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Curr Protoc Bioinformatics. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 March 24.
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Published in final edited form as:

Curr Protoc Bioinformatics. ; 53: doi:10.1002/0471250953.bi0309s53.

Finding Protein and Nucleotide Similarities with FASTA

William R. Pearson
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia
William R. Pearson: wrp@virginia.edu

The FASTA programs provide a comprehensive set of rapid similarity searching tools ( fasta36,
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fastx36, tfastx36, fasty36, tfasty36), similar to those provided by the BLAST

package, as well as programs for slower, optimal, local and global similarity searches
( ssearch36, ggsearch36) and for searching with short peptides and oligonucleotides
( fasts36, fastm36). The FASTA programs use an empirical strategy for estimating statistical
significance that accommodates a range of similarity scoring matrices and gap penalties,
improving alignment boundary accuracy and search sensitivity (Unit 3.5). The FASTA programs
can produce BLAST-like alignment and tabular output, for ease of integration into existing
analysis pipelines, and can search small, representative databases, and then report results for a
larger set of sequences, using links from the smaller dataset. The FASTA programs work with a
wide variety of database formats, including mySQL and postgreSQL databases (Unit 9.4). The
programs also provide a strategy for integrating domain and active site annotations into alignments
and highlighting the mutational state of functionally critical residues. These protocols describe
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how to use the FASTA programs to characterize protein and DNA sequences, using
protein:protein, protein:DNA, and DNA:DNA comparisons.

Similarity; homology; expectation; E()-value; alignment annotation; scoring matrices

Similarity searching is one of the most powerful strategies for characterizing newly
determined sequences. BLAST, HMMER, and the programs in the FASTA package
routinely identify homologous sequences that diverged more than a billion years ago. The
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FASTA software package provides a comprehensive set of programs (Table 3.9.1) for protein
and DNA sequence comparison. While the FASTA programs are not as fast as the BLAST
programs (UNITS 3.3 & 3.4), they can be equally sensitive, and, because they calculate
statistical parameters from the distribution of similarity scores calculated during the search,
they can provide more accurate statistical estimates using a wide range of scoring
parameters. Programs in the FASTA package offer a broad range of speed, sensitivity, and
alignment and statistical accuracy for similarity searches and statistical analysis. FASTA can
be run the command line (see Basic Protocol 1) with options to customize the scoring
matrix, gap penalty and output format. For large-scale analyses, scripted alignment
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annotation (Basic Protocol 2) provides a powerful facility for integrating functional

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information from other resources.

In planning a FASTA or BLAST searchchoosing a program, a database, and the search
parametersit is important to remember the central goal of a sequence similarity search:
identifying homologous sequences (Unit 3.1). Homologous sequences share a common
ancestor, have similar three-dimensional structures, and often (but not always) have similar
functions. When two sequences share statistically significant similarity, i.e., much more
similarity than would be expected by chance, we infer that they are homologous. Similarity
searches are most sensitive when: (1) protein or translated protein sequences are compared,
and (2) small, comprehensive databases are searched (Unit 3.1). Most of the protocols
described below can also be used for DNA similarity searching, but we focus on protein
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sequence examples because alignment to proteins, or translated DNA, is dramatically more

sensitive (Unit 3.1).


While many researchers run the FASTA program interactively through web servers, like the
similarity searching tools at the European Bioinformatics Institute (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/
Tools/sss), the FASTA programs can be downloaded (see Support Protocol 1) and run from a
Unix, MacOS terminal, or Windows console. The FASTA programs can be run in the
older interactive mode as well, but the command line mode is more convenient, because
one need not wait for the results of the search, and it is possible to write scripts that perform
and analyze the results from large numbers of searches. In this example, we compare an
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uncharacterized protein from E. histolytica, a protozoan that causes amoebic dysentery, to

the UniProt human reference proteome, demonstrating the power of protein similarity
searching (humans and E. histolytica last shared a common ancestor more than a billion
years ago) and allowing us to examine results from a smaller set of proteins to show how
statistical estimates can be validated (see Guidelines for Understanding Results).

Necessary Resources
HardwareA modern Windows (32-bit, 64-bit), or Mac OSX (32-bit, 64-bit), or Unix/
Linux computer with at least 50 MB of free disk space for the programs and 100 GB of disk
space for protein sequence databases. The FASTA programs require very little memory over
that required by the computers operating system.
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SoftwareThe FASTA programs, installed and configured as described in Support

Protocol 1.

FilesAppropriate sequence databases, downloaded from the NCBI ( ftp://

ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/blast) or EBI ( ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/databases), as
described in Support Protocol 2.

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A query protein sequence in FASTA format (APPENDIX 1B); this example uses the UniProt
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sequence C4M1E7_ENTHI, an uncharacterized protein from E. histolytica. In the examples

below, the $ character indicates a shell or command line prompt, and should not be typed.
C4M1E7_ENTHI can be downloaded with the command:

$ curl http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/C4M1E7.fasta > c4m1e7.fa

1. After downloading and installing the FASTA programs (see Support

Protocol 1), run the program by typing the command (do not type the

$ fasta36 -h
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The following response is returned:

fasta36 [-options] query_file library_file [ktup]
fasta36 -help for a complete option list
FASTA searches a protein or DNA sequence data bank
version: 36.3.8 Jul, 2015
COMMON OPTIONS (options must precede query_file library_file)
-s: [BL50] scoring matrix;
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-f: [-10] gap-open penalty;

-g: [-2] gap-extension penalty;
-S filter lowercase (seg) residues;
-b: high scores reported (limited by -E by default);
-d: number of alignments shown (limited by -E by default);
-I interactive mode;

2. To run the program (non-interactively, the default), you must specify both
a query sequence ( c4m1e7.fa) and a library file ( /genomes/
up_human.lseg). In this example (from Linux), the alignments with E()-
values (expectation values) <2.0 are saved to the file c4_v_hum.k2.

$ fasta36 -s BP62 -S -E 2.0 c4m1e7.fa /genomes/up_human.lseg >

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The general form of a FASTA command-line run is:

fasta36 -option1 -option2 -option3 query library ktup

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Every FASTA command-line search will include the query and library
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information. The ktup argument is often left out, and is not used by the
optimal ssearch36, ggsearch36, and glsearch36 programs. Other
options are discussed in Critical Parameters.

The standard fasta command line differs from a blast command in two
ways. First, the FASTA programs have two (or three) positional command
line arguments, the query sequence filename, the library sequence file
name, and, the ktup value (for the fasta36, fastx36, fasty36,
tfastx36 and tfasty36 programs, the ktup is the number of identities
that must be matched to begin identifying a similar region). Second, unlike
BLAST, FASTA command-line options must precede the query and library
file names.
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On Unix, MacOSX, and Windows systems, the results of a FASTA search

can be saved to a file with output redirection (including >
results.file at the end of the command). Output redirection to a file is
not part of the FASTA program, but can be used with any Unix command-
line program and at the Windows console.

3. Examine the results (see Guidelines for Understanding Results). Figure

3.9.1 shows three parts of the results file ( c4_v_hum.k2). The first part
(A) shows a summary of the searchthe query sequence, the sequence
library, the scoring matrix and gap parameters, and the statistical
estimates, which are recorded so that the search can be reproduced at a
later time. The summary of high scoring sequences (B) illustrates the
ability of protein sequence similarity searching to identify homologs in
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proteins that diverged more than billion years ago. In this example, the
E()-value (BLAST expect) provides the most reliable evidence of
homology based on excess similarity. There are three /-hydrolase
homologs with very significant similarity (E()<1016), and two more with
weaker, but still significant, similarity. Even in a search with millions of
query sequences, the top three homologs would be clearly significant,
despite the fact that they share less than 30% amino-acid sequence
identity. The alignment of the E. histolytica protein to ABHD1_HUMAN (C)
differs slightly from BLAST alignment output formatting (BLAST
alignment output is available with the -mBB option). In addition to using
different symbols to highlight identities and similarities, the default
FASTA output provides sequence context outside the optimal locally
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aligned region. For a more complete discussion of the output, see

Guidelines for Understanding Results.

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Versions of the FASTA programs are available on multiple web servers. A search for fasta
similarity search provides links to many resources. The European Bioinformatics Institute
(EBI) provides access to all the FASTA programs together with comprehensive databases:
http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/sss both as interactive web pages and as programmable web
services (see Unit 3.12). Web-based FASTA resources provide up-to-date versions of protein
and DNA sequence databases. The EBI provides the UniProt protein databases and ENA
(European Nucleotide Archive, formerly EMBL-Bank) DNA sequences. However, to search
local DNA or protein resources, to use customized scripts for alignment annotation, or to
access the full range of alignment formats, the FASTA programs must be installed locally on
your computer. Users who already have access to a local copy of the FASTA programs at
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their institution should skip to Basic Protocol 1.

Necessary Resources
HardwareA modern Windows (32-bit, 64-bit), or Mac OSX (32-bit, 64-bit), or Unix/
Linux computer with at least 50 MB of free disk space for the programs and 100 GB of disk
space for protein sequence databases. The FASTA programs require very little memory over
that required by the computers operating system.

SoftwareThe latest FASTA program distributions for Windows, Mac OSX, and Unix/
Linux are available from several sources: (1) Github: http://github.com/wrpearson/fasta36,
(2) the authors software repository: http://faculty.virginia.edu/wrpearson/fasta, and (3) the
EBIs software repository: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/software/unix/fasta.
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Unix/Linux/MacOSX versions of the programs are provided as compressed tar files, e.g.,
fasta36.tar.gz. Be sure to transfer the fasta36.tar.gz file in binary format.
Windows versions of the programs are available as compressed .zip files ( fasta36-
win32.zip) in the CURRENT directory. The programs come with complete source code and
executable binaries for 64/32-bit Linux, 64/32-bit Windows and Mac OSX machines. The
FASTA distribution file should be copied to a new directory for installation.

FilesTo verify that the program is installed correctly, this protocol uses the mgstm1.aa
and prot_test.lseg files included in the FASTA distribution file.

1. Unpack files and compile if necessary

a. For Unix/Linux/MacOSX Download and unpack the

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FASTA distribution file using shell commands:

$ curl -O \
\ http://faculty.virginia.edu/wrpearson/fasta/
$ tar zxvf fasta36-macosxuniv.tar.gz

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The curl command ends with a \ to indicate that the

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command is continued onto a second line. This file

contains the Mac OSX executable binaries. Linux-32/64
bit users should download the -linux32 or -linux64

b. Windows Use a web browser to download http://

executables/fasta36-win32.zip and then unpack
the file in your Documents directory.

2. Install the programs.

On Windows and Macintosh computers, it is generally easiest to run the

programs from the directory (folder) where they were unpacked. On Unix/
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Linux computers, particularly when several people use the computer, one
usually copies the FASTA programs to a common directory for programs,
e.g., /usr/local/bin/ or perhaps /seqprg/bin/. This directory
should be in the executable search path.

a. For Unix/Linux: Once the programs have been unpacked

into the fasta36 directory, test them by typing (from a
Unix/Linux shell prompt):

$ bin/fasta36 -help
$ bin/fasta36 seq/mgstm1.aa seq/prot_test.lseg >
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$ more mgstm1_test.out

This is an example of running the program from the

command line, with mgstm1.aa as the query sequence
and prot_test.lseg as the database, saving the
resulting output to a file ( mgstm1_test.out). The
mgstm1.aa and prot_test.lseg files are included in
the FASTA distribution file in the seq/ directory. Every
FASTA command-line search must include the query and
library information.

b. For Windows:
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i. First open a DOS console window

ii. cd to the directory where you installed the

FASTA package

iii. Then type the commands:

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$ bin\fasta36 -help
$ bin\fasta36 seq\mgstm1.aa seq
\prot_test.lseg > mgstm1_test.out


The FASTA programs currently work with eight different flatfile sequence database
formats, NCBI BLAST binary formats, and a MySQL SQL query format (UNIT 9.2). The
default database format is FASTA format (APPENDIX 1B). FASTA format sequence
databases can be downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information
( ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/db/) and the European Bioinformatics Institute
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( ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases). For example on Linux/Unix/MacOS

machines, the Swiss-Prot database can be downloaded in FASTA format with:

$ curl -O ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/db/FASTA/swissprot.gz
$ gunzip swissprot.gz

Alternatively, the database can be downloaded from:

$ curl -O \
\ ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase/
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$ gunzip uniprot_sprot.gz

(Again, the curl command above has been continued on to a second line by ending the first
line with a \.)

Sequence database formats

Because many sequence databases are quite large, most researchers prefer not to keep
multiple copies of a database. The current version of FASTA supports the BLAST
formatdb and makeblastdb databases, the default format used by BLAST.

Removing low-complexity regions with PSEG

While FASTA statistical estimates are, in general, very accurate, they can be confused by
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query sequences that contain runs with reduced amino acid complexity, for example,
proline-rich regions. The SEG and PSEG programs (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) can be
used to remove these low-complexity regions, and the PSEG program can be used to convert
the low-complexity regions to lowercase, so that, with the FASTA -S option (see Critical
Parameters), they are ignored during the initial similarity scan. The pseg program can be
downloaded from ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/seg/pseg. Copy all the program
source files into a new pseg directory, compile the program with make, and move it to the

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program directory ( /seqprg/bin). Finally, convert low-complexity regions to lowercase

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with the command:

$ /seqprg/bin/pseg ./swissprot -z 1 -q > swissprot.pseg

Here, ./swissprot is the original database file that was downloaded and uncompressed
and -z 1 q indicates that the results should be written in FASTA format, with
lowercase letters for low-complexity regions, to the file swissprot.lseg.


In addition to basic similarity searching and alignment display, the FASTA programs offer a
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flexible option for integrating functional site and domain information into the alignment
summary: scripted alignment annotation. With alignment annotation, the FASTA programs
run a script that retrieves active site and variant site information, as well as domain or exon
boundaries. For example, Figure 3.9.2 shows the integration of UniProt (UniProt
Consortium, 2015) variation and active site annotations together with Pfam (Finn et al.,
2014) domain annotations.

While Figures 3.9.1B and C present convincing biological evidence that the putative
uncharacterized protein from E. histolytica is homologous to the human /-hydrolase
very significant sequence similarity and a sequence alignment that includes almost the entire
proteinmuch more is known about /-hydrolase that can be used to support the inference
of homology and functional similarity. Information on the functional residues in the human
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protein can be mapped to the E. histolytica protein by sequence alignment, revealing that the
E. histolytica protein has identical functional residues, and a full-length Pfam AB-hydrolase
domain (Figure 3.9.2A)strong support for inference of /-hydrolase activity in E.
histolytica. While the information in Figure 3.9.2A is readily available from UniProt and
Pfam, manually scanning and mapping sequence coordinates for tens of thousands of
predicted proteins from a newly sequenced genome is impractical. To simplify large-scale
sequence annotation, the FASTA programs offer a compact output, similar to BLAST-tabular
output, that provides the same similarity and alignment information, but also provides
CIGAR encoded alignment information and encoded annotation information.

Necessary Resources
HardwareA modern Windows (32-bit, 64-bit), or Mac OSX (32-bit, 64-bit), or Unix/
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Linux computer with at least of free disk space for the programs and 100 GB of disk space
for protein sequence databases.

SoftwareThe FASTA programs, installed and configured as described in Support

Protocol 1. Included with the FASTA distribution is the program scripts/
ann_upfeats_pfam_www.pl, which extracts annotation information from the UniProt/EBI
and Pfam web servers (See Support protocol 1).

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FilesAppropriate sequence databases, downloaded from the NCBI ( ftp://

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ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/blast), EBI ( ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/databases), as

described in Support Protocol 2. For the search below, the UniProt Reference human
proteome was downloaded using the commands:

$ curl -O ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/\
$ gunzip -c UP000005640_9606.fasta.gz > up_human.fa
$ pseg ./up_human.fa -z 1 -q > up_human.lseg

Again, the curl command is shown on two lines; this is possible because of the \at the
end of the line.
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A query protein sequence in FASTA format (APPENDIX 1B); this example uses the UniProt
sequence C4M1E7_ENTHI, a putative uncharacterized protein from E. histolytica, which can
be downloaded with the command:

$ curl http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/C4M1E7.fasta > c4m1e7_enthi.fa

1. After downloading and installing the FASTA programs and scripts (See
Support Protocol 1), run the program by typing the command:

$ fasta36 -s BP62 -m 8CC -E 1e-3 -V \!scripts/

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c4m1e7_enthi.fa /slib/up_human.lseg > c4m1e7_v_human.k2_tab

This command sends the results to the c4m1e7_v_human.k2_tab file.

The fasta36 command above illustrates several command line options

(Table 3.9.2):

-s BP62 # use the BLOSUM62 matrix with -11/-1 gap penalties

-S # soft-mask lower-case characters (low complexity found
by pseg)
-m 8CC # show results using commented blast tabular format(-
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m 8C),
# CIGAR alignments, and annotations (the second C in -m
-E 1e-3 # only show results with expect < 0.001
-V \!script/ # annotate the library/subject sequences

2. View the results file using

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$ more c4m1e7_v_human.k2_tab

The compact alignment line in Figure 3.9.2B provides all the annotation information in
Figure 3.9.2A, but in a compact, easily parsed, form. In particular, the annotation encoding
(the last tab-delimited field in the output) shows the location and substitution state for both
the variant and active site residues. In addition, the boundaries and statistical significance of
the C.AB-hydrolase domain is shown. In this example, the compact annotation summary
concisely highlights the identity of the three active site residues that are part of the charge
relay system annotated by UniProt.

Figure 3.9.2 also illustrates the power of sub-alignment scoringthe ability to divide an
aligned region into different parts and calculate the contribution of each part of the
alignment to the overall score Mills and Pearson (2013). In this example, Pfam annotates an
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/ hydrolase domain between residues 123363 of the human ABHD1_HUMAN protein

includes 255 of the 256 states of the / hydrolase model ( PF00561). However, the
sequence alignment extends beyond the /-hydrolase domain, by 86 additional aligned
residues in the human protein, almost 25% of the alignment. Sub-alignment scoring breaks
the overall alignment score into two parts, the /-hydrolase domain between residues 123
363 of the human protein, and an unannotated region from resides 1-122 (the NODOM or no
domain region). While the NODOM region includes 86 aligned residues, it contributes only
about 13% of the score, suggesting that the apparent homology implied by the alignment
may actually be alignment overextension (Gonzalez and Pearson, 2010; Mills and Pearson,
2013). Alternatively, the overextension may reflect a conservative /-hydrolase domain
model, and the additional aligned sequence might support a longer domain. This latter
alternative could be tested by searching Swiss-Prot with the 86 residue NODOM region, and
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looking for other proteins that annotate an homologous /-hydrolase domain.

ALTERNATE PROTOCOL 2 Using annotation files

BASIC PROTOCOL 2 used a perl script to dynamically capture feature and domain
annotation information from UniProt and Pfam web resources. For each sequence accession
reported in the similarity search, the script queries Pfam and UniProt web services to obtain
domain and functional site information. For example, running the script on one of the high
scoring sequences, ABHD_HUMAN, produces the result:

$ scripts/ann_upfeats_pfam_www.pl sp|Q96SE0|ABHD1_HUMAN
==:Active site
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=#:Substrate binding
=:Metal binding

54 V Q dbSNP:rs34127901

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123 - 365 C.AB_hydrolase :1

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137 V E dbSNP:rs6715286
203 = - Active site: Charge relay system
329 = - Active site: Charge relay system
358 = - Active site: Charge relay system
371 V C dbSNP:rs2304678

In this example, the lines beginning with = indicate the symbols used to highlight
different types of sites (only active sites are annotated for this protein), while V in the
second column indicates a variant site and - indicates the boundaries of domain. The
information produced by the ann_upfeats_pfam_www.pl script is then used to annotate
sites and partition the alignment scores in the search.
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Annotation and domain information can also simply be provided in a file. For example, this
information can be used to characterize the conservation of the exons of the sp|P09488|
GSTM1_HUMAN protein:

1 - 12 exon_1
13 - 37 exon_2
38 - 59 exon_3
60 - 86 exon_4
87 - 120 exon_5
121 - 152 exon_6
153 - 189 exon_7
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190 - 218 exon_8

Necessary Resources
HardwareA modern Windows (32-bit, 64-bit), or Mac OSX (32-bit, 64-bit), or Unix/
Linux computer with at least 50 MB of free disk space for the programs and 100 GB of disk
space for protein sequence databases.

SoftwareThe FASTA programs, installed and configured as described in Support

Protocol 1. Included with the FASTA distribution is the program scripts/
ann_upfeats_pfam_www.pl, which extracts annotation information from the UniProt/EBI
and Pfam web servers (See Support protocol 1).
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The scripts/summ_domain_ident.pl perl script, included in the FASTA distribution.

FilesThe Swiss-Prot database downloaded from NCBI ( ftp://

ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/blast), EBI ( ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/databases), as
described in Support Protocol 2, and soft-masked using pseg to produce /slib/
swissprot.lseg (Support protocol 1).

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The scripts/gstm1_hum_exons.ann file, included in the FASTA distribution.

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The seq/gstm1_human.aa query sequence file, included in the FASTA distribution.

1. After downloading and installing the FASTA programs and scripts (See
Support Protocol 1), run the ggsearch36 program by typing the

$ ggsearch36 -E 0.001 -m 8CC -q -s BP62 -S -V q

\<gstm1_hum_exons.ann \
../seq/gtm1_human.aa /slib/swissprot.lseg >
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(Again, a single command has been broken into two lines using the \ at
the end of the line. In addition, a \ precedes the < before the
gstm1_hum_exons.ann file name.) This command sends the results to
the gstm1_v_sp.gg_exons file.

The ggsearch36 program calculates a global-global sequence alignment

(alignments extend from the beginning to the end of both the query and
subject/library sequence). As a result, in this example the entire query
sequence, and thus all eight exons, are aligned. In contrast to the first
example, the < in the annotation option -V q
\<gstm1_hum_exons.ann specifies that the file be read, rather than
executed, to obtain the annotation information. (The q indicates the
annotation information applies to the query sequence.) Just as in the
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previous example (Figure 3.9.2), the query annotation directs

ggsearch36 to subdivide the alignment, and report the fraction identical
for each of the exon regions.

2. View the results file using: $ more gstm1_human_v_sp.gg_exons

After several lines beginning with #, you should see a line of the form:

sp|P09488|GSTM1_HUMAN gi|121735|sp|P09488.3|GSTM1_HUMAN
100.00 218 0 0\
1 218 1 218 0 113.6 218M |RX:
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All but the last two fields are the standard blast tab-delimited summary
format. The second to the last field is the CIGAR alignment string ( 218M
indicates 218 matches for the 100% identical alignment) and the domain
annotation for each of the eight exons (only the first is shown).

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3. The scripts/summ_domain_ident.pl script can then be used to

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summarize the identity across each exon for the homologs found by

$ summ_domain_ident.pl gstm1_human_v_sp.gg_exons

This program produces output of the form:

subj_acc ident exon_1 exon_2 exon_3 exon_4 exon_5 exon_6 exon_7 exon_8
sp|GSTM1_HUMAN 100.0 1.000+ 1.000+ 1.000+ 1.000+ 1.000+ 1.000+ 1.000+ 1.000+
sp|QGSTM2_PONAB 85.78 0.818 0.920+ 1.000+ 0.926+ 0.735 0.781 0.784 0.966+
sp|GSTM1_MACFA 85.78 0.909+ 1.000+ 1.000+ 0.926+ 0.735 0.656 0.946+ 0.793
sp|GSTM2_MACFA 85.78 0.818 0.920+ 1.000+ 0.926+ 0.735 0.781 0.784 0.966+
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sp|GSTM1_BOVIN 83.94 1.000+ 0.760 1.000+ 0.889+ 0.676 0.781 0.919+ 0.828
sp|GSTM2_MOUSE 83.94 0.909+ 0.920+ 0.955+ 0.889+ 0.735 0.844+ 0.865+ 0.690
sp|GSTM2_HUMAN 84.40 0.818 0.960+ 1.000+ 0.926+ 0.647 0.750 0.784 0.966+
sp|GSTM2_RAT 81.65 0.909+ 0.840+ 0.955+ 0.852+ 0.706 0.812 0.892+ 0.655
sp|GSTM4_RAT 82.57 0.909+ 0.960+ 0.955+ 0.852+ 0.765 0.781 0.730 0.793
sp|GSTMU_MESAU 81.65 0.818+ 0.960+ 0.909+ 0.889+ 0.706 0.812 0.838+ 0.655
sp|GSTM7_MOUSE 81.19 0.909+ 0.920+ 0.955+ 0.852+ 0.735 0.781 0.757 0.759

This table summaries the average alignment identity in each of the 8

exons, adding a + if the exon sequence identity is greater than or equal to
the average across the protein, and a if it is lower. A quick scan of the
+ and symbols suggests that the parts of the protein encoded by
Author Manuscript

exons 24 are more conserved than average (more + symbols), while the
parts encoded by encoded by exons 58 diverge more rapidly (more
symbols). The two groups of exons correspond to the two domains that
Pfam (Finn et al., 2014), and other domain databases, annotate on
GSTM1_HUMAN. Exons 1 4 encode an N-terminal domain, while
exons 5 8 encode a C-terminal domain, which may evolve more rapidly.

SummaryAlignment annotation, combined with BLAST tabular output format ( -m

8CC) provides a compact and efficient strategy for integrating evolutionary, functional, and
structural information in a format that is easily parsed for large scale analysis. The
annotation integration and sub-alignment scoring process is very general. Annotation scripts
can access data from multiple resources (e.g. both UniProt and Pfam are used by the
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ann_upfeats_pfam_www.pl script used in BASIC PROTOCOL 2), and different kinds of

information, e.g. Pfam domains and exon domains, can be combined in the same search. The
scripts/ directory provides annotation scripts that reference the UniProt and Pfam web
servers ( _www_) as well as scripts that query a local database (see Unit 9.4). For large-
scale analyses, the scripts that use local mySQL versions of the annotation databases are
considerably faster.

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As more functional annotation becomes available, it will become increasingly easy to

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identify the conservation state of functionally critical residues in homologs. Identifying

homologs is a first step in characterizing a sequence; site annotation and sub-alignment
scoring allows biologists to focus on functional sites and regions in homologs.


The natural question that every similarity search is designed to answer is: Which proteins
are homologous to my query sequence? The answer can be deduced from the statistical
estimates in the summary of the high-scoring alignments from the database search (Figure
3.9.1B). Both the FASTA and BLAST programs provide several numbers for evaluating the
quality of an alignment; in Figure 3.9.1B, FASTA provides the raw BLOSUM50 gapped
similarity score (in the opt column), the bit score (which is comparable to a BLAST bit score
and can be used to calculate the probability of a score using the equation above), and the
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expectation, or E()-value. The alignment provides additional measures of alignment quality:

the percent identity (gapped or ungapped) and the alignment length.

Annotation scripts (the V !script.pl option) can help address the related question, is
this homolog likely to have a similar function? While the relationship between structure
and function is complex (new function prediction Unit), homologous proteins that differ at
critical functional residues are less likely to have similar functions. Annotation integration
allows the FASTA programs to highlight the conservation states of specific functional

Using the E()-Value (expect) to Identify Homologs

In evaluating the search results, the expectation or E()-value is the most reliable and
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sensitive indicator of likely sequence homology. For protein:protein alignments, if the E()-
value is less than 106, the sequences are almost certainly homologous (Unit 3.1). Sequences
with E()-values <103 are almost always homologous as well, but in these cases, one must
ensure that the statistical estimates are accurate (see below). Indeed, in most cases,
sequences with E() <0.01 are homologous. It is important to remember that the E()-value
simply reports the number of times a similarity score is expected by chance, or the number
of expected false positives (non-homologs) per search. Since there will be a highest-scoring
unrelated sequence in every search of a comprehensive database, the E()-value for the
highest-scoring unrelated sequence (the highest-scoring potential false positive) will be
approximately equal to 1 (see Critical Parameters, Selecting the Database). Of course,
distantly related homologous sequences may also have E()~1, or even higher. A similarity
score with E() < 0.01 or E() < 0.001 simply says that this score should occur by chance once
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in 100 or once in 1000 database searches. As noted in Critical Parameters, the E() value
depends on the database size; thus, in Figure 3.9.1B, E(21,039) is shown, because 21,039
sequence alignment scores were examined to find the best alignments.

Evaluating Statistical Estimates

The observation that the highest-scoring unrelated sequence should have an E() value near
1.0 provides a strategy for evaluating the accuracy of the statistical estimates provided by

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FASTA (or BLAST) by examining the E()-value of the highest-scoring candidate unrelated
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sequence. While it is impossible to know that a sequence is unrelated simply by looking at

the alignment score, it is possible to do additional searches, or to look at domain content, to
infer non-homology. The five human proteins with statistically significant similarity to the E.
histolytica protein in Figure 3.9.1B all contain /-hydrolase domains (this is confirmed by
the search performed in BASIC PROTOCOL 2). In addition, several /-hydrolase proteins
do not share significant similarity. To confirm the accuracy of the statistical estimates, we
seek the highest-scoring non-homologous proteina protein that does not share significant
similarity with /-hydrolases and does not contain a /-hydrolase domain.

In Figure 3.9.1B, the strongest candidate non-homolog is CLTR2_HUMAN, a cysteinyl

leukotriene receptor, with an E()-value <0.11, and ADCYA_HUMAN, an adenylate cyclase, with
E()<0.33. To test whether either of these is an /-hydrolase homolog, we can search a large
comprehensive database, e.g., Swiss-Prot, with the candidate non-homologs to see whether
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CLTR2 or ADCYA share significant similarity with any /-hydrolases. In fact, both are clear
non-homologs. When CLTR_HUMAN is compared to Swiss-Prot proteins using -s BP62, it is
clear that it belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family. CLTR_HUMAN finds
1495 GPCR homologs with E()-values < 0.001, the highest scoring non-GPCR has an E()-
value < 0.85, and there are no /-hydrolases with E()-values < 10. This is the expected
behavior for a non-homolog. The C4M1E7_ENTHI:CLTR2_HUMAN alignment appears in the
search by chance, not because of homology.

Likewise, a more comprehensive search with ADCYA_HUMAN against Swiss-Prot finds four
mammalian type 10 homologs with two adenylate cyclase domains, another set of
marginally significant bacterial proteins with adenylate cyclase domains, and many more
distantly related adenylate cyclase proteins, but no sequences with E() < 10 that contain the
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/-hydrolase domain. Thus, by identifying the two highest scoring non-homologs, both
with scores near 1.0, (0.11, 0.33), we can be confident that the statistical estimates are
accurate. By demonstrating that the statistics are accurate, we have more confidence that the
very significant alignments with /-hydrolases reflect excess similarity produced by
common ancestry (homology).

Statistics from Shuffled Sequences

The FASTA programs estimate the statistical significance of an alignment by examining the
distribution of alignment scores from the unrelated sequences in the sequence database.
While the FASTA program does not know a priori which sequences are unrelated, it
assumes that, in a comprehensive database search, fewer than 5% of the sequences in the
database will be related, and FASTA uses several strategies to exclude those sequences from
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the statistics calculation. Thus, one can interpret the E()-value as a measure of how often the
query sequence would match a sequence like those in the database by chance.

Sometimes, however, the query sequence is different from most of the sequences in the
database due to sequence composition, or some other sequence ordering peculiarity, rather
than homology, and the sequences alignment score is high, not because of homology, but
because it shares the property. For example, a membrane protein with strongly biased amino

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acid composition might have marginally significant alignment scores with other membrane
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proteins, not because they are homologous, but because they have a high fraction of
hydrophobic amino acids (in practice, statistically significant matches to non-homologous
membrane proteins rarely occur, but the high-scoring non-significant matches are often other
membrane proteins). When the statistical estimates are suspect, the FASTA programs can be
run in pairwise comparison mode, where library becomes a single sequence. When a
query sequence is compared to a single sequence or a small number of sequences, the
FASTA program (typically ssearch36 for protein:protein or DNA:DNA comparison, and
fastx36 for DNA:protein comparison) aligns the query sequence to a single library (or
subject) sequence, calculating an optimal alignment score.

The program then shuffles the library sequence 200 to 1000 times, producing 200 to 1000
new random sequences with the same length and sequence composition, and uses the
distribution of these scores to estimate the statistical significance of the original un-shuffled
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sequence. The programs can also use a window shuffling mode ( -v 10 for a 10 residue
window) that preserves the local sequence composition within a local region while
producing the random sequences. ssearch36 can be used for either protein:protein or
DNA:DNA comparison, though the shuffling strategy does not preserve the higher-order
statistical properties of DNA sequences, and is thus less reliable for DNA (so lower
significance thresholds should be used).

For example, to test whether the apparent similarity between the E. histolytica
C4M1E7_ENTHI putative protein and the human ABD12_HUMAN /-hydrolase is supported
by a shuffled sequence analysis, we can download the ABD12_HUMAN sequence and compare
it to C4M1E7:
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$ curl http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q8N2K0.fasta > abd12_human.fa

$ ssearch36 -k 1000 -Z 21039 -s BP62 c4m1e7_enthi.fa abd12_human.fa

ssearch36 can then calculate the Smith-Waterman score for an alignment of

C4M1E7_ENTHI with ABD12_HUMAN, and then shuffle the ABD12_HUMAN sequence 1000
times and calculate the statistical significance of the un-shuffled score based on the
distribution of scores from the shuffled sequence comparisons. In this example, the original
(un-shuffled) sequence alignment has an alignment score with an E()-value <8.5105, very
similar to the significance estimated in the initial search.

In the command above, the -Z 21039 option is included to ensure that the shuffled
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statistical significance is calculated based on the number of sequences compared in the

original database search. Omitting the -Z option would improve the statistical significance
20,000-fold, but since the candidate homolog was found in a search of 21,039 sequences, the
statistical effect of those additional alignments must be included in subsequent estimates
based on shuffles.

Statistical estimates for protein:protein alignments are much more reliable than DNA:DNA
statistics. DNA:protein alignment statistical estimates, such as those produced by fastx36

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and fasty36 (Table 1) are intermediate in accuracy. DNA:protein alignment statistics can be
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misleading because out-of-frame translations sometimes produce low-complexity regions

that match low-complexity domains in the sequence databases. While low-complexity
regions can often be masked by pseg, occasionally a low-complexity region slips through,
producing an apparently significant match. fastx36/fasty36 shuffling can identify these
pathological cases and substantially improves statistical reliability some cases.

For normal soluble proteins, the statistical estimates from the original similarity search
will match quite closely those from ssearch36 or fastx36/fasty36. But if there is some
concern about the reliability of the significance estimate, the shuffling programs can provide
an alternative estimate.

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Background Information
There are three widely used sets of programs for searching protein and DNA sequences, the
BLAST package (UNITS 3.3 & 3.4), HMMER (Eddy, 2011; Finn et al., 2011) and the
FASTA package. These programs do similar things; they compare a query sequence to a
library of sequences, calculating tens of thousands to millions of similarity scores, and report
back the library sequences that are most similar to the query. Most importantly, BLAST,
HMMER, and FASTA calculate the statistical significance of the alignment scores, so that
investigators can judge whether an alignment score is likely to have occurred by chance.
Without accurate statistical significance estimates, it is impossible to evaluate the scientific
importance of an alignment score. Because there are so many sequences, matches that seem
intuitively unlikely will often occur by chancefor example, a search of the nr database,
containing 400 million residues, with a 300-residue query sequence, is expected to match 9
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identical residues more than 50% of the time. In contrast, relatively low-identity alignments
(<20% identical over 300 residues) can be very statistically significant, with E() <106. One
should always focus on the statistical significance, or expectation [E()] value, when
evaluating whether two sequences are likely to be homologous.

The BLAST and FASTA packages have programs that perform many of the same functions
(Table 1) for protein:protein, DNA:DNA, and translated protein:DNA comparison (currently,
HMMER does not offer translated searches). FASTA has several programs for searching
with short, ordered or unordered, noncontiguous peptide or DNA sequences ( fasts36,
fastf36, fastm36). While the type of query sequence and target database usually
determine the program, one should search with protein sequences whenever possible.
Protein sequence comparison is 5- to 10-fold more sensitive than DNA sequence
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comparison; it is routine to identify sequences that diverged more than a billion (plants/
animals) or even two billion (prokaryotes/eukaryotes) years ago with protein or translated
protein sequence comparisons; searches with DNA sequences rarely find significant matches
in sequences that diverged more than 250 million years ago. fastx36, fasty36,
tfastx36, and tfasty36 can align DNA sequences with frame-shifts, so even if open
reading frames cannot be identified unambiguously because of sequencing errors, the
translated DNA sequence can be correctly aligned with an homologous protein.

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Searching smaller databases also increases sensitivity. Now that a large number of fully
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sequenced prokaryotic, fungal, plant, and animal genomes are available, it is much more
effective to search complete genomes from taxonomic neighbors than to search the
comprehensive nr or sp-trembl databases, which contain 50 75 million entries. Many
distant homology relationships can be detected by searching an individual E. coli or S.
cerevisiae proteome [E(5,000) <103], but would need an alignment score 10,000 times
more significant to be detected in the context of nr or sp-trembl. Proteome data sets are
available for all fully sequenced genomes.

Most researchers do similarity searches on the Internet, not on their local computers. Internet
searches are much more convenient; one does not have to download the BLAST or FASTA
packages, download sequence databases, reformat sequence databases, or keep the programs
and databases up to date, because the Internet site does all this work. But Internet site
searches are often slower and less flexible; by searching on ones own computer, it is
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possible to tailor the search parameters, database, and output formats to meet ones own
research needs.

Critical Parameters
Selecting the Correct Program: The FASTA package provides programs for searching
protein, DNA, or translated DNA sequence databases, using proteins, DNA, translated DNA,
or short peptides as queries. Table 1 summarizes the programs that should be used for
various analysis problems, and corresponding programs, if any, in the BLAST package
(UNITS 3.3 & 3.4). In general, if one has a protein sequence, one should use fasta36 or
ssearch36 (a Smith-Waterman implementation; Smith and Waterman, 1981; UNIT 3.10).
If one has a DNA query sequence that codes for protein, one should use fastx36 (Pearson
et al., 1997), which compares a DNA query to a protein database. For most researchers,
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fasta36 (protein) and fastx36 (DNA) will meet 80% or more of search needs. In both
cases a protein sequence database is searched. Sometimes, it may be desirable to check
whether a particular protein sequence is present in an unfinished (or incompletely annotated)
genome. Here, tfastx36, which compares a protein sequence to a DNA sequence database,
can be used.

The FASTA package also provides some more specialized programs, particularly fasts36
(Mackey et al., 2002) which is designed to search with a set of unordered oligopeptide (or
DNA) sequences, and fastm36, which does the same search with an ordered set of
oligopeptides (or nucleotides). fasts36 is designed to identify proteins from de novo
tandem mass spectroscopy (MS/MS) sequence data. Three or four oligopeptides of length 4
to 6 are typically sufficient to identify, by similarity, sequences that diverged in the past 400
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million years. Thus, MS/MS peptides from a hamster or rabbit can be reliably identified by
searching against the human proteome.

Selecting the Database: The statistical significance, or expectation value, reported by a

FASTA or BLAST search is the product of two terms: (1) the probability of the pairwise
sequence similarity score, typically calculated using the extreme-value distribution, and (2)
the size of the database searched. Both BLAST and FASTA (version 36 and later) report

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similarity scores in terms of bits; if an alignment of two 300-residue sequences has a bit
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score of 40, the probability of that pairwise alignment occurring by chance is:

While a probability of 107 may seem significant, it must be corrected for the number of
sequences that were examined to find the alignment. If the 40-bit alignment was found after
a search of the NCBI nr database, which contains more than 50 million protein sequences,
then the expected number of times a 40-bit score would be seen by chance is:

(D is the database size) and is thus not statistically significant; a similarity as good or better
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is expected by chance four times in every database search. In contrast, if one were searching
for a homolog in E. coli, or many other bacteria, one could either search the bacterial
proteome or the proteome of related bacteria, in which case the expectation [E()] value for
exactly the same alignment score would be:

Thus, an alignment score that would be clearly statistically significant in a search of a

bacterial proteome would not be significant when searching the nr database.

This relationship between database size, statistical significance, and the ability to infer
homology is disconcerting to many researchers. If something is homologous, it is argued, it
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should be homologous regardless of the database in which it is found. This is true of course,
but misses a fundamental asymmetry in similarity searching: sequences that share
statistically significant similarity can be inferred to be homologous, but the inverse is not
true. Non-significant similarity does not imply non-homology; there are many examples of
homologous proteins that do not share significant pairwise sequence similarity. The problem
with searching large databases is the noise associated with the many additional
opportunities to obtain a high score by chance. In general, one should search the smallest
comprehensive database that is likely to contain homologs to the protein of interest. For
vertebrate sequences, this would be the human genome; for invertebrate sequences,
Drosophila and C. elegans are available. By searching a group of eukaryotic genomese.g.,
human (20,000 proteins), Drosophila (14,000 proteins), C. elegans (20,000 proteins), S.
cerevisiae (6,700 proteins), and Arabidopsis (27,000 proteins)the database will be about
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the same size as the Swiss-Prot database, but will be both more comprehensive and less
redundant for eukaryotic proteins.

Thus, nr should be the last, rather than the first, database to search. The most effective
strategy would be to search individual complete proteomes from organisms that are close to
the query sequence, then a taxonomically deeper set, then Swiss-Prot, then nr (Unit 3.1).

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Changing Search ParametersScoring Matrices: The FASTA programs provide program

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options to modify the scoring matrix (-s matrix, see Table 3 and Unit 3.5) and gap penalties
(-f, -g) in the search, to exclude low-complexity regions from the initial alignment scores (-
S), to select sequences in a molecular weight range (M), and to modify the output formats (-
m, Table 4) and default statistical methods (-z, Table 5). Tables 25 show the scoring,
output, and statistics options. The options in Table 2 must be specified on the command line
when the FASTA program is started. All FASTA options begin with a minus sign and must
come before the query file, library file, and ktup parameters. Thus:

$ fasta36 -S -s BP62 query.aa /slib/swissprot > results.file # correct

is correct, while
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$ fasta36 query.aa /slib/swissprot -S -s BP62 > results.file

# wrong; options must be first

will fail. When the FASTA programs are run from the command line, the results should be
saved to a file, e.g.,

$ fasta36 query.aa /slib/swissprot > results.file

The most commonly used option should be -S, which causes the program to ignore low-
complexity regions when searching suitably formatted databases (see Support Protocol 2).
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The next most common parameter change should be the scoring matrix. To maximize
sensitivity, the FASTA programs use the BLOSUM50 matrix, with gap penalties of 10 (gap-
open) and 2 (gap-extend, a one residue gap costs 12). While this scoring matrix and gap-
penalty combination is capable of identifying long homologous regions with less than 20%
sequence identity, it will be less effective at identifying shorter domains. Shallower scoring
matrices (e.g. the BLOSUM62 11/-1 matrix and gap penalties used by BLASTP, and
specified with -s BP62) allow shorter domains, with higher identity, to be identified.
Changing to a much shallower scoring matrix (e.g., VT40 or VT20, Unit 3.5) can limit the
evolutionary look-back time of a search from 2,000 million years or more (BLOSUM50,
BLOSUM62) to 200 million years or less.

The -s option changes the default scoring matrix (BLOSUM50; UNIT 3.5). As shown
above, -s BP62 specifies a search with the BLOSUM62 scoring matrix and gap open/
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extend penalties (-11/-1) used by the BLASTP (UNIT 3.4) program. The FASTA programs
provide a comprehensive selection of BLOSUM matrices (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992) and
evolutionary model based matrices: PAM, (Jones et al., 1992) and VTML, (Mueller et al.,
2002). Table 3 lists the built-in scoring matrices and associated default gap penalties. The
FASTA programs also provide an option for dynamic scoring matrix adjustment using the -
s ?matrix option. If the matrix name (Table 3) begins with a ?, e.g., ?BP62, the FASTA
programs will check the length of the query sequence, and, if the query sequence is too short

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to produce a 40-bit score with the specified scoring matrix, the program will scan through
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the matrices in Table 3 to find a matrix that could produce a 40-bit score, based on the
information content of the matrix. For example, a search with a 40 residue protein with -
s ?BP62 would select the VT80 matrix, because it provides 1.39 bits per aligned residue,
while the next less shallow matrix ( VT120) matrix only provides 0.94 bits per residue (Unit

In addition to the built-in matrices, any scoring matrix can be specified by providing a file of
scores in the same format as the BLAST scoring matrix format. Built-in scoring matrices
have default gap penalties that are effective with that matrix ((Reese and Pearson, 2002),
Unit 3.5), but these penalties can be changed with the -f and -g options. Gap penalties
should only be increased; decreasing gap penalties can shift alignments from local to global,
invalidating the statistical model. The default scoring matrices and gap penalties provide
smooth transitions in target percent identity, alignment length, and information content (Unit
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Changing Search ParametersStatistics: Alternate statistical parameter estimation

routines are specified with the -z option (Table 5). Again, the default -z 1 is preferred for
most cases, but there are two situations where an alternative might be more effective. The
first relates to the fact that the statistical estimation routines assume that most of the
sequences in the database are unrelated to the query. If searching a library of related
proteins, then one must use the -z 11 or -z 21 option. With the -z 11 option, the
program shuffles each of the library sequences to produce a random sequence, calculates a
similarity score, and uses the scores from the random sequences to estimate the statistical
parameters. The -z 21 option provides two statistical estimates (E()-values), the first based
on the similarity search, and a second based on shuffling the sequences of the high scoring
Author Manuscript

sequences found in the search. The second option provides a potentially more conservative
estimate of statistical significance when searching a comprehensive database. Rather than
shuffle every sequence in the database, -z 21 performs a smaller number of shuffles (500
by default, set with the -k # option). For even more conservative statistical estimates, a
window-shuffle can be specified. -v 10 causes the shuffles to be done with groups of 10
residues, preserving local amino-acid composition bias, while shuffling the sequence.

Search Options for Large-Scale ComparisonLarge-scale sequence comparison can

generate hundreds of megabytes of output data, so it is critical that: (1) every effort is made
to reduce false-positive results, and (2) only essential information be captured. False
positives (unrelated sequences with apparently statistically significant scores) can be
reduced dramatically by including the -S option and searching sequence databases that have
Author Manuscript

low-complexity regions indicated by lowercase letters with pseg. In general the statistical
significance threshold should be lowered as well. For protein sequence comparisons, by
default fasta36 reports all alignment scores with E()<10.0; in a large-scale sequence
comparison with thousands of queries, this would produce tens of thousands of non-
significant scores. For a search with thousands of DNA queries against a protein sequence
database with an expectation threshold of 0.001 ( -E 0.001) would reduce the per-search

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expected false positive rate to 103, but for a set of 1,000 searches, ~1 false positive
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(unrelated sequence) is expected.

$ fastx36 -S -E 0.001 DNA_reads.fa up_human.lseg > reads_vs_human.fx

Very large scale searches largely preclude looking at individual alignments, so the FASTA
programs offer two output formats FASTA-tabular ( -m 9) and BLAST-tabular ( -m 8) that
provide alignment scores, expectation values, and alignment boundaries in a very compact,
easily parsed, format (Figure 3.9.2B). When using the -m 9 or -m 9c options (Table 2), all
the alignment output is usually excluded by using the -d 0 option. The m 8 (BLAST
tabular) option does this automatically. For example, to identify homologs shared by the E.
coli and human proteomes using the sensitive ssearch36 program (an accelerated version
of the Smith-Waterman algorithm, (Farrar, 2007; Smith and Waterman, 1981).
Author Manuscript

$ ssearch36 -S -E 0.001 -m 8CC ecoli_prot.lib up_human.lseg > eco_hum.res

Again, in this example, setting the E()-value threshold ( -E 0.001) this low means that only
4 false-positives are expected, on average, from the 4,000 proteins in E. coli. The -m 8CC
option provides alignment encodings and domain annotations (Fig. 3.9.3) in a format that is
compatible with BLAST tabular format (Figure 3.9.2B and BASIC PROTOCOL 2).

Both FASTA-tabular and BLAST-tabular formats can also provide residue-by-residue

alignment information using the CIGAR string ( -m 9C, -m 8CC) encoding. (The FASTA
programs also offer an older FASTA alignment encoding: -m 9c, -m 8Cc.) If annotation
Author Manuscript

information is available from a -V !script.sh program, an additional annotation field is


WRP is supported by a grant from the National Library of Medicine, LM04969.

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Figure 3.9.1. fasta36 search results

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A simple fasta36 search using an E. histolytica putative phosphate transporter (UniProt

C4M1E7_ENTHI) as a query sequence in a search of the UniProt reference human
proteome. (A) Search summary and statistical output. The command line used to perform the
search is shown, as well as the name and version of the program, the name and length of the
query sequence as well as the name of the database searched. (B) The list of top scoring
sequences, with their raw similarity scores (opt), the normalized bit score, and the

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expectation value. (C) The highest scoring alignment between C4M1E7_ENTHI and
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Figure 3.9.2. Alignment annotation

Annotations on the alignment of a putative E. histolytica protein ( C4M1E7_ENTHI) with
human ABD1, a /-hydrolase protein family member (Figure 3.9.1C). The annotations on
this alignment were produced by the scripts/ann_upfeat_pfam_www.pl script
provided with the FASTA package distribution. (A) A text and graphical presentation of the
annotation and domain data. UniProt annotated Variant: and functional ( Site: )
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information is shown, as well as the conservation state, e.g. 166E=137E of the annotated
site. Pfam domain boundaries Region: are also used to produce sub-alignment scores. The
boundaries in the query ( 152-403) and subject ( 123-363) sequences are shown, as are the
raw score, bit score, fraction identical, and Q-score (10log(p)). (B) Compact alignment
information, alignment encoding, and annotation information. The scores, and alignment
start and end coordinates shown in Figure 3.9.1C and schematically in part (A) are reported
here as tab-delimited fields. The single line beginning tr|C4M1E7|C4M1E7_ENTHI has
been split into five lines to fit the page. The notations <cont> and parenthetical comments
are not included in the single line output. Each of the fields in the -m 8CC output is
separated by a <tab> character. The output fields match blast tabular output, with the
addition of a CIGAR string and an annotation string. The annotation string includes all the
annotation information shown in part (A).
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Figure 3.9.3.
Output from scripts/summ_domain_ident.pl.
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Table 1

Comparison programs in the FASTA36 package

Author Manuscript

FASTA program BLAST equiv. Description

fasta36 blastp/ blastn Compare a protein sequence to a protein sequence database or a DNA
sequence to a DNA sequence database using the FASTA algorithm
Pearson (1996); Pearson and Lipman (1988). Search speed and
selectivity are controlled with the ktup (word size) parameter. For
protein comparisons, ktup = 2 by default; ktup =1 is more sensitive but
slower. For DNA comparisons, ktup=6 by default; ktup=3 or ktup=4
provides higher sensitivity.
ssearch36 Compare a protein sequence to a protein sequence database or a DNA
sequence to a DNA sequence database using the Smith-Waterman
algorithm (Smith and Waterman, 1981, Unit 3.10). ssearch36 uses
SSE2 acceleration Farrar (2007), and is only 2 5X slower than
ggsearch36/ glsearch36 Compare a protein sequence to a protein sequence database or a DNA
sequence to a DNA sequence database using an optimal global:global
( ggsearch36) or global:local ( glsearch36) algorithm.
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fastx36/ fasty36 blastx Compare a DNA sequence to a protein sequence database, by comparing
the translated DNA sequence in three frames and allowing gaps and
frame-shifts. fastx36 uses a simpler, faster algorithm for alignments
that allows frame-shifts only between codons; fasty36 is slower but
can produce better alignments because frame-shifts are allowed within
codons (Zhang et al. 1997).
tfastx36/ tfasty36 tblastn Compare a protein sequence to a DNA sequence database, calculating
similarities with frame-shifts to the forward and reverse orientations
(Zhang et al. 1997).
fastf36/ tfastf36 Compares an ordered peptide mixture, as would be obtained by Edman
degradation of a CNBr cleavage of a protein, against a protein
( fastf) or DNA ( tfastf) database (Mackey et al. 2002).

fasts36/ tfasts36 Compares set of short peptide fragments, as would be obtained from
mass-spec. analysis of a protein, against a protein ( fasts) or DNA
( tfasts) database (Mackey et al. 2002).

lalign36 Calculate multiple, non-intersecting alignments using the sim2

implementation of the Waterman-Eggert algorithm(Waterman and
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Eggert 1987) developed by Xiaoqui Huang and Web Miller (Huang et al.
1990). Statistical estimates are calculated from Smith-Waterman scores
of shuffled sequences.
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Table 2

fasta36 Command Line Options

Author Manuscript

Option Description

-a show entire length of both sequences in alignment ( fasta36, ssearch36)

-A force full Smith-Waterman alignment for DNA (fasta36)

-b # number of high scores to display

-c #, # (fasta36/[t]fast[xy]36 only) fraction of sequences to optimize, join

-C # length of sequence name labeling aligned sequences

-d # number of alignments to display (must be less than -b value)

-D provide debugging output

-e file expand_script.sh script to expand sequences included in alignments

-E # [#] Expectation threshold for displaying scores, alignments. The second value, indicates the threshold for secondary alignments.
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-f # Gap-open penalty (10 default for proteins with default BLOSUM50 matrix)

-F # Expectation lower limit for displaying scores, alignments

-g # Gap-extension penalty (2 default for proteins with default BLOSUM50 matrix)

-h short help message

-help longer help message

-H show histogram

-i DNA queriessearch with reverse complement query only ( fasta36, fastx36, fasty36). For
tfastx36, tfasty36, only search reverse-complement from library (complement of 3)
-I use interactive mode prompt for query sequence file, library, and ktup

-j # penalty for frame-shift within or between codons ( [t]fast[xy]36)

-k # number of shuffles for statistical estimates

-K # maximum number of repeats for lalign36

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-l file location of FASTLIBS file

-L Longer sequence descriptions in alignments

-m # Alignment display options (Table 4)

-M ## Library length range; only sequences within the residue range are considered

-n force DNA query; useful with DNA sequences with many ambiguous residues

-N # break long sequences into segments of length #.

-o #,# coordinate offsets for query and library sequences (previously -X)

-O file send output to file (redirection using > file is preferred)

-p force protein query

-P file specify PSIBLAST format PSSM (Position Specific Scoring Matrix) file ( ssearch36, ggsearch36,
Author Manuscript

-q/-Q Quiet: do not prompt for any input [default]

-r #/# DNA match/mismatch scores (+5/4 default)

-R file score results file (for debugging)

-s file Scoring matrix (see Table 3). Preceding the name with a ? ( -s ?BP62) allows the matrix to be adjusted for short query

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Option Description

-S Treat lowercase as low-complexity (soft-mask)

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-t # NCBI genetic code translation table

-T # number of threads or workers ( pvcomp/mpcomp)

-U treat query as an RNA sequence. In addition to selecting a DNA/RNA alphabet, this option causes changes to the scoring
matrix so that G:A, T:C or U:C are scored as G:G 3.
-v # do window shuffles with window size #

-V file annotation script file. =file reads annotations, !file runs the file as a script (e.g., !annot.pl)

-w # Alignment display width (default 60)

-W # Alignment context (unaligned residues shown around alignment, default=30, fasta36, ssearch36)

-X extended options, see the doc/fasta_guide.pdf in the FASTA distribution.

-z # Statistical estimation strategy (Table 5)

-Z # Effective database size for expectation value

-3 DNA queriessearch with forward strand only; DNA libraries, search forward strand only
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Table 3

fasta36 built-in scoring matrices

Author Manuscript

name abbrev gap-penalties bit-scale notes

BLOSUM series (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992)

BLOSUM 50 BL50 -10/-2 bits/3

BLOSUM 62 BP62 -11/-1 bits/2 same as BLASTP

BLOSUM 62 BL62 -7/-1 bits/2

BLOSUM 80 BL80 -10/-2 bits/2

Dayhoff PAM series (Schwartz and Dayhoff, 1978)

PAM 250 P250 -10/-2 bits/3

PAM 120 P120 -14/-3 bits/3

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Modern PAM (MDM) series (Jones et al., 1992)

MDM 10 MD10 -23/-4 bits/3

MDM 20 MD20 -22/-4 bits/3

MDM 40 MD40 -21/-4 bits/3

VTML series (Mueller et al., 2002)

VTML 10 VT10 -16/-2 bits/2

VTML 20 VT20 -15/-2 bits/2

VTML 40 VT40 -15/-2 bits/2

VTML 80 VT80 -15/-2 bits/2

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VTML 120 VT120 -15/-2 bits/2

VTML 160 VT160 -15/-2 bits/2

VTML 200 VT200 -15/-2 bits/2

Optima5 OPT5 -18/-2 bits/5 (Kann and Goldstein, 2002)

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Table 4

fasta36 output formats (-m)

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- Output options
0 Default, conventional 3 line alignment, identities indicated with :,
conservative replacements . :
::..:: :::
1 Similar to -m 0, but conservative replacements indicated with x, non-
conservative replacements X (good for highly identical alignments)
xx X
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2 Similar to -m 0, but 2-line alignment:

3 One line alignment:

6 -m 0 using HTML output with links

B BLAST alignment style:

BB BLAST alignment style with BLAST-like beginning, end
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8 BLAST tabular output

8C BLAST tabular output with comments

8CC BLAST tabular output with comments and CIGAR string, annotations
(Figure 3.9.2B)
8CB BLAST tabular output with comments and Blast BTOP alignment
encoding, annotations.
9 FASTA tabular output

9i FASTA -m 1 output with identity, alignment length

9C -m 9 output with CIGAR string, annotations

9B -m 9 output with BTOP string, annotations

10 Parse-able alignments with label:value output

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Table 5

fasta36 statistical options (-z)

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-z Statistics options

1 Default linear regression fit to average unrelated score vs. log (length) of library sequences

2 Censored (5%) maximum-likelihood estimation of , K for extreme-value distribution

3 Altschul-Gish pre-calculated , K

4 Variation of -z 1 that does additional iterations to censor high scores

5 Variation of -z 1 that also does regression of variance with log(length) of library sequences

6 Censored maximum-likelihood estimates that include a composition term Mott (1992)

11-16 Identical to 12, 46, but fits against scores from shuffled library sequences (required when libraries of related sequences are
21-26 Identical to 12, 46, but calculates a second E()-value ( E2() based on shuffles of the top alignment scores
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-Z# calculate E()-value based on specified database size

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