Inventory Management Through Lean Logist
Inventory Management Through Lean Logist
Inventory Management Through Lean Logist
Hamdard University, Karachi Pakistan (2)Graduate Research Assistant, IoBM Karachi Pakistan
visiting faculty, Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi Pakistan 4Head of Supply
Chain Department, IoBM Karachi Pakistan
Inventory is one of the eight deadly wastes in Lean. It is caused by overproduction (producing more than
is immediately needed) but in turn it causes several other wastes. How does excess inventory manifest
itself? I.e. Extra space, Extra people, waste conveyance, extra costs. Inventory management in lean is
built around the same principles that govern most lean activity: create a simple set of tools that can be
used directly in the workplace that will help surface problems so that they can be addressed. Inventory
management is thus quite different in lean, starting with the view of inventory as a waste rather than an
asset. From a practical point of view, what this means is that inventory reduction is built into the fabric of
the system , just like it is for any other waste. Because of this, they are typically no special efforts or
programs aimed at reducing excess inventory. Reducing inventory is a part of everyday work life.In this
paper we will cover two important topics for the supply chain , warehousing and logistics. We will cover
the traditional view of physical control of inventories, then the relationships between the warehouse and
the organization and then we review traditional logistics activities. In second half of this research paper
we will review distribution requirements planning, Lean warehousing and Lean logistics.
Keywords: Lean logistics, Inventory management, waste, distribution
buying to alleviate some of the shortages price exploring the possibility. We hope these
increases , or examining if you replace that templates will help you to talk / fret about these
commodity with something else, or at least topics less , and actually do something.
Resources Risk Factors
Outbound Transits Suppliers risk-availability , cost trends, health of transportation
Transportation markets
Assets Age of equipment systems, availability of service parts and technicians systems still
Utilities Cost and availability trends
Research Methodology
Strategic Development of Lean needed and best suit your particular situation. By
using those principles and tools, an organization
logistics can design a business excellence model that will
There is no question that lean will contribute fit the culture and goals of the company.
positively to logistics an supply chain activities.
The Two Perspectives of Lean Logistics
The challenges are to understand how to
leverage the value of Lean in Logistics. Lean Lean Logistics # 1
principles ca n sometimes is counterintuitive, The inbound logistics function supporting a lean
making it difficult for operations people to manufacturing facility.
embrace the value proposition. For Example, a
transportation manager will struggle with the Lean Logistics # 2
concept of increasing frequency of deliveries if
personal performance is measured on
transportation costs. Hence, lean logistics can be Logistics activities where the overall operational
implemented successfully; it must be a strategy is based on Lean principles and tools.
cooperative initiative. This is not to say that a This can include transportation, warehousing,
company must be a lean organization prior to order management, material handling an
implementing Lean in the logistics function. inventory control.
The important lesson is that Lean teaches us With these two definitions in mind, it becomes
sound business principles. Lean is not a trend, apparent that lean logistics has the potential to
fad or flavor of the month. They are well become a confusing and complicated model. The
packaged set of business excellence principles goal then is to simplify the complicated. That is
and tools. The trick is to unwrap the package what we have attempted to accomplish in this
and choose the principles and tools that are project. Reviewing and analyzing all lean and
six sigma with the logistics function. Our goal is significant initiative. We all need to be on the
to arm the logistics professional with the same page! This is especially very true for the
knowledge required to reduce waste, manage logistics function , where a cooperate global
inventories, and create more effective processes. logistics strategy may not exist.
Any model that spotlights on results will be Lean tenet by making a model that can be
multidimensional. With logistics span Model , comprehended by all levels of the association.
the measurements depend on the progressive By taking after the model , the CEO will realize
system of a normal association. The model takes what will be expert , as will the senior
a gander at logistics from the perspective of administration and cutting edge supervisors. The
CEO first then penetrates down to the vital level Logistics span model gives a participate
and in conclusion depicts the strategic regions methodology that can be utilized to execute a
for effective usage. This methodology takes after world class incline logistics framework.
The Inventory Holding Cost
Stock conveying cost determination is the doors. As an organization's normal rate of profit
possibility of doing as such as often as possible. for new speculations advances, so excessively
Stock conveying expense ought to be alert, as should the stock conveying cost rate. The rate
dynamic as an organization's business open decided at one point in time ought not be held in
such respect that it can't be addressed over the cover request by requesting littler amounts all
time and returned to. Stock conveying expense the more much of the time from your supply
is not liable to change significantly inside the sources., along these lines accomplishing more
course of year , yet ought to dependably mirror stock turns. “Inventory turns" alludes to the
the truth of the organization's changing cost quantities of times every year that normal stock
conditions and venture open doors. offers. The quantity of turns is normally decided
in view of the estimation of normal stock and the
When you have a superior handle on what it is business volume at cost, communicated
truly costing you to hold stock, interest ought to scientifically as
swing to how deals can be augmented with
minimal measure of stock. Every single other Inventory turns= Sales volume at cost/ value
thing being equivalent , you ought to attempt to of average inventory
$- 2011
mishaps) and thereafter they choose security Lean and Six Sigma across four categories
rates that mirrors the variably in the data this
is essentially why the sixteen year old male 1- Strategy and planning
who drive sports auto will have the most
raised assurance rate. 2- Problem Solving
bundling serves as a vital message that delegate. The buying specialist should first
something is amiss in the framework. discover the chance to start the call at time
at which somebody is liable to be at the flip
One of the three conceivable things has side to acknowledge it. While most real
happened organizations give every minute of every
day/365 client administration accessibility, it
1-The supplier has obtain excessively couple
stays a long way from all inclusive. Thus ,
of compartments, making it impossible to
the call may restricted to the cover in the
handle the require the volume at the plant.
hours of operation for both client and
2-The returnable holder has neglected to supplier. A client on the US east drift may to
advance back to the legitimate supplier that defer an early morning call until the west
requirements totes for ensuing use drift the supplier is open for business.
THE SIMPOC MODEL 2- Inputs : What are the inputs for the process?
This may include material, people or
To answer the question " What does a information.
standardize process look like ? "we need to
break down the process itself. The good news is 3-Measurement : How do we measure the
that all processes are made of the same basic purpose to ensure the success?
variables. The SIMPOC ( Supplier- Inputs-
Measurement-Procedure-Outputs-Customers) 4- Procedure : What are the procedures for the
model defines the key variables and provides a process? This includes documenting the process
framework for documenting standardize steps and timings of each step.
processes by answering the following questions
5-Outputs-What are the expected outputs of the
1-Supplier :Who supplies the inputs for the process? These can include actual products,
process. information, or documentation.
The SIMPOC is a valuable---- tool to compare the current condition of processes and to
develop standardize operations.
This high level of process of a SIMPOC shows can be saved by applying looser controls to low -
how the tool can be used to compare processes dollar-volume class items than the high -dollar-
in different facilities. Clearly, these two plants volume class items.
have a very different processes in place to
receive material. Methodology ABC Classification
If we can document the SIMPOC for each The characterization of a gathering of things
process in our operations, the result will be a set in diminishing request of yearly dollar
of documented standard operations. Once this volume ( cost increased by anticipated
accomplished , the standard is set as noted , a volume) or other criteria. This cluster is then
standardize , documented process is one that
part into three classes, called A, B and C.
new team members can quickly understand and
contribute to immediately. Even though a The A gathering for the most part speaks to
process become standardize , however , we 10% to 20% by number of things and half to
should not become content with it. The vision is 70% by anticipated dollar volume. The
always seek new , better ways to perform the following gathering , B, normally speaks to
work around 20% of the things and around 20% of
the dollar volume. The class C contains 60%
Traditional Physical Control of to 70% of the things and speaks to around
Inventories 10% to 30% of the dollar volume. The ABC
Let's start the warehousing portion of the session
rule expresses that exertion and cash can be
with discussing what warehousing is all about. spared through applying looser controls to
In basic terms , it is all about the physical low - dollar-volume class things than will be
control of inventories , typically finished goods connected to high - dollar - volume class
inventories. One major tool that typically has things. The ABC rule is appropriate to
been used to help maintain this control is ABC. inventories , buying , deals, et cetera.
The ABC principle states that effort and money
ABC has been broadly utilized and is pressure are key to keep clients recharged and
extraordinary device to organize how stock inventories under control.
is dealt with; certain SKUs in the stockroom
are more vital than different things. As
Combination :The joining of framework and
beforehand specified, ABC investigation is individuals , collaboration, must be both inside
utilized to oversee inventories in distribution and outer. On the off chance that it is not , then
center. This normally done by utilizing the there are holes , potential for postponements and
ABC to set up cycle numbering cycles, with blunders and disappointments in the store
A sections being tallied more as often as network process
possible than C parts; the A sections are
obviously more vital than C parts. Despite
the fact that this is valid on a general level, DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS
care must be taken not to disregard the B PLANNING -DRP
and C things , the absence of C things can
1-The capacity of deciding the need to
close you down pretty much as fast as an A
renew stock at branch stockrooms. A period
thing would.
- staged request point methodology is
Moreover , numerous stockrooms use ABC utilized where the arranged requests at the
to set up physical stock areas , with A branch distribution center level are "
sections being set up either near the delivery detonated " by means of MRP rationale to
zone ( front of distribution center) of end up gross prerequisites on the supplying
basically in the brilliant zone-rack range source. On account of multilevel dispersion
ordinarily at a physical case of this Figure systems , this blast procedure can proceed
beneath down through the different levels of
provincial distribution centers ( expert
FMEA AND LOGISTICS SKILLS stockroom, manufacturing plant stockroom,
Logistics is the cornerstone to store network and so on) and get to be contribution to the
administration achievement. It is not about expert generation plan. Request on the
transportation or warehousing; The logistics supplying sources is perceived as reliant ,
center is :The development of item : This is
and standard MRP rationale applies.
more than transportation of products. the modes
and bearers chose must supplement the
production network methodology and must be
receptive to the requirements of clients and 2-More by and large , recharging stock
whole chain. computation , which might be founded on
other arranging methodologies, for example,
The development of data : Information
period request amounts or supplant precisely
innovation is vital to being responsive. It must
be both inward the endeavor - and outside , with what was utilized , as opposed to being
clients and suppliers constrained to the time staged request point
Fetched: This is the expense of the whole
inventory network , both working and capital. It LEAN WAREHOUSING
is not only the expense of discrete cost variables,
for example, cargo or warehousing. First , we are going to talk about Lean
warehousing and how it builds on some of the
Time/Service: Supply fasten administration is best practices that many warehouse people
customized to and receptive to every client. To already do. Although the setting of inventory
pick up an upper hand , administration and time levels is an important part of warehousing , we
have already know that subject , so we are going warehouse. Note that not all the items that need
to assume that the inventory levels are proper. to be controlled are critical ; this list can be
So , what are some of the key items , other than viewed as the major cost drivers in the
inventory, that are important to manage in the warehouses.
Warehouse A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements 80 80 80 70 80 90 90 90
Schedule receipts
Project on hand 90 10 30 50 80 0 10 20 30
PLO receipts 100 100 100 100 100 100
PLO releases 100 100 100 100 100 100
Warehouse B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements 30 30 30 20 20 30 90 35
Schedule receipts
Project on hand 90 60 30 0 30 0 15 30 45
PLO receipts 50 50 50 50
PLO releases 50 50 50 50
Warehouse C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90
Schedule receipts
Project on hand 170 11 50 80 80 10 30 50 60
PLO receipts 100 100 100 100 100
PLO releases 100 100 100 100 100
Central Supply
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Requirements 200 150 200 150 250 250 100 0
Schedule receipts
Project on hand 170 350 200 0 150 200 200 250 150
PLO receipts 300 300 300
PLO releases 300 300 300
Inventory Labor
There is no doubt that this is cost driver 1, but This is cost driver 2 and , as we will discuss, is
we have discussed how inventory levels are set. probably the least controlled
A warehouse is just another " supermarket"
where goods are held for sale, and you only have Lean warehousing looks at space use as being a
a supermarket if you cannot match when and critical issue to deal with. Space usage is
where customers want product with your ability commonly referred to as slotting , but it goes
to supply the goods on a timely basis. In most beyond the concept of where items are placed
cases, shipping lead time is a normal expectation within the warehouse; it also takes into
for customers, so you also have to consider the consideration how much inventory is put into the
additional manufacturing or supply time. Can location and attempts to create a handful of
you deliver product to the customers at or under standard location sizes.
the lead time that they expect ? If customers
expect immediate or near -immediate order Slotting is a simple concept : put higher velocity
fulfillment , then you may need one or more items closer to point of use, then slower velocity
warehouses. The process for identifying where items. The reason to do slotting is that it can do
these need to be located is not changed in Lean. more to save labor cost than just about anything
However , how much inventory is held will be else. How? By reducing the travel time-walking
calculated by the same rules we discussed in or driving in the warehouse. If your faster
determining supermarket size. moving items are closer to their point of use
either receipt or shipping , then people will be
traveling less to put away or pick these items.
One of the biggest issues is in how to do
Space slotting. Some people think that slotting can
Typically warehouse space is assigned on a only be done with a warehouse management
square foot basis and is probably cost driver 3 system, but most warehouse management
.many organizations find themselves with too systems, especially those included as standard in
little space, given that space is used inefficiently most ERP systems, generally available do not do
and growth is usually not planned for symptoms slotting .
of this are leased trailers or outside /off-site
warehouse space. Example :
The example is an excerpt from a monthly turns The next step is to simply sort descending , on
report that has been edited ( Note : The turns are the YTD column. This can guide you on where
totally fictitious). The key here is that we are to slot. Next , add a slot column to help. The slot
looking at year to date (YTD) issues. Make sure column is where you will fill in where you plan
you have at least six months of data, which to put that item. This requires that you have a
should be enough to be representative sample logical warehouse location system. This is
unless the majority of your items are short term typically done with a mix of alphanumeric
or seasonal type items. If that is the case , you characters that represents
may want to set up two slotting areas : one for
seasonal items and other for non seasonal. As Aisle
you can see , the excerpt has a wide range of Rack
YTD issues quantities Shelf
The next step is simply sort descending on the YTD column. This can guide you on
where to slot
Days Year's
Current YTD Lead Sales
SKU Description Inventory Issues Turns Time Unit Slot
182 F 417739 445231 1.065 1 3249541
6 K 63000 337000 5.349 1 960800
VPF-19 L 436100 316300 0.725 1 4013883
LABEL-2 E 48144 7056 0.146 1 4911
M20G G 2079 7003 3.368 1 25090
E-59X D 11520 6912 0.6 120 0
W-184F M 2640 6888 2.6609 100 120
5681T A 187 2073 11.085 1 9
PEN-WH I 3622 2069 0.571 1 14079
PS-43 J 107 2046 191.21 18
73-1650 B 108 194 1.796 416
CAW-23 C 83 194 2.337 1 2062
68A H 45 194 4.311 123
In this research we have reviewed the details new approach that has strengths from the
about managing inventory through lean logistics traditional approach as well as a new strengths
and warehousing approach that means waste from the core value. Lean is a complete
less supply logistics network. lean logistics operating system, and needs to be approached
covers a pretty broad number of items, and we and adopted as such , not just as a set of loosely
will cover these during the remainder of the connected tools created to eliminate waste.
research. Lean logistics is the application of
Lean principles within the logistics part of the REFERENCES
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