Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Evolution
Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Evolution
Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Evolution
Making the viable use of life sciences, chemical sciences and engineering sciences in
achievmeng and improvement of the technological applications with the capability of the
living organism of their derivates to produce some valuable products for humans and
society , it could be used in developing the whole new system in commercial processes and
products which also includes the techniques of Recombinant DNA, gene transfer, embryo
manipulation, plant regeneration, cell culture, monoclonal antibodies and bio-processed
engineering. These techniques can transform ideas into practical applications, viz, certain
crops can be genetically altered to increase their tolerance to certain herbicides.
Biotechnology can be used to develop safer vaccines against viral and bacterial diseases. It
also offers new ideas and techniques applicable to agriculture and also develops a better
understanding of living systems of our environment and ourselves. It has a tremendous
potential fir improving crop production, animal agriculture and bio-processing.
A recent approaches in biotechnology may help to develop high yield ,nutritious crop
varieties,with improved resistance to disease and helps in reduction for the use of fertilizer s
and other expensive agricultural chemicals and could improve the forestry products and inter
A keen role played by plant biotechnologies would be to improve the crop varieties with the
help of various techniques such as tissue culture.A process of propagation of plants helps to
get beneficial products such as food additives,pigments,phamaceuticals,biopesticides
etc.whereas, cell culture and Organ tissue could be more efficient than a normal extraction.
For isolation of genes, studying their functions and regulations or modifications in Gene
,reintroduction into a natural host of another organisms Biotechnology plays a major role.
Biotechnology helps in unlocking the information about the disease resistance, regulates
growth and delevops or manipulates communication between ceels and organisms.
It is basically a new technique to be used in agricultural and horticultural field, which involves
the basic manipulating in genetic code including tissue culture,monoclonal antibody
prepation protoplast fusion etc.
With these processes one gets a better quality products in plants as well as animals as it
increases the resistance to pests ,herbicides etc. Where as micro propagation is yet another
advantage in Biotechnology.
Except the infacy stage of biofertilizers,biogas the use of biotechnologies are adaptively
- In various institutions and research centers the biotechnologies investigation being pursued
rapidly to demonstrate the results back,however to encourage the results in laboratory scale
and to be tested in field level.
Tissue culture, Gene transfer,biofertilisers are some of the techniques used in agriculture
and horticulture for DNA manipulation.
ii) an ability to identify a particular Gene ,that encodes a desired trait in an organism is
known as Gene transfer.
To locate the relevant gene among the thousands of gene is termed as Gene transfer
technology,done by reducing the lengths of an organism's genimic DNA equivalent to one or
several genes.Thene transfer technology is to locate the relevant genes. These smaller
segments could be used as storage and then for cloning purpose to produce a quantity of
genetic material for further analysis.These Cloned genes will be necessary for the
researches and act as tools for studies of the structure, function and expression of the
genes.It can also be used for diagnostic purpose ,medicine and agriculture to detect specific
An act under which a natural process of gene transfer from one organism to another creates
a biological traits,underling the lies that all attempts to improve the agricultural value of these
species to an extend through traditional agricultural breeding or techniques of molecular
biology. The basic methods of molecular biological, gene transfer shall alleviate the process
to manipulated one gene at a time,it can also control the expression in new and former
variety of plant and animal. It can actually reduce the time to develop new varieties and give
greater precision. This can also be used to interchange the gene expressions.
III) The science and technologies based on this can be harnessed to achieve the crop
improvement objectives,shall be considered as Tissue Culture
Various application for tissue culture could be the following -multiplying bamboos, mass
multiplication, micro propagation etc.
- Multiplication of bamboos: basically it takes a lot of time to flower a bamboos, that could be
reported that it can be flowered somehow in lesser time. It can help and opens a vast
possibilities of selective breeding for improvement in bamboos and thus could be replaced
as ngeneral, it takes a long period to flower in bamboos. It has been reported that bamboos
can be induced to flower in tissue culture or vegetative propagation by speed propagation.
- It is seen that the Mass multiplication is carried out with fewer ornamental or field crops
could help in fully processed of multiplication, transfer and distribution to a commercial
- Micropropagation has been the most tentatively benefited experiment throughout, helped in
growing the import and export with carrying a high yielded crops which include, potato,
sweet potato,pineapple yams, garlic, lime, banana,and papaya; spices including small
cardamom, turmeric,ginger, black pepper and several aromatic and medicinal plants such as
sarpgandha and antamul. Whereas some of the elite species of banana, papaya, coconut,
small cardamom and oil palm have been multiplied on a commercial scale by various private
Tissue culture technology is disseminated. These techniques have been known in India
since the age of new cultivation took place.Indian Scientists are well recognized
internationally for the significant contribution they have made in the development in this field.
Among all these tissue culture techniques, plant-propagation is the only area of
biotechnology commercially exploited in India. Massive multiplication of plants have been
conducted by the private companies since the middle sixties and above. The recent Indian
economical policies have always favoured the development of agro—industries, including
biotechnological companies. Since 1992, private companies have successfully multiplied
hundreds of thousands of ornamental plants for both the local as well as international
iii) Biofertilisers
Various micro-organisms and minute plants which can take gaseous nitrogen and
phosphorous directly from the atmosphere and making it available for the plants that could
be identified, multiplied in the laboratories and introduced into the root zone of crop plants to
supply nitrogen and phosphorous are called biofertilisers.
Few examples are of the biofertiliser are Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azispir illiumm Blue-green
algae, Azolla etc.
Government Initiatives
The steps taken by the Government of India to promote innovation and
entrepreneurship in the agro industry propose by start-ups by Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) are among by the Ministry of Micro, Small &
Medium Enterprises (MSME) in a new scheme and the Indian government has taken
several initiatives to improve the biotechnology sector in the country as well as offer
enough scope for research in this field. (DBT) which is known asThe Department of
Biotechnology along with other government funded institutions such as National
Biotechnology Board (NBTB) and many other such bodies representing the
biotechnology sector, are working together in order to project India as a global hub
for biotech research and business purposes as well to excel in every aspect.
Some of the recent major initiatives are as follows:
● the Union Budget 2017-18, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) received Rs 2,222.11 crore (US$
333.31 million), an increase of 22 per cent, to continue implementing the department’s national biotech
strategy and target increasing the turnover from the sector to $100 billion by 2025 from $7 billion in
● To create a sophisticated modular plug and play infrastructure for pharma, biotech and medical devices
industry,The Telangana government has also inked an MoU with PE firm Cerestra to explore a 'Life
Sciences Infrastructure Fund' with a corpus of Rs 1,000 crore (US$ 150 million)
● India’s first cellulosic alcohol technology demonstration plant developed through indigenous technology
with capacity of 10 ton per day was inaugurated by Dr Harsha Vardhan, Union Minister for Science and
Technology & Earth Sciences,
● The Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2016 has been approved in Lok Sabha, which aims for
facilitating transfer of technology and knowledge and making it a hub for biotechnology expertise in the
Asian region and also to provide the status of national importance to the Regional Centre for
● The Government of India has liable norms for import and export of human biological samples, doing
away with import licences or export permits, in an efforts to improve the ease of doing business in the
● The Government of India has also signed a cooperation agreement with the European Molecular
Biology Organization (EMBO) to strengthen the scientific interaction and collaborative research between
India and Europe which holds a strong reputative commands.
● The aim of Indian government is to scale-up the number of start-ups in biotechnology sector to 1,500-
2,000 over next two to three years from 500 currently.
● Indian government is planning to launch a venture capital fund of Rs 1,000 Crore (US$ 150 million)
under the department of pharmaceuticals, to give a support for start-ups in the research and
development in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.
● Karnataka government plans to raise Rs 50 crore (US$ 7.5 million) for a biotechnology a strong
dedicated fund in addition to the existing Semiconductor Fund of Rs 100 crore (US$ 15 million) in order
to indulge with the emerging technology and biotech space in the state.
● To support the researchers to undertake a collaborative research project at a leading science institute or
university in Australia for a period of up to 2 years,DBT has announced the Indo-Australian Career
Boosting Gold Fellowship.
● DBT has allocated Rs 4.6 crore (US$ 0.68 million) to the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS) to
support a strong cause to national multi-institutional project titled 'A value chain on jackfruit and its
● Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) and a central agency for regulatory testing and
certification laboratories has set up a plan Under the 12th Five Year Plan, the Government of India plans
to strengthen regulatory science and infrastructure.
● Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) up to 100 per cent is permitted through the automatic routes for
Greenfield and through the government route for Brownfield, for pharmaceuticals and biotechnoilogy
● Stem cells is conducted in a responsible and ethical manner which complies with all regulatory
requirements pertaining to biomedical research in general and of stem cell research in particular by the
National guidelines have been laid down to ensure that research will give the basic and strong results.
USA and in various other countries are maintained and used by plant breeders. Modern techniques in
biotech has lead a dramatically increased our knowledge of how genes express themselves and
highlighted the importance of preserving genetic material, and agricultural biotechnologists also want to
make sure that we maintain the pool of genetic diversity of crop plants needed for the future. Where as
crops that helps to ensure a reliable supply of basic foodstuffs, markets for specialty crops varieties and
locally grown produce appear to be expanding rather than diminishing. Thus the use of genetically
modified crops is unlikely to negatively impact biodiversity