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FX Magazine January 2011

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The Business of Design

February 2011 £5.50


Bangkok University’s Centre of
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The new Citis-SN range. It’s not every day that contemporary style and
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to the changing needs of growing businesses.

enq 102
Cleverly unobtrusive cable management and forward to. And that’s certainly cause enough for
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ribbon. Defies gravity. Defines quality.

Presenting a continuous
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ribbon offers unique
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Cleverly rebated doors
conceal typically robust
aluminium frames and
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Careful positioning of
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steel lock to complete
the look, while the range
of high pressure laminate
or timber veneer finishes
confirms the quality.

Discreet stainless steel locks are Ribbon appears to float above the Doors are rebated at the edges to
the only external sign of a cubicle. floor with no visible support. give a flush external surface.
enq 103
Acting sustainably is what we do.
With our beginnings in Australia, for over
26 years now we have been designing
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and design.


enq 104
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enq 106
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enq 166
PuraVida Phoenix Design

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enq 107
February 2011

Regulars Projects FX Focus

DIARY................................................................19 CORINTHIAN CLUB, GLASGOW Glasgow-based SURFACES 20 pages on the latest thinking on
design practice Graven Images transforms a surface materials, including designers on the
FORUM Your letters ..........................................20 Victorian bank and former Hight Court into importance of selecting the right material for
a luxury leisure destination ...........................36 the job, why felt is such a favourite in so
HEADLINER An installation shows the way to many different projects, and how an
Hussein Chalayan’s creativity .........................23 BANGKOK UNIVERSITY CREATIVE CENTRE interactive surface technology is adding
Supermachine Studio has colourful ideas for a another dimension to swimming..................61
NEWS Hand drawing courses; tax breaks centre aimed at fostering creative thinkers .....43
for R&D; RCA launches new series of
architecture lectures; world’s second-largest Tech Spec
tower is underway; meet FX on the beach Features
at MIPIM......................................................25 TEST BENCH Ergonomics expert Levent
ZAHA HADID The architect’s new school Çaglar puts the new Airpad task from
BUSINESS Met Studio for science centre in academy in Brixton, south London makes a Interstuhl through its paces............................82
China; new ceiling system debuts .................29 bold statement for the pupils and the
neighbourhood ................................................46 LIGHT + TECH Jill Entwistle looks at the latest
TOP 5 Pick of the best new products ..............31 lighting product launches from the Arc Show,
THINK PIECE Aidan Walker takes a look at the held at the Business Design Centre...............84
PROFILE Director of Woods Bagot Nik Karalis, new book, New Demographics New
who believes the recession is a good thing...32 Workplace, which should help send the open- MATERIALS Creative director of SCIN
plan office on its way out, if only Annabelle Filer is happy to declare that less
ONE TO WATCH Acrylicize, which creates management would read it ............................51 is more with this month’s selection of
acrylic installations and artwork ......................35 innovative materials ........................................88
ECOBUILD We preview Ecobuild, the three-day
COVER STORY: Page 43 Supermachine Studio creates
IF ONLY ...bus stops could be more interactive, event at ExCeL devoted to all things – ideas an interactive wall for students to play with at the
says MIT designers and engineers.............122 and products – ecological and sustainable......54 Bangkok University Creative Centre

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 17

© 2011 Shaw, A Berkshire Hathaway Company

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enq 108


I know it’s still winter and these
heavy grey skies make
everything seem so miserable,
but fancy meeting for breakfast, on
the beach?
I can’t wait to get a bit of
sunshine in the south of France
Last year’s design of
the year the Folding next month for MIPIM, and to
Plug, with its creator
Min-Kyu Choi jolly it all along a bit I’m
organising an FX breakfast beach
party in association with
InterfaceFlor, when I hope to meet
as many architects, designers and
their clients as possible.
Brit Insurance Design Awards 2011 entries You’ll need to let me know if
16 February- 7 August, Exhibition of shortlisted entries, you want to come along, as we
Design Museum, Shad Thames, London SE1 have to organise security passes in
Some 100 shortlisted entries to this year’s Brit Insurance Design Awards go advance of the bash, but if you
on show at the Design Museum, with the designer of the year award winner can’t make it I’m setting some
being announced on 15 March. Architecture, graphics, product and furniture
are among the awards’ seven categories, being judged by a panel that
time aside the day before, so if we
includes design curator Janice Blackburn, graphic designer Mark Farrow, can meet up then that would be
and Simon Waterfall, co-founder of digital agency Poke, and is chaired by grand.
Stephen Bayley. designmuseum.org
Another show coming up just
the week before MIPIM is
Ecobuild, at the Business Design
Centre. We have a sneak preview
in this issue of some of the new
products designed to enhance our

efforts to be ecologically conscious

and promote sustainability that
will be at Ecobuild.
Meanwhile the new academy
The Surface ISH 2011 BSEC Building Tefaf
Design Show 15-19 March, Mese Schools 18-27 March,
school designed by Zaha Hadid
15-17 February, Frankfurt, Frankfurt Exhibition and Exhibition & Congress for the Arc Schools initiative in
Business Design Conference Centre, Forum 100, Brixton, south London, is our
Centre, London N1 The biennial ISH 23-24 February, Maastricht
provides the biggest ExCeL, London E16
feature of the month, and what a
Dedicated to interior showcase going for View and buy stunner it is. Full of signature
and exterior surfaces innovative bathroom With the Government’s paintings from Brugel angles, it is making a bold
for building design, design, energy closure of the £55bn to Bacon as well as
this is a diary event for efficient heating and Building Schools for objects reflecting
statement both for the pupils and
architects, interior air-conditioning the Future programme 6,000 years of the neighbourhood.
designers and technology, and and the start of free excellence in the And among many other good
specifiers. This year’s renewable energies. schools, this exhbition applied arts, as more
show has the theme With a host of and conference than 250 of the world’s
reads this month, I just have space
‘Material Thinking’, exhibitors plus support covering education most prestigious art to mention our 20-page focus on
highlighting the seminars. More than projects from planning and antiques dealers surfaces, in which designers have
development of 200,000 visitors to building is from 17 countries
modern materials. attended ISH 2009. particularly pertinent. attend this event. plenty of insightful comments to
surfacedesignshow.com ish.messefrankfurt.com buildingschools.co.uk tefaf.com make on the subject.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 19



Theresa Dowling

Y ou may recall that a few years ago there I’d like to suggest that employer branding tdowling@fxmagazine.co.uk
Assistant editor
was a voguish interest in the idea of is a straightforward idea for those involved in Jamie Mitchell / 020 7336 5294
employer branding. The idea was popularised workplace design and management to jmitchell@fxmagazine.co.uk
Editorial team
in the first book on the subject in 2005. By address, but it is anything but. As with many Pamela Horne, Anna Lewis
2008 Jackie Orme, the head of the Chartered of the issues that we have to manage it is
Institute of Personnel and Development, was complex, multifaceted, ongoing and demands DESIGN & PRODUCTION:
Art director
calling it ‘an integral part of business strategy’. a multidisciplinary approach. It is likely Wes Mitchell
It appears to have dropped off the radar a to require input from FM, HR and IT and Production manager
Clare Ovenell
bit over the past couple of years, which we will attract the interest of general managers Production administrator
can put down to the effect of the recession. across the organisation. It incorporates a Steve Buchanan / 020 7336 5315
Firms certainly seem to have their mind on range of factors from working culture,
other things than attracting and retaining the working methods, interior design and the ADVERTISING:
best staff. Research published recently by physical environment. Group sales director
Joe Maughan / 020 7936 6847
PriceWaterhouseCoopers showed that in My own firm works in only one of these jmaughan@progessivemediagroup.com
2009, 54 per cent of businesses said they areas, but when it comes to employer Sales manager
Alistair Fitzpatrick / 020 7936 6849
placed a special focus on retaining talent; this branding nothing can be achieved in isolation. afitzpatrick@fxmagazine.co.uk
year that’s dropped down to 36 per cent. That may have been the case in the past, Account managers
Colette Newby / 020 7936 6830
This is odd, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, when branding in the workplace focused on cnewby@fxmagazine.co.uk
it seems perverse that in a knowledge replicating a corporate identity, but now there Dean Cassar / 020 7936 6838
economy firms are placing less emphasis on is a far greater focus on reflecting important dcassar@fxmagazine.co.uk
Ryan Sloan / 020 7936 6841
recruiting and keeping hold of the best values to staff. Where once you had logos in rsloan@fxmagazine.co.uk
knowledge workers. Secondly, it makes no the carpet and walls in corporate colours, now Supplement sales
Craig Jones / 020 7936 6867
business sense. The CIPD recently reported we have visualisations of how the company cjones@fxmagazine.co.uk
that more than a third of employees addresses business and environmental Barnaby Goodman Smith / 020 7936 6845
plan to change jobs once the issues, the intelligent use of colours Barnaby.Goodman-Smith@fxmagazine.co.uk
Classified sales
recession is over. The recent and materials to convey ideas Daniel Kamli / 020 7936 6857
report from PWC emphasises and emotions, imagery from daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com
Product sales
how costly this might be for packaging and marketing Sophia Sahin / 020 7936 6856
employers. Despite the ongoing campaigns and manifestations sophia.sahin@worldmarketintelligence.com
uncertainty in the economy, the of the outside world.
proportion of UK workers It is new technology that 020 7936 6400
resigning from their jobs has makes all this feasible, both in Chief executive
Russell Milburn
increased from 7.7 per cent to terms of the designs it makes Publishing director
10.4 per cent in the past year. possible and in the equipment and Mike Callison
This matters to us because there has materials needed to deliver them. SUBSCRIPTIONS:
always been a close link between the labour What is needed is a holistic approach. FX customer services: cs@progressivemediagroup.com
market and office design. In the wider It demands people who can integrate and Subscriptions hotline: ++44 (0)845 155 1845
Email: subscriptions@progressivemediagroup.com
business community, the conundrum that has resolve the demands of its many elements (include postal address and telephone number)
dominated management thinking over the and stakeholders, develop clear briefs and Subscribe online at: www.getthatmag.com
past 20 years is this: if your main asset is ensure delivery of complex and potentially Single issue price: UK £5.50; EU €19.50; US $28.50
knowledge and that knowledge is largely conflicting objectives. Much of that will One year: UK £60; EU €135.50; US $235; ROW $245
locked up in people’s heads, how do you depend on the development of clear objectives Two years: UK £105; EU €240; US $419; ROW $434
Digital edition: £46 (Worldwide price, subscribe at
attract those heads to your organisation? and a clear brief in the first place. www.getthatmag.com)
Then, once they are in your employ, how do It is important is to understand how
FX is published 12 times a year by World Market Intelligence,
you make them stay there or at the very least employer branding works in its many facets John Carpenter House, John Carpenter Street, London EC4Y 0AN.
All calls may be monitored for training purposes. The paper used
empty some of the contents into computers and recognise the role it can play in achieving in this magazine is obtained from manufacturers who operate
and other people’s heads before they go? organisational success. Creating the right within internationally recognised standards. The paper is made
from Elementary Chlorine Free (ECF) pulp, which is sourced from
It is this riddle that has led to the environment to attract and retain the best staff sustainable, properly managed forestation. Printed in England.
dominance of ‘soft’ issues in management has always been important but the growth of All rights reserved: No part of FX may be reproduced or stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic,
thinking and why workplace design has the knowledge economy and the recovery mechanical, or photocopying, without prior written permission
of the editor. ©2011. ISSN 0966-0380
focused increasingly on softer business issues from recession will make it increasingly
such as corporate culture, the environment important in the coming years.
and knowledge management. It has driven It is a situation that is both challenging
the growth of flexible work practices as and an exciting opportunity for those of
organisations have tried to give people us involved in the design and management
a better work-life balance. It has driven the of offices to further demonstrate our value
softening of the workplace itself, the growth to the organisation.
of breakout space and the focus on the team. John Sulzmann Boundary House, 90-92 Charterhouse Street,
London EC1M 6HR. www.fxmagazine.co.uk
And, of course, it has pushed on the idea Managing director, Artworks Solutions
of employer branding. artworks-solutions.com February 2011 / Issue 203
Average audited circulation, July 2008-June 2009: 13,273
FX is a part of the World Interior Design Network

If you have something to get off your chest, email tdowling@fxmagazine.co.uk or write to:
The Editor, FX, Boundary House, 90-92 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6HR FX supports the aims
and objectives of ACID
(Anti Copying In Design)

20 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


Research identified ‘noise’ as a likely cause of employee dissatisfaction with the work atmosphere in
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enq 110
News p25, 27
Business p29
Top 5 p31
Profile p32-33
One to watch p35


A unique interactive installation has been experienced while travelling, achieved by
created to showcase a collaboration between creating an undulating topography of
designer Hussein Chalayan, winner of the triangular-section vertical rods, which act like
outstanding lifetime achievement FX Award in a three-dimensional lenticular. As a metaphor
2009, and trainer and technical sportswear for the changing time zones encountered while
specialist Puma. travelling around the world, the rods gradually
Multidisciplinary design consultancy change colour from black to white to a
Everyone Associates was called in by reflective 3M Scotchlite finish and then back Chalayan’s creativity was not limited to
department store Selfridges to create a to black as the viewer moves around the Urban Mobility collection – he conceived
showcase in the London store for the Urban installation. that the hangers on which the collection’s
Mobility, a collection of clothing and footwear Each triangular rod also features a QR code pieces are uniquely displayed are suspended
aimed at travel enthusiasts. at the top that, when scanned by a smart using magnets.
The installation uses recognisable markings phone, will link customers to maps of cool and The installation opens in Selfridges Spirit
on a terrain map, such as distance markers interesting places in the world that have men’s fashion department from 1 February
and trigpoints, as design inspiration. Following inspired Chalayan’s work. Everyone Associates for four weeks. Words by Anna Lewis
the theme, the installation has been designed as also added iPads to the installation, allowing everyoneassociates.com
to imitate the constantly changing landscape customers to browse through the collection. husseinchalayan.com
Ecobuild Stand S350

01942 612888

enq 111



Small and medium-sized enterprises Drawing At Work is running courses to improve freehand drawing
(SMEs) that carry out research and in architectural and engineering offices, with its Sketchmob
development may find it easier to claim programme listing some of the most distinguished British and
additional tax relief, thanks to a relaxation in American practices and organisations among its clients, including
the rules for claiming R&D tax credits. Desso, CABE, the Building Centre, Building Design Partnership and
Companies will now be able to claim the the Architectural Association, and American Insititute of Architects.
additional relief on their activities, even if they Drawing at Work director Trevor Flynn is running ‘Drawing
don’t own the intellectual property that will Gyms’ in offices throughout spring and summer, kicked off with
result from the R&D. an open session last month at the V&A. Flynn founded Sketchmob
R&D tax relief is designed to promote two years ago with the aim of ‘getting people out to draw more’.
investment in scientific and technical drawingatwork.co.uk; sketchmob.co.uk
innovation, providing companies with an extra
tax allowance to reduce their tax bill. The SME
scheme is open to organisations with fewer FX is heading for At Ecobuild, at FIT, the Furnishing
than 500 employees, an annual turnover of less Correction: the beach for the London’s ExCeL Industry Trust, the
than £83m and a balance sheet not exceeding In last month’s next MIPIM. In from 1-3 March, the independent charity
Headliner on the association with Society of British helping those who
£71.5m. Annual spend on R&D must be a new theatre complex InterfaceFlor, FX is Interior Designers work, or have
minimum of £10,000. for the Royal staging it first-ever and the Carpet worked, in the
The rule change – the removal of the Shakespeare MIPIM breakfast on Foundation are to furnishing industry
Company at the beach in Cannes launch a luxury and who are now
intellectual property condition – became law in Stratford-upon-Avon, on 10 March from carpet collection for facing a financial
the Finance Act 2010, and SMEs will now be we stated in error 8.30am to10.30am. the Campaign for or personal crisis,
able to apply the new rule to any expenditure that Bennetts All visiting architects Wool. Six SBID has had its funds
on R&D in an accounting period ending on or Associates also and designers and members have boosted by £9,000
designed the their clients will be designed it: Vivienne by the efforts of a
after 9 December 2009. This will particularly Courtyard Theatre. welcome, but please Westwood; Ken crew of amateur
benefit sub-contractors carrying out research In fact the Courtyard advise the FX Editor Baker (of Gensler, sailors crossing the
for larger companies. Theatre was Theresa Dowling if London); Nina Atlantic. Tony Attard,
designed by Ian you’d like to attend Campbell; David group chief
The Government is now reviewing the Ritchie Architects, as security badges Collins; Nicky executive of
support R&D tax credits provide for with no input from will need be issued Haslam; and furnishing textile
innovation, as part of a consultation on Bennetts Associates. for admittance. Vanessa Brady. designer and
We are happy to She’d like to meet as SBID represented manufacturer Panaz,
reforms to the corporate tax system. The make this clear and many practices as British interior design was crewing one of
consultation document is available online. The apologise for any possible, either at at Macef, the Milan 233 cruising yachts
closing date for comments is 22 February. misunderstanding the breakfast party home show, in taking part in the
that may have been or at MIPIM on 9 partnership with the annual Atlantic Rally
hmrc.gov.uk/ct/forms-rates/claims/randd.htm caused. March, Email her at Italian Chamber of organised by ARC.
hm-treasury.gov.uk/consult_randd_tax_credits.htm ianritchiearchitects.com tdowling@dircon.co.uk Commerce. sbid.org panaz.com

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 25

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       enq 112

The Royal College of Art in London is

running a series of architecture lectures,
starting 22 February, at 7pm, with Thomas
Heatherwick (pictured above left), founder
of Heatherwick Studio. His current projects
include a monastic building in Sussex, a
bio-mass power station in Stockton-on-Tees
and the RIBA Lubetkin prize-winning UK
Pavilion for the Shanghai Expo. An RCA
graduate, Heatherwick was awarded the
London Design Medal in 2010 in for his
outstanding contribution to design.
On 15 March, also at 7pm, the lecture
will be delivered John Gray, Emeritus
Professor of European Thought at the
London School of Economics. He has
taught at Oxford, Harvard, Yale and the
Autonomous University of Madrid.
Now a full-time writer his books include
The Immortalization Commission, Gray’s
Anatomy: Selected Writings, and Black
Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death
of Utopia. He writes articles and reviews for
The Guardian, The New York Review of
Books and other journals.
Places for both lectures are free but seats
need to be booked in advance by emailing
The RCA’s Professor Wendy Dagworthy
(pictured above right), head of the School
of Fashion & Textiles, was awarded an OBE
in the New Year Honours list for her
services to the fashion industry.
British Ceramic The Society of A detailed plan for WORLD’S SECOND TALLEST BUILDING SET
Tile has raised
£1,000 for the 200-
British Interior
Design has awarded
an office-led
scheme for London
year-old Devon- designers and Wall Place has been
based Dame Hannah developers for submitted to the City
Rogers Trust, which a new commercial of London for
Construction has begun on the Gensler-designed tower in
helps young people. upholstery textile. approval. Shanghai, which will be the world’s second tallest building when it is
Fundraising activities WoJo was Formerly known completed in 2014.
included a bake sale designed for coffee as the St Alphage
and plant sale, and chain Starbucks by site in London Wall,
At 632m high, the mixed-use building will anchor the city’s
the raffling of a print The Formary, a New the plan is for a Lujiazui district which has emerged as one of East Asia’s leading
of Dartmoor by BCT Zealand-based 46,450 sq m scheme financial centres, and complete the city’s super high-rise district.
employee and design company designed by It is one of three towers which symbolise Shanghai’s past, present
photographer Maria and blends 70 per MAKE architects,
Selley, which alone cent New Zealand delivering landmark and future, with this tower, representing the future, being the last to be
raised £120. Laneve wool and 30 architecture across completed. The new tower takes inspiration from Shanghai’s tradition
Further contributions per cent jute fibre two buildings of parks and neighborhoods while its curved facade and spiraling form
came from firms and from recycled by 2014.
associations visiting Starbucks coffee In addition to aims at symbolising the dynamic emergence of modern China.
the factory during sacks. office space plans To carry the load of the transparent glass skin, Gensler designed an
the year. BCT The sustainable include new gardens innovative curtain wall that will be suspended from the mechanical
produces more than nature of WoJo set among historic
20,000 sq m of wall and its two years monuments, floors above and stabilised by a system of hoop rings and struts.
tiles daily using of R&D matches the including the City Some 61,000 cu m of concrete has gone into the foundations, and
locally sourced raw ethical and quality wall and the remains when finished it will have a total floor space of 5231,000 sq m and
materials at its standards promoted of the St Alphage
factory in Devon. by SBID, it says. church tower. 106 lifts.
britishceramictile.com sbid.org makearchitects.com gensler.com

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 27

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enq 113



A new ceiling system has been created,
inspired by the landmark architecture of
Dublin Airport’s new Terminal 2.
The unique modular tensile fabric ceiling
system Archiclad, created by award-winning
design team at Fabric Architecture, was in
response to the front-to-back and left-to-
right curvature of the airport’s roof.
The demanding architecture designs by
Pascall +Watson specified a tensile fabric
mesh ceiling to span 15,000m and echo the
form of the exterior shell while allowing
access for lighting and services.
‘We designed a lightweight, self-tensioning
frame system that requires minimal support
fixings. The system can be installed rapidly
with minimal labour, even over large areas.
For Dublin T2, our solution cost a million
euros less than the alternative system
available,’ said Fabric Architecture’s design
director Nigel Browne. ‘Aesthetically,
ArchiClad has performed magnificently; the
crisp lines soar above you, while the
expansive panels, with no visible seams, give A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH
a human scale to this massive space.”
At Dublin Airport the 850 panels were
off-set by 600mm from the main trusses to FOR CHINESE SCIENCE CENTRE
allow for lighting and access for services,
while also articulating the geometry of the Multi-award-winning masterplanner and exhibition design
ceilings. fabricarchitecture.com practice MET Studio has been commissioned to create three galleries
for China’s new Ningbo Science Exploration Centre, due to open in
spring 2012.
Brintons has used New colour iGuzzini Denmark
The 50,000 sq m new-build centre will house six permanent galleries
its extensive design families have been has opened a new in total, across two storeys, and MET Studio (in a joint undertaking
archive – dating developed by the HQ in Copenhagen. between the company’s London and Hong Kong offices) won the pitch
back to 1791 – for Formica Group With a 10-yer
inspiration for new following extensive presence in the
to design three of the galleries after taking part in an international pitch
carpet designs by research for its capital, the lighting involving design companies from Europe, the USA, Japan and China.
Marcel Bequillard Formica Colors High company intends the ‘MET Studio has worked on a number of important museum and
Interior Design Pressure Laminate new space to be a
(MBID) for the (HPL) range. venue for meetings
gallery projects in Asia since the company’s inception in 1982’,
Renaissance hotel in Selected to offer a and training, and commented MET Studio chairman Alex McCuaig, ‘but mostly in
Moscow. The design wide variety of on- allowing visitors ‘to Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Although we have worked
inspiration for the trend shades the view the ... in mainland China before, this is the largest such project and we hope
hotel’s interior was Formica Colors expressions of
the Ballet Russes range provides an artificial light and it will be the first of many.’
dance company that inspirational choice discuss in depth the The three large-scale galleries, each measuring between 2,000 sq m
captivated audiences of architecturally culture of light’. and 2,500 sq m, are entitled Universe, Harmonious Home and Ocean.
in Paris, London and inspired subtle, The new HQ is to be
New York between neutrals, accent equipped with a The MET Studio London team has designed the first two under the
1909 and 1929, and colours and ‘laboratory of light’, direction of design director Lloyd Hicks, while the company’s Hong
Bequillard worked atmospheric hues. used to test the Kong team is overseeing the Ocean gallery, under the direction of
with Brintons to The new colours effects of artificial
create contemporary offer designers the light, and will host design director Neil Williams, with Lloyd Hicks and Chinese adviser Dr
Axminster carpet flexibility to create events and initiatives Tai overseeing the delivery of the whole three-gallery project. The
designs for 22 coordinated, to raise public galleries’ graphics and communication (also to be created by MET
separate areas at the contemporary awareness of the use
four-star hotel. designs. of artificial light. Studio) will be in Chinese and English.
brintons.net formica.com iguzzini.com metstudio.com

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 29

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enq 114
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FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 31

centres are the
new museums,’ says
Nik Karalis. With the
Melbourne Exhibtion and
Convention Centre,
Woods Bagot persuaded
the client to redefine
convention centres

32 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


This director of a multinational architectural practice has some pretty unconventional views
about how business should work, but its successes bear them out, reports Jamie Mitchell

he recession is the best thing that could One such publication was Spatial Tactics, The foyer of the Another tenet of the
have happened to architecture,’ says Nik published in 2006, in which Karalis predicted Melbourne
Woods Bagot
Karalis, a director of multinational ‘the death of the corporation’. That’s a pretty Convention and philosophy is that the
architecture practice Woods Bagot. surprising prediction from a director of a Exhibition Centre, left,practice must have no
is a shining example
Karalis remembers an architecture multinational company employing 500 house style. ‘When I
of the Woods Bagot
conference in Dubai shortly before the people, isn’t it? philosophy of the look at the work we do
financial collapse in 2008. ‘It was ‘Basically, when corporations get to a project being king, I’m checking to see that
unbelievable, he recalls, ‘like something from certain size they begin to survive for not the company. there is no evidence
Above, Nik Karalis
a science fiction movie. Architecture had themselves,’ he explains, ‘and we need to of a signature style,
become so implausible, architects so arrogant. dissolve that and break it down.’ that each project is
You could see that something had to change.’ In Spatial Tactics, Karalis argues that contextually specific
It’s not that Karalis is against innovation – during Woods Bagot’s 137-year history, the to its own area, both
quite the opposite – but the plain-speaking practice, despite being very successful, was in geographically and in terms of the building’s
Australian, who now lives in London, doesn’t danger of losing ‘the one thing that [makes] us function,’ says Karalis.
have time for audacious or egotistical all get up in the morning – our creativity’. It all sounds great in theory, but the
architecture. ‘I think the practices that come ‘We had become the yes men (and buildings that spring from this approach to
out of this [recession] are going to be more women) that we ourselves had vehemently architecture, such as the multiaward-winning
responsible in the way they design buildings,’ criticised,’ wrote Karalis, ‘and we didn’t like Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre,
he says. what we stood for. We were, and are, better which Woods Bagot designed as a joint venture
Karalis did his BA in interior design before than that.’ with NHArchitecture, speak for themselves.
moving into architecture, and interior design Five years on, Karalis explains what that According to Karalis, Woods Bagot
has heavily influenced his approach to realisation meant for the practice: ‘What I persuaded the developer to do something
designing buildings. He’s adamant that tried to do at that point was say that Woods really different, to redefine what
architecture and interior design have to break Bagot is not about the name. It’s about all the a convention centre should be. The triangular
free from their stereotypes. ‘That cliché of people in the organisation. So it’s not like building, which recently won a National
male architects married to female interior you’re working for this giant, faceless, global Award for Public Architecture from the
designers is ridiculous,’ he says. ‘It’s strange, super-entity. That’s the transition that took Australian Institute of Architects, has a 18m-
too, that interior design is sometimes seen place at Woods Bagot from 2006 onwards.’ high glass facade, which gives passers-by a
as a non-intellectual experience compared Karalis sees this transition as nothing short glimpse of the activity within the centre and
to architecture.’ of a rebirth, and since 2006 his mission has creates a foyer full of natural light, as well as
Some years ago, Karalis became concerned been to transform an architectural behemoth offering views out across the Yarra River to
that architecture was ‘dislocating itself from into what he describes as ‘one global studio’. the city beyond. Inside is a 2,500 sq m
the social issues of the day’. His response, in Communication, he says, is key. ‘A lot of banquet hall that can be subdivided, a fan-
2006, was to set up a research arm of Woods companies call themselves global, but they’re shaped auditorium which seats 5,000 and
Bagot called Public, which produces papers, actually a collection of separate practices. which offers spectacular views unencumbered
seminars, books and podcasts in which the There’s a difference between a collection of by supporting columns, and 6,500 sq m of
firm’s staff get to air their views alongside practices that are located all over the world meeting rooms. The building also sets a global
those of leading academics. and a truly collective way of working.’ benchmark for sustainable design, having
‘A lot of our staff wrote articles about what What makes Woods Bagot different, says been awarded a top environmental rating by
they thought were the moans and groans of Karalis, is that the project is king, rather than the Green Building Council of Australia.
the planet, and understanding these things the company. ‘It’s not just one person, or one ‘Convention centres are the new museums,’
helped us to design better buildings,’ he says. particular region, working on each project,’ he says Karalis. ‘They shouldn’t just be about
‘What we’re trying to do is look for greater says. ‘We have people all over the world processing however many hundreds of people.
and wider influences into what architecture working on each project – we’re the They are cultural buildings, so why do so
should be.’ architecture practice that never sleeps.’ many look like airports?’

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 33


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enq 115
One to watch

WHO: Founded WHY: Creating one-
seven years ago by off artworks for
university friends homes, offices,
James Burke and Paul restaurants and
Arad, design agency football stadia,
Acrylicize creates Acrylicize has grown
acrylic installations from a university final
and artwork for project to an award-
commercial and winning design
residential spaces. agency whose diverse
work includes a map
of the London
Underground made
of ribbon, and a globe
made entirely of
Monopoly houses.


1 2 3

Acrylicize designed Acrylicize Office space

and curated an collaborated with provider The Office
interior art scheme Jump Studios to commissioned
for the refurbishment create this one-of-a- Acrylicize to come up
of Warnford Court, kind light wall at the with an entire interior
a prominent Victorian headquarters of design scheme for its
building in the City communications site in Rivington
of London which company Engine in Street, east London.
once once served as London. The The project involved
the offices of the installation was a custom-designed
Bank of England. custom made for the installation in the
Acrylicize produced space using bespoke reception consisting
artwork using an acrylic boxes and of laser-cut MDF
eclectic mix of styles, LED lighting. shapes referencing
materials and artists the area’s culture.
throughout the In the communal
interior, including lounge Acrylicize
a representation of designed a neon
a powerless banker. installation that was
exclusively for
the space.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 35


Corinthian Club // Built as a bank in the

Victorian era this grand old building in

Glasgow is getting a new lease of life while

reclaiming much of its splendour in an
design by local practice Graven Images
Client: G1 Group // Design: Graven images // Size: 4,000 sq m //
Completion time: 8 months

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enq 116

Built as a bank and subsequently used as the

city’s High Court, the Glasgow Ship Bank’s
1884 building has a long and distinguished
history. It is now the Corinthian Club, a four-
floor ‘pleasure palace’ comprising bars,
restaurants and a casino, which recently
reopened after a refurbishment by local design
practice Graven Images.
According to Graven Images design director
Jim Hamilton, striking the right balance between
the building’s history and its modern function
was the key to designing scheme. ‘The building
has already enjoyed several different lives, as a
private home, a bank, a courthouse and as a
nightclub, and this is another episode in its
history,’ says Hamilton. ‘An important part of
creating a more attractive, modern and
multipurpose venue was to accept and
recognise that history and at the same time
move the building on.’
Instead of focusing on its courthouse past,
Hamilton and his design team went back to its
roots as a bank. The Bootleg bar, for example,
which used to be the banking hall, has a bar
made from old safes, and a mosaic floor by
Scottish artist Nichol Wheatley made from more
than half a million tiles with a design based on
Scottish banknotes. Loose furniture here is an
eclectic mix of chairs
In Tellers Bar &
Brasserie, topped by
and tables by Graham
a magnificent ceiling and Greene, Pols Potten
and dome, features and One World.
original French porter The grandest space in
chairs and padded
banquettes in purple.
the Corinthian Club is the
Previous page, the Tellers Bar & Brasserie,
bar front in this space which has a 7.5m-high
is padded leather cast glass dome. A previous
in concrete
scheme had not lived up
to its potential, so
Graven Images added
some glamour with original French porter chairs,
padded banquettes upholstered in purple, and
zinc tables. There are two bars to be found
here: one finished in cut-glass mirror tiles and
topped with crackle-glazed lava stone; the other
with an unusual front which looks like it is
upholstered but has actually been made by
casting padded leather in concrete.
‘It was a bespoke product from a Glasgow-
based company called Gray Concrete,’
Hamilton explains. ‘We had seen a small sample
of fabric cast in concrete, and we thought it
would work really well with padded upholstery.’

Gray Concrete also created a full concrete sofa
for outdoors, which looks so realistic that
customers have occasionally sat down a little
too hard on it. ‘They’ve had to put a sign up to
warn people. In Glasgow, even the sofas are
hard, jokes Hamilton.
The chandeliers here are reproductions of
the ones originally used in the bank, and made
by the same Bristol
Right, the bank’s
company. Surface
original chandeliers
were reproduced – specialist Rearo supplied
by the company that specially designed
made the originals. curved booths in white
Far right, curved
Corian for the Tellers Bar.
booths in white Corian
are paired with Hand-cut and shaped
bespoke zinc-base they are accompanied by
tables with Corian bespoke tables designed
tops and oversized
by Graven Images with
standard lamps
zinc bases and white
Corian tabletops,
oversized standard lamps –also designed by
Graven Images – and classic wooden Cherner
Chairs, a product originally designed by Norman
Cherner in the Fifties and recently reissued.
The building’s exterior is Grade A listed so
there was very little Graven Images was allowed
do with it, but the designers were keen to make
the Corinthian Club more visible from the street.
‘One of the issues in the past was that the
windows didn’t give any views inside the
building,’ says Hamilton. ‘We looked at how we
could create certain internal focal points within

the windows with a range of lighting techniques.

We also added various ceiling and feature wall
treatments in rooms to the front of the building
to make them more eye-catching from the street.’
For example the Boutique bar on the ground
floor has a cut-glass mirror-tiled ceiling and is lit
by art deco chandeliers supplied by Du Bote Du
Monde. To catch the attention of passers-by
Graven Images placed by the windows cut-
glass mirrors with a pattern loosely based on
some of the building’s original decorative features.
A 5m-long glass and steel table designed by
Graven Images and made by EK Metals and
Glassage dominates the space, but this can
be relocated as the room is sometimes used
to stage fashion shows or pop-up shops.
‘A wall of LCD screens opposite the windows
is a deliberate move to grab people’s attention
with moving light and imagery, as well as acting
as a large screen for fashion shows and product
advertisement,’ says Hamilton.
The Boutique bar has a surround decorated
with a thousand exquisitely crafted acanthus
leaves, hand-moulded in plaster by Glasgow
company Halcyon.
‘As a designer, a big part of your job is
experiencing new things every day,’ says
Hamilton. ‘On this job we were able to observe
at close quarters all of these fantastic craftspeople
using their skills to pull together a very testing
interior. We take our hats off to them all.’
Words by Jamie Mitchell
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enq 165

Bangkok University Creative Centre //

Creativity was given free rein in this scheme
at a university centre aimed at fostering
creative thinkers, and design consultancy
Supermachine Studio gave up trumps
Client: Bangkok University // Design: Supermachine Studio //
Size: 600 sq m // Completion time: 10 months




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enq 119

Thailand’s economy has traditionally relied on Previous page, and housed inside a furniture for the workshop and the BUCC office,
agriculture and manufacturing, but, as with below, the lift lobby Supermachine Studio- including curved bookshelves made of oriented
self-levelled resin floor
many Eastern economies, things are changing. and multicoloured, designed unit made of strand board, and the designers were keen to
Talking to the Bangkok Post in 2009 the Thai interactive pixelled steel with a lime green give the space as much flexibility of usage as
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said he wanted wall (also bottom). laminate finish, which possible.
Thailand to become ‘a country of thinkers’ and Above right, the Chaowakul calls the ‘The idea of flexibility and collaboration
mobile ‘spaceship’
that he hoped to see the value of the country’s laptops port has ‘spaceship’. extends to the centre’s office too,’ says
creative industries rise from 12 per cent to 20 Palladini Frame Chairs Furnished with Chaowakul. ‘The staff worktable is designed as
per cent of gross domestic product by 2012. and lighting by Palladini Frame Chairs in a continuous plane attached to the leaning wall.
Bangkok University is central to that vision, Lightscape (both lime green and Ultra There are no divisions and no clear definition of
detailed above left)
and the Bangkok University Creative Centre Modern Pendant Lights owns any particular area on the table.’
(BUCC), designed by Supermachine Studio, by Lightscape 360, the Words by Jamie Mitchell
has been conceived as a place where the spaceship can be moved into different corners
country’s next generation of creative thinkers of the room to make space for presentations Main suppliers: Furniture: Palladini (procured
can come together, pool their talents and and other group activities. through VIVI Home Decorative Co, Bangkok) //
inspire one another. Supermachine Studio designed most of the Lighting: Lightscape 360
Located on the first two floors of Bangkok
University’s new four-storey BU Landmark
Complex, the centre provides a workshop,
library, exhibition space, viewing room and
office for use by students from across all of
the university’s creative faculties.
‘The facility is meant to be very open, playful
and expressive, to encourage students to
communicate within a creative environment,’
says Pitupong ‘Jack’ Chaowakul, one of
Supermachine Studio’s four architects.
One of the standout design features of the
scheme is the ‘lo-fi pixel wall’, which covers 180
sq m of wall space in the building’s lift core and
is made up of 10,000 individually rotating plastic
‘pixels’, each with four different coloured faces –
pink, blue, green and yellow. Students can
change the colour of the wall and create
patterns simply by rotating the pixels by hand.
‘They can leave messages for their friends
on the wall, as well as experimenting with its
colour pattern, so the wall will be constantly
changing,’ says Chaowakul.
The floor in the lift core, made of self-
levelling epoxy, is a shocking pink colour to
match the pink faces of the pixels.
According to Chaowakul, the facility for
students to alter the look and function of the
centre is crucial to its role as a creative space,
and many of the other elements in the BUCC
have been designed to support this principle.
In the workshop, for example, workstations
where students can use their laptops have been

A five-lane, 100m
running track that
passes right by the
academy’s reception
and underneath
Zaha Hadid’s
signature angles
of the school
buildings anchors
its sports focus

46 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


Zaha Hadid’s Evelyn Grace
Academy is a bold statement
of ambition at the heart of south
London’s most crime-afflicted
residential neighbourhood.
Veronica Simpson finds form,
function and aspirations
working in harmony

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 47

or a community that may have
lost faith in the ability of
schools to transform their kids’
futures, a school that looks
nothing like any other school –
and which transforms the landscape –
packs undoubted symbolic punch.
All streamlined curves and sharp
angles, Evelyn Grace Academy sits
boldly at the centre of its narrow site,
very much like some sculptural sports
trophy, with a five-lane, pillar-box red
running track streaking from the main
entrance past reception and beyond to
the far fence. One wonders how many
pupils or visitors can resist breaking
into a jog as they approach...
Surrounded by a mixture of
Brixton’s sink estates, boxy post-war
terraces, faded Victorian townhouses,
and a rubbish depot, the impact is
visceral. It speaks of ambition and
determination – and looks every penny
of its £36m budget. Those kind of
angles and curves don’t come cheap.
As Rowan Moore, writing of it in The
Observer said, it’s ‘a one-off from an
age that has already passed’.
But far from being some empty
statement of educational or
architectural ambition, its form follows
a complex functional blueprint laid
down by the head teacher and the
school’s sponsors ARK (founded by
hedge-fund billionaire Arpad ‘Arki’
Busson, with its sole aim of raising
educational prospects for inner city
children). With extremely high
standards expected of pupils both
academically and behaviourally, the
school is designed as four interlocking
small schools – two middle schools for
11to 14-year-olds and two upper
schools for 14 to 19-year olds, with
their own separate entrances,
classrooms and recreational spaces.
When full, each small school will have
no more than 270 pupils, and they
are expected to stay at school from
8.30am to 5pm.
School principal Peter Walker vertical circulation, with the middle Top, the 70-degree window – and from the neighbouring
slant of the
explains: ‘We are developing this schools spread over levels 1 and 2, architecture is
streets – its sporting focus is drummed
approach to ensure that personal the upper schools on level 3. The ‘Z’ apparent in the home very clearly.
relationships between students ends announce, to those both inside interior open spaces. Contractor Mace declares that the
Above, internal
and staff develop quickly and that and outside the building, the feature colour is not
school ‘is up there with the three or
a culture of excellent behaviour can demarcation between one small widespread in the four highest-quality finishes we’ve ever
be maintained.’ school and another. Sports, science schools, apart from done. With a building at predominantly
Each individual school has its own and music facilities are shared and pupil lockers and 70 degrees, it’s very important to get
school boundaries
head teacher, working under the arranged on the ground floor to also the finishing and detailing right.’
direction of Walker and responsible maximise their potential out-of-hours Interior spaces are neutral – grey
for ensuring that ‘individual students use by the wider community. paint, sealed concrete, a corridor of
make consistent progress across all Classrooms maximise daylight, are sparkly deep-green metallic paint in
subjects’ as well as developing strong bright and well-ventilated. Views into the middle school – and very grown
relationships parents. and out of school spaces are plentiful, up. Feature colour rarely appears,
To achieve this design objective reinforcing a feel of clarity and apart from the ‘Evelyn’ schools’
while breaking down the massing, the transparency. The school has a sports (middle and upper) yellow lockers
building has been designed like an specialism, and by arranging all the or the ‘Grace’ schools’ green. It feels
intersecting jigsaw. The schools are pitches, courts, gyms and studios like a very grown-up building –
organised horizontally to minimise around the building, visible from every aided by the quality of the public

48 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


School trust: ARK Schools

Government: DFSF
Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects
Construction cost: £36m
Size: 1.4ha site
Building: 10,745sq m
Main contractor (design and build): Mace
Structural and Engineer Services: ARUP
Quantity surveyors: Davis Langdon
Landscape: Gross Max
Acoustic Consultant: Sandy Brown Associates
Main contractor’s architects: Bamber & Reddan
Specialist frame contractor: Atlantic Contracts
FF&E: Favourite Cat
Planning consultants: DTZ

area furniture. Project architect building that made sense in such about how we value education to them Above, the ‘Z’s in the
building marks the
Matthew Hardcastle admits that a mixed urban environment. ‘With and to the community. beginning of one
‘we spent far more time on this inclined edges, the building has a very ‘Also, we are doing something school and the end
than we should have’. different relationship with the street,’ radically different with our small of another, with four
small schools in all,
Classroom chairs are basic, says Hardcastle. schools; you couldn’t physically do this each with their own
serviceable and plastic to allow a So what difference will this building without a building to support that.’ headteacher, staff
higher spend on public-area furniture. make to its pupils? Walker says: ‘There Walker adds: ‘This Building and facilities,
But why the angles? Hardcastle are some subliminal things a building embodies our expectations. It’s a forming the academy
says: ‘Zaha’s architecture is very like this says about how you value dramatic statement in this landscape.’
challenging – it challenges you to think people.’ Lucy Heller, managing However, he says: ‘You can have the
differently. Visually, externally, it is director of ARK Schools agrees: ‘I’ve most amazing building in the world,
a different relationship. Yes, angled changed my mind over the past six but if the education we were providing
corners add a bit more to the cost, years of being involved in schools. was not special then our students
but it’s a question of value for money. We’ve always said good buildings are wouldn’t get what they deserve.’
‘There’s the added drama to great, but you can run a school in One only hopes his ambitions are
internal and external spaces. When you almost any building. Having seen met – and that in 10 years time the
experience these angled spaces from the impact on children who have school stands as a proud symbol of what
the inside, they are very rich.’ And been in unsatisfactory or grotty is possible, both for inner city education
there was the problem of creating a accommodation... you see what it says and educational architecture.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 49

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ne of the most interesting – and perhaps the authors get stuck into the reassessment of
depressing – things about Jeremy open-plan working (it’s not all good, folks –

Myerson’s recently published book New something I think we’ve known all along,
Demographics New Workspace, co-authored haven’t we?): ‘It seems in the rush to break
with anthropologist Jo-Anne Bichard and down walls, confidential work has become
psychologist Alma Erlich, is that throughout it synonymous with non-transparent and non-
assumptions are made about the readiness and productive work. Closed-off spaces are assumed
While impressed by a new willingness of managements to engage with the by management to be misused for private, non-
book that looks at how current zeitgeist of workplace design theory.
The managements I have come in direct
legitimate purposes…’ It’s refreshing that the
book recognises and includes ‘unenlightened’
changing demographics contact with, God help me, have for the most management, depressing that it’s still there,
should be changing the way part been far more interested in how many
people they can cram into a space, and how
managing away – and, although well-nigh
impossible to quantify, it’s my personal belief
offices are designed and the cheaply, rather than taking the a la mode design that in the UK, it’s in the majority.
way work is done, Aidan route. All workplace design theory becomes
more or less redundant when there is no client.
This is probably because the majority of UK
businesses are SMEs (small to medium-sized
Walker, wonders how you It’s an overstatement of course; most enterprises) employing fewer than 250 people.
get management to read it reasonable people would agree that a better
environment will contribute to better work, and
I say majority; how about 99.9 per cent? And
that’s not all. The 2009 statistics from the
a worse one is damaging to productivity. It’s also Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
true that the admirable book by Myerson et al tells us what we need to know: ‘4.8 million UK
does not ignore the sort of management that private sector enterprises employed an
stays firmly outside the definition of ‘design estimated 22.8 million people. Almost all of
client’. A small example, from the chapter where these enterprises (99.3 per cent) were small

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 51


(0 to 49 employees). Only 27,000 (0.6 per cent) away, it is audible enough to destroy your
were medium-sized (50 to 249 employees) and thought process, does not make for good
6,000 (0.1 per cent) were large (250 or more concentration. Likewise, collaborative spaces
employees). So that means 22.64 million people are important and necessary – when they are
in the UK work in companies with less than 50 needed; and contemplative spaces, where
people. No surprise that management are more traditionally we can go to stare at the wall and
concerned with how they’re going to pay the be productive in a way a traditional manager
wage bill at the end of the month than giving will never understand, will also make the
everyone £500 chairs. knowledge worker more productive (though
It’s a bit backward to start with one single how productivity is actually measured in this
observation of course, and I do not intend to context remains to be seen).
detract from the book, which I repeat is an We can design flexible offices, and move
admirable piece of work from one of the UK’s not only tables and chairs around, but also walls
most respected design theorists and academics and corridors; we can even disassociate
(and journalists – Myerson was the launch ourselves from being fixed in one building and
editor of Design Week, having edited Design colleagues, is demographic. ‘Demographic adopt a more light-footed, ‘networked’ approach
magazine for some years). He often quotes trends, which can be predicted with a measure to office accommodation; we can facilitate
another workplace theory giant, with a of accuracy and confidence, provide a more mobile and home working (although traditional
reputation to equal, if not outstrip his own – stable basis to plan for change than either management’s fear of people skiving off has to
Frank Duffy, long of workplace architect technological trends… or economic ones…. be overcome); we can install smart furniture
DEGW – but the truth is that although Duffy’s Demographics have a clear-cut, profound and systems like Pearson Lloyd’s PARCS for Bene,
thinking is deep and wide on these matters, entirely predictable impact on the workplace.’ whose unusual and eccentric forms can support
it is the estimable Myerson who has pursued The book’s thesis hinges on the two clear-cut the three Cs, as long as the floor plate is big
this line of enquiry in strictly academic research and entirely predictable characteristics of today’s enough and management’s attitudes are flexible
terms for a generation now, and most workforce (SME or not): a) they are older and enough. We can even head, as Frank Duffy has
enlightening it is. As long as you remember b) more and more of them (us) are ‘knowledge been telling us, towards a world where office
that his best and brightest workplace ideas, in workers’. The research was done in Japan, where
UK terms at least, are unknown to 20 million the ageing of the population is more marked
or so people. than anywhere else in the world – by 2050 the
It all trickles down though, doesn’t it, (or at average age will be 55 (in the UK the number
least we hope it does) like the anti-lock braking of people of pensionable age has just exceeded
systems that used to be found only on Formula the number of those under 16; Australia, which
1 racing cars and are now pretty much although seen as a ‘young’ country is following
universal. Whether that argument holds or the same demographic trends and one in four

not, it is certainly the job of the researcher who Australians will be over 60 by 2025).
strives to define a workplace design template As for knowledge work (as opposed to
for modern management to follow to track the process work), which depends on cerebration
latest ideas and match them against the reality. rather than manipulation, the Organisation for
And that is the express intention of the book, Economic Co-operation and Development
which is by way of being a ‘sequel’ to Myerson (OECD) defines knowledge-based industries as
and Gavin Turner’s 1998 work New Culture medium to high-tech manufacturing, financial
New Workspace – which, says Myerson, services, business services, telecommunications,
‘aimed to persuade senior managers in education and health services. Plus let’s add buildings themselves are more or less redundant
business and government to tear down ourselves in there – the creatives, the and work, for the most part, is done on the fly.
walls, eradicate bureaucratic structures and communicators. OECD data indicates that 43 We can do all of these things, and a
remove cultural barriers to create more open per cent of the national income in the USA and significant minority of enlightened management
work environments.’ Enter the open-plan office. Germany is from knowledge-based industries; in will push the process forward. That’s why books
‘We felt we’d helped win the argument,’ the UK it’s 41 per cent, and bizarrely, top of the like this one are crucial: they set the agenda. If
continues Myerson, ‘about the direct impact of list is Ireland at 48 per cent. Not quite a Myerson and Turner were indeed successful in
physical conditions on how people work, an majority in any terms, but enormously helping management see their responsibilities
issue often overlooked in management.’ significant, enough so to spark a whole new set towards their workers’ wellbeing and
In 2011, of course, that’s all changed. Open of workplace design parameters. productivity in new ways in 1998, then New
plan is heading for the pile marked To cut a long story short, knowledge Demographics New Workspace will, without a
‘Unfashionable’ – and worse, ‘Ineffective’. But workers, who are usually older, not only need shadow of a doubt, perform the same function
the new signifier, say Myerson and his recognition from those old-fashioned managers in 2011. It’s meticulously researched, accessibly
we met earlier who often don’t understand what written, and properly supported in true
their people do for a living (one of the book’s academic (and journalistic) fashion with
cartoons has a manager observing someone at a references and closely reasoned argument.
desk saying: ‘He’s unusually quiet, even for a Any workplace designer needs it – but
knowledge worker. How do we know he’s not not as much as those legions of managers of
asleep?’) but also a range of work environments 20 million or so people and who are not, nor
depending on which bit of their work they perhaps ever shall be, that workplace designer’s
happen to be doing. clients. That’s who we need to reach. Lord
Concentration, collaboration, contemplation knows how.
are the names of the knowledge workers’ games.
And in many ways, concentration is the most New Demographics, New Workspace: Office design
important. An open-plan office, where even for the changing workforce, by Jeremy Myerson,
though you might not be able to hear exactly Jo-Anne Bichard and Alma Erlich. From Gower
what someone is saying on the phone two desks Publishing, £49.50. Cartoons by Roger Beale

52 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

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enq 121
cobuild, the world’s biggest event
for sustainable design,

construction and the build
environment, is once again opening its
doors to those looking for eco ideas
and products. With nearly 1,000
exhibitors, more than 41,000 attendees
and 100 seminars, last year’s Ecobuild
As the final touches are being put was a roaring success and has become
to next month’s Ecobuild show, one of the biggest events of its kind,
even having to change venues this year
featuring the latest thinking on eco to allow for its growing popularity.
products and services, Anna Lewis This year’s Ecobuild is being held at
London’s ExCeL and will take place
takes a sneak peek at what’s on offer over three days from 1-3 March.
Along with big names exhibiting,
including Roca, Dulux and Dyson,
new companies will also also be there.
In addition, every conceivable product
and service for low and zero-carbon
construction will be represented.
More than just a chance for
companies to exhibit their wares,
Ecobuild 2011 also offers in excess of
130 seminars plus a wide selection of
events and attractions.
A great place to start is the Cool
Workspace installation by Capita
Symonds, which will provide visitors
to the show with an insight into the
sustainable office of the future.
This unique 10m x 15m structure
is built around the show’s themes of
‘Light, Surface, Space’, and will feature
a variety of sustainable technologies
ranging from smart meters and
energy-usage monitoring software to
the very latest in phase-change
Roca material. All of this will demonstrate
Water conservation has always been energy reduction solutions that
regarded as an important issue at Roca. promise 50 per cent lower energy bills
With this in mind, Roca has created the with little or no investment.
Singles-Pro, a single-lever mixer tap Kingston University will be
with a water flow limit of 9ltr a minute launching Rematerialise, the
– saving 25 per cent more water than institution’s new library of 1,200
standard single lever taps. samples of sustainable materials that
uk.roca.com use fewer virgin resources and which
can be easily renewed. The
Rematerialise launch hopes to draw
attention to sustainable materials used
in other sectors but rarely used in
design construction. Kingston’s other
Desso goal is to inspire further collaboration
Desso has created a carpet tile Take between academia and industry, such
Back programme, which is now fully as with its recent project in which it
operational across the UK. Through advised Marks & Spencer on the use
the Take Back scheme of collection of appropriate sustainable materials
and recycling of much old carpet on a for its new headquarters.
project basis, the amount being sent to Another highlight will be the ‘A
landfill should be significantly reduced. Space of Waste’ stand, by the students
desso.com of Chelsea College of Art & Design.
They will be celebrating waste
materials by creating architectural
furniture from obsolete Speedo
swimsuits and packaging.

54 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 55

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Wall and floor tile supplier Swedecor
now offers a number of products
which have been awarded Eco Label
certification. They include new thin-
profile tiles made from up to 100
per cent recycled materials, which
reduces CO2 emissions during the
production process.

Milliken’s range of carpet tiles feature
a unique 85 per cent recycled content
PU cushion backing that helps to
absorb wear for an increased life-cycle.
The company has also reduced its total
waste production by 70 per cent and
water consumption by 60 per cent
since 1995.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 57


Innovative and sustainable modular
flooring specialist InterfaceFLOR
will be demonstrating its leadership
in transparency and sustainability
through its Let’s Be Clear campaign
at Ecobuild 2011.

Dorma UK
Dorma, a market leader of door
controls has created MOVEO Glass,
which offers the best of both worlds –
the ability to have both open-plan office
space and segmented area for privacy
when required. Unlike other movable
wall systems, MOVEO Glass offers
complete transparency.

Dulux Trade Paint Solidifier is a
revolutionary waste management
product for dealing with unwanted
water-based paint. Once the paint has
been treated, the solid waste can be
disposed of, leaving a paint clean
enough to recycle.
Polyflor is a leader in environmental
progress, with all of its five Luxury
Vinyl Tile ranges earning positive
assessment from the Building Research
Establishment (BRE). Polyflor LVT
products can be recycled through the
Recofloor Vinyl Take-Back Scheme, of
which Polyflor is a founding member.

58 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

enq 123

Online inspiration. The essential design tool for architects, interior, furniture and product designers.
No registration, no advertising, no charge. Simply search, select and compare veneers on screen.
enq 124

Johnny Tucker presents 20
pages dedicated to the latest
thinking on surfaces

p58 Using the right material – Six designers give their opinion on the importance of correct selection p69 Felt – Why
everyone loves it p74 Why an interactive surface technology is making swimming a few lengths of the pool seem a lot
more appealing

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 61

Material gain
The right use of material can make or break a scheme. We went to
six designers from across the design spectrum and asked them
what constitute the right material and how important are they?

62 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


Pernille number of materials in the same colour tone but maintenance. Successful interior design at its best
Stafford, in a variety of textures which give depth and encompasses all these elements to provide a
interiors director, substance to reflect the occupier, In contrast, for a palette that will stand the test of time and reflect
Scott Brownrigg media client who may require instant wow factor, the personality of the occupier.
Materiality is the colours and tones will be deliberately opposed to
context that all visitors create stark distinction and a sense of vibrancy. Case in point: Almacantar
appreciate first when Sourcing materials that work together, but This is a boutique office environment that reflects
entering a space. The can also be applied to unusual surfaces, is part the personality of the occupier through the
juxtaposition of carefully of the creative process. At Scott Brownrigg we finishes selected. A black spray-on rubber finish is
selected finishes and textures make the language constantly push the boundaries to research new applied to the reception feature wall, and the desk
of a space. In some projects if the overall feel is products and their application. is finished with a metallic lacquer with more than
corporate and subtle, a series of finishes would The finishes must also be considered in terms 10 layers to provide depth and shine. The glazed
be selected to reinforce a message, that is, a of fit for purpose, longevity, sustainability, and panels again contrast in gloss and shimmer.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 63

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enq 125

Paul Jones, critical that materials and finishes are carefully Case in point: O2 retail
associate matched to the concept. Central to the new O2 store design is the creation
director, JHP Customers will always judge a built scheme of a newly appointed ‘O2 Guru’ in each store.
Materials and finishes on visual impact and so material selection and A futuristic bar of white Hi-Macs starts in the
are the face of design finishes are critical to the commercial success window and sweeps around to form a service area
– without the right of a project. Where customers physically touch in which the O2 Guru can operate. Customers
textures and colours the brand it is imperative that the right materials will be able to seek free technical help from the
design schemes can are used. O2 Guru on products or services or simply to
seem lifeless. The perceived quality of surfaces can add a discover what’s new or planned to be launched.
Our approach to design always starts with great deal to the customer experience and their Live phones and technology are displayed on
analysing the brand, its customers and the satisfaction, thus helping customer retention bespoke pieces of furniture constructed from Hi-
product being sold. This helps us to create a and loyalty. Macs. The store environment seamlessly links
complete understanding of the brief, and then we Poorly selected materials and finishes can just the worlds of the contemporary home and future
are able to develop a thematic platform on which as easily turn customers away from a brand – technology without alienating the everyday
the rest of the project will be built around. there is nothing worse than seeing the exposed customer. Contemporary concrete-effect ceramic
Materials, finishes and design concepts are cracked edges of HPLs on a cash desk. Cash floor tiles and dark, solid-oak flooring define
then overlaid to create a physical incarnation of desks are the key moment of interaction between zones within the store. Overhead, the unique
the thematic platform. This will be the first visual brand and consumer, and poor experiences here aluminium ceiling features sinuous interlocking
material that clients will see and it is therefore are taken away and remembered. blades, reflecting the form of sound waves.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 65

The Natural Stone Show 2011
7 Regent Street Be inspired at the showcase event
for the UK stone industry
United Kingdom
t: +44 (0) 115 945 3889 Bring your ‘grand design’ to life. Enjoy a range of exciting visitor attractions including
f: +44 (0) 115 958 2651 the Marmomacc Meets Design Architecture Zone
From granite worktops to limestone flooring and slate
e: stoneshow@qmj.co.uk and the Natural Stone & Building Conservation
tiles to marble wall linings, benefit from the attractive
Conference 2011. Contribute to the debate on
and hard wearing properties of stone to add both
how to overcome the challenges facing designers
quality and value to your interior design project.
in fulfilling sustainability criteria when specifying
Choose from more than 5,000 materials under one with stone and how to source stone ethically
roof at the same time. Sample different finishes and and responsibly.
textures ranging from polished to honed, chiselled to
To keep up to date with all the latest news
bush-hammered and tumbled to antiqued. Create
from the Natural Stone Show and to register free of
any ambience, mood or environment your client
charge for your ticket to the event visit our website.
demands delivering exclusivity and opulence to a
new restaurant, bar, hotel reception, kitchen, wet
room, or refurbished office scheme.

The show is officially supported by:

enq 118

creative manager,
Materials and finishes
are very important –
the visual and tactile
qualities of a material
influence the design
and define the brand as much as the form and
function. Sometimes a specific quality may be the
inspiration point for a concept – for instance, the
way light diffuses through a material or the tactile
quality of engraved wood. Our material selection
begins in the conceptual stage by using
performance specifications – that might be, say,
do we want this to be a reflective material, or do
we want this to have a masculine feel? This
evolves to considerations of manufacturing costs,
function and practicalities such as fire rating. All
factors are considered before we make the final
material choices. Our biggest challenges are in
the travel retail sector where everything has to be
Class O fire-rated. Creating concepts for premium
brands can be particularly demanding here. For a
recent project for Absolut Vodka we needed a
material capable of forming a complex faceted
shape that resembled dense frosted ice. It also
had to be suitable for a high-traffic area and be
fireproof. The team investigated quite a few
materials before we came across GRP (Glass
Reinforced Polyester) that fitted the bill.

Case in point: Laura Mercier, Selfridges

For cosmetics brand Laura Mercier we developed
a palette of materials that gives it a stylish and
distinct presence in the retail environment, here
shown at Selfridges in Oxford Street. Counters
and walls are clad in rosewood veneer finished in
a high-gloss lacquer. We chose rosewood for its
rich colour, which shares tones with the brand’s
signature colour of chocolate brown. The
countertop is a glacier white Corian, chosen for
its visual impact, quality and durability. Accents of
polished steel, gold and mirror are used throughout
to add glamour and movement to the scheme.

Director of consulting,
Europe, Woods Bagot
The importance of
materials, their
fashioning and textural
quality is defined by
their physical and
cultural context. Exploiting this to effect adds
value beyond the obviously functional and
decorative. Koziol produces an acrylic tile which
typically combines to form a hanging curtain,
reminiscent of a printed Liberty pattern, and it
introduces a lightness to theT5 project, echoing
the bold pattern of the airport’s lighting ‘discs’
and contrasting with its engineering rawness.

Case in point: Global Management Consultant

conferencing suite at T5
This comprises a reception, work area, cafe and
a cluster of small and medium-sized meeting
rooms. The Koziol screen combines with
Metamorfosi Artemide lighting to create an
abstract graphic and ever-changing backdrop.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 67


Phil manifestation of a company’s brand within a reused and/or recycled and not replace just
Hutchinson, space – not just in terms of quality but also in because we can.
managing director, terms of quality and texture. Finishes also provide
BDGworkfutures an opportunity to introduce detail that can add Case in point: Department for Communities
The correct selection of personality and sometimes a fun element – such and Local Government
materials and finishes is as counter tops made from recycled yoghurt pots. The design is transparent and flexible, creating a
paramount for us in our Practical applications need to be considered clean and simple open office. Reuse rather than
design solutions for both in terms of durability and how easy it is to renew – a significant study was made on how the
clients. With other key repair or replenish if a space begins to look tired. existing furniture could be reused in the new
aspects of the design they are critical to a Colours can also aid orientation by delineating flexible design. Careful re-engineering allowed for
comprehensive design scheme. For example, space, which assists with wayfinding and brand the structure to be reused and enlarged, while
finishes and materials can highlight or provide reinforcement. When we specify finishes, the existing tops were resized to provide a
a backdrop to a working environment and play BDGworkfutures always reviews the supplier to worksurface in keeping with the working solution.
a key role in setting the tone for the look and ensure that we are using the most sustainable The scheme featured recycled glass worksurfaces
feel of a space. They are often the most overt solution. It is important to look at what can be and recycled metal fabric on chairs.

Lee Penson, adjoining finishes, panels – are all considerations.

CEO, Even the public-relations aspect of materials plays
Penson Group an important role – is it sustainable, is a material
Materials have to be going to be seen as being too opulent, wasteful
one of the first thoughts or resourceful? Even the smell matters.
that triggers the design
process for each Case in point: CISCO EM
proposal. We think Our best commercial example is for the Emerging
about the proposal’s Markets HQ we completed for Cisco. We have
design angle, budget, branding, personalities fabric panels to portray the specific EM regions.
involved and timing. It differs for a restaurant, bar, The fabrics were sent from all parts of the world.
office or a bus depot. Function, durability, They are genuine, soft and uplifting and helped us
lifespan, cost, supply chain, level of adventure, to inherently resolve an important acoustics issue
atmospheres all impact internally, but we also as the fabrics absorb noise. If the EM regions
need to consider the impact through openings. change, it’s easy to change a fabric panel. When
Using materials intelligently is critical in most EM clients visit, they spot their own regional tone,
schemes. We think commercially while considering and so it’s personal. The benefits are endless,
how the material can be tactile and react with while providing something different for a minimal
lighting. Touch is key, and acoustics, reverberation cost. The same goes with carpeting for this
levels all apply. The look is actually the easy part. scheme. We were presented with a fairly minimal
It’s not just a case of choosing something list of pre-approved interface carpet tiles. We
we’ve used successfully in the past. We apply mixed them up to create rugs. The floors cost
very non-lateral thinking, listening to the clients a mere £14/sq m. It’s all about being clever and
views while giving them a solid creative steer. commercial while also being highly creative. By
Softness, squishiness, reflections, shimmer, shine, doing that with materials, we save money while
gloss levels, matt, semi-gloss, junctions with giving ourselves that designer fix.

68 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

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enq 126
About Nike Reuse-A-Shoe and Nike Grind
Reuse-A-Shoe program is a unique initiative by Nike that the U.S. facility, shoes are sliced into three sections and
collects old, worn-out athletic shoes for recycling. ground into the respective usable raw material. The
Through this one-of-a-kind collection program, anyone is Belgium processing plant takes a slightly different
able to drop off their old worn-out athletic shoes (of any approach where by the entire shoe is ground and then
brand) to a participating Nike Reuse-A-Shoe location or separated into the three different types of Nike Grind.
event to be recycled into Nike Grind, a material used in
creating athletic and playground surfaces as well as Industry-leading sports and playground surfacing companies
select Nike products. Since its inception, more than 24 utilize Nike Grind to manufacture high-performance athletic
million pairs of shoes, plus thousands of tons of scrap surfaces such as tennis and basketball courts, running
material from footwear manufacturing, have been rescued tracks, athletic fields, playgrounds and turf infill. Additionally,
from landfills across the world. Nike has discovered innovative uses for Nike Grind in
various products such as footwear, apparel and equipment.
Reuse-A-Shoe stands as one of Nike’s longest-running
environmental programs and is an integral part of the We hope you will join us in exploring how you can
company’s goal of closing the loop on its manufacturing contribute to using Nike Grind in your products or use
process. Further, the program engages people around the one of our high end surfaces from our Nike Grind partners
world in helping to reduce waste in landfills while and leverage it for your own use.
providing new life to old shoes in high-quality sports and
play surfaces, apparel and equipment To learn more about Nike’s commitment to the
environment, connect with our Nike Grind partners about
Athletic shoes collected through the Reuse-A-Shoe their products or inquire about becoming a Nike Grind
program are transported to one of two facilities located partner, please visit us at stand 329 at the Surface
within the United States and Belgium for processing. At Design Show, London.

Current Nike Grind partners: enq 127

Unit 14 The Tanneries Brockhampton Lane Havant Hampshire PO9 1JB
T 023 9248 9900 E info@hourglass.uk.com W www.hourglass.uk.com

The developers of the site at Royal College Street, London NW1, were given planning
permission for this building on the basis that it would provide a visual break between
the two existing terraces.

The architects, Patel Taylor, were faced with the challenge of creating an ultra modern
building faced in glass. They decided on an unusual decorative finish.

The process began with an image of agate, provided by Professor Richard Weston,
of Cardiff University. The original stone was only 30 x 70mm, and the image was
enlarged to the size of the building without losing any of the detail.

The image was then printed onto silk. This gave a lightness and depth to the final
result, which was not obtainable with standard printed glass.

Hourglass used their glass laminating process to encapsulate the silk print between
two pieces of toughened glass using EVA film. The resulting 42 panels were then
installed to re-create the original photograph of the sliced agate.

Hourglass provided a complete service including surveying the site, manufacturing

the glass panels and metal framing, drilling the steelwork and installing the panels.

Hourglass specialise in the challenge of the unusual, as well as all the standard
glass processes. The factory at Havant, Hampshire has facilities for bending,
sandblasting, coloured enamels, brilliant cutting, toughening and laminating, as well
as the construction of furniture and showcases using UV adhesives.

128 1 27/1/11 10:49:32

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enq 131 enq 133

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oberflex.indd 1 20/1/11 11:30:33

Heart felt
Felt has been around for hundreds of years and has myriad decorative and industrial
application. It’s also an eco material, which has of course helped bring it back into
focus over the past decade. And what’s more, it seems to engender a high level of
loyalty among the product designers who use it. We asked a cross-section designers
who specialise in the material, “Why felt?”

Buzzispace As most office interiors were grey and pinboard, had great results in acoustical
Sas Adriaenssens rigid, but the people working inside mostly tests and was easy to handle
When this Belgian Technospace company, emotional, the need for ‘warm and touchy- in construction. I designed a range of
which specilises in glass walls and ceilings feely’ materials seemed obvious. flexible objects ideal for the office including
for offices, discovered that the next big On top of that, I’m convinced that room dividers, magnetic pinboards, lamps
problem to solve was acoustics, it asked world’s ecology can’t be ignored anymore and self-adhesive wallpaper. They are all
me to look at the issue without falling back and so I started a quest for an ecologic, still hand-crafted in Benelux, to support
on traditional acoustic solutions. After acoustic and tactile material, finding a soft the local economy and avoid pollution.
making an analysis material made of PET-waste and used in Nowadays Buzzispace is visited by
of the company and the market, the automotive and road building. It was rather other young designers that do their thing
answer was pretty clear: There was room rough looking, but after a series of tests with the eco-felt: Alain Gilles creates
for sound-absorbing, flexible and tactile and trial and error, I achieved the right look phonebooths hubs, while Anthony
furniture that would be sold under the and feel – the eco-felt was born: a tactile Duffeleer ‘grows’ felt plants to decorate
Buzzispace name. needled felt that could also be used as the office and make it more silent.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 73

enq 134 enq 135

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enq 136 enq 137

FX 2011 qtr page.indd 1 21/01/2011 16:59:39


Hive, Monika Piatkowski structural, raw and basic, yet at the same branding and commercial installations.
I started using felt in 1990 when I was time sharp and engineered. Its fine, Beyond these aesthetic, decorative
looking for a material that had the delicate weave manages to create properties, which I find so seductive, felt
structural capabilities to create sculptural, something dense and durable. You can cut has a considerable number of practical
soft architectural environments. I now use it like paper, but mould it like clay; it seems advantages, especially when you consider
it for Circulation, a wall and floor covering simultaneously 2D and 3D. My fascination the requirements of the commercial
in prefabricated 20m felt pellets; with felt has always stemmed from the market. In addition to its heat insulating
Cityscape, wall and floor covering in endless creative possibilities these and heat retaining properties, it is shock
laminated 3mm felt in the topographical versatile and contrasting qualities permit. absorbent, flame retardant and can
maps of cities or landscapes;band Flok, I am also very drawn to felt’s graphic absorb sound. It even becomes water
self-adhesive felt tiles. and sculptural qualities. It can be dyed in resistant once suitably treated. All my felt
For me as a designer, felt contains all any colour and the ranges available today products are designed with this combo of
you need from a material. It is pliable but make it a very attractive material for functionality and beauty in mind.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 75


Selina Rose
I fell in love with felt seven years ago when
I created my first product and I have been
hooked ever since. I love the way you can
manipulate it, cut, punch and perforate it
without it fraying. Its natural tactility and
robustness makes it a joy to work with.
It’s a practical, functional and durable
material that evokes a sense of
homeliness and warmth while the
simplicity and clean finish of industrial felt
lends itself well to modern spaces. The felt
itself is naturally insulating, making it ideal
for interior products and surfaces. This is
one of the many benefits of my felt
window panels, screens and acoustic wall
Felt also has strong eco credentials. It
is sustainable, biodegradable and
renewable. My felt is 100 per cent wool
and coloured in my signature colour
palette using environmentally friendly
dyes. There is a real depth and vibrancy to
the colour palette, which has more than
30 colours to choose from.
I create intricately cut bespoke felt
surfaces for residential and commercial
interiors. My product range includes felt
rugs, window and wall panels, room
dividers, screens and upholstered furniture.

Hewitt Studios variety of other hand-dyed and printed own bespoke felt in our studios, to
Gill Hewitt, partner fabrics to provide comfortable, enduring respond to individual project needs.
We design and produce bespoke felted acoustic solutions, while panels contribute
textile panels with Class A-certified sound to the flexibility of interior spaces.
absorption. Our focus is to produce Our design inspiration usually comes
aesthetically pleasing products that are from nature, and when using felt we feel
high performance in function. We create there is a synthesis between material and
acoustic wall, desk and sliding panels and the natural world. It is important to us that
felt is the perfect textile for us to use with felt is a sustainable, renewable resource
its richness, natural beauty and texture and all our felt waste is reused or
combined with its acoustic and insulating recycled. We only work with the finest
qualities. The depth and intensity of quality 100 per cent wool felt. We enjoy
colour of felted textiles blends well with a the flexibility of being able to produce our

76 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

enq 138

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Swimming with the fishes

Or dolphins, or even mermaids... now an interative
surface technology has been adapted to project suitable
images on to the sides and floors of swimming pools...
It has to be said that ploughing up and down a Previous examples of Vertigo’s technology
swimming pool in a pair of goggles, staring at include a koi pool projected on to a floor that
white tiles with a few black stripes on them can sends up splashes as you walk across it, while
be a pretty dull business. How fish swim around and interact with
much better it would be if they you (well swim off when you get
put fish in the pool to give you near them anyway…)
something to look at? That’s been scaled up to cover
Well, now someone has come all the side walls and floor of a pool
up with a way of doing exactly that and they’ve gone bigger on the
– and it doesn’t involve scooping fish too, think dolphins and even
out the carp cadavers at the end mermaids! This is aimed squarely
of every day. at the leisure and spa market –
Interactive surface technology a great USP for hotels to be able
that was created by Germany’s to say, ‘Come, relax and swim
Vertigo Systems for retail and event with the dolphins in our pool!’
situations has now – with the Petereit, who specialises in
imagination of German artist and trompe l’oeil, has worked on spas
interior designer Paul-Bertram Petereit along with and wellness areas for more than 20 years,
some more technical help from Panasonic, Vario including projects on cruise liners for Cunard and
Pool and Evonik – been developed for use in Royal Caribbean. He came up with this idea
swimming pools. while on a glass-bottomed boat in Florida.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 79



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147 1 6/12/10 11:58:56
Tech Spec
The inside gen from ergonomics
to materials to lighting with three experts
in their own fields, plus 12 pages of the
best products around


Levent Çaglar Jill Entwistle Annabelle Filer

Ergonomics consultant, FIRA Editor & writer Creative director, SCIN
Levent heads the ergonomic unit at FIRA (Furniture Jill is an editor and writer who specialises in Annabelle calls herself an ‘architectural deviant with
Industry Research Association), one of Europe’s top architectural lighting, following 12 years as editor a passion for materials’. She is the creative director
three furniture technology centres. He is recognised of Light magazine. She has authored two Designing for SCIN, the materials sourcing and research
as the key UK ergonomics expert in office and with Lighting books: Hotels, and Bars and company, and prefers to spend her evenings
school furniture, and has worked with designers Restaurants, and is an affiliate member of the snuggled up to Plastics Federation Monthly and the
to create some iconic furniture pieces. International Association of Lighting Designers. like, much to the dismay of her family and friends.

Test Bench 82 Light & Tech 84 Materials 88

The new Airpad task chair from Interstuhl Jill Entwistle presents a round-up of some A new generation of materials is proving
comes under Levent Çaglar’s scrutiny for its of the latest lighting products to get their that less is more – most welcome in these
performance, ease of use, comfort and more launch at the Arc Show 2011 times of austerity, says Annabelle Filer

Ecobuild preview 92; Lighting 96; Kitchens &
Bathrooms 99; Surface Design preview 101;
Surfaces 102; Flooring 105; Office/Contract
Furniture 111; Stop Press 113

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 81

Ergonomics expert Levent Çaglar
puts Interstuhl’s new Airpad task
chair through its paces, and
compares it to three main rivals

The unusual positioning of the
seat pad’s pivot points at the
back, combined with the new
synchronous mechanism,
provides an extremely soothing
motion that makes you feel as if
you are floating on air. As you
recline, the seat pad slides back
very smoothly, gradually sinking
at the rear, without the seat front
rising to lift your feet off the
floor. Your back remains in
contact with the high backrest
throughout this movement. The
contoured soft yet firm seat pad
enhances your comfort. The
optional, continuously
adjustable, forward tilt of the
seat pad allows you to open up
the angle between your thighs
and torso as much as you want,
so you can make sure you do
not slip forwards as you recline.
The motion and the open-angle
sitting provided by the forward
tilt promote increased alertness
and reduced muscle fatigue.

82 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

Test bench

The rivals chosen have mesh backrests, a distinctive look and promote dynamic sitting well


Pioneer in mesh technology for both seat and Mesh backrest with very good pelvic and Mesh back with optional adjustable lumbar
backrest. A benchmark-seeting design icon. lumbar support. Small forward tilt with long support and headrest. Comfortable for upright
Many excellent ergonomic features, including waterfall. Very comfortable with a distinctive and reclined postures but no forward tilt.
forward tilt. Three sizes. Supplied or retrofitted look. Fits a wide range of sizes and weights. Highly adjustable with wide reclining angle.
with lumbar or pelvic support. No headrest. Environmentally friendly. No headrest option. Characteristic stylish Vitra design.


The innovative design of both The tension adjustment, Controls at the sides of the seat When seen from the front, the
the fine mesh and its attachment unusually driven via a toothed pad are easy to reach and use. minimalist rectangular form of
to the backrest frame give great belt, fits a very wide range of Small levers for seat height and the backrest frame belies the
comfort and a distinctive look. body weights. Once you have back lock protrude just far high-tech nature of the mesh
Separate support in four adjusted the tension to suit your enough for you to operate with and well-engineered back.
sections and springiness come weight, you feel well-balanced as your fingertips. It’s a pity that Whether you have the white or
via three thin bars, curved under you lean back and forth, but you the cables from them are visible black mesh, light makes an
tension, set behind the may need to fine tune the under the seat. If you have the attractive sheen on it, yet you
membrane and sewn into it tension for bolt upright or fully optional seat depth adjustment can see through it almost clearly.
through 1cm-wide horizontal reclined positions. You can lock and seat pad forward tilt, their This gives the chair a very light
membrane ledges. Lean back the chair in upright or multiple control knobs are designed well appearance. From the side, the
and you get firm yet cushioned reclined positions. You increase into the curve of the seat pad flowing lines of the backrest
support as if the backrest were seat depth by unrolling the front and the bright-eyed look of their frame elegantly complement the
upholstered. You do not feel the edge to create a longer waterfall, circular white icons is inviting. thin curved membrane ledges.
bars at all and only realise the without losing any of its Knobs for tension and seat tilt The segmented look of the mesh
backrest is mesh via its coolness softness. As no gap is formed pull out to provide good access is continued in the seat cushion.
and permeability. The frame’s between the back of the seat pad although you need to read the
curvature defines a lumbar area and the backrest, your thighs instructions to know this as you ENVIRONMENTAL
which can be positioned where and buttocks remain fully might otherwise find restricted IMPACT
needed by raising or lowering supported. The optional 4D space for your fingers. Their AirPad is more than 98 per cent
the backrest. Even at the armrests have wide comfortable knurled surface gives a secure recyclable, made from a high
backrest’s highest position there pads that are simple to adjust, grip but can rub your fingers, proportion of recycled materials
is no gap between its lower edge and the width between armrest particularly towards the end of that are easily separable.
and the seat pad. The retro- brackets can be altered by travel. Their icons show clearly
fittable optional headrest gives loosening the bolts securing the direction of turning to
comfortable support when them. increase or decrease, although
reclined but because its height you need to familiarise yourself
cannot be adjusted in relation to with the direction for increasing
the lumbar area, it may not be forward tilt. The icons for the
suitable for very short users. seat depth are confusing.

VERDICT The transparency of the mesh expresses AirPad’s lightness - the floating sensation provided by its smooth motion and the thermal
comfort of the membrane. What surprises you is the cushioned and supportive effect of the slender segmented backrest. The innovative and
well-engineered AirPad promotes dynamic sitting well, is very comfortable for long periods and fits a wide range of heights and weights.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 83

An addition to the Arc range,
featuring remote phosphor
technology from Philips, the
LED version is a fully adjustable
fitting for retail, leisure and
commercial applications,
particularly for illuminating
vertical surfaces. With a 60-
degree pivot and 355-degree
rotation, it is available in two
sizes, the 10W ARC 111 and
the 33W ARC 183. As with
the rest of the range, it has
a five-year guarantee.

Jill Entwistle rounds up some of the
latest lighting launched at the Arc Show
at the bcd in January

An adjustable wallwasher, the
high-output version of the Slot
Scoop is capable of 2200lm and
uses Xicato remote phosphor
technology for high-quality,
colour-consistent white light.
With a diecast aluminium body,
it has an adjustable four-point
ceiling fixing system, 45-degree
tilt and low-glare anodised
aluminium reflector. Cut-out
size is 218mm x 136mm, height
is 111mm.

84 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

Light & Tech

The Paragon range offers LED
substitutes for GU10, Par 30
and MR16 lamps (shown).
According to Forge Europa,
they are the first LED
replacement lamps to meet
the emerging IEC 62560
standard (an international
standard from the International
Electrotechnical Commission),
due for publication this month.
Colour temperatures range from
3000K to 6000K and with beam
angles to suit requirements.


Based on a circular T5 lamp, Iris German company Occhio has
is one of the latest products expanded its Più accent lighting
from German architectural system with an LED version
lighting manufacturer Spectral, of its halogen spot. The fitting
recently acquired by Ridi. is designed to make LED
Available in surface or wall- replacement easy for future
mounted, suspended and upgrading. Output is 13W
recessed versions, it has a with the CRI 85 version
transparent halo body that has delivering 900lm and the
a microprism diffuser in an higher quality CRI 95 option
opaque or transparent plastic delivering 600lm. It comes in
housing. Bespoke control gear chrome and matt-chrome
allows the hollow centre. Iris also finishes, plus high-gloss white
has replaceable coloured foils. or black.
ridi-lighting.co.uk occhio.de

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 85

enq 148
Light & Tech

BY LUMENPULSE A miniature exterior profile
The Lumendome is an RGB (22mm x 12mm), the latest
direct-view, large-scale pixel LED fitting from Crescent has
luminaire for outdoor use. A an onboard driver, an output of
25W low-voltage fitting with a 690lm (CRI 85, 2700K) and is
remote driver/data supply for rated at 23W a metre. It extends
120V to 277V, it delivers 383lm up to a 4.5m continuous length
at full intensity. DMX 512 with seamless connections (no
ready, it is compatible with all dark zones) and is dimmable
available DMX 512 controllers. using PWM (pulse width
It is pictured being used for the modulation). A frosted cover
updated lighting of the Telus gives it an IP65 rating.
World of Science, Vancouver, crescent.co.uk
in a scheme by Nemetz and
Associates, and Lightworks.

This is an extruded aluminium
profile with integral fluorescent
lamps and control gear giving
high-performance continuous
cove lighting off-the-shelf. The
WINDOWLIGHTER idea came from a specific project
BY SILL LIGHTING requirement: a continuous wash
This a discreet luminaire with of light to a wall from a close
complex LED optics for edge- offset with concealed lamp
to-edge lighting of window positions. Mounted in the ceiling
reveals without glare. The optics to form the cove between wall
use TIR lenses, angled LED and ceiling, the Z system can be
mounts and a front-mounted adapted to most installation
ellipsoid lens to give a 200- situations using a few simple
degree radius beam. This creates components. In position the
a complete arc, from the sill, up profile edge acts as the stop bead
and over the window head to the and a skim of plaster delivers a
sill on the other side. To cater for razor-sharp edge. IP rated and
windows of different sizes, a low-maintenance LED variants
hidden screw cap covers an are available.
onboard dimming potentiometer whitegoods.com
enabling window reveals to be lit
evenly without the need for
complex control systems. The
white light version is standard, Getting your doodles in lights
Made by independent lighting designer Leolight Design using BPAK100 side-emitting fibre and
but the nine LEDs (18W) can a CRE6255 projector from Crescent Lighting, the Doodle sculpture allowed visitors a few moments
be supplied in red, green or blue. of creative doodling to form their own light installation.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 87

With designer Hazel Hewitt, even concrete in its steadfast

resolution to remain true to its character as a unswervingly robust,
firmly tethered material,has no escape. Hewitt switched from print
designs to concrete experimentation, and her initial foray into
‘knitted’ concrete has moved forward so that she has now developed
As the need to make ways of living more a stretchy concrete as part of her exploration into new architectural
sustainable increases, Annabelle Filer textiles that could play important roles in both internal and external
environments. Hewitt’s challenge of the conventional, based upon
looks at materials that really fit the bill of her knowledge of textile techniques, has led to this concrete
making more out of less personification as an individual that is homely, humorous and yet
practical. She is working to develop ideas about concrete that are at

a tangent to preconceived notions and to pare back the aesthetic and
s the world moves towards a sustainable way for living, the volume required even further. While this one is still early in its
need for ‘less’ to become ‘more’ is increasingly urgent. New development, Hewitt continues to explore what other aggregates and
materials and processes are in development to address this pigments could do for this new composite and what other
and allow us to shape future architecture and design using ‘less’. We architectural and design applications may present themselves. In
need materials that use less mass and therefore physical matter, and Hewitts words, ‘the tactility of the knitted concrete softens the gritty
structures that can be built with less impact. We must use less energy urban edges and creates a light and stretchy concrete.’
in transportation and manufacture but we still want them to be Manufacturer/distributor: UK. Size: Bespoke Colour and range:
practical and desirable and above all to keep us comfortable. Bespoke, the weave can alter in scale depending upon the elastane
A tall order? Possibly, but the materials on show this month will substrate involved Applications: External seating and other urban
open up opportunities for designs we wouldn’t even have considered: features, temporary shelters, art and sculpture, interior feature
materials designed for expansion, in every sense of the word. panels/dividers, exhibitions. hazelhewitt.com

88 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk


The technology of inflatablity is not new but Thomas Herzig,
Tel Aviv-based Bakery Studio views
the new hero of the ‘blow up’, has designed a system of components materials as the ingredients of design and is
that unlike their bulgy, creased predecessors, fit tautly and tightly keen to challenge the preconceptions we have
together using a zipper as part of the solution for assembly. of what materials we associate with existing
Biomimicry plays a lead role in this inspiration for this new, applications and explore what simple
lightweight, structural collection. The component, like a living cell, is materials, with a little intervention, can
self-supporting using the counterbalance between the inner pressure become. It has, as an example, created 3
built up by a fluid or gaseous intrusion and the outer membrane. ‘elasticised wood’. This foam fabric is
Like any living structure the surrounding cells will support any unsurprisingly, no exception.
damaged cell and this can easily be replaced without loss to the This ‘industrial’ upholstery explores the
structural integrity. The membranes are available in PVC or TPU notion that the ‘fabric’ or upholstery textile
(thermoplastic polyurethane). The latter is is 100 per cent recyclable becomes the mold for the upholstered section
and produces no toxic emissions or residues when burned. The of the chair. It differs from the hard material
structure is 40 per cent lighter than one in wood, and 400 per cent created by the more usual molded suspects
lighter than than a concrete version, which undoubtedly gives rise to and is more industrialised than traditional
savings in energy, on the basis of transportation alone. upholstery.This hybrid of ideas has been
The structure, once assembled, rarely needs additional air, thus manifested through the use of two kinds of polyurethane injections:
negating the huge energy output to stop atrophy. high-density polyurethane for the structure and a foam-based
Manufacturer/distributor: Austria Size: Two common polygonal edge polyurethane for the ergonomics. The result is a cool, comfortable
lengths 155cm or 213cm Colour and range: Current range is transparent, multitasking material.
max size component 4mx4m but bespoke possible in colours and up to Manufacturer/distributor: Israel Size: On request Colour and range:
12m x10m. Applications: Modular halls, domes, semi-permanent and four fabric colourways Applications: Upholstery replacement in
temporary structures for use from leisure to exhibition. pneumocell.com furnishings. bakery-design.com

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 89

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enq 149


This nascent technology is remarkable in its potential. The
Aluminium has the propensity, as materials go, to be pretty
term ‘auxetic’ comes from the Greek word ‘auxetikos’ meaning “that boring. Yes, it has salient points in terms of dexterity of use and
which tends to increase”‘ and the theory behind an auxetic material recyclability, but its common identity as a smooth, silver-grey
was brought to the world’s attention in 1987 by Rod Lakes’ surface for structural elements have many architects and designers
development of an auxetic polymeric foam. The material’s structure condemning it to the dusty shelves of material impropriety as far
is counter intuitive: as it is compressed it gets thinner and stretched as innovation is concerned.
it gets thicker. Yet aluminium as a foamed material is an entirely different
Novelty value apart, the materials are of great interest due to the prospect. This strangely quixotic rebirth is universally desirable.
potential of the intrinsic mechanical properties. The importance for The material in this format usually has 10 per cent less density
architecture is that an auxetic material has been proven to be three thanks to its cellular nature. M-Pore, the company behind this
times more difficult to indent, so is of interest in areas such as blast new formable aluminium, points out that foamed aluminium is
protection. subject to four parameters: material, relative density, cell size and
Also they have an inherent potential for ‘drapeability’ that could geometry, any of which may act independently to create differing
make double-curved panels and dome construction much less foams. Formable aluminium is historically associated more
material intensive as well as stronger, as the material is no longer as a stiffening element, yet there is no reason why it cannot
forced to form such a complex shape. be formed into many other shapes and forms for use in
There are not many auxetic materials in production but Xtegra is architecture and design.
a new auxetic textile that assists in damage prevention through blasts,
as it automatically adjusts its mechanical properties in response to Manufacturer/Distributor: Germany Size: On request Colour and
external forces. In fact, when tested by the Ministry of Defence it range: Aluminium, copper alloys, other alloys on request Applications:
survived eight sequential grenade detonations, and unlike the current Industrial, interior and exterior applications from lighting to furniture to
sheer fabrics used in blast curtains, Xtegra will dissipate up to 25 complex shapes. m-pore.de
percent of the shockwave energy.
Xtegra is also used laminated to aerogel as an advanced
insulation/blast protection material between the building skin, and has
been tested for use within resins as a new composite. Further
research is being done, and the potential exists to develop new-
generation Xtegra fabrics that are interwoven with other fibres,
including fibre optics , for breathability and translucency in data
communication and remote adjustment systems

Manufacturer/distributor: US/UK Size: From 1.5m to 4.5m wide. Bespoke

available. Any length. approx 75mm thickness in many ranges. Colour and
range: Two main products: nylon warp with auxetic weft and Kevlar warp
with auxetic wefts Applications: Blast curtains and tent applications,
insulation composite and complex curves for high-profile public buildings
including airports and other potential terror threats. Other: A new carbon
nanotube version will be available soon that will give a faster and greater
rate of energy absorption.

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 91

Ecobuild Preview To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk

InterfaceFLOR stand N630

The worldwide leader in the design and production of
innovative and sustainable modular flooring, InterfaceFLOR,
is demonstrating its leadership in transparency and
sustainability through its Let’s Be Clear campaign at
Ecobuild 2011. The inspiring InterfaceFLOR space, situated
in the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) Village, brings
to life the company’s Let’s Be Clear campaign. This aims to
‘cut through the green wash’ in the marketplace and help
organisations and individuals make informed purchasing
decisions, using EPDs (Environmental Product
Declarations) as the benchmark. enq 420

DESSO stand S149

It has been an impressive year of
innovation for the Cradle to Cradle
ARMOURCOAT stand S554 manufacturer Desso, having launched
Developed by Lafarge, Ductal Ultra- its first Cradle to Cradle certified carpet
High Performance Concrete (UHPC) backing, EcoBase, achieving Silver
presents a genuine revolution in the Certification for an entire carpet tile
concrete sector. The material possesses product. Cradle to Cradle is only
a unique combination of superior possible if materials are captured for
properties including strength, ductility, recycling and reprocessing which led
durability and enhanced aesthetics. the forward thinking manufacturer to
This enables designers to develop and introduce a carpet tile Take Back
realize new sculptural approaches to Programme. Through the development
concrete forms. Ductal is ideally suited of the Take Back process, material to
to the manufacture of lightweight landfill will be reduced at an ever
decorative building façades. enq 403 growing rate. enq 413

HANSGROHE stand S551

Hansgrohe will once again exhibit at Ecobuild on Stand
S551 with a stylish selection of water-saving showers, taps
and thermostatic mixers demonstrating that no compromise
in design or quality is required in order to save water in the
bathroom. Hansgrohe also produces a successful grey water
recycling system called Pontos AquaCycle, which launching CAESARSTONE stand N710
at Ecobuild, has been re-engineered to incorporate rainwater CaesarStone, synonymous with style and durability, has created their ‘Get Thinner’
utilization and heat recovery. Designed as a modular system, 13mm designer collection, to compliment the existing 20mm and 30mm thick
Pontos AquaCycle takes water from the shower and bath range. The new range will be showcased at Ecobuild on Stand N710 at ExCel,
and recycles it for flushing toilets and urinals, cleaning, London, between 1st and 3rd March 2011. CaesarStone will also be exhibiting
washing clothes and watering gardens; now working in their full and exclusive colour range. The new selection includes Dusty Stones,
tandem with this process Pontos HeatCycle saves up to 20% Black Rocks, Buttermilk, Organic White, and Pure White, the definitive white. Five
of the energy generated to heat the water, thus making this beautiful new colours introduced to compliment the existing range. CaesarStone is
combined system a great solution for modern sustainable an engineered quartz-based surface with low maintenance properties that provide
buildings. enq 417 an ease of living that will look great for years to come. enq 409

92 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com

To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk Ecobuild Preview
C.R. LAURENCE stand N710
C.R. Laurence will be exhibiting their range of glass
hardware and accessories at Ecobuild, on Stand N710. The
show will take place from 1st to 3rd March 2011 at ExCel,
London, where visitors can view a selection of CRL’s
extensive product range – from their revolutionary Taper-
Loc System to Shower Door Hardware to Laguna Sliding
Door Systems. The Taper-Loc System is a revolutionary new
frameless glass balustrade system for fixing toughened or
toughened laminated glass from 12mm - 25.52 mm thick.
There is no need for cement, therefore eliminating mess, and
the precision measured control gives you high quality
installations every time. The system is tested to meet the
strictest building code requirements BS6180:1999 and
BS6399-1:1996. enq 408

GERFLOR stand S540

Always the innovator, never the
imitator, Gerflor will be launching a ROCA stand S555
series of new and exciting sustainable Roca, the leading global bathroom
and innovative products at Ecobuild, brand, will be exhibiting at Ecobuild
ideal for a wide variety of market 2011, the world’s largest event for
sectors. Each day, during the show, sustainable design, construction and
Gerflor will be hosting a number of the built environment. Showcasing its
sector-specific product launch sessions. comprehensive range of design led,
Leading industry spokespeople will be ecologically sound products, Roca will
involved in hosting these launches. be present on Stand S555. One of the
Tarasafe safety flooring, one of the key designs on the Roca stand will be
company’s latest pioneering solutions, W+W (above), Roca’s innovative
will be on display. Tarasafe is the all-in-one WC and washbasin designed
brighter, greener, cleaner solution for to maximize space and conserve water.
all commercial applications. enq 416 enq 443


AMARESTONE Stone Zone SZ02 Milliken Contract will be presenting recently launched carbon neutral certified
Amarestone will be unveiling exciting new additions to their ranges that provide sustainable carpet tiles across a broad spectrum of public and
already extensive range of quality Limestone, Marble, commercial locations. Milliken Contract will showcase its Formwork, Fixation,
Travertine and Slate. With an eye on current trends, Shadowbox, Scattergraph and Paste Up collections, along with a new brochure
Amarestone import directly from selected quarries in the highlighting the company’s innovative approach to sustainability that has seen it
UK and around the world. They can guide you through considered as one of the most progressive carpet tile manufacturers. The Southern
every aspect of choosing, designing, installing and Analogue collection, using Aquafil Econyl 95% recycled content yarn will also be
maintaining natural stone. To complete the package, available for view for the first time at Ecobuild. The company’s range of high
Amarestone supply bespoke items including basins, bath performance carpet tiles feature a unique 85% recycled content PU cushion
surrounds, vanity-tops, fire-surrounds and stair-cases. Plus, backing that helps the carpet tiles to absorb wear for increased life-cycle, improved
all ancillary products including: adhesives & grouts, stone sound absorption and promote underfoot comfort, while stunning designs and
sealers & waxes, UFH heating and wet-room construction textures help to satisfy the style demands of a wide variety of interiors. enq 432
products. enq 401

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 93


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enq 150
To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk Ecobuild Preview

FORBO stand S151

At this year’s Ecobuild, visitors to the Forbo Flooring
Systems stand, no S151, will take an interactive journey
through the company's impressive environmental initiatives
and achievements across its portfolio of linoleum, project
vinyl, carpet tile, flocked flooring and entrance matting
system solutions. Centre stage will be Marmoleum, Forbo’s
sustainable and biodegradable linoleum. Made from 97%
NORA stand S133 natural raw materials, more than 37% of which have been
Norament 975LL is a more environmentally friendly and hygienic rubber recycled, Marmoleum has more independently awarded eco-
floorcovering for the highest demands on aesthetics. It is highly dimensionally labels than any other flooring product in the world, making it
stable thanks to a three-layer floorcovering structure with a high-tech the environmental product of choice for many flooring
reinforcement sheet. For loose laying with the Nora Quickfix dry adhesive system. specifiers. Already available in an extensive choice of
It can be installed quickly, simply and cost-effectively. Additionally, cleaning is easy colourways and patterns, Forbo will be launching a new
and economic thanks to the Nora Cleanguard surface – with no coating required. Marmoleum ‘Special Edition’ collection at the exhibition -
enq 438 ‘The unexpected nature of linoleum’. enq 412


A tile that purifies the air we breathe? Surely room temperature. An innovation for the Lotus Effect and Photocatalytic glaze. When
not! Strata’s exclusive Hydrotect coating does modern world. water hits the tile it forms a film, lifting dirt
just that. It not only removes bacteria and dirt In areas where hygiene is paramount, such as from the surface and creating a barrier. With a
without abrasive cleaning, it also purifies the air kitchens, bathrooms and hospitals, Hydrotect simple wipe of a cloth, the tile is left sparkling.
we breathe. It’s been proven - 1000sqm of provides a healthier environment. It is also This exciting range is just one of many eco
Hydrotect tiles provides the equivalent oxygen particularly popular for swimming pools, due initiatives from Strata Tiles. Why not visit us at
levels to 70 deciduous trees. to the reduction in maintenance and the vast Ecobuild, stand s760, to hear more? You could
This innovative coating also provides a self variety of designs – from customisable patterns also book a free CPD. From the comfort of
cleaning effect. Formaldehyde, bacteria, germs to classic colours. Hydrotect was specifically your offices, we bring samples and an exclusive
and algae are all decomposed, and maintenance chosen for the London Underground because look at this exciting technology in our new
costs are greatly reduced. This innovative of the innovative properties it offers. CPD…we even supply your lunch!
coating can also help maintain a comfortable The technology behind Hydrotect lies with a enq 446

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 95

Ecobuild & Lighting
NCS COLOUR Ecobuild stand EPP6
NCS Navigator, the new online colour design application
based on the Natural Colour System. Easy to use, with free
download via our website. Find specific NCS colours,
develop colourways, and cross reference between NCS, RGB
and CMYK. Or simply explore the NCS System as 3D
colour space. All 1,950 NCS colours are available from
major paint and coatings companies and referenced in
flooring, laminates, ceramic tiles, glass, cladding, and much
more. You can check the physical colours with the NCS
Index, Atlas or individual colour sheets. See us on Stand
EPP6 at Ecobuild. enq 436

ICI PAINTS Ecobuild stand S144

CONCORD ICI Paints AkzoNobel, the world's
Concord was the original designer and leading decorative paints and
manufacturer of architectural performance coatings company, is once
downlights and had a registered patent again preparing to exhibit at Ecobuild.
on the term “downlighter”, which lasted Focusing on the company’s
from 1966 to 2006. With over 40 years comprehensive sustainability offering,
experience in downlighter technology, including its ‘Step towards Greener’
Concord introduces the new LEDLED campaign, the ICI Paints AkzoNobel
150 once again redefining the genre of stand will showcase the ways in which
Low Energy Downlights. LEDLED the company helps its customers to
150 provides a true economic and become more sustainable. Visitors to
highly efficient replacement for existing the stand will be able to find out about
CFL downlights offering the technologically advanced products
unprecedented efficiency and from the ICI Paints AkzoNobel
unmatched luminous flux. enq 456 portfolio. enq 414

Osram’s versatile and efficient LINEARlight Flex LED modules have been
installed in Hobbs’ flagship shop in Covent Garden as part of a complete lighting
scheme upgrade undertaken by LAPD Consultants Ltd. Due to the compact and
flexible nature of the LINEARlight Flex, LAPD has been able to achieve soft,
warm up-lighting in a very limited space to enhance the in-store atmosphere.
Simon Thorp, Senior Lighting Designer at LAPD Consultants Ltd. says,
“Hobbs was relying on us to design a high quality lighting scheme so we had to
IGUZZINI work with the best possible products. We wanted to include atmospheric up-
Zyl is a flexible and contemporary system for use in lighting to the barrel vault ceilings, but could not use fluorescent tubes due to
residential interiors as well as external landscapes. Bollard space restrictions. Consequently, we looked at LED modules and chose OSRAM’s
options can be installed either into the ground or surface LINEARlight Flex modules based on their cost and performance. As well as
mounted at two different heights. Wall mounted, surface and providing significant energy savings in comparison to more traditional lighting
recessed suspended versions are also available. All versions solutions, LINEARlight Flex modules inject the perfect light into the application
utilise LED sources. enq 419 and achieve the desired soft, warm and uniform lit effect.” enq 439

96 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com

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enq 160 enq 161

To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk Kitchens & Bathrooms
Roca is delighted to announce that W+W has won the
prestigious WAN Product of the Year Award in partnership
with BAU 2011 – W+Ws 9th accolade since it was first
launched at ISH 2009. The WAN (World Architecture
News) Awards are a unique, worldwide award scheme to
showcase new and innovative products, materials and details
available from the construction industry. Reviewed by an
international panel of experts, W+W was selected as WAN
winner for its ability to ‘communicate sustainability to the
user within a building’ and was announced as a winner on
Monday 17th January 2011 at the BAU trade fair in Munich.
enq 452

RADA New to the UK is a stylish range of
Ideal for light commercial or semi- hoods from Air Uno that answers the
residential applications such as leisure latest consumer demand for discreet
clubs or University accommodation, the technology. Available in 7 stunning
new Rada V10 sequential shower models, the F-Light hood is designed
control offers exceptional by Italian maker Faber to look like a
contemporary styling without any chic pendant light fitting. The Kaleidos
compromise to performance. The Rada extractor, for example, features a funky
V10 has all the aesthetic appeal of fabric oval-shaped hood that elegantly
domestic shower controls, but with the hides away its stainless steel motor
build quality and safety features when not in use. As with all Faber
necessary in the commercial models, the Kaleidos has a host of
environment. Its robust cartridge stops technological features including
will withstand heavy usage in public electronic controls, 4 x 20 watt
areas – and occasional misuse – while spotlights and a dishwasher safe grease
the thermostatic mixing valve conforms filter. Three speed settings offer a range
to TMV2, the standard designed to of extraction from 230 to 450 m3/h with
prevent scalding. enq 454 noise levels of 49 to 65 dB(A). enq 400

With a solution for every bathroom requirement, Swiss manufacturer Laufen has
extended its award-winning Living City collection to include several new
washbasin sizes and co-ordinating furniture options. Famous for its geometrical
PARAPAN design, the Living City series now includes a 500mm and 600mm washbasin, both
Sweeping curves in glossy black Parapan create instant with glazed backs to make a gleaming impression, plus a 450mm hand basin that
impact in this eye-catching kitchen. The reflective quality of is ideal for the smaller guest bathroom or cloakroom. The washbasins can be
the sleek black Parapan adds a modern edge to traditional integrated within a brand new washtop from Laufen’s Open modular furniture
brick and wood. It is funky but won’t date. ‘Contemporary range, offered in a crisp white finish and able to be cut to size to fit with millimetre
design can feel cold and unwelcoming. By using high gloss precision into any bathroom design, even alcoves. The basins look fantastic when
Parapan the space is exciting and engaging,’ kitchen designer fitted with Laufen’s innovative Lb3 LumiTouch tap, which itself features a stylish
Philip Dowse. High gloss, solid acrylic Parapan is increasingly geometric design. The tap, which won the red dot design award, uses the latest
specified by award-winning designers for doors, drawers, cutting-edge technology to permit low-contact operation making it exceptionally
cabinet fronts, splash backs and even wall cladding. It can be easy to use and hygienic, while its synchronized lighting element creates a beautiful
cut to size and thermoformed to any radius of curve. enq 453 aesthetic in any bathroom. enq 445

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 99


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Surface Design Show Preview

PARAPAN stand 308

A top favourite with award winning kitchen and bathroom designers Parapan is
now being used by innovative designers who are drawing on its unique properties
to create distinctive and unexpected applications in the commercial and retail
world. Parapan, a solid high gloss acrylic for vertical surfaces offers limitless STRATA TILES stand 342
possibilities for cupboards, drawers, islands, splashbacks and even wall cladding. Offering the very best, hand sourced, natural stone from the
Available in 2 thicknesses – 4mm and 18mm – it can be cut to size and finest Italian quarries, Pietre di Firenze presents a portfolio of
thermoformed into any radius of curve. For 2011 a new shade of Bordeaux is surfaces attractive to architects and designers seeking that
being introduced to the comprehensive palette of 22 UV stable shades that luxury statement. An innovative fusion of design and form,
includes sophisticated neutrals and vibrant brights. The glossy colours are a perfect Pietre di Firenze is composed of 21 visually striking designs,
complement to other surfaces such as wood, stone and Corian. Waterproof, from signature curls and swirls to geometric and linear styles
hygienic and easily repairable, Parapan is extremely durable and dramatically more that create an instant impact for floors and walls. Come and
hard wearing than lacquer and other applied finishes. At the Surface Design Show see this luxurious range – a Strata Tiles exclusive - at The
Parapan will be showing cladding and columns. enq 411 Surfaces Design Show. enq 447


Inspiration Centre
The Solid Wood Flooring Company manufactures unique
products for the UK and European markets with the best
managed forest timber products. We offer a full supply and
fit service or supply only service direct from our warehouse
where we hold more than 200,000 m2 of stock to give our
clients the best prices possible. We also make the best strand
woven bamboo in the UK market. You can see our full range
of products on display at the Building Centre, Store Street,
London where brochures are also available. enq 449

ANTRON visit SCIN’s stand 304

Specifiers and designers attending this
year’s Surface Design Show will be able
to discover some of the latest
developments from Antron carpet fibre
that has teamed up with SCIN to
explore the theme of ‘colour in CD UK stand 308
materials’. Surfaces and materials Corian distributors CDUK Ltd. are
specialist SCIN will showcase increasingly supplying this wondrous
companies that have proven track and flexible material for architectual
records as innovators within their field applications and they will be showing
and Antron carpet fibre once again has it’s full range of capabilities at the show.
been invited to take part. Showcasing A model of the breathtaking Seeko
Antron Lumena and Antron Legacy Hotel in Bordeaux will take centre
yarns, as well as Antron Lumena carpet stage. The playful facade of convex and
fibre with TruBlend fibre technology, concave forms, all in Corian has made
Antron carpet fibre will present its 2011 the building an iconic landmark. King
Design Tool Kit and will reveal elements Kong Architecture chose Corian to
of its Carpet and Space campaign that create fabulous contoured exterior
explores how a floorcovering can help to cladding using vast panels but without
define a space. enq 402 seeing any joints. enq 410

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 101

Surface Design Show Preview & Surfaces
With recent trend forecasts pointing to consumers opting for
products that are both sustainable and long-lasting for their
homes, as opposed to cheaper, quick-change alternatives,
IDS’s Tuscan wood flooring range scores on both counts
with some first class environmental and warranty credentials.
Says Neil Smith, Flooring Director at IDS:
“As consumers embrace slower consumption lifestyles, they
are placing more importance than ever on sustainability,
quality and longevity and retailers can be confident in the
Tuscan brand of flooring to meet all those criteria.”
All products within the Tuscan engineered flooring range are
100% FSC certified – the internationally recognised standard
INTERFACEFLOR which guarantees that the timber is harvested from
RIBA Seminar Room responsibly managed forests. enq 423
InterfaceFLOR will be presenting a
newly accredited RIBA CPD
(Continuing Personal Development) at
the Surface Design Show. The CPD
aims to help companies ‘cut through
the green wash’ in the marketplace and
is part of an extensive campaign to POLYREY
promote transparency in the industry. Noir Bâti from Polyrey’s fashion
The seminar, led by InterfaceFLOR’s forward Origine Premier laminate
Sustainability Director (EMEAI), range strongly references the interior
Ramon Arratia, will take place on 17th design trend for textured surfaces. The
February at 2.15pm in the RIBA Bâti texture is available on four plain
Seminar Room. The innovative ‘Just colours of Noir, White, Feutre and Red,
the Facts’ CPD programme has been giving classic plain colours an
designed by the sustainability experts at interesting design twist with a matt,
InterfaceFLOR to help organisations structured surface which mirrors the
and individuals make informed look and feel of freshly cut wood with
purchasing decisions. enq 421 natural large scale graining. enq 441

David Chipperfield Architects designed a large part of the
Empire Riverside interior with HI-MACS acrylic stone. This
is a mineral-based material made up of 70% natural stone HANEX
powder, approximately 25% high-quality acrylic resin and Responding to market demand for a budget solid surface solution, IDS has
around 5% natural pigments. It was developed and expanded its Hanex solid surface range with the introduction of four new colours in
manufactured by the world’s leading company in this sector, a competitively priced 6mm thickness. There are four colours, White S008, White
LG Hausys. The wall cladding, the shelves and the massive S002, Red M003 and Black M007, directly reflecting the top selling and most
bar counter have all been moulded from HI-MACS Black. specified finishes in the retail and furniture manufacturing sectors. Now available in
enq 428 both 6mm and 12mm options, the four solid surface finishes guarantee flexibility of
use as well as being economical, without compromising on the performance or look
of the finished product. The 6mm option is ideal for use on horizontal surfaces,
offering all the aesthetic and functional benefits while keeping costs down due it
being a thinner material. The product is available in a sheet size of 2490 x 760mm,
while the 12mm material comes in 3680 x 760mm. enq 422

102 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com

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To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk Surfaces & Flooring
Severn Trent Water’s new £60m operations centre in
Coventry, which aims to set new industry standards with one
of the lowest carbon footprints for any UK office building,
incorporates equally eco-friendly Armourcoat polished
plaster. Armourcoat was used within the reception and main
atrium space, to create a stunning and original design
statement. Totaling nearly four hundred square metres of
hand-applied decorative plaster, Webb Gray specified
colourfade artwork for feature panels and curved walls using
Armourcoat Spatulata. enq 404

Contura SL from the Projection
collection by Vorwerk Carpets forges
WILTON CARPETS textured cloud and map designs on the
Bespoke carpet from Wilton Carpets innovative TEXtiles SL backing to
Commercial now adorns public areas reveal a striking commercial carpet
of the stunning Grand Central Hotel solution that combines both style and
Glasgow as it takes its place once again sustainability. Utilising the performance
as the city’s leading four-star hotel. As and maintenance benefits of 100%
part a £20m refurbishment and Econyl solution dyed recycled content
commissioned by Karen Cleaver, nylon, cloud and map will provide the
design director of hotel owner Principal busiest of corporate and commercial
Hayley; Axminster woven carpets from working environments with lasting Class
Wilton Carpets Commercial are now 33 performance, but just as importantly
providing stunning looks and superb the designs also bring style and
underfoot comfort for guests. enq 451 sustainability to the workplace. enq 450


The recent refurbishment of the spectacular five-star Grange
City Hotel has seen bespoke carpet from Axminster Carpets
Commercial installed in meeting rooms, the auditorium,
guestrooms and corridors. Following the recent installation of
carpet from the Devon-based manufacturer at the Grange
Hotel Group’s highly acclaimed Grange St Pauls Hotel,
Axminster Commercial’s design team worked with the group
and interior designers Buchanan Associates to develop all the
designs for the City hotel. Wendy Purser, Buchanan
Associates elaborates: “The design came through overlaying PRAXIS
two pattern concepts originally developed for the Grange St Mono screen from London-based Praxis, specialists in interior banners and
Pauls Hotel. The combined organic ripple and multi- workplace graphics, combines elegant, simple fixings with beautiful,
directional barcode designs capture the mood of other carpet semi-transparent fabric prints. Perfect for directional signage and dividing open
design within the hotel, picking up on their organic base spaces, Mono screen’s light and airy feel improves the way people relate to their
while adding a corporate slant with the strong linear focus of work environment. Translucent fabrics help to create zones in the workplace and
the bar codes. Within the conference centre the stripes also provide privacy without blocking out light. Mono screen is available in a range of
tie in well with the zebrano wood panelling and throughout sizes. The screens are easy to install, update and relocate and can be positioned
we selected a colour palette that complements the existing within any ceiling height. Mono screen’s stylish, unobtrusive fittings ensure that
scheme.” enq 406 the banners always look their best. enq 442

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 105

Design: Form® (www.form.uk.com)


In association with Media partners

enq 157
To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk Flooring
Junckers, Europe’s largest supplier of solid hardwood floors,
has become FSC certified. The certification strengthens
Junckers’ commitment to sustainability and corporate social
responsibility, which has always been an integral part of their
business model. The increasing demand for sustainable floors
has lead Junckers to add another level of certification to their
product range. “To supply wooden floors where legality and
sustainability are ensured is central to the flooring industry
today and we are pleased to offer a premium product with all
the right environmental credentials”, says Steve Maltby,
General Manager, Junckers Ltd. Junckers has supplied over
150 million m2 solid hardwood floors to prestigious public
and private buildings, including international level sports
arenas, all over the world. enq 425

Distinctive Pearlazzo PUR is the latest
homogeneous product to be launched LANO FLOORING SOLUTIONS
by leading commercial vinyl Lano Flooring Solutions has breathed
floorcoverings manufacturer Polyflor. new life into its Walk of Fame
Designed for the modern commercial collection with the introduction of eight
environment, Pearlazzo PUR delivers stunning new shades in a revamped
the inherent low maintenance and line-up for its 16 strong colourbank.
durability benefits expected of a Polyflor Created to offer hospitality interiors an
homogeneous PUR product while on-trend colour choice alongside
pushing the boundaries of vinyl flooring shades that have been proven in many
decoration. The striking 24-shade colour prestigious installations, the new
palette, a combination of vibrant and colourbank is joined by three updated
neutral shades, has been achieved by stock designs in two stripe and a pindot
blending tonal chips and pearlescent styles. The new colours and designs
flakes fused into a solid base colour for a can both be discovered in the new Walk
unique decorative option. enq 440 of Fame presentation folder. enq 429

Easy to maintain, hardwearing and with a forgiving aesthetic
that could be tied in with corporate identity, carpet tiles from
Milliken Contract fulfilled the brief set by Bank of China for
its London offices. Snap Back from the Straight Talk
collection has been installed throughout working, breakout
and courtyard areas of the building to a total of 5,000m2.
Snap Back utilises durable and easy to maintain 100%
Milliken-Certified WearOn type 6.6 nylon for ease of
maintenance and wear resistance. With the additional benefit DORSET WOOLLISCROFT
of StainSmart soil release technology, the carpet tile is The vast range of Dorset Woolliscroft flooring solutions now on offer from the
particularly resilient and stands up to the demands of busy contracts division of Original Style includes vitrified & fully vitrified slip-resistant
corporate environments with aplomb. The standard Snap tiles for both internal and external use. Offering exceptional performance and
Back pattern has been adapted with the addition of an accent safety standards within industrial, commercial, domestic and leisure markets, these
red in courtyard and breakout areas, reflecting the brand tiles have been developed with specific areas of usage in mind and can be
colours of the financial institution. Using a standard dark confidently specified for use in the most exacting of installations. The range also
colour throughout all areas to minimise the appearance of complies with all industry standards. Original Style is one of the UK's leading
soiling, Bank of China’s corporate identity was further manufacturers and suppliers of tiles, mosaics, glass and natural stone for all
enhanced with the use of grey. enq 433 commercial and residential projects. enq 457

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 107

Flooring To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk

For designers looking to complement heritage inspired
interiors, Artwood’s Design Paint collection of wood flooring
offers a different and unusual twist on the theme. With the
Design Paint collection, Artwood offers hand-finished wood
flooring in any Farrow&Ball floor paint finish, including
beautiful tones such as Mouse’s Back, Eating Room Red and
Tanner’s Brown. Each colour within the Design Paint
collection is applied by hand and sealed to provide a durable
and long lasting painted finish presented on high quality
engineered oak flooring. enq 405

The latest modular carpet from
Milliken Contract takes its colour cues
from nature forging striking colour
combinations influenced by stormy
skies and the intensity of light as it KÄHRS
breaks through the clouds in a dazzling Kährs has launched its new World
three-dimensional product. As one half Collection, which provides an eco-
of the newly created Out of the friendly alternative to a tropical wood
Shadows collection, Scattergraph is floor. The new sustainable oak floors
created through Milliken Contract’s are available in 1, 2 and 3-strip designs
Convergence technology, the Tufted and have an authentic ‘exotic’ stained
Textured Loop Pile is married with finish in a choice of copper/red wine
proprietary digital colour placement to and rich burnt orange/topaz tones. The
create organic texture on the launch follows Kährs removal of all
floorplane, complementing the more tropical species from its range, until
structured Shadowbox in a palette of guaranteed controlled sources can be
14 shades. enq 434 found. enq 426


Natural stone flooring not only looks breathtaking but it also endures. At New
Image Stone the finest traditional skills of the stonemason are combined with the
LANO FLOORING SOLUTIONS latest technology to realise the unparalleled beauty and versatility of stone. Natural
Lano Flooring Solutions has deployed a significant revision stone is strong and, in the hands of a skilled artisan, can be used to create stunning
to its Carve hotel-specific textured carpet concept in the statement floors. It is a rich and beautiful surface, with a timeless appeal for any
shape of a new and improved bank of colours. From floral room, from kitchen to bathroom, en-suite to poolhouse. The beauty of natural
inspired textures to the river-like Carve 07 and geometric stone is that no two pieces are ever the same. Each piece of stone has its own
Carve 25, each design uses Lano’s manufacturing capability natural characteristics such as colour, veining and markings, as well as hardness
to produce a multi-level cut and loop pile carpet in high and porosity. Your New Image Stone floor is truly unique and completely
performance 100% Aqualon nylon. enq 430 individual. enq 437

108 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com

ng with th


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enq 153 enq 167

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To be included contact Sophia Sahin on 020 7936 6856 or sophia.sahin@fxmagazine.co.uk Contract & Office Furniture

Specialists in hand-made aluminium furniture, Jennifer
BEACONS BUSINESS INTERIORS Newman Studio provide architects with the opportunity of
Brecon-based facilities support specialist, Beacons Business Interiors (Bbi), has customising products to suit their schemes, resulting in
completed the refurbishment of an 8,500 sq metre facility for leading life sciences individuality at affordable prices. All Newman designs have a
company, Sterilin. Bbi was appointed to work on the £3 million fit-out as part of timeless simplicity and are built for long-life, giving the
Sterlin’s £12 million expansion plan, which involved moving its manufacturing products strong sustainability credentials. Jennifer Newman
plant from Aberbargoed to the Pen-y-Fan Industrial Estate in Oakdale, near herself is an acknowledged colour expert and her input is
Blackwood, in one of Wales’s largest commercial property deals of the year. part of the service offered by the studio. A totally bespoke
The project, which was one of Bbi’s biggest contract wins this year, involved the service is also available for architects wanting unique
refurbishment of the former Fiamm Battery plant. Bbi handled all aspects of the products, and prototypes can be produced to order. High
project including design and office fit out, together with installing 1000 m2 of clean profile architects such as Swanke Hayden Connell Architects,
room space. Building the clean rooms involved the installation of a complex Dyer and Schmidt Hammer Lassen are working with the
particle filtration removal system using HEPA filters, which was put in by Bbi’s studio for clients such as Imperial College, Westminster
dedicated mechanical and electrical division. enq 407 College, O2 and the BBC. enq 424

The latest project commissioned from office furniture
manufacturer Eborcraft demonstrates how slight
modifications to a basic design can transform the appearance
of the final build. The featured reception counter was
constructed using modules from Eborcraft's flexible Fusion
range, combining a mix of curved and rectangular units. The
wood veneer finish of maple was individualised by
incorporating a black line inlay, which together with the
aluminium trim, enhanced the counter's contemporary
appearance. The client also opted for a bullnose edge detail,
which softened the lines of the upper unit to make the
counter look more approachable. The reception counter was
designed to accommodate a central DDA unit, bracketed on
each side by a combination of low and high-level modules.
THE INTERIORS GROUP Each of the high-level counter tops was specially modified so
The Interiors Group have created a that large computer monitors could be concealed within a
fresh new fit out for an international cut-away section. enq 415 MORGAN
petroleum company in One Curzon Panama is a new collection from the
Street, London, which is one of the Morgan Studio. Dining and lounge
principal landmark buildings in Mayfair chairs feature a slim angled dynamic
associated with quality and prestige. frame and sharp square upholstery. An
The reception has been fitted with a ergonomic seating angle and webbed
desk by Thorpes Joinery using Corian seat create a light and comfortable
with glass tiles, a recessed plasma chair making Panama a contemporary
screen and recessed light bright daylight and ultimately practical addition to the
bulbs set in back panelled glass give a Morgan portfolio. enq 435
very neat appearance. Limestone style
ceramic 600x600mm square floor tiles
add to the feeling of quality within the
Boardroom. The Interiors Group have
covered the wall with Avasti, a special
acoustic fabric and installed full video
conferencing for twenty people. enq 448

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 111





enq 162
Contract Furniture & Stop Press
New from Design at Knightsbridge is Lugano, an extensive
range of upholstered seating for the hospitality sector created
for the company by design consultant James A Wright.
Intended to set a distinguished tone in lounge and reception
areas, bars, restaurants and bedrooms, Lugano includes
handsomely-proportioned two- and three-seat sofas, together
with upright/easy armchairs and club chairs in both compact
and easy versions. The design story throughout is
characterised by graceful sloping arms and softened angles,
with style options embracing plain, diamond-buttoned or
fluted backs. Each model in the Lugano range can be
upholstered to suit customer requirements, and a range of
show-wood finishes is available. enq 427 SAMUEL HEATH & SONS
Perko Powermatic concealed door
closers have been used as part of the
CONNECTION £220 million refurbishment of The
Connection, back in 2008 was the first Savoy, London, one of the world’s most
UK manufacturer to successfully iconic hotels. The capital city’s largest
launch a 100% recyclable task chair. ever hotel restoration project has
Designed by Roger Webb Associates, IS involved the rebuilding or redesign of
has been taken one task step further all guestrooms and public areas, the
and is being launched with a mesh introduction of an entirely new services
back. Differentiating itself from other infrastructure and the structural
mesh back chairs in the marketplace, IS stabilisation of the hotel’s listed
Mesh has a unique integrated height riverfront façade. An integral part of
adjustment, still providing the one chair the project has been the refurbishment,
fits all, IS accommodates 98 of the and in some cases rebuilding, of the
population percentile and offers hotel’s guestrooms, and it is here that
complete adjustment in every direction. the Perko Powermatic door closer has
The dual zone mesh provides support been used to great effect. enq 444
for the user’s lumbar area, whilst still
offering complete ventilation. enq 455

Harbrine are pleased to announce the launch of a A new showroom in the heart of the City of London will help architects, designers,
revolutionary electronic digital patch lock that can work on end users, contractors and dealers who are looking for inspiration and innovation.
glass doors. This patch lock can work on new installations or The Longden showroom in Bonhill Street displays a range of Longden door styles
even retro-fit against existing rondo style patch locks. No from Boarded door sets, Copeland panelled door sets and the Moderne Collection
need to replace expensive glass doors, just change the existing which is strongly influenced by modern art deco and comprises both bold and
patch lock and handles. Contact us for more details and learn subtle contemporary door designs with an understated art deco twist that brings
how easy the replacement process really is. Programmable at exciting alternatives to every customer.
the keypad with a range of commands which makes it Longden multi-laminar wood veneers are hand-crafted incorporating
particularly suitable for medium duty use in health, performance levels needed to meet today’s technical criteria – a process that brings
educational, commercial and residential environments. The complete design freedom. Designs include subtle art deco motifs and geometric
key can be used to open doors for management functions forms; sun burst designs, stepped profiles, arc shapes and linear designs; lavish
such as security and cleaning. The added benefit of having beading, decorative veneers and carved details; and theatrical contrasts through
key operation as well, enables this lock to be master keyed shiny and matt wood and contrasting grains.
within a Harbrine MK system. enq 418 enq 431

For a comprehensive product library go to www.widn.com FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 113

Classified To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com


Sinclair Matthews Ltd

Ferry Yacht Station
Ferry Road, Thames Ditton
Surrey KT7 0YB
tel: 020 8398 5694
email: showroom@sinclairmatthews.co.uk
web: www.sinclairmatthews.co.uk


114 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com Classified

Bespoke murals
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FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 115

Classified To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com

FURNITURE enq 308 LIGHTING enq 310

Energy Saving Lighting Controls

Using built-in microwave detection to reduce consumption in unoccupied areas
Warehouse/Halls Corridors/Car Parks

With energy prices forever going up and

demands to reduce consumption increasing,
we have real solutions to decrease your carbon
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Stairwells/Lobbys Meeting Rooms

To find out more about energy saving

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request a full catalogue contact us

Tel: 01442 865388

Email: info@mountlighting.co.uk


By offering a bespoke linear

Kemps Architectural solution, Oldham Lighting is
Lighting Ltd cementing its position as one
Galloti & Radice 'Air Desk L' in transparent or coloured lacquered glass.
Ideal for the office or home. A range of credenzas, meeting tables, Unit 2 Matrix Court of the worlds leading bespoke
storage systems & pedestals complimenting the desk are available. linear lighting specialists and
Middleton Grove
Catalogues can be downloaded from our website. handing back the design flair
Leeds LS11 5WB to the designers.
Tel: 0113 271 5777
Fax: 0113 271 5666 Oldham Lighting Ltd
+44 (0) 1372 459999
sales@kempslighting.com www.oldhamlighting.co.uk
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Telephone: 0113 201 2240 Web: www.parapan.co.uk

116 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com Classified
PIANOS enq 314 SEATING enq 316

Designed by Pergentino Battocchio
Stunning high gloss feature armchairs lacquered in black,
white or red with that Made in Italy style and quality.

Visit our website for more information and prices

w w w. l a p o r t a . c o . u k
Laporta Office Furniture Ltd. The Pipeworks, 26-30 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BU Tel: 020 7720 6006


Chagall - Part of the

Hotech Design range
available from Aestus.
For further details please
call 01902 387080 or email

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 117

Showcase To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com



Unit 5, Avery Dell Industrial Estate Lifford Lane, Birmingham B30 3DZ

t: 0121 433 4277 e: richard@hawkesley.co.uk

Hawkesley enq 318 Turnstyle Designs Ltd enq 319 Johnny Hawkes enq 320
Tel: 0121 433 4277 Tel: 01271 325 325 Tel: 01672 562878
www.hawkesley.co.uk www.turnstyledesigns.com www.sphelix.com

Lee Filters enq 321 Bluebell – Wall finishes enq 322 Decospan enq 323
Tel: 01264 366 245 Tel: 0845 230 0990 Tel: +32 (0) 56 52 88 00
www.leefilters.com www.bluebellfinishes.co.uk www.shinnoki.com

Morgan enq 324 Stretch Ceilings Limited enq 325 Float Glass Design enq 326
Tel: 01243 371111 Tel: 01276 681 000 Tel: 01273 622176
www.morganfurniture.co.uk www.stretchceilings.co.uk www.floatglassdesign.co.uk

118 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk



Lumiwall® is the ideal system for displaying BIG illuminated
graphics and promotions in Retail Stores and Shopping Malls.
The impressive Lumiwall® works to create a memorable
in-store atmosphere and certainly produces a ‘wow’ factor. SCHELL COMPACT II
The Lumiwall® frame has an inbuilt patented tensioning SCHELL GmbH, produce a Compact II concealed, automatic
which holds the replaceable digitally printed face, as tight as urinal flush controlled by an infrared sensor wall-mounted
a drum skin and ice-rink smooth. We manufacture, print and above the urinal which automatically releases a
install the complete system. 0.3 litres/second flush as soon as anyone walks away
For more information contact us on the details below. from the urinal. Architects and designers can use Bona's interactive Inspiration
House exhibit to help specify the correct surface treatment
www.artillus.com E: pr@fluid-systems.co.uk W: www.schell.eu for wooden floors in all environments.
enq 327 TEL: 01604 678410 enq 328 TEL: 0845 680 6902 E. info.uk@bona.com T. 01908 399740

enq 333 www.bona.com



CHART INTERIORS JIS Europe Ltd. of Haywards Heath has now added a
The Origami range has been introduced to the Leyform Stainless Steel Element Cover to its extensive range of
seating programme best known in the U.K for the auditorium accessories for its stainless steel towel rails and radiators.
floor fixed seating supplied over the last 15 years. This neat product is perfect when the need to cover the
Origami is available in Leather, Fabric and Mesh. Each style is element cable is required. DELTALIGHT
available as Highback, Midback and Visitor chair. With a 5 The Element cover is available in polished or satin finish and Deltalight was appointed to design and supply the lighting
year guarantee-quality is assured. it is to be used only with the standard element. for the majority of the new Lounge at
Manchester Airport, Terminal 1.
www.chartinteriors.com E: info@jiseurope.co.uk W: www.sussexrange.co.uk
E. design@deltalight.co.uk T. 08707 577087
enq 329 TEL: 01342 326659 enq 330 TEL: 01444 831200
enq 334 www.deltalight.co.uk



CaesarStone quartz surfaces were the idyllic choice for the GX GLASS: MORE THAN JUST GLASS
show room at the Greystones Development, supplied by Gx has put in place one of the most comprehensive
premium kitchen manufacturer Poggenpohl (St Albans), for a production facilities, producing high end designled glass
stunning and flawless finish. products. A manufacturer, supplier and installer of a
The contemporary show home kitchen in the Greystones widerange of specialist glass products predominantly aimed
Development required a striking surface which had practical at theinteriors market. Having over 30 years experience in
and durable qualities needed for showroom conditions. The the ever-evolving interiors glass market, we are able to bring POLYFLOR
solution was the beautiful CaesarStone ‘Blizzard White’ in a that expertiseto the table when working with architects and With 24 product ranges that have been certified A+ by BRE
20mm thickness, with a mitred edge built up to 130mm. designers. Global, Polyflor has more individually assessed A+ product
ranges than any other resilient flooring brand.
Email: chris_pepper@crlaurence.co.uk E. info@glassexpress.co.uk
F: 00800 0262 3299 www.caesarstone.uk.com F. 01233 641475 W. www.glassexpress.co.uk E: info@polyflor.com T: 0161 767 1111

enq 331 TEL: 00800 0421 6144 enq 332 TEL: 01233 642220 enq 335 www.polyflor.com

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 119

Directory To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com

D4D Designers 4 Designers RIBA Appointments

London: 0203 174 0352 Brighton: 01273 501050 020 7496 8370
info@designers4designers.co.uk info@ribaappointments.com
www.designers4designers.co.uk www.ribaappointments.com

D4D Designers 4 Designers is an interior design recruitment consultancy The recruitment service of the RIBA has positions with many up and coming
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Careers In Design Aberfeldy Associates Ltd
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Design recruitment specialists for Interior Designers, Space Planners, Recruiting sales, management, and support people solely in the contract
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ARC are "THE Recruitment Consultancy" for the Interior Design & Build and The Recruitment Business specialises in providing permanent and
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Studio Paul Wells Consultants

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We recruit top talent for all your Studio vacancies. Studio specialises PWC is one of the UK’s fastest growing Commercial Interiors Recruitment
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On Target Recruitment Ltd

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On Target Recruitment Ltd has been successfully placing high calibre sales Contact Daniel Khmali: 020 7936 6857
people with all the leading companies within the office furniture and or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com
interiors market for over 14 years.

120 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

To advertise here contact Daniel Kamli on 020 7936 6857 or daniel.kamli@worldmarketintelligence.com Recruitment

Ref: V02362, Buckinghamshire £20,000 - £24,000

This Interior and Architectural Practise seek an Architectural
Technician to work alongside their design team on
multidisciplinary projects including offices and residential. You
should be an Architectural graduate with 1 to 3 years
experience, fluent in AutoCAD and good draughting and
technical skills.
Ref: V02361, Hertfordshire £Neg
This retail display consultancy need a qualified Technical
Designer to produce 3D models and manufacturing drawings,
prototyping and liaising with the factories to ensure designs are
fit for purpose. With 5+ years of working in POP / retail design
you will need manufacturing experience, be a good
communicator, fluent in Solidworks (or similar 3D modeller) and
have good time management skills.
Ref: V02360, Northants £30,000 - £35,000
This Company designs and builds bespoke custom built
exhibition stands and displays for showrooms, conference and
stage sets. They seek an exhibition designer with 5+ years
relevant experience, a creative with good concept skills, literate
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graphic design.
Ref: V02358, Hampshire £Neg
This multidisciplinary design practice specialises in hospitality
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5+ years experience in leisure and/or retail interiors and
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plenty of experience in job running and going on site.




Morgan Glover is a Recruitment Consultancy which was established to
specialise only within the Interiors / System Furniture Industry. With over 9
years experience in the marketplace, I truly understand the importance of
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I acknowledge that each organisation, whether large or small, will have an
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term ambitions as an organisation; equally, it is imperative to have a sound
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As an experienced consultant within the Interiors marketplace, I fully
understand that any career change is a big decision, and extremely stressful.
Morgan Glover tries to ease that pressure by interviewing candidates. I treat
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Recruitment requirements, or a candidate seeking a confidential chat with no
commitment, then please contact Morgan Glover.

Email: gabby.haselden@morganglover.co.uk
T: +44 (0)1892-520-191 M: +44 (0)7778-333-607

FXmagazine.co.uk February 2011 121

We ask
designers and
architects what
they would create
if they had carte

EyeStop by architects and engineers from the

if only... Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Few things are more tedious than waiting for a bus. But

bus stops imagine if your local bus stop allowed you to check your e-mails,
share community information on a digital message board and

could be more
monitor the air quality, as well as learning where your bus was.
Designed by MIT architects and engineers (pictured right, l-r) Carlo Founded in 1861, MIT is

Ratti, Julia Schlotter and Walter Nicolino, EyeStop is a new kind of an independent college
interactive bus stop, designed to take the tedium out of waiting for dedicated to education
and research. Its work
the bus while encouraging more people to use public transport. includes achieving the
The EyeStop would be partially covered with touch-sensitive first chemical synthesis
E Ink (an electronic display system which its makers say creates a of penicillin and vitamin A
and inventing a way to
readable experience closer to ink on paper than any other electronic duplicate photosynthesis
display) and screens, and features state-of-the art sensing to store solar energy.
technologies and a variety of interactive services. Users can plan a MIT’s conceptual studies
into architecture and
bus trip on an interactive map, surf the web, monitor their exposure product design also
If you have an If Only vision you’d like to to pollutants and use their mobile devices as an interface with the include a building with
'digital water' walls,
share – it doesn’t matter how extraordinary or bus shelter. They can also post personal ads and community
shown at the 2008 World
far-fetched it seems – email details to the editor at announcements to an electronic bulletin board there, enhancing Expo in Zaragoza.
tdowling@fxmagazine.co.uk EyeStop's functionality as a community gathering space. web.mit.edu

122 February 2011 FXmagazine.co.uk

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