Applied Molecular Biology Beginning Laboratory Manual
Applied Molecular Biology Beginning Laboratory Manual
Applied Molecular Biology Beginning Laboratory Manual
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Sterile Technique
Safety Procedures
Preparation of Solutions
Disposal of Buffers and Chemicals
{ Micropipettors.
{ Using a pH meter
{ Autoclave operating procedures
{ Operating instructions for spectrophotometer
Working with DNA
Sterile Technique
A number of chemicals used in the laboratory are hazardous. All
manufacturers of hazardous materials are required by law to supply the user
with pertinent information on any hazards associated with their chemicals.
This information is supplied in the form of Material Safety Data Sheets or
MSDS. This information contains the chemical name, CAS#, health hazard
data, including first aid treatment, physical data, fire and explosion hazard
data, reactivity data, spill or leak procedures, and any special precautions
needed when handling this chemical. MSDS information can be accessed
on World Wide Web. You are strongly urged to make use of this
information prior to using a new chemical and certainly in the case of any
accidental exposure or spill. The instructor or laboratory head must be
notified immediately in the case of an accident involving any potentially
hazardous reagents.
The following chemicals are particularly noteworthy:
These chemicals are not harmful if used properly: always wear gloves when
Dosimeters must be worn when any radioactive work is performed. In
addition, one is required to keep a record of wipe tests of radiation areas for
every day that radioactivity is used. If any area registers greater than 200
dpm, that area must be immediately decontaminated and the area retested.
The results of the original counting of the vials and any recounts should be
placed in the appropriate section of a radiation log book with the date and
the signature of the person conducting the test.
A few common sense precautions should always be followed:
Always wear gloves, preferably two pairs, and a lab coat when
Never mouth-pipet a radioactive solution
No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the laboratory at any
Make sure all radioactive materials are labeled with a radiation sticker
Always use 32P behind a plexiglass shield
Safety glasses should be worn when working with 32P
Dispose of all contaminated materials and solutions in the appropriate
radioactive waste containers
Always check the work area for radioactivity when finished
Exposure to ultraviolet light can cause acute eye irritation. Since the retina
cannot detect UV light, you can have serious eye damage and not realize it
until 30 min to 24 hours after exposure. Therefore, always wear appropriate
eye protection when using UV lamps.
The voltages used for electrophoresis are sufficient to cause electrocution.
Cover the buffer reservoirs during electrophoresis. Always turn off the
power supply and unplug the leads before removing a gel.
All common areas should be kept free of clutter and all dirty dishes,
electrophoresis equipment, etc should be dealt with appropriately. Since
you have only a limited amount of space to call your own, it is to your
advantage to keep your own area clean. Since you will use common
facilities, all solutions and everything stored in an incubator, refrigerator,
etc. must be labeled. In order to limit confusion, each person should use his
initials or other unique designation for labeling plates, etc. Unlabeled
material found in the Gembox, incubators, or freezers may be destroyed.
Always mark the backs of the plates with your initials, the date, and
relevant experimental data, e.g. strain numbers. Each person will be
assigned a general lab duty that may include keeping track of inventory,
making sure a given area is kept clean, or maintaining equipment.
buffer, the other reaction components, and water to a final volume of 25 ul.
It is to everyone's advantage to keep the equipment in good working
condition. As a rule of thumb, don't use anything unless you have been
instructed in the proper use. This is true not only for equipment in the lab
but also departmental equipment. Report any malfunction immediately.
Rinse out all centrifuge rotors after use and in particular if anything spills.
Please do not waste supplies - use only what you need. If the supply is
running low, please notify either the instructor or the TA before the supply
is completely exhausted. Occasionally, it is necessary to borrow a reagent
or a piece of equipment from another lab. Except in an emergency, notify
the instructor. Don't borrow anything on your own. In an emergency, please
ask first.
Most of the experiments you will conduct will depend on your ability to
accurately measure volumes of solutions using micropipettors. The
accuracy of your pipetting can only be as accurate as your pipettor and
several steps should be taken to insure that your pipettes are accurate and
are maintained in good working order. They should then be checked for
accuracy following the instructions given by the instructor. The simplest
way is to use a calibrated pipet tip to see if the pipettor is dispensing the
appropriate volume. For Rainin pipetmen, the seals should be replaced
every 6 months and the shaft cleaned regularly with isopropanol. Since the
pipettors will use different pipet tips, make sure that the pipet tip you are
using is designed for your pipettor. DO NOT DROP IT ON THE FLOOR.
If you suspect that something is wrong with your pipettor, first check the
calibration to see if your suspicions were correct, then notify the instructor.
Biological functions are very sensitive to changes in pH and hence,
buffers are used to stabilize the pH. A pH meter is an instrument that
measures the potential difference between a reference electrode and a glass
electrode, often combined into one combination electrode. The reference
electrode is often AgCl2. An accurate pH reading depends on
standardization, the degree of static charge, and the temperature of the
1. The pH meter should be standardized each time it is used with a buffer of
known pH, preferably one closest to the desired final pH. To calibrate the
pH meter, expose the hole in the electrode, rinse the electrode with
deionized water, and place the electrode in a standard solution, e.g., pH 7.
Turn the selector to "pH". Adjust the pH meter to the appropriate pH. Turn
selector to "standby". Rinse electrode with deionized water and place in a
second standard buffer solution. The choice of the second standard depends
on the final pH desired, for example, if the final pH desired is 8.5, the
standard pH buffers used should be 7 and 10. If the final pH desired is 5.5,
the standard pH buffers used should be 4 and 7. Turn the selector to "pH".
Adjust the temperature knob to the second standard pH. Turn the selector to
"standby" , rinse the electrode with deionized water, and return the
electrode to the soaking solution. Cover up the hole in the electrode with
the rubber gasket.
2. When rinsing the electrode, never wipe the end with a Kimwipe but blot
gently since wiping can create a static electric charge which can cause
erroneous readings,
3. Make sure the solution you are measuring is at room temperature since
the pH can change with a change in temperature.
4. Tris solutions cannot be measured with many pH meters. To prepare
these solutions, use a Tris table that combines Tris base with Tris
hydrochloride in varying proportions to achieve the desired pH.
have indicator tape. Separate liquids from solids and autoclave separately.
Make sure lids on all bottle are loose.
1. Make sure chamber pressure is at 0 before opening the door.
2. Place items to be autoclaved in the autoclave and close the door. Some
autoclaves require that you also lock the door after it's closed.
3. Set time - typically 20 minutes.
4. Temperature should be set at 121oC already, but double-check and
change if necessary.
5. Set cycle: If liquid, set "liquid cycle" or "slow exhaust". If dry, set "dry
cycle" or "fast exhaust" + dry time.
6. Start the cycle. On some autoclaves, the cycle starts automatically at step
5. On others, turn to "sterilize".
7. At the end of the cycle, check that a.) the chamber pressure is at 0 and b.)
the temp is <100oC
8. Open door. (On 3rd floor autoclave, don't push end cycle)
9. Remove contents using gloves and immediately tighten all caps.
Press the cell key until cell #1 is in position. Press the Set Reference key to
blank against the appropriate buffer. Press the cell key to advance to read
the next sample.
To remove protein from nucleic acid solutions:
1. treat with proteolytic enzyme, e.g., pronase, proteinase K
2. Phenol Extract. The simplest method for purifying DNA is to extract
with phenol or phenol:chloroform and then chloroform. The phenol
denatures proteins and the final extraction with chloroform removes traces
of phenol. (E.3)
1. Spectrophotometric. For pure solutions of DNA, the simplest method of
quantitation is reading the absorbance at 260 nm where an OD of 1 in a 1
cm path length = 50 ug/ml for double-stranded DNA, 40 ug/ml for singlestranded DNA and RNA and 20-33 ug/ml for oligonucleotides. An
absorbance ratio of 260 nm and 280 nm gives an estimate of the purity of
the solution. Pure DNA and RNA solutions have OD260/OD280 values of
1.8 and 2.0, respectively. This method is not useful for small quantities of
DNA or RNA (<1 ug/ml).
2. Ethidium bromide fluorescence. The amount of DNA is a solution is
proportional to the fluorescence emitted by ethidium bromide in that
solution. Dilutions of an unknown DNA in the presence of 2 ug/ml
ethidium bromide are compared to dilutions of a known amount of a
standard DNA solutions spotted on an agarose gel or Saran Wrap or
electrophoresed in an agarose gel.
Precipitation with ethanol. (E.10) DNA and RNA solutions are
concentrated with ethanol as follows: The volume of DNA is measured and
the monovalent cation concentration is adjusted. The final concentration
should be 2-2.5M for ammonium acetate, 0.3M for sodium acetate, 0.2M
for sodium chloride and 0.8M for lithium chloride. The ion used often
depends on the volume of DNA and on the subsequent manipulations; for
example, sodium acetate inhibits Klenow, ammonium ions inhibit T4
polynucleotide kinase, and chloride ions inhibit RNA-dependent DNA
polymerases. The addition of MgCl2 to a final concentration of 10mM
assists in the precipitation of small DNA fragments and oligonucleotides.
Following addition of the monovalent cations, 2-2.5 volumes of ethanol are
added, mixed well, and stored on ice or at -20oC for 20 min to 1 hour. The
DNA is recovered by centrifugation in a microfuge for 10 min (room
temperature is okay). The supernatant is carefully decanted making certain
that the DNA pellet, if visible, is not discarded (often the pellet is not
visible until it is dry). To remove salts, the pellet is washed with 0.5-1.0 ml
of 70% ethanol, spun again, the supernatant decanted, and the pellet dried.
Ammonium acetate is very soluble in ethanol and is effectively removed by
a 70% wash. Sodium acetate and sodium chloride are less effectively
removed. For fast drying, the pellet can spun briefly in a Speedvac,
Restriction and DNA modifying enzymes are stored at -20oC in a non-frost
free freezer, typically in 50% glycerol. The tubes should never be allowed
to reach room temperature and gloves should be worn when handling as
fingers contain nucleases. Always use a new, sterile pipet tip every time
you use a restriction enzyme. Also, the volume of the enzyme should be
less than 1/10 of the final volume of the reaction mixture.
an individually-wrapped 1-ml pipet and a culture tube of media to the 80oC freezer. Quickly remove the cap from the freezer vial containing the
glycerol stock, scrap a small amount of ice from the surface of the culture,
replace the cap on the freezer vial, and place the pipet into the culture tube.
Sufficient numbers of bacteria are present in the ice in order for the culture
to grow to saturation in 16 hours. Never let the glycerol stock thaw.
4. Think about what you are doing. The best defense is common sense.
rm file - deletes a file; you will get a prompt asking whether you really
want to delete a file--answer y or n.
passwd - to change your password
ctrl-d - end of file
exit or logout - terminates your session
The easiest mail program to use in Unix is pine. To access "pine", log on to
umbc8 and type pine. The program is menu driven and has on-line help.
The current version of pine also allows you to read your subscribed
newsgroups in the mail program.
logged on, and double-click on the rapid filer icon. Type in the host,
username and password. Both the remote and local directories will be
shown. Files can be moved by dragging them to the desired position or by
using the commands shown on the right.
graphic mode runs differently in that you first select a file (which must be
set up in a list) and then the tool. In command mode, the tool is first
selected and then a prompt for the filename is given. All the instructions in
this guide are based on the command mode although the tools are the same.
subcategory are not required for this command. A default name for the
fetched file will be given unless you specify a filename as follows: fetch
gcgfilename yourfilename. To use the fetch command, the gcg filename or
accession number must be given. If the gcg filename is not known, the
databases can be searched with keywords using the command stringsearch.
3. Creating sequence files with a PC
Sequence files can be created on a PC using any standard editor or word
processor. If a word processor is used, the files must be saved as text files.
A header can be included as long as it is separated from the sequence data
by two periods. The sequence file must then be transferred to umbc7 or
umbc8 using ftp (see Section IV.). Once the file has been transferred, it
must be formatted in the gcg format before it can be used by gcg. To do
this, use the command reformat filename. You may use wild cards for this
command to reformat multiple files. If the sequence file has more than 50
characters to a line, you will get an error message that says that the files
need to be "chopped up". This means running the chopup command for
each file (it doesn't seem to like wildcards). Then the reformat command
will run.
In Fragment Assembly, one can assemble sequence files from multiple
DNA sequencing gel runs and generate a consensus sequence using the
following commands (in this order) newgelstart (sets up a new sequencing
project); gelenter (enters sequence files into the sequencing project;
gelmerge (finds overlaps and puts DNA sequence files into contigs;
gelassemble (allows one to edit sequence files and generate a consensus
A. gelstart. To initiate a sequencing gel project or open an existing project,
type the command newgelstart You will be prompted for the name of a
project. Respond with a project name and make a note of the name (there is
no easy way to see a list of current projects). When you want to work with
this project, you must type newgelstart every time you logon. Only one
sequencing project can be opened at a time.
B. gelenter. Once a sequencing project has been opened with the command
newgelstart, DNA sequence files can be added to the project with the
command gelenter. To enter one sequence at a time, just use the command
gelenter. The response will be a screen that looks just like the seqed screen.
Respond to the question "What sequence file?" with the name of the
sequence file if it already exists, or with a new name if you will be entering
sequence data using the keyboard. You may now enter DNA sequence
information just as you would in seqed. When sequence entry is completed,
type ctrl-D to get to the command line and then type exit. This will take
you back to the unix prompt and the sequence you just entered will
automatically be entered into the fragment assembly project. To enter
additional sequence, type the command gelenter and repeat the procedure
you followed for the first sequence.
Entering sequence data one file at a time is appropriate if the information
isn't already in a data file. However, if the data are already in DNA
sequence files in the gcg format, an easy way of entering multiple sequence
files is to use the command gelenter -enter=*.seq, where the sequence files
to be entered all have the .seq extension. This will enter all sequences into
the project without having to go through the seqed screen for each
C. gelmerge. Once all the DNA sequence files have been entered into the
project using the command gelenter, one can search for overlaps using the
command gelmerge. You will be prompted for several search parameters,
but typically the default is the best for the first round.
D. gelview. The results of the gelmerge can be viewed using the command
gelview. This command will create a file that lists how many contigs
(groups of related sequence) were found and a schematic of the overlap
found in the different contigs. To view the gelview file, use the command
more filename.view.
E. gelassemble. To see the actual sequence overlaps and to generate
consensus sequences, use the command gelassemble. The first screen you
will see in gelassemble is a schematic of the overlap for the first contig.
Additional contigs can be viewed using the right and left arrow keys. When
you see a contig that you wish to view in more detail, use the command
crtl-k. This will take you to the screen mode in the which the sequences for
each of the files are displayed with homologous sequences aligned. The last
line is the consensus sequence and sequences that deviate from the
consensus sequence are shown in reverse video. To get help on the
commands for gelassemble, type ctrl-d to get to the command mode and
type help. Some of the useful commands are bigpicture which allows you to
write to a file the schematic shown at the bottom of the screen; prettyout
which allows you to write to a file the actual sequencing alignments and the
consensus sequence as shown in gelassemble; and n seqout which allows
you to write any sequence in gelassemble to a file in gcg format where n=
the line number of that sequence.
TE buffer
10% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
20 mg/ml proteinase K
70% ethanol
3M sodium acetate pH 5.2
Phase Lock GelTM (5 Prime, 3 Prime, Inc)
Transfer 1.5 ml to a micro centrifuge tube and spin 2 min. Decant
sterile water
10X amplification buffer with 15mM MgCl2
10 mM dNTP
50 uM oligonucleotide primer 1
50 uM oligonucleotide primer 2
5 unit/ul Taq Polymerase
template DNA (1 ug genomic DNA, 0.1-1 ng plasmid DNA) in 10 ul
mineral oil
1. Combine the following for each reaction (on ice) in a 0.5 ml tube:
10X PCR buffer
Primer 1
Primer 2
template DNA and water
Taq Polymerase
10 ul
1 ul
1 ul
2 ul
85.5 ul
0.5 ul
94oC 1 min
55oC 1 min or annealing temperature appropriate for particular primer
72oC 1 min (if product is <500 bp), 3 min (if product is >500 bp)
for 30 cycles.
Program a final extension at 72oC for 7 min.
phenol:chloroform (1:1)
10x TBE
108 g Tris base
55 g boric acid
40 ml 0.5 M EDTA, pH=8
distilled water to 1 liter
6x gel loading buffer
0.25% Bromophenol blue
0.25%Xylene cyanol FF
15% Ficoll Type 4000
120 mM EDTA
SOB medium
E. coli host strain such as DH5
5 M ammonium acetate
100% ethanol
70% ethanol
0.5X TE
SOC medium
transformation plates
7. Set the resistance on the Voltage Booster to 4 kohms; set the Pulse
Control unit to LOW and 330 uF; double check connections.
8. Charge the Pulse Control unit by setting the CHARGE ARM switch on
the Pulse Control unit to CHARGE and then pressing the UP voltage
control button until the voltage reading is 5 to 10 volts higher than the
desired discharge voltage. For E. coli, the standard conditions are 2.4 kv,
which means setting the Pulse Control unit to 405 volts (400 volts is the
desired discharge voltage + 5). The voltage booster amplifies the volts by
~6-fold such that the total discharge voltage is 2400 volts, or 2.4 kv. The
actual peak voltage delivered to the sample will be shown on the Voltage
Booster meter after the pulse is delivered.
9. Set the CHARGE/ARM switch to the ARM position. The green light
indicatesthat the unit is ready to deliver a DC pulse. Depress the pulse
discharge TRIGGER button and hold for 1 second. NOTE: The DC voltage
display on the Pulse Control unit should read <10 volts after a pulse has
been delivered. If not, discharge the capacitor using the DOWN button.
10. For additional samples, turn the chamber selection knob to the next
desired position and repeat steps 8 and 9 until all samples are pulsed.
11. For ampicillin selection, inoculate the samples into 2 ml of SOC
medium and shake for 60 minutes to allow expression of the -lactamase
gene. Plate cells on LB medium + 50 g/ml ampicillin (and X-gal and IPTG,
if appropriate).
TE buffer:
10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0
SOB Medium: per liter:
Bacto-tryptone 20 g
Yeast extract 5 g
NaCl 0.584 g
KCl 0.186 g
Mix components and adjust pH to 7.0 with NaOH and autoclave.
2 M Mg++ stock:
MgCl2 6H2O 20.33 g
MgSO4 7H2O 24.65 g
Distilled water to 100 ml. Autoclave or filter sterilize.
2 M Glucose
Glucose 36.04 g
Distilled water to 100 ml. Filter sterilize.
For SOB Medium + magnesium:
Add 1 ml of 2 M Mg++ stock to 99 ml
SOB Medium.
For SOC Medium:
Add 1 ml of 2 M Mg++ stock and 1 ml of 2 M Glucose o 98 ml of
SOB Medium.
Wizard resin
Direct purification buffer
80% isopropanol
water or TE buffer
Basal Medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% glutamine, 1% aa
Basal Medium containing 1% glutamine
Basal Medium containing 20% fetal bovine serum, 1% glutamine, 1% aa
8. Add 1.5 ml medium with 20% FBS without removing the transfection
mixture. If toxicity is a problem, remove the transfection mixture and
replace with normal growth medium.
9. Replace medium at 18-24 h following start of transfection.
10. Assay cell extracts for gene activity 24-72 h after the start of
transfection, depending on cell type and promoter activity or add selective
antibiotic for isolating stable transformants.
Heat mixture to 70oC for 10 min and quick chill on ice. Collect the
contents of the tube by brief centrifugation and add:
2. Mix contents of the tube gently and incubate at 42oC for 2 min.
3. Add 1 ul (200 units) of SUPERSCRIPT II, mix by pipetting gently up
and down.
4. Incubation at 25oC for 10 min
5. Incubate 50 min at 42oC.
6. Inactivate the reaction by heating at 70oC for 15 min.
NOTE: The cDNA can now be used as a template for amplification in PCR.
However, amplification of some PCR targets (those >1 kb) may require the
removal of RNA complementary to the cDNA. To remove RNA
complementary to the cDNA, add 1 ul (2 units) of E. coli RNase H and
incubate 37oC for 20 min.
II. PCR Reaction
Use only 10% of the first strand reaction for PCR. Adding larger amounts
of the first strand reaction may not increase amplification and may result in
decreased amounts of PCR product.
1. Add the following to a PCR reaction tube for a final reaction volume of
100 ul:
2. Mix gently and layer 2 drops (~100 ul) of mineral oil over the reaction.
3. Heat reaction to 94oC for 3 min to denature.
4. Perform 15 to 40 cycles of PCR.
2-glass plates
1 sharks -tooth comb and spacers
Whatman 3 mm paper
30 or 40% acrylamide-bis (19:1)
10% ammonium persulfate
60 cc. syringe
Place in a beaker with a stir bar and place this beaker inside a larger beaker
containing some warm water. Stir until dissolved. Do not heat. Measure
volume and add water to 100 ml. Add 666 ul 10% ammonium persulfate
and 40 ul TEMED and stir gently. Bring up solution in a 60 cc. syringe and
let solution flow down center of notched plate being careful not to generate
any bubbles. When plates are filled, place flat-edge of shark tooth comb in
a few mm - not all the way. Clamp the top of the gel to hold the comb and
allow the gel to polymerize (1-2 hr). Gels can be prepared in advance if the
top of the gel is wrapped in Saran Wrap.
To run, set-up the gel in the electrophoresis chamber before removing the
comb. Add 1X TBE buffer to the upper chamber and gently remove comb.
Immediately rinse unpolymerized acrylamide and urea from the comb area.
Repeat this again before you load your samples. Add buffer to the bottom
chamber only when you are confident that the upper chamber is not
leaking. Prerun the gel 35-50 watts for 30-60 min. The gel should be warm
to the touch and the samples should be loaded onto a warm gel. To load
samples, turn off power, rinse comb area, and place sharks tooth combs
such that the tip of the comb just meets the tip of the gel. Load preheated
samples between the tips. If a number of templates are being run, you can
avoid too much diffusion of your samples into adjacent lanes by running
the DNA for 1 or 2 samples into the gel before loading the next set. Run the
gel at 35-40 watts until the bromophenol blue gets close to the bottom. To
double load, add additional sample at this time and run the gel until the
bromophenol blue gets close to the bottom. Disassemble the plates
carefully making sure the gel sticks to the bottom plate. Add fixative
solution to gel and let sit for >15 min. Drain excess fixative solution off of
the gel and place a piece of Whatman paper on the gel and peel off. Dry the
gel thoroughly on a gel dryer with Saran Wrap on top of gel only. Dry for
30-90 min at 80oC. Remove Saran Wrap before exposing the film. (If, by
chance, the film should stick to the gel when it is time to expose it, DO
INSTRUCTOR). (For 32P gels, a Saran- Wrapped-wet gel can be exposed
to film without fixing or drying). For 35S gels, expose for 20-24 hr.
RNAzolTM reagent
75% ethanol
DEPC-treated 1 mM EDTA pH 7
light. Do not put your hands or face near the hood when the UV light is on
as the short wave light can cause skin and eye damage. The hoods should
be turned on about 10-20 minutes before being used. Wipe down all
surfaces with ethanol before and after each use. Keep the hood as free of
clutter as possible because this will interfere with the laminar flow air
B. CO2 Incubators. The cells are grown in an atmosphere of 5-10% CO2
because the medium used is buffered with sodium bicarbonate/carbonic
acid and the pH must be strictly maintained. Culture flasks should have
loosened caps to allow for sufficient gas exchange. Cells should be left out
of the incubator for as little time as possible and the incubator doors should
not be opened for very long. The humidity must also be maintained for
those cells growing in tissue culture dishes so a pan of water is kept filled at
all times.
C. Microscopes. Inverted phase contrast microscopes are used for
visualizing the cells. Microscopes should be kept covered and the lights
turned down when not in use. Before using the microscope or whenever an
objective is changed, check that the phase rings are aligned.
D. Preservation. Cells are stored in liquid nitrogen (see Section IIIPreservation and storage).
E. Vessels. Anchorage dependent cells require a nontoxic, biologically
inert, and optically transparent surface that will allow cells to attach and
allow movement for growth. The most convenient vessels are speciallytreated polystyrene plastic that are supplied sterile and are disposable.
These include petri dishes, multi-well plates, microtiter plates, roller
bottles, and screwcap flasks - T-25, T-75, T-150 (cm2 of surface area).
Suspension cells are either shaken, stirred, or grown in vessels identical to
those used for anchorage-dependent cells.
III. PRESERVATION AND STORAGE. Liquid N2 is used to preserve
tissue culture cells, either in the liquid phase (-196oC) or in the vapor phase
(-156oC). Freezing can be lethal to cells due to the effects of damage by ice
crystals, alterations in the concentration of electrolytes, dehydration, and
changes in pH. To minimize the effects of freezing, several precautions are
taken. First, a cryoprotective agent which lowers the freezing point, such as
glycerol or DMSO, is added. The freezing medium we typically use is 90%
serum, 10% DMSO. In addition, it is best to use healthy cells that are
growing in log phase and to replace the medium 24 hours before freezing.
Also, the cells are slowly cooled from room temperature to -80oC to allow
the water to move out of the cells before it freezes. The optimal rate of
cooling is 1o- 3oC per minute. Some labs have fancy freezing chambers to
regulate the freezing at the optimal rate by periodically pulsing in liquid
nitrogen. We use a low tech device called a Mr. Frosty. The Mr. Frosty is
filled with 200 ml of isopropanol at room temperature and the freezing
vials containing the cells are placed in the container and the container is
placed in the -80oC freezer. The effect of the isopropanol is to allow the
tubes to come to the temperature of the freezer slowly, at about 1oC per
minute. Once the container has reached -80oC (about 4 hours or, more
conveniently, overnight) the vials are removed from the Mr. Frosty and
immediately placed in the liquid nitrogen storage tank. Cells are stored at
liquid nitrogen temperatures because the growth of ice crystals is retarded
below -130oC. To maximize recovery of the cells when thawing, the cells
are warmed very quickly by placing the tube directly from the liquid
nitrogen container into a 37oC water bath with moderate shaking. As soon
as the last ice crystal is melted, the cells are immediately diluted into
prewarmed medium.
Cultures should be examined daily, observing the morphology, the color of
the medium and the density of the cells. A tissue culture log should be
maintained that is separate from your regular laboratory notebook. The log
should contain: the name of the cell line, the medium components and any
alterations to the standard medium, the dates on which the cells were split
and/or fed, a calculation of the doubling time of the culture (this should be
done at least once during the semester), and any observations relative to the
morphology, etc.
A. Growth pattern. Cells will initially go through a quiescent or lag phase
that depends on the cell type, the seeding density, the media components,
and previous handling. The cells will then go into exponential growth
where they have the highest metabolic activity. The cells will then enter
into stationary phase where the number of cells is constant, this is
characteristic of a confluent population (where all growth surfaces are
B. Harvesting. Cells are harvested when the cells have reached a population
density which suppresses growth. Ideally, cells are harvested when they are
in a semi- confluent state and are still in log phase. Cells that are not
passaged and are allowed to grow to a confluent state can sometime lag for
a long period of time and some may never recover. It is also essential to
keep your cells as happy as possible to maximize the efficiency of
transformation. Most cells are passaged (or at least fed) three times a week.
1. Suspension culture. Suspension cultures are fed by dilution into fresh
2. Adherent cultures. Adherent cultures that do not need to be divided can
simply be fed by removing the old medium and replacing it with fresh
medium. When the cells become semi-confluent, several methods are used
to remove the cells from the growing surface so that they can be diluted:
Mechanical - A rubber spatula can be used to physically remove the cells
from the growth surface. This method is quick and easy but is also
disruptive to the cells and may result in significant cell death. This method
is best when harvesting many different samples of cells for preparing
extracts, i.e., when viability is not important.
Proteolytic enzymes - Trypsin, collagenase, or pronase, usually in
combination with EDTA, causes cells to detach from the growth surface.
This method is fast and reliable but can damage the cell surface by
digesting exposed cell surface proteins. The proteolysis reaction can be
quickly terminated by the addition of complete medium containing serum
EDTA - EDTA alone can also be used to detach cells and seems to be
gentler on the cells than trypsin.
The standard procedure for detaching adherent cells is as follows:
1. Visually inspect daily
2. Release cells from monolayer surface
a. wash once with a buffer solution
b. treat with dissociating agent
c. observe cells under the microscope. Incubate until cells become rounded
and loosen when flask is gently tapped with the side of the hand.
d. Transfer cells to a culture tube and dilute with medium containing serum.
e. Spin down cells, remove supernatant and replace with fresh medium.
3. Count the cells in a hemacytometer, and dilute as appropriate into fresh
C. Media and growth requirements
1. Physiological parameters
A. temperature - 37oC for cells from homeotherms
B. pH - 7.2-7.5 and osmolality of medium must be maintained
C. humidity is required
D. gas phase - bicarbonate conc. and CO2 tension in equilibrium
E. visible light - can have an adverse effect on cells; light induced
production of toxic compounds can occur in some media; cells should be
cultured in the dark and exposed to room light as little as possible;
2. Medium requirements: (often empirical)
A. Bulk ions - Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, P, Bicarb or CO2
B. Trace elements - iron, zinc, selenium
C. sugars - glucose is the most common
D. amino acids - 13 essential
E. vitamins - B, etc.
F. choline, inositol
G. serum - contains a large number of growth promoting activities such as
buffering toxic nutrients by binding them, neutralizes trypsin and other
proteases, has undefined effects on the interaction between cells and
substrate, and contains peptide hormones or hormone-like growth factors
that promote healthy growth.
H. antibiotics - although not required for cell growth, antibiotics are often
used to control the growth of bacterial and fungal contaminants.
3. Feeding - 2-3 times/week.
4. Measurement of growth and viability. The viability of cells can be
observed visually using an inverted phase contrast microscope. Live cells
are phase bright; suspension cells are typically rounded and somewhat
symmetrical; adherent cells will form projections when they attach to the
growth surface. Viability can also be assessed using the vital dye, trypan
blue, which is excluded by live cells but accumulates in dead cells. Cell
numbers are determined using a hemocytometer.
Assume all cultures are hazardous since they may harbor latent viruses or
other organisms that are uncharacterized. The following safety precautions
should also be observed:
pipetting: use pipette aids to prevent ingestion and keep aerosols down to a
no eating, drinking, or smoking
wash hands after handling cultures and before leaving the lab
decontaminate work surfaces with disinfectant (before and after)
autoclave all waste
use biological safety cabinet (laminar flow hood) when working with
hazardous organisms. The cabinet protects worker by preventing airborne
cells and viruses released during experimental activity from escaping the
cabinet; there is an air barrier at the front opening and exhaust air is filtered
with a HEPA filter make sure cabinet is not overloaded and leave exhaust
grills in the front and the back clear (helps to maintain a uniform airflow)
use aseptic technique
dispose of all liquid waste after each experiment and treat with bleach
R. Ian Freshney, Culture of Animal cells: A manual of basic techniques,
Wiley-Liss, 1987.
Cells should be monitored daily for morphology and growth characteristics,
fed every 2 to 3 days, and subcultured when necessary. A minimum of two
25 cm2 flasks should be carried for each cell line; these cells should be
expanded as necessary for the transfection experiments. Each time the cells
are subcultured, a viable cell count should be done, the subculture dilutions
should be noted, and, after several passages, a doubling time determined.
As soon as you have enough cells, several vials should be frozen away and
stored in liquid N2. One vial from each freeze down should be thawed 1-2
weeks after freezing to check for viability. These frozen stocks will prove
to be vital if any of your cultures become contaminated.
1. Media preparation. Each student will be responsible for maintaining his
own stock of cell culture media; the particular type of media, the sera type
and concentration, and other supplements will depend on the cell line. Do
not share media with you partner (or anyone else) because if a culture or a
bottle of media gets contaminated, you have no back-up. Most of the media
components will be purchased prepared and sterile. In general, all you need
to do is sterily combine several sterile solutions. To test for sterility after
adding all components, pipet several mls from each media bottle into a
small sterile petri dish or culture tube and incubate at 37oC for several
days. Use only media that has been sterility tested. For this reason, you
must anticipate your culture needs in advance so you can prepare the
reagents necessary. But, please try not to waste media. Anticipate your
needs but don't make more than you need. Tissue culture reagents are very
expensive; for example, bovine fetal calf serum cost ~ $200/500 ml. Some
cell culture additives will be provided in a powdered form. These should be
reconstituted to the appropriate concentration with double-distilled water
(or medium, as appropriate) and filtered (in a sterile hood) through a 0-22
um filter.
All media preparation and other cell culture work must be performed in a
laminar flow hood. Before beginning your work, turn on blower for several
minutes, wipe down all surfaces with 70% ethanol, and ethanol wash your
clean hands. Use only sterile pipets, disposable test tubes and autoclaved
pipet tips for cell culture. All culture vessels, test tubes, pipet tip boxes,
stocks of sterile eppendorfs, etc. should be opened only in the laminar flow
hood. If something is opened elsewhere in the lab by accident, you can
probably assume its contaminated. If something does become
contaminated, immediately discard the contaminated materials into the
biohazard container and notify the instructor.
2. Growth and morphology. Visually inspect cells frequently. Cell culture is
sometimes more an art than a science. Get to know what makes your cells
happy. Frequent feeding is important for maintaining the pH balance of the
medium and for eliminating waste products. Cells do not typically like to
be too confluent so they should be subcultured when they are in a semiconfluent state. In general, mammalian cells should be handled gently.
They should not be vortexed, vigorously pipetted or centrifuged at greater
than 1500 g.
3. Cell feeding. Use prewarmed media and have cells out of the incubator
for as little time as possible. Use 10-15 ml for T-25's, 25-35 ml for T-75's
and 50-60 ml for T-150's.
a. Suspension cultures. Feeding and subculturing suspension cultures are
done simultaneously. About every 2-3 days, dilute the cells into fresh
media. The dilution you use will depend on the density of the cells and how
quickly they divide, which only you can determine. Typically 1:4 to 1:20
dilutions are appropriate for most cell lines.
b. Adherent cells. About every 2-3 days, pour off old media from culture
flasks and replace with fresh media. Subculture cells as described below
before confluency is reached.
4. Subculturing adherent cells. When adherent cells become semiconfluent, subculture using 2 mM EDTA or trypsin/EDTA.
Trypsin-EDTA :
1. Remove medium from culture dish and wash cells in a balanced salt
solution without Ca++ or Mg++. Remove the wash solution.
2. Add enough trypsin-EDTA solution to cover the bottom of the culture
vessel and then pour off the excess.
3. Place culture in the 37oC incubator for 2 minutes.
4. Monitor cells under microscope. Cells are beginning to detach when they
appear rounded.
5. As soon as cells are in suspension, immediately add culture medium
containing serum. Wash cells once with serum containing medium and
dilute as appropriate (generally 4-20 fold).
EDTA alone:
1. Prepare a 2 mM EDTA solution in a balanced salt solution (i.e., PBS
without Ca++ or Mg++).
2. Remove medium from culture vessel by aspiration and wash the
monolayer to remove all traces of serum. Remove salt solution by
3. Dispense enough EDTA solution into culture vessels to completely cover
the monolayer of cells.
4. The coated cells are allowed to incubate until cells detach from the
surface. Progress can be checked by examination with an inverted
microscope. Cells can be gently nudged by banging the side of the flask
against the palm of the hand.
5. Dilute cells with fresh medium and transfer to a sterile centrifuge tube.
6. Spin cells down, remove supernatant, and resuspend in culture medium
(or freezing medium if cells are to be frozen). Dilute as appropriate into
culture flasks.
5. Thawing frozen cells.
1. Remove cells from frozen storage and quickly thaw in a 37oC waterbath
by gently agitating vial.
2. As soon as the ice crystals melt, pipet gently into a culture flask
containing prewarmed growth medium.
3. Log out cells in the "Liquid Nitrogen Freezer Log" Book.
6. Freezing cells.
1. Harvest cells as usual and wash once with complete medium.
2. Resuspend cells in complete medium and determine cell count/viability.
3. Centrifuge and resuspend in ice-cold freezing medium: 90% calf
serum/10% DMSO, at 106 - 107 cells/ml. Keep cells on ice.
4. Transfer 1 ml aliquots to freezer vials on ice.
5. Place in a Mr. Frosty container that is at room temperature and that has
sufficient isopropanol.
6. Place the Mr. Frosty in the -70oC freezer overnight. Note: Cells should
be exposed to freezing medium for as little time as possible prior to
7. Next day, transfer to liquid nitrogen (DON'T FORGET) and log in the
"Liquid Nitrogen Freezer Log" Book.
8. Viable cell counts.
Trypan blue is one of several stains recommended for use in dye
exclusion procedures for viable cell counting. This method is based on the
principle that live cells do not take up certain dyes, whereas dead cells do.
1. Prepare a cell suspension, either directly from a cell culture or from a
concentrated or diluted suspension (depending on the cell density) and
combine 20 ul of cells with 20 ul of trypan blue suspension (0.4%). Mix
thoroughly and allow to stand for 5-15 minutes.
2. With the cover slip in place, transfer a small amount of trypan blue-cell
suspension to both chambers of the hemocytometer by carefully touching
the edge of the cover slip with the pipette tip and allowing each chamber to
fill by capillary action. Do not overfill or underfill the chambers.
3. Starting with 1 chamber of the hemocytometer, count all the cells in the
1 mm center square and four 1 mm corner square (see Diagram). Keep a
separate count of viable and non-viable cells.
4. If there are too many or too few cells to count, repeat the procedure
either concentrating or diluting the original suspension as appropriate.
5. The circle indicates the approximate area covered at 100X microscope
magnification (10X ocular and 10X objective). Include cells on top and left
touching middle line. Do not count cells touching middle line at bottom and
right. Count 4 corner squares and middle square in both chambers and
calculate the average.
6. Each large square of the hemocytometer, with cover-slip in place,
represents a total volume of 0.1 mm3 or 10-4 cm3. Since 1 cm3 is
equivalent to approximately 1 ml, the total number of cells per ml will be
determined using the following calculations: Cells/ml = average cell count
per square x dilution factor x 10(4);
Total cells = cells/ml x the original volume of fluid from which the cell
sample was removed; % Cell viability = total viable cells (unstained)/total
cells x 10(4)