsin the monkey model.l" a PhaseI therapeutic trial with a
fowlpox vector expressing Gag and Pol failed to displayany immunogenicityof the transgenes,
althoughit inducedanti-vector Abs.37SImmunogenicity wasdemonstratedin a morecomplex thera-
peutic trial in which immunizationwith fowlpox expressing several HIV antigenswascombined
with HIV lipopeptides(syntheticfragments of HI V proteins associated with lipidsthat facilitate
the induction of a cellularimmuneresponse) and followed byadministration ofIL- 2. confirming
the intrinsicweakimmunogenicityof this vector.376Fowlpox vectoredvaccines performedpoorly
alsoin heterologousDNA prime-fowlpox boost approachesboth in monkeys and PhaseI preven-
tiveor therapeutic trials.375.377.378 Subsequentstudies in the monkey model suggest that the poor
immunogenicityobservedin human as compared to monkeysmight be due to the vaccine dose
used. which might be insufficient to triggeradequate responses.t" However. higher production
costs,multiple inoculations and reactogenicity are seriousobstacles to scalingup vaccine dosing
and might hamper further developmentof vaccines of this type.
particles containing self-replicatingRNA encoding the VEE replicase proteins and expressing a
gene of interest in placeof the viralstructural protein genes. An appealingfeatureof alphaviruses
is their known ability to induce apoptosis of transduced cells, favouring DC cross-priming."!
Thesereplicon particleshaveshown protection againstother virusesand haveelicitedsignificant
cell-mediatedand antibody immune responses with SIV antigens,perhaps due to the propensity
of the vector to target antigen-presentingcells.412 The VEE vector is currently being tested in
Viruses belonging to the rhabdovirus family and in particular the vesicularstomatitis virus
(VSV) are also being used. These vectors offer the advantage to be highly flexible, easy to ma-
nipulate and ableto express largeand multipleforeigngenes.414Intramuscularvaccinationof mice
with a single-cycle vector expressing HIV Env elicited strong Env-specific humoral and cellular
responses."? Furthermore, immunization of macaques with recombinant VSVs (rVSVs) express-
ing SIV Gagand HIV Envhas been reported to protect from pathogenic SHIV89.6P.416.417 These
promising resultshaveled to the developmentofrVSVfor use in humans.t" However, sincethe
prototypic rVSVvector was found to be insufficiently attenuated for clinical evaluation, novel
highlyattenuated vectorshavebeendesigned, whicharelessneurovirulentand moreimmunogenic
than the prototypic rVSVvector," ?
Other potentially powerful vaccinedeliverysystems are represented by Polioviruses.f" Both
replication-competent and replication-deficient recombinants have been shown to be immu-
nogenic in nonhuman primates when used through various routes of immunization, including
mucosaldelivery.t" However, restrictionsto the useof thesevectors include the stabilityand size
of heterologous gene inserts422and the presenceof high levels of pre-existingimmunity to polio
vectors in the generalpopulation.
Replication-competent and replication-defective herpesviruses (HSVs), including HSV-I,
represent suitable vaccinevectors against AIDS. Important advantages include broad host cell
range,high infectivityand easyof production of high-titer stocksof viruses, long-termexpression
of foreign antigens and stimulation of both humoral and cellular arms of the immune system.
Vaccination with replication-competent or replication-defective HSVsvaccinevectors express-
ing SIV Env and Nef, protected macaques against a challengewith SIVmac239.423 However, the
overall toxicityand the pre-existingimmunity against the vector may represent a safetyissuefor
their use in humans and current strategies focus on the development of replication-incompetent
virusesused in prime-boost regimenwith DNA. 424
Two novel classes ofbiocompatible core-shell anionic microspheres havebeen used as an ef-
ficientdelivery system for vaccinationwith the Tat protein.432Thesernicrospheres, synthesized by
dispersion polymerization, arecharacterized byan increased shelf-life and the capability of reversibly
adsorbingnativeproteins at their surface. In particular.thesemicroparticles consistofnegatively
charged microspheres, made ofeither poly(styrene) or poly(methylmethacrylate) and in which
hemisuccinatedpoly(vinylalcohol)or EudragitLl OO/S Swereused,respectively, asstericstabiliz-
ers.432Thesemicrospheres preventedTat from oxidation, maintainingthe nativeand biologically
active conformation required for vaccine efficacy and efficiently delivered Tat intracellularly. In
the mousemodel, delivery of Tat by these microspheres wassafeand immunogenic.433•434
Virus-like particles(VLPs) are self-assembling. nonreplicating,nonpathogenic particlesthat
aresimilarin sizeand conformationto intact virions.43s.436 VLPsoffera number ofadvantages over
conventional protein immunogens and havebeen therefore consideredas an ideal HIV vaccine
candidare.i" In fact,theseparticlescanbe easily producedin largeamount in heterologousexpres-
sionsystems (baculovirus, vaccinia virus)and easily purified. In addition,sinceVLPslackregulatory
proteinsaswellasinfectious geneticmaterial, theyareboth replication- and infection-incompetent,
makingVLPssaferthan live-attenuatedviruses. Further,VLPsexpress viralproteinsin their native
conformation and generally induce more effective humoral and cellularimmune response than
their solublecounterparts. in both the systemic and mucosalimmune compartments.437-439
However. due to their nonreplicatingproperties,VLPsareless effective at inducingcellularim-
mune responses ascomparedto live-attenuatedviruses or replicatingviralvectorvaccines. For this
reason,novelapproaches arebeingdeveloped in order to increase their immunogenicity, including
DC targeting.440 The mucosaladministration ofVLP vaccines has also emergedas a promising
strategy to elicit mucosaland systemic anti-HIV humoral and cellularimmune responses.r"
To date. numerous typesofVLPs havebeen produced utilisingthe abilityofcapsidand enve-
lope proteins to self-assemble into highlyorganisedparticulatestructures. In particular.the Gag
protein is required for their assembly. budding and release from host cell. VLPs,basedon HIV-I
pSSgag, presentingthe entiregpI20 moleculefrom an UgandancladeA HIV-I isolate, havebeen
shownto inducestrongsystemic and mucosal humoraland cellular immuneresponses in mice.442,443
More recently, IN administration in a mousemodelof theseVLPstogether with the EurocineL3
mucosal adjuvant (a monoglycerides/fatty acid lipid suspensionsr'" in a heterologous (DNA +
VLPs)prime-booststrategyinduced higher titersof NAbs and strongeranti-EnvT-cellresponses
as compared to vaccination with adjuvanted VLPs only.44s Further, a combined multiepitope
VLP-based HIV vaccine (Combi HIVvac) carryingboth B- and T-cell epitopes (from HIV-I
Env,Gag. Poland Nefproteins) resultedsafeand highlyimmunogenicin mice.446 Ofinterest,vac-
cination ofrhesusmacaques with pSSgagVLPsin the absence of adjuvantinduced broad.durable
anti-GagCTLs.447However, therapeuticvaccination with HIV-I p l?Ip24:Tyvirus-like particles.
which contain part of the HIV-I lIl B Gagsequenceand areproduced byexpressing a TYA:p17/p24
fusion genein yeast448did not appear to slowerHIV-I disease progression.t?or to impact CD4+
T-celldecline in patients with advancedHIV infection.4so
relatively common and detrimental immunodominanceof the vector that mayresultin a reduced
immunogenicityof the transgeneand the impossibility to use the samevector twice because im-
munity to the vectorstronglyreduces or preventsthe transgeneexpression. Toovercome thislatter
problem sequential immunizationswith different viral vectors have been used as an alternative
prime-boost approach,as reported in nonhuman primate modelsagainst SHIV451 and SIV143.l44
challenges. DNA prime-viral vectorboost approaches mayalsobe exploitedto target mucosalsite
either because of the intrinsic tropism of the vector or because they can be applied mucosally. A
varietyof protocols usingalternative viralvectorsfor both priming and boosting havealsobeen
reported, both alone and in combinationwith DNA and havebeen successful at limitingdisease
progression, but not at offeringprotection againstinfection. Forexample, DNA primingfollowed
bya recombinantMYAexpressing multipleHIV proteinsdid not preventbut effectively controlled
infection upon challenge with pathogenic SHIV89.6P in rhesus macaques.361.452 Based on the
promising resultsin monkeys, GEOVAXis currentlytesting in 4 different PhaseI trials a DNA
prime-MYA boost approachin which primingwith DNA encodingTat, Rev, Vpuand Gagis fol-
lowedbyboostingwith MYAexpressingEnv, Gag,Protease and RT.Preliminary dataindicategood
safetyand CTL responses in over 50%of the vaccineesv! and a PhaseII trial isplanned for 2008.
Similarly, McMichaeland coworkers at the Oxford Universityhaveshown in PhaseI studiesthat
DNA prime-MVA boost HIV vaccines are well-tolerated and immunogenic, but the percentage
of volunteersrespondingto the vector and the durability of CD8· cell-mediated responses have
not matchedsofar the responses observedwith the rAd5vector.132.366.4S4 However, the lackofsolid
correlates of protection and the largebody of evidence showingthat natural control of infection
is not necessarily associated with strong immune responses should not impede advancement of
these type of vaccines to Phase II trials.
Several advancements have been made over the past few years to improvevaccine strategies
aimed at inducing protection against HIV. Ideally, the aim of an effective vaccine would be to
produce sterilizingimmunity in allrecipients. However, alsoa vaccine ableto control rather than
prevent the infection might haveimportant benefits, reducing HIV levels in the body,delaying
progression to AIDS and initiation of anti-retroviral therapy and reducing the chance of HIV
The current knowledge suggests that an effective HIV candidateshould induce both humoral
and cellularimmune responses, to ensuredurableimmunological memoryand to boost both the
adaptative and innate immune system. The latter one is particularlyimportant at mucosalsites
ofHI V transmission.v' One of the majorimpedimentsto the developmentofan HIV-I vaccine
is the lack of knowledgeof the immune correlates ofprotection. Although studiesof MEV and
LTNPs continue to providevaluable informationon mechanisms of naturalprotection, whichcan
then be appliedto vaccine design, it shouldbe kept in mind that immuneresponses in LTNPs may
representa correlateof preservationof immunecompetencein a host containinginfection rather
than the actualfactorscontrollingthe virus.Natural resistance to infectionhasbeen attributed to
a combinationofgenetic,innate and acquiredimmunesystem-mediated mechanisms."Therefore,
a novelapproach for treatment and/or preventionof HIV infection might be representedby the
manipulation of these restriction factorsin order to improveand broaden their activities.456The
earlycontainment of HI V-I and SIV replicationin acutelyinfected individuals and monkeys is
temporally associated with the emergence of a virus-specific CTL response and high levels of
circulatingCTLs areassociated with good clinicalstatus in chronicallyinfected individuals457.458
and acutelyinfected monkeys,"? Importantly, experimentalin vivodepletion ofCD8- T-cellsin
monkeys, abrogatedcontrolofSIV replication duringprimaryinfectionand the animalsdied after
a rapidlyprogressive disease course.460462 While this has generally been interpreted as the defini-
tive proofof the keyroleof CD8- T-cellsin the containment ofinfection, it should be reminded
that alsoNK cellsexpress the CD8 moleculeand their experimentaldepletion maycontribute to
the lossof virus control.
Interestingly, lossof control of infection has been reported also upon B-celldepletion during
primarySIVmac infectionof rhesusmonkeys,460·463.464 suggestingthat eitherAbsareindeed crucial
for containing the virusevenat the verybeginningof the infectionor, more in general, that severe
disturbance of a component of the immune system disrupts the proper function of system as a
whole, underscoringthe integrated nature of the defensesystem360•463.465-469 and the contribution
ofmultiple arms to an effective control of infection (for a reviewseeref 470).
Because of safetyconcerns, traditional immunization approaches, including those based on
liveattenuated and inactivatedviruses, havebeen almostabandoned.Vaccine candidatesbasedon
purifiedor syntheticproteinsaremainlydeveloped to induceNAbs,whereas recentadvances in mo-
lecularbiologyand geneticengineeringhaveled to the development ofa newgeneration ofvaccines,
whichincludes DNA- and microorganism-vectoredvaccines,whichareprimarily aimedat inducing
T-cellresponses. In this regard,vaccinia viruses, canarypox constructs,replication-competent and
replication-defective adenovirus vectorsare the main livevectors currentlybeing evaluated. The
success of these vectors is believed to depend also on their capabilityto trigger innate immune
responses, which would induce proper adaptive immunity. Although replication-competent
adenoviruses have the advantage of persistentlyinfecting the host and stimulating the immune
system,383 safetyissues need to be fullyaddressed before their advancement to clinicaltrials. The
recent failure of the Merck trial clearly indicates that even replication-defective adenoviralvec-
tors maybe harmful in the presence of pre-existing immunity to the vector.Thus,DNA vaccines
with increasedimmunogenicityand microbialvectors that circumvent pre-existing immunity to
the vector are needed. In this regard,optimization and further explorationof new adjuvants for
DNA and protein antigensare currentlybeingheavily pursued.f" Vl.Ps havealsobeen employed
asmulti-epitopevaccine sincetheyofferthe advantages of [i) mimickingthe virionwithout having
the safetyconcernsof live-attenuatedviruses, (ii) inducing both mucosaland systemic immune
Innovative Approaches to DevelopProphylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines againstHIV/AIDS 223
responses , (iii) activating both endogenous and exogenous antigen presentation pathways (MHC
class I and II, respectively) and (iv) maintaining the antigens in their native conformation.
Effective vaccination may ultimately require two or more vaccines used in conjunction (het-
erologous prime-boost strategies), an approach to vaccine development that differs from tradi-
tional vaccine design and is presently the preferred strategy for many vaccine candidates against
HIV/ AIDS (Table 6). In this regard, there is a general agreement that when exploited combined,
the vaccine components used for the prime and the boost are expected to stimulate a broader and
more diversified immune response than using any ofthem repeatedly. In addition, the single use
ofa viral or bacterial vector will avoid the interference, on a second administration, ofpre-existing
immunity to the vector.
Effective anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines may require targeting of several HIV-l antigens. Among
these multi-component vaccines novel minimalistic vaccination strategies, combining structural
(~V2-Env) and nonstruetural (Tat or Nef) proteins have been rationally designed to induce NAbs
and T-cell responses against keyearly and late HIV antigens. In particular, preclinical testing ofthe
Tat/ ~V2-Env combination in macaques has shown efficacy (ref. 26S and Ensoli B, in preparation)
and clinical trials with this vaccine candidate will start in 200S .
However, HIV vaccine development still faces significant challenges. The availability ofan ef-
fective HIV vaccine requires scientific and public-health efforts and the establishment ofConsortia
such as the "European Consortia for HIV vaccine development" (includingAVIP, MUVAPRED,
VIAV) , the "N eutralizing Antibody Consortium"; the "HIV Global Enterprise", an international
Consortium ofnongovernamental and governamental organizarions.f? Clinical trials must also be
performed with appropriate ethical rules, especially in developing countries, avoiding duplication
of efforts, using standardized genetic inserts as immunogens and implementing immunological
assaysfor preclinical and clinical testing to compare candidate vaccines. This is important because
the laboratory assaysused to assess immune responses may not be comparable, severelyhampering
decisions about which candidates to pursue for further testing. In addition, new knowledge about
the immune response to HIV is raising concerns that current assays overlook important aspects
of those imm une respon ses.
Open questions remain to be answered, such as how to induce high titers of NAbs; whether
any of the vaccines being currently developed will elicit cellular immune responses that will cor-
relate with protection from infection or disease progression; the type (poly- or mono-functional)
of CD4' and CDS' T-cell responses elicited by the vaccines currently being developed; the mag-
nitude, breath and durability of the vaccine-induced CD4' and CDS' T-cell responses; the best
combination ofvaceines that in the prime-boost immunization strategies will stimulate an immune
response similar to that thought to confer protection from disease progression.
The challenges the scientific community still faces are formidable. However, looking back ,
enormous progresses have been made in each aspect of vaccine development, from basic science
to clinical testing, that let us be optimistic about the eventual generation of effective preventive
and therapeutic vaccines against HIV/ AIDS. While vaccines able to slow disease progression
and decrease transmission rate should be at reach in the medium term , recent advancements in
the generation ofEnv-based immunogens, their association to key regulatory or accessory HIV-l
proteins and present reconsideration of the several Ab effector functions, make us hoping that
even a sterilizing vaccine may be not too far distant.
The research activities described in this publication were funded by the EC Commission un-
der the VI Framework Programme of Research and Technological Development (2002-2006),
Project no . LSHP-CT-2004-S034S7 , AIDS Vaccine Integrated Project ("AVIP") and Project no .
LSHP-CT-2003-S03240, Mucosal Vaccines for Poverty Related Diseases ("MUVAPRED").
The authors wish to thank Mrs. P. Sergiampietri for the editorial assistance and Mr. Leonardo
Sernicola for preparing the tables.
Please note that Aurelio Cafaro and Iole Macchia have equall y contributed to this chapter.
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accination represents the most efficient tool to control morbidity and mortality resulting
V from influenza infections in humans. The currently licensed influenza vaccines provide
good protection levels in healthy adults . whereas lower protection is generally achieved
in ageing individuals who are at a higher risk ofdeveloping severe clinical man ifestations. Future
improvements in influenza vaccines should address the needs of high risk groups including the
elderly. small children and chronic patients. Recently. due to the increased incidence of avian
influenza pandemic outbreaks. the prevention of a potential human influenza pandemic turned
into another crucial issue in the influenza vaccination field. The development and validation of
manufacturing processes for efficient and safe pandemic vaccines became one of the top priori-
ties of health. regulatory and funding agencies all over the world. In the pandemic cont ext. the
development of novel vaccines administered via the mucosal route may playa significant role by
reducing virus shedding from infected individuals. This chapter provides insights in the limita-
tions of existing manufacturing processes. new approaches to overcome limitation in vaccine
production. mechanisms ofaction ofcurrent vaccines and discuss potential strategies to improve
the imm unogenicity and efficacy ofinfluenza vaccines.
Influenza viruses A . B and C are enveloped viruses with a segment ed . negative single-stranded
RNA genome. They are members ofthe Orthomyxoviridaefamily together with the Thogotovirus
and Isavirus. Within each influenzavirus genus no separate species has been recognized. but there
are clusters ofstrains that can genetically reassort with each orher.P Studies on the ecology ofthe
influenza viruses led the hypothesis that all mammalian influenza viruses derive from an avian
influenza reservoir. Thus. after long periods ofevolution. human viruses originate from reassorted
influenza viruses ofavian/mammalian origin. The level ofnonhuman virus adaptation to the hu-
man host has a considerable impact on the severity ofhuman influenza disease. Human influenza
is mainly caused by Influenza virus A and . to a less extent by Influenza virus B.' Based on the an-
tigenicity ofthe surface glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (N) the influenza
virus A is further classified in different subtypes. Actually. 16 different HA and 9 different N have
been identified. In the past . human influen za virus A infection has been caused by 3 different HA
·Corresponding Author: Epifanio Fichera -Etna Biotech Sr.l., Piazz a Stes icoro 59, 9513 1
Catania, Italy. Email: efichera
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. edited by Carlos A. Guzman and Giora Z. Feuerstein.
©2009 Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+Business Media.
244 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
(H I, H2 and H3) and 2 different N (N 1 and N2) . However,new avianrestricted strains (HSN 1,
H7N2, H7N3, H7N7, H9N2 and HI ON7)have recentlybeen reported to infect humans. v'
Although associatedwith a significantmorbidity and mortality on groups at risk, such as the
elderly, small children and patients sufferingof chronic diseases (e.g... chronic heart, lung and
kidney diseases, diabetes or immunosuppressive conditions), annual epidemicsusuallyresulring
from infections with circulating influenza A strains represent reduced threats, as compared to a
pandemic situation. Indeed, pandemic avian/mammalian influenza viruseswhich were able to
cross a speciesbarrier and infect humans as a result ofgenetic re-assortmentsare associatedwith
severecomplications and high mortality rates,"
Human influenza epidemics are caused by circulating viru ses and usually begin in
November-Decemberin the northern hemisphereand in May-June in the southern hemisphere, fa-
voredbylowertemperatureandlowerrelative humidity? in spiteof theavailabilityofprophylacticvac-
cineswith provenepidemiological and clinicalbenefits. One reasonfor this isthe naturalhighgenetic
instabilityofinfluenzaA viruses. Repeatedlyoccurringpoint mutations in antigenically important
regionsofthe genesencodingboth the viralHA and N without affectingreplicationcapacity,leads
to significantalterationsin the immunogenicityofthese surface glycoproteins (so-called antigenic
drift). The new so originatingvirusstrain is able to escapepre-existing host immunity allowingthe
new strain to spread.6 The frequencyofantigenicdrifts represents one of the most crucialhurdlesin
the manufacturingofeffective inrerpandemicvaccines. To overcome this obstacle, accordingto the
current WHO recommendations, all manufacturers worldwide produce yearly trivalent vaccines
containingantigensfrom two differentsubtypesofinfluenzaA strains(currentlyH IN1and H3N2)
and one strain ofinfluenzaType B. The specific strain selectionis basedon surveillance data from
the worldwidenetwork of nationalinfluenzacentersand WHO collaboratingcenters.Because vac-
cineshaveto be manufacturedbefore the actualepidemicstrainsare known, a failure to anticipate
emergenceof a strain relative to the vaccine will result in a substantialreduction or abrogation of
vaccine-mediated protection
Human pandemic influenza, againstwhich various vaccines are stillunder development, results
ofthe combinationofseveral factorsin a stepwise manner;"Historicalinfluenzapandemicsemerged
throughan adaptationprocess ofavian or mammalian influenza viruses to thehumanhost.Thecrucial
stepsin such adapting processare the developmentofhybrid virus. termed reassortants, harboring
geneticinformationfrom both human and animalviruses. Indeed.due to the factthat the segmented
genome of influenza viruses consistsof eight individualRNA segments, human-avian virus RNA
reassortants can be produced by cdIs co-infected with both viruses.t Thereby completely novel
subtypesoflnfluenza A viruscan emergein a processcalledantigenicshift,which ismechanistically
different from the much more frequent genetic drifi:s resultingofpoint mutations.Thus, genome
segmentationis a characteristic featureof influenzaA viruses enablinga rapid and drasticevolution
ofthe virusresultingin the escapeof immunosurveillance in newlyinfectedimmunologically naive
humans.Currently,the establishment of efficient vaccines to preventpandemicinfluenzarepresents
one ofthe most crucialglobalproblemsto be solvedby scientists and the vaccine industry.
Influenza vaccines available todayarein usesinceover50years. During this timetheyunderwent
onlysmallimprovements.Theefficacy ofvaccines isacceptable in healthyadultsbut suboptimalin at
riskpopulation groups, in whichthe infectioncanprogress to verysevere, complicated disease and
evento a fatalend. Furthermore, thereiscurrentlyno efficient tool to efficiently fightthe predicted
next influenza pandemy. The avian H9N2, H7N2 or H5Nl influenza strainshave been already
shownto cause human infections, althoughtheseavain strainsdid not acquire the capability ofhu-
man to human transmission yet.It isessential to improve our understanding of disease mechanisms
to facilitate the development of better measures to control influenza. In order to protect humans
againstpandemicinfluenza threats, aswellas to improve existing interpandemic vaccines for high
risk population groups, new vaccine approaches must urgentlybe identified and developed. That
will imply major scientific and industrial investments in order to convert promising improved
candidatevaccines into marketable products.
New Strategies to Overcome theDrawbacks ofCurrently AvailableFlu Vaccines 251
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he potential applications ofnanotechnology in life sciences, particularly nanobiotechnol-
ogy, include those for drug discovery. This chapter shows how several of the nanotech-
nologies including nanoparticles and various nanodevices such as nanobiosensors and
nanobiochips are being used to improve drug discovery. Nanoscale assaysusing nanolirer volume s
contribute to cost saving. Some nanosubstances such as fullerenes are drug candidates. There are
some safety concerns about the in vivo use ofnanoparticles that are being investigated. However.
future prospects for applications in healthcare ofdrugs discovered through nanotechnology and
their role in the development of personalized medicine appear to be excellent .
Current drug discovery process needs improvement in several areas. Although many target s
are being discovered through genomics and proteornics, the efficiency of screening and valida-
tion processes need to be improved. This chapter will show how nanotechnology will playa role
in improving this process. Nanotechnology is the creation and utilization of materials . devices
and systems through the control ofmatter on the nanometer scale. Given the inherent nanoscale
functional compo nents of living cells. it was inevitable that nanotechnology will be applied in life
sciences giving rise to the term nanobtorechnology,' Technical achievements in nanotechnology
are being applied to improve drug discovery. drug delivery and pharmaceutical manufacturing. A
product incorporating the NanoCrystal° technology ofElan Drug Deliver y Inc (King ofPrussia,
PA). a solid-dose formulation ofthe immunosuppressant sirolimus , was approved by the FDA in
2000. Nanotechnologies are already being used in molecular diagnostics.' Analyses of Signaling
pathways by nanobiotechnology techniques may provide new insight into the understanding of
disease processes, developing more efficient biomarkers and understanding mechanisms ofaction
ofdrugs. This will help in designing new approaches to drug discovery. Various nanotechnologies
used for drug discovery are listed in Table 1 according to various stages ofdrug discovery.3 Selected
technologies are described briefly in the following text .
Gold Nanoparticles
Gold nanopartieles are the most commonly used nanomaterial in diagnostics and have many
other uses as well such as a connecting point to build biosensors for detection of disease DNA.
Instead ofa fluorescent molecule, a gold nanoparticle can beattached to the antibody and other mol-
ecules such as DNA, which can beadded to the nanoparticle to produce bar codes. Because many
copies ofthe antibodies and DNA can be attached to a single nanoparticle, this approach is much
The RoleofNanobiotechnology in DrugDiscovery 39
more sensitive and accurate than the fluorescent-molecule tests used currently. Although they can
be used for drug discovery, they need to be combined with another technology for visualization.
Gold nanoparticles have been used to demonstrate multiphoton absorption induced lumines-
cence (MAIL), in which specific tissues or cells are fluorescently-labeled using special stains that
enable them to be stu died. Gold nanoparticles can emit light so intense that it is readily possible to
observe a single nanoparticle at laser intensities lower than those commonly used for MAIL, i.e.,
sub-lOO-fs pulse s of790-nm lighr.' Moreover, gold nanoparticles do not blink or burn out, even
after hours ofobservation suggesting that metal nanoparticles are a viable alternative to fluorophores
or semiconductor nanoparticles for biological labeling and imaging. Other advantages ofthe tech-
nique are that the gold particles can be prepared easily, have very low toxicity and can readily be
attached to mole cules ofbiological interest. In addition, the laser light used to visualize the particles
is a wavelength that causes only minimal damage to most biological tissues. This technology could
enable tracking ofa single molecule ofa drug in a cell or other biological samples.
Optical biosensors capable of exploitingsurface plasmon resonance (SPR), waveguides and
resonant mirrorshavebeen usedwidelyoverthe past decadeto analyze biomolecularinteractions.
Thesesensors allow the determination of the affinityand kineticsof a wide varietyof molecular
interactions in real time, without the need for a molecular tag or label. Conventional SPR is
applied in specialized biosensing instruments. These instruments use expensive sensor chips of
limited reuse capacityand require complexchemistry for ligand or protein immobilization. A
sensitive techniqueisbeingdeveloped for opticaldetection ofgoldnanoparticle-labeled molecules
on protein microarray by applyingthe surface plasmon resonance and specific molecularbinding
Cantilevers transform a chemicalreaction into a mechanicalmotion on the nanometer scale
and this motion canbe measureddirectlybydeflecting a light beamfrom the cantilever surface.'? A
state-of-the-art position sensitive detector isemployedasdetectiondevice. Thestaticmode isused
to obtain information regardingthe presenceof certain target molecules in the samplesubstance.
The surfacestress causedby the adsorption of these molecules resultsin minute deflections of the
cantilever. This deflectiondirectlycorrelates with the concentration of the target substance. The
dynamicmode allows quantitative analysis of massloadsin the sub-picogram area. As molecules
areadsorbed,minimalshiftsin the resonance frequency of an oscillating cantilever canbe measured
and associated with reference data of the target substance. Both modescan alsobe operatedsimul-
taneously. Thecontrolled depositionof functional layers isthe keyto convertingnanomechanical
cantilevers into chemicalor biochemical sensors. Inkjet printing is a rapid method to coat canti-
leverarrays efficiently with various sensorlayers. Applicationsrelevantto drug discovery include
label-free biochemicalassays and investigation ofb iomolecularinteractionsaswellasmultiplexed
assays. Byattachingspecific antibodiesto cantilevers the simultaneousimagingof target antigens
and identificationof antigen-antibodyinteractionshavebeen demonstrated.
moieties such as folic acid using complementary DNA oligonucleotides to produce clustered
molecules, which target cancer cellsthat over-express the high affinityfolate receptor.11
A keyattribute ofthe fullerenemoleculesistheir numerous points of attachment, allowingfur
precise grafting of active chemicalgroups in three-dimensional orientations. This attribute, the
hallmark of rational drug design,allowsfor positional control in matching fullerenecompounds
to biologicaltargets. In concert with other attributes, namely the sizeof the fullerene molecules,
their redoxpotential and its relativeinertnessin biologicalsystems, it ispossibleto tailor requisite
pharmacokinetic characteristics to fullerene-based compounds and optimize their therapeutic
effect [25].
Fullereneantioxidants bind and inactivatemultiple circulatingintracellularfree radicals, giv-
ing them unusualpower to stop free radicalinjury and to halt the progressionofdiseases caused
by excess free radicalproduction . Fullerenes provide effective defenseagainstall of the principal
damaging forms ofreactiveoxygenspecies. C-60 fullerene has thirty conjugated carbon-carbon
double bonds, all of which can react with a radicalspecies. In addition, the capture ofradicalsby
fullerenesis too fast to measureand is referred to as «diffusion controlled", meaningthe fullerene
forms a bond with a radical every time it encounters one. Numerous studies demonstrate that
fullerene antioxidants work significantly better as therapeutic antioxidants than other natural
and synthetic antioxidants, at least for CNS degenerative diseases. In oxidative injury or disease,
Fullerene antioxidants can enter cells and modulate free radical levels, thereby substantiallyre-
ducing or preventing permanent cellinjury and cell death. A tris-rnalonicacid derivative ofthe
fullerene C-sixty molecule (C3) functionally replaces manganesesuperoxidedismuraseand acts
as a biologically effective superoxidedisrnutasemirnecic."
Nanobodies (Ablynx , Ghent, Belgium) are the smallest available intact antigen-binding
fragments harboring the full antigen-binding capacity of the naturally occurring heavy-chain
antibodies. Nanobodies havethe potential of a new generation of antibody-based therapeuticsas
well as diagnosticsfor diseases such as cancer," They are extremelystableand bind antigen with
nanomolar affinity. They combine the advantages of conventional antibodies with important
features of small molecule drugs and can address therapeutic targets not easily recognized by
conventional antibodies such as activesites of enzymes.
The examples given in this chapter cover a number of different nanotechnologies, Some of
these are alreadyestablishedin researchthrough other well known technologiessuch as biosen-
sors and biochips. Nanoparticlesare still used extensively for developingdiagnosticsand someof
the assays for drug discovery.
With a largenumber of nanotechnologiesand nanomaterials,no generalizations can bemade
about the overall safety and toxicity. In vitro diagnostic use does not carry any risks to people
The RoleofNanobiouchnologyin DrugDiscovery 43
but there is a concern for in vivouseof nanoparticles, particularlythose that areless than SO nrn,
which can enter the cells. Therearestill manyunansweredquestionsabout their fate in the living
body. Because of the hugediversityof materials used and the wide rangein sizeof nanoparticles,
these effects will vary a lot. It is conceivable that particular sizes of some materials may turn out
to have toxic effects. Further investigations will be needed. The FDA approval is essential for
clinicalapplications of nanotechnologyand substantialregulatoryproblemsmaybe encountered
in the approval of nanotechnology-based products. Pharmaceuticals, biologicals and devices are
all regulateddifferently by the FDA and it is not yet clear how emergingnanotherapeutics will
be evaluated.
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Bacillus antbracis 66, 84-86,97 Delivery 33,37,39,41,43,59,85,118,
Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) 23, 120-123,125 ,126,128-132,145,146,
121,123,125,128 152,154,159,167.168 ,174,182,
Bacterial ghost 160, 164 2~207,209-211 ,219 ,220
Bacterial infection 63,69 ,71 ,74,90-93,96, Dendrimer 38,41
103,105 , 110, 112
Bacterial toxin 179
254 PharmaceuticalBiotechnology
Target 1-11,13-17,21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 32,