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Seminars in Cancer Biology: Tianzuo Zhan, Niklas Rindtor FF, Johannes Betge, Matthias P. Ebert, Michael Boutros T

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Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

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Seminars in Cancer Biology

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/semcancer


CRISPR/Cas9 for cancer research and therapy T

a,b,1 a,c,1 a,b b
Tianzuo Zhan , Niklas Rindtorff , Johannes Betge , Matthias P. Ebert ,

Michael Boutrosa,d,
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division Signaling and Functional Genomics, and Heidelberg University, Department Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of
Medicine Mannheim, Heidelberg, Germany
Heidelberg University, Department of Internal Medicine II, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Heidelberg University, Medical Faculty Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Germany


Keywords: CRISPR/Cas9 has become a powerful method for making changes to the genome of many organisms. First
CRISPR discovered in bacteria as part of an adaptive immune system, CRISPR/Cas9 and modified versions have found a
Cas9 widespread use to engineer genomes and to activate or to repress the expression of genes. As such, CRISPR/Cas9
Genome-engineering promises to accelerate cancer research by providing an efficient technology to dissect mechanisms of tumor-
igenesis, identify targets for drug development, and possibly arm cells for cell-based therapies. Here, we review
High-throughput screening
current applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology for cancer research and therapy. We describe novel Cas9
Immune therapy variants and how they are used in functional genomics to discover novel cancer-specific vulnerabilities.
Synthetic lethality Furthermore, we highlight the impact of CRISPR/Cas9 in generating organoid and mouse models of cancer.
Finally, we provide an overview of the first clinical trials that apply CRISPR/Cas9 as a therapeutic approach
against cancer.

1. Introduction function of many mutated genes [6]. This particularly applies to the
„long tail“ of molecular alterations which are recurrently found only at
Cancer is one of the main causes of disease-associated mortality, low frequency.
with a rising incidence worldwide [1]. At the same time, progress has The systematic functional analysis of genes and mutations have
been made in the prevention and treatment of many cancers, leading to been slow and laborious. Discovery of mutations that cause phenotypes
prolonged survival or even cures. A main pillar of innovation in cancer relied either on random mutagenesis or indirectly on perturbation of
therapy has been an improved understanding of the underlying tumor transcripts by RNAi. The development of engineered nucleases such as
biology. This knowledge has led to the development of small molecules zinc finger nucleases or TALENs opened up the possibility to directly
and antibodies targeting key proteins of oncogenic signaling pathways. target and modify the genomic sequence [7,8]. Recently, genome en-
Some of the prominent examples include targeting BCR-ABL by im- gineering was greatly accelerated by the development of CRISPR/Cas9
atinib in chronic myeloid leukemia [2] or EGFR by specific antibodies technologies. Since its first use as a genome editing tool in 2013 in
in colorectal cancer [3]. While these agents have improved survival for mammalian cells [9,10], the toolbox of CRISPR/Cas9 has been con-
selected cancer entities, for many others, treatment options are still tinuously expanded, enabling not only the modification of the genomic
limited and resistance mechanisms are poorly understood. Thus, con- sequence of cells and organisms, but also the introduction of epigenetic
certed efforts by the scientific community were undertaken to char- and transcriptional modifications.
acterize the genetic landscape of cancer and thereby deepen the un- In this review, we describe how CRISPR/Cas9 opens new avenues
derstanding of its role in carcinogenesis and treatment response [4,5]. for cancer research. In addition to its application as an effective
Large-scale sequencing projects have revealed genetic alterations that screening method in functional cancer genomics, we outline how
are either specific to a certain type of cancer or common to many cancer CRISPR/Cas9 can be used to explore the non-coding genome of cancer.
entities. However, while most genetic variations of cancer genomes Furthermore, we describe novel in vitro and in vivo cancer models that
have been structurally characterized, much less is known about the can be engineered by CRISPR/Cas9. Finally, we review the first clinical

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: m.boutros@dkfz.de (M. Boutros).
Equal contribution.

Received 3 November 2017; Received in revised form 22 March 2018; Accepted 4 April 2018
Available online 16 April 2018
1044-579X/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

trials that apply CRISPR as a therapy against cancer. generate additional binding sites for activator domains (termed SAM)
[33]. Currently VPR, SAM and SunTag are considered to be to the most
2. CRISPR/Cas9 – a versatile tool for genome engineering effective CRISPRa systems [34].
To investigate the epigenome, dCas9-fusion proteins have been
Clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) developed that allow region-specific epigenetic modifications (Fig. 1C).
were first found in E. coli in 1987 [11] and later in many other bacteria dCas9-DNMT3A or –DNMT3A-DNMT3L fusion proteins can selectively
species [12]. For several years, the role of the short repeat sequences increase DNA methylation of CpG motifs in targeted genomic regions
remained obscure, until in 2005 several groups described similarities of [35–37], thereby repressing gene transcription. In contrast, dCas9
these sequences to phage DNA, raising the hypothesis that these se- coupled to TET1 can be used to decrease DNA methylation [38] and
quences are part of an adaptive immune system in bacteria [13–15]. dCas9-p300-domain fusions act as programmable histone acetyl-
These studies were later extended to experimentally demonstrate that transferases to increase accessibility of genomic regions [39]. Both
CRISPR and its CRISPR-associated proteins (Cas) are linked to the systems can be used for transcriptional activation of target genes. In
adaptive immunity targeting foreign viral DNA [16]. Mechanistically, fact, the dCas9-p300 system was shown to outperform dCas9-VP64 in
two distinct RNAs – the CRISPR targeting (crRNA) and the trans-acti- activation of gene expression, especially when targeting more distal
vating RNA (tracrRNA) – activate and guide Cas proteins to bind viral regulator regions of a gene [39].
DNA sequences which are subsequently cleaved [17–19]. A subgroup of Recently, Cas9 variants have been engineered that induce specific
these CRISPR systems, the type II system, relies on a single Cas protein single nucleotide base-changes. These base-editors do not introduce
to target a defined DNA sequence and is therefore particularly attractive DSBs but rely on Cas9-nickases coupled to cytidine deaminase domains
to be used as a tool for genome editing [19]. Combining crRNAs with to induce targeted transitions from C to T or G to A. For example,
tracrRNAs into a single guide RNA (sgRNA) further simplified the Komor et al. designed an efficient base-editor by fusing Cas9-nickase to
system [19]. In 2013 the type II Cas protein from Streptococcus pyogenes rat APOBEC1 and an inhibitor of base-excision-repair [40]. They used
(SpCas9) was used for RNA guided DNA cleavage in mammalian cells this BE3 named construct to correct the Y163C hotspot mutation of
for the first time, laying the basis for using CRISPR/Cas9 as a widely TP53 in breast cancer cell lines with high efficiency and very low rates
applicable genome-editing tool [9,10]. Before cleaving the target DNA, of indel formations. Kuscu et al. recently demonstrated how the BE3
the Cas9 nuclease undergoes conformational changes upon sgRNA system can be adapted for pooled CRISPR screens [41]. While wildtype
binding and is directed to its target site [19–21]. The binding specificity Cas9 based screens rely on indel formation for functional depletion of
is determined by a 20 nucleotides sequence preceding the three nu- genes, CRISPR-STOP targets BE3 to selected nucleotide motifs where it
cleotide protospacer adjacent motif (PAM, consisting of a NGG or NAG introduces premature stop codons. Although this approach is limited by
sequence) [19,21,22]. After unwinding the DNA, binding to the PAM a smaller number of potential sgRNA binding sites, it offers an alter-
and DNA-sgRNA hybrid formation, two nuclease domains introduce a native solution to avoid viability artefacts caused by repetitive DSBs
double strand break (DSB) in the target sequence [18,21] (Fig. 1A). The when targeting amplified genes. An alternative base-editor system re-
host cell responds to a DSB with two different mechanisms of repair. lies on the AID protein for cytidine deamination [42–44]. While some
Non-homologues end joining (NHEJ) is an error-prone repair me- constructs show comparable base-editing performance to BE3 [43],
chanism that often leads to insertions or deletions (indel). These indels their main application is to introduce a diverse set of point mutations at
can cause frameshift mutations, premature stop codons or/and non- targeted loci, including all three alternative nucleotides. Hence, these
sense mediated decay to the target gene, which result in loss-of-func- systems can be used to generate local nucleotide diversity which was
tion. In contrast, homology directed repair (HDR) uses assisted re- exploited to uncover new mechanisms of resistance to the small mole-
combination of DNA donor templates to reconstruct cleaved DNA. This cule inhibitors imatinib and bortezomib [43,44].
mechanism can be exploited to introduce well defined mutations by
transferring altered donor templates into targeted cells (Fig. 1A). The
strength of the nuclease activity is determined largely by the binding 3. Design of sgRNAs and bioinformatics resources
efficiency of Cas9. Systematic modifications of the sgRNA scaffold
identified an optimized scaffold structure that is associated with a Unlike previous technologies, the use of CRISPR/Cas9 as a genome
higher binding efficiency of Cas9 to the target DNA [23] (see Fig. 1B). editing tool rapidly spread across the scientific community. This dis-
Besides Cas9, other CRISPR Type II nucleases that use alternative PAM tribution of knowledge was supported by the development of open
sites (Cpf1 [24]) or target RNAs (Cas13a/b [25,26]) have been devel- bioinformatics resources for the design and analysis of CRISPR-asso-
oped into genome engineering tools. ciated experiments. Currently, several online tools exist that select
In addition to the use of wildtype SpCas9 for DNA cleavage, a nu- sgRNAs based on their calculated efficiency and specificity. The algo-
clease-deficient SpCas9 modification (dCas9) was developed [27], rithms that determine sgRNA on-target efficiency are derived from
which can be fused to a variety of effector domains to mediate specific large screening data and integrate both the nucleotide composition of
local DNA manipulation (Fig. 1C). CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) and the binding site as well as its relative position within the gene model
activation (CRISPRa) exploit fused transcriptional regulators to repress [45,46]. In contrast, predicting the specificity of sgRNAs is more diffi-
or induce gene transcription when dCas9 is directed to the transcription cult as most off-targets do not result in a detectable phenotype, and thus
start site of a target gene [12]. In most cases, CRISPR interference need to be identified experimentally. Different approaches have been
systems rely on dCas9 fusions with a KRAB repressor domain to developed to detect off-targets, such as integration of a synthetic oligos
downregulate gene transcription [28]. Interestingly, dCas9-KRAB can into DSBs in living cells [47] or detection of Cas9 cut sites by deep
also modify enhancer regions by changing the methylation status at the sequencing of in vitro cleaved genomic DNA [48,49]. The most im-
target site, thereby repressing gene transcription [29]. portant lesson learned from these experiments is that off-targets share
In contrast, CRISPR activation systems have been using diverse sequence similarities with the target site, but the precise bioinformatic
strategies to enhance gene expression. The first CRISPRa system relied prediction of all off-targets is not possible based on the currently
on a single VP64 activator domain fused to dCas9, thereby activating available data [49]. Furthermore, for the design of custom sgRNA li-
transcription [28,30]. This system was further improved by changing braries and the analysis of pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens, specific web-
VP64 for a tripartite activator VP64-p65-Rta (VPR) [31] or by re- based and local bioinformatics solutions have been developed [50,51].
cruiting multiple transcriptional activators to dCas9. The latter is A selection of frequently used tools can be found in Table 1.
achieved by either adding a long epitope tail to dCas9 (termed SunTag)
[32] or by modifying the sgRNA scaffold to include aptamers to

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

Fig. 1. CRISPR/Cas9 function and different SpCas9 variants. Overview of Cas9 activity, sgRNA structure and modifications. (A) The Cas9 nuclease is directed to the
target DNA by complementary base-pairing with its bound sgRNA. The target site must be followed by a 3′ PAM sequence (NGG, NAG). The following cleavage of
double stranded DNA (dsDNA) triggers either the error prone non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or homology directed repair (HDR) mechanisms. (B) Structure of a
sgRNA. The sgRNA consists of 20 nt stretch defining the homologous target sequence and a tracr-RNA inspired handle region for Cas9 binding. Furthermore, the
sgRNA scaffold was optimized by addition of specific bases into the hairpin. (C) Selected SpCas9 fusion proteins with distinct biological effects: dCas9 fusion to VP64
transcriptional activator (green) to activate transcription of the target gene by binding upstream of the transcription start site. dCas9 fusion to KRAB repressor (red) to
downregulate transcription by binding to the transcription start site. dCas9 fusion to epigenetic modifiers (e.g. DNMT3A, purple) for modification of local methylation
patterns. dCas9 fusion to base-editors (e.g. AID, yellow) for precise single nucleotide exchanges.

4. Target discovery by CRISPR/Cas9 screens experimental steps (see Fig. 2 for a schematic workflow). First, sgRNAs
which are predicted to be efficient are selected for every target gene. In
CRISPR/Cas9 screens are a powerful functional genomics tool to most sgRNA design tools, algorithms that predict sgRNA efficiency are
discover novel targets for cancer therapy. For pooled screening with already integrated [50,51]. The sgRNA library is synthesized as a pool
CRISPR/Cas9, a cell population with a diversity of gene knockouts of oligonucleotides and cloned into a lentiviral plasmid backbone, fol-
needs to be generated. This process involves several bioinformatics and lowed by generation of viral particles. The lentiviral particles are then

Table 1
Software for the design and analysis of CRISPR experiments.
Software for the design of single sgRNAs

Software Platform Reference Organism URL

E-CRISP Web-based [126] Multiple http://www.e-crisp.org/
CRISPR Design Tool Web-based [127] Multiple http://crispr.mit.edu/
CHOPCHOP v2 Web-based [128] Multiple http://chopchop.cbu.uib.no/
Protospacer Workbench Offline/graphical interface [129] Multiple www.protospacer.com
CRISPRscan Web-based [130] Multiple http://www.crisprscan.org/
sgRNA Scorer 1.0 Web-based [131] Human http://crispr.med.harvard.edu/sgRNAScorer

Software for design of sgRNA libraries

Software Platform Reference Organisms URL
GUIDES Web-based [50] Human and mouse http://guides.sanjanalab.org/#/
CRISPR Library Designer (CLD) Offline/graphical interface [51] Multiple https://github.com/boutroslab/cld

Software for analysis of pooled CRISPR screens

Software Platform Reference Organism URL
caRpools R/Bioconductor [132] / http://github.com/boutroslab/caRpools
MAGeCK-VISPR Offline/graphical interface [133] / https://bitbucket.org/liulab/mageck-vispr/
ScreenBEAM Offline/graphical interface [134] / https://github.com/jyyu/ScreenBEAM
CRISPRanalyzeR (CAR) Web-based and Offline/graphical interface [135] / http://www.crispr-analyzer.org

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

proposed [56]. A main observation from negative selection screens was

that some genes were essential in the majority of cell lines (termed
“core essentiality”), while other genes were essential only for cell lines
with a specific genetic or tissue background (termed “context-depen-
dent essentiality”) (see Fig. 4). For example, to identify essential genes
for acute myeloid leukemia, Tzelepis et al. focused on eight AML cell
lines and identified 429 candidates, among which KAT2A was char-
acterized as a druggable and leukemia specific target [57]. Since the so
far published CRISPR screens have revealed many unknown essential
genes, there are ongoing research efforts that apply this method to
determine gene essentiality in a larger panel of cancer cell lines [56].
Along these lines, Rauscher et al. recently demonstrated how gene es-
sentiality data from diverse CRISPR screens can be integrated to gen-
erate a map of genetic interactions in cancer cells, thereby revealing
novel context-dependent essential genes [58].
The concept of gene essentiality can also be narrowed down to gene
regions encoding essential protein domains. As opposed to RNAi that
depletes transcripts of target genes, it is possible to disrupt specific
protein domains using CRISPR/Cas9, by targeting the corresponding
genomic sequence. This screening approach – termed domain screen -
was used to pinpoint protein domains that determine the essentiality of
a specific gene, which can further facilitate drug development. For
example, a CRISPR screen targeting exons of chromatin regulatory
domains revealed several novel domains that were essential for AML
[59]. A similar approach identified that AML cell lines harboring a
mutation in the NPM1 gene specifically depend on the menin binding
site of the MLL1 protein [60]. Supporting this observation, pharmaco-
logical inhibition of this binding site has a pronounced anti-leukemic
effect. While screens for essential genes and domains have revealed
many genes that show a lethal phenotype upon disruption, a major
Fig. 2. Pipeline for generation knockout cell pools. Overview of individual steps drawback is that only few of these candidates are directly targetable by
in the design and cloning of sgRNA libraries and generation of knockout cell drugs.
pools. Appropriate sgRNA binding sites for selected genes are identified in silico A complementary screening approach to identify druggable targets
by library design software tools (A). A pool of oligos containing the sgRNA
relies on the concept of synthetic lethality, which is a specific form of
sequences are then produced by chip-based synthesis (B) and cloned into a
context-dependent gene essentiality (see Fig. 4B–C). In brief, synthetic
lentiviral backbone vector (C). Lentiviral particles each containing a distinct
sgRNA expression cassette are produced and used to infect Cas9 expressing cells lethality occurs if a cell can compensate the functional alteration of
at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) (D). After antibiotic selection, the pool gene A or B, but is unable to survive if gene A and B are simultaneously
contains cells with distinct gene knockout that can be used for a variety of altered (Fig. 4B, right). Translated into cancer biology, this means that
different screening approaches. previously non-essential genes can become essential due to the loss of a
specific tumor suppressor or the activation of an oncogene [61]. With
used to infect Cas9-expressing cells at a low multiplicity of infection, so the increasing knowledge on the structural alterations of cancer, this
that every cell potentially carries a distinct sgRNA cassette and specific approach could vastly enlarge the spectrum of potential drug target.
gene knockout. Subsequently, this pool of knockout cells is kept in The translational relevance of this concept was recently demonstrated
culture for a fixed period of time or exposed to selected pertubations, by a clinical trial that showed higher sensitivity of breast cancer bearing
after which the cells are harvested and their genomic DNA is extracted. a germline mutation of BRCA to PARP inhibition [62]. Several CRISPR/
By amplification and sequencing of the integrated sgRNA cassettes, the Cas9 screens were performed to identify synthetic lethal interactions. In
abundance of cells carrying a specific knockout can be determined. By a genome-wide CRISPR screen, Steinhart et al. discovered that pan-
this means, it is possible to monitor the phenotypic effect of specific creatic cell lines harboring a mutation in the ubiquitin-ligase RNF43 are
gene knockouts within the cell population. This set-up of a CRISPR particularly vulnerable to knockout of the Wnt ligand receptor FZD5
screen can be modified by using different Cas9 variants to perform e.g. [63]. Interestingly, this effect is exclusive for FZD5 and targeting the
gain-of-function screens, or to investigate drug-gene interactions by receptor with an antibody reduced viability in tumor organoids derived
adding small molecules as perturbations (Fig. 3). from RNF43 mutant pancreatic and colorectal cancer [63]. In another
One main goal of pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens in cancer research is genome-wide screen performed in a panel of 14 RAS mutant and non-
to identify genotype-specific vulnerabilities (Fig. 3A). These ‘essential’ mutant AML cell lines, a set of genes was found to be synthetic lethal
genes can be potential drug targets, as their functional depletion leads with oncogenic RAS mutations [64]. Selecting the gene PREX1 as an
to a reduced viability. Compared to shRNAs, CRISPR was shown to be example, it was shown that most of the identified candidates directly
more sensitive in detecting essential genes [52]. Hence, large-scale interact with the RAS pathway. A similar approach was used to identify
CRISPR/Cas9 screens have been conducted to systematically discover targets in leukemia cells that harbor a MLL-AF4 fusion oncogene. By
essential genes across many cancer cell lines [53–55]. In genome-scale means of a genome-scale CRISPR screen, the previously un-
CRISPR/Cas9 screens in ten cancer cell lines, approximately 1500 es- characterized gene ENL was found to be required for growth and pro-
sential genes were identified, which was five times higher than pre- liferation in MLL-AF4 positive AML lines [60]. ENL is a component of
viously detected by shRNA screens [54]. However, cutting of Cas9 at the super elongation complex and degradation of ENL decreased tran-
highly amplified genes can generate a lethal DNA damage response, scription of oncogenes such as MYC [60]. However, the molecular
thereby creating false positive hits in pooled screens [53,55]. To correct mechanism by which ENL interacts in a synthetic lethal manner with
for this effect, different computational approaches have been recently MLL-AF4 was not resolved. Together, these studies highlight that
CRISPR screens can reveal a wealth of synthetic lethal interactions. The

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

Fig. 3. Pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screening approaches.

Three different screening approaches are schemati-
cally presented. In a negative selection screen (e.g. to
identify essential genes) (A), the pool of knockout cells
is incubated for a defined time span. The abundance of
different sgRNAs within the pool is determined at an
early time-point (Day 0) and at the end of the screen
(Day X) by deep sequencing. Cells carrying sgRNAs
targeting essential genes will be depleted in the cell
pool during incubation. To investigate gene-drug in-
teractions (B), the pool of knockout cell is separated
and treated either with a compound or the carrier so-
lution (control) for a defined time period. The abun-
dance of cells with different sgRNA cassettes is de-
termined in the drug-treated and control pool. Cells
with sgRNAs targeting genes that confer drug re-
sistance upon knockout will be enriched while those
resulting in increased sensitivity to the drug will be
depleted in the final pool. To screen for single cell
transcriptome changes induced by gene knockouts (C),
an additional highly expressed barcode is encoded on
the lentiviral vector (depicted as small icons). After
sorting out single cells from the pool of knockout cells,
mRNA of individual cells including the barcode is
captured by beads and then sequenced. The cellular
transcriptomes are then assigned to the corresponding
sgRNAs using the barcodes.

Fig. 4. Concepts of essentiality. Overview of different mechanisms of essentiality in cancer. (A) Core essentiality describes the absolute dependence of cells or
organisms on a specific gene, regardless of their genetic backgrounds. The genetic background is schematically depicted in the diagrams on the right side next to each
cell pictogram. Perturbation of the core essential gene X (e.g. POLR2A) leads to cell death in all observed cell types. Most core essential genes are linked to basic
cellular functions such as protein synthesis or cell division. (B) Context-dependent essentiality describes the relative dependence of cells or organisms on a specific
gene in the presence of a second genetic alteration. In cancer, this second alteration is often an active oncogene or the loss of a tumor suppressor. In case of oncogene
addiction, cells with an altered oncogene D (e.g. KRAS G12V) undergo cell death if D is perturbed, while cells without this alteration can compensate for the loss of D.
Synthetic lethality is another case of context-dependent essentiality. While cells with the alteration of gene A (e.g. BRCA1/2) have a growth advantage, they rely
heavily on the function of gene B (e.g. PARP1/2). Consequently, if gene B is perturbed, cells with altered gene A will die, while cell with wildtype gene A will be able
to compensate the loss of B.

future challenge will be to disentangle the underlying molecular me- knockout library of melanoma cells with the BRAF inhibitor vemur-
chanisms and identify (druggable) synthetic lethal interactions that can afinib recovered genes that were known to confer resistance to the drug
be translated into therapies. [65]. Likewise, a pooled CRISPR screen could reliably identify both
Another major application of CRISPR/Cas9 screening is the dissec- positive and negative regulators of the TRAIL pathway, when cancer
tion of chemico-genetic interactions, which enables insights into how cells were treated with the TRAIL ligand [51]. Later, a series of CRISPR
cancer responds to drug treatment. Combining pooled CRISPR screens have been performed to identify gene that modulate cellular
screening with a drug as a perturbation can identify gene knockouts response to specific drugs, such as ATR [66] or Ras pathway inhibitors
that act synergistically with or confer resistance to the agent (Fig. 3B). [67]. This strategy was also used to explore the mode of action of poorly
In one of the first pooled CRISPR screens, treatment of a genome scale characterized anti-neoplastic drugs. For example, apilimod is a known

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate 5-kinase inhibitor, but the me- Another study used CRISPR to identify functional enhancers of TP53
chanism of its cytotoxic effect has not been understood. A CRISPR target genes [77]. For this purpose, sgRNA libraries against genomic
screen revealed that genes involved in the endosomal/lysosomal regions that show both TP53 binding property and enhancer markers
pathway conferred resistance upon knockout, indicating that the cyto- were designed. Knockout of a relevant enhancer element would result
toxicity of apilimod critically relies on endosomal/lysosomal home- in resistance of cells against HRASG12V induced senescence, which de-
ostasis [68]. Recently, combinatorial CRISPR screening approaches pends on TP53. The authors identified several enhancers in the proxi-
were developed that use lentiviral plasmids that encode two pre-de- mity of CDKN1A which upon editing resulted in downregulation of
fined sgRNAs. This approach allows not only the dissection of genetic CDKN1A and escape from oncogene induced senescence. Another class
interaction of pairwise gene knockouts, but also enables identification of poorly understood genetic elements are non-coding RNAs. To sys-
of synergistic drug targets. Han et al. generated a large double-sgRNA tematically dissect the role of lncRNA in cancer cells, three screening
library targeting 21.321 pairs of potential drug targets to test for sy- approaches using different Cas9 variants were applied. Zhu et al. used
nergistic combinations in an AML cell line [69]. They identified a strong paired-sgRNAs to delete genomic sequences of 651 lncRNAs and
synergism between knockout of MCL1 and BCL2L1 which could be thereby identified 51 lncRNAs that show an altered proliferation phe-
reproduced using chemical inhibitors of the two genes. Similarly, Shen notype upon knockout [78]. In contrast, CRISPRi was used by Liu et al.
et al. used the double-knockout screening approach to pairwise target to screen 16401 lncRNA loci in six cell lines for effects on cell viability
73 cancer genes and discovered a number of known (e.g. BRCA-PARP) [79]. A total of 499 lncRNAs were found to be essential for cellular
and unknown synthetic lethal interactions, some of which could be growth. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of these lncRNAs
phenocopied using drug combinations [70]. Since drug resistance can were required in a cell line specific manner, supporting previous ob-
also result from overexpression of genes, Konermann et al. used servations that expression of lncRNAs varies greatly between cancers
CRISPRa to perform a pilot, genome-scale activator screen to identify from different tissue backgrounds [80]. In a similar approach, CRISPRa
genes that confer resistance to BRAF inhibition [33]. Among the top was used to identify lncRNAs that mediate resistance to BRAF inhibition
hits were many regulators of the Ras pathway, including EGFR as a upon transcriptional activation [81]. Several candidate loci were found,
known resistance gene. It is expected that CRISPR screens will be used but the phenotypes were mostly caused by the activation of neigh-
to dissect chemico-genetic interactions of many more drugs, allowing to bouring protein coding genes. This result reflects one of the major ca-
understand the contribution of tissue and genetic background to drug veats of using CRISPRi/a to target lncRNAs. Since many lncRNA have
response. bidirectional promoters or are located within protein-coding genes, it is
While most pooled CRISPR screening techniques are designed to rarely possible to target lncRNAs without affecting neighbouring pro-
identify genes that show a specific phenotype upon depletion, novel tein coding genes [82]. Therefore, it remains yet to be determined
screening approaches aim to obtain a more global insight into biolo- which CRISPR/Cas9 technology is best suited to investigate lncRNA
gical changes associated with a specific gene perturbation. As recently function.
described, combining single cell RNA-sequencing platforms with pooled
CRISPR screening increases the explanatory power of CRISPR based 6. Genome editing to generate organoid cancer models
assays [71–73] (Fig. 3C). In brief, a pool of cells carrying different
knockouts is generated, followed by single cell capturing and RNA se- Adult stem cell derived organoids are an increasingly popular in
quencing of the individual transcriptomes of each cell. In order to link vitro model of intact and diseased human epithelia [83]. Stem cells from
the transcriptome of a cell to the identity of the transduced sgRNA with multiple adult tissue types can be isolated and cultivated in 3D. By
high confidence, an additional highly expressed guide barcode or stimulation with tissue specific growth factors, stem cells proliferate,
marker [74] is incorporated into the lentiviral vector. These assays, differentiate and form organoids in a cell culture dish. The possibility to
referred to as Perturb- or CROP-Seq, allow the comparison of tran- culture both healthy and cancerous tissue enables the study of tumor
scriptomes of cells with different gene knockouts, and thereby group development and progression in vitro.
and assign genes to specific biological processes. Using these methods, Schwank et al. were the first to use the CRISPR/Cas9 system in
new regulators [71] of immune cell differentiation and unknown bi- mouse derived intestinal organoids [84]. Two years later two groups
furcations [73] of the unfolded protein response in phenotypically simultaneously reported to have transformed healthy human colon
homogenous cell populations were identified. organoids into their cancerous counterparts by recapitulating the ade-
noma-carcinoma sequence of colon cancer using CRISPR/Cas9 [85,86].
5. Interrogation of the non-coding genome of cancer Disruption of tumor suppressors such as APC, TP53 and SMAD4 as well
as genetic editing of oncogenes such as KRAS and PI3K lead to organoid
The vast majority of the human genome consists of non-protein models of colon cancer in vitro (Fig. 5). Of note, these cells were
coding regions that contain many regulatory elements such as en- growing independently of any growth factors normally needed for the
hancers or non-coding RNAs. To date, most of the non-coding genome culture of untransformed organoids, thereby enabling phenotype de-
has not been functionally characterized, mainly due to a lack of ap- pendent selection of genetically modified organoids. Recently, Drost
propriate experimental tools. In cancer, the expression of non-coding et al. [87] also modelled mismatch-repair deficient colorectal cancer by
RNAs is known to be dysregulated [75] and the transcription of onco- deleting DNA repair genes in colon organoids. This allowed the detec-
genes can be controlled by near and distant enhancer elements [74]. tion of mutational signatures which were also observed in patient co-
Therefore, the comprehensive understanding of non-coding elements horts with similar defects. By uniting scalable culture and nearly intact
will provide deeper insights into cancer biology. Recently, CRISPR/ physiology, organoids can be used to validate findings from other
Cas9 has been shown to be a potent tool for the interrogation of non- model systems in an ex vivo setting [88]. Moreover, new insights can be
coding elements. To identify enhancer regions of the three cancer as- gained by using patient derived material for functional assays such as
sociated genes CUL3, NF1 and NF2, a CRISPR screen was performed compound or CRISPR screens, further reviewed in Driehuis et al. [89].
targeting genomic regions of 700 kb surrounding the open reading
frame of the candidates [76]. Since direct knockout of either candidate 7. Methods for in vivo delivery of CRISPR/Cas9
leads to resistance against the BRAF inhibitor vemurafinib, disruption
of any enhancer elements that results in downregulation of the gene To apply CRISPR/Cas9 in vivo, an efficient delivery of both Cas9 and
will phenocopy the drug resistance. In fact, alterations of specific the sgRNA to the target cell is required. Ideally, the method should
genomic sites down- and upstream of the CUL3 gene changed the oc- provide high editing efficiency, cause low immunogenicity and enable
cupancy of specific transcription factors and reduced CUL3 expression. the Cas9/sgRNA to be directed to the organ or cell type of choice. The

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

Fig. 5. Modelling of the adenoma-carcinoma sequence in mouse colon organoids. Genetic perturbation of colon organoids in vitro affects both phenotype (A) and
niche requirements (B) of organoids. (A) Sequential loss of tumor suppressors and activation of oncogenes lead to enlarged highly proliferative organoids with an
enhanced capacity to form colonies. (B) Hyperactivated Wnt signaling by loss of APC leads to independence from Wnt activating growth factors (Wnt3A and R-
Spondin1) in the medium. The same principle applies to a sequential KRAS mutation, which renders organoids less dependent on EGF (Rindtorff et al., unpublished).

first genome editing approaches in mammalian cells relied on the for editing the ornithine transcarbamylase gene in murine liver [98]
plasmid based expression of Cas9 and sgRNA [9,10]. In model organ- and the dystrophin gene in muscle tissue [99,100]. After systemic ap-
isms such as mice, this method is also suitable for in vivo applications plication, the editing frequency ranged from 10% [98] up to 70% [99],
since the plasmid can be delivered to the tissue by hydrodynamic in- which was sufficient to measure phenotypical improvements in mouse
jection [90] or electroporation [91,92]. However, the editing efficiency model of hereditary diseases [98,99]. Although both Cas9 expression
is low and the Cas9 activity can be poorly controlled. In order to im- and AAVs caused a humoral immune response, no extensive cellular
prove in vivo delivery of Cas9/sgRNA, different viral and non-viral damage was observed [101]. An alternative approach to viral delivery
methods have been developed. is the application of lipid nanoparticles. A major advantage of nano-
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) are regarded as a potent tool, as they particles is that they can be manufactured on an industrial scale and
are non-integrating, possess a high transduction efficiency and are allow a dosing that is more similar to commonly used drugs [102].
serologically compatible with a large fraction of the human population Lipid nanoparticles has been used to successfully deliver siRNA [102]
[93]. Furthermore, the family of AAVs is characterized by a rich di- or mRNA [103] in clinical trials. Recently, a series of studies have
versity of serotypes with distinct tissue tropisms, enabling the selective shown that the Cas9 mRNA and the sgRNA can be loaded onto lipid
targeting of different organs [94]. However, due to the limited cargo nanoparticles and delivered to murine liver with high efficiency
size of AAVs, the spCas9 and sgRNA need to be encoded on separate [104–106]. Furthermore, modified nanoparticles can be additionally
vectors [95]. For genome editing, AAVs can be directly applied to the loaded with a donor template and thereby also allow homology directed
target organ or administrated systemically. Wu et al. showed that repair [107]. A correction of the dystrophin gene was observed after
subretinal injections of AAVs could efficiently edit the NRL gene in intramuscular injection of nanoparticles carrying a donor template, but
postmitotic retinal photoreceptors [96]. Similarly, direct injections of the editing efficiency was low (5.3%) [107]. Since major efforts are
AAVs into the striatum of mice could locally modify the huntingtin gene currently undertaken to establish and improve CRISRP/Cas9 as a gene
[97]. For systemic applications of AAVs, the tissue selectivity of genome repair tool, it is expected that this knowledge will also be used to de-
editing is achieved by using appropriate AAV serotypes and tissue velop CRISPR/Cas9 into a therapeutic agent against cancer. The success
specific promoters for Cas9. This approach has been successfully used of such an approach will strongly depend on advances in the tissue

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

Fig. 6. Pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screens in mouse.

The concept is illustrated by a study performed
by Chen et al. [109]. Non-metastasizing Cas9
expressing cancer cells were infected with a
(genome-wide) sgRNA library ex vivo (A), be-
fore the mutant cell pool was subcutaneously
transplanted into immunodeficient mice (B).
By molecular analysis of enriched sgRNA se-
quences in advanced tumors and metastases,
genes involved in tumor progression and the
metastatic process were identified (C). This
principle has been adopted to several other
cancer types to identify genes involved in
tumor progression and metastasis.

specific delivery of Cas9/sgRNA and on experiences gained from cur- encoding plasmids into the pancreas of mice with oncogenic KRAS
rent and future trials with RNA therapeutics [108]. caused the formation of pancreatic tumors [91]. Another approach
applied in utero electroporation of the developing prosencephalon with
8. In vivo genome editing and genetic screens in mice multiple sgRNAs targeting key tumor suppressors, which resulted in
mice developing gliobastomas within less than six months [92]. How-
In vivo CRISPR screening differs from in vitro based screening assays ever, it should be noted that unwanted chromosomal translocations can
with respect to stronger growth competition between transplanted cells be a consequence of multiplexed sgRNA targeting [91]. Introduction of
and additional influencing factors of the microenvironment such as the sgRNAs by adeno-associated virus (AAV) offers an alternative to
host immune system. Two basic concepts of in vivo screening exist: transfection based approaches. In a proof of principle study, Platt et al.
implanting of ex vivo edited cancer cells and in vivo delivery of CRISPR/ delivered AAV encoding three sgRNAs targeting LKB1, TP53 and KRAS
Cas9 components to mouse tissues, thereby generating tumors. combined with a donor template for oncogenic KRAS to the lungs of
Transplanting ex vivo CRISPR edited cells enables screening of Cas9 expressing mice [113]. As a result, macroscopic lung cancer for-
sgRNAs with high-throughput. For example, Chen et al. performed a mation could be observed. In another study, Chow et al. injected a fo-
genome-wide CRISPR loss-of function screen in murine lung cancer cused AAV-mediated CRISPR library into brains of conditionally Cas9
cells to identify genes driving progression and metastasis [109]. They expressing mice and sequenced targeted genetic loci after visible tumor
transduced a non-metastatic lung cancer line with an sgRNA library and development [114]. sgRNA targeting genes that are frequently mutated
subcutaneously transplanted these cells into mice. The implanted cells in human glioblastoma were also found to be enriched in extracted
formed local tumors and lung metastasis which were extracted and lesions. Moreover, co-occurring sgRNAs were identified which suggest a
analyzed for the enrichment of specific sgRNAs, thereby identifying set of synergistic mutations in glioblastoma. In summary, both in vivo
drivers of tumor growth and metastasis (Fig. 6). Another loss-of-func- and ex vivo delivery of sgRNAs and Cas9 for loss-of-function screens can
tion screen was performed with murine liver progenitor cells deficient be performed and continue to yield new insights into the function of
for TP53 and overexpressing MYC [110]. These cells were also sub- cancer-associated genes.
cutaneously transplanted after transduction with a genome-scale sgRNA
library. Analysis of engrafted tumors suggested new key tumor sup- 9. First clinical applications of CRISPR
pressor genes in hepatocellular carcinoma. Besides adherent cell lines, a
recent study by Roper et al. demonstrated feasibility of orthotopic im- The ability to edit genes, not only in cell culture models and model
plantation of CRISPR edited colon organoids [111]. APC mutant orga- organisms, but also in humans, has been discussed long before genome-
noids engrafted efficiently in the colon within a few weeks. Moreover, editing technologies had been developed. Somatic gene therapy tradi-
patient derived tumor organoids recapitulated tissue infiltration and tionally means the introduction of novel genetic material into somatic
metastasis upon orthotopic transplantation. Combining CRISPR based cells (any other cells than gametes or germ cells) to express therapeutic
screening in organoids with orthotopic transplantation might therefore gene products for the treatment of diseases. Gene therapy trials have
be a suitable approach to validate putative tumor drivers in different been performed already since the eighties and have been largely un-
phases of disease progression. successful for many years due to problems with somatic silencing of
Direct in vivo genome editing is a potent approach to study the effect gene products, host immune response, viral vectors and mutagenesis
of genetic alterations on carcinogenesis in a native tissue micro- [115]. Even though most of these problems have not been fundamen-
environment. The first evidence that in vivo gene editing can result in tally resoved, promising results of somatic gene therapy have been
tumor formation was provided by Xue et al. [90]. In this study, a published recently [116–119]. The new technologies of gene editing
plasmid encoding Cas9 and sgRNAs against PTEN and TP53 was may overcome some of the current issues and allow permanent mod-
transfected into murine liver cells by hydrodynamic tail vein injection, ification of somatic cells. As in animal studies, both in vivo and ex vivo
resulting in the formation of liver cancer. Subsequently, the same approaches are studied.
method was used to deliver Cas9/sgRNA encoding plasmids targeting a The first clinical trial showing feasibility of gene editing in the
set of ten genes, which led to the development of hepatocellular and clinical setting was published 2014 and did not use CRISPR/Cas9, but
cholangiocellular carcinoma in a murine model with oncogenic KRAS zinc finger nucleases (ZFN) [120]. In this trial, the major HIV co-re-
background [112]. Similarly, multiplexed electroporation of sgRNA- ceptor CCR5 was targeted by ZFN in autologous T-cells ex vivo to induce

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

resistance to infection with the virus. The study revealed well toler- receptor (CAR) T-cells with the help of CRISPR/Cas9. CARs are syn-
ability of CCR5 modified T-cell infusions and indeed, CCR5 knockout thetic receptors that are transduced into the T-cells of a patient to re-
cells declined significantly less upon viremia than unmodified coun- program T-cells to attack malignant cells. In a recent preclinical study
terparts. Even though the treatment did not have a lasting therapeutic targeted gene delivery of a CAR to the T-cell receptor α chain (TRAC)
effect [121], this trial paved the way for other ex vivo gene-editing locus using CRISPR Cas9 produced T-cells with immensely enhanced
trials. tumor rejection activity compared to conventionally produced CAR T-
The first clinical trial using CRISPR for cancer therapy has enrolled cells using randomly integrating vectors [125]. These interesting data
the first patient at Sichuan University’s West China Hospital in Chengdu from mouse models will very likely prompt clinical trials in the near
in 2016 [122]. In this non-randomized, open-label phase I study future. Of note, by knocking out the TRAC locus, it is even possible to
(NCT02793856), the safety of programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) produce non-alloreactive CAR T cells that could be generated from T
knockout engineered T cells ex vivo is evaluated in treating metastatic cells of healthy donors to be stored and then transfused to a wide range
non-small cell lung cancer that has progressed after all standard treat- of patients when needed. This approach has previously been done using
ments. Immune checkpoint regulator PD-1 is a T-cell receptor re- TALENs (reviewed by [121]).
sponsible for inhibition of T-cell activation, thereby regulating immune Compared to ex vivo genome editing, in vivo genome editing is yet
tolerance and decreasing autoimmune reactions, but also allowing im- less implemented in clinical trials. A single registered clinical trial that
mune escape of cancers [123]. Antibodies that neutralize PD-1 or its is not yet recruiting (NCT03057912) plans to use TALEN or CRISPR/
ligand PD-L1 are successfully used for the treatment of lung cancers, Cas9 plasmids targeting HPV16 and HPV18 E6/E7 DNA. The constructs
among others [124]. Patients enrolled in the gene-editing trial are are delivered with a gel that is locally applied to the HPV infected
providing peripheral blood lymphocytes and PD-1 knockout of T-cells cervix. Next to safety and dosing regime, the change of HPV 16 or 18, as
by CRISPR/Cas9 is performed ex vivo. The edited lymphocytes are se- well as cervical cytology and histology shall be evaluated in this phase 1
lected, expanded and subsequently infused back into the patients trial that is expected to start early 2018. Of note, a study with a very
(Fig. 7). Four other trials applying the same concept of PD-1 knockout similar concept using ZFN has already finished the data collection phase
for the treatment of other cancer types, including prostate, bladder, (NCT02800369). Improvements in specificity of Cas9 for targeting de-
esophageal and renal cell cancer have been registered (see Table 2). fined genomic regions without off-target effects and advancements in
Even though the concept is promising, there are doubts that PD-1 delivery methods to target specific organs or tumors with CRISPR/Cas9
knockout engineered T-cells are preferable over PD-1 or PD-L1 anti- constructs will certainly fuel the development of further in vivo gene
bodies in the clinical setting, since the process of genetically modifying, editing clinical trials in the future.
propagating and infusing T-cells is laborious [122]. Hence, these trials
can be regarded as first proof-of-concept studies for applying ex vivo
CRISPR/Cas9 knockout in cancer treatment, while other targets for 10. Future perspectives of CRISPR for cancer research
knockout or combinations with PD-1 knockout may be more promising
for future clinical applications. An example is another registered phase Since its development into a genome editing tool, the CRISPR/Cas9
I/II trial (NCT03044743) that adds PD-1 knockout to Eppstein-Barr technology has revolutionized biology by providing a simple and ver-
virus (EBV)-specific autologous T-cells for the treatment of EBV positive satile method to manipulate the genome, transcriptome and epigenome
cancers. Another ex vivo approach is the generation of chimeric antigen across a broad range of organisms. The potential of CRISPR/Cas9 for
both basic and translational cancer research is yet beginning to unfold.
In the future, pooled CRISPR screens will provide a comprehensive set
of essential genes across most cancer cell lines. This resource, combined
with the already available information on the genetic and epigenetic
characteristics of cancer cell line, will enable the extensive identifica-
tion of synthetic lethal interactions and facilitate the discovery of novel
drug targets. However, it will require considerable experimental re-
search to fully understand the biological mechanisms underlying the
many genetic interactions revealed by CRISPR/Cas9 screens.
Furthermore, CRISPR/Cas9 provides a tool to manipulate non-coding
regions of the genome and will accelerate the functional exploration of
a so far poorly characterized aspect of the cancer genome. The precise
engineering of common and rare mutations by CRISPR/Cas9 – com-
bined with advanced organoid culture - will enable cancer researchers
to copy the genetic sequence of carcinogenesis of many cancer entities.
This will provide deeper insights into the biological changes that are
elicited by individual mutations and to separate driver from passenger
mutations. Finally, we expect to see the yet unpredictable results from
pilot clinical trials that apply CRISPR/Cas9 as a therapeutic tool to
target the immune system against cancer. The future use of CRISPR/
Cas9 in translational medicine will largely depend on the ability to
develop Cas9 variants with minimal or no off-target effect and novel
methods to improve the yet inefficient engineering of precise genetic
changes by homology directed repair. Furthermore, future improve-
Fig. 7. CRISPR/Cas9 as a therapeutic tool. The principle of the first phase I ments of viral and non-viral delivery methods will be necessary to
clinical trials using a CRISPR/cas9 ex vivo knockout is shown: Peripheral blood improve the in vivo application of CRISPR/Cas9, laying the ground for
lymphocytes are collected from the patient with a solid tumor (A) and CRISPR/ the therapeutic use of CRISPR in the future. In summary, the develop-
Cas9 mediated knockout of the immune checkpoint gene PD1 is performed in T- ment of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology has and will greatly accelerate
cells (B–C). The PD1-knockout T-cells are expanded ex vivo and then transfused cancer research in many areas.
back to the patient (D), where they are supposed to induce immunological re-
sponse against tumor cells.

T. Zhan et al. Seminars in Cancer Biology 55 (2019) 106–119

Table 2
Registered clinical trials using CRISPR/Cas9 for treatment of neoplasms.
from clinicaltrials.gov, accessed 03-18-2018.
Identifier Condition Phase Treatment

NCT03081715 Esophageal cancer II PD-1 knockout T cells

NCT02863913 Bladder cancer I PD-1 knockout T cells
NCT02867345 Hormone refractory prostate cancer I PD-1 knockout T cells
NCT02867332 Renal cell carcinoma I PD-1 knockout T cells
NCT02793856 Non small cell lung cancer I PD-1 knockout T cells
NCT03044743 EBV positive advanced stage malignancies I/II PD-1 knockout EBV-CTL
NCT03166878 B cell lymphoma / leukemia I/II CRISPR-Cas9 edited CAR-T cells targeting CD19
NCT03057912 HPV related cervical intraepithelial neoplasia I CRISPR/Cas9-sg HPV E6/E7 gel to disrupt HPV DNA
NCT03399448 Multiple myeloma, synovial sarcoma, myxoid/round cell I autologous T cells targeting tumor antigen NY-ESO-1, edited with CRISPR-Cas9 to disrupt
liposarcoma, melanoma endogenous TCRα, TCRβ and PD-1 (NYCE T Cells)
NCT03398967 B cell lymphoma / leukemia I/II CRISPR-Cas9 edited CAR-T Cells Targeting CD19 and CD20 or CD22

Conflict of interest K. Leinonen, J. Lin, Y. Liu, M. Miller, S.M. Reynolds, H. Rovira, I. Shmulevich,
V. Thorsson, D. Yang, W. Zhang, S. Amin, C.-J. Wu, C.-C. Wu, R. Akbani,
K. Aldape, K.A. Baggerly, B. Broom, T.D. Casasent, J. Cleland, C. Creighton,
None. D. Dodda, M. Edgerton, L. Han, S.M. Herbrich, Z. Ju, H. Kim, S. Lerner, J. Li,
H. Liang, W. Liu, P.L. Lorenzi, Y. Lu, J. Melott, G.B. Mills, L. Nguyen, X. Su,
Acknowledgements R. Verhaak, W. Wang, J.N. Weinstein, A. Wong, Y. Yang, J. Yao, R. Yao,
K. Yoshihara, Y. Yuan, A.K. Yung, N. Zhang, S. Zheng, M. Ryan, D.W. Kane,
B.A. Aksoy, G. Ciriello, G. Dresdner, J. Gao, B. Gross, A. Jacobsen, A. Kahles,
We thank Florian Heigwer and Luisa Henkel for carefully reading M. Ladanyi, W. Lee, K.-V. Lehmann, M.L. Miller, R. Ramirez, G. Rätsch, B. Reva,
the manuscript and contributing valuable ideas. T.Z. was supported by C. Sander, N. Schultz, Y. Senbabaoglu, R. Shen, R. Sinha, S.O. Sumer, Y. Sun,
B.S. Taylor, N. Weinhold, S. Fei, P. Spellman, C. Benz, D. Carlin, M. Cline, B. Craft,
the research program “Nicht codierende RNA” of the Baden- K. Ellrott, M. Goldman, D. Haussler, S. Ma, S. Ng, E. Paull, A. Radenbaugh,
Württemberg Stiftung. J.B. was supported by the “Translational S. Salama, A. Sokolov, J.M. Stuart, T. Swatloski, V. Uzunangelov, P. Waltman,
Physician Scientist (TRAPS)” program of the Medical Faculty C. Yau, J. Zhu, S.R. Hamilton, G. Getz, C. Sougnez, S. Abbott, R. Abbott, N.D. Dees,
K. Delehaunty, L. Ding, D.J. Dooling, J.M. Eldred, C.C. Fronick, R. Fulton,
Mannheim, Heidelberg University and the State of Baden-Württemberg.
L.L. Fulton, J. Kalicki-Veizer, K.-L. Kanchi, C. Kandoth, D.C. Koboldt, D.E. Larson,
M.P.E was supported by grants from the State of Baden-Württemberg T.J. Ley, L. Lin, C. Lu, V.J. Magrini, E.R. Mardis, M.D. McLellan, J.F. McMichael,
for the “Center of Geriatric Oncology (ZOBEL) – Perspektivförderung” C.A. Miller, M. O’Laughlin, C. Pohl, H. Schmidt, S.M. Smith, J. Walker,
and “Biology of Frailty – Sonderlinie Medizin”. The groups of M.B. and J.W. Wallis, M.C. Wendl, R.K. Wilson, T. Wylie, Q. Zhang, R. Burton, M.A. Jensen,
A. Kahn, T. Pihl, D. Pot, Y. Wan, D.A. Levine, A.D. Black, J. Bowen, J. Frick,
M.P.E. were supported by the Hector Foundation II. We apologize to all J.M. Gastier-Foster, H.A. Harper, C. Helsel, K.M. Leraas, T.M. Lichtenberg,
colleagues whose work could not be not cited due to space constrains. C. McAllister, N.C. Ramirez, S. Sharpe, L. Wise, E. Zmuda, S.J. Chanock,
T. Davidsen, J.A. Demchok, G. Eley, I. Felau, B.A. Ozenberger, M. Sheth, H. Sofia,
L. Staudt, R. Tarnuzzer, Z. Wang, L. Yang, J. Zhang, L. Omberg, A. Margolin,
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