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Lean Principles with Practice
Lean Principles with Practice
Lean Principles with Practice
Ebook36 pages29 minutes

Lean Principles with Practice

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The purpose of this short book is to introduce the reader to some of the key concepts that underpin Lean; making businesses faster and more competitive by understanding and eliminating the sources of waste in processes. It is not intended as an exhaustive text on the subject, more as a summary with some practical examples and anecdotes that will help the reader understand what is meant by Lean. This text is intended for the manager who has recently been introduced to Lean and seeks guidance regarding key concepts, or managers from manufacturing and service sectors wishing to familiarise their employees with Lean concepts as well as students seeking to gain an understanding of Lean in its many guises within various industries.

PublisherJohn Fraser
Release dateMay 4, 2013
Lean Principles with Practice

John Fraser

John Fraser spent the best part of a decade with GE where he trained as a Lean 6 Sigma Black Belt before joining an International Consulting firm as Senior Trainer and Project Consultant. John has trained and consulted with more than 1000 people in industries as diverse as Aerospace, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Food Manufacturing, Healthcare and Sports Management. This work has taken him to Canada, North America, South Africa, Japan and Europe. He has also had numerous articles and papers published both in the UK and Internationally.

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Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Jan 21, 2019

    Was looking for specific examples on how the principles of VSM are applied and could not find them.

    1 person found this helpful

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Lean Principles with Practice - John Fraser

Lean Principles with Practice

By Dr Nuran Fraser and John Fraser

Published by Dr Nuran Fraser and John Fraser at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 Dr Nuran Fraser and John Fraser

Cover Photography by John Fraser

Cover Design by Jeremy Taylor

Ebook edition

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Lean Principles with Practice


The purpose of this short book is to introduce the reader to some of the key concepts that underpin Lean; making businesses faster and more competitive by understanding and eliminating the sources of waste in processes. It is not intended as an exhaustive text on the subject, more as a summary with some practical examples and anecdotes that will help the reader understand what is meant by Lean. This text is intended for the manager who has recently been introduced to Lean and seeks guidance regarding key concepts, or managers from manufacturing and service sectors wishing to familiarise their employees with Lean concepts as well as students seeking to gain an understanding of Lean in its many guises within various industries. It is intended that there will be a further book on Six Sigma.


To all those who have attended courses as delegates or run projects with us, and in particular, Erol Thompson and Harry Rever; thank you for your involvement and insights that have illuminated this text.


A key concept and associated methodologies that relate to the end customer experience in transactional businesses and indeed manufacturing operations is Lean. The principles of Lean have largely been attributed to the Japanese, although the actual term Lean came from an American (John Krafcik) who was trying to describe the Toyota Production system (TPS) and suggested that

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